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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Gladding Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, PA

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Bradford County PA

Chemung County NY

Tioga County PA


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Photo of Gravestone Art
by Joyce M. Tice

See Gladding Cemetery Listing



Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 

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Do You Know that you can search just the Obituaries on the site by using the three County Specific Obituary selections in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? You can narrow your search by including a key word in the cemetery name or a township name in addition to the surname you search. Then select the Find All Words option. 
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using Clippings partition. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. 

All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and  for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. Please send in typed obituaries for people buried in our local cemeteries. If possible include name of newspaper and date. Send typed in your email or in attached Word files. Send to Joyce M. Tice ( 

 Albrecht, Gordon W., age 77, of Columbia Cross Roads RD 2, died Saturday, Nov. 3, 1979, at his home.  Born March 9, 1902 in Aurora, Illinois, he was the son of John and Babette Kassmeyer Albrecht.  He was a retired farmer having been engaged in purebred cattle farming for more than 50 years.  Mr. Albrecht was an active member of the Pennsylvania Farmers Association; member and former elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Troy; charter member and former president of the Sylvania Lions Club where he was recently awarded a 25 year perfect attendance pin; and member and treasurer of the Columbia Grange.  Surviving are his wife the former Flora Laughridge; three daughters, Mrs. David (Lavina) Kerner of Morgan Hill, Calif., Mrs. R. Gaylord (Joyce) Grinnell of Live Oaks, Fla., and Mrs. Leonard (Mary) Rockwell of Columbia Cross Roads; two brothers, Ralph of Sumner, Iowa and Elmer J. of Miles City, Montana; one sister Mrs Charles (Gertrude) Adoro of Sumner, Iowa; six grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.  Funeral services were held Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. at the Troy Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Horace M. Patton officiating.  Burial was in Sylvan Hill Cemetery also known as Gladding Cemetery.


ALGER Effie A. Alger died at the Packer hospital in Sayre on Wednesday, June 25th, following a brief illness. She was the daughter of William G. and Polly Hartshorn Alger, and was born in Orwell Township, September 9, 1850. When a young woman she went with her parents to Towanda, where the family resided until 1888 when they removed to Columbia Township. Here they made their home with the family of the late Charles E. Gladding. Miss Alger and Mrs. Gladding being sisters. Since the death of Mrs. Gladding in 1916, Miss Alger and her niece Miss Cecile E. Gladding have resided in Elmira, N.Y.

Funeral services were held at the Gladding home on Saturday June 28, the Rev. Dr. Eastman of Elmira officiating. Burial was made in the family plot on the Gladding farm. tgr 1919


ALGER Louisa
The funeral of Mrs. Louisa Gladding (widow of the late Charles E. Gladding) was held from her home near Columbia Cross Roads, on Monday, January 24th.
Her death occurred after a short illness of neuralgia of the heart and pneumonia.  She was the daughter of W. G. Alger, late of Towanda. She leaves a daughter, Cecile E. Gladding and a sister, Effie A. Alger, who resided with her.  Of the sixty-nine years of her life those since her marriage have been spent in this home. She was a member of the Universalist church and an ardent worker in the Grange.  Her life as a whole was an example of Faith, Hope and Love, which will leave a monument of beautiful thoughts with the wide circle of friends who knew her, words seem empty in trying to express our love for her.  Rev. A. G. Cornwell of Park church, Elmira, officiated and Miss Brewer who knew her from childhood, made some beautiful remarks.  The out of town relatives and friends who paid her their last respects were William B. Layton and Roy Bullock of Scranton; Mrs. D. V. Taylor and George M. Layton of Montour Falls, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bullock of Ralston; Mrs. H. B. Peck, Miss Eve Derby and J. C. Bullock, Elmira, N.Y.; C. L. Crandall, Alba; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bullock, Canton; Mrs. Darius Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bullock, Big Pond, Miss Emma Brewer, Chester and M. Louis Gore of Athens.

(Sylvania) The Community was saddened by the unexpected death of Mrs. C. E. Gladding of Altus on Friday of last week.  She was a most estimable woman with a host of friends.  The funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon.   The Rev. Cornwell of the Park Church, Elmira officiating. TGR 1916

AYERS - Miss Martha - Miss Martha Ayers, who until two years ago made her home in Elmira Street, this boro, with her sister, Mrs. Andrus Case, died Monday morning at the home of her nephew, Edmund C. Carnwright in Columbia township. Death was due to a paralytic stroke. Miss Ayers was 85 years old. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her late home, the Rev. Floyd Randall officiating.  (Died in October 1907 and buried Sylvan Hill Cemetery)

 Miss Mary Ballard, formerly of Sylvania, died in Williamsport, Sunday morning at 8 o’clock.  She is survived by an aunt, Mrs. John Walker, of Sylvania. The funeral will be held at the home of Mrs. Alice Fraley in Sylvania  Wednesday at 2 pm.  Rev. A.G. Cameron will officiate; burial in the Gladding cemetery at Altus, Pa. (The Agitator:  Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, June 19, 1926)

BEACH - Obituary. Mrs. Laura Ann Peckham was born in Connecticut, March 19, 1810, and died on Columbia, July 30, 1889. Her parents, Nehemiah and Laura Beach, removed to Smithfield, Pa., when she was eight years of age. She united in marriage with Albinus H. Havens August 28, 1833. One child was born to them Lucretia, now the wife of Spencer Crittenden of Charleston, Tioga Co., Pa. Mr. Havens died Dec. 28, 1833, and on March 2, 1835 she was again married to Stephen M. Peckham, with whom, at her death, she had lived 54 years. Of ten children, the fruit of this marriage only two are living, Oscar Peckham of East Troy, and Clarence of Columbia. Her surviving brothers and sisters are Lewis Beach of Wetona, Charles Beach and Mrs. Charles Brigham of Smithfield, and a sister in Missouri. She and her husband were pioneers in Columbia, wrestling the homestead where she died from the primeval forest. They were among the first members of the M. E. church in their township. She was esteemed as a Christian of irreproachable character and highly respected as a neighbor throughout her life. The funeral was held at her late residence Wednesday, Rev. H. C. Andrews of Troy, officiating.


