Maria Smith was said to have died of "Brain Trouble."
Sullivan scrapbook has 1898 wedding of Ida May Kilgore to Byron C. Smith of Elk Run. Obituary: Byron C. Smith - Byron C. Smith, highly respected citizen, died at his home on the upper Lake Road, Elmira, NY Sunday Nov. 24, 1940. Mr. Smith was born January 15, 1849, at Chandlersburg, Pa. where he spent many years there as a farmer. In early life he married Miss Maria Smith of Gray Valley, Pa. Three sons were born to this union, Delbert C., of Mainesburg; Ray I., of Sylvania; and Ross C. of Mansfield. Some time after the death of Mrs. Smith, he married Miss Ida Kilgore, of Coryland, PA. One son, Dunning, who died at the age of seven years, was born to them. Mr. Smith retired as a farmer and moved to Elmira twenty-nine years ago. Mr. Smith was converted at the age of seventeen and was an active church member all his life. He was Sunday School Superintendent at Elk Run for many, many years. He was a continuous revelation of the Christ he honored and his presence in the community, the congregation or among a circle of friends was always a blessing. A familiar face and figure is gone from relatives and friends, but in Byron Smith's case there need be no regrets as far as he is concerned. He has been faithful in the performance of the tasks that have come to him and now the Master has required his services in a higher sphere. Surviving are his widow, three sons, named above and one brother, Rev. Fred I. Smith of Elk Run, eleven grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Rev. L.D. Bell, of the Oakwood Methodist Church, Elmira Heights, conducted
the funeral at his late residence Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Burial was made
in Gray Valley Cemetery.
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