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1. Lewis Murdoch1 Palmer, son of Charles E. Palmer and Leonora Ormsby, (#8664) was born 25 JUL 1875. Lewis died of Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. PALMER - Mansfield Loses Valuable Citizen in The Death of Lewis M Palmer In the death of Lewis M. Palmer, Mansfield lost one of her truly valuable citizens. He was active in many of our local movements and won high respect and admiration from those with whom he associated. As was stated in the Advertiser last week, he was born in Rutland, July 25, 1874, and he came to Mansfield at the age of 33 and had since made his home here. He started in Mansfield when the First National Bank was organized, acting as assistant cashier until 1921, when he retired because of illness. He still kept his interest in the bank and acted as vice-president and president for many years, until 1932. Soon after coming to Mansfield he was made a Mason in Friendship Lodge and served in various offices. He was a member of the Royal Arch at Blossburg., the Consistory at Williamsport, and the Shrine at Wilkes-Barre. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and served some time as President of the Official Board. His interest in church and Sunday School affairs was well known to those connected with that church. He was one of the principal organizers of Prospect Cemetery Association, and started the perpetual care idea in it, as well as serving as its president. Although he never played golf, he was one of those to help start Corey Creek Golf Club in Mansfield, There are various projects and organizations in Mansfield with which he was identified in a practical way. He started his business career in Rutland with George and William Palmer, who were agents for the Westinghouse Threshing Machine Company. After coming to Mansfield he became interested in the Tioga Washed Sand & Gravel Co., of which he was half-owner and secretary. It was largely due to the efforts of Mr. Palmer that the Mansfield-Jobs Corners road was put through, he acted as a connecting link between Elmira, Rutland and the various townships involved. Of late years he has been connected with the Ford Agency in Mansfield. He was a trustee of Mansfield State Teachers College at the time of his death. Mr. Palmer was married in 1903 to Miss Blanche Hanyen, of Roseville, and one daughter, Louise, was born to them. Mrs. Palmer died in 1928. In 1929 he married Miss Bertha Roff, of Mansfield, who with his daughter survives him. Of his home life there can be no criticism He was a man of high principle and integrity and carried this into his home. He was a devoted husband and father and greatly enjoyed his family. The affection of his immediate family, and also of his uncle, George Palmer, was the envy of home-loving people. In his business affairs and his personal contact with people he showed himself to be a real man and a Christian. He was jovial, sincere and kind in all his dealings. The very largely attended funeral and the mass of floral offerings were a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held. The funeral was held from his late home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. D. W. Baylis officiating, assisted by the Rev. R. D. Stanley. Burialwas in Prospect Cemetery, with the local lodge of Masons in charge. The bearers were Prof. G. B. Strait, Prof. Hugh Alger, Dr. W. R. Straughn, W. W. Allen, Charles Howe and Percy Coles.
His body was interred in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
He married twice. He married J. Blanche Hanyen 23 SEP 1903 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. HANYEN/PALMER - Wednesday at high noon, the marriage of Jennie Blanche Hanyen and Lewis M. Palmer took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hanyen, in Rutland, Pa. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate families of the contracting parties by the Rev. Francis M. Smith, pastor of the M. E. church, the ring service being used. After the usual congratulations, a wedding breakfast was served, following which the happy couple left, mid showers rice, for an extended trip over the New York Central to Albany, thence by day boat to New York and New England points of interest. The bride and groom are popular young people of Rutland. The former, a graduate of the Mansfield State Normal school, is a sister of Miss M. Louise Hanyen of school No. 4, and the latter is a brother of Mrs. W. O. Wells of West Clinton street, this city, and junior member of the firm of G. W. Palmer & Co., representatives of the Westinghouse company of Schenectady, N.Y. A host of friends unite in wishing them much happiness. PALMER/HANYEN - The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hanyen, of Rutland, Pa., was the scene of a pretty autumn home wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1903, when their daughter, J. Blanche, was made the wife of Mr. Lewis M. Palmer. Promptly at 12 o'clock the bridal party unattended entered the parlor where they were met by the Rev. Francis M. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, who performed the ceremony, using the impressive full ring service. The couple stood under a beautiful arch which was banked by ferns and potted plants; and after the usual congratulations the company sat down to breakfast in the dining room which had been decorated with cut flowers and blue daisies. The bride was attired in ivory silk and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. At 2 o'clock the bride and groom left amid a shower of rice for a trip in northern New York after which they will sail from Albany down the Hudson to New York City. They will also visit Philadelphia, Scranton and other points of interest and will be at home in their newly furnished house in Rutland after October 15th. They were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts.
(J. Blanche Hanyen reference LR 228) (J. Blanche Hanyen is #8661.)
Blanche was born 22 MAR 1880 in Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Blanche was the daughter of Cornelius B. Hanyen and Eliza Jane Reynolds. Blanche died 15 FEB 1928 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 47. Her body was interred 18 FEB 1928 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Blanche graduated from Mansfield State Normal School in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1901. Blanche was a graduate of the State Normal School at Mansfield. Her husband, Lewis, was a banker.
Obituary: Mrs J. Palmer wife of Lewis Palmer died Wednesday at the family home, 50 St.James Street, Mansfield Pa. She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Miss Harriet Louise Palmer of Mansfield; two brothers , Fred C. Hanyen of Scranton, Pa. and Celie B. Hanyen of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home Saturday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Harold Stearnes will officiate . Interment in Prospect cemetery, Mansfield
Mansfield,Pa. Feb. 20 - Funeral services were held from the home on James Street Saturday at 2 p.m. the Rev. Harold G. Stearns officiating. Interment was in Prospect cemetery Mrs Palmer was the daughter of C.B. and Jennie Hanyen and was born in Elmira 47 years ago. She graduated from the Mansfield State Normal School in the class of 1901 and taught school in Rutland for 2 years. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church and for a good many years was superintendent of the primary department of the Sunday school, which work she kept up even though : in failing health. She is survived by her husband, Lewis M. Palmer, one daughter, Louise, and two brothers, C.B. Hanyen of Kingston, Pa. and Fred C.Hanyen of Scranton
He married Bertha M. Roff * 13 AUG 1929. (Bertha M. Roff* is #13354.)
Lewis was listed in a directory in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1899. Palmer Lou, school teacher, h St James
Lewis was listed in a directory in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1899. Palmer Lewis M, r 21, salesman, son of C E
Lewis Murdoch Palmer and J. Blanche Hanyen had the following child:
2 i. Harriet Louise2 Palmer
(#8665) was born 24 JUN 1910. Individual flags: Researcher; Genealogy;
July1995; Interview. Louise died 4 JAN 1996 at age 85. She
married Thomas G. Harris* 1 SEP 1934. (Thomas G. Harris* is #10766.)
Louise traveled to Alaska for her grandson's wedding in the last summer
of her life. She collapsed while helping at the funeral dinner of Iva SMITH
Sherman. No obituary will express the graciousness of Louise who was truly
an outstanding and central citizen in her community and the focal point
of her close family. She was mentally active and interested in everything
right to the end of her life.
![]() Published On Tri-Counties Site On 06/29/2003 By Joyce M. Tice Email: JoyceTice@aol.com You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 29 JUNE 2003 ![]() |
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