Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Directories of Chemung County, New York
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Table of Contents 1917 Directory
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FOR 1917


Jennings, Uriah, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Chemung nr Erie R R station

Jessup, William L, cleaning and pressing h Broad

Johnson, Frank B, gardener, h 53 Steuben

Johnson, George H, emp Wildi Condensery Co, bds 53 Steuben

Johnson, Henry W, fruits and vegetables, h 7 Orchard

Jones, Frances, wid Henry, h Division

Jones, Frank K, agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co h W Franklin

Jones, Harry B, tel opr P R R, h 4 Eleanor

Jones, Minor Mrs, bds Hulett

Jones William F, physician Grand Central ave h do

Judson, Clayton L, coal dealer, res 47 Main

Judson E B, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Sayre cor Hulett

Judgson, Elmer B, lab h Sayre cor Hulett

Judson, Ida H wid Cardwell, res Hulett cor Sayre

Kellogg, George E, student, res 147 S Main

KELLOGG, Jess S, Instr Meeker’s Business School, h 147 S Main

Kennedy, Katherine, wid Charles, h 57 Carroll

Kent, Alice M, res S Pine

Kimmich John G, bakery, h Main nr L V R R

King, Eliza Mrs, res Carroll

King, Walter C, district supt county schools h Broad

Kinley, Charles H, retired, h 40 Main

Kinley, Ward H, flour and feed mill h 38 Grand Central ave

Kiser, Harry, farmer, h Ithaca nr L V R R

Krom, Marjorie A Mrs h Eleanor nr Broad

Kuhn, William, carp, h Broad

Latour, Ira H, vice-pres Wildi Condensory Co, res Columbus, Ohio

Lattin, Carrie, emp Queen City Knitting Mill res Pine

Lattin, Frank L milk peddler, h 139 N Main

Lattin, Fred, emp Kinley’s feed mill res Pine

Lattin, George, h Pine

Lattin, William G, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Pine

Lawrence, Harry R, emp Wildi Condensery Co, res 17 Mill

Lawrence, John A, emp C W Bishop Garage bds 17 Orchard

Lawrence, William R, barber, h 17 Mill

Lee, George, (Dean & Lee) h Eleanor

Lee, George (Dean & Lee) grist mill, h Eleanor nr John

Leet, Clifford F D, physician, h 25 Broad

Legg, Charles, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 60 Steuben

Leister, Ethel M Mrs emp Elmira Knitting Mill, res S Main cor Sayre

Leonard, James, propr Park Hotel Elmira, h 11 E Mill

Levinson, Hannah, wid Jacob, res Grand Central ave

Lewis, Herson J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Pine

Lewis, Mae L, teacher, res Pine

Lewis, Mary J, wid Obadiah, h 56 Steuben

Lewis, Rhea L, teacher, res Pine

Loomis, Lorin J, lab, h North

Longwell, Matthew, retired, h 54 Carroll

Loven, Leon Carl, clerk Erie R R freight h Center

Lutz, Wilheim Mrs, h Gardner

Lynch, Joseph F, clerk American Bridge Co, h Fletcher

Lynch, John, emp Standard Oil Co, h Orchard nr Grand Central ave

Lynch, John H, machinist N Y Transit Co, h Orchard

Lynch, Matthew, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Fletcher

Lynch, Minnie, chief opr N Y Tel Co, res & Mill

Lynes, Charles E, farmer, h 66 Grand Central ave

Lyon, Frederick C, plumber, h Sayre cor Center

Lyon, Raymond A, plumber, res Sayre cor Center

Macatee, Elmer, emp brick yard, res Broad

Macatee, Frank, teamster, res Broad

Macatee, Fred, emp brick yard, res Broad

Macatee, Sarah Mrs, h Broad

Macatee, Thomas, emp Colwell livery, res Broad

MacDonald, Frederick J, emp P R R, res Westlake


MacDonald, Harry, emp American Bridge Co, h Westlake

MacDonald, John S, emp American Bridge Co, h Sayre

MacDonald, Julette, wid James, res Sayre

MacDonald, Robert J, clerk A & P Tea Co, res Sayre nr Hulett

MacDonald, Alonzo, chief engr Wildi Condensery Co, h Eleanor nr Orchard

MacFarlane, John, h S Main nr Chemung

MacFarlane Margaret, res S Main nr Chemung

Magee, Edward, lab, bds Elenor nr Broad

Mahaney, Daniel F, gardner, h Ithaca nr L V R R

Maloney, Daniel, emp American Bridge Co, h N Main

Maloney, Edward, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res N Main

Maloney, Esther, res N Main

