Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Table of Contents 1917 Directory
Home Made
FOR 1917


Brooks Nelson C, 165 Baldwin

Colvin M S, 152 Baldwin

Elmira Arms Co, 117 N Main


Beebe Esther M Mrs, 4 Metzger block, 419 N Main

Benton Edith M, 137 W Water

Carpenter Louise Mrs, 507 W Second

Ferguson Minnie H Mrs, 208 E Water

Hitchcock Ida M Mrs, 137 W Water

Johnson Dora Mrs, 130 E Water

King Frances, 129 W Market

Knowlan Mary S 606 Dickinson

Owens Alice, 420 S Main

Watson Margaret, 612 Beecher

Wheeler's Hairdressing Parlors, 158 N Main

Wyckoff Ellen Mrs, 256 W Hudson


Knolwan Mary S, 606 Dickinson

Little Josephine, 613 Dickinson

Whitley Bertha Mrs, 135 E Water


Barker, Rose & Clinton CO, 109-113 Lake

Chapman Hardware Co, 106 S Main

Gridley, Fuhrman & Martin Co, 126-128 W Water and 214 S Main

Hughson Hardware Co (Inc), 104 W Second

Magee Herbert J, 223 W Water

Nagler & Luxenburg, 667-669 Lake

Peck George W Co, 104-106 State

Purtell John R, 216 W Water

Young Charles W, 116 Lake (See ad side lines)


Barker, Rose & Clinton CO, 109-113 Lake

Booth Irving D (Inc), 605-621 Railroad ave

Gridley, Fuhrman & Martin Co, 126-128 W Water and 214 S Main

Peck George W Co, 104-106 State


Cronk & Carrier Mfg Co (The) Second National Bank bldg, 150 Lake


Kertscher & Co (Inc), 100-119 W Thurston

Wood J N & Co, 116`Partridge (See ad back cover)


Tuttle & Barte, 420 E Water

DeWaters Bros, 200-204 William

Dunham Marshall, 103 W Water

Ensworth Joseph W (Est), 420 E Water

Eyres John B, 206 W Water

Fraleigh James A, 561 E Water

Peck George W Co, 104-106 State

Sheely John C, 247-249 W Water


(See Men's Furnishings)


Danks Orris, 433 Carroll


American Warming and Ventilating Co, 157 Falck


Baker Sol, 506 E Water

Dunham Marshall, 103 W Water

Sheely Edward V, 243-245 W Water (See ad page ???)

Sittenfield Joseph, 470 E Water

Stein & Blostein, 161 Sullivan


Taylor Harry, 215 Judson


(See Blacksmiths)


Ironwear Hosiery Co (Inc), Snyder bldg, 111-115 N Main


Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital, Roe ave

St Joseph's Hospital, 559 E Market


Bishop Health Institute (The), 118 W Second

Gleason Health Resort (The), 1019 East ave

Page 506

O'Connor Helen Deloff Mrs, 360 Columbia

Paradise Private Hospital, (Mrs Eva M Paradise) 1055 Walnut

Pleasant View Hospital, (Mrs Katherine Bonnell) 661 Roe ave


(See Liquors)

Alice Frances Hotel, (Maria L Connelly) 205 W Water

American House, (J J Riley) 113-115 W Third

Buckbee House, (E F Leahy) 429 E Water

City Hotel, (Hill & Harris), 507 Railroad ave

Commercial Hotel, (Edward F Hersh), 601 Railroad ave

Connelly Thomas, 122 S Main

Conongue Inn, (Seely P Smith) 159 Madison ave

Criterion Hotel, 107-109 State

Delavan House, 521-523 Railroad ave

Eldridge Park Hotel, Thomas J Sullivan mgr, 115 West Side ave

Eleventh Ward Hotel, (John J McCarthy) 703 S Main

Empire Hotel, (John Powers) 377 Railroad ave

Erie House (John T Brennan) 425-427 Railroad ave

Exchange Hotel (Gus Anderson), 513 Railroad ave

Franklin Hotel, (John Bernas) 358-360 E Washington ave

Frasier Hotel (The New) (Mrs Edith Smith) Railroad ave cor W Third (See ad bottom lines0

Freeland House, (Lewis Freeland) 311 William

Hoff & Quackenbush, 673 Lake

Hotel Bertram, 1336 College ave

Hotel Buzzell, 726 Benjamin

Hotel Gotham, (Theodore Shay) 201-203 State cor E Market

Hotel James (W R James) 429 Railroad ave

Hotel Henry, (Henry G Foster) 1893 Grand Central ave

Hotel Langwell, (J A & J H Causer) 179-183 State cor E Market

Hotel Liberatore, (N V Liberatore) 110-112 W Fifth

Hotel Rathbun, (DeVed Bros) 209-213 E Water cor Baldwin

Hotel Rutland, (P A Clifford) 425-427 E Water

Hotel Sickles, (Oliver F Foster) 814 Madison ave

Hotel Smith (James Christopher) 441-443 E Water

Hotel Stack, (Philip W Corran) 118 W Fifth

Hotel Sullivan, 851 Dickinson

Hotel Imperial, (Milton H Newkirk) 315-317 Carroll

Lake View Hotel, (Daniel W Ryan) 1412 Baldwin

Lake St Grill (Frank Record)

McDonough Thomas, 626 S Main

Morrow Inn, 201 Cusick place

New Arltington Hotel, (Rose Kinney) Bulkhead

Park Hotel, (James Leonard) 418 E Market

Quakenbush & Hoff, 673 Lake

Hotel Riebel, (Jacob J Riebel) 600 S Main

Riverside Hotel, (John Newkirk) W Water bey limits

Star Hotel, (Joseph P Keefe) Nicks cor Exchange place

Station Hotel, (James Cardone) 503-507 Railroad ave

Troy House, (Peter Lyons) 419 Railroad ave

West End Hotel, (Fred G Criss) 232 W Water

Wilcox Frank F, 200 E Fifth


(See Furniture Carpets, Draperies, etc)