BERRY Mrs. Ann [David] Sherman

an aged resident of this place, died Saturday, Jan 23 at the home of her son, Wesley Sherman at Sayre. She was 88 years old and always lived in this vicinity until six years ago. She is survived by her son, Wesley, two grandchildren, Dorothy and Carlton, and two great-grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday at the home at Sayre and burial was in the Altus Cemetery.


BULLOCK -Mrs. Betsey A. Cornell.
In the death of Mrs. Betsy A. Cornell, on April 13, 1915, there passed from earth, an exceptional character, one noted all through life for its strength, sweetness and light.  Not only did she mothered most truly her own family, but many found with her the strength, the rest and peace they needed. The wold’s great religions, temperance and humanitation needs, found in her the sincerest friend, and together with her late husband, Mr. Alvah Cornell, she had unwaveringly advocated their principles and worked for their interest.  Had she lived until September next, she would have reached her 85 year. At her request her devoted friend and former pastor, the Rev. Emma E. Bailey of Mansfield, Pa., was called upon for the funeral service which was held April 15 at the home of her son, Albert M. Cornell.  A long procession followed the casket to the Altus Cemetery.  Albert M. Cornell and Mrs. Fanny M. Porter of Troy are all that remains of the family aside from a foster son, George Cornell of Corning, N.Y.       TGR 1915

BULLOCK - Local News) Jesse Bullock, son of Furman Bullock of this boro, died in Elmira last Friday, aged 57. A sufferer from diabetes for ten years, he still continued his work as an electrician for the Thatcher Manufacturing Company until last November. Since then his decline had been rapid. He was a native of Columbia township, a member of the Baptist Church and esteemed by all who knew him. His wife survives, one brother, Floyd Bullock of Columbia, and five children—Dorothy, Julia, Louise and Everett, at home, and Merle in New York City. The remains were brought on Monday to Columbia Cross Roads, where the funeral was held in the church at 2 p.m., the Rev. John Betlem of Elmira Heights Baptist Church officiating. Interment was in the Gladding cemetery. TGR 1922

Mary Melinda BULLOCK (SRGP 76598)  passed from this earthly life Feb. 14th, at the home of her niece, Alice Crediford, Springfield Centre. Her beautiful life had endeared her greatly to her large circle of friends and relatives. The funeral was held in the Springfield Universalist church. Deceased was a teacher many years. Living a single life, making no home of her own, yet in the largest of families always the school where she had taught seventy-five terms. Her whole life was an exponent of her religion of love. She was born in 1827 and was at the advanced age of 75 years. Her many friends came from far and near in loving remembrance of her many virtues in the earth life. Her passing away was peaceful, with but a brief struggle. Rev. A. Deyo of Troy officiated at the funeral in the Springfield church, assisted by the Baptist pastor, Rev. Philander Reynolds.    TGR 1902

BULLOCK - Obituaries of Mary Bullock Peckham, (SRGP 62659) mother of Susan Peckham Calkins.
 OBITUARY.  Died in Columbia township, Nov. 27th, 1877, in the eighty-fifth year of her age, Mrs. Mary Peckham, widow of the late Peleg Peckham.  She was the daughter of Asa and Jerusha (Allen) Bullock and cousin of the late Judge Darius Bullock, of Smithfield.  She was born in Rehoboth, Bristol, County, Mass., May 19th, 1793, and was third in a family of eleven children, nine of whom grew to manhood and womanhood.  She was married to Peleg Peckham, of Swansea, Mass., in Sept. 1816, and removed to Columbia, Pa., June 1819, when her husband bought “possession” of the farm on which they lived for over forty years, of Phineas Jones, a basket maker whose occupation gave the name of “Basket Street” to the locality, which it still retains.  There was at that time but a few acres cleared upon the farm, and at least three-fourths of the township was primeval forest. The prominent traits in the character of the deceased were industry, energy and hopefullness, combined with active benevolence.  Her home was the home, not only of her own family, brothers and relations, but of the “stranger within her gates” also.  The words of the “wife man” are particularly appropriate with reference to her.  “She looketh well unto the ways of her household and eath not the bread of idleness.  Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also he praiseth her.” Although reared in the Baptist faith, she early in life embrased the doctrine of the final salvation of all manking, in which belief she continued until her death.  The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. G. J. Porter, of Towanda, Pa.

 Sherman W. Bullock, of Troy, PA, died Thursday at the family home.  He was a veteran of the civil war, Company D, 132nd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers.  He is survived by his widow, Belle; one son, Floyd, of Austinville; one brother, Alton, of Chemung, and four grandchildren.  The funeral was held Monday.  Rev. J.D. Herrick, of the Universalist church of Towanda, officiating; burial in Gladding cemetery.  (The Agitator: Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, November 21, 1928)