Mallory, Frank M, gardner, h 81 Westlake

Malloy, James M, emp P R R, h 31 Carroll

Malloy, Mary, dressmaker, res 31 Carroll

Manning, Clara, res 81 S Main

Manning, Fred, painter and paper hanger, h 81 S Main

Manning, George B, poormaster, h 22 Main

Mantie, Robert, farmer, h S Main

Marshall, Carrie, wid Major A, h Fletcher

Marshall, Delia, wid Henry, h Fletcher

Marshall, Edward S, emp Wildi Condensery Co, res Fletcher

Marshall, Joseph, emp Platt House, res do

Marshall, Levi, supt Consolidated Brick Co, h Grand Central ave cor Fletcher

Marshall, Samuel, emp Winchester Optical Co, res Fletcher

Martin, Leroy, bkkpr Winchester Optical Co, h 26 Broad

Martin, Lillian E, nurse , res 23 Mill

MASONIC HALL, N Main nr Franklin

Mateficek, Blanche A, domestic res Grand Central ave cor Mill

Matthews, Archie H, salesman Dean & Lee, h Grand Central ave cor Sayre

Matthews, Etta, wid Lynn, h Grand central ave cor Sayre

Mathews, Frank A, carp, h 135 S Main

Mathews, Frank L, pres and treas Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h 20 Main

MATTOON, VIRGIL W REV, retried, h Pine cor Sayre

Maxwell, Andrew J, sheet metal contractor John nr Main h Pine cor Sayre

McCann, Jacob concrete dealer, h 57 Carroll

McCann, Raymond T, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, h S Pine

McClain, Robert B, molder Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h Perry nr Grand Central ave

McCleary, James (McCleary’s Garage) Grand Central ave cor Chemung, h Pine cor Sayre

McCleary, Maxwell, tinner, res Pine cor Sayre

McCleary, Richard C, (McCleary’s Garage) Grand Central ave cor Chemung, res Pine cor Sayre

McCollister, Merle, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Hulett

McCormick, Anna, bds 68 Grand Central ave

McDermott, Thomas, lab, h Broad

McDonald, Mary, wid David, h Division

McDougall, Alonzo, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h 10 Eleanor

McDowell, Albert, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, res 37 Broad

McDowell, Lola, res 37 Broad

McDowell, Varnum P, farmer, h 37 Broad

McDuffee, Charles W, farmer, h S Main nr Chemung

McElligott, Michael, retired h Westlake

McGee, Jay, engr brick yard h W Franklin

McMillan, Julia, wid Charles H res 203 Chemung

McNeff, Agnes, nurse, res John

McNeff, Catherine, stenogr E W L & R R Co, res John

McNeff, Helen, teacher, res John

McNiff, Martin J, clerk John nr Main res John nr P R R

McNish, William H carp, h Center


McNish, Edward, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res N Main

McNish, Josiah, teamster state road, h Broad nr Main

McNish, Katherine Mrs, h N Main

McQueen, Hugh H clerk A L F E Co, lr 88 W Franklin

Messing, Henry A (Thomas & Messing) h Hulett

Miller, Ayers Mrs, h 97 S Main

Miller, Chase H, gardener, h 24 Stueben

Miller, George, emp Elmira Knitting Mill, res 97 S Main

Miller, George A, emp garage Franklin cor Grand Central ave, h John

Miller, Hazel C, res 97 S Main

Minthorn, Robert E, supt Wildi Condensery Co, h Orchard

Mitchell, Florence, emp Queen City Knitting Mill, res Sayre cor Center

Monroe, Homer B, farmer, h E Franklin, Hoffman farm

Montgomery, John F, pres Wildi Condensery Co, res Columbus, Ohio

Moore, C Adella, res S Main cor Chemung

Moore, Charles G, engr, h 17 Mill

Moore, George M, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, res S Pine

Moore, Lloyd D, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, res S Pine

Moore, Morris B, billiards and cigars, h S Main cor Chemung

Morgan, Enos P, lab, h Ryant block Main cor John

Morgan, Err L, engraver Elmira Telegram, h 65 Broad

Morgan, Galen B, sec Horseheads Construction Co, h Sayre cor S Pine

MOSHER BUILDING, N Main cor Ithaca

Mosher, Harold W, student, res S Main nr Chemung

Mosher, Lewis E, lawyer 226 E Water, Elmira, h S Main nr Chemung

Moss, E Louise, res W Franklin

Moss, Frank, foreman brick yard, h W Franklin

Mudge, Stephen, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds E Franklin, Hoffman farm

