Students |
Graduate Year |
Married |
Later School |
Degree |
Occupation |
Business Address |
Last Known Residence |
Baldwin, Dorothy
Martha |
1908 |
Vassar College |
Student |
Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. |
Tioga, Tioga County,
Pa. |
Baldwin, Ethel |
1908 |
Syracuse University |
Student |
670 Euclid Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Ball, S. Seymour |
1908 |
Lafayette. Enters
1909 |
Student |
112 Lormore St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Barnhart, Max |
1908 |
1008 Hoffman St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
BIllings, Edward B.
Jr. |
1908 |
Cook, 1908 - 1909;
Cornell, 1909 |
Student |
207 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bloomer, Katherine |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
109 W. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bowen, Edgar T. |
1908 |
Clerk, J.W. Huston's |
102 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
636 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bowen, Edna M. |
1908 |
Teacher |
636 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Brown, Earl A. |
1908 |
Cornell University,
enters 1909 |
Shipping Clerk,
1908-1909; College Student |
Am. LaFrance Fire
Engine Co., Cornell |
830 W. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bush, Myrle A. |
1908 |
Clerk, Am. LaFrance
Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N.Y. |
100 E. La France
St., Elmira, N.Y. |
376 W. Clinton St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Carter, Joseph Seely |
1908 |
Bank Clerk |
Second National
Bank, Elmira, N.Y. |
954 Walnut St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Clark, Frederick H. |
1908 |
Clerk |
Supt's. Office, N.
C. Ry., Elmira, N.Y. |
751 E. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Clute, Leslie
Douglass |
1908 |
Cornell University,
enters 1909 |
Student |
811 E. State St.,
Ithaca, N.Y. |
470 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Connelly, Alice M. |
1908 |
Cashier |
169 Lake St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
224 West Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Conroy, Martin L. |
1908 |
Clerk |
Northern Central
R.R. Office |
332 W. Seventh St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Cornish, Florence J. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
111 W. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Corwin, Walter J. |
1908 |
Meeker's School of
Commerce |
Student |
724 Spaulding St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Cosgrove, Rose A. |
1908 |
211 Washington Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Daggett, Vivian E. |
1908 |
Robert Jay Ford |
124 E. Chemung
Place, Elmira, N.Y. |
Dahon, Mark |
1908 |
Oberlin College |
Student |
144 N. Professor
St., Oberlin, Ohio |
704 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Delaney, John |
1908 |
Stenographer |
Am. LaFrance Fire
Engine Co., Elmira, N.Y. |
152 W. Fifth St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Devenport, Harry F. |
1908 |
Farmer |
Big Flats, N.Y. |
Eiffert, Marie K. |
1908 |
Student |
3005 Oakwood Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Epstein, Charles |
1908 |
Clerk |
324 E. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
110 Sullivan St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Fink, Cameron B. |
1908 |
Bookkeeper |
110 State St., care
of Thatcher Mfg. Co. |
661 Grove St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Freudenheim, Louis
D. |
1908 |
Clerk |
559 E. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
710 E. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Gahan, Francis |
1908 |
506 E. Third St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Garvey, Elizabeth
Alice |
1908 |
656 N. Main St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Ginsburg, Samuel |
1908 |
Cornell University,
enters 1909 |
College Student |
509 E. Second St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Goetz, Anna M. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
1341 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hall, Lucy M. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
802 E. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hall, Rosamond E. |
1908 |
1317 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hammond, Leslie |
1908 |
Wood Cutter |
H.C. Spaulding Co.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
305 W. Hudson St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hedges, Arthur F. |
1908 |
Teacher |
Weston, N.Y. |
Bradford, N.Y. |
Hickey, Mildred E. |
1908 |
Geneseo Normal |
Student |
371 W. Fourth St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hilton, Rena H. |
1908 |
Elmira College
School of Music |
Student of Music |
403 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Howe, W. Kenneth |
1908 |
P.O. Clerk |
Post Office, Elmira,
N.Y. |
405 Sullivan St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Howell, Jessie E. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
111 Horner St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Howell, Mary R. |
1908 |
Oakwood Ave.,
Elmira, R.F.D. 1 |
Jennings, Margaret |
1908 |
Vassar College |
Student |
Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. |
304 E. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
