Tobey Marian E, teacher, res 517 W Gray
Tobey Martin A, milk dealer 708 Broadway, h do
Tobey Morton B, com tray, h 462 Union place
Tobey Naomi F, opr N Y Tel Co, res room 2 Metzger block
Tobias Adair, (Tobias & Son) 1049 E Water, res Horseheads, N Y
Tobias Fred A, (Tobias & Son) 1049 E Water, res Horseheads, N Y
Tobias Julia R, clerk, res 609 John
Tobias Norman, clerk, res 609 John
Tobias Soloman, dry goods and notions, 565 John h 609 do
Tobias & Son (Fred A and Adair Tobias) grist mill 1049 E Water
Tobin Michael E, emp Willys-Morrow Co h 552 Franklin
Todd Seager S, com trav, h 510 W Clinton
Todd Virginia, student, res 510 W Clinton
Tolbert Grant meat market 1955 ½ Walnut, h Big Flats, N Y
Tolbert Samuel, emp Willys-Morrow Co. rms 714 N Main
Toles Louise, bds Home for Aged
Tome Charles E, sec and treas Fold Easy House Mfg Co 930-936 Lackawanna ave, res 527 Lake
Tome Harry, trainman P R R, bds 166 Boardman
Tomie Charles, emp Armour & Co, rms 714 N Main
Tomlinson Edward L, emp power plant, h 216 Maple ave
Tomlinson Ernest, emp Hygela Co, bds 221 Mt Zoar
Tomlinson Frederick C, specialist in casualty and automobile insurance 205-206 Merchant’s Bank bldg. H 471 W Water, summer home Sunnyside Cottage, Cottage drive foot of Warner ave (See ad front cover)
Tomlinson Genie, h 513 Davis
Tomlinson Nora Mrs, housekeeper r 2101/2 Judson, res do
Tomlinson Rilla, dressmaker 513 Davis, h do
Tompkins C M & R, Ray Tompkins pres; James B Digby vice-pres, Treas and mgr; Walter W Bush sec, wholesale grocers 350-35? State
Tompkins Edgar, retired, h 617 West Hill
Tompkins George teamster, h 112 Ferris
Tompkins Lena G, wid Elmer E, h 308 South ave
Tompkins Mary E, wid Guy N, rooming house 301 Baldwin
Tompkins Minni H, clerk American Bridge Co, res 211 Kingsbury ave
Tompkins Ray, pres Chemung Canal Trust Co, pres C M & R Tompkins, pres E W L & R R Co, also treas Home Defense committee, h 469 N Main
Tompkins Scott, emp A Wyckoff & Son Co, h 517 Perine
Tomsa John, farmer, h Hill Crest road
Tomski Frank, emp American Bridge Co, bds 1164 Magee
Tomski Theodore, emp American Bridge Co, bds 1164 Magee
Toner Arthur C, died May, 1917
Toner see Towner
Tong Eli, lab, h 1000 Sullivan
Tong Eli jr, emp Elmira Foundry Co, rms 727 W First
Tong Harry I, lawyer 209 Realty bldg, res 211 W Second
Tong James R, mgr street department Elmira Water Works, h 411 ½ Walnut
Tong Thomas W, retired, h 211 W Second
Toohey Anna M, bkkpr 313 E Water, h 818 Walnut
Toohey Delia, emp Hotel Rathbun, res do
Toohey John, removed to Rochester N Y
Toole Bros, (Edward J and Charles H) 142 E Water
Toole Charles H, (Toole Bros) 142 E Water, res 714 do
Toole Edward J, (Toole Bros) 142 E Water, h 714 do
Toole Mary, wid John B, h 714 E Water
Toomey Francis, sec-treas Babcock Toomey & Beers (Inc), 41? Rbinson bldg, h 558 Riverside ave
Toomey J jBernard, student, res 953 McKinley place
Toomey J Francis, res 953 McKinley placeToomey John B, condr D L & W R R, h 953 McKinley place
Toomey see Twoomey
Topolski John, wood worker Kerstcher & Co, bds 1164 N Main
Topolski Leo, wood worker Kertscher & Co, bds 1164 N Main
Topping Benjamin W, died February 1917
Topping Benjamin W jr, guard N Y S Reformatory, h 51 Hoffman
Topping Jennie, wid Benjamin, h 55 Hoffman
Tormey D Leo, emp S S Kresge Co, res 51 Harmon
Tormey James A, emp Willys-Morrow Co h 374 W Fifth
Torrence Clarence, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 707 Kenyon
Tota G Anthony, confectionery and ice cream 121 Lake, h do
Totten Arvinnie, wid Elsworth, h 202 Guinnip ave
Totten Donald, clerk A L F E Co, res 202 Guinnip ave
Torrey Edward E, carp, h 569 E Water
Toti Lewis C, decorator, res 803 W Church
Tourist John, butcher, h 712 Columbia
Towart David B, paymaster American Bridge Co, h 109 Foster ave
Towner Augustus P, sexton Hedding M E Church, h 355 Hoffman
Towner Charles F, retired h 406 Lake
Towner Charles I, emp Fold Easy Mfg co, bds 1410 Sullivan
Towner Egbert, machinist Cadillac garage, rs 306 Dewitt ave
Towner F Henrietta, dressmaker 355 Hoffman, bds do
Towner Frank O condr P R R, h 306 South ave
Towner George S, baker Hotel Langwell, h 224 Caldwell ave
Towner Harry M, driver Corning Ice Cream Co res 306 South ave
