The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community History & Genealogy

Items & Articles About Our Local Schools


Part I.

Chapter I.

The Conflict which Terminated in the War that made the Children Fatherless.

Pennsylvania's Thank-offering – Slavery in the Colonies – First Continental Congress, 1774 – Carpenters' Hall – Articles of Confederation – Address to the American People – Congress of 1776 – The First Compromise with Slavery – The Expunged Charge against the Repudiated King – Articles of Confederation of 1781 – Constitution Adopted, 1789 – Concessions to Slavery – Slavery Excluded from the North-west Territory – Louisiana Purchase, 1803 – Slave Market – Missouri Admitted, 1820 – A Compromise – Texas Packed – War of Conquest with Mexico – Wilmot Proviso – Gold Discovered in California, 1848 – Compromise, 1850 – Anti-Slavery Organizations – Repeal of the Missouri Compromise – Kansas-Nebraska Act – Civil War Kindled – Republican Party Organized – Buchanan's Presidency – Presidential Contest, 1860 – Abraham Lincoln Elected – Southern Confederacy – Lincoln Inaugurated – Fort Sumter – Civil War Begun – "Battle-Hymn" – Sacrifices of the War – Its Gains . . . . . . 17-28

Chapter II.

The "War Governor" and "Soldiers' Friend."

Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania, During the Civil War – His Responsibility – His Devotion to the Union – His Care for the Soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30


Chapter III.

A Special Providence and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

Thanksgiving – Soldiers' Orphans Ask for Food – A Meeting in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia – Governor Curtin Pleads for the Orphans of Soldiers – Patriotic Meeting in Pittsburgh in July, 1862 – The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Proffers $50,000 . . . . . . . . . . 31-34

Chapter IV.

The Rejected Stone.

The First Official Document – The First Attempt to Frame a Law to Establish Schools – Dr. Wickersham's Bill – Special Message of the Governor – The Debate – Wells' Substitute – The Original Bill and Substitute Fall – Act of 1864 – The Ingratitude of Legislators . . 35-43

Chapter V.

The System Organized.

Dr. Burrowes appointed Superintendent – His Fitness – Plan under Act of 1864 – Office Opened, and Books and Blank Forms Originated – Blank Form of Application for Admission – Homes for the Younger Children – Difficulties in Finding Institutions for the Older Children – Pioneer Institutions – Committees of Superintendence appointed – The Mothers' Prejudices – Religion – Superintendent's First Report – The Foundation Laid . . . 44-53

Chapter VI.

The System Imperilled.

Message of the Governor – Encouraging Words – Negley's Bill – Purposes to Abolish the Schools, and give the Orphans into the Care of the Officers of the Common Schools - $30 a year – Proposed Amendments – Bill Passes the House – Bill goes to the Senate – Remarks of Senators Worthington, Wallace, and Clymer – It Passes the Senate with Important Amendments – Committee of Conference – Act of 1865 - $75,000 Appropriated – Demand for more Schools – Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-60

Chapter VII.

The System Saved by the Orphans.

Discouragements – Governor's Message – McAfee's Bill – Warm Discussion – Passes the House – Destruction of the System Threatened – Visit of the Children to the Capitol – Dr. Burrowes Explains – Songs and Recitations – Speech of Governor Curtin – Children and Teachers in Executive Chamber – Children in Court-House – Hospitality of the Citizens – McAfee's Bill Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76

Chapter VIII.

Additional Officers Appointed.

Amos Row, Examiner – Wm. L. Bear, Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 78

Chapter IX.

The Officers and Principals in Council.

Industrial Feature Discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Chapter X.

A Trip to Philadelphia – The Orphans and the Battle Flags.

Schools Participating – Society of the Cincinnati – Flags for Pennsylvania Regiments – Fourth of July, 1866 – Formal Return of the Flags – Enthusiasm – General Meade's Address – Governor Curtin's Reply – The Enviable Lot of the Fatherless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-89

Chapter XI.

Instructions Issued to the Principals.

School-room Duties to have Precedence – Every Pupil to have an Equal Chance – Early Rising Condemned – Rest, Play, Exercise – Corporal Punishment – Distribution of Time – Time; Rise; Eat; School; Worship – Rules for the School-room – Duties of the Principal Teacher – To Instruct; To Send out Classes; Receive Reports from Class Examiner, etc. – Pupils not allowed Text-books out of School Hours – Few Studies – [FILE: PASch1877p00contents4] Topical Study – General Reading – Dictionaries, Cyclopedias, etc. – Duties of Class Examiner – Number of Pupils, Teachers, and Class-rooms – Programme – Work Details – Comfort – Labor – Employees – Rules for Order, Neatness, and Work – Wednesday Inspection – Food – Clothing – Inspection of New Pupils, and Care of Sick – Religious Instruction and Worship – Sunday Observances – Home Correspondence –

Visits of Mothers – Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-107

Chapter XII.

The Results at the Close of the Year 1866.

More Schools Established – Results Tabulated . . . . . . . . . . 108, 109

Chapter XIII.

The Rejected Stone Becomes the Head of the Corner.

