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In World War One, home raising and preserving of food was publicized as
a solution to make more resources available to the military and to the
war effort. It was widely practiced throughout the nation, both in rural
areas and in cities and villages as well. One article tells of Victory
Gardens planted in the right of ways of the railroad tracks. Every bit
of food that the citizenry could raise for themselves and by themselves
helped reduce the burden on the rest of the infrastructure. The booklets
from which these illustrations were scanned give directions on growing
and preserving garden fruits and vegetables by a variety of methods. they
promote patriotism and the war effort as reasons for doing so. They are
actually still useful to today's home gardener. If any of you have stories
you'd like included about Victory Gardens, please send them to me for inclusion
on this page.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/08/2003 By Joyce M. Tice Email:
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