Towner Lottie J, bds 558 Thompson
Towner Margaret, wid Luther, res 103 Demarest ave
Towner Nellie bds 1410 Sullivan
Towner Ray G, chauffeur 142 E Water, bds 224 Caldwell ave
Towner William F, chauffeur, res 306 South ave
Towner see Toner
Townsend Albert F, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 413 Partridge
Townsend David W, machinist, h 1103 Oak
Townsend Ernest, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 361 W Second
Townsend Fanny L, student, res 506 William
Townsend George E, emp P R R, h 131 W Market
Townsend George, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 620 Reynolds
Townsend Grace, nurse, res 515 William
Townsend Helen E, student Elmira College, res do
Townsend Hezekiah lab, bds 135 Tuttle ave
Townsend James M, lab, h 507 Park place
Townsend Martin, teamster, h 135 Tuttle ave
Townsend Theodore H, student, res 506 William
Townsend Walter B, student, res 506 William
Townsend Wilber L, salesman Barton & Wheadon, h 506 William
Townsley Ella, wid Grover, stenogr Flanagan’s res 259 ½ Partridge
Tracey George res 551 Coburn
Tracey John, res 551 Coburn
Tracy Henry W, retired, rms 304 W Water
Tracy Howard M emp A L F E Co rms 262 Baldwin
Tracy Howard H, inspr Willys-Morrow Co h 302 ½ Broadway
Tracu Kpjm F genl agent State Mutual Life Assurance Co 405-407 Robinson bldg h 121 Madison ave
Trades and Labor Hall, 200 E Water
Trahey Catherine, wid Daniel L, h 157 W LaFrance
Trahey Daniel W, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 112 ½ W LaFrance
Trahey Francis, emp Thomas Mailey, res 464 Cypress
Trahey John lab Erie R R res 464 Cypress
Trahey Mary K clerk Sheehan Dean & Co, res 464 Cypress
Trahey Michael, lab Erie R R, res 157 W LaFrance
Trahey William emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 464 Cypress
Trainor Frank J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 312 W Washington ave
Trainor Owen, bds 1404 Baldwin
Trapper Henry, h 754 E Fifth
Trask Earl, emp Willys-Morrow Co h 308 S Main
Traum Albert, emp K V Co, res 220 Orchard
Traum Katherine Mrs, h 220 Orchard
Travelers Indemnity Co of Hartford Conn. Frederic C Tomlinson agent, Alexander Robertson senior inspr, office 205-206 Merchants national Bank bldg (See ad front cover)
Travelers Insurance Co of Hartford Conn, Clarence E Rigdon district agent, life, health and accident depts., 205-206 Merchants National Bank bldg
Travelers Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn, Frederick C Tomlinson agent, liability and accident depts., Alexander Robertson senior inspr, 205-206 Merchants National Bank bldg (See ad front cover)
Traver J Clifford salesman N J Thompson & Co, h 1003 Lake
Traver John B, trainman D L & W R R, h 1321 Lake
Traver William E, porter 429 Railroad ave res do
Travis Clarence E, machinist, bds 215 Park ave
Travis Laura Mrs, bds Home for Aged
Treat Archie L, chauffeur E W L * R R Co, h 818 Sullivan
Treat Homer E, carp E W L & R R Co, res 818 Sullivan
Treat Russell F, molder K V Co, h 206 ½ Dewitt ave
Treat Ralph, fireman Erie R R, res 818 Sullivan
Treat Sayre, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 206 ½ Dewitt ave
Treet Alonso, h 159 Beach
Trembly Ella G, nurse, res 203 Madison ave
Trescott Ida L, teacher School No 2, res Pine City R D No 1
Tress Amelia, clerk 112 Baldwin, res 801 Lake
Tress Cora C, clerk 659 Dickinson, res 618 do
Tress Jessie, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 822 Johnson
Tress Joseph, waiter 119 Lake, res do
Tress Joseph O, grocery 659 Dickinson, res 618 do
Tress Rose, clerk, 801 Lake, res do
Tretola Michael, tailor A DeRisio, h 263 W Clinton
Trice John F emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 1865 Davis
Trice Lee G, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, h Bancroft road
Trice Sephen, emp Kertscher & Co, res 407 ½ Sullivan
Triggs John, emp Erie R R, rms 512 College ave
Trim Julian, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 365 S Main
Trimbath Samuel, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 811 Maple ave
Trimber John A, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h 1068 Admiral place
Trinity Episcopal Church Rev Henry E Hubbard rector, W Church cor N Main
