Elmira Star Gazette 17 AUG 1917
Educational Gathering Enjoyed Under Direction of Rufus Stanley at
the Federation Building.
A meeting was held in the Federation building yesterday afternoon
under the direction of Rufus Stanley. It was to devise ways of aiding
in the Food Conservation campaign. Herbert C. Way of the Food Conservation
Committee of the Home Defense was present and explained how a canning club
or clubs could aid in the work.
About 40 girl scouts were present and formed a canning club,
which will be instructed by Miss Carr. This class will meet next
week, Wednesday, at the Federation. A canning club of about 40 women
was also formed, to be called the “Thrift Club of the Home
Defense Committee.” This club will be under the direction
of Mrs. M. L. Decker and will meet next Tuesday at the Federation at 2