King, Florence E. |
1908 |
716 Southport St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Kleitz, Elsie H. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
935 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Kleitz, May E. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
935 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Koush, William G. |
1908 |
Messenger |
N.C.R.R. Co.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
313 W. Sixth St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Lewis, Mildred E. |
1908 |
600 Maple Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Loughhead, Florence
E. |
1908 |
Meeker's School of
Commerce |
Student |
410 E. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Lowman, Edward Louis |
1908 |
University, enters 1909 |
Student |
Lowman, N.Y. |
Lucy, Anna Louise |
1908 |
Elmira College,
enters 1909 |
Student |
1555 Lake St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Lucy, Celia K. |
1908 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
713 E. Market St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Mann, Mary D. |
1908 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
663 Magee St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Manning, Helen E. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
724 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
McDowell, Robert
Pitkin |
1908 |
Syracuse University,
enters 1909 |
Student |
403 Marshall St.,
Syracuse, N.Y. |
408 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
McLaughlin, William |
1908 |
Alfred University,
enters 1909 |
Student of Ceramics |
435 W. Fifth St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
McNaney, Laura P. |
1908 |
At home |
Swartwood, N.Y. |
Meddaugh, Frances E. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
249 Crete Avenue,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Miller, William
Henry |
1908 |
Cornell University,
enters 1909 |
Student |
709 Carpenter St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Myers, Ruth |
1908 |
Lowman, N.Y. |
Myers, William
Irving |
1908 |
Forestry |
Nomining, Province
Quebec, Can. |
Lowman, N.Y. |
Neagle, Alexander
Hill |
1908 |
Williams College,
Art Course |
Student |
Williamstown, Mass. |
178 Madison Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Nichols, Maud K. |
1908 |
Cortland Normal |
Student |
220 E. Miller St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Nicholson, Winifred
T. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
100 W. 14th St.,
Elmira Heights, N.Y. |
Pickering, Dorothy
Iredell |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
368 W. Clinton St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Pike, Clarence
Arthur |
1908 |
Clerk in C.W.
Young's Hardware |
116 Lake St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
512 Balsam St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Pollak, Florence F. |
1908 |
110 High St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Putnam, Ruth D. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
625 1/2 W. Water
St., Elmira, N.Y. |
Reul, Florence J. |
1908 |
719 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Riedinger, Philip
Noyes |
1908 |
Union College,
enters 1909 |
Student |
608 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Riley, James Edwin,
Jr. |
1908 |
Union College |
Student |
250 W. Chemung
Place, Elmira, N.Y. |
Rising, Mattie H. |
1908 |
363 E. 11th St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Roach, John Bally |
1908 |
Clerk in Telelphone
Office |
Bell Telephone Co.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
311 Columbia St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Roessle, Gertrude R. |
1908 |
Elmira College |
Student |
327 Irvine Place,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Rose, Myrtle C. |
1908 |
Teacher |
Roseman, Mildred L. |
1908 |
200 1/2 High St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Lafayette H. |
1908 |
Timekeeper |
Care of Kennedy
Valve Co., Elmira, N.Y. |
1010 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Sage, Florence M. |
1908 |
Teacher, District
14, Southport, N.Y. |
Pine City, R.F.D. 2 |
Seeley Creek, N.Y. |
Seafuse, Mary Grace |
1908 |
Assistant in
Father's Office |
107 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
1005 Walnut St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Smith, James A. |
1908 |
Agricultural College |
Student |
Ann Arbor, Mich. |
Big Flats, N.Y. |
Smith, Jerome F. |
1908 |
Polytechnic Institute |
Student |
Rensselaer, P.I.,
Troy, N.Y. |
351 Grove St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Snyder, Benjamin M.,
Jr. |
1908 |
Starkey Sem.; U. of
P., enters 1909 |
Student |
520 Balsam St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Sornberger, Eudora |
1908 |
Student |
Mansfield Normal,
Mansfield, Pa. |
Steeley Creek, N.Y. |
Wade, Mary Helen |
1908 |
Teacher |
210 Gregg St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Weinstein, Philip |
1908 |
Clerk |
216 E. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
551 E. Second St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Wheat, Helen Eloise |
1908 |
703 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Williams, Grace E. |
1908 |
Teacher |
Canton, Pa. |
Williams, Ruth |
1908 |
Wellsburg, N.Y. |