BULLOCK, Stephen (SRGP 62655)
 Copy of newspaper clipping of death of Stephen Bullock, brother of Mary Bullock Peckham, written by John Henry Calkins, husband of his niece, Susan Peckham Calkins, who always referred to him as “Uncle Stephen”.
 “When a good man dies the nation mourns, when a patriarch is removed the people weep”.  So mourn the friends and relatives of Stephen Bullock, who departed this life at the home of his son, in Springfield, Bradford County, Pa., in the early morning of January 24th, 1888.  Unusually strong and vigorous for one of his age, until within a few days of his death he looked forward to many years of active life and had been appointed to read an address before the members of Columbia Grange, at their annual meeting, which occurred the day after his death.  But suddenly as the lightning flash, paralysis renders him helpless and speechless; and after but few days of waiting, he peacefully passed to the life beyond.
 Born in Rehoboth, Mass., July 3rd, 1804, he commenced life almost with the beginning of this, the grandest of the centuries, and beheld within the span of his active life the greatest achievements of science and art, and the most beneficient moral reforms.  Stephen was the fourth son of Asa and Jerusha (Allen) Bullock.  In the hamlet of Rehoboth he passed his younger years, and worked in one of the first cotton factories in the United States, located in that place, and of which his father was part owner.  Removing with his father’s family to Columbia, Pa., about 1817, he there grew to manhood, and helped to wrest from the rugged wilderness the frugal subsistence it gives to the pioneer.  He afterward spent some years in Rochester and Elmira, N.Y., and in Providence, R.I.
 Somewhat late in life he married, Jan. 15, 1846, Miss Loduna Luce, of Susquehanna Co., Pa., and settled upon the farm, upon which he afterwards lived until a short time before his death, and she and their two children, Francis and Mary (?) survive him.
 A man of decided opinions, he ever had the courage of his convictions and was never one to “bend the pliant hinges of the knee, that thrift might follow fawning”.  But with all the power of a strong mind in a vigorous body, he pressed forward in what to him was the pathway of right and duty, and seemed literally to fulfill the Scriptural injunction, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might”.
 Thoroughly frank, and ingenuous in his own character, he had little patience with the frauds, shams and demagogisms of the present day, whether in politics or religion, but believed with honest Robbie Burns,
  “That rank is but the guinea’s stamp
  A man’s a man for a’ that.”
 He in early life took advanced ground on the political, moral and religious questions of the day, and was identified with, and a leading spirit in all those great reforms that have agitated the people of this country for the past fifty years.  He began political life as a Whig, casting his first presidential vote for John Q. Adams, and to this political party he gave steadfast adherence during its existence; being particularly active in the campaigns of 1840 and 1844, singing and making speeches for “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” and later hurrahing for the “Farmer of Ashland”.
 In the formation of the Republican party he took an active part and with all the ardor of his nature opposed the extension of human slavery and by voice, vote and money helped to carry on the war that led to its extinction.  A lifelong admirer of Horace Greeley, he supported him for president in 1872, and though generally voting the Republican ticket until 1880, he was never fully in sympathy with the Administrations of Grant and Hayes.
 For years he had been fully impressed with the growing power of monopoly, and early became a convert to the American system of finance as advocated by the Mercantile Journal and Chicago Express, and took an active part in extending the circulation of the latter paper, and with it supported Weaver in 1880 and Butler in 1884 for President.  As long as life lasted he continued to ardently urge upon the producing classes the necessity of organizing, to check the growing power of chartered and corporate monopoly.
 In the Grange organization he found a congenial field of work and never ceased to urge upon his brother farmers the necessity of co-operation in gaining and preserving the honest rewards of their toil.  He was a charter member of Columbia Grange, P. of H., and continued to be an earnest worker in that organization until his death and but a few weeks ago took an active part in the election of its officers.
 But it was in the broad field of religious thought, discussion and work, that his enthusiastic nature found ample and congenial scope.  For more than fifty years he had been known as the champion of the doctrine of Universal Salvation of mankind.  Uniting himself with Universalists at a time when to do so was to brave social ostracism and reproach, he lived to see that church and its ministers treated with respect, and multitudes listen to its grand teachings with eager and wistful attention.
 Simple and frugal in his habits, he never lost his interest in sports and recreations, especially those of children, and though he had seen more than eighty summers and winters come and go, and though he had outlived brothers and sisters and most of his generation, he seemed never to grow old.  But death respects neither the intrepidity of youth nor the wisdom of age, and “Uncle Stephen” has gone.  His elastic step will be heard and his genial, kindly face will be seen by us no more.  Affectionate father, loving husband, loyal patriot, earnest Christian man, Hail! And Farewell.
    J. H. C.

 Edmnund (Wilson) Carnright, age 68 of Mainesburg, Pa. died May 9, 1986 as the result of a traffic accident in West Burlington Twp., Bradford County.  Mr. Carnright was born February 2, 1928 in Columbia Cross Roads, the son of Edmund C. and Minnie Fuller Carnright.  He was a retired sheet metal worker at Ward LaFrance Inc. at Elmira, N.Y.  He attended the State Road Baptist Church.  He was an Army Veteran of World War II.  He is survived by his wife, the former Helen Sherman, also injured in the crash,  and a patent at the Robert packer Hospital at Sayre; 2 sons,  Richard, of Mainesburg, Pa., and Marshall, of Austell, Ga.; one daughter, Alice Thompson of Roseville, Pa.; one sister, Alida Reed of Troy, Pa.; 16 grandchildren; one great-grandchild.  Funeral services were held today (Wednesday) at 1 p.m. at the Kuhl-Wilston Funeral Home followed by  burial in the Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County.  The Rev. Edward Green, pastor of the State Road Baptist Church, officiated.

RICHARD B. CARNRIGHT, SR., 58, Mainesburg, died December 14, 2002 at Troy Community Hospital.  Born December 2, 1944, in Troy, he was the son of Edmund W. and Irene Bradford Carnright.  He was the husband of Patricia Thompson Carnright.  Mr. Carnright graduated from Williamsport Area Community College (WACC) in 1967; was a heavy equipment operator for Cross Excavating for 28 years.  He was a member of the Church of the New Covenant having served as their deacon for two years an elder for one.  His favorite pastime was hunting and firing his cannons.  Surviving besides his wife are sons, Richard B. Carnright, Jr. and John Carnright, both at home; a daughter and son-in-law, Sheila and Alan Freeh, Middleburg, FL; grandchildren, Ashley and Stephanie Freeh and Derek Carnright; brother, Marshall Carnright; Ellijay, GA; sister, Alice (James) Thompson, Dover, DE; aunt and uncle, Richard and Joyce Bradford, Mainesburg; step-mother, Helen Carnright, Mansfield; several nieces, nephews and cousins.   Services were held December 18 at the Church of the New Covenant, Mansfield with his pastor the Rev. Kevin Garman officiating.  A committal service was held at Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Columbia Township, December 19.  Memorials may be made to the Church of the New Covenant, 310 Extension St., Mansfield, PA.  The Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory and Monuments, Mansfield handled services.  –Canton Independent Sentinel.