Corning L A Ice Cream Co, 411-415 W Second

Crayton Franklin, 110-112 N Main

Graymont Product Co, 735 Baldwin

Heher Sylvester, 200 W Fifth

Laskaris Louis L, 131 E Water

Moonan James F, 155 Lake

Palladino Nicholas, 711 Railroad ave

Pulos Bros, 319 E Water

Rose Joseph A, 603 Lake

Tota G Anthony, 121 Lake


Cooper Samuel, 907 John

Crystal Ice Co, 751 Pattinson

Elmira Ice Co, 538 W Hudson

Hygeia Refrigerating Co, 100-104 Ferris

Record Brewing Co, 735 Baldwin (See ad top lines)

Snyder Bros Ice Co, 608 W Hudson


Bennett Incinerating Co (The), 926 Stowell, office 133 W Water


Cycle Hatcher Co, 1621 Lake

Page 507


Moonan James, 217 Washington


Arland & Park, 218 E Water

Babcock, Toomey & Beers (Inc) 408 Robinson bldg

Batterson Robert D, 306 E Water

Beardsley Menzo C, 510-512 Robinson bldg

Beers Johnson 330 E Water

Benson Herman A, 1006 Lake

Brownlow & McEwen, 305-306 Merchants Nat Bank bldg

Campbell A E & Son, 325 Carroll

Coleman & Names, 201-202 Robinson bldg

Corner Harry L, 119 Hoffman

Coykendall Jacob B, 515-517 Robinson bldg

Crammer Neil D, 510-512 Robinson bldg

Dudley George A, 717 W Church

Finch Philip E, 202 Merchants Nat Bank bldg

Fishler Viola L, 117 W Second (See ad bottom lines)

Gorman Frank J, Masonic Temple 203 Lake

Hager Roswell E, 718 Broadway

Harding Fred, 202 Merchants Nat Bank bldg

Hays & Bradley, 112 Lake (See ad top edge of leaves)

Herrick Fred D, 169 State (See ad front cover)

Jewett Fred F, 243 Lake

Keefe Arthur J, 210 E Water

Keeton Carroll C, 305 Carroll

King A Allen, 517 W Clinton

Kolb Theodore B, 404 Robinson bldg (See ad front cover)

Maxey Thomas J, 206-208 Robinson bldg

Myer Thomas E, 408 Realty bldg

Miller Henry C, 20-202 Steele Memorial bldg

O'Brien Daniel H, 510 E Church

Ogden Cora, 317 Baldwin

Parks Frederick B, 502 Realty bldg

Perry G W Co, (Inc), 326 E Water

Quick Horace G, 401 Snyder bldg

Rigdon Clarence E, 205-206 Merchants Nat Bank bldg

Sanders Frank J, 805 Holdridge

Searles Frederick A, 218 E Water

Shappee Fannie J, 328 E Water

Shays Jonas, 405-407 Robinson bldg

Smith LaFayette F, 325 Carroll

Spring George H, 153 Lake (See ad page

Soule Ralph J, 505-507 Robinson bldg

Standard Fire Insurance & Realty Agency, 416 Robinson bldg

Sturdevant Lewis J, Realty bldg 170 Lake

Swan & Sons, 335 E Water (See ad front cover)

Tomlinson Frederick C, 205-206 Merchants Nat Bank bldg (See ad front cover)

Tracy John F, 405-407 Robinson bldg

Van Campen John R, 155 Lake (See ad bottom edge of leaves)

Weaver Fenton B, 306 Robinson bldg

Welts & Calkins, 523 Realty bldg (See ad side lines)

Wheeler Carlton L, 957 McKinley place

Young Philip E, 507-509 Hulett bldg (See ad back cover)


Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford Conn, Theodore B Kolb Genl agent, fire, accident and casualty depts, 404 Robinson bldg

American Central Ins Co, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake (See bottom edge of leaves)

American Eagle Fire Ins Co of New York, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake

American Ins Co of Newark N J, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

American Surety Co, T B Kolb agt, 404 Robinson bldg

Atlas Assurance Co of London, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Boston Insurance Co of Boston, Mass, G W Perry Co agt, 326 E Water

Buffalo German Ins Co of Buffalo, N Y F A Searles agt, 218 E Water

British American Assurance Co of Toronto, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake

Citizen's Fire Ins Co of Baltimore, Md, F A Searles agt, 218 E Water

Connecticut Mutual Life Ins Co of Hartford Conn, William P Welts agt, 523 Realty bldg

Colonial Underwriters Ins Co of Hartford Conn, Henry C Miller agt, 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Continental Casualty Ins Co of Chicago, Ill, Brownlow & Co agts, 410-412 Robinson bldg

Page 508

Detroit Fire and Marine Ins Co of Detroit Mich, Swan & Sons agts, 325 E Water

Dubuque Fire and Marine Ins Co of Dubuque, Iowa, 408 Robinson bldg

Eastern Casualty Co of Boston, Mass, Rigby & O'Donnell gen'l agts, 317 E Water

Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, Arthur J Keeffe gen'l agt, 210 E Water

Fidelity and Casualty Ins Co of New York City, 408 Robinson bldg

Fidelity and Deposit Co of Baltimore, 408 Robinson bldg

Fidelity-Phenix Ins Co of New York, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Fidelity Underwriters Ins Co of New York, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake

Firemen's Ins Co of Newark N J, D J Sullivan agt, 123 Madison ave

First National Fire Ins Co of Washington, D C, Arthur J Keeffe gen'l agt, 210 E Water

Franklin Fire Ins Co of Philadelphia, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake

German Fire Ins Co of Pittsburg, Pa, 408 Robinson bldg

Girard Fire Ins Co of Philadelphia, L J Sturdevant agt, 210 E Water

Globe Indemnity Co of N Y City, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake, Welts & Calkins agts, 503 Realty bldg

