Students |
Graduate Year |
Married |
Later School |
Degree |
Occupation |
Business Address |
Last Known Residence |
Andrew, Dean H. |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Student |
101 College Place,
Syracuse, N.Y. |
371 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Atwater, Bertha G. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
1105 Grand Central
Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
Bacon, Lucy |
1906 |
Elmira College,
School of Music |
Mus. B |
Teacher of Music |
Wilson College,
Chambersburg, Pa. |
404 Lake St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Ball, Crissy K. |
1906 |
Purdue University |
Foreman |
Reliance Motorcycle
Co., Owego, N.Y. |
112 Lormore St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Beardsley, Elizabeth
L. |
1906 |
Organist Hedding M.
E. Church |
468 East Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Beck, Edna L. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
402 West Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bentley, Lawrence W. |
1906 |
Union College |
Student |
19 South Hawk St.,
Albany, N.Y. |
Blostein, Fred M. |
1906 |
Cornell University;
Syracuse University |
Student |
Ithaca, N.Y. |
Bogardus, Hester F. |
1906 |
826 W. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Bovier, John Hammond |
1906 |
Union College |
Student |
Schenectady, N.Y. |
308 Spaulding St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Brooks, George W. |
1906 |
Bank Clerk |
Second National
Bank, Elmira, N.Y. |
738 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Brownell, Nina M. |
1906 |
203 W. MIller St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Buckley, James
Gordon |
1906 |
Purdue University |
Student |
65 Oakwood Ave.,
Elmira Heights, N.Y. |
Burgess, Harry R. |
1906 |
Tin and Sheet Metal
Worker |
F. S. Burgess & Son,
204 Penna Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
457 Spaulding St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Burr, Edwin F. |
1906 |
Calkins, Florence
Mabel |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Student |
426 Herrick St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Callahan, Mary
Florence |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
109 Franklin St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Clark, Marian |
1906 |
Ralph R. Ryan, 1907 |
Elmira College |
Primary Teacher |
Orviston, Pa. |
Orviston, Pa., P. O.
Box 5 |
Condon, Mary D. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
101 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Cotton, Rosa S. |
1906 |
Student |
61 George St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Cranmer, Neil D. |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Student and College
Editor |
Orange Pub. Co.,
Syracuse, N.Y. |
118 Catherine St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Craze, George Henry |
1906 |
Cornell University |
Railroad Clerk |
Northern Central
Shops, Elmira, N.Y. |
1/2 Judson St., Elmira, N.Y.
Cross, Lena R. |
1906 |
Bookkeeper and
Stenographer |
MIlling Co., Elmira, N.Y. |
Lynwood Ave., Elmira
Heights, N.Y. |
Denton, Edgar, Jr. |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Student |
101 College Place,
Syracuse, N.Y. |
701 Grove St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Drake, Frank E. |
1906 |
Electrician |
216 Pennsylvania
Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
216 Pennsylvania
Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
Elliott, L. Louis |
1906 |
George Washington
University |
Medical Student |
Washington, D.C. |
273 W. Chemung
Place, Elmira, N.Y. |
Elston, James S. |
1906 |
Cornell University |
Student |
515 Walnut St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Espey, Lula M. |
1906 |
Student |
Alfred, N.Y. |
212 Brand St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Fairbanks, Mary E. |
1906 |
A.B., 1899 |
Bookkeeper |
Elmira Telegram,
Elmira, N.Y. |
410 Home St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Fenner, Benjamin C. |
1906 |
Pratt Institute,
Chemical Dept. |
Student |
Pratt Institute,
Brooklyn, N.Y. |
Ferguson, Mary |
1906 |
Clerk |
106 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
602 W. Second St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Flood, Minerva |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
160 North Main St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
French, Jerome J. |
1906 |
Div. Contract Agent,
Bell Telephone Co. |
Erie, Pa. |
Erie, Pa. |
Frost, Emily |
1906 |
410 W. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Fuller, Dena M. |
1906 |
Harry A. Stoddard |
822 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Goetz, Carl J. |
1906 |
Purdue University |
Student; Science
course |
Lafayette, Indiana |
1341 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Gooding, Bertha |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
516 Herrick St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Griff, Joseph Henry |
1906 |
Sheet Metal Worker |
Chapman Hardware
Co., 206 S. Main St., Elmira, N.Y. |
310 Cottage Place,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hanrahan, John Peter |
1906 |
Newspaper Man |
"The Advertiser,"
Elmira, N.Y. |
508 Oak St., Elmira,
N.Y. |
Harding, Ray |
1906 |
University of
Michigan |
Student |
University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. |
505 Grove St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Harrington, Daisy P. |
1906 |
122 Brand St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hart, Margaret E. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
407 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hogan, Stella Marie |
1906 |
Stenographer |
The H.C. Spaulding
Co., Elmira, N.Y. |
501 Davis St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Howe, Maude L. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
405 Sullivan St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hubbell, Harriett A. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
313 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Hummel, Florence A. |
1906 |
Patrick H. Mack |
Elmira College |
172 Madison Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Jenkins, Minnie
Francelia |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
729 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Kelly, Elizabeth R. |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
Elmira |
111 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Kinner, Jesse Lee |
1906 |
Geo. Washington
University |
Student of Medicine |
George Washington
Univ., Washington, D.C. |
1201 Lake St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Kraft, Florence C. |
1906 |
210 Lormore St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Loop, Augusta N. |
1906 |
727 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Male, Grace |
1906 |
Honesdale, Pa. |
Mathews, Harold
Steeples |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Ass't. Y.M.C.A.
