The Warren Gillett - Martha Ensley Family

From History of Sheshequin 1777-1902; Heverly; pub.1902; Towanda, Pa; pp. 181-183

Submitted by Pat HITTLE Gore

This page is part of the Tri-County GenealogySites by Joyce M. Tice

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Warren GILLETT, a native of Granville, Mass, and a brother of Dr. Zadoc GILLETT, joined his brother in the new settlement in 1819. He made the following record of his removal: "October 1, 1819, this day moved with my family into the town of Sheshequin after a tiresome journey of 250 miles from the town of Granville, in Masschusetts, and settled on the highlands in the 35th year of my age. W. GILLETT." Mr GILLETT had received an excellent education, and for eight years taught school in the city of New York. He returned to Massachusetts to care for his aged parents, and after the death of his father the old farm was sold to furnish means to purchase "cheap, rich lands in the new country of the West." His aged mother, Rebecca, came to Sheshequin with him. He purchased an improvement and settled on the place now including the farms of his son, Rosseter, and granddaughter, Mrs. Horace HORTON. Here he lived and toiled till the close of his life. He also taught school after coming to Sheshequin. Mr. Gillett was born May 12, 1784; married July 29, 1809, to Martha ENSLEY of New Jersey; died September 29, 1840. Martha, his wife, was born February 22, 1781; died August 4, 1855. Their children were: Lewis Bachus, Warren Ensley, Martha Emaline, Darwin Tyron and Rosseter. Lewis B., born May 12, 1812, in New York City; married Jemima daughter of Caleb SHORES; lived on the farm now occupied by his sons, Bird and Burton; died December 17, 1893. W. Ensley, born July 8, 1814, in Massachusetts; married Sarah E., daughter of Elijah TOWNSEND of Rome; occupied a part of the homestead farm; died September 9, 1897. Martha E., born January 14, 1817, in Massachusetts; married Hiram SAUNDERS of Waverly, N.Y.; died August 16, 1848. Darwin T., born August 15, 1821, in Sheshequin; married Viana, daughter of Jeremiah KILMER; lived on the farm now occupied by his son, Allen; died March 22, 1882. Rosseter, born February 20, 1826, in Sheshequin; married Mary A., daughter of Elijah TOWNSEND, occupies a part of the farm on which he was born.

For Burials of GILLETT family check the Hornbrook Cemetery.

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