The System Recognized by Statutory Law – Law of 1867 – In Sympathy with Established Plan – Dr. Burrowes' Success – His Tenure of Office Expires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-114

Chapter XIV.

The Trust in New Hands.

John White Geary – Extracts from his Annual Messages – Appointments – George Fisher McFarland – Columbus Cornforth – Mrs. E. W. Hutter – John Dickie Shryock – James L. Paul – Edmund R. Sutton . . . . . . . . 115-121

Chapter XV.

The System Settled, and Its Difficulties.

Deficit – Rates Reduced – Schools Crowded – System not Perfected – Colored Soldier's Orphans – A Circular – More Schools Established – Forms for Reports – Weekly; Monthly; Annual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-130

Chapter XVI.

Education and Training.

Graded Course of Study – Annual Examinations – Industrial Instruction – Religious Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-134

Chapter XVII.

Loans and Taxation.

Act of 1868 and Supplement – Schools Receiving Loans – Exempt from Taxation – The Act – Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135-137

Chapter XVIII.

The Trust Confided to the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Superintendent Wickersham Calls a Meeting of Principals – Inspection Report – Diploma – Course of Study Modified – Change in the Manner of Supplying Clothing – Rates per Annum per Pupil allowed by the State – Cost of Clothing – Manner of Keeping Accounts – Wood-cuts of Orphans – Dress Described . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-146

Chapter XIX.

John Frederick Hartranft.

He Commands in more than a Score of Battles – Complimented by the Government – The Soldiers' Orphans at his First Inaugural – The Institutions Participating – His Words of Encouragement to them – Extracts from his State Papers – His Second Inaugural . . . . . . . . . . . 147-149

Chapter XX.

Grand Army of the Republic.

Their Sympathy and Services to the Orphans – Normal School Training Secured through them – Other Advantages Secured – Kindness and Timely Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-153

Chapter XXI.

Inside View.

Scholastic Training and Systematic Labor – Extract from Inspector Cornforth's Report of 1864 – Harmonious Working of the Industrial Departments and the School-room – Programme – Home Comforts and Privileges – Good Health of the Children – Culture and Education – Elevating Influences of the Schools upon Society – Conclusion . . . . . . . 154-160s6]

Part II.

Schools, Homes, and Asylums.

Bird's-eye View of Pennsylvania's Soldiers' Orphan Schools.
Northern Home for Friendless Children, and Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Institute
Paradise School
McAlisterville School
Quakertown School
Mount Joy School
Emmaus Orphan House
Dayton School
Orangeville School
Harford School
North Sewickley School
Cassville School
Soldiers' Orphan Home
Phillipsburgh School
Jacksonville School
Uniontown School
St. Paul's Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum
Protestant Orphan Asylum of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
Church Home Association
White Hall School
The Orphans' Home, Germantown
Andersonburg School
Pittsburgh and Allegheny Home for the Friendless
Lincoln Institution
Educational Home
Titusville School
Chester Springs School
The Home for Friendless Children, for the Borough of Wilkesbarre and the County of Luzerne
Church Home for Children (Episcopal), Angora, Philadelphia
[FILE: PASCH1877p00contents7] St. James' Orphan Asylum
Bridgewater School
Bethany Orphans' Home (Womelsdorf)
Tressler Orphans' Home
Home for Friendless Children for the City and County of Lancaster
Mercer School
Mansfield School
Industrial School
Butler Orphan Home
St. John's Orphan Asylum
Catholic Home
St. Vincent's College
Orphans' Home
"Children's Home," of York
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum
Orphan's Farm School
Nazareth Hall
Pennsylvania Training-school for Feeble-minded Children
Out-door Relief


State Capitol, Harrisburg Frontispiece.
James L. Paul Facing Page 17
Andrew G. Curtin " " 29
Thomas H. Burrowes " " 44
John W. Geary " " 115
George F. McFarland " " 116
Columbus Cornforth " " 117
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hutter " " 118
James P. Wickersham " " 138
John F. Hartranft " " 147
Northern Home for Friendless Children " " 169
MacGregor J. Mitcheson " " 171
E. W. Hutter " " 172
Soldiers' Orphan Institute " " 173
John W. Claghorn " " 175
McAlisterville School " " 196
Mount Joy School " " 220
Dayton School " " 242
Harford School " " 265
Cassville School " " 283
Phillipsburgh School (Front View) " " 304
Phillipsburgh School (South Side) " " 305
Uniontown School " " 326
Protestant Orphan Asylum of Pittsburgh and Allegheny " " 341
White Hall School " " 351
Andersonburg School " " 370
Lincoln Institution " " 380
Gen. George G. Meade " " 382
Educational Home " " 390
Chester Springs School " " 409
Church Home for Children (Episcopal), Angora, Philadelphia " " 431
Bridgewater School " " 439
Tressler Orphans' Home " " 451
Mercer School " " 466
Mansfield School " " 480
St. Paul's Orphan Home, Butler " " 495
St. Vincent's Abbey and College " " 505
Children's Home, York " " 512

site created and maintained by Joyce M. Tice

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