Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Bradford County , Pennsylvania 1796 Taxables

1796 Taxables in Bradford County PA
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1796 Taxables of Bradford County

Bradford Co. (then Luzerne Co.) Taxable Inhabitants 1796. Taken from the assessment rolls - as nearly as can be ascertained. From Clement F. Heverly's "Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pennsylvania 1770-1800", 1913, pages 279-283 of reprint. Typed for Tri-Counties site page by John Hoff III of Oklahoma

Wyalusing District (one of three districts in now Bradford County) then comprising a strip extending across the county, being the southern section with more than one-third the county's area. 

Abbott, Nathan d'Autremont, Widow Laporte, Bartholomew Sesson, Oliver
Ackley, Benj.  Demene, Francis LaRoue, Casinere Sheer, Fred
Amup, John Dimmead, William LaRoue, Francis Shoemaker, David
Andrews, Silas F.  Dodge, Oliver Lattimore, Robert Shoemaker, John
Aubry, George Dorrance, John Lewis, Thomas Sibert, Sophia
Baker, Samuel Elliott, Joseph Luckey, Samuel Smiley, Thomas
Baldwin, Gideon Jr.  Ellis, Lazarus Mancy, John Stalford, Joseph
Baldwin, Gideon Sr.  Ellsworth, Henry Maurice, Joseph Stevens, Aden
Beardsley, Silas Ellsworth, Joseph Montulle, James Stevens, Nathan
Beckwith, Stephen Fairchild, Ephraim Noailles, Guy Swar, Jacob
Benjamin, Judah Fromente, Elijah Ogden, John Talon, Omer
Benjamin, Richard Gaylord, Chauncey Oviatt, Thomas Taylor, Abraham
Blacons, Lucretius Gaylord, Justus Jr.  Pegar, John Taylor, Jonn
Bostwick, Dimon Gaylord, Justus Sr.  Persons, Uriah Terry, Jonathan
Bradshaw, John Gilbert, Samuel Place, Philip Terry, Joshua
Brecdellier, John Gordon, James Place, Reuben Terry, Nathan
Brevost, John Gordon, Samuel Preston, Joseph Terry, Pashall
Brown, Daniel Hancock, Isaac Price, Zachariah Terry, Uriah
Brown, Ezekiel Hines, James Quick, James Tillotson, Thomas
Brown, Humphrey Horton, John Rhoads, Lewis Todd, Joseph
Brunert, Peter Ingham, Joseph Rockwell, James Town, Joseph C. 
Buck, Sherman Keaton, John Rockwell, Samuel Turrell, Daniel
Buzard, Laurence Keeler, Elisha Rogers, Josiah Turrell, Job
Camp, Job Keeney, Mark Ross, Daniel Vanderpool, Anthony
Colin, Mancy Keeney, Richard Ross, Jesse Wells, Amasa
Coon, Jedediah Kingsley, Nathan Ross, Joseph Wells, Guy
Crawford, Benjamin Lafevre, Anthony B.  Rosset, John Wells, Reuben
Crooks, Samuel Lafevre, Louis Russel, Eleazer Wigton, Thomas
Dalton, William Lake, David Schoonover, Chris'r. Winton, Nathan
Dandelot, Francis Lake, James Seeley, Samuel York, Miner
Young, David
Young, Robert 

Tioga District. In 1796 was a strip 12 miles wide extending across the county from Breakneck Run to the New York State line. 

