![]() |
John Balcom Shaw, D.D.,LL., D., President
M. Anstice Harris, Ph.D., Dean
Ruth M. Hopkins, B.S., Registrar
Term Expiring in 1917- Hubert C. Mandeville, Elmira, N.Y. : Alexander Davidson, Canandaigua, N.Y.; Thomas H. Reddish, Owego, N.Y.: Mrs. Leon Lewald, New York, N.Y.: Harry C. Baldwin, Waverly, N.Y.; John Balcom Shaw, Elmira, N.Y.
Term Expiring in 1918- Ray Tompkins, Elmira, N.Y.; Hermon A. Carmer, Seneca Falls, N.Y.; J. Wilford Jacks, D.D.,LL.D., Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett, Elmira, N.Y.; Mrs. Henry Halsey Saytes, Washington, D.C.
Term Expiring in 1919- Elmer Dean, Elmira, N.Y.,; F.M. Howell, Elmira, N.Y.
Executive Committee- Elmer Dean, Ray Tompkins, Arthur Clinton, Hubert C. Mandeville, F. M. Howell, John Balcom Shaw, Harry C. Baldwin, Mrs. Henry Halsey Sayles, Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett.
Board of Examiners- Rev. John Chester Ball, D.D., Corning, N.Y., Rev. R. Lew Williams, D.D., Elmira, N.Y., Rev. Peter R. Ross, D.D., Hornell, N.Y., Rev. Augustus Dennison, Washingtonville, N.Y.; Emery J. Mead, A.B., Utica, N.Y.
(The faculty is arranged in order of appointment)
John Balcolm Shaw, D.D., LL.D., President
Cornelia Porter Dwight, M.A., Professor Emeritus
Mary Selena Broughton, B.M., Professor of Piano, Harmony and History of Music
George Morgan McKnight, B.M., Professor of Voice, Chorus Singing and Organ
Francis A. Richmond, B.S., Professor of Physics and Chemistry
Hollister Adelbert Hamilton, Ph.D., Professor of Classical Philosophy
M. Anstice Harris, Ph.D., Professor of English Language and Literature, Dean of College
Mary Elizabeth Highet, Ph.D., Professor of German Language and Literature
Elizabeth Leigh Whittaker, A.B., Professor of Biology
James A. Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Bible and History
James A. White, B.A., Associate Professor of Bible History
Antoinette Greene, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English and English Literature
Mary G. Brown, A.B., B.L.S., Instructor in Italian
E. Margaret Grimes, A.B., Professor of Romance Languages
Arthur H. Norton, M.A., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy
Mary Selina Broughton, M.A., Instructor in Spanish
J.R.Tuttle, Ph.D., Philosophy and Pedagogy
Victoria Cairns, Instructor in Business Methods
Blanche Holman, A.B., Instructor in English
Rebecca Tyler Osler, Associate in Economics and Sociology
Grover C. Graham, M.A., Professor of Law and Finance
Geraldine Morrow, Professor of Elocution
Anna L. Leggatt, B.S., Professor of House Economics
Helen VanMater, B.S., Instructor in Science
Helen Roper, B.A., Instructor in Mathematics
Ruth M. Hopkins, B.S., Instructor in Business Laws
Leila J. Wadsworth, B.S., Instructor in Home Economics
Marguerite E. VanDuyn, B.A., Instructor in Physical Education
Martha L. Tilton, Professor of Art and Painting
Ruth M. Chester, M.A., Instructor in Physics and Chemistry
Amelia E. Clark, M.A., Instructor in French
Florence L.Lowe, B.A., Instructor in Business Methods
Florence McNevin, B.S., Instructor in Home Economics
Mary G. Brown, A.B., B.L.S., Librarian
Francis A. Richmond, B.S., Curator of Museum
Marcia Derby , Bursar
Jeannett P. Watson, Matron
Thomas Barnes, Steward
St. Patrick’s Convent and School, Park place and West Clinton street, Rev. J.J. Bloomer, principal, Sisters of Mercy in charge.
St. Mary’s Convent and School, 421 Fulton street, Sisters of St Joseph in charge. Sister Clotidea, principle.
St. Cassimer’s School, 363 Roe avenue. Sister Catherine, principal. Sisters of St. Joseph in charge
St. Cecelia’s School, 954 Lake street, Sister Annietus, principal.
SS. Peter and Paul’s School, High street near East Market street. Sisters of St. Joseph in charge.
The Misses Norton Kindergarten, corner Second street and College avenue
Southport Corners, Graded Schools.
Board Rooms, City Hall, Third Floor
Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, 8o’clock p.m.
City Hall, Office hours 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and 4 to 5 p.m. on school days; Saturdays, 9 to 12 a.m.
Assistant to Superintendent- Elsie Brown, A.B.
District 1- Nathan Bimberg, term expires October ,1917.
District 2- Alexander S. Diven, term expires October, 1918.
District 3- John P. Kelly, term expires October, 1917.
District 4- Rev. John E. Calvin, term expires October, 1918.
District 5- Frank W. Ross, M.D., term expires, October, 1917.
Ransom T. Lewis, term expires October, 1917.
John S. Logan, term expires October, 1917
Mrs. Alice D. Hamilton, term expires October, 1918.
Gustavus A. Goff, term expires October 1918.
President-John P. Kelly, 700 Pennsylvania avenue
Secretary- Asher J. Jacoby, 509 Hoffman street
Assistant Secretary- Edith L. Hill, 454 South avenue
Finance- Diven, Ross, Lewis
Teachers- Diven, Logan, Hamilton
Organization and Discipline- Ross, Calvin, Goff
Text Book- Kelly, Calvin, Hamilton
Buildings- Bimberg, Logan, Goff
Supplies- Bimberg, Ross, Logan
Academy- Kelly, Goff, Lewis
Visiting- Bimberg, Hamilton, Kelly
Industrial- Lewis, Diven, Calvin
Director of Vocational Education- Claude J. Merchant
Manual Training in Grades- Lynn D. Hunt
Sewing in Grades- Elizabeth Ellis
Director of Drawing- Martha G. Perry
Director of Penmanship- Thaddeus M. Emblen
Director of Music- Mary F. Mack
Director of Extension Work- Rufus Stanley
Attendance Officer- Louis A. Hobler
Medical Inspectors- John A. Bennett, M.D., District No. 1, 666 Park place. H.W. Fudge, M.D., District No.2, 300 W. Church street.
School Nurses- Beatrice Knapp, District No.1, 407 Race street. Rosella F. Doherty, District No.2, 330 Irvine place.
Clinton, Lake and William Streets
FRANCIS R. PARKER, A.M. Principal 411 W. Gray Street
M. Louise Godfrey,A.B., English | Mary V.McCarthy A.B. Supply |
Katherine E. Youmans, AB. Drawing | Maude A. Snyder B.S. Algebra and Biology |
Helen M. Hibbard, B.S., Mathematics | S.Carolyn Calkins, B.S. Biology |
H. Isabel Wixon, A.B. Mathematics | Julia V. Brooks, German and Biology |
Harriet N. Kellogg, A.B., German | Rena Rockwell, A.M., Ancient History |
Louise K. Gamble, Ph.M., English | Rev. Herbert S. Harris, Spanish |
Jane M. Birchard, A.B., English | Mrs. Alice B. Davis, English |
Mary D. Condon, A.B., Algebra | Eliabeth M. Tashjian, A.B., Latin |
Anna M. McMahon, A.B., German | Dillon A. Cady, B.S., Physics |
Mazie Owen, A.B., Latin and Algebra | John W. Kern, A.M., Chemistry |
M.L.Wilson, A.B., History | Ruby A. Hopkins, A.B., Latin and Geometry |
A.L. Hill, B.S., Mathematics | Florence Callahan, A.B., Biology |
Geraldine E. Quinlan, Biology and English | John E. Nichols, Commer’l Branches |
Harriet L. Payne, A.B., French | Elizabeth M. Bryant, B.S., Commercial Branches |
H.M. Lovell, A.B., English, Latin and Greek | Flosse Sherman |
Josephine J. Bailey, A.B., English and History | George E. Truex |
Irving A. Walenstein, A.B., German | Ada F. Fear |
Katherine Van Duzer, A.B., Latin | Lucy D. Leverich, Shorthand |
George B. Brubaker, B.S., Boys’ Physical Training | Helen C. Smith, Foods and Housekeeping |
Marion E. Pierce, Girls Physical Training | Charles X. O’Brien, Music |
Janitor- Charles Palmiter | Olivia Dundas, A.B. Latin |
Anna R. Taylor, Secretary | Florence J. Gray, Librarian |
Assistant Janitors- Edward W. Flynn, Thomas Hughes, Mrs. Phoebe Nagle
Lake Street near D. L. & W Railroad
CLAUDE J. MERCHANT, Principal, 810 W.Church Street
Ransom L. Libby, Machine Shop Work, Foundry Practice, Sheet Metal Work, Forging
Clifford F. McNaught, Pattern Making
George B. Brubaker, B.S., Physical Training
DeForest LaVoy, Mechanical Drawing, Mathematics
Walter C. Smith, Electrical Work, Plumbing
Charlotte Ketchum, English, History, geography, Spelling, Penmanship
J.E. Waldron, Plumbing
A.E. Bradley, Shop Mathematics
H.D. Smith, Woodwork
Lee A. Spencer, Applied Science
Janitor- Fred Ekelman
SCHOOL NO.1(Beecher School)
Sullivan and East Second Streets
L.W. HERRICK, Principal, 959 Walnut Street
Grade 8 A Ada L. Inscho | Grade 4 B Daisy Harrington |
Grade 8 B Mrs. Lois E. Sidney | Grade 3 A Mrs. Louise B. Freeman |
Grade 7 A Ruby Smith, A.B. | Grade 3 B Mary E. McCanna |
Grade 7 B Maud Coe | Grade 3 B Jennie Reardon |
Grade 6 A Anita Kluge | Grade 2 A Kathryn Jenkins |
Grade 6 B Carrie E. Breese | Grade 2 B Alice M. Rahn |
Grade 5 A Elsie J. Landon | Grade 1 A Lena A. Parker |
Grade 5 B Alice M. Britton | Grade 1 B May L. Flanagan |
Grade 4 A Jane L. Clark | Grade 1 C Elizabeth K. Lorch |
Janitors- Main Building, Simon Decker; Annex, LaFayette Gould
West Second and Davis Streets
H.C.ROMAYNE, A.B., M.C.B., Principal, 110 West Chemung Place
Grade 8 Mrs. Anna M. Presler | Grade 3 Mrs. Clara K. Smith |
Grade 7 Emma Briggs | Grade 2 Catherine Leary |
Grade 6 Anna L. Fitten | Grade 1 Elizabeth M. Brink |
Grade 5 Mrs. Susan Hoftrup | Grade 1 B Ida L. Trescott |
Grade 4 Mae F. Hanranhan | Special Class Mida D. Smith |
Janitor- John D. Latin
Partridge Street, Head of Harmon Street
JOHN T. SMITH, Principal, 454 East Church Street
Grade 8 Mattie Hudson | Grade 3 A Agnes Doherty |
Grade 7 A Mary C. Brady | Grade 3 B Mrs. Nellie F. Ransom |
Grade 7 B Edna Cronin | Grade 2 B Gertrude Bush |
Grade 6 B Mary C. Kelly | Grade 2 B,1 A Frances L. Gosper |
Grade 5 A Elizabeth V. Smith | Grade 1 B Christine E. Lorch |
Grade 5 A Laura M. O’Donnell | Grade 1 C Mary F. Woodruff |
Grade 5 B Catharine Moriarty | Special Class, Minnie A. Murphy |
Grade 4 A Margaret McNamara | Orphans’ Home, Mrs. Harriet E. Fish |
Grade 4 B Elizabeth Krause | Janitor- Martin Keavin |
Division and Hall Streets and Grand Central Avenue
H.F.NORTHROP, Principal, 768 Maple Avenue
Grade 8 Florence Dobberstein | Grade 3 B Barbara E. Hart |
Grade 7 Loa T. Beman | Grade 2 A Hildagarde M. Prechtl |
Grade 6 Ruth E. Blood | Grade 2 B Elizabeth Gorman |
Grade 5 A Mary S. Jenkins | Grade 1 A Stella M. Lawrence |
Grade 5 B Katharine Donovan | Grade 1 B Susie Wadsworth |
Grade 4 A Celia Riffe | Grade 1 C Alice R. Fay |
Grade 4 B Julia B. Glines | Grade 1 C Catherine Hynes |
Grade 3 A Anna L. Phillips | Janitor- Edward Sheehe |
Washington Avenue, Johnson and Lincoln Streets
J.H. Bennett, President, 977 Lincoln Street
Grade 8 Mary J. Skeahan | Grade 4 B Katherine Mungovan |
Grade 7 B Sarah Friedman | Grade 3 A Elizabeth R. Holleran |
Grade 7 A Mrs. J. Jennie Sergeant | Grade 3 B Harriet M. Snyder |
Grade 6 B Jennie Beardon | Grade 2 A, J.B. Emma E. Holleran |
Grade 5 A Bessie Wood | Grade 2 B Catherine Gradwell |
Grade 5 B Kathryn Kingston | Grade 1 Mary Linneen |
Grade 4 A Elsie Jones | Grade 1 B Alice R. Wixson |
Janitor- Jesse Kinner |
SCHOOL NO. 7 (Riverside School)
Riverside Avenue
SUSAN A. THOMPSON, Principal, 351 ½ Columbia Street
Grade 8 Mary E. Hudson | Grade 3 B Anna S. Roberts |
Grade 7 B Sophia S. Scharf | Grade 3 B Mary C. Flynn |
Grade 6 B Elizabeth . Swartwood | Grade 2 Elizabeth R. Kelly |
Grade 5 B Jennie J. Wanamaker | Grade 2 B I.A. Marie C. Fay |
Grade 5 B Marion Guiles | Grade 1 C Frances R. Keefe |
Grade 4 A Margaret G. McElligott | Grade 4 B Marion Guiles |
Janitor- W. J. Newell |
East Second Street and Madison Avenue
W.H. Benedict, A.M., Principal, 521 W. Third Street
Grade 8 Anastasia Mullaney | Grade 4 A B Elizabeth Roberts |
Grade 7 A Emma F. Carpenter | Grade 3 B Cora Ogden |
Grade 7 B Wilhelmina Gerard | Grade 3 B , 2 A Celia Lucy |
Grade 6 B Nellie Hogan | Grade 3 A ,B Mary D. Mann |
Grade 6 A M. Agnes Ryan | Grade 2 B Bertha P. Fitzgerald |
Grade 5 A Elizabeth C. Rockwell | Grade 1 C Maude M. Pollack |
Grade 5 B Mabel Little | Grade 2 B,1 A Emma S. Haight |
Janitor- George Schaffner | Grade 2 A,B Bertha A. Wilcox |
Perine and Lyon Streets
E.D.Hardy, A.B., Principal, 518 Pennsylvania Avenue
Grade 8 Mary G. Conley | Grade 4 A, 4 B Fanny Wladis |
Grade 7 A Edna Holley | Grade 4 A, 3 B Antoinette D. Ingham |
Grade 7 B Edith T. Riggs | Grade 3 B, 2 A Margaret Moore |
Grade 6 A Maud Cooper | Grade 2 Florence King |
Grade 6 B, 5 A Mrs. Grace K. Gelder | Grade 1 A, 1 B, Frances M. Battersby |
Grade 5 B E. May Stewart | Grade 1 C Ella M. Bradshaw |
Janitor- C.F. Lewis
West Thurston Street and West Side Avenue
LAURA C. MANLEY, Principal, 351 Euclid Avenue
Grades 8,7 Susan S. VanDuzer | Grade 4 A Loretta Sennott |
Grade 6 Mary T. Furey | Grade 3 Lucie E. Wentz |
Grade 5 Helena Harris | Grade 2 Mabel Hildreth |
Janitor- J.S. Theetge | Grade 1 Florence Hildreth |
Church, Hoffman and West First Streets
FRANK M. EDSON, B.A., Principal, 406 Euclid Avenue
Grade 8 Helen l. Dunn | Grade 3 B Idalene A. Sayre |
Grade 7 Wilhelmina Deister | Grade 2 Dolores M Conroy |
Grade 6 Lena c. Hobler | Grade 1 A Mary C. Danaher |
Grade 5 Anna S. Miller | Grade 1 B Jessie D. Smith |
Grade 4 A, 3B Mary A. Newsome | |
Grade 4 B, 3 A Anna M. Minier |
Janitor York Dailey
Kathryn L. Jenkins Sadie Mallon Olga M. Smith Mary L. Murray
Elmira Free Academy, Clinton, Lake and William Streets
L.W. HERRICK, Principal, 959 Walnut Street
Schools open for registration Friday evening, October 6, and Monday evening October 9.
Classes from October to March on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m.
Lake Street near D, L & W Railroad
CLAUDE J. MERCHANT, Principal, 810 West Church Street
Classes from October to March on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m.
Meeker’s Business Institute, 428 East Market Street, B.C. Meeker, President; Jess S. Kellogg, Principal. A commercial college offering a complete course of business training, stenography, typewriting and secretarial work.
The Railway Commercial Training School, 115 North Main Street (Snyder Block), Leon J. Baird, chief instructor. The only school in the country to give complete college training to young men and women learning the railroad business in every detail.
The Helen l. Bullock Training School was organized April 29, 1890, and incorporated April 9, 1901. The main building is locatded at 955 college avenue. It is the object of the school to provide a home and give indrustial training for friendless girls.
Officers of the Board of Trustees—President, Mrs. Helen L. Bullock; First Vice-President, Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Pratt; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Harry B. Mitchell; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Floyd Shoemaker; Treasurer, Ms. George H. Spring.
Trustees—Mrs. Julia E. Smith, Mrs. J.A. Wiesmer, Mrs. William McDaniel, Mrs. William Rathbun, Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Charles Gridley, Mrs. Maria Barrow, Mrs. F.N. Dounce, Mrs. R.R. Chilson, Mrs. Floyd Shoemaker, Mrs. R.T. Lewis, Mrs. Eugene Custard, Mrs. H.A. Hamilton, Mrs. A.H. Norton.
Instructors—Florence Graves, Agnes Graves
Advisory Board—John H. Shearer, Casper G. Decker, Charles Swartwood.
Offices: Realty Building, 404 East Market Street
Alexander P. Morrow, President
Thomas B. Fitzgerald, First-Vice-President
Elmer Dean, Second-Vice-President
Norman J. Thompson, Third-Vice-President
Samuel G.H. Turner, Treasurer
John E. Bally, Secretary
Floyd M. Shoemaker, John M. Connelly , J. Russell Clarke, Baird G. Dow, Edward O. Eldredge
(Incorporated 1902)
General Office Realty Building, 404 East Market Street
Secretary’s Office, 419 Realty Building
President, William H. Snyder, Snyder Building
Vice-President, Thomas Carr, 320 W. Fifth Street
Treasurer, Hosmer H. Billings, 112 Baldwin Street
Secretary, William A. Turnbull, Realty Building
H. L. Rosenbaum | Charles A. Kolstad | George S. McGlenn |
Fred W. Dawdy | Frank B. Harris | John H. Causer |
Charles W. Young | M. Doyle Marke | Frank E. Robbins |
Office with Elmira Chamber of Commerce, 404 E. Market Street
T.W. Vann, County Agent
Oscar Kahler, President | Albert Roy, Jr., Secretary |
C.S. Bowman, Vice-President | O.M. Wixon, Treasurer |
Directors: Frank Stannard, J. Sloat Wells, S.S. Comfort, F.O. Dann, Leeman Knapp
Co-operative Merchandising
Charles F. Abbott, M.D., President
Charles H. Evans, Vice-President
H.F. Lundy, Secretary-Treasurer
Office, Merchants National Bank Building. Warehouse, 417 N. Main Street
Office, 304-306 Realty Building. J. N. Wood, Chairman; Charles O. Eacker, Secretary-Treasurer.
Federal Building, corner State and Church Streets
Daniel Sheehan, Postmaster
H. Carlyle Millspaugh, Assistant Postmaster
John J. Ryan, Superintendent of Mails
M. Mabel Shaw, Stenographer
George W. Ault, Finance Clerk
John P. Lorden, Assistant Superintendent of delivery.
William P. Roosa | John H. McGrath | Arasca E. Thorne |
Louis D. Caldwell | Anthony Collson | Clarence H. Lambert |
H. B. Rhymer | Jesse E. Taylor | William R. Kitchen |
Eugene Lown | Frank E. Lyons | David A. Wainwright |
Henry W. Jessey | Joseph E. Fausnaught | Jerome B. Quimby |
Eugene Delamarter | Albert E. Marvin | Lewis H. Cascoigne |
John Cronin | Louis L. Graham | Melvin J. Conklin |
Samuel Hamilton | Clarence J. Eddy | John J. Durkin |
Hiram M. Peterman | Erlis H. Osborne | Earl McNaney |
Wilson C. Ross | Lyman L. Benedict | Walter I. Teed |
Judson W. Moore | John p. McMahon | William H. Batty |
James R. Brooks | James J. Powers | Arnie R. Mosher |
William H. Scott | Charles E. Calkins | Oliver L. Barnes |
N.E. Spencer | Albert J. Woodruff | Thomas J. Collins |
Michael Brett | Robert H. Carl |
Harry H. Hill | Lloyd L. Jessup | Malcolm W. Beattie |
M.H. Murphy | John F. Cuinene | Roy B. French |
Route No.1- Earl L. Benjamin | Route No.3- L.C. Mills |
Route No.2- E.L. Jenkins | Route No.4- Alvin Benjamin |
Route N. 1- Nathan Barnes | Route No.3- Elmer Terwilliger |
Route No.4- Edmund R. Bower | Route No.5- John McCann, jr |
Money Order and Registry Division- Clarke Wilcox, Harry Espey, Walter K. Howe, Mary C. Phillips.
Mailing Division- Charles M. Wilson, J. Earl Gregory, James M. Mockler, Edward C. Monks, Cornelius J. Lorden, Fred G. Davis, Carl D. Nye, Fred J. Battersby.
City Division- Claude Denson, Clarence E. Gascoigne, William B. Leahy, Fred W. Frantz, Clarence Krowl, Alfred J. Davis, Burt J. Denson.
General Delivery and Stamp Division- Charles R. Jenkins, Horton P. Spaulding, C.C. Wallis, Anna C. Sheehan.
Substitute Clerk- John J. Sheehan
General Delivery and Stamp windows open from 7 o’clock a.m. to 9 o’clock p.m., daily except Sunday.
Legal Holidays- 7 o’clock a.m. to 10 o’clock a.m.
Money Order and Registry Division- 9 o’clock a.m. to 9 o’clock p.m.
Legal Holidays- 9 to 10 o’clock a.m.
Postal Savings Bank- 9 o’clock a.m. to 7 o’clock p.m.
Legal Holidaays- 9 to 10 o’clock a.m.
Money Order, Registry and Savings Bank Divisions closed on Sundays. Mail may be registered at General Delivery window 7 o’clock a. m. to 9 o’clock a.m. daily except Sundays.
Carriers’ windows closed on Sundays.
Station No.1- No. 600 Pennsylvania avenue. D.C. Pitt, clerk in charge.
Station No.2- No. 642 West Water street. Earl W. Shipman, clerk in charge.
Station No.3- No. 951 Pennsylvania avenue. Ernest Smith, clerk in charge.
Station No.4- No. 365 Davis street. Clifford H. Calkins, clerk in charge.
Station No.5- Nos. 1201-1203 Grand Central avenue. Elias Smith, clerk in charge.
Station No.6- 116 S. Main street. William A. Palmer, clerk in charge.
Station No.7-109 E. Washington avenue, James DeLauro, clerk in charge.
Station No.8- No. 200 Pennsylvania avenue, Henry C. Hamilton, clerk in charge.
Station No.9- No. 651 Maple avenue,- Carl Moore, clerk in charge.
Elmira Heights Branch Office- Elmira Heights, Clara Oliver, clerk in charge.
The domestic letter rates in two cents an ounce or fraction thereof, and it applies to the island possessions of the United States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Cuba, Canada, Germany (sent by sea direct and not by the way of either Great Britain or France), Mexico, Newfoundland, Shanghai (China), Bahamas, Barbados, British Honduras, Leeward Islands, The Canal one, and the Republic of Panama. The foreign letter rate is five cents for the first ounce of each letter and three cents for every additional ounce or fraction thereof, and its applies to all other foreign countries in the Universal Postal Union.
The act of Congress authorizing the establishment of a parcel post system provides that on and after January 1, 1913, fourth class mail matter shall embrace all other matter, including farm and factory products, not embraced by law in either the first, second or third class, not exceeding fifty pounds in weight, for delivery within the first or second zones, and not exceeding twenty pounds for delivery within all other zones, nor greater in size than seventy-two inches in length and girth combined, nor in form or kind likely to injure the person of any postal employee or damage the mail equipment or other mail matter, and not of a character perishable within a period reasonably required for transportation and delivery.
The local rate is applicable to parcels intended for delivery at the office of mailing or on a rural route starting therefrom.
STEELE MEMORIAL LIBRARY- Steele Memorial Library Association, corner Lake and Market streets. Mrs. Frederick Collin, President; John Brand, Vice-President; Boyd McDowell, Secretary; S.G.H. Turner, Treasurer; Mrs. Kate Dean Andrew, Librarian.
SUPREME COURT LIBRARY- Court House Annex, Miss Fannie McHenry, Librarian.
ARNOT ART GALLERY(Incorporated 1911) Location 235 Lake street near East Church. The gallery is open to visitors at the following hours, Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.,Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m., Thursdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Frederick Collin, President; Ray Tompkins, Vice-President; Casper G. Decker, Secretary; Burton S. Chamberlain, Treasurer; Mrs. Jeanette Murdoch Diven, Director.
THE ARNOT-OGDEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL- Location Roe avenue corner Grove street. Visiting hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.. Officers: President, Z.R. Brockway; Vice-President, Ray Tompkins, Secretary, Casper G. Decker; Treasurer, James B. Rathbone; Board of Managers; Z.R. Brockway, J.C. Greeves, Edward E. Buchanan, Ray Tompkins, Burton S. Chamberlain, Alexander A. Diven, J.Arnot Rathbone/
ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL- Location, 550 East Market street. Visiting hours: public wards, from 2 to 4 p.m. each day: private wards, from 2 to 8 p.m. each day. President, the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Hickey, of Rochester. The other officers and the board of managers is made up of the Sisters of the Roman Catholic church. Sister Rose Alice in charge.
DETENTION HOSPITAL- Owned by Elmira city. Located on the Baden-Baden road, southeast of the city. Mrs. William Brown, matron.
BISHOP HEALTH INSTITUTE- Lauren E. Bishop, propr. 118 West Second street.
GLEASON HEALTH RESORT- Edward B. Gleason, propr. Dr. John C. Fisher, resident physician. 1019 East avenue.
O’CONNOR, HELEN DELOFF MRS.- Private hospital, 360 Columbia street.
PLEASANT VIEW HOSPITAL- Mrs. Katherine Bonnell, propr. 651 Roe avenue
PARADISE PRIVATE HOSPITAL- Mrs. Eva M. Paradise, propr 1006 Walnut street.
Office, Elmira Federation Building. Officers: President, M.H. Murphy; Vice-President, Mrs. Katherine McGuire,: Secretary, Miss Clara Reid, Treasurer: Samuel Cotton, Humane Officer: John W. Dillmore, Chemung County Agent for Dependent Children: Ruth Stowell, Directors: M.H. Murphy, Miss Clara Reid, Miss Katherine McGuire, Halsey Sayles, Miss Elizabeth Whitaker, J.T. White. Attor ney, W.W.Gregg.
Location, Grand Central avenue above Warren street. Society of the Home for the Aged. President, Mrs. Prentice P. Norman; First Vice-President, Mrs. Collin L. Hathaway; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Myer Friendly; Secretary, Mrs. I. Seymour Copeland; Treasurer, Milton Y. Smith.
Location, Franklin street, corner Fulton street.
Incorporated in 1864 as the Ladies’ Relief Association. Incorporated February 12, 1868, as the Southern Tier Orphan’s Home.
Officers- President, Mrs. William T. Henry; First Vice-President, Mrs. W.H. Fisher; Second Vice-President, Mrs. A.P. Morrow; Secretary, Miss Caroline Hall; Treasurer, Oscar N. Reynolds; Physician, Dr. Emma C. LeFevre; Matron and Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. May E. Egbert.
Trustees(one from each of the following churches) First Presbyterian, Mrs. Sutherland DeWitt; Lake Street Presbyterian, Mrs. George M. Diven;Park, Mrs. Charles C. Mather; First Methodist Episcopal, Mrs. William S. Gerity; Hedding Methodist Episcopal, Mrs. Joseph H. Pierce; First Baptist, Mrs. C.S. Carey; Trinity, Mrs. Daniel T. Pratt; Cenetenary Methodist Episcopal, Mrs. Wallace Oakley; Grace, Mrs. S.S. Todd, Mrs. W.L. Kendall.
Woodlawn Cemetery- Northwestern part of city. Entrances on Davis street and at northern terminus of Walnut street.
Jewish Cemetery- West end of Franklin street.
SS. Peter and Paul’s Cemetery- On Franklin street, west of Gleason street.
Fulton Street Cemetery- On the west side of Fulton street between Franklin street and South avenue.
Second Street Cemetery- On the North side of Second street between College avenue and Columbia street.
City Morgue- Rear of Court House, adjoining City Hospital.
Elmira Academy of Medicine, President, LaRue Colegrove, M.D.; Vice-President, R.B. Howland, M.D.; Secretary: E.T. Bush, M.D.; Treasurer, Charles G.R. Jennings, M.D.; Trustees: Ross G. Loop, M.D., Frank L. Christian, M.D., A.W.Booth, M.D., John C. Fisher, M.D., A.H. Baker, M.D., G.V.R.Merrill, M.D.. Meets first Wednesday of each month at 8:15 p.m. in Elmira Federation Building.
Chemung County Medical Society, President: R.H.V. Dann ,M.D.,; Vice-President, Clyde M. Carey, M.D.; Secretary, Mabel Flood, M.D.; Treasurer, Herbert W. Fudge, M.D., Meets second Tuesday evening of December, March, June and September at 8:15 p.m. in Elmira Federation Building.
Elmira Clinical Society: Secretary, Raymond A. Turnbull, M.D. Meets third Monday of each month at 8:15 p.m. at members’ offices.
Elmira Dental Society, President, Dr. Tracy B. Sturdevant; Vice-President, Dr. J.B. West; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. H.B. Mitchell. Meets second Monday evening of each month at members’ offices.
Meets second Wednesday of each month at Federal building. Dr. LaRue Colegrove, President; Dr. E.H. Wakely, Treasurer, Dr. N.H. Soble, Secretary.
The Second National Bank- Capital, $400,000; surplus, $400,000. President, S.G.H. Turner; Vice-President, J. Sloat Fassett; Second Vice-President, Elwood B. Crocker; Cashier, M.Y. Smith; Assistant Cashier, Roy B. Delo-Shieve, J. Sloat Fassett, Elwood B. Crocker, John E. Larkin, J. Sloat Fassett, jr., George W. Wyckoff, C.F. Carrier, Howard E. Baker, Charles E. Rapelyea, M.D. Thompaon.
Chemung Canal Trust Company- Capital and surplus, $1,000,000. President, Ray Tompkins; Vice-President, James B. Rathbone; Treasurer, Edward J. Dunn; Secretary, Edward O. Eldredge; Cashier, Frank E. Sackett. Directors: William H. Lovell, Isaac Baldwin, J. Scott Baldwin, W.S. McCord, E.E. Buchanan, B.S. Chamberlin, Frederick B. Smith, Fred D. Herrick, H.C. Mandeville, James B. Rathbone, Frederick W. Swan, Alexander D. Falck, J. Arnot Rathbone, Ray Tompkins, Daniel Sheehan, Edward O. Eldredge.
The Merchants National Bank- Capital, $250,000; surplus and undivided profits, $130,000. President, C.C. Swan; Vice-President, Arthur Clinton; Cashier, E.M.Fay, Directors: Arthur W. Booth, M.D., Arthur Clinton, Frank E. Doolittle, Chester R. Converse, Charles S. Kinsley, Ford R. Knapp, Theodore B. Knlb, James D. McCann, Alexander P. Morrow, Charles C. Swan, Myer Friendly.
The Elmira Savings Bank- Not capitalized. Resources, $1,050,000. President, William H. Ferguson; First Vice-President, John J. curtis; Second Vice-President, John W. Huston; Treasurer, H. C. Mandeville; Secretary, M.A. Leahy; Trustees- John J.. Curtis, William H. Ferguson, Henry J. Haase, William M. Ufford, Fred D. Herrick, John W. Huston, M.A. Leahy, H.C. Mandeville, Louis N. Mathews, Henry Simpson, Wilfrid I. Booth, Alexander S. Diven, George W. Wyckoff.
Elmira Mechanics’ Society- 323 Carroll street. President, Webster J. Cole. Vice-President, Frederick W. Swan, Secretary, A. H. Stowell, Treasurer, J.E. Larkin. Board of Managers- Dr. John c O’Brien, Charles F. Stevens,Frederick W. Swan, Robert H. Walker, C.H. Gridley, George L. Gray, Chester E. Howell, W.J. Cole, J. Maxwell Beers, James M. Moffatt, C.W.Young, H. E. Chapman.
Chemung Valley Mutual Loan Association- Total assets January 1, 1917, $1,828,971.31. President, Clay W. Holmes; Vice-President, G.V.R. Merrill, M.D.; Secretary, George H. Davidson; Treasurer, Milton Y. Smith. Directors: Dexter D. Curtis, F.E. Doolittle, F.M. Howell, A.F. Werdenberg, C.A. Phillips, Charles Swan, F.M. Showmaker, Clarence N. Ellis, W.M. Cooper. Attorney- C.A. Phillips.
The Elmira Co-operative Savings & Loan Association- Total assets, $400,000. President, Henry L. Rosenbaum; Vice-President, William T. Henry; Secretary-Treasurer, Henry M. Clarke. Directors- Harry N. Hoffman, William H. Lovell, Thomas J. Murphey, D. Clarence Espsy, Jacob B. Coykendall, Henry L. Deister, Jabin A. Secor, John H. Shearer, Charles H. McPherson. Attorney: Herschel L. Gardner.
The Elmira Mutual Building Loan Association- Directors: John m. Connelly, Adam Mander, Secretary, Charles J. Delaney. Office, 260 State street.
Elmira Industrial Association- Offices, 415 East Water street. President, Ray Tompkins; Vice-President, James B. Rathbone, Secretary and Treasurer, E.J. Dunn.
Elmira Daily Advertiser, published by the Elmira Advertiser Association, 100-102 Lake Street. Milo Shanks, President and General Manager; Harry S. Thayer, Secretary and Treasurer; Milo Shanks, Managing Editor. Ten cents per week; $3 per year by mail.
Elmira Daily Herald, published by the Herald Publishing Company, 117-119 Railroad avenue. Francis W. Ross, Business Manager. Six cents per week; $3 per year.
Elmira Star-Gazette, published by Star-Gazette Company. Baldwin and Market streets. I. Seymour Copeland, President: Frank E. Gannett, Vice-President: Edwin R. Davenport, Treasurer: James F. Woodford, Secretary: Erwin R. Davenport, Manager. By mail 25 cents a month or $3 per year; by carrier, 10 cents a week. Editors, Dr. Woodford, J. Copeland and Frank E. Gannett. Elmira Star-Gazette weekly edition, $1 per year.
Elmira Telegram (Sunday), published by The Telegram Publishing Company. Baldwin street corner East Second. H. S. Brooks, President; John Moore, Managing Editor; Harry J. Baltz, Superintendent.
Poultry Review, published by E. R. Philo, 1621 Lake street
The Transmission, published under the auspices of the Elmira Automobile Club by H.S. Bryan, Secretary.
The Key Note, published monthly by The Key Note Publishing Company, 309 East Water street. M. Doyle Marks, President: George F. Givens, Vice-President and Editor; Eloise H. Weale, Associate Editor: Claude D. Pierce, Secretary.
First and second floors, Hulett building. Ray Tompkins, President; G.B. Tripp, Vice-President; F. H. Hill, General Manager; C. A. Kohlstad, Secretary and Treasurer.
Offices, 400 East Water street corner Lake. J.L. Greatsinger, President; J.C. Packer, Secretary; D.W. Bigoney, Treasurer; E.W. Underwood, General Manager.
Company L., Third Infantry( Thirtieth Separate Company, N.G.N..Y.) Organized October 1, 1874. James P. Riffe, Captain; J. I.Varney, First Lieutenant; Harry M. Bentley, Second Lieutenant; Dr. R.A. Turnbull, Post Surgeon.
Baldwin Post, No. 6, G.A.R.-Jacob Butterfus, Commander; Frank Frost, Adjutant. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at the Armory, East Church street near Lake.
Fitch Post, No. 165, G.A.R.- Charles Mance, Commander; W. R. Jenkins, Adjutant. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at Armory, East Church street near Lake.
Gen. A.S. Diven Post, No. 623, G.A.R.- Thomas Waters, Commander, Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Armory, East Church street near Lake.
Hoffman Camp, No. 40, United Spanish War Veterans- Herman Pankau, Commander; E.E. Daggett, Adjutant; F.W. Ross, M.D., Surgeon. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at Armory, East Church street near Lake.
Old Guard, 26th Separate Company, N.G.N.Y.-M.H. Hewitt, President.
Old Guard, 30th Separate Company, N.G.N.Y.- George Ward, President.
Hone Defense Committee—Headquarters, Court House Annex. W.I. Booth, Chairman; Edward M. Lowman, Secretary; Ray Tompkins, Treasurer; Seymour Lowman, J.D.S. Reid, Thomas b. Fitzgerald, Walter K. Whitley, Charles B. Garrison, O.D. Eisenhart.
Sons of Veterans, General A.S.Diven Camp, No.77—Ulysses B. Schoonover, Commander; Neil D. Cranmer, Senior Vice-Commander; W.G.Fudge, Secretary; Ernest Schoonover, Treasurer. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at hall, 118-120 Lake street.
Daughters of Veterans, Mrs. Gen. A.S.Diven Tent, No.7—Gertrude Kinyon, President; Mrs. Elsie Lyons, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Meeker’s Hall on Lake street.
Women’s Relief Corps of the G.A.R.—Mrs. Mary McDermott, President, Mrs. Emma J. Call, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at their hall, 118 Lake street.
Ladies’ auxiliary, Hoffman Camp, United Spanish War Veterans—Mrs. Mary Driscoll, President; Mrs. L.A. Forrest, Secretary.
Sons of the American Revolution, Newtown Battle Chapter—Arthur W. Booth, M.D., President; Charles B. Swartwood, First Vice-President; Charles L. Hart, Treasurer; Jabin A. Secor, Secretary; Frederick W. Swan, Registrar; Herbert M. Lovell, Historian; Harrison S. Chapman, Chaplain. Meets at the call of the president in the Chapter rooms, Elmira Federation building.
Daughters of the American Revolution Chemung Chapter—Mrs. H.H. Hallock, Regent; Mrs. M.R. Ellis, Vice-President; Mrs. Frank H. Allerton, Recording Secretary; Miss Linette A. Adriance, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Jane M. Barker, Treasurer; Miss Esther E. Satterlee, Historian. Meets at Elmira Federation building.
Elmira Council Headquarters, 203 Merchants National Bank Building.
Officers- Ransom T. Lewis, President; E.J. Dunn, Benjamin F. Levy M. Doyle Marks, Prof. F.R. Parker,Vive-President; C.A.Kolstad, Secretary; E.O. Eldredge, Treasurer; Frederick C. Tomlinson, Scout Commissioner; Clarence L. Dumm, Scout Executive; Janet Taylor, Office Secretary.
Boy Scouts of America Bugle Drum Corps, 203 Merchants National Bank Building. Committee- M. Doyle Marks, Clarence L. Dumm, Frederick C. Tomlinson .
Dale’s Orchestra—Mrs. Samuel S. Dale, leader
Grotto Band—Edward Bien, leader
Hager’s Band—Arnold Hager, director
Hauver’s Elmira Band—Frank E. Hauver, director
Majestic Theatre Orchestra—A.J. Obinkirchen, leader
McHenry’s Orchestra—Abram McHenry, leader
New Exceisior Band—Joseph F.. Thompson, leader
Polish Band—Frank E. Hauver, leader
Whitney Band—R.L. Whitney, leader
Building 322-328 East Market Street
The Central Young Men’s Christian Association was organized in 1858, reorganized in 1883, and has since been incorporated. Officers; F.M.Howell, President; E.R.Davenport, First Vice-President; Casper Decker, Second Vive-President; M.Y.Smith, Treasurer; Halsey Sayles, Recording Secretary. Exective-P.F. Loope, Acting General Secretay; C.E.Whitlock, Assistant Secretary; P.E.Loope, Physical Director. The work of the association is sub-divided by committees on Education, Membership, Gymnasium, Finance, Executive, Boys’ Work Extensions, Bible Study, Religious Work, Invitation, House and Reception. Memberships are divided into three classes; Limited ($2.00) includes use of reading room, parlor game room and all other privileges except gymnasium, bowling alleys, bath and educational classes. Full membership ($6.00), all privileges of the association except educational classes. Lockers can be rented for $1.00 per year in addition to full membership fee. Unlimited ($10.00), all privileges of the association, no extras. Students and intermediate privileges, $5.00; Junior membership, $1.00.
Women’s Auxiliary, Central Y.M.C.A.—Mrs. S.F. Iszard, President; Mrs. Frank Inksater, First Vice-President; Mrs. F.M.Blystone, Second Vive-President; Mrs. A.J. Jacoby, Third Vive-President; Mrs. W.H. Ralyea, Treasurer; Mrs. Robert A.Wilbur, Corresponding Secretary.
Young Women’s Cristian Association—Building, 559 Maple avenue. The Young Women’s Christian Association was organized in November 1914. The management is vested in a board of thirty directors, who have supervision of the work of the association. Officers- Mrs. Sherman Estey, President; Mrs. R. Lew Williams, Vice-President; Mrs. Harry N. Hoffman, Secretary; Mrs. Eli Personius, Treasurer; Executivve-Miss Frances E. Baldwin. General Secretary, Miss Gertrude E. Daggett. Assistant Secretary, Miss Florence Baldwin. House Secretary. Trustees-John J. Richford, Chester Howell, L.T. Dick, C.A.Phillips, A.H. Norton, W.P. Welts. Executive Committee- Mrs. Sherman Estey, Mrs. R.Lew Williams, Mrs. Harry N. Hoffman, Mrs. Eli Personius, Mrs. Cassius A. Phillips, Mrs. John J. Richford, Miss Frances E. Baldwin. The are two classes of members, sustaining and general. Any girl, twelve years of age or more, may become a general member. The membership fee is $1.00 per year. The ideal of the association is a four-fold development for the girls of Elmira—a development physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. The building was formerly the Robinson homestead, and is wonderfully adapted to the work of the association. It affords a boarding home for girls at a reasonable rate, and a place where any girl can find friends and good times always. The grounds offer fine opportunity for the enjoyment of various outdoor sports. There is an employment bureau in connection with the association, and various educational classes and clubs. The dues of $1.00 entitle a member to practically all the privileges of the association.
D. L. & W. Department, Young Men’s Christian association—This department of the Y.M.C.A. is composed of 250 members among the employes of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and is under the direct supervision of Mr. H.H. Shepard, superintendent of Buffalo Division, and managed by H.M. Space, Secretary; Wayne C. Templer, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, $5.00 per year. The building, which is perfect and complete in construction, is located on Lackawanna avenue, corner of Division street. A general welfare work is conducted. A restaurant, dormitory, locker room, wash rooms, reading room, bath room,barber shop, library, correspondence table and game room are open day and night. Bible and educational classes are conducted, also practical talks. William C. Dingler, proprietor of barber shop.
Pennsylvania Railroad Y.M.C.A.—Location, 632 Lewis street, corner West Miller. D.G. Stevens, Secretary. Committee of Management—E.S. Harding, H.K. Tubbs, J.H. Shearer, G.W. Hawthorne, A.M. Gracle, C.H.Potts, James Vivian and E.E.Everetts. Rates-Standard ticket, good for privileges in any Y.M.C.A.. $2 yearly. Privileges and equipment—Reading rooms, library, pool tables, games of all kind, bath rooms, etc. Practical talks on railroad subjects, educational classes, Bible classes and religious meetings.
Ladies’ Auxiliary, Pennsylvania Railroad Y.M.C.A.- President, Mrs. S.E. Holley; Vice-President, Mrs. L.N.Logue; Secretary, Mrs. F.C. Harper; Treasurer; Mrs. G.B. King.
County Officers—President, Mrs. W.O.Monroe, Oakwood avenue; Elmira Heights; Vice-President, Mrs. A.H.Norton, 208 Columbia street; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E.H. Ribble, 354 Franklin street, Recording Secretary, Miss Hannah D. Fox, 611 West Gray street; Treasurer, Mrs. Maria Barrow, Elmira Heights.
Located in the Federation Building at the corner of East Church and State Streets.
Officers—President, Mrs. j. Sloat Fassett; First Vice-President, Rev. Arthur B. Rudd; Second Vice-President, Mrs. William M. Cooper; Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith; General Secretary, Miss Jeanette S. Bullis. Directors-at-Large—Hon. Z.R. Brockway, Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, mrs. John M. Connelly, William M. Cooper, F.W. Dawdy, Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett, Dr. H.A. Hamilton, Mrs. William T. Henry, H.N. Hoffman, Asher J. Jocaby, Jervis Langdon, Benjamin F. Levy, Horace J. Loughridge, Mrs. A.P. Morrow, John Moore, M.H. Murphy, Mrs. P.P. Norman, Mrs. H.H. Sayles, Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith, Merle D. Thompson, Mrs. E.K. Tidd, Mrs. Ray Tompkins, S.G.H. Turner, Rev. H.S. Harris, Dr. Reeve B. Howland.
The Industrial School and Free Kindergarten Association (Inc.) – Headquarters in the Elmira Federal Building at the corner of East Church and State streets. The officers, board of managers and advisory board are composed of members of the several churches of the city which contribute toward the support of the institution. President, Mrs. J.S. Fassett; First Vice-President, Mrs. George Diven; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Casper G. Decker; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Seth Winner;; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C.H. Gridley; Treasurer, Fred Fisk; Collector, Mrs. F.F. Hall.
Allied Charities Fund—Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith, Treasurer; William M. Cooper, Secretary. Office, Federation building.
Civil Service Employees Association—Meets first Monday of January, April and August, 8 p.m. at A.O. H.Hall, 107 East Church street. President H.M. Riffe; Vice-President, Cornelius O’Leary; Financial Secretary, G.E.Meeker; Recording Secretary, C.E.Graves.
Organized September 26, 1916. Incorporated January 18, 1917
Board of Directors—J. Maxwell Beers, President, 354 West Water street; M.Doyle Marks, Vice-President; S.G.H.Turner, Treasurer; W.H. Snyder, Secretary, 408-409 Snyder building; Clifford H. Calkins, E.O.Eldredge, Albert E.Carr, F.C. Tomlinson, Sol J. Brooks, C.W.O’Shea, J.D.S.Reid, H.M. Beardsley: Phay B. Rutan, Sergeant-at-Arms. Meets Friday noon. Evening dinner last Friday in month.
Chemung County Agricultural Society—President, Albert G. Miller; Vice-President, George Pickering; Treasurer, A.R.Hoke; Secretary, M.B. Heller. Directors—William F. Clearwater, Dr. J.A.Underwood, George M. Diven, Fred C. Miller, J. Sloat Welles, G. Henry Roberts.
Chemung County Forest, Fish and Game Protective Association—President, H.S. Bryan; Vice-President, Harry R. Loring; Secretary and Treasurer, L.C. Andrews. Cottage Cozy Nook, stop Waverly line.
Chemung County Pomona Grange—Meets at Farmers’ Hall on the second Saturday of each month. Master, Frank Stannard; Secretary, Mrs. O.M. Wixon.
Chemung County Wine, Liquor and Beer Dealers’ Association—President, James M. Falsey; Secretary and Treasurer, Fred W. Causer.
Chemung Valley Fruit Growers’ Association---President, George M. Welles; Vice-President, Harrison S. Chapman; Secretary, H.N. Babcock;Treasurer, H.N. Hoffman. Executive Committee—George M. Welles, Harrison S. Chapman, John Brand, Edgar W. Philo, Frank Stannard.
Chemung Valley Grange—Meets in Elmira Federation building on Church street on the third Saturdays of each month. Master, John McCann; Secretary, Mrs. O.M. Wixson.
Cold Brook Club—President, Ransom T. Lewis; Vice-President, T.H.Markthaler: Secretary, T.H. Kertscher; Treasurer, Isaac Baldwin. The above officers, with the following constitute the Board of Directors: F.W. Meddaugh, C.B. Romer and John H. Causer.
Christopher Columbus Lodge, No. 155, Order of Sons of Italy—Venerable, N.V. Liberatore; First Assistant Venerable, L.D. Muccigrosso; Second Assistant Venerable, Dr. F. Goglia; Orator, Rev. Adolph Gabino; Secretary of State, C. DaLongis; Financial Secretary, F.K. Liberatore; Treasurer, J. Cetola; Trustees, A. Camponelia, D. Muccigrosso, J. Cieri,; Sentinels, B. Gesnoli J.Toto,. Inside and Outside Guards, S. Desantis, N. Lillia.
Elmira Academy of Science—Regular meetings the second Tuesday of each month at the Elmira College chapel from October to June, inclusive, at 8 o’clock p.m.
Elmira automobile Club—Office, 210 East Water street. President, Frank C. Ogden; Vice-President, G.A. Goff; Secretary, H.S. Bryan; Treasurer, Walter K. Whitley. Executive Committee—Chester R. Converse, Chairman; W.T. Bailey, Carlton K. Hevener, M. Doyle Marks, T.H. Judson.
Elmira Building and Building Supply Dealers’ Exchange—Meets every Friday evening at hall 151 Lake street, corner Carroll. C.A. Pulford, President; J.N. Wood, Secretary.
Elmira Camera Club—112 Baldwin street, third floor. Meets at the call of the President.
Elmira Century Club—President, M. Doyle Marks; Vice-President, Fred Bright; Secretary-Treasurer, George Pickering.
Elmira City Club—President, James R. Reynolds; First Vice-President, E.W. Underwood; Second Vive-President, John G. McDowell; Secretary-Treasurer, E. Romaine Clarke. Directors—James B. Rathbone, George McCann, H.H. Bickford, George W. Wyckoff, T.H. Kertscher, John M. Connelly.
Elmira Country Club—The club house is situated on West Church street, outside the city limits. Officers- President, George McCann; First Vice-President, Wilfrid I. Booth; Second Vive-President, R.G. Jennings; Third Vice-President, E.B. Crocker; Secretary-Treasurer, F.F.Jewett. Directors—J. Sloat Fassett, Walter Lloyd Smith, R.G. Jennings, Alexander P. Morrow, C.A. Petrie, James B. Rathbone, George McCann, E.B. Crocker, J.R.Reynolds, J.G. McDowell, J.M. Connelly, W.I.Booth, A.A.Houghton, D.J. Kennedy, W.T.Bailey, William Ufford, F.A. Richmond, C.B. Swartwood. Executive Committee—John Moore, Chairman; A.M. Bovier, E.B. Crocker, W.I. Booth, H.A. Jaggard, George McCann.
Elmira Exempt Firemen’s Association—Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month in their rooms on the third floor of the Second National Bank building. Robert H. Walker, President; James Craig, Vice-President; Charles A. Landy, Secretary; Fred D. Herrick, Treasurer. Executive Committee—Miles Trout, W.R. TenBroeck, C.A. Murphey, C.W. Young, J.A. Campbell, A.J. Flett, Aloyes Snyder,. House Committee—Ezekiel Smith, M.F.Burgess, Fred LeValley. Elective Committee—Harry Bell, Charles W. White.
Elmira Farmers’ Club—Meets at Farmer’s Hall on Hoffman street. President, John McCann; Vice-President, H.N. Hoffman; Secretary, M.B . Heller; Treasurer, O.M. Wixon.
Elmira Poultry Association—George M. Diven, President; Harry B. Hayes, First Vice-President; Fred Smith, Second Vice-President; Thomas Gibbs, Third Vice-President; Charles Earl Hart, Secretary-Treasurer; C.E. Howell, Superintendent; H.M. Lovell, Attorney. Directors—C.E.Howell, H.N. Hoffman, George M. Diven, A.L.Hall, Israel Putman, Amos Baumann, G.A. Personius.
Elmira Real Estate association—Seymour Lowman, Pressident; Francis X. Disney, Vice-President; S.G.H. Turner, Treasurer; Frederick C. Tomlinson, Secretary. The board of directors is composed of the above officers with H. Foster Bush, Sam J. Hall, and William M. Ufford.
Elmira Saengerbund—Meets Sundays at Saengerbund Hall on Madison avenue. President, August Braun; Vice-President, John Sensel; Treasurer, John Duhl; Secretary, Charles Hoffman.
Elmira Teachers’ Association- Miss Cora Ogden, President; Miss Mida Smith, Vice-President; Miss Nettie Coe, Secretary; Miss Mary Brady, Treasurer. Meets at the call of the President in Elmira Federation Building.
Empire Technical Club—Composed of employees of American Bridge Co., President, Russell R. Graham; Vice-President, Thomas Curran; Treasurer, Elmer E. Thompson; Secretary, Leon W. Schelrer. Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month at hall 118-120 Lake street.
Elmira Tennis Club—Oscar N. Reynolds, President; Albert E. Legg,Vice-President; Ernest A. Dockstader, Secretary; Frank B. Blossom, Treasurer.
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees’ Protective Union, Local No. 289—President, R.J.Lee; Vice-President, Herbert Huzzard; Recording Secretary, Frank Carey; Financial Secretary and Treasurer, George Campbell; Business Agent, I.H. Stemburg. Meets fourth Sunday of every month at Royal Arcanum Hall, Carroll street.
Katydid Cottage—Head Chemung River narrows, town of Chemung, Stop Katydid, E.C.& W. Ry. Directors—J. C. Williamson and George Krowl.
Lake Keuka Club—Club House at Grove Springs Landing, Keuka Lake. John H. Causer, President; Howard E. Baker, Vice-President; E.K. Tidd, Secretary; E.R. Davenport, Treasurer. Board of Directors—T.H. Markthaler, Howard Baker, John H. Causer, E.R. Davenport, A.F. Werdenberg, George McCann, James D. McCann.
Master Painters and Directors’ Association—President, Carl I. Jessen; Vice-President, W.H. Rising; Secretary, F.M. Bottcher; Treasurer, Henry Millier.
Masonic Club—L.C. Andrews, President; Floyd A. Atwater, Vice-President; George Crandell; Secretary and Treasurer. Trustees—Stephen B. Kistler, William H. Blight, William P. Rodgers, George Briggs. Club rooms, Masonic Temple, Lake street corner East Market.
National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 21—Meets first Monday of each month at Post Office building. President, Clarence H. Lambert; Vice-President, Charles E. Calkins; Recording Secretary, Robert H. Carl; Financial Secretary, A. E. Thorne; Collector Mutual Benefit Association of Letter Carriers, Michael Brett: Clerk of Letter Carriers’ Sick and Accident Association, L.L. Graham.
Pine Cliff Club—Meets at the call of the President at the club house on the Chemung river west of the city limits. William H. Lovell, President; Thurber A. Brown, Vice-President; George Edmunds, Secretary: Charles VanHouten, Treasurer. The Board of Directors is composed of the officers and the following: Claude Wisehart, William C. Metzger and Burt E. Sweet.
Retail Grocers’ Association—Meets every Monday evening at Royal Arcanum Hall, 316 Carroll street. Frank Meddaugh, Secretary.
Queen City Racing and Carnival Association—James M. Falsey, Secretary. Office, Lyceum building, 154 Lake street.
Senators’ Club—Meets at the call of the President at the Senators’ cottage, just east of Far Rockaway, on the Chemung river. Dr. V.P. Ford, President; Joseph F. Kilmer, Secretary; Frank Ford, Treasurer. Directors—Henry A. Winkle, Eugene Porter, Fred Stempfie, John Bater, jr. The annual meeting takes place on the second Thursday of April.
United Association of Post Office Clerks, Branch 847—President, Harry Espey; Secretary and Treasurer, Clark Wilcox.
United Commercial Travelers, Elmira Council, No. 236—Meets second and fourth Saturday of each month at Royal Arcanum Hall, 316 Carroll street. Senior Counselor, E.W.Elliott; Junior Counselor, Rex Field, Secretary and Treasurer, E.H. Mead; Conductor, Harry Albert; Page, Edin B. Sheely; Sentinel, F.B. Quimby; Chaplain, W.E. Giles. Executive Committee, W.E.Swarts and John C. Sheely, two years; Walter C. Darby and C.G. Hummell, one year.
Wednesday Morning Club—President, Miss Harriet L. Dates; First Vice-President, Mrs. Charles J. Howe; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert A. Wilbur; Secretary, Mrs. Bert O. Chapman; Treasurer, Mrs. Hiram H. Bickford. Directors—Mrs. H.M. Beardsley, Miss Mary G. Brown, Mrs. William H. Chapman.