Mulford, George L, editor Chemung Valley Reporter, h 44 Main

Mullen, James, emp American Bridge Co, h E Franklin bey Hoffman farm

Munday, Arthur M, emp Standard Oil Co, res 41 Center

Munday, Elbert C, carrier R D No 1, h 41 Center

Murphy, Dennis D tel opr P R R, h Grand Central ave cor Broad

Murphy, Ella, h Broad

Murphy, Francis L, student, bds Steuben nr P R R

Murphy, John C, real estate and Farming, h 160 S Main

Murphy, Julia M teleph opr, bds Steuben nr P R R

Murphy, Michael, state game protector, h Steuben nr P R R

Myers, Bertha W, wid Edward M, h Grand Central ave

Myers, Earl C, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h 20 Orchard

Myers, Edward M, salesman Heher bakery, res Grand Central ave

Myers, Thurszay Mrs, wid Abraham, h Grand Central ave

Myers, W W vice-pres and sec Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h Fletcher

Myers, Walter H, dry goods and variety store Main nr John, h 52 Main

Myers, Walter H, (Myers Bros) grocery, h 52 Main cor Mill

Myers, William W, vice-pres and sec Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h 54 Steuben

Nahouse, W H, shoe store 20 Main h do

Neish, Isabelle C, student, res 31 Broad

Neish, Johnson H, emp W E Tuttle lmbr Co, h 31 Broad

Neish, Ruth L, teacher, res 31 Broad

Nelson, Lester E, lab res Broad cor Center

NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO, N Main cor Franklin

NEW YORK TRANSIT CO, Z S Green foreman, crude oil pumping staion Chemung, West Junction

Newcomb, Harriett, teacher, res Pine

Newton, Alice Mrs, dressmaker, h 97 W Franklin

Newton, Charles W, carp, h 71 Main

Newton, Lloyd F, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Broad

Nichols, Bessie M, clerk Burgess & Whitenack, res 71 Center

Nichols, Charles N, emp Winchester Optical Co, res 71 Center

Nichols, Ella, trained nurse, h Carroll

Nichols, Harriett A, stenogr Hygeia Co, res 71 Center

Nichols, Henry C, blacksmith 23 Franklin, h 31 do


Nichols, John W, clerk E VanOrsdale & Co, Elmira, h 20 Steuben

Nichols, Patrick F, student, bds Grand Central ave

Nichols, Paul E, music teacher, res 31 W Franklin

Nichols, Tressa A, wid Burr, h 71 Center

Noble, Roy H, emp American Bridge Co, h Tuttle cor E Mill

Northrup, Samuel D, teamster W E Tuttle Lbr Co, h Adam nr W E Tuttle Lbr Co

Northway, Casper, fireman Standard Oil Co, bds 203 Chemung

Nortwick, Emma, h Main cor Orchard

O’Dea, Michael, asst engr N Y Transit Co, h 309 W Fifth, Elmira

O’Connor, Edward, fireman N Y Transit Co, h Chemung, West Junction

O’Connor, William H, mgr Horseheads Shoe Co, res 46 Steuben

O’Connor, William H, jr. student, res 46 Steuben

Ormiston, Harry, emp Dean & Lee, h Eleanor nr John

Ormiston, James M, carp, h Syre

Osborn, Amanda, h John

Osborn, George, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Westlake nr Main

Osborn, George H, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Westlake nr P R R