Alexander, David Dingman, Peter Luce, Benj.  Satterlee, Benedict
Baker, Samuel Dutcher, Christopher Mansfield, Joseph Satterlee, Elias
Bardwell, Perez Ellis, Thomas Markham, David Satterlee, Elisha
Beebe, Solomon Ferguson, William Marshall, Josiah Shaw, Jedediah
Bennett, Joseph Fowler, Zephon Matthewson, Elisha Shaw, Jeremiah
Bidlack, Stephen Franklin, Arnold Maxwell, Guy Shepard, John
Biles, Joseph Franklin, John McAlhoe, Robert Simons, Adrial
Bingham, Chester Fuller, John McAlhoe, Samuel Smith, Jonas
Blackman, Ichabod Fuller, Reuben McDaniels, Cornelius Smith, Joseph
Bostick, James Fuller, Stephen McDuffee, Daniel Smith, Lockwood
Bosworth, David Gardner, Robert McKinney, Henry Snell, George
Brafitt, James Garris, Joseph Mesusan, Francis Snow, Bolina
Brink, Benjamin Gaylord, Lemuel Miller, John Snyder, Peter
Brink, James Goble, James Miller, Johnston Spalding, John
Brown, George Gordon, James Minier, Daniel Spalding, John Jr.
Brown, Obadiah Gore, Avery Moody, Nathaniel P.  Spalding, Joseph
Budd, Andreas Gore, Obadiah Moore, Daniel Spalding, Simon
Canfield, Siba Gore, Samuel Murray, Noah Stephens, Ira
Cash, Isaac Green, Josiah Newell, Abel Stevens, Peter
Caswell, Ezra Gustin, Eliphalet Newell, John Stofflebeam, Michael
Chintz, Negro Harris, Alpheus Newell, John Jr.  Swain, John
Clark, Benjamin Harris, Jonathan Newell, Josiah Swift, Samuel
Cole, Benjamin Hepburn, Samuel Northrup, Nehemiah Thayer, Levi
Cole, Benjamin Jr.  Holcomb, Eli Ovenshire, Widow Tozer, Julius
Cole, Stephen Holcomb, Eli Jr.  Owens, Ludlow Tracy, Solomon
Collins, Ambrose Holcomb, Truman Paine, David Travis, Absalom
Collins, Isaac Hopkins, Stephen Park, Moses Travis, Schureman
Colt, Arnold Horton, Elijah Park, Thomas Travis, Sylvenus
Conkling, Ananias Horton, Elijah Jr. Parker, James Tuttle, Josiah
Crane, Espy Horton, Isaac Parker, Jeremiah Tuttle, William
Cranmer, Israel Hutchinson, John Parker, Samuel Tyler, Joseph
Cranmer, Jeremiah Irwin, James Phelps, Jesse VanFleet, Joshua
Crawford, Seelye Johnson, William Powell, Asahel Ward, James
Culver, Timothy Kellogg, Eldad Ransom, Jonathan Westbrook, Cherrick
Curry, James Kellogg, Josiah Reddington, John Westbrook, Leonard
Curry, William Kinney, Joseph Riggs, David Wilcox, Morris
Curry, William Jr.  Lane, Samuel Roberts, Daniel Wilson, John
Curtis, Daniel Laughry, Michael Rogers, Matthew Wilson, William
Curtricht, Jane Laughry, Williiam Ross, David Wright, Ephraim
Deakin, John Loomis, Augustus Salisbury, Gideon Yarrington, Abel
Decker, Henry Loomis, Wright Salisbury, Joseph

Wysox District. Comprised the central strip, 5 3/4 miles wide, lying between Tioga and Wyalusing and extending across the county. 

Acla, Benjamin Cranmer, Amy Holley, Daniel Scovell, Orr
Bailey, Joshua Cranmer, John Hollis, Thomas Scovell, Silas
Ballard, Joseph Cranmer, Noadiah Hubbard, Elisha Seely, Abner
Ballard, Stephen Cranmer, Samuel Huff, James Seely, Joseph
Bardwell, Perez Crouse, Michael Huyck, Peter Seely, Oliver
Barington, David Daugherty, William Huyck, William Session, Resolve
Bartley, Charles DeWitt, Paul Irish, Job Shores, Samuel
Bennett, Amos DeWitt, William Judd, Thomas Singer, Casper
Bennett, Amos Jr.  Dobbins, William Kendall, Ebenezer Smith, Nathan
Bennett, Gideon Dorman, John Lamphere, Jesse Soverhill, Samuel
Bennett, John Edsall, Nathaniel Lee, Ebenezer Stevens, Reese
Bennett, Joseph Eiklor, Frederick Lewis, James Stratton, Martin
Bennett, Thomas Ferris, Jehial Lewis, John Stratton, Timothy
Birney, Henry Foster, Abraham Mann, Adam Streator, John
Blanden, John Foster, Isaac Martin, Ralph Strickland, Stephen
Boulogne, Charles Foster, Rufus McDowell, Widow Strope, Henry
Bowman, Jacob Fox, Philip McKean, James Strope, Isaac
Bull, Nathan Fox, Rudolph Means, William Strope, Sebastian
Bunnell, Henry Franklin, Jehial Moger, Theopholus Swain, Isaac
Calkins, Moses Franklin, Solomon Nun, Joshua Talliday, Henry
Carter, Usual Gibson, Jacob Nun, Samuel Talliday, John
Clark, Barnabas Gibson, Thomas Parks, John Tuttle, Henry
Clark, John Goff, Richard Parmeter, Abraham Vergason, Ezekiel
Clark, Samuel Granteer, Jacob Peppers, John Vergason, Rufus
Cole, Abisha Griffin, Richard Powell, Felix Vergason, Solomon
Cole, John Gullow, Francis Price, Zachariah Wallace, Joseph
Cole, Samuel Head, Elijah Prosser, Jonathan Webber, William
Coolbaugh, Moses Head, George Roberts, Gilbert Wilcox, Daniel
Coolbaugh, William Head, George Jr.  Roberts, John Wilcox, Daniel Jr.
Cornet, James Hickok, Nathaniel Rutty, Ezra Wilcox, Stephen
Covel, Samuel Hinman, John Rutty, Samuel Wilcox, Wythe
Hinman, Luther Schrader, John

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