Phoebe Emma, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Edward Carnwright, died at the family residence, Monday morning, December 31, 1906. The funeral service was held at Columbia Grange Hall, January 3d, with interment in Gladding's cemetery. Four boys, schoolmates of the deceased, acted as pallbearers. Mr. and Mrs. Carnwright wish to express their gratitude to their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in their time of sorrow, and also for the flowers.

CORNELL Frederick P. (SRGP 30832)
Frederick P. Cornell died at his home in Columbia township, Tuesday, September 23rd, aged 81 years. For over a year he had been in rapidly declining health, but death came suddenly at a sever period in his illness. Funeral services were conducted at his late home, Tuesday, burial in the Gladding cemetery.  Mr. Cornell was born in Swansea, Mass., a son of Levi and Fannie Luther Cornell, natives of Bristol county, Mass. In 1827 his parents moved to this county and settled in Columbia township, where he has since resided, following the occupation of a farmer, in which he has been largely successful. Deceased is survived by his wife and children, Ramson K., and Henry S., the latter residing at the old homestead; and children by his first wife, Mrs. Mahlon F. Nichols, of Corning, N.Y., and Geo. C. of Troy. TGR 1902

GEORGE CORNELL - (May 7, 1923) a native of Columbia Township, one time partner of Liston Bliss and E. L. Teeter in the Troy Creamery, and superintendent of the Troy Methodist Sunday School, dropped dead from his chair on the porch of a neighbor at Canton, Monday afternoon.  Mr. Cornell had been out of health many months. He was 66 years old and is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Edwin Loomis of Elizabeth, NJ, Mrs. John Childs of Glen Richie, Pa. and two brothers, Henry and Ransom Cornell of Columbia.  Private funeral services will be held at the home in Canton at 1:30 this Thursday afternoon and interment will be in the Gladding Cemetery.

 Arlie L. Shaylor, 88, of Troy RR 3, died Thursday, October 15, 1992 at the Bradford County Manor. She was born February 29, 1904 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, the daughter of Charles and Jessie York Evertt. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Robert M. Shaylor of Troy; a sister, Mary Kunzle of St. Petersburg, FL; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by a brother, Lisle Evertt. Funeral services were held October 17 at the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy with George Lee and Roy Grady officiating and burial to be in Sylvan Cemetery. (TGR, Thursday, October 22, 1992) Note from Joyce- I have filed this obit with Sylvan Hill (Gladding). I checked our 2001 Sylvania listing and do not find this burial, so I am assuming Sylvan means Sylvan Hill and not Sylvania- If anyone has other information, please notify me. Note from Pat MOTT Gobea : In the Gladding (Sylvan Hill) Cemetery file. You wanted to know about Arlie L. (Lenora) Evetrett.  She is buried there (I suspect close to her parents).  It has been a long time since I have been up there, so can't remember if I saw her stone or not.

Elmira Star Gazette: February 13, 1912
Charles E. GLADDING Well-known in County (SRGP 62743)

Troy, Pa., Feb. 13 – (Special) – Charles E. Gladding died Saturday night at his home in Columbia Township after a lingering illness.  He was born August 2, 1833, on the farm on Basket street which he has ever since owned and occupied and was a son of Joseph and Mary (BULLOCK) Gladding. The father, who was a native of Barrington, R. I., located in Smithfield, this country, in 1816, and in 1817 settled in Columbia township where he cleared and improved the farm on which he lived until his death, which occurred when he was in his 90th year. Mr. Gladding was in the civil war enlisting August 14, 1862, and was commissioned first lieutenant of Company D, 132 Pennsylvania volunteers.  He participated in the battle of Chancellorsville and was honorably discharged after nine months’ service.  In November, 1875, he married N. Louisa, daughter of William G. Alger, of Towanda.  Mr. Gladding for a long term of year was secretary of the Grange Insurance Company.  In the early ‘70’s he was the Grange purchasing agent.  He was a charter member of Columbia Grange and was its first master.  He was a member of Troy Masonic lodge and a member of the G. A. R.  He served one term as register and recorder of Bradford county.  Beside his widow he is survived by one daughter, Miss Cecile at home. The funeral was held from his late home at 1 o’clock this afternoon.  The Rev. Samuel E. Eastman, of Elmira officiated and the burial was with Masonic rites in the Gladding Cemetery.

Elmira Telegram
February 17, 1912
[Included picture]

Charles E. GLADDING: Death and Burial of a Prominent Bradford County Man
Troy, Pa., Feb. 17 – Charles E. Gladding was born August 2, 1833, in Columbia Township, Bradford county, Pa., on the farm where he spent the greater part of his life and where he died Sunday.  His parents were Joseph Gladding, one of the pioneers of the township, and Marcy BULLOCK Gladding.  In the almost eighty years of his life he saw the township transformed from a wilderness to the beautiful rural region that it now is with stately homes and modern barns and cozy villages nestling here and there in the valleys among the hills.  His early education he got from the schools of the district, but he was always learning.  He was an exceedingly well read man and was a thinker as well as reader and could discuss with a wealth of knowledge all the great questions of the day.  From early manhood he was interested in political matters and took a deep interest in the affairs of the community and the country at large and in the strength of his years he was one of the leaders of his party.  Always a Republican, in these later he followed the progressive wing of the party.  For a term beginning in 1869, he held the office of register and recorder for Bradford county, an office which he filled with ability and honor.  In 1863 he enlisted in Company D, 132nd regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers and was elected first lieutenant.  He served through the period for which he enlisted and was in a number of battles and skirmishes.  In 1858 he became a member of Trojan lodge, F. and A. M., and had been a member longer than any one now living belonging to this lodge.  In 1874 he was active in the organization of Columbia grange, No. 83, and continued to be a member of it all these years. 