Tripp Edward C, h 411 Linden place
Tripp Frank E, reporter Star-Gazette, h 827 W Water
Tripp Henry P, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 1309 Hall
Tripp Louis E, Sanitary Vacuum Housecleaning Co. also agent Harrison Valley Mineral Water 1004 Hoffman, h do
Tritsch John F, emp 157 Flack, h 202 do
Trolano James, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 717 ½ Casey
Trost Edward, farmer, res 109 Cleveland ave
Trost George, shoemaker 153 W Third h 105 Cleveland ave
Trost George jr, tinsmith, res 105 Cleveland ave
Trost Lawrence C, sheet metal and furnace contractor 801 W Second, h 809 do
Troup Leslie E, com trav, h 502 William
Trout Clyde, bar clerk, rms 801 E Water
Trout Clyde W, res 503 Union place
Trout Stephen M, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 410 Euclid ave
Trowbridge Edward, trainman D L & W R R, h 912 College ave
Trowbridge Fred, emp K V Co, res 203 Judson
Trowbridge Minerva, emp A S B Co, bds 1105 Davis
Troxel Edith, wid Roy, h 262 Baldwin
Troy Agnes H, emp 316 Maple ave, res do
Troy House (Peter Lyons) 419 Railroad ave
Troy Michael P, car inspr P R R, h 742 Hopkins
Troy Timothy W, lab, h 507 Oak
Truax Robert R, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 200 Harmon
True Alice Mrs caterer, rms 505 Magee
Truesdell Anna A, wid George L, res 357 Euclid
Truesdell Lawrence S, barber 2331 E Water, h 108 Lormore
Truesdell Nellie, h 407 Baldwin
Truex George O, teacher E F A, h 368 W Clinton
Trull Ruth E, bds 522 W Clinton
Trull Samuel W, retired, h 522 W Clinton
Trumble Mattie, housekeeper superintendent’s residence N Y S Reformatory, res do
Tubbs Dudley W, gas fitter E W L & R R Co, res 724 Winsor ave
Tuberculosis Free Dispensary 425 E Market cor William
Tubbs Frances B, sec Lowman Construction Co (Inc), 312 Railroad ave, h 724 W Third
Tubbs Harriet, wid Henry M, res 414 W Church
Tubbs Harrison K, chief cleri P R R genl offices, h 450 W Gray
Tubbs Rosamond B, wid Samuel M, res 722 W Third
Tubbs William, paymaster E W L & R R Co, h 724 Winsor ave
Tuberty John J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 423 Broadway
Tuberty Margaret, nurse 405 Maple ave, res do
Tuch Sarah G, h 219 High
Tucker Claude, condr E WL & R R Co, bds 903 Lake
Tucker Clair M, druggist 500 N Main, h 329 ½ Irvine place
Tucker Clayton, emp Willys-Morrow Co res 116 Durland ave
Tucker E Lena Mrs, res 903 Lake
Tucker Frank, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 116 Durland ave
Tucker George, condr E W L & R R Co, bds 903 Lake
Tucker George R, film machine opr, h 410 ½ N Main
Tucker J Mathew, supt A Wyckoff & Son Co, h 309 Brand
Tucker Ray L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 450 Riverside ave
Tuerqui Cesare, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 314 Roe ave
Tunny James L, clerk P R R genl offices, h 803 N Main
Tunney Mable G, res 803 N Main
Tunis Arthur, emp Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, res Horseheads N Y
Tupper Floyd, condr E W L & R R Co, h 221 Dewitt ave
Turck Alexander C, emp K V Co, bds 714 Broadway
Turck Joseph H, physician 103 ½ W Church, h do; office hours 8 a m to 8 p m; chronic diseases only
Turnbull Collection Service, (William A Turnbull) 417-420 Realty bldg
Turnbull Raymond A, physician and surgeon 404 S Main, h do; office hours 8-9
a m, and 2-4 and 7-8 p m
Turnbull William A, lawyer 417-420 Realty bldg, h 468 W Gray
Turner Catherine, opr N Y Tel Co, res 1057 Walnut
Turner Charles, mnfr extracts 326 E Market, bds 766 Carpenter
Turner Charles R, salesman 508 College ave, h 915 Farnham
Turner David B H, lineman E W L & R R Co, h 719 Park place
Turner E Bryan, manfr extracts 326 E Market, res do
Turner Electric Co, Clay W Holmes pres; S H Turner genl mgr, electric contractors, fixtures and motors, storage batteries, 114-116 W Church
Turner Ellen S, wid George J, dressmaker, h 413 Jefferson
Turner Ethel G, emp W I Booth, res 103 E Miller
Turner Francis L. lab, res 103 E Miller
Turner George E, electrician 212 S Main, res 717 Walnut
Turner George W, clerk 1059 Walnut, h 1057 do
Turner Gertrude E, pianist, res 719 Park place
Turner Grace, res 708 ½ College ave