Osman, Earl F, com trav, h 36 Fletcher

Osman, Ida L, wid George, h Grand Central ave cor Fletcher

Osman, Olin E, cam trav, res Grand Central ave, cor Fletcher

Ostrander, George, agent Prudential ins Co, h Ithaca, nr L V R R

Paganelle, Frank, emp Erie R R, h Lackawanna ave, West Junction

Palmer, Fred D, farmer, h E Franklin nr Hoffman farm

Park, Charles M, watchman N Y Transit Co, h Fletcher

Park, Charles M, market gardener, h Fletcher

Park, J W, (Park & Brown) livery and taxicab, h Eleanor nr John

Park, James M, (Park & Brown), h Ithaca nr L V R R

Park, Judson, lab, h Grand Central ave cor Perry

Park, Mae L, dressmaker, res Fletcher

Parke, James E, emp Int. Harvester Co, h 7 Main

Parks, Thomas S, com trav, h 69 Carroll

Parks, William, h 51 Steuben

Patten, Mary Mrs. cook Platt House, res do

Patterson, Leon L, sign artist, res S Main

Payne, Betsy, res N Main

Payne, George W, machinist A L F E Co, res N Main

Payne, Ira B, mason, h N Main

Peck, Jessie B, retired, h 14 Orchard

Perkins, Edward A, retired h 47 Center

Perkins, Frances J, stenogr Winchester Optical Co, res 6 N Main

Perkins, John A, pres Winchester Optical Co, h 6 N Main

Perkins, William L, pres and treas Horseheads Construction Co, h S Main

Perry, Albert C, res 62 Grand Central ave

Perry, Edward, emp brick yard, h N Main

Perry, Henry E, mail carrier res Tuttle nr Mill

Perrin, Mary L Mrs, res 123 S Main

Perry, Mary A, wid Samuel, h Tuttle nr E Mill

Personius, Erma J, student, res N Main

Personius, Nellie V Mrs, h N Main

Personius, Nina R, res N Main

Peterson, Benjamin, farmer, h Franklin bey Hoffman farm

Peterson, Charles F, farmer, res W Franklin

Peterson, John M, gardener, h W Franklin

Phiffer, Hattie, wid Jacob, res S Pine

Phillips, William V, telegh opr P R R, h 75 Center

Pinckney, Ada Mrs, h S Main nr L V R R

Pinckney, Edwin B, electrician D L Georgia & Sons, h Main cor Sayre

Pierce, James, retired, h 57 Steuben

Piercey, Sybil, bkkpr Wildi Condensery Co, bds 31 Broad

Platt A, Rufus, res Platt House

Platt, Jerome R, propr Platt House, res do

Prentice, Carrie P, wid Edward A, res W Mill

Prentice, Edith M, teacher, res W Mill

Prentice, Edward A, retired, h 56 Steuben


Prentice, Frank T, emp E W L & R R Co, h Fletcher cor Pine

Price, Lena M, res 5 Tuttle

Price, Phylena, h Eleanor nr Broad

Pollen, William, h Main cor Franklin

Potter, Bert, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Eleanor nr Orchard

Quinn, Patrick, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Broad nr cemetery

Randall, Uba, lab, h Lackawanna ave cor Sayre

Randolph, Samuel B, bar clerk, 117 Lake, Elmira, h Broad

Rarrick, Anna M, wid William, h Grand Central ave

Rarrick, Nellie E, teacher, res Grand Central ave

Reeves, Charles L, machinist Reeves Machine Works, h 77 S Main

Reeves, Charles S, (Reeves Machine Works) h 96 S Main

Reeves, George, machinist Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h 111 W Franklin

Reider, Fred, farm hand E Franklin, bds do

Relyea, John, painter and paperhanger, h Grand Central ave

Reynolds, Harry J, emp Horseheads Creamery Co, h Eleanor cor Broad

Reynolds, William D, emp American Bridge Co, h W Mill

Rice, Anna B, h S Main

Rickey, Huldah, wid Mordecai, res 50 Steuben

Rickey, Mort W, farmer, h 79 Westlake

Riddell, Edith, res Platt House

Riley, Crete, emp Elmira Knitting Mill, res E Mill nr L V R R

Riley, Louise Mrs, h E Mill nr L V R R

Riley, Margaret, emp Elmira Knitting Mill, res E Mill nr L V R R

Risley, George D, printer Chemung Valley Reporter, h John

Risley, Ruth M, res John

Roberts, Chester J, chauffeur, res Broad

Roberts, Clayton J, clerk Seeley’s grocery, res Broad

Roberts, Samuel S, emp American Bridge Co, h Broad

Rockett, George, lab h Westlake nr P R R

Rockwell, Blanche, clerk, res Grand Central ave cor Steuben

Rockwell, George W, hardware N Main nr Ithaca, h Grand Central ave cor Steuben

Rockwell, Walter V, U S A, res Grand Central ave cor Steuben

Rodbourn, Charles, clerk Barker Rose & Clinton Co, Elmira, h Main cor Mill

Roe, Charles F, emp A S B Co, res 21 Sayre

Roe, Lydia F, wid Charles F, res 21 Sayre

Roff, Harry, porter Platt House, res do

Rogan, Frank J, electrician Elmira Foundry Co, h S Main

Rogers, Clarence, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h Westlake nr P R R

