Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Houses and Buildings of the Tri-Counties
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Bateman Monro 2nd 1815-1900
The people in the photo are not identified, but the woman to the left is probably his wife. Bateman was married four times: First to Hannah Dyer who died in 1837, Second to Jane Lay who died in 1863, Third to Susan Besley who died in 1885, and Fourth to Eliza Ayers who died in 1896. The woman in the photo would be either Susan Besley or Eliza Ayers. Bateman had one daughter, Charlotte, who married George Besley. They may be the younger couple to the right.Virginia, who submitted the photo claims a date of 1841 which would make the woman on the left Jane LAY. She confirms that the younger pair are Charlotte MONRO and George BESLEY.
Photo: Bateman Monro House on North Road
Township: Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA
North Road (Now called Hulslander Road)
Year: Undated 1860s & 1995
Photo from Virginia WHEELER McElroy
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The photo at left is the same house in February 1995.
Photo by Joan NASH O'Dell
Note from Joyce and Virginia - If you are working with Bateman Monroes, do NOT confuse them.
The Bateman Monroe that married Lois Maynard, is not the same Bateman Monroe that married Susan Besley
see Hiistory & Genealogy of the Lexington,Mass Munroe's:
Page 83 : 13-41-3 Bateman Monroe b.1767  m. 3rd wife Mary Childs & had
                13-41-36 Bateman Monroe  b. 2 Mar 1815
Page 147                married 4 wives:  Hannah Dyer, Jane Lay, Susan Besley, Eliza Randall.[Note from JMT. Randall is an earlier married alias, real surname is Ayers)
Page 148  13-41-36-1  Bateman & Jane Lay had Charlotte Jane   4 Dec 1840

Page 82    13-41-2/10  Bateman Monro, son of Thomas & Sybil Borden   b. 25 June 1813
Page 144   this Bateman married Sally Peabody, Lois Maynard & Polly Westbrook.

Thanks Virginia

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