Turner Hannah M. housekeeper 403 W Gray, res do
Turner Harry a, inspr Willys-Morrow Co, res 315 W Second
Turner Harry T, clerk Martin B Wheeler, h 913 Farnham
Turner John engr D L & W R R, h 413 E Washington
Turner John E electrician, h 201 Madison ave
Turner John F, clerk 325 E Water, h 367 W Clinton
Turner John L, student, res 367 W Clinton
Turner Margaret E, student, res 413 Jefferson
Turner Mary J, emp W I booth, res 103 E Miller
Turner Omer, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 514 South ave
Turner Richard J, student, res 413 E Washington ave
Turner Samuel C H, pres Second National Bank, h 656 Euclid ave
Turner Samuel H, genl mgr Turner Electric Co, 116 W Church, h 414 Jefferson
Turner Theodore R, salesman 326 E Market, rms 118 N Main
Turner William H, carp, h 103 E Miller
Turner William, h 717 Walnut
Turner William L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 103 E Miller
Turner see Furner
Turpening Cecil, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 208 S Main
Turst Erwin L, emp Erie R R, h 552 Thompson
Tush Josie, emp C & K Laundry, res 958 Johnson
Tuthill Gould H, clerk Chemung Grocery Co, h 506 Decker ave
Tuttle Albert E, (Tuttle & Banta) 420 E Water, bds 758 Park place
Tuttle Charles S, custodian Masonic Temple, h 555 E Water
Tuttle C William, clerk 135 E Water h 507 do
Tuttle Dewitt clerk Willys-Morrow Co, res 555 E Water
Tuttle Dewitt M emp Thatcher Mfg Co, bds 331 E Center
Tuttle & Banta (Albert E Tuttle and Alonzo H Banta: harness and horse findings 420 E Water
Tuttle John r, PhD, teacher Elmira College, h 752 Park place
Tuttle Joseph c, emp Bennett Incinerating Co, h 722 Hatch
Tuttle William emp Elmira Foundry Co, h 507 E Water
Twerdik Joseph, tailor 104 E Water, h 1018 Lake
Twiss George W, emp D L & W R R rms 711 ½ Oak
Twomey John, police constable police dept, h 450 W Second
Twomey John J, salesman T Briggs & Go h 1256 College ave
Twomey see Toomey
Tyler Camilla A, wid Edward S, res 424 W Gray
Tyler Harold R insurance agt, h 424 W Gray
Tyler Lyman, fireman D L & W R R rms 711 ½ Oak
Tyler Mabel F, student Elmira College res do
Tyler Sallie S, wid Joseph P h 302 W Third
Tyner Robert J, inspr, bds 703 S Main
Tyrasinski Veronica nurse, res 517 Elizabeth
Tyrrell Thomas, boilermaker P R R h 422 Pleasant
Tyrell see Terrell
Ufford Catherine, student, res 418 W Church
Ufford Charles W, propr C W Ufford Glove Co, h 378 W Church
Ufford Henry M, student, res 418 W Church
Ufford William M, see Hygeia Refrigerating Co 100 Ferris, also agent Mrs J S Reynolds (estate) 306 Carroll, h 418 W Church
Ufford see Hufford
Ughert John emp A L F E Co rms 604 Home
Uhl George, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 112 Magnolia
Uhl John, clerk A S B Co, res 112 Magnolia
Uhl Rose, wid William res 112 Magnolia
Ulrich Margaret bkkpr 116 Walnut, res do
Underhill Edith res 121 W Chemung place
Underland Ruth, stenogr 210 E Water, res Wellsburg N Y
Underwood Evelyn, student res 580 Maple ave
Underwood Frank G, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 366 W Sixth
Underwood Harold, student, res 580 Maple ave
Underwood Jerome A, osteopath 203-205 Realty bldg, h 580 Maple ave
Underwood John M, artist, rms 312 Baldwin
Underwood John T, foreman Willys-Morrow Co, h 385 S Main
Underwood Typewriter Co, Norman A Schuck mgr, Realty bldg 410 E Market
Underwood Wilfred emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 580 Maple ave
Underwriter’s Association of New York Frank M Kelly inspr, 403 Robinson bldg
Ungard Sarah J, wid Clyde E, h 379 Baty
Unis John, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 402 Magee
Union Central Life Insurance CO of Cincinnati Ohio, Philip E Young general agent 507-509 Hulett bldg (see ad back cover)
U-Neek Store (Emmett L June) confectionary and groceries 470 Mt Zoar
United Cigar Stores, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco 119 E Water
United Sales Manufacturing Co, (Ralph A Sweet mgr) 428-252 W Water
United States Army Recruiting Office, Federal bldg
United States Civil Service Commission, Federal bldg
United States Court Clerk’s Office, Federal bldg
United States Court Rooms, Federal bldg