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 For twenty-six years he was secretary of the Grange Mutual Insurance company, of Troy, Pa., only giving up this office last December, when failing health compelled him.  For over forty years he trained and led a church choir that was celebrated over the whole county and beyond for its excellence.  He continued this work until compelled by throat troubles to quit singing.  In his beautiful home inspired by books, flowers and music and with a devoted wife and lovely daughter, he led an ideal life.  Just in his dealings, kindly in spirit, a true friend, a valiant opponent, a helpful neighbor, a loving husband and father her filled out life’s span and then like a weary child, went to sleep.  The funeral service was conducted by Rev. S. E. Eastman, of Elmira, on Tuesday February 13.  Rev. A. G. Cameron, of Sylvania, gave an appreciation of his life and work.  The floral tributes from the Grange, the Grange Mutual Insurance company, his old choir and many friends were very beautiful.  Gustin post, G. A. R., Troy, Pa., formed a guard of honor and the stately and solemn ritual of the Masonic order was used at the cemetery.  The interment took place in the beautiful spot on his own ancestral acres, know as “The Gladding Cemetery.”

1895---Jerusha GLADDING EDSALL.
Jerusha GLADDING EDSALL, daughter if Joseph and Mary B. GLADDING was born in Rehobeth, Mass. Feb., 20th, 1815, came to Pennsylvania in 1819, was married to James EDSALL in 1840.  After the death of her husband she went to the home of her brother C. E. GLADDING, at Atlus where she resided 21 years. When the Postoffice was established at Altus in 1880 she was appointed postmistress and ably filled the office for nine years. Mrs EDSALL was a bright and attractive woman, with always a pleasant word for everybody, and maintained that kindness of heart, that broad and liberal feeling for humanity which was a characteristic of her belied, having been a staunch Universalist for years, she died as she had lived, strong in the belief, and with and unwavering faith she entered the blest portals of rest, and we believe received her well earned plaudit, " well done good and faithful servant."  The funeral service was held from her late residence Saturday afternoon Sept. 7, and was conducted by the Rev.  Emma E. BAILEY in a most solemn and effective manner. The Sylvania choir which has been ably conducted by her brother C. E., GLADDING for many years was present and rendered some of their choices selections.  At the conclusion of the services, the body was tenderly borne to the quiet and beautiful little cemetery across the road and laid to rest beside her husband and daughter, who preceded her to the better land many years ago.  A good woman has gone, and she will be missed not only by a large circle of friends, but it is in the home which her presence brightened, and where her character shone resplendent, that she will be sorely missed.

GLADDING, Joseph N. (1904), The funeral of Joseph N. Gladding __ Altus, was held from his late residence on Wednesday of last week, and was largely attended. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Herbert Graves, pastor of the Universalist church at Towanda. Mr. Gladding died on Sunday, February the 28th, aged eighty-three years. The home in which he died, that of his brother, C. E. Gladding, has been a veritable one for the aged, he being the seventh old person to die in it, whose averages were over eighty years. He is survived by one brother, C. E. Gladding. His demise leaves only three of the old residents of "Basket street" proper, viz: Mrs. Martin Bullock and Mr. And Mrs. Alvah Cornell

HILL - WOODWARD, GRACE E.,   Grace E. Woodward, 79, of Sylvania, died January 31, 1987 at the Bradford County Manor. Born November 24, 1907 in Barrington, NY, she was the daughter of Floyd and Sara Dewey Hill.  She was a retired practical nurse and worked at the Polly Cleveland Nursing Home.  Surviving are her husband, Clayton L. Woodward of Sylvania; nieces, Bea Avants of Canton, Joyce Carnright of Old Town, FL, Vera Propes of Cleveland, TX; nephew, Alden Woodward of Sylvania; several nieces and nephews.  Funeral services were scheduled February 4 (2pm) at the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy with Rev. George Ogden Jr. officiating and burial to be in Sylvania Hill Cemetery. (TGR Feb. 5, 1987)

Death of John Kilgore.
Mr. John Kilgore, for a number of years past in the employ of Mr. Henry Gernert, died Monday night of this week during an operation for a bowel trouble, aged 27 years. He was taken ill on Thursday of last week, and his sudden death is a severe shock to his many friends. TGR 1900



(Local News) Robert Kilgore, father of Floyd Kilgore died in Elmira last Friday. The remains were brought to Basket Street for interment. tgr 1919  

LAUGHRIDGE - ALBRECHT, FLORA R.,  Services for Flora R. Albrecht, 74, Columbia Cross Roads, RD2, were held Monday, July 30 at the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, with the Rev. William Parson officiating.  Interment was held at the Sylvan Hill Cemetery also known as Gladdings Cemetery.  Flora died Friday, July 27, 1984 at home.  She was born July 13, 1910 in Minot, N.D. she is the daughter of David and Lavina Moss Laughridge.  She has been a resident of Bradford County for the past 31 years and taught school at the Gillett Elementary School for 22 years.  Mrs. Albrecht was a member of the Retired Teachers Association.  She is the widow of Gordon Albrecht who died on November 3, 1979.  Together, they owned and operated their own farm.  Mrs. Albrecht continued an active membership in the Pennsylvania Farmers Association.  She was a member and deacon of the First Presbyterian Church, Troy; member of the Columbia Grange and the Republican Women of Bradford County.  Survivors include daughters, Mrs. David (Lavina) Kerner, Morgan Hill, Calif., Mrs. R. Gaylord (Joyce) Grinnell, Live Oaks, Fla., and Mrs. Leonard (Mary) Rockwell, Columbia Cross Roads; brother, Roy Laughridge; Chino, Calif, six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one niece and several nephews.  Memorials may be directed to the First Presbyterian Church, Troy.  (TGR Aug. 2, 1984)