Rogers, Eleanor, teacher, res Westlake nr P R R

Rogers, Lorena, teleph opr, res Westlake nr P R R

Rosar, Christie J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Perry

Rosar, Jacob J, farmer, h Broad

Rosar, John R, emp Horseheads Construction Co, h Orchard

Rose, Anna L, res 15 Hulett

Rose, Clara, res W Mill

Rose, Lewis J, molder, h Hulett

Rose, Lily, res W Mill

Rose, Sidney L, com trav, h 15 Hulett

Rose, William, wagon maker, h W Mill

Rose, William, blacksmith, h Westlake

Rosencrans, Ely H, foreman P R R, h 55 Steuben

Rosencrans, Judson, bds 55 Steuben

Sayers, Louis T, meat market, h Steuben nr Grand Central ave

Sayles, Guy, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h 24 Eleanor

Sayre, Charles Holden, clerk Willys-Morrow Co, h S Pine

Schaffner, John E, emp Wildi-Condersery Co, rms 36 W Franklin

Schenck, Daniel, emp Standard Oil Co, res Grand Central ave

Schenck, Daniel C, fireman N Y Transit Co,, bds Grand Central ave

Scott, Clair, bkkpr Consolidated Brick Co, res Fletcher cor Center

Scott, Eliza Mrs, h Westlake

Scott, Emmett, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Fletcher cor Center


Scott, Mabel, res Fletcher cor Center

Seamon, Georgianna, wid John D, h Sayre

Seamon, John D jr, molder, res Sayre

Seeley, Alden G, grocery, res Main

Seeley, Lewis, emp Wildi Condensery Co, res 31 Main

Seeley, Alden G, grocery, h Main cor Orchard

Sellard, William, emp Shriver’s garage, res 561 W Thurston, Elmira

Shane, Harry S, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h 10 Tuttle

Shanley, John, emp Standard Oil Co, h 105 S Main

Shanley, John C, tel opr, h Main

Shappee, B Olina, student, res 25 Sayre

Shappee, Ethel M, teacher, res 25 Sayre

Sharp, verne A, butcher, h Westlake nr N Main

Shay, James P, tel opr, h Grand Central ave

Shay, Margaret, housekeeper, res 7 E Mill

Shepard, Francis Mrs, h 24 Eleanor

Shepard, George H R, emp N Y tel Co, h 69 John

Shepard, William A, res 52 Grand Central ave

Shepard, William A jr, decorator and paperhanger, h 52 Grand Central ave

Sherman, Flora, wid William, h Hulett

Sherman, John H, emp Eclipse Machine Co, res Hulett

Sherman, Laura, res Hulett

Shoats, Lottie, wid James, h 21 Pine

Shriver, Raymond O, emp McCleary garage, h 55 Steuben

Shults, Earl, florist, h Broad

Simmons, Erwin W, grocery, h Chemung

Simpkins, Bert D, agent L V R R, h Pine

Simpkins, Clara L, student, res S Pine

Slavin, Lavina A, teleph opr N Y Tel co, res 27 Mill

Slavin, May F, student, res 27 Mill

Slavin, William J, vice-pres Winchester Optical Co, h 27 Mill

Slayton, Martha J, res 75 Center

Smith, Alice M, wid Judson A, res 50 Steuben

Smith, Alvin J, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Westlake

Smith, Benjamin C, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Adam nr Main

