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William SPENCER Civil War Veteran

Submitted by Louise JOHNS Neu

  Generation No. 1

1. WILLIAM21 SPENCER (LYNDS OR LYNDES20, JEWETT19, ICHABOD18, JOSEPH17, JOSEPH16, WILLIAM15, GERARD14, GERARD13, MICHAEL12, JOHN11, JOHN10, JOHN9, ROBERT8, THOMAS7, HENRY G.6, THOMASDE5, NICHOLAS4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born Apr 08, 1839 in Union Twp, Tioga Cty., PA1,2, and died Mar 21, 1896 in Union Twp, Tioga Cty., PA3,4. He married MARY ADELINE DEVALL Sep 13, 1864 in home of Rev. I.B. Reynolds, Union Twp., Tioga Cty., PA5,6, daughter of STEPHEN DEVALL and LAURA WILLIAMS.


William Spencer was a Civil War Veteran.

William Spencer is a son of Lynds Spencer and was born in Union twn, April 9, 1839. He enlisted in Sept. 1862 in the 132nd PA volunteers for nine months re-enlisted in Sept 1864 in the 1st NY cavalry and served throught the war, and was wounded at Appomattox. Sept 13, 1864 he married Ada daughter of Stephen and Laura DeVoll. His children are Lizzie L., Stephen A., Mattie E., and Jack.

Mr. Spencer is a farmer and dairyman.

(Source: Union Township section of History of Tioga County, PA pub 1883)

William Spencer died at his home in Union township on Saturday March 21st, 1896, in the 57th year of his age. Death was caused by a complication of diseases which resulted from wounds received in the late war. He had faced death in many battles but was spared to live a useful life and die at last surrounded by loving friends. The deceased was born in Tioga county, PA, April 8, 1839, a son of Lynds and Betsy Spencer, both now deceased. He married Addie Duvall on Sept. 13, 1864. He is survived by his wife and three children: Lizzie wife of Hiram Leonard, Stephen and Mattie. Hr. Spencer was a private in Company C., 132nd PA V. I., 2nd A. C., and at the time of his enlistment at Canton, Pa., at the age of 24 years, in August, 1863, was engaged in farming. He was honorably discharged from his first enlistment April, 1864, at Harrisburg, Pa., and re-enlisted September, 1864, at Avon, NY, in Company B., 1st NY Dragoons. April 9, 1865, he received a severe wound in his left side at Appomattox, from which he had never recovered. He was taken to Jarvis hospital, at Baltimore, MD then transferred to Satterlee hospital, Philadelphia, where he remained two months. He fought at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Cedar Creek, Boonesboro, Petersburg, Five Forks, and numerous skirmishes in following up General Lee to Appomattox. He was granted his honorable discharge June 30th, 1865, at Satterlee hospital. He was a member of Ingham Post 91, of Canton, PA., the members of which acted as pall bearers and took charge of the remains. The funeral was held at his late residence and was largely attended, Rev. Delmont officiating. His remains were then borne to the Spencer burying ground, where they were tenderly laid to rest. Mention should be made of the floral tributes, which were very beautiful, and were contributed by friends from Troy, Canton and Roaring Branch. The music also was very appropriate and well rendered.

In Memoriam

Farewell, dear one, thou hast gone,

Unto the mansions of the dead,

And left thy earthly friends forlorn,

To mourn a kindred spirit fled.

But let those eyes of mine be dried,

Our loss is his immortal gain,

He reigns through the far-off skies,

Free from every care and pain.

The ills of life no more inspire

His grief-worn heart with pain or woe,

His dying groan has now retired,

His tears of grief have ceased to flow.

(Source: Obituary from unknown Newspaper)


Occupation: Farmer And Dairyman


Burial: Glenwood Cemetery, Troy?

Occupation: Housewife


i. LIZZIE L.22 SPENCER, b. Apr 18, 18667; d. Feb 14, 19277; m. HIRAM LEONARD, Apr 12, 18847.


