Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Revolutionary Soldiers of the Tri-Counties
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tioga County, Pennsylvania

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Postcard of Sullivan's Monument at Newtown Battlefield in Chemung County
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A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services

Washington, USA

Blair & Rives  1841
County Township Names of pensioners for revolutionary or military services Ages Names of heads of families with whom pensioners resided June 1, 1840
Pennsylvania - Western District
Tioga Jackson George Dill 87 Samuel D. Wright
Tioga Jackson John Lefler 85 Mary Lefler
Tioga Middleburg Jesse Lowey 79 Jesse Lowey
Tioga Wellsboro Israel Greenleaf 74 Israel Greenleaf
Tioga Wellsboro Mary Waklee 72 John Waklee
Tioga Tioga Harvis Hotchkiss 76 Harris Hotchkiss
Tioga Tioga Mercy Wright 76 J. N. Wright
Tioga Elkland Oliver Phelps 75 Oliver Phelps
Tioga Elkland Samuel Tubbs 85 Benjamin Tubbs
Tioga Westfield John Hyler 76 John Hyler
Tioga Rutland Jacob Cummings 67 Levi Osgood
Tioga Rutland Andrew Sharp 75 Andrew Sharp
Tioga Sullivan Abraham Westbrook 78 Abraham Westbrook
Tioga Sullivan Jeremiah Rumsey 77 Jeremiah Rumsey
Tioga Charleston Samuel Van Gorden 76 Chancy Terry
Tioga Charleston Hannah Dart 82 Agnes Dart
Tioga Deerfield Thomas Cumings 82 Thoms Cumings
Tioga Deerfield Christopher Schoonover 77 Christopher Schoonover
Tioga Brookfield Godfrey Bowman 47 Godfrey Bowman
Bradford Asylum Henry W. Cornelius 81 H. W. Cornelius
Bradford Asylum John Wood 86 John Wood, Jun.
Bradford Asylum Anthony Vanderpool 95 Henry Pool, Jun.
Bradford Burlington David Campbell 72 David Campbell
Bradford Burlington Jacob Scouten 85 William Nicholls, Jr.
Bradford Burlington Alexander Lane 78 Alexander Lane
Bradford Burlington Benjamin Bosworth 85 John Haythorn
Bradford Canton Noah Wilson 79 Noah Wilson
Bradford Columbia Asa Howe 80 Asa Howe
Bradford Columbia Joanna Corey 84 Ebenezer Corey
Bradford Columbia John Budd 77 John Budd
Bradford Columbia Oliver Canfield 78 Oliver Canfield
Bradford Columbia Anna M. McClelland 80 Peter McClelland
Bradford Granville John Putnam 72 Lyman Putnam
    New York - Northern District    
Chemung Big Flats William Mapes 79 Elijah Mapes
Chemung Big Flats Frederick Vaughn 72 Wm. F. Reeder
Chemung Catherines George Brink 80 George Brink
Chemung Catherines Noah Agard 85 Levi Beardsley
Chemung Catherines John Cooper 87 Aaron Cooper
Chemung Catherines Joseph Frost 85 Eli C. Frost
Chemung Catherines Jonathan Hitchcock 79 Jonathan Hitchcock
Chemung Catherines Israel Lee 81 John S. Lee
Chemung Catherines Levi Sylvester 85 Levi Sylvester
Chemung Catherines John Mitchell 82 John Mitchell, Jr.
Chemung Chemung Daniel Van Campen 79 Daniel Van Campen
Chemung Chemung James Green 90 James Green
Chemung Chemung Jacob Decker 84 Jacob Decker
Chemung Cayuta Abraham Losey 73 Abraham Losey
Chemung Catlin Samuel Shoemaker 79 J. M. Shoemaker
Chemung Dix Mary Rosengrant 76 Tunis Voorhees
Chemung Dix Ebenezer Smith 79 Ebenezer Smith
Chemung Erin Richard Andrews 76 Richard Andrews
Chemung Elmira James B. Decker 102 Pamelia Decker
Chemung Elmira Silas Hall 84 Joshua Hall
Chemung Elmira Theodore Norton 76 Theodore Norton
Chemung Elmira James Swartwood 93 Benj. Smith
Chemung Elmira Jonathan Sturdevant 79 Jonathan Sturdevant
Chemung Elmira Benjamin Woodward 76 Benj. Woodward
Chemung Southport John Carr 83 Nathan Carr
Chemung Southport Edward Comfort 78 Edward Comfort
Chemung Southport John Fitz Simmons 79 John Fitz Simmons
Chemung Southport David Griswold 79 David Griswold
Chemung Southport Eleanor Hass 77 Wm. Jenkins
Chemung Southport Sarah McCormick 72 Abraham Miller
Chemung Southport Samuel Nichols 76 Samuel Nichols
Chemung Southport Ezekiel Rhodes 86 Ezekiel Rhodes
Chemung Southport Nathan Sayre 92 Nathan Sayre
Chemung Veteran Joshua Kendall 79 Joshua Kendall
Chemung Veteran Ichabod Meeker 90 Elijah Meeker
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 28 DEC 2006
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M  Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 28 DEC 2006 

Submitted by Louise JOHNS Neu