Smith, Bernice M, res Adam nr Main

Smith, Charles, emp Fold Easy Mfg Co, bds Fletcher

Smith, Charles D, retired, h 23 Mill

Smith, Fred M, mgr Wildi Condensery Co, res Adam, nr Main

SMITH, HARRY W, pastor First Presbyterian Church, h 10 Fletcher

Smith, Helen M, wid Henry, res W Mill

Smith, Leroy, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Sayre

Smith, William, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Center

Solometo, John, junk dealer, h S Main cor Mill

Solometo, Louis, emp brick yard, h North

Solometo, Thomas, emp brick yard, h North

Somerville, John, barber, h 331 E Water, Elmira

SOPER, M A REV, pastor M E Church, h 10 Orchard

Spear, Cora L, res 9 E Mill

Spencer, Constance J, teacher, res 35 Center

Spencer, Henry D, mgr W E Tuttle Lbr Co, h 35 Center

Stamp, Benjamin F, farmer, h Chemung nr Erie R Rstation

Staples, Harold L, draftsman VanName & Case, res John

Steffen, William A, farmer, h Main nr Franklin

Steffen, William A Mrs, restaurant Main nr Franklin, h do

Steiger, Joseph, (Steiger & Son) barber, h E Franklin nr Hoffman farm

Steiger, Leon J, (Steiger & Son) barber, h 35 Sayre

Steiger, Ollie J, (Steiger & Son) barber, h E Franklin nr Hoffman farm

Stenehorn, Paul, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Broad

Stepfield, Calstic wid Daniel h 11 Mill

Sterling, Ray, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 27 Sayre

Sterling, William H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Pine

Stewart, Richard E, emp N Y Transit Co, h Chemung

Stow, Deli F, carp, h 20 Steuben

Stow, Ina T, tel opr, res 20 Steuben


Stow, May E, asst bkkpr Eclipse Machine Co, res 20 Steuben

Stowell, Gertrude Mrs, res Westlake, cor North

Stooks, Henry G, emp A L F E Co, h Lackawanna ave

Strait, Curtis M, molder, h Westlake nr P R R

Streeter, Howard C, printer, H Division nr Franklin

Streeter, Lillian, res Division nr Franklin

Sullivan, Bridget Mrs, h Broad

Sullivan, Margaret, res Broad

Swain, Clinton F, contractor, h 102 S Main

Swain, Morey G, res 102 S Main

Swan, Eliasha, emp Rockwell Hardware Co, h N Main

Swan, Ervin B, lab, h North

Swan, Frank, h North

Swan, Fred, lab, h Division

Swarthout, John, emp Wildi Condensery Co, bds 30 W Franklin

Swartout, Egbert W, molder, res 96 S Main

Swartout, John, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h John

Sweet, Emma A, wid Thaddeus S, h 136 S Main

Taber, Charles F, assessor, h Mill cor Center

Tabor, Jesse L, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Fletcher cor Pine

Talmage, S A Mrs, h 2 Main

Taylor, George, emp American Bridge Co, h North

Taylor, W E, cemetery commissioner, h John

Tenny, Arlie, res Sayre

Tenny, Clinton D, carp D L & W R R, h Sayre

Tenny, Roy, machinist, res Sayre

Terry, Clarence, lab, bds Center

Terwilliger, Hannah Mrs, h Westlake

Thomas, Lauren, (Thomas & Messing) gents furnishings, h 40 Grand Central ave

Thompson, Frank T, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h 19 Sayre

Thompson, James H, bds Center

Thompson, John A, emp P R R, bds Center

Thompson, William W, driver, h Center

Tifft, Bela C, (B C Tifft & Son) drayman, h Grand Central ave cor John

Tifft, Harry J, (B C Tifft & Son) drayman, h John near Grand Central ave

Titus, Alice Mrs, h 22 Eleanor

Tompkins, John S, carp, h John

Tony, Frank, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h North

Tong, William, h Orchard cor Eleanor

Towne, Frank, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Eleanor

Towne, Louis emp Wildi Condensery Co, res Eleanor

Trask, Alvin E, emp L V R R, h S Main

Treat, Bernice L, teacher, res 133 S Main

Treat, Clara M, teacher, res 133 S Main

Treat, Grace, teacher, res 133 S Main

Treat, Grace A, variety store, res 137 S Main

Treat, R S, gardener h 143 S Main

Treat, Thomas B, gardener, h 133 S Main

Trumble, Benjamin, emp brick yard, h Westlake

Tunis, Arthur H, clerk Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, Elmira, res 140 S Main

Tunis, Hannah A, h 140 S Main

Tunis, Jay H, painter and paperhanger, res 140 S Main

Utley, Carl, machinist, res Center

VanAmburg, Jessie, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, res 9 Tuttle

VanAmburg, John, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h 9 Tuttle

VanBuren, Arthur, driver C L Judson, res Ithaca

VanBuskirk, Frank F, (VanBuskirk Bros) furniture and undertaking, bds Platt House

VanBuskirk, George, (VanBuskirk Bros) furniture and undertaking, h Steuben

VanBuskirk, Martha, teacher, res 48 Steuben

VanDuzer, Albert J, emp N Y Transit Co, h Main

VanDuzer, Albert J, emp Standard Oil Co, h 135 S Main


VanDuzer, Jonas S, retired, h Ithaca

VanDuzer, Julia M, res Ithaca

VanDuzer, Louis S, h Broad

VanDuzer, Ralph, emp Wildi Condensery Co

VanDuzer, Selah H, farmer, h Ithaca

VanGorden, Edward K, blacksmith, h John nr Main

VanGorder, Elmer, milk dealer, h E Franklin nr Hoffman farm

VanGorder, George, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h 7 Tuttle

VanGorder, Truman S, emp Willys-Morrow co, h Broad nr Grand Central ave

VanName, Eugene, bridge builder, h Pine

VanName, Eugene F, (VanName & Case) h Pine

VanName, Fred, emp Dean & Lee, h 75 S Main

VanName, Hazel, student, res Pine

VanNordstrand, Fay C, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Westlake

VanNortwick, Marilla, wid John S, h Center

VanOrden, John M, mason, h 34 W Franklin

VanOrden, Louis D, emp Wildi Condensery Co, res 34 W Franklin

VanOrden, Pearl, real estate, res 34 W Franklin

VanOrder, Clara, res Ithaca

VanOrder, Earl P, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 30 W Franklin

VanOrder, Horace F, teamster, h 30 W Franklin

VanWhy, Frank, chauffeur Dean & Lee, h E Mill

VanWhy, John F, carrier P O, bds 5 E Mill

VanZile, Glen, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Steuben

Vargeson, Clara M, res Center

Vaughn, Edward, emp VanBuskirk Bros, h Main cor Orchard

Walker, Adrian M, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, h Center cor Sayre

Walker, Ezra, lab, h Fox

Walker, Ina L, mill opr, res Sayre cor Center

Walker, William J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Erie

Walsh, Katherine, res 57 Broad

Ward, Arthur E, emp Elmira Knitting Mill, h 161 S Main

Warner, Mary Jane, wid Robert, h 71 Grand Central ave

Warner, Jennie E, music teacher, res 71 Grand Central ave

Warner, Fred L, emp E W L & R R Co, h 71 Grand Central ave

Warner, Robert W, student, res 71 Grand Central ave

Warren, John H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 103 S Main

Weaver, Thaddeus, gardener, h 5 Tuttle

Welsh, Patrick, gardener, h Ithaca, nr L V R R

Welsh, Thomas, emp American Bridge Co, bds Ithaca nr L V R R

Westbrook, Albert, h Steuben cor Center

Westbrook, Marie, h Center nr Sayre

Westbrook, Nannie, res Center

Westlake, Cassius M, lab h Grand Central ave

Westlake, Catherine, tel opr, res 28 Mill

Westlake, Frank, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h 28 Mill

Westlake, Frank, emp Amusu Theater, Elmira h 28 Mill

Westlake, Harry B, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Broad

Westlake, Helen M, wid A C h Grand Central ave

Westlake, Mott C, clerk, h Grand Central ave

Westlake, Tracy, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Eleanor

Westphal, Fred G, optician, h Westlake

Wheat, James C, emp Weller Hardware and Foundry Co, h Center

Wheat, Sarah E, wid Alfred M, res Fletcher

Wheeler, Emily, wid Jessie, h Hulett

White, Adeline, mill opr, res Grand Central ave

Whitenack, Aurelia, (Burgess & Whitenack) real estate and insurance Franklin nr Main, res Center nr Sayre

Whitford, Edward, h Pine

Wightman, William, barber, h 4 Main

Wilcox, Homer A, carp, h Pine cor Steuben

Williams, Fred D, map publisher, h Fletcher

Williamson George W, poultry dealer, h Westlake

Williamson, Ward, emp American Bridge Co, h E Mill nr L V R R

Willis, Charles F, emp Dean & Lee, res W Mill


Willis, John T, emp Dean & Lee, h W Mill

Willsey, Leon Max, lab, h Westlake

Willson, Elmer, mill opr, h Broad nr cemetery

Wing, William H, carp, h S Main nr Mill

Wintermute, T J, clerk First National Bank, h 21 Mill

Wintermute, Nellie Mrs, clerk post office, h John

WINTERS, JAMES F REV, rector St Mary’s Church, h 57 Broad

Wolfgram, August H, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h Broad

Wood, John A, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h N Main

Wood, Nettie Mrs, res Broad nr P R R

Wood, Sylvenus G, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h John

Woolever, Charles W, carp, h Fletcher

Worden, William, lab, h Broad

Writer, Roy G, asst supt Wildi Condensery Co, res Franklin

Yeager, Clarence F, emp Wildi Condensery Co, h Carroll nr P R R

Yeamans, Joseph, emp Wildi Condensery, h Steuben

Yerdon, Minnie A, emp glove factory, bds Grand Central ave

Youmans, Leon, emp Wildi Condensery Co, res Steuben nr Main

Young, Lawrence M, res Grand Central ave cor Mill

Zimmer, Clarence, lab, h Broad

Zimmer, John H, h Broad

Zimmerman, Eugene, h 18 Pine

Zimmerman, Laura E, res 18 Pine



President-Oliver D Eisenhart

Trustees-Miles Breese (one year), Eugene VanName (two years), Dennis Murphy (two years) M M Taber (one year)

Treasurer- Rho L Bush

Collector-J J Wintermute

Clerk-W U Phillips

Police Justice-L M Brown

Police Constable-Harry Jones


C L Hathaway, President; Dr O J Bowman, Frank L Matthews, W L Perkins, H H McQueen, William Conklin; A H Mathews, Clerk

Teachers Union High School-O T Butler, Principal; Lillian Green, Edith Hall, Mrs, Phoebe Shappee, Margaret Tracy, Katherine Miller, Nellie E Rarrick, Evelyn Griffiths, Loretta Bush, Lucile Thornton, Jean Breese, Louise Ford, Helen Smith, Amanda VanDuzer,


Chief Engineer-D E Murphy

First Assistant Engineer-William Wightman

Second Assistant Engineer, Joseph Lynch

Treasurer-Fred Matthews

Secretary-Clair Scott


Foreman-Samuel Randolph

Assistant Foreman-Leo Steiger

Secretary-Dennis E Murphy


Foreman-William Lattin

Assistant Foreman-Fred Mathews

Secretary-Eugene F VanName

Treasurer-Frank VanBuskirk


First National Bank-John Bennett, President; Frank S Bentley, Vice-President; Rho L Bush, Cashier. Directors: John Bennett, Wilson T Day, Rho L Bush, J S Holbert, Frank S Bentley, F F VanBuskirk, Oliver D Eisenhart.



Maple Grove Cemetery-West Broad street

St Mary’s Cemetery-Griffith street


John E Barlow, Postmaster. Bennet block, Main street. Money order office open from 7 a m to 7:30 p m

Rural Delivery Carriers-No 1, Henry E Perry; No 2 Birney E Beers; No 3 Alexander Hummer; No 4 John VanWhy


Chemung Valley Reporter-G L Mulford, editor; East Franklin street near Main


Western Union Telegraph Co,-Offices Lehigh alley Station, Bert D Simpson, manager; Erie Station, E F Ferguson, manager; D L & W station, C S Holt, manager.


New York Telephone Co-Minnie Lynch, chief operator; North Main corner Franklin.


First Baptist Church-Rev Cyrus E Christian, pastor. Grand Central avenue corner West Orchard. Regular services 10:30 a m and 7 p m, in summer 7:30 p m; Sunday school, 12 m.

First Methodist Episcopal Church-Rev Meritt A Soper, pastor, Grand Central avenue, corner West Broad. Hours of service, 10:30 a m and 7:30 p m; Sunday school, 12 m; prayer meeting, Wednesday evenings 7:15.

First Presbyterian Church-Rev Harry W Smith, pastor, West Broad corner Grand Central avenue. Hours of service, 10:30 a m and 7:30 p m Sunday school, 12 m.

St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church-Rev James F Winters, pastor, West Broad street corner West street. Low mass on Sunday at 9 a m; high mass- at 10:30 a m; alternating every other Sunday with Elmira Heights; Sunday school at 1 p m; vespers and benediction 7:30 p m.

St Matthew’s Episcopal Church-Rev Robert J Parker, rector. South Main street corner Steuben street. Services every Sunday at 11 a m.



Horseheads Lodge, No 364. F and A M-Meets in Masonic Hall, 24 South Main street, first and third Monday evenings of each month. Archie Mathews, W M; F L Warner, J W; S S Saunders, S W; Bert C Bowers, J D; W U Phillips, Secretary; Rho L Bush, Treasurer.

Horseheads Chapter, No 261, R A M-Meets in Masonic Hall, 24 South Main street, second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, except fourth Tuesday in December. O T Butler, High Priest; J S Kellogg, King; Charles Rodbourn, Scribe; T J Wintermute, Treasureer; W U Phillips, Secretary.


Meets every Thursday evening in Odd Fellows’ Hall I O O F block, Franklin street. Harry McDonald, N G; William Lattin, V G; Fred Matthews, Treasurer; Harry Jones, Secretary.


Adams Express Co-Office Pennsylvania Railroad station; William Conklin, agent.

American Express Co-Offices, Lehigh Valley Railroad station, Bert D Simpkins, agent.

Wells-Fargo & Co, Express-Erie Railroad station; E B Ferguson, agent. City office, Grand Central avenue corner West John, R C Tifft, agent.


Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad-Station, Lackawanna avenue; C S Holt, agent.

Elmira Water, Light & Railroad Co-Ray Tompkins, President; F H Hill, General Manager. Office; Hulett building. East Water street corner Lake Elmira.

Erie Railroad-Station, Chemung street. E B Ferguson, agent.

Lehigh Valley Railroad-Station, between Ithaca and East Franklin streets, Bert D Simpkins, agent.

Pennsylvania Railroad-Station, between West John and West Broad streets. William Conklin, agent.

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