U S Cut Flower Co greenhouses 310 E Miller and Elmira Heights
United States District Attorney’s Office, Federal Building
United States Internal Revenue Office, D Henry Donahue deputy collector, Federal bldg
United States Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 122 State
United States Marshall’s Office, Stephen B Casey deputy marshal, Federal bldg
United States Navy Recruiting Office, Federal bldg
Untied States Post Office and Court House, 200-208 E Church cor State
Untold Charles F, emp K V Co, h 803 John
Unterberger Dorothy, opr N Y Tel Co, res 857 E Church
Unterberger Thomas A, emp K Y Co, h 857 E Church
UpdeGraff Ella A Mrs, h 114 W Chemung
Updegraff Elmer, machinist A L F E Co, h 1102 Grand Central ave
UpdeGraff Kathryn B, res 114 W Chemung
Updegraff Lawrence D, salesman Thatcher Mfg Co, res 506 ½ E Church
Updegraff Mary, wid Eldridge, h 506 ½ E Church
Unwin Edward C, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 827 W Gray
Updike Alvah, h 114 W Second
Updike Jesse L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 951 Lincoln
Updike Lyman M, emp Dawdy’s Bakery, res Penna ave bey limits
Updike Samuel, emp A L F E Co, h 53 S Main
Updyke Bertha, emp F M Howell & Co, res Pine City R F D
Updyke Charles S, livery 432 Carroll, h 452 do
Updyke Elizabeth, billing clerk F M Howell & Co, res 913 Farnham
Updyke Florence, emp F M Howell & Co, res macadam road Bulkhead
Updyke George, engr Read & Lovatt, h 810 Walnut
Updyke Glenn E, guard N Y S Reformatory, h 829 Lincoln
Updyke Hiram B, guard N Y S Reformatory, h 239 Kingsbury ave
Updyke Melvin, h 711 College ave
Upham John H, tinner F S Burgess Son & Co, rms 220 W Gray
Upham Mary E, emp 153 Lake, res 207 Rathbun
Upham Mary, emp 816 S main, res do
Urchak Julia, student, res 139 Horseheads blvd
Usher Charles, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 802 Perine
Upson Lena, res 701 W Clinton
Utley Archie R, piano teacher, h 614 Maple ave
Utley Meritt O, retired, h 410 Lake
Utley Milo, com trav, h 614 Maple ave
Utley Vera M, bkkpr Chemung Valley Real Estate Co, res 410 Lake
Utter Hester Mrs, removed from city
Utzinger Joseph E, emp Eclipse Machine Co, res 241 Kingsbury ave
Utz Daniel T, train dispatcher P R R genl offices, res 316 E Church
Vail Amanda, wid Rufus, res 820 ½ W Gray
Vail Joseph E, clerk 307 State, res 766 Lincoln
Vail J B, rms 104 College ave
Vail Lyman Mrs, bds Home for Aged
Vail Minnie, rms 309 W Clinton
Valentine George, machinist, h 204 High
Valentine Marian K, student Elmira College, res do
Valee Frannie B, wid Edwin, nurse 509 Magee, h do
Vallely John J, gate tender Erie RR, rms 615 S Main
Vallely Leo E, machinist A L F E Co, h 931 Penna ave
Vallely Robert J, bartender 617 S Main, h 115 W Miller
Valnto Peter, emp Erie depot, h 661 Dickinson
Valois August, barber 115 Lake, h 206 Columbia
Valois Dorothy, clerk Heyman Bros, res 823 E Second
Valois Edwin J, electrician 116 W Church, res 206 Columbia
Valois Frank M, tinner Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, h 225 Twelfth st, Elmira Heights
Valois Gretchen, musician S S Kresge & Co, res Elmira Heights
Valois J Edwin, electrician Turner Electric Co, res 206 Columbia
Valois Julia B, emp Frostilla Co, res 206 Columbia
Valois William A, electrician 116 W Church, h 417 ½ W Clinton
Valtzel Anna F, stenogr 211 E Water, res 209 Horner
Van Joseph, barkeeper Frasier Hotel, res do
Van May Mrs, cook Frasier Hotel, res do
VanAken Charles kodaks and photo supplies 218 W Water, h 529 W Gray
Van Allen Donna D, student, res 802 ½ Penna ave
VanAllen Theron T, steward Hotel Rathbun, h 802 ½ Penna ave
Van Allen William F, com trav, h 357 W First
VanAlstine Burt A, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 411 Locust
VanAlstyne Martin C, capr, h 1004 Pratt
VanArnam Charles W, automobile upholsterer 454 E Water, h 224 W Water
VanArnam Ella L, emp Campbell Knitting Mill, bds 949 E Church
VanArnam Jennie M Mrs, h 949 E Church
VanArnam see VanOrman
VanAtta Agnes, emp C & K Laundry
VanAtta Albert H, tallyman P R R freight, h 811 W Gray
VanAtta Arthur C, emp G L Curtis Co h 208 Chestnut
VanAtta Estelle, cook Gleason Health Resort, res do
VanAtta Julia, wid Adam S, milliner 1404 Caton, h do