Globe & Rutgers Fire Ins Co of New York City, Henry C Miller agt, 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Great Eastern Casualty Co of New York Cit, Brownlow & Co agts, 410-412 Robinson bldg

Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins Co of Germany, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Hartford Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn G W Perry Co agt, 326 E Water Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Hartford Steam Boiler Ins Co, Home Ins Co of New York, J B Coykendall agt, 515 Robinson bldg Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Home Mutual Ins Co of Binghamton, N Y Harry H Hays agt, 112 Lake

Humboldt Ins Co of Pittsburg, 408 Robinson bldg

Imperial Asurance Co of New York City, Rigby & O'Donnell gen'l agts, 317 E Water

Ins Co of North American, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Liverpool and London and Globe ins Co of England, T B Kolb agt, 404 Robinson bldg

London Assurance Corporation of London, Eng, A E Campbell & Son agts, 325 Carroll

London Guaranty and Accident Co of London, Brownlow & Co agts, 410-412 Robinson bldg

Manhattan Life Ins Co of New York, Frank J Gorman agt, Masonic Temple 203 Lake

Maryland Casualty Co of Baltimore, Md, G W Perry Co agt, 326 E Water Henry C Miller agt 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Mass Bonding and Ins Co, Horace W Wood dist mgr, 423 W Water

Mass Fire and Marine Ins Co of Boston, Mass, Swan & Sons agts, 325 E Water

Metropolitan Casualty Ins Co of New York City, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Metropolitan Life Ins Co, Harry Ludlow supt, 407-421 Hulett bldg

Milwaukee Mechanic's Ins Co of Milwaukee, Wis, F D Herrick agt, 169 State, Babcock, Roomey & Beers agts, 408 Robinson bldg

Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co of Newark, N J, H G Quick dist mgr, 401 Snyder bldg

Mutual Life Ins Co of New York, Philip F Finch dist mgr, 202 Merchant's Nat Bank bldg, J B Coykendall dist agt, 515-517 Robinson bldg

National Ben Franklin Ins Co of Pittsburg Pa, Fred D Herick agt, 169 State, Babcock, Toomey & Beers agts, 408 Robinson bldg

National Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, G W Perry Co agt, 326 E Water

National Surety Co, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

New Amsterdam Casualty Co of New York, 408 Robinson bldg

New Brunswick Ins Co of New Brunswick, N J, 408 Robinson bldg

New England Casualty Co, Rigby & O'Donnell gen'l agts, 317 E Water

Page 509

New York Casualty Co of Buffalo, N Y (Accident) F A Searles at, 218 E Water

New York Life Ins Co, Daniel H O'Brien agt, 510 E Church

Niagara Life Ins Co, M J Wilbur Gen'l agt, 201 Sly

North American Accident Ins Co of Chicago, Ill, Welts & Calkins agts, 523 Realty bldg

North River Ins Co of New York City (fire), A E Campbell & Son agts, 325 Carroll

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co of Milwaukee, Wis, Frederick B Parks agt, 502 Realty bldg

Northwestern National Ins Co of Milwaukee Wis, (fire), F D Herrick agt, 169 State

Northwestern Underwriters Ag'n'y, F B Weaver agt, 306 Robinson bldg

Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation of London, Eng, A E Campbell & Son agts, 325 Carroll

Ohio Farmer's Ins Co of Ohio, F B Weaver agt, 306 Robinson bldg

Old Colony Fire Ins Co of Boston, Mass, Henry C Miller agt, 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Palatine Ins Co of London, Eng, L J Sturdevant agt, 210 E Water

Penn Mutual Life Ins Co, George H Spring agt, 153 Lake

Pioneer Co-Operative Ins Co, Harry H Hays agt, 112 Lake

Pitsburg Fire Ins Co of Pittsburg, Pa, F A Searles at, 218 E Water

Pitsburg Underwriters Fire Ins Co, 408 Robinson bldg

Preferred Accident Ins Co of New York, C C Keeton dist supt, 305 Carroll

Preferred Mutual Ins Co of New Berlin, N Y (co-operative) Hays & Bradley agts, 112 Lake (See top edge of leaves)

Provident Life and Trust Co, Thomas E Meyer agt, 408 Realty bldg E B Calkins agt, 523 Realty bldg

Prudential Ins Co, William S Barnes supt, 301-305 Steele Memorial bldg

Queen Ins Co of new York, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake

Security Mutual Life Ins Co, M C Beardsley genl agt, 512 Robinson bldg Rigby & O'Donnell special agts, 317 E Water

Southern Security Co, John R Van Campen agt, 155 Lake (See ad bottom edge of leaves)

Springfield Fire and Marine Ins Co, C C Keeton dist supt, 305 Carroll

Standard Accident Ins Co of Detroit, Frank J Gorman agt, Masonic Temple 203 Lake F B Weaver special agt, 306 Robinson bldg

Standard Fire Ins Co of Trenton, N J Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Standard Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, Henry C Miller agt, 201-02 Steele Memorial bldg

State Mutual Life Assurance Co of Worcester, Mass, John F Tracy genl agt, 405 Robinson bldg

Sun Ins Co of London, Eng, Swan & Sons agts, 335 E Water

Teutonia Fire Ins Co of Pittsburg, 408 Robinson bldg

Tompkins County Ins Co of Ithaca, N Y (co-operative), Harry H Hays agt, 112 Lake

Travelers indemnity Co of Hartford, Conn, Frederick C Tomlinson agt, 205-206 Merchant's Nat Bank bldg, (See ad front cover)

Travelers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, F C Tomlinson agt, 205-206 Merchant's Nat Bank bldg, (See ad front cover)

Travelers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, F C Tomlinson agt, liability and accident depts, 205-206 Merchants Nat Bank bldg (See ad front cover)

Travelers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, C E Rigdon dist agt, life, health and accident depts, 205-206 Merchants Nat Bank bldg

Union Central Life Ins Co af thr

Union Central Life Ins Co of Cincinnati, Ohio, Philip E Young agt, 507 Hulett bldg

United States Underwriters Ins Co of New York, Arthur J Keeffe gen'l agt, 210 E Water

Union Fire Ins Co of Paris, France, F B Weaver agt, 306 Robinson bldg

United States Casualty Co of New York City, Henry C Miller agt, 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Utica Mutual Ins Co of Utica, N Y, (co-operative) Hays & Bradley agts, 112 Lake (See ad top edge of leaves)

Vulcan Ins Co of New York, 408 Robinson bldg


Gebbie & Co, 513-515 Realty bldg McDowell John G, Steel Memorial bldg, 170 Lake

McDowell John G, Steele Memorial bldg 170 Lake

Page 510

Sawyer, Noble & Co, Steele Memorial bldg


Mathews & Mathews, 317-320 Robinson bldg


Aronson Myer, 109 N Main

Bally John & Son, 330 E Water

Benson Charles H, 851 Lake

Clarebeck James, 307 Decker place

Comfort William C, 139 W Water

Drake John H, 139 W Water

Eiges Isaac, 442 E Water

Gladke Henry J (Est), 136 E Water

Goodman Harry, 140 E Water

Guernsey Eugene, 657 E Water

Guthrie Claude B, 756 Spaulding

Hamilton H Walter, 144 E Water

Jacobus William D, 120 N Main

Kennedy J E, 951 Walnut

Lewis John D, 323 Carroll

Lown John W, 131 S Main

Marks Abe, 140 E Water

Mathews Louis N, 128 W Water

Paltrowitz Levi J, 105 W Water

Petti Sisto, 101 W Fifth

Preston John W, 126 S Main

Robinson Aaron J, 140 E Water

Routledge Thomas J, 315 E Water

Samuels Aaron, 101 W Water

Schoonover & Barkus, 116-118 E Water

Sherman Darius E, 121 E Market

Slater Dorris M, 203 E Market

Swartout James E & Co, 215 E Water


Gogel Emil, 100 E Water

Lewis John D, 323 Carroll

Shreibman Louis, 204 E Water


Freudenheim Levy & Lande, 118 Lake

Lewis John D, 323 Carroll

Winkelstein Alexander J, 140 E Water


Doxey N D, E Seventh

Elmira Iron & Metal Co, 911 John

Rosenblatt Solomon, 117 Harriet

Rubin Harry, 161 Harriet

Rubin Nathan & Son, 158 Harriet

Spiegel Bros, 618-620 William

Spiegel Wolf M, 451-457 E Clinton

Stein & Blostein, 161 Sullivan


Campbell Knitting Mill Co, 821 East ave


(See dressmakers and modistes)

Barnes Eva M Mrs, 220 W Gray

DeRisio A, Snyder bldg, 115 N Main

Fean Esther Mrs, 117 W Market

Lamphier Emma S, 122 E Water

Rathbun M Antoinette, 222 E Water


Custard & Kistler, 161-163 Lake

Decker Charles H, 129 N Main

Hop Sen, 504 N Main

Lee Sam, 667 Lake

Lee Wing, 209 W Water

Mather Lulu, 320 W Third

Oims Jim, 204 Baldwin

Perfect Laundry, (Manning & Danaher) 115 W Church

Service Laundry (Inc) 510-512 E Water

Wah Charlie, 208.5 S Main


Babcock & Gregg, 414-420 Robinson bldg

Baldwin & Allison, 202-208 Realty bldg

Chamberlin Burton S, 305 Robinson bldg

Clarke Henry M, 301 Robinson bldg

Collin Frederick, Chemung Canal Bank bldg

Collin Henry B, Chemung Canal Bank bldg

Conroy John J, 521 Robinson bldg

Crowley John J, Lyceum bldg

Danaher Michael, 501-503 Hulett bldg

Denton Edgar jr, 312-315 Realty bldg

Diven Alexander S, 212 E Water

Eacker Charles O, 304-306 Realty bldg

Fassett J Sloat, 150 Lake

Flannery William B, Chemung Canal Bank bldg

Gardner Herschel L, 307 Robinson bldg

Gill William C, 309 Washington

Ginsburg Levi, 415 E Water

Gregg William W, Court House annex

Hassett J John, 214 E Water

Hawkes Donald C, 411-413 Robinson bldg

Hays Harry H, 112 Lake

Heffernan James W, 214 E Water

Heller David N, 203-206 Steele Memorial bldg

Page 511

Hemenway George R, 421-423 Realty bldg

Henry Lewis, 312-315 Realty bldg

Herendeen & Mandeville, 521-529 Robinson bldg

Herendeen Walter Barton, 521 Robinson bldg

Kinzie Wilbur, 201-202 Realty bldg

Knapp Wilmot E, 301-303 Realty bldg

Lattin Charles S, 514 W First

Levy Benjamin F, 307-311 Realty bldg

Lonergan Phillip E, Chemung Canal Bank bldg

Lovell Bogard & Gardner, 405-407 Robinson bldg

Losie Thomas M, Masonic Temple, 203 Lake

Lowman Seymour, 201 Lake

Lynch Joseph C, 336 E Water

Mandeville Hubert C, 521 Robinson bldg

Markson Harry, 218 E Water

Marlowe Richard, 415-417 Realty bldg

Marvin Charles, 501-502 Robinson bldg

Mathews John A, 201-202 Robinson bldg

McDowell Boyd, 408 E Market

Mills Hollis H, 315-317 Robinson bldg

Morrison Ralph W, 412 Realty bldg

Moseson Harry, Hulett bldg

Mosher Lewis E, 336 E Water

Murtaugh John F, 503-505 Realty bldg

Newman Bertram L, 521 Robinson bldg

Nichols Raymond F, 415 E Water

O'Connell Daniel, 409 Realty bldg

O'Connor James J, 506-508 Realty bldg

O'Connor Michael, 203-206 Steele Memorial bldg

O'Dea Cornelius, 334 E Water

O'Dell Joseph F, 506-508 Realty bldg

Ogden Frank C, 120 Lake

Personius E Watson, (Herendeen & Manderville) 521-529 Robinson bldg

Phillips Cassius A, 511 Robinson bldg

Pulford Samuel A, 401-407 Realty bldg

Reynolds George G, 401-402 Robinson bldg

Rockwell Hosea H, 401-407 Realty bldg

Roper Edwin K, 330 E Water

Seeley Wallace W, 305-322 Realty bldg

Sliter Arthur B, 150 Lake

Stanchfield, Lovell Falck & Sayles, 415 E Water

Sullivan Mortimer L, 415 E Water

Thayer Harry S, 150 Lake

Thurston Richard H, 209-211 Realty bldg

Tong Harry I, 209 Realty bldg

Turnbull William A, 419-420 Realty bldg

VanCampen Samuel R, 155 Lake

Ward James N, 103.5 W Church

Waxman Leo, district attorney's office

Wilcox Hezekiah D, 320 E Water

Wiseman Dwight S, 514 Robinson bldg


Bimberg Joseph & Son, 316 Hathaway

Brand John & Co, 50-54 Penna ave

Farnham & Reynolds, 314 Carroll

Goff, Way & Brand Co, 306 Academy place

Lovell William H, 720-724 W Second

Miller Bros, 750 Penna ave

Ralyea W H & Co, 207-209 Baldwin

Wood George M & Son, 114-118 Railroad ave


(See Miscellany)


Chapel Lynn S, 1440 Caton ave

Chapman H Edgar, 104 West Side ave (See ad back cover)

Elmira Builders' Supply Co, 101 E Chemung place

Fisk H A & Co, 154 E Fifth

McGreevy M G, 626 William

Morey William D, 201 E Clinton (See ad back cover)

Queen City Sewer Pipe Co, Theodore M McKnight, 203 E Second


(See Hotels)

Berner Frank A, 601 E Water

Bradley John J, 961.5 Davis

Brennan John T, 427 Railroad ave

Briggs T & Co, 117-121 E Second

Brown Albert L, 414 E Water

Brown Leroy E, 209.5 W Water

Brown William, 600 Baldwin

Burke Thomas E, 500 E Clinton

Burns Joseph, 502 S Main

Buzzard Henry H, 229 S Main

Elmira Business Directory - 1917

Names in Black Face Type are patrons.

Page 522

Ganung & Co, 102 W Water

Gladke Morris J, 101 E Water

Hamilton & Smith, 104 Robinson bldg

Hays & Bradley, 112 Lake (See ad top edge of leaves)

Herrick Fred D, 169 State (See ad front cover)

Holleran Daniel P, 210 E Water

Inham Ansel G, 153 Lake

Jones Gertrude S, 454 Riverside ave

Kelly Myles G, Steele Memorial bldg 170 Lake

Kinzie Wilber, 201 Realty bldg

Knapp Fordyce R, 119 College ave

Kolb Theodore B, 104 Robinson bldg

McCarthy Arthur J, Merchants National Bank bldg

McCorkie Realty Co, 114 Lake

McAlpine William D, 218 E Water

Mackey Daniel M, 318 Broadway

McCarron Charles J, 333 E Water

Manwaring Sydney A, 973 Walnut

McConnell James W, 74 Cleveland ave

Miller Frank, 227 S Main

Maxey Thomas J, 206-208 Robinson bldg

Morey William D, 201 E Clinton (See ad back cover)

Murphy John C, 334 E Water

Mutual Realty Co, 415-417 Realty bldg

Parks Frederick B, 502 Realty bldg

Reed Elbridge G, 148 W Water

Rigby Olney M, 214 Vine

Roper Edwin K, 320 E Water

Robinson Joseph, 419 W Fourth

Ross Lena, 303-304 Robinson bldg (See ad bottom lines)

Smith Lafayette, 325 Carroll

Spring George H, 153 Lake (See ad page 392)

Standard Fire Insuring and Realty Agency (Inc), 408 Robinson bldg

Swan & Sons, (Arnot bldg) 335 E Water (See ad front cover)

Tong Thomas W, 211 W Second

VanCampen John R, 155 Lake (See ad bottom edge of leaves)

Wade Elton J, 1558 Lake

Wisseman Dwight S, 514 Robinson bldg

Woodside Samuel C, 606 Grove


Lovell Herbert M, 405-407 Robinson bldg


Carpenter John M, upper Lake bey limits

Stadelmaier Frank, South Creek road near Bulkhead


Bon ton Tea Room, 323 E Water

Bromley George, 318 E Water

Cafeteria (The) Elmira Federation bldg

Carpenter Benjamin F, 201 E Market and 772 S Main

Chocolate Shop (The), H A Webb, 115 N Main

Clohessy James F, 617 S Main

Clohessy Michael J, 423 Railroad ave

Colonial Inn, 139 N Main

Corran Philip W, 118 W Fifth

Creamery Lunch, 153 Lake

DelPapa Michael, 511 Railroad ave

D L & W R R Y M C A, 1131 Lackawanna ave

Erie Restaurant, Erie station

Flanagan Raymond J, 153 Lake

Gilbert Charles D, 336 E Water

Gilmore James H, 114 E Water

Grill Restaurant (The) Connell Bros, 202 E Water

Henderson Brayton, 436 E Water

Harper Ralph R, 308 S Main

Hughes Edward jr, r D L & W station

Hunt & Robinson, 513 Railroad ave

James William R, 429 Railroad ave

Knapp Samuel E, Erie Coal Pockets

Mack Bros, 149 W Water

Manhattan Lunch Room 128 E Water

Maxwell Charles, 215 Railroad ave

Metzger Charles D, 100 Lake cor Water

Miller Addison, 169 Railroad ave

Miller William H, 156 Lake

Mitchell Samuel, 206 W Water

Moore Maud B, 601 Erie

Murphy Edward, 728 S Main

New England Kitchen, (Mary A Gavin) 207 Lake

Plaza Restaurant, 311 E Water

Rowland, John R, 101 State

Sinicrope Frank, 353-355 Railroad ave

Snowden Edward, 660 Baldwin

Steumpfle Carrie Mrs, 529 Lake

Terminal Restaurant, 106 Lake

Thompson Myrtle Mrs, 615 Dickinson

Weeks Ernest, 108 Lake

Wells Mary, 169 Baldwin

Wilcox Frank F, 200 E Fifth

Woodward Florence Mrs, 661 Lake


Burgess F S & Son (Inc), r 101 E Chemung place

Dexter Roofing Co, 201 W Water

Page 523

Losie Bros (Inc), 305 E Market

Stowell Ralph C, 116 W Chemung place

Straight James W, 115 E Hudson


(See Boarding Houses)

Barber Minnie Mrs, 384 W Fourth

Bogardus Lillian Mrs, 316 Baldwin

Bogart Clara J Mrs, 106 W Market

Brink S E Mrs, 108 Fox

Brown Delphine F Mrs, 260 Baldwin

Burns Nellie F Mrs, 214 College ave

Coe Susan E Mrs, 625 Lake

Coleman Mary A Mrs, 420 E Karket

Cook Anna E, 107 W Gray

Crawford Grace Mrs, 310 Baldwin

Crowley Anna Mrs, r 218 E Market

Curry Hugh Mrs, 110 Fox

Curtis Catherine E, 156 W Third

Davison Lou Mrs, 118 E Water

Donahue Mary, 605 Magee

Elliott Nellie Mrs, 135 W Water

Farley Mary E, 503 Union place

Flaacke Katherine Mrs, 623 lake

Flynn Anna Mrs, 459 E Church

Golden Phoebe J Mrs, 408 Baldwin

Gorman Mary Mrs, 312 Baldwin

Graham Lillis A Mrs, 326 Baldwin

Hassinger Calista, 403 S Main

Hinman Eileen E Mrs, 208 Baldwin

Kelley Ellen Mrs, 615 Columbia

Kelly Mary A Mrs, 393 W Water

Keough Mary Mrs, 129 W Market

Kinner Alice, 630 William

Lee Sarah M Mrs, 370 S Main

Lindler Lillian Mrs, 153 Madison ave

Lutz Irene Cherry Mrs, 318 Baldwin

Marshall Frances Mrs, 204 E Gray

Mallory Cornielia Mrs, 308 Baldwin

McKeel Clara Mrs, 129 E Chemung place

Mignon Ernest C, 127 W Market

Nelson Reid A, 511 E Church

New Lexington (The), 208 Baldwin

Ragan Mary A Mrs, 258 Baldwin

Ryal John H, 110 W Market

Ryman Olive Mrs, 723-723 1/2 S Main

Sly Truman, 223 Baldwin

Shaw Mary I Mrs, 505 Park place

Sickles Eliza Mrs, 100-102 W Water

Smith Belle Mrs, 212 W Water

Solomon Mary F, 125 W Market

Thorpe Lottie Mrs, 411 Baldwin

Tompkins Mary E Mrs, 323 Baldwin

Troxel Edith Mrs, 262 Baldwin

Watts Deliva Mrs, 100-102 Fox

Wells Jessie G Mrs, 105 N Main

Wells Mary, 308.5 Baldwin

Wellson Georgiana Mrs, 213.5 W Third

Willis Pearl Mrs, 158 W Fourth

Wood Orrin A Mrs, 505 Magee


Fraley Tracy C, 116 Brand

Spearen Samuel A, 410 N Main


Fishler Carpet Cleaning, 117 W Second (See ad bottom lines)


Chemung Canal Trust Co, 415 E Water (See ad back cover)

Merchant's national Bank (The), 109 W Water

Second National Bank (The), 150 Lake (See ad front cover)


Chapman H Edgar, 104 West Side ave (See ad back cover)

Corning Sand Co, (Wynne Bros) 867 Lake

Elmira Gravel & Sand Co, (Wynne Bros) 867 Lake

McGreevy Mary G, 626 William

Scranton Sand Co, (Wynne Bros) 867 Lake


James Mfg Co, 700 Madison ave


Elmira Saw Works, 405 Baldwin


Payne Benjamin N, 71 Penna ave

Spiegel Wolf M, 457-461 E Clinton (See ad page 363)


Baltimore Isaac L, 604 E Second

Baltimore Jacob, 207 Railroad ave

Carey Wesley M, 66 Penna ave

Carpenter Margaret D, 213 W Water

Ettleson & Son, 665-669 Lake

Golos Abraham 765 John

Johnson Lloyd H, 464-466 E Water

Nagler & Luxenburg, 667-669 Lake

Oppenheim Simon, 426 E Water

Prentice Thaddeus T, 248 W Water

Purtell John R, 216-218 W Water

Shulman Bros, 406 E Water

Page 524


Ayers & Knapp, 248 W Water

Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, 109-113 Lake

Ferguson W H & Son, 231-235 W Water

Jennings F L, 108-110 State

Peck George W Co (The), 104-106 State


Singer Sewing Machine Co, 332 E Water


McGreevy M G, 626 William

Queen City Sewer pipe Co, (Theodore M McKnight), 203 E Second


Harris Frank B, 207 W Water

Springstead Edward R, 103 W Church


Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, 109-113 Lake

Burgess F S & Son (Inc), r 101 E Chemung place

Connelly Richard, 359 E Washington ave

Cox Orel W, 506 Chester

Down William, 525 W Second

Greek Floyd J, 165 Baldwin

Hughson Frank W Co (Inc), 104 W Second

Kelly Daniel J, 220 E Market

Long John A, 256 W Hudson

Rohan John J, 381 Penna ave

Sheldon George A, 205 Boardman

Trost Lawrence C, 801 W Second

Young Charles W, 116 lake (See ad side lines)


Dunham Marshall, 103 W Water

Hordes Israel, 710 John

Sheely Edward V, 243-245 W Water (See ad page)


(See Boot and Shoe Repairers)


Read & Lovatt Mfg Co (The), 426 E Fifth

Stearns J N & Co, 116 W Thurston


James Christian, 143.5 W Water

Lampros & Romas, 123 and 151 Lake

Laganegro Harry J, 157 Lake

Makres Peter, 331 E Water

Unis John, 532 N Main

Theophillis George, 433 Railroad ave


Feuchtwanger William H, 251-253 W Water

Freudenheim L & Bro, 111-115 Railroad ave

Greig & Mason, 231-233 W Water


Losie Bros (Inc), 305 E Market (See ad backbone of book)


Lee Fred H, Broadway bey limits


Elmira Soap Works, 648 Madison ave


Corning L A Ice Cream Co, 411-415 W Second

Elmira Tri-Pure Water Co, 720-724 W Second (See ad side lines)


Ameigh R D, 304 S Main

Elmira Arms Co, 117 N Main

Ells George F, 651 Lake

Rutan P B & Son, 255-257 W Water

Samuels Aaron, 101 W Water

Sheehan, Dean & Co, 136-142 W Water

Sullivan Florence, 321 E Water

Rubin Bros, 302 E Water

Young Charles W, 116 Lake (See ad side lines)


Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, 109-113 Lake

DeWaters Bros, 200-204 William cor E Market

Field Force Pump Co, Elmira Heights

International Harvester Co of America, 656-662 State

Peck George W Co, 102-106 State

Young Charles W, 116 lake (See ad side lines)


Empire Spring Bed Works, 210 E Washington ave and 865 Dickinson

Larlew John R, 1026 Lake


(See Books and Stationery)


Baker Bros, 157 Baldwin

Horwitz Bros, 211 Baldwin

Rubin Bros, 302 E Water


Hart Charles, 459 E Market

Page 525


(See Brokers)

O'Boyle H C & Co, 219-424 Hulett bldg

Crocker Elwood B, Steele Memorial bldg

Friendly Samson J, 311 Robinson bldg

Gebbie & Co, 513-515 Realty bldg

Sawyer, Nobel & Co, Steele Memorial bldg (See ad top and side lines)


Elmira Storage & Supply Co, 307 State

Condon John E, 622 S Main

Cotton G H & Bro, 201 Lake cor E Market

Hopkins Metropolitan Storage, 631 W Second

Hudson Street Storage House, 111-113 W Hudson

Jones Harriet S Mrs, 755.5 Harper


Arland & Park, Lyceum bldg 154 Lake

Babcok, Toomey & Beers, (Inc), 416 Robinson bldg

Coykendall Jacob B, 515-517 Robinson bldg

Herendeen & Mandeville, 521-529 Robinson bldg

Herrick Fred D, 169 State (See ad front cover)

Ingham Ansel J, 153 State

Keeton Carroll C, 305 Carroll

Kolb T B, 404 Robinson bldg (See ad front cover)

Miller Henry C, 201-202 Steele Memorial bldg

Maxcy Thomas J, 208 Robinson bldg

O'Connor Charles B, 120 Lake

O'Connor Michael, 203-206 Steele Memorial bldg

Perry G W Co (Inc) 326 E Water

Searles Frederick A, 218 E Water

Swan & Sons, Arnot bldg 335 E Water (See ad front cover)

Standard Fire Insuring and Realty Agency, 408 Robinson bldg

Tomlinson Frederick C, 253 W Water (See ad front cover)

VanCampen John R, 155 lake (See ad bottom edge of leaves)


Buhmann Claus H, 208 State

Cardone Antonio, 106 W Water

Cassetta Joseph, 703.5 lake

Diamond Benjamin, 73 Penna ave

Francis John A, 565 E Water

Garey Nick W, 524 N Main

Gartenschalger Charles A F, 609 Dickinson

Glenkowski Frank, 306 Partridge

Grube Max A, 149 W Water

Hayberg Frank A, 715 W Second

Herchiskel Francis J, 210 W Third

Herchiskel John L, 109 W Third

Levine Sam, 360 S Main

Mack & O'Dey 104 E Water

Millner Max S, 159 Baldwin

Moshier Guy E, 110 Penna ave

Roehrer Joseph, 104 E Water

Sbedico Arthur, 616 S Main

Scala Edward T, 221 Railroad ave

Scala Frank W, 205 E Market

Schonemann Louis E, 312 Carroll

Schuld Jacob, 859 E Church

Sherman Samuel, 322 E Water

Siskin Jacob I, 443 E Water

Siskin Samuel, 117.5 Orchard

Slutzky Aaron, 322 S Main

Stanway George, 1134 Lake

Twerdik Joseph, 104 E Water

Weinberg Emil, 208 State


DeRisio A, Snyder bldg, 115 N Main

Ellis Carie H, 371 W Gray

Francis John A, 565 E Water

Linker A, 308 E Water

Slutsky Aaron, 322 S Main

TenBroeck Mary L Mrs, 516 W First


Bater John jr, 210 E Water

Callahan John, 106 W Water

Callahan William J, 206 E Water

Elmira Tailoring Co, 109 N Main

Fish Fred S, 162 Lake

Garey Nick W, 524 N Main

Herchiskel John L, 109 W Third

Kay Tailors (The) 327 E Water

Kraft William, 206 E Water

McGlenn G S & Co, 141 E Water

Morrell Andrew, 853 Lake

Richford & Shaffer, 125 W Water

Romer & Haas, 216 E Water

Steinhauser George W, 146 W Water

Strauss Herman, 205-207 E Water

Sullivan Bros (Inc) 208 E Water

Wardzinski Joseph, r 237 E Center

Woolen Mills Co, 106 W Water


Collins Mary K, 101 E Water

Kennelly Dennis M, 661 Davis

Mack & O'Dey 104 E Water

Morrell Andrew, 853 Lake

Roehrer Joseph, 104 E Water

Sbedico Arthur, 616 S Main

Page 526


Elmira Arms Co, 117 N Main

Marks M Doyle Co, 309 E Water

New York Phonograph Co, 320 E Water


Elmira Taxicab Co, 451-453 E Market

Jones & Harrington, 461 Riverside ave

O'Dea Bros, 425-427 Carroll

McInerney Thomas M, 311-317 State (See ad front cover)

Queen City Taxicab Co, 101 State

Rhodes Bros, 723 W First

Woodruff A B, 307 W Second


(See Birds and Fishes)


Directoyou Tea Co, 139 W Water

Elmira Tea Store, 320 W Fifth

Grand Union Tea Co, 111 N Main

Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, 117 E Water

Spencer George W, 900 Oak


American District Telegraph Co, 214 E Water

Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, 220 E Water

Western Union Telegraph Co, 214 E Water


New York Telephone Co, 203-205 E Gray


Amusu, 112-116 State

Colonial, 123 N Main

Grand, 307 E Water

Lyceum, 154 Lake

Majestic W Market cor Railroad ave

Mozart, 311-313 E Market

Regent, 109 E Water

Rorick's Glen, W Water bey limits

Star, S Main, Penna ave and Franklin


McAlpine W D, Delevan House


(See Sheet Metal Workers)


Bevan & Mach, 128 S Main

Conlon John C, 376 S Main

Dick Lewis T, 160 Washington

Gradwell & Fitzgerald, 107 E Church

Hogan & Sullivan, 213 Railroad ave

Ley A & J, 72 Penna ave


Allen Georgia Greenwood, 112 N Main

Bacorn Co (Inc) The, 407 W Sixth

Frostilla Co, rear 410 Gray

Kelley-Whitney Extract Co, 627-629 Lake

Sassafola Mfg Co, 323 Baldwin

Velro Mfg Co, (Slauson Bros) 122


Elmira Towel Supply Co, 310-312 Robinson bldg


Sperry & Hutchinson Co (The), 154 Baldwin


(See Draymen)


Brophy & MacMahon, 101-103 E Water

Elmira Arms Co, 117 N Main

Epstein I C, 112 E Water

Epstein Jacob, 324-326 E Water

Hallock W B & Bro, 111-113 E Water

Harris Frank B, 207 W Water

Huston J W & Co, 102 W Water

Iszard S F Co (Inc) 301-305 E Water

Joseph Elias, 308 N Main

Mathews Lewis N &

McGlenn G S Co, 141 E Water

Samuels Aaron, 101 W Water

Sheehan, Dean & Co, 136-142 W Water

Sullivan Bros (Inc) 208 E Water

Tepper Bros, 130-132 W Water

Waxman & Miller, 116 E Water

Werdenberg Andrew F Co, 200 W Water cor Main


Doane Royal Truss Co, 319 E Water


Elmira Arms Co, 117 N Main

Oliver Typewriter Co, MacGreevy-Sleght-DeGraff Co, agts, 213 E Water (See ad top lines)

Remington Typewriter Co, 306 Steele Memorial bldg

Searles Frederick A, 218 E Water

Underwood Typewriter Co, Realty bldg, 410 E Market


Searles Frederick A, 218 E Water


(See Funeral Directors)

Page 527


Carey Elllis C, 203 E Market

Frank Edward H, 101 E Water


Bryan Ward, 205 E Second

Carney George, r 412 College ave

Curran Daniel, 613 E Third

Fielding Edgar X, 224 Baldwin

Graner Charles H, 214 Baldwin

Heine & Bauer, 308 State

Lariew John R, 1026 Lake

Libot George H, 209 S Main

Peterson Victor A, 511 N Main

Waters Joseph H, 607 John


Kennedy Valve Mnfg Co, foot E Water


Sanitary Vacuum House Cleaning Co, 1004 Hoffman


Aswad Edna, 370 S Main

Elemdorf George Mrs, 450 Riverside ave

Gregory Julia Mrs, 713 Lake

Joseph John, 411` Railroad ave

Kresge S S Co, 118-120 W Water

Roberts Joseph, 800 John

Tobias Solomon, 565 John

Woolworth F W Co, 134 W Water


Kimball Minor C, 322 W Clinton


Bacorn Ezra G, 380 W Sixth

Battin Andrew J, 452 W First

Jeffrey George P, West End Hotel

Krowl Frederick C & Son, 116 Fox

Stack Edward E, 210 Madison ave


Acme Vulcanizing Works, 454 E Water

American Double Tread Tire Co, 119 Baldwin

Shoemaker William T, 106 Exchange place

Ross Vulcanizing & Battery Co, 105-109 E First


(See Carriage Makers and Repairers)


Bottcher Fred M, 312 E Water (See ad back cover)

Buckbee John Mrs, 428-440 E Water

Elmira Wall Paper Co, 123-125 N Main

Iszard S F Co (Inc) 301-305 E Water cor Baldwin

Parker Stephen H, (estate) 200 W Water

Pease W & Son, 107 S Main

Schweppe F & H Co (Inc), 123 N Main

Star, Wall Paper Co, 111-115 Railroad ave

Sullivan Florence, 321 E Water

Taylor Henry L, 127 N Main


Baldwin George E, 212 Franklin


(See Jewelers and Watchmakers)


Elmira Water Board, City Hall


Daggett Charles A, 1561 Lake

VanDerhoff Peter, 805 Linden place


Brooks, George F, 516 High

Elmira Window Cleaning Co, 322 E Water


Bottcher Fred M, 312 E Water (See ad back cover)

Fitzgerald Thomas B, 115-119 W Water

Flanagan J J & Co, 112-116 W Water

Gately Furniture Co, 242-252 W Water

Iszard S F Co (Inc) 301-305 E Water

Mosch & Carpenter, 129 E Water

Powell-Hall Co, 131-135 N Main

Sheehan, Dean & Co, 126-142 W Water

Sullivan Florence, 431 E Water

Sullivan J P & M, 115 E Water (See ad top lines)

Taylor Henry L, 127 N Main


(See Liquors)


Wyckoff A & Son Co, 100-108 Home


(See Coal Dealers)