ROBERT E. LAWRENCE, 71, age 71, of Canton, Pa., died June 24, 2000, at the Bradford County Manor.  He was born dec. 21, 1928, in Ridgebury Township, Pa., a son of the late Edson L. and Maude (Hilfiger) Lawrence.  Robert was formerly employed by Columbia Township.  He enjoyed mowing grass and playing cards along with pitching horseshoes, bowling and hunting.  He was well-known at the Troy Fair, where he assisted with parking cars and tending the gate.  Robert was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.  He is survived by his daughters, Dawn M. and Marco Tejada of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., and Kathleen K. and Victor Chaapel of Canton, Pa.; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; sisters, Bette Boyden of Mainesburg, Pa.  Jeanne H. and Jim Crawford of New Albany, N.Y., Shirley A. and Dick Kenyon of Troy, Pa. and Joan C. and Gene Jackson of Mainesburg, Pa.; brother, Richard J. and Betty Lawrence of Owego, N.Y.; several nieces and nephews; and special relatives, Gene and Kate Hilfiger of Troy, Pa.  In addition to his parents, Robert is predeceased by his wife, Lorraine (Roloson) Lawrence; brothers, Jack and Jerry Lawrence; and daughters, Carla Moss and Lillian Bailey.  Friends may call at the Gerald W. Vickery Jr. Funeral Home Inc., 110 W. Main St., Troy, Pa., on Tuesday, W. Main St., Troy, Pa., on Tuesday, June 27, 2000, from 7 to 9 p.m.  The funeral service will be held Wednesday, June 28, 2000, at 11 a.m. at the funeral home with the Rev. Jasper Smith officiating.  Interment will be in Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Columbia Township, Pa.  Memorial contributions may be directed to a charity of one’s choice.  –Towanda Daily Review.

Robert E. LAWRENCE, age 71, of Canton, PA died on June 24, 2000 at the Bradford County Manor.  He was born on December 21, 1928 in Ridgebury Township, Pa, a son of the late Edson L. and Maude (Hilfiger) Lawrence.  Robert was formerly employed by Columbia Township.  He was well known at Troy Fair where he assisted in Parking cars and tending the gate.  Robert was a veteran of the US Marine Corps.  He is survived by daughters, dawn M. (Marco) Tejada of Colombia Cross Roads, PA and Kathleen K. (Victor) Chaapel of Canton, PA; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren; sisters, Bette Boyden of Mainesburg, PA, Jeanne H. (Jim) Crawford of New Albany, NY; Shirley A. (Dick) Kenyon of Troy, PA, Joan C. (Gene) Jackson of Mainesburg, PA; brother, Richard J. (Betty) Lawrence of Owego, NY; several nieces and nephews; and special relatives, Gene and Kate Hilfiger, Troy, PA.  In addition to his parents, Robert was predeceased by his wife, Lorraine (Roloson) Lawence; daughters Carla Moss and Lillian Bailey. Funeral service were held at the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy on June 28 (11 am) with the Rev. Jasper Smith officiating and interment to be in Sylvan Hill Cemetery Columbia Township, PA.  Memorial contributions may be directed to a charity of one’s choice.   “Troy Gazette-Register,” Troy, PA  Thursday,   June 27, 2000

Laura Le Franc LILLEY (SRGP 71579)
Laura Le Franc Lilley
 Laura LeFranc Lilley, daughter of Dummer and Nancy Lilley, died, Dec. 16, 1917, on the farm where she was born, April 6, 1850.  She was a member of the Universalist church.  Her faith was simple and sublime.  She never doubted God’s presence and keeping.  To many she was an unfailing source of inspiration for in her presence was always the light of hope and cheer.  As a sister, aunt and neighbor she was devoted, self sacrificing with all those characteristics which endear and make a true home.  The death of Miss Lilley has brought sorrow to the devoted family and friends but to none is it such a blow as to the sister who was her companion.
 The entire community mourns her death.  She had been ill two years.  Death resulting from a cancer.  Every thing was done to alleviate her suffering and if possible spare her live, but she gradually grew worse and at 10:40 o’clock on Sunday her spirit took its flight.  The funeral was held from the home on Wednesday at 11 o’clock.  Rev. Dawson of Mansfield officiating.  Interment was in Sylvan Cemetery.  She leaves two sisters, Miss Florence at home and Mrs. Ella Sweet of Sylvania. TGR 1918

HAROLD SMITH LONG, 64, of Columbia cross Roads, died Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001, at home.  He was born May 10, 1937 in Bedminster Township, Pa., the son of the late Albert and Emily (Smith) Long.  Harold owned and operated his own farm.  He enjoyed farming, hunting, and the great outdoors.  He possessed a great love for his wife, children and grandchildren.  Harold especially enjoyed talking and sharing with his family and friends.  He is survived by his wife, Donna Elaine (Barrett) Long, with whom he celebrated 33 years of marriage on July 4; sons, Harold Long of Pennsburg, Pa., Daryl (Patricia) Long of Troy and Daren Long of Watkins Glen, N.Y.; daughters, Peggy Bender of Allentown, Louann (Ron) Baury of Palm, Pa., and Melissa (Ed) Long of Gerryville Pike, Pa; grandchildren, Brenda and Stacey Bender, Jennifer and Connor Baury, Nicholas and Warren Long, and the expected son of Daryl and Patricia; sisters, Marcella (Nat) Bitto and Evelyn Long, both of Albuquerque, N.M.; and special friends, Lori and Lloyd Carl III, Courtney and Lloyd Carl IV, and Clint Brash.  Friends are invited to call at Gerald W. Vickery Jr. Funeral Home Inc., 110 W. Main St., Troy, from 2 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16.  A memorial service will immediately follow at the funeral home with the Rev. James Donahoo, pastor of the Sayre Christian Church, officiating.  Interment will be in Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Sylvania, at the convenience of the family.  Memorial contributions in Harold’s name may be directed to Guthrie Hospice, Towanda, PA. –Towanda Daily Review.

NENNINGER –JENNIE WILLIAMS.  On the afternoon of Saturday, June 24, 2006, lifelong Canton resident Jennie (Nenninger) Williams died quietly at the Bradford County Manor. She was 92 years of age.  Born in Canton Township on March 21, 1914, she was the daughter of Elmer and Ruth (McIlwain) Nenninger.  For many years, Jennie worked as a professional housekeeper at several area residences. Her meticulousness and her eye for details made her much in demand.  She had been active in the North Union Grange as well as the Lady Canton Rebekahs.  She was a woman with a deep, abiding faith in the Lord, a faith that proved to be a source of great strength during life’s trials.  She was a lifelong member of the Church of Christ (Disciples of Christ) in Canton.  Jennie was a quiet, soft-spoken woman with a perpetual smile who enjoyed having a good, old-fashioned visit any time, any place with family and friends alike. Her pleasant smile and gentle demeanor touched the hearts of many in her community, and she will be deeply missed.  Jennie is survived by granddaughters Ruth (and Chip) Polski and Dalisa (and Drew) Lipton, all of Florida; four great-grandchildren; a son-in-law, Dale Keltz of Canton RR 2; a nephew, Elmer Jenkins of Shunk; great-nieces, Frances Trick and Nancy Neff, both of Canton; and great-nephews, Roger Hawkins of Canton and James Hawkins of Scranton, Pa.; as well as several great-great-nieces and great-great-nephews.  She was preceded in death by her daughter, Mary Keltz; brothers, Arthur and Myron Nenninger; and sisters, Marian Jenkins, Mable DeWalt and Alice Hawkins.  Calling hours will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, at Morse & Kleese Funeral Home Inc., 40 N. Center St., Canton.  Services will follow at 1 p.m. with the Rev. David B. Morris, her pastor, officiating.  Interment will follow in Gladding Cemetery, Sylvania.

In the death of James H. Owen another of the veterans of the Civil War heard the roll call from the other side and answered it.  He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Peckham, on Friday evening, Dec. 24th, and the funeral services were held in the Columbia Cross Roads church on the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 26th, Rev. A. C. Cameron officiating.  The burial was in the family lot in Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Altus.   To the older people James Owen was well known for he was a farmer in Columbia Township for many years.  Here his family of three daughters grew up.  The present gereration did not know him so well for they only saw him now and then. Since the death of his wife and then breaking up of his own home some years ago it was his custom to spend the winters in the National Soldiers’ Home, Virginia, coming north when the songs of the spring birds were heard and the spring blossoms began to unfold.  He spent the summers with the families of his children whom he fondly loved.  He was a kindly, friendly, sunny man, a man with a smile for everybody, a man who loved his home, his family, his friends.  He loved his fellow men and was ever ready to help where help was needed.  His three daughters, Mrs. Beardsley and Mrs. Brown of Elmira and Mrs. C. E. Peckham of Columbia X roads, survive with a number of grandchildren and two great grandchildren.   He was just a little beyond seventy at the time of his death and was ill only a short time although he had been in failing health for a year or two past. TGR 1916

Local News) Miss Eunice Peckham of Columbia Cross Roads, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peckham, died Wednesday morning from pulmonary tuberculosis. She was a nurse and widely known and loved for her fine womanly qualities.  The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at 1:20 at the church at Columbia Cross Roads.  TGR 1922

 Samuel B. Rockwell of Mainesburg died Monday night of last week at 7:30 o’clock at Blossburg, aged 52 years.  He is survived by his widow; two daughters, the Misses Sylvia and Alice Rockwell, and a son Arren Rockwell, all of Mainesburg; one brother, B. J. Rockwell, of Mansfield; one nephew, B. Allen Rockwell of Coudersport; one aunt, Mrs. Mark Lefler, of Florida, and a number of cousins.  The funeral was held at the family home Thursday at 2 o’clock, the Rev. A. G. Cameron, of Sylvania, officiating; burial in the Altus cemetery near Sylvania. [Gladding Cemetery]

ROLOSON –LORRAINE ROLOSON LAWRENCE, 63 of RR 2, Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. died Monday, April 29, 1996 at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre.  She was born June 17, 1932 in Troy, Pa, daughter of Glenn and Ora Hager Roloson.  She was a member of the Sylvania Presbyterian Church, the Sylvania Ladies Aid and she was also a member of Columbia Grange.  She was employed at Troy Little Learners.  She is survived by her husband of 31 years, Robert Lawrence; daughters and sons-in-law, Dawn and Marco Tejada of Allentown, Kathleen and Victor Chaapel of Canton, Pa. and Carla and Doug Moss of Troy; grandchildren, Loran Roupp, Sara Jo Lewis, John and Jodi Roupp, Jason Foust, Christina Chaapel, Julie Chaapel, Lillian Moss; great-grandchildren, Ashley Roupp, Harley Roupp and Joey Roupp; brothers and sisters-in-law, Vernon and Barb Roloson of Towanda, Lawrence and Genevieve Roloson of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.; several nieces, nephews and cousins.  She was predeceased by a daughter, Lillian Bailey in 1976.  Friends may call at the Vickery funeral home Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m.  The funeral service will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at the Vickery Funeral home, Troy with the Rev. Jonathan Stanley officiating.  Burial will be in Sylvan Hill Cemetery, Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.  Memorials may be directed to the Sylvania Presbyterian Church or to the American Heart Association.  –Towanda Daily Review

SHERMAN, David B (SRGP 15079). - Thursday, January 30, 1906/8 - Resolutions of Respect - Whereas, The inevitable hand of death has been laid upon our Brother Past Master, David B. Sherman, removing from us one who has been a most faithful member of our Grange since its early organization, appreciating the principals of our Order and for many years attending the meetings regularly until failing health prevented. As a farmer he was industrious, interested in the scientific development of his calling and surrounding himself with its modern improvements. He was conscientious in all things and true to his convictions, of an honest, upright character, a public spirited citizen, a Christian gentleman, who so lived that his example may be safely followed by the rising generation. So ciable with old and young, he was a general favorite, and his society was sought by all who knew him. His voice so often raised in song and speech will be greatly missed in our meetings, for he was ready to respond when called upon for remarks, or for the music which he loved and that always gave pleasure to his listeners.

Resolved, That we shall mourn the loss of our brother and will cherish him memory; that we extend to his family our sincere sympathy and pray that the God of the widow and the fatherless may give them comfort.

Resolved, That our Charter be draped in mourning for thirty days and that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, C. E. Gladding, G. L. Gates, C. P. Shaw, Committee.

Adopted by Columbia Grange No. 83, on January 22, with the request that a copy be sent to the Gazett--ister for publication. Effie A. Alger

Troy, April 15—Mrs. Mertie Sweet Rockwell died Tuesday at midnight following an attack of pneumonia at her home in Gray’s Valley, aged ?? years.  She is survived by two daughters, the Misses Sylvia and Alice, teachers in Elmira schools and one son, Warren, at home; also one brother, Dummer Sweet of Sylvania, and a sister, Nan Sweet of Williamsport.  The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the home.  The Rev. A. G. Cimeron officiating.  Interment will be in the Gladding cemetery.

THOMPSON - Patricia Jean Carnright-Ludwig was peacefully born into eternity on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007 at her New York home in Cayuga, after a courageous short battle with cancer. She was the loving and devoted wife of Raymond H. Ludwig for three years and seven months. Patricia, fondly called PJ, enjoyed spending quality time with family and numerous friends, taking road trips in a restored classic sports car convertible or RV traveling, camping, reading, doing crossword challenges and puzzles, knitting, cooking, flower gardening, attending church, praying, counseling, walking, bowling, riding a tandem bicycle and not having to peddle, plus attempting to cross country ski. She was predeceased by her father and mother, George and Bertha Thompson; a brother, George Thompson, Jr.; and her first husband, Richard B. Carnright, Sr. she is survived by her husband, Raymond of Cayuga, NY; son, Richard (Saundra Tice) Carnright, Jr.; daughter, Sheila (Alan) Freeh; son, John Carnright; grandchildren: Ashley, Stephanie, Derek, Bradley, Garth all of Mansfield; brother, James (Alice) Thompson of Magnolia, Del.; sisters, Bonnie (Larry) Plumley, Shirley Dickinson of Elmira, NY; Itolene (Ron) Sutton of Greenville, SC, Berthamae (Bob) Yergeau of Pickens, SC; sisters-in-law, Darlene (Steve) Paul of Dolgeville, NY, Eileen (Paul) Totten of Venice, Fla.; mother-in-law, Thelma Watson Ludwig of Dolgeville, NY; and many nephews. Family and friends were invited to call on Monday, Jan. 29 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory and Monuments, PC, 637 S. Main St., Mansfield. Services were held directly after the calling hours at 7 p.m. with Patty’s preacher, Justin Campbell, officiating. Patricia’s body with privately be put at rest at the side of her first husband, Richard B. Carnright at Sylvan Hill (aka Gladding) Cemetery in Pennsylvania at the family’s convenience. In lieu of flowers, those wishing may make contributions to the Ludwig family, 1313 Powers Road, Cayuga, NY 13034, to assist in deferring medical or funeral expenses. - Mansfield Gazette, 31 January 2007

 Halsey Updyke died at his home in Rutland township, near Roseville, on Friday, November 22, after a brief illness.  He is survived by a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Joel Clark, of Lawton, Mich.; Mrs. Dummer Sweet, of Altus, Pa.; two grandchildren, Cecil and Mildred Sweet; a brother, H. C. Updyke, and a sister, Mrs. Nelson Tiers, both of  Sullivan.  Mr. Updyke was 73 years old, and had lived in Rutland all his lifetime.  Bright, happy and cheerful, he always carried sunshine wherever he went. He ever had a smile and a pleasant word for his friends.  He was always sincere and straightforward, a true companion, father and friend, and enjoyed the confidence of all who knew him.  He was tender of heart and possessed a strong sympathetic nature.  Mr. Updyke was unostentatious, and of his many kind deeds in time of sickness and other trouble which were performed for his friends, only a few became known.  Words of praise were ever on the lips of those who knew him best or had occasion to test his friendship.  In the death of Mr. Updyke, Rutland loses a good citizen, and memory of him will linger for many years to come.

WILLIAMS - Daily Review
Mary L. Williams Keltz, 55, of Canton died peacefully on Thursday Oct. 3, 2002, at the Williamsport Hospital. Mary was born on Jan. 2, 1947, in Canton. She was a daughter of Jennie Nenninger Williams and the late Milo Williams. Mary loved Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. She was a loving wife that can best be defined by Proverbs 31:10-31. Her husband and family will forever and dearly miss her until they meet again in the heavenly kingdom. In addition to her mother, Jennie of the McCallum Manor, Mrs. Keltz is survived by: her loving husband of 39 years, Dale A. Keltz; her daughters, Dalisa Ann of Miami, Fla., and Ruth Eileen of Largo, Fla.; and her granddaughters, Jessica, Jordan, Brooke and Caitlyn (baby to be). The family invites friends to call from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7, at the Pepper Funeral Home,  Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Burial will follow in the Sylvan Hill Cemetery. Memorials in Mary's name may be directed to the First Baptist Church, 49 E. Main St., Canton, Pa. 17724.  submitted by Carol HOOSE Brotzman

WOOD - ADALINE WOOD UPDYKE (SRGP 14251) was born in Rutland, Tioga county, Pa. February 21,1840 and died at the age of 88 years, 7 months and 16 days at her home in Sylvania on October 7, 1928. On May 15,1864 she married to Halsey Updyke, who died November 22, 1907. To this union was born three daughters: Loretta(Mrs J.H. Clark)of Sylvania.; Ada who died in childhood, and Edith (Mrs Dummer Sweet) also of Sylvania. Besides the above mentioned who survive, there are also two granddaughters, a grandson and a great grandson. Mrs Updyke was ill but a short time due to a serious fall. The past few years of her life were spent in Sylvania where her cheery smile won for her many friends to whom she was lovingly known as "Grandma" or "Aunt Ada. At an early age she embraced the religion of Jesus and united with the Baptist church in Roseville. While loving hands did all that human hands could do for a loved one, the Hand of God was more powerful, a beckoned her to her Heavenly Home, and we feel that if she could have talked her love and faith in the Divine would have led to say "Thy will be done" The funeral services were held at her home in Sylvania Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., Reverend Orey Crippen, Reverend A.G. Cameron, of Sylvania. Interment was in the Gladding cemetery. The pall bearers were her nephews: Oscar Tears, Herman Tears, Foster Updyke, Elmer Updyke, Anthony Benson and Elmer Shaw. The floral tributes were many and beautiful contributed (07 OCT 1928)


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