Occupation: Of Leolyn

ii. STEPHEN A. SPENCER, b. Jan 24, 1872, Union Twn., Tioga Co. PA7,8; d. Mar 08, 19129,10; m. LOTTIE FRANCIS BUNN, May 10, 1893, Elmira, Chemung Cty, NY11,12,13.


Burial: Ogdensburg

iii. MARTHA (MATTIE E.) SPENCER, b. Jan 20, 187614; d. Dec 30, 195414; m. (1) R. G. LANDON; m. (3) THOMAS STULL, Nov 25, 189614.

More About R. G. LANDON:

Record Change: Jun 24, 1996


Occupation: Of Troy

iv. JACK SPENCER, b. Jul 04, 188014; d. Jul 30, 188614.


1. Spencer Family Bible.

2. Obituary - Unknown paper and date.

3. Spencer Family Bible.

4. Obituary - Unknown paper and date.

5. Spencer Family Bible.

6. Obituary - Unknown paper and date.

7. Spencer Family Bible.

8. Hand written sheet found in family papers.

9. Spencer Family Bible.

10. Hand written sheet found in family papers.

11. original Marriage Certificate.

12. Spencer Family Bible.

13. Hand written sheet found in family papers.

14. Spencer Family Bible.

William Spencer private, Capt. Townsend’s 132 Reg’t Pa. Inf. (This organization subsequently became Co. C, 132 Reg’t Pa. Inf.) Age 23 years. Company Muster-in Roll Harrisburg Aug 11, 1862, Joined for duty and enrolled When: July 25, 1862 Where: Canton, Bradford Co. PA Period: 9 months Remarks: Bounty $25.00 Prem $2.00.

William Spencer musician, Co. C., 132 Reg’t Pa, Inf April 10, 1863.

William Spencer musician, Co. C., 132 Reg’t Pa, Inf Age 23 years. Company Muster-out Roll dated Harrisburg Pa May 24, 1863 Muster-out to date May 24, 1863 Last Paid to: Feb 28, 1863, am’t for cloth’g in kind or money adv’d $37.57 Remarks: $2.00 prem. Due.

Source: Military Record from National Archives.

To all whom it may concern – wounded in action at Appomattox Station, VA April 9, 1865, know ye that William Spencer a Private of Captain Justus F. Coy Company "B" First Regiment of New York Dragoons volunterrs, who was enrolled on the sixth day of September one thousand eight hundred and sixty four (1864) to serve one years or during the war, is hereby discharged from the service of the United States this twenty-ninth day of June 1865, at Philadelphia Pennsylvania by reason directions from War Department dated May 3d, 1865. Said William Spencer was born in Union in the State of Pennsylvania is twenty six years of age five feet six inches high, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, and by occupation when enrolled a farmer. Given at Philadelphia, Penn’a this twenty ninth day of June 1865. E.S. Stratton Capt. V.R.D.

Source: Pension Record from National Archives.

William Spencer had no death certificate so when his wife tried to get a pension she had a lot of paperwork that had to be filed. I have received over 20 pages of pension information from the National Archives and they state that there are 98 pages more of information in Williams files. I’m still deciding whether to send for them. The following people made statements as to their knowledge of William Spencer that I received from his pension file. Clarence Landon of Gleason age 49 years in June 1896, Mrs. Electa A. Randall of Canton age 46 in June 1896, Patrick Wynne of Canton age 67 years in May 1896 (he states he lived in Union since 1842), Henry H. Spencer of Canton age 55 in June 1896 (he states he is a cousin of William and visited him when he was in the 132nd it reads like he was in the service too.) Mr M. Stone (signed Mortimer Stone) of Canton age 67 years in May 1896 (he states he lived in Union from about 1850 to 1895) D. N. Peet of Gleason, Union Twp. Age 57 in Mar 1893 (he states that he is currently Postmaster at Gleason, PA)

Source: Pension Record from National Archives.