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Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
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Schools In Our Area |
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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
High Schools in out Area
Joyce's Search Tip - November 2008
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Do You Know that you can search just the
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button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current
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The opportunity to attend high school was not always available until the
twentieth century. In rural areas particluarly, people attended one room
schools until age fifteen or so, and that was the end of their formal education.
The school year was short and the curriculum limited.
1949 Williamson High School YearBook
Other Area School Alumni Listings
Elkland High School Graduates |
1880-1963 |
Covington High School |
1893-1957 |
Mansfield High School Graduates |
1913-2010 |
Liberty High School Graduates |
1913-1983 |
Westfield High School Graduates |
1891-1948 |
Blossburg High School |
Covington High School |
Daggett High School |
Knoxville High School |
Wellsboro High School |
Wellsboro Agitator 17 MAR 1910
New School Proposed.
Movement to Form New District in Charleston.
More or less of a dissatisfied feeling has prevailed among the taxpayers
of the south end of Charleston township since the new High School was established
at Dartt Settlement, owing to the fact that the new school was not available
for serving the children in the south district. As a result a public meeting
was held at the Grange Hall in cherry Flats last Friday afternoon to consider
the advisability of building a new High School that will accommodate the
children of that section of the township.
The meeting was well attended, over 100 taxpayers being present, and
considerable enthusiasm was manifested in the proposed new High School.
Leonard Miller presided as chairman and Milo Patterson was chosen secretary.
Brief talks were made by Messrs. Ben F. Edwards, Thomas Lewis, Joseph Ashley,
Arthur Dockstader, Floyd Haverly, Sherman Ridge and others. The consensus
of opinion was that the country districts should be provided with better
schools and that they should be located at points accessible by the largest
number of pupils without regard to township lines.
The plan proposed is to form an independent school district by taking
part of the south end of Charleston township, not now served by the Dartt
Settlement High School, and a small part of Bloss township now included
in Covington school district, and a part of Covington township. A map showing
the two townships and the portion to be set aside was prepared and explained
by D. H. Ford.
A petition will be presented at the May term of court, praying that
a commission be appointed to view the proposed new school district and
recommend for or against its adoption. The petition has been signed by
the following: E. C. Howell, D. H. Ford, J. D. Patterson, L. M. Miller,
M. F. Patterson, H. E. Smith, C. L. Bowen, J. R. Ford, Floyd Zimmer, D.
D. Jones, D. B. Rose, J. F. Haverley, P. W. Smith, D. N. Smith, M. A. Thompson,
J. N. Jackson, R. D. Jones, John Blanchard, G. S. Parsons, Thomas L. Jones,
J. G. Haverley, C. J. Parsons, A. C. Dyke, B. F. Edwards, Fred Ingalls,
Henry J. Davis, Leon Simerson, D. A. Whiting, J. C. Blanchard, W. R. March,
W. H. Patterson, N. C. Brewster, G. W. Smith, W. H. Kelsey, C. A. Scott,
V. P. Hall, and John A. Bowen.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 28 SEP 2010
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice
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