Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Columbia Township & Sylvania Borough, Bradford County PA
Sylvania Post Office - Waldo & Soper Store
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Photo: Sylvania Store and Post Office
Township: Columbia Township, Bradford County PA
of Sylvania
Year: 1907 
Postcards from Joyce M. Tice 
and from Melanie SEELYE Smith.
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Post Offices & PostMasters 1907/08
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Hi Joyce,

Attached, find an MS Word document containing a transcript of a Troy Gazette-Register newspaper article, circa 1978, describing the old Post Office and store in Sylvania. The photo referenced in the newspaper article (Photo No. 60) is an exact match for the photo at the top of your website page, addressed as: htttp:// Just thought you might like to have a little text to complement your photos.

Paul E. Newell
Ellicott City, MD

Sylvania Post Office and Store

Photo No. 60 is of the Lawrence and Myrtle Smith store in Sylvania and the Post Office. The Smiths still run the store but the Post Office moved just East of it into a trailer in 1970.

Although no one seems to know the year the store was built, [See this article for the answer] from the architecture it could have been about 100 years ago. A Tap Room was possible on this location prior to it being a store and owned by Curtis Merritt. The 1869 Atlas shows that Curtis Merritt owned a building there and also the house East of it, where the Vernon Luckeys live today.

The store was at one time the Waldo & Porter’s General Store; then Soper and Mosher and later Soper and Card. The Smiths have had it for several years.

The house at the right in the picture was for many years known as the Durfee House and is now owned by Randolph Vanderpool, who rents it as a double house.

The Post Office in the Photo and the present one have served as a book station for the Bradford County Library for many years.

Thanks to Dora Helen Luckey and Christine Kring who gave the above history.

A little history of Sylvania from Crafts History – Sylvania Borough situated in the southern part of Columbia Township and is the old village of “Columbia Flats”, incorporated as a Boro in 1853, has an area of about 500 acres. It has two churches, Presbyterian and Union; schoolhouse, hotel, Post Office, steam saw mill, grocery store and about 40 dwellings. It is at the head of a beautiful valley, hemmed in on three sides by high hills. Sylvania had its first Post Office March 18, 1818 with Reuben Nash as postmaster.

The 1869 Atlas shows the Post Office at that time was on the corner of Mountain Avenue and Route 6.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 14 FEB 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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