Secretary |
Naval Y.M.C.A.
Brooklyn, N.Y. |
Naval Y.M.C.A.,
Brooklyn, N.Y. |
McCaffrey, Lena E. |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
School No. 8,
Elmira, N.Y. |
713 E. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
McInerney, Thomas J. |
1906 |
Cornell University |
Student |
East Elmira, Care
North Chemung Stage |
McKinney, William
Arthur |
1906 |
Oberlin College |
Student |
Oberlin, Ohio |
Oberlin, Ohio |
McMahon, Joseph |
1906 |
Union College,
enters 1909 |
Student |
Union College,
Schenectady, N.Y. |
371 W. Clinton St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Miller, Fanny F. |
1906 |
218 W. Henry St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Moran, J. Henry |
1906 |
Clerk |
Erie Freight Office,
Elmira, N.Y. |
351 Norton St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Moran, Mary E. |
1906 |
Stenographer |
Court House, Elmira,
N.Y. |
351 Norton St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Newman, Sadie |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
162 Dewitt Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
O'Neil, Francis J. |
1906 |
Collector |
759 E. Washington
Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
Petzold, Charles E. |
1906 |
Syracuse University |
Student |
R.F.D. 2, Pine City,
N.Y. |
Phillips, Charles L. |
1906 |
Draftsman |
415 W. Third St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Phillips, Harry |
1906 |
Wellsboro, Pa. |
Pollak, Maude M. |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
110 High St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Pratt, Loring |
1906 |
Bowdoin College |
Student |
Psi Upsilon House,
Brunswick, Me. |
318 W. Water St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Rice, Bertha B. |
1906 |
University of
Washington |
Student |
3929 Wallingford
Ave., Seattle, Wash. |
Rodbourn, Helen G. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
Elmira College,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Erin, N.Y. |
Roper, Anna Laura B. |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
School No. 1,
Elmira, N.Y. |
357 W. Second St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Rosenbloom, Isabel
J. |
1906 |
Elmira College
School of Music |
1909 |
Musician |
1010 College Ave.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Ryan, Mabel M. |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
634 Pennsylvania
Ave., Elmira, N.Y. |
Scheirer, Nellian R. |
1906 |
Elmira Colllege
School of Music, 1908 |
Teacher of Piano |
109 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Seem, Raymond |
1906 |
Union College |
Student |
254 Lyon St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Sheely, Olive Marie |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
113 W. Chemung
Place, Elmira, N.Y. |
Snyder, Lillian M. |
1906 |
Meeker's School of
Commerce |
Stenographer |
Prudential Insurance
Office, Elmira, N.Y. |
Parkwood Ave.,
Elmira Heights, N.Y. |
Sullivan, John
Emmett |
1906 |
Pennsylvania State
College |
Student |
#28 The Lincoln,
Youngstown, O. |
532 W. Hudson St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Thompson, Anna M. |
1906 |
522 W. First St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Tinklepaugh, Ethel
S. |
1906 |
162 Boardman St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Wade, Elton J. |
1906 |
University of
Pennsylvania |
Student |
210 Gregg St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Walker, Elizabeth H. |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
404 1/2 Sullivan
St., Elmira, N.Y. |
Warner, William
Clute |
1906 |
Warner's Business
School |
Teacher and
Principal |
217 W. Gray St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
114 Estey St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Wilson, Emma Aileen |
1906 |
Elmira College |
Student |
705 Davis St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Wisehart, Eric E. |
1906 |
Dickinson Sem.;
Jefferson Med. Col. |
Medical Student |
25 Oak St.,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. |
Wladis, Fanny |
1906 |
Elmira Teachers'
Training School |
Teacher |
121 1/2 Sullivan
St., Elmira, N.Y. |
Woodruff, Myrtle T. |
1906 |
Harry Cassada |
City Line and
Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. |
Woodside, W. Stewart |
1906 |
Amherst College |
Student |
606 Grove St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Wright, Frank W. |
1906 |
Railroad Clerk |
Northern Central
Shops, Elmira, N.Y. |
409 Jefferson St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |
Yates, William P. |
1906 |
University of
Pennsylvania |
Student |
3312 Walnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. |
215 W. Church St.,
Elmira, N.Y. |