VanAtta Lavine, emp A L F C Co, h 226 Lormore
VanAtta Maude E, bds 650 Penna ave
Van Atta Rose G, wid Edwin H res 109 Lormore
VanAtta Sarah a, res 811 W Gray
VanAtta Virginia G, dancing teacher, res 109 Lormore
VanAuken Ada E, wid Daniel, h 380 W first
VanAuken Edgar L, baggageman Erie R R, h 420 College ave
VanAuken James I, emp P R R freight, h 811 ½ W Gray
VanBergen Isabelle, emp Wheeler’s Hairdressing Parlors, rms 417 Lake
VanBrunt Maurice A, died February 1917
VanBuren Cora, stenogr Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, res 105 Durland ave
VanBuren Myron, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 800 Moore
VanBuren William H, emp A S B Co, h 119 Durland ave
VanBuskirk Harry, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 229 S Main
VanCampen Alder, student, bds 312 Euclid ave
VanCampen Edward, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 210 High
VanCampen Harry W, bkkpr Farnham & Reynolds, res 957 Oak
Van Campen John R, insurance, real estate and surety bonds 155 Lake, h 507 W Church. (See ad bottom edge of leaves)
Van Campen Samuel R, insturance, h 312 Euclid ave
Vance Clarence N, chauffeur 215-217 E Church, res 709 Benjamin
Vance Edward, janitor Robinson bldg, h 518 High
Vance John E, engr W I Booth, h Elmira Heights
Vance Joseph, died June 1917
Vance Noble, janitor, h 709 Benjamin
VanCleft William W, emp A S B Co. h 408 Oak
VanCurren Fred, chauffeur, bds 539 S Main
VanCurren see VanKuren
Vandenburg Lina, wid Charles, res 514 Ivy
Vandelinder Peter, emp Willys-Morrow Co, 710 Dubois
VanDemark Ernest L, porter 412 Carroll, res do
VanDermark Grace E, res 911 E Market
VanDemark Harley, retired, h 514 Perry
VanDemark Hattie, wid Lucius, h 911 E Market
VanDemark John N, trainman D L & W R R, h 220 W Third
VanDemark Malcolm J, machinist P R R, bds 313 West ave
VanDemark Reva H, res 131 Tuttle ave
VanDeren George, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 106 Sly
Vanderhoff Harry, lab, rms 258 Baldwin
Vanderhoff Peter, well driller 805 Linden place h do
Vanderlip Emily, wid Fred, h 110 S Main
Vanderlip Harry E, emp Campbell Knitting Mill, res 757 Carpenter
Vanderlip Phineas R, emp H C Spaulding Co, h 615 E Second
Vanderlip Stella A, emp Campbell Knitting Mill, res 757 Carpenter
Vanderlip William F, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 1215 W First
Vanderlip Willis C, clerk American Bridge Co, h 1215 W First
VanDermark George R, emp Painton’s Bakery, res 911 E Market
VanDermark Myrta, emp A S B Co, res 911 E Market
Vanderpool Carl r, removed to Endicott N Y
Vancie Claude, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 768 S Main
Vanders Jesse S, gardener, h 1251 Hoffman
Vanderpool Herbert O, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 120 Penna ave
Vanderpool Ira D, contractor and builder, h 529 W Water
Vanderpool Lester, emp P R R rms 110 Caldwell ave
Vanderpool Mary, wid William, h 559 Beach
Vanderpool Olin, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 110 Caldwell ave
Vanderpool Orien F, lab, h 559 Beach
Vanderpool Steven M, teamster, h 1202 W Water
Vanderpool Samuel L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 811 East ave
Vanderpool Ray, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 111 Caldwell ave
VanderVelde Cornelius J, carriage painter 448 E Water, h 313 High
VanderVelde Lillian N, file clerk E W L & R R Co, res 313 High
VanDoren Fred L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 402 Baty
VanDuyn Marguerite E B A. B S. instr in physical education Elmira College res do
VanDyke Cameron E, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 410 Locust
VanDyke Harry M, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 428 Pleasant
VanDyke Murray E, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 428 Pleasant
VanDyke Elizabeth, maid 821 W Church, res do
VanDyne Elizabeth, student, res 417 Grove
VanDyne Mary E, wid James, res 417 Grove
VanDyne William M, linotype opr Star-Gazette, h 417 Grove
VanDuzer Katherine A B, teacher E F A, res Horseheads
VanDuzer Susan S, teacher School No 10, res Horseheads
VanEss Emma, music teacher 400 Lake, rms do
VanEtten Charles J, plumber, h 612 E Water
VanEtten Isabelle, emp K V Co, res 143 Tuttle ave
VanFleet Byron, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 514 W Hudson
VanFleet Fannie, clerk Heyman Bros, res Elmira Heights
VanFleet George E, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 408 Jefferson
Van Fleet Louise, emp United States Mfg Co, res 129 Chemung place
VanFleet Louise, emp Chemung Printing Co, bds 111 Caldwell ave
VanFleet Winifred, bds 105 Budd
VanFleet see VanVleet
Van Gassbeck Ella S, maid 111 Caldwell ave, res do
VanGelder Daniel, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 616 E Miller
VanGelder Donald, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 616 E Miller
VanGelder Harry D, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 616 E Miller
VanGelder John, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 121 W Water
VanGelder John R, lab, h 29 Spruce
VanGelder John S, emp P R R, res 29 Spruce
VanGilder Martin J, emp American Bridge Co, bds 504 E Third
VanGorden Harry F, emp Geo W Peck Co, h 603 Serpentine ave
VanGorden Myrtle E, emp 405 Phoenix ave, res do
VanGorder Alice A, wid James, h 612 Hart
VanGorder Allen E, emp Holland & Johnson, res 352 ½ Stephens place
VanGorder Amanda, wid Jacob, res 120 Catherine
VanGorder Charles, carp, rms 555 John
VanGorder Della, wid Lafayette, h 352 ½ Stephens place
VanGorder Frank M, emp Country Club, h 120 Catherine
VanGorder Florence Mrs, res 556 Spaulding
VanGorder George, retired, h 304 Sylvester
VanGorder Thomas, lab, h 331 E Center
VanGorder John B, trainman P R R, h 105 Magnolia
VanGorder Warren H, emp H C Spaulding Co, h 519 Logan
VanGorder William L, toolmaker Willys-Morrow Co, h 1024 Penna ave
VanHorn Anna, emp J N Stearns & Co, rms 1368 College ave
VanHorn Donald H, student, res 712 W Gray
Van Horn Emma, emp J N Sterns & Co, rms 1368 College ave
VanHorn Dorothy, student, res 712 W Gray
VanHorn Ella, wid Emery, h 519 W Second
VanHorn Martha, emp J N Stearns & Co, rms 1368 College ave
VanHorn Otis, waiter City Club, res 356 Alexander
VanHorn Ralph C student, res 712 W Gray
VanHorn Ralph R, com trav, h 712 W Gray
Van Horne Abram T, asst Chief engineer State Dept of Highways 425 E Market cor William, h 915 W Water
VanHouten Aaron, emp 320 Carroll, bds 506 John
VanHouten Charles S, chief clerk P R R freight, h 303 Foster ave
VanHouten Joseph S, retired, res 301 Foster ave
VanHouten Robert, patrolman police dept, h 379 W Gray
Vanity Fair Shop, (T M and G D Reidy) ladies’ and childrens’ garments 140 E Water
VanKeuren Henry, emp G L Curtis & Co, h Bulkhead
VanKirk Alma bds Home for Aged
VanKirk Willard K, clerk A L F E Co, h 109 Caldwell ave
VanKuren Clark P, carp h 109 Lexington ave
VanKuren Claude, engine dispatcher P R R, h 462 South ave
VanKuren Emmet D, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 764 Maple ave
VanKuren Guy I electrician Thatcher Mfg Co, h 1114 Walnut
VanKuren Henry T L emp G L Curtis & Co, h 1251 Penna ave
VanKuren James asst storekeeper P R R, h 207 W Chemung place
VanKuren William H, condr P R R, h 509 Herrick
VanLoan Harriet Mrs, removed to Ridgebury, Pa
VanLoan Samuel C, paperhanger, rms 110 W Gray
VanLuwen Timothy, emp K V Co, h 157 Harriet
VanMater Helen B S, instr in science Elmira College, rms 756 Park place
Vann Theodore W, agent Chemung Co Farm Bureau Realty bldg, rms 414 E Church
VanNess Clayton H, rs 114 Dewitt ave
VanNess Elias J retired h 114 Dewitt ave
VanNess Henry E, supt Eclipse Machine Co, h 722 Winsor ave
VanNess John H, mason, h 410 Gaines place
VanNess Lena, bkkpr Powell-Hall Co 131-135 N Main, res 127 Madison ave
VanNess Mattie, waitress New England Kitchen, rms 205 Madison ave
Vannest Bros, (L Eugene and George U) confectionery 300-302 S Main
Vannest Cora E, res 206 Franklin
Vannest George U, (Vannest Bros) 300-302 S Main, res 206 Franklin
Vannest James H, h 206 Franklin
Vannest L Eugene, (Vannest Bros) 300-302 S Main, also grocer 303 Fulton, res 206 Franklin
Van Nort Pharmacy, (John W Robertson) 144 W Water
VanNorton Edwin H, lunchman 423 Railroad ave res do
VanOrden Augustus, canvasser, h 1007 Pratt
VanOrden Hattie E Mrs, grocery 1007 Pratt h do
VanOrder Claude, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 459 E Church
VanOrder Ina Mrs, h 607 Jay
VanOrder Robert M, farmer, h 1050 E Water
VanOrder Stanley, waiter, bds 607 Jay
VanOrder Stanely D milk dealer, res 1050 E Water
VanOrder Winfield S, retired, h 607 Jay
VanOrman Duren T, (H H Smith & Co) 117-119 Hoffman, h 702 W Gray
VanOrman Howard, emp P R R, res729 Seneca place
VanOrman see Van Arnam
VanOrsdale E & Co, (H J Shoemaker) wholesale produce dealers 169 Baldwin
VanOrsdale Edwin E, died July, 1917
VanOstrand Wilson E emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 319 South ave
VanOver Cora, wid James g, h 1201 Grand Central ave
VanPatten Irving, plumber r 568 Coburn, h 568 do
VanPatten Charles L, janitor Flanagan’s, h 711 Benjamin
VanSice Abram M, lab, res 104 W First
VanSickle Jerry, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 652 Dickinson
VanSlyke Claude, electrician Willys-Morrow Co, bds 507 Fitch
VanSlyke Margaret, removed to Athens, Pa
VanTassel Claude, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, h 458 E Church
VanTassel William H, died June, 1917
VanTassel William R, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, bds 308 Sutton
VanValkner Merrit, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 406 Oak
VanValkner Winfiled A, auto mechanician M Doyle Marks Co, h 402 Grove
VanVleet Cyrus W, salesman 111 N Main, h 416 Union place
VanVleet see VanFleet
VanWert John W, clerk P R R genl office, h 802 ½ Oak
VanWert Violet C, bkkpr 215-217 E Chruch, bds 802 ½ Oak
VanWey Lewis F, machinist, h 727 Broadway
VanWhy Henry F, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, h 1206 Hall
VanWhy Pearl stenogr 511 Robinson bldg, res 1206 Hall
VanWie Charles J, carp, h 415 Partridge
VanWie Joseph B, contractor 457 Franklin, h do
VanWie Melvin B, foreman A S B Co, h 427 Herrick
VanWie Raymond H, contractor and builder 705 Davis, h do
VanWormer Archie A, painter and paperhanger, h 510 College ave
VanWormer Adelia, wid Theodore, res 510 College ave
VanWormer Charlotte M, wid William, h 51 Monroe
VanWormer Clarence R, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 511 Spaulding
VanWormer Floyd, emp K V Co h 111 Caldwell ave
VanZandt Garrett, printer A S B Co, h 661 Columbia
Varden Mathew A, bkkpr McGreevy, McGuigan & Baum Construction Co, h 107 Orchard
Vargeson Marsell E, emp D L & W R R freight, bds 262 Baldwin
Varlen Albert, emp 321 Penna ave, res 402 Dewitt ave
Varlen Harry F, motorman E W L & R R Co, h 460 E Clinton
Varney Arthur, emp Thatcher Mfg Co h 1353 Grand Central ave
Varney Jesse I, photographer 101 E Water, h 713 W Church
Varney’s Studio, (William R Bonsall) 101 E Water
Vasbinder James G, brew master Record Brewing Co, h 1214 Grand Central ave
Vastbinder Wallace J, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 460 Franklin
Vaughan William L, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, h 517 Ivy
Vaughn Arlington W, clerk A S B Co, h 708 College ave
Vaughn Festus M, emp Fold Easy Mfg Co, h 738 Harper
Vaughn John, carp, h 811 Maple ave
Vaughn Margaret, maid, res 637 W Church
Vaughn Mary, emp Conongue Inn, res do
Vavases Alexander G, confectioner, res 110 W Chemung place
Vazzano Frank, vender, h 413 Railroad ave
Veaux George W, condr D L & W R R, h 402 Union place
Veazie George S, (Ingham-Veazie Architects Inc) 114-116 Baldwin, rms 112 do
Veazie Marion H Mrs, died October, 1916
Veazie Melvin, tobacco worker, res 129 W Market
Veder Joseph, engr D L & W R R, bds 366 Diven ave
Vedder Emery D, driver Mander’s Brewery, h 617 Jay
Vedder Frank, carp, rms 315 W Fourth
Vedder Robert N, driver, h 809 E Market
Vegard Charles, emp P R R, h 10 Burdick
Vegard Charles jr, bar clerk 617 S Main, res 10 Burdick
Vegard James, res 10 Burdick
Vetro Mfg Co, Slanson Bros proprs, mnfrs of toilet preparations and extracts, 122 E Water
VenDemark Arthur, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Schuyler ave
VenDemark Burt S, emp Frisbie Motor Sales Co, res 517 W Second
Ven Demark George H, pres and treas VenDemark Motor Car Co (Inc) 251-257 Baldwin cor E Gray, h 111 ½ Madison ave
VenDemark Ira J, real estate, h 150 Madison ave
Ven Demark Motor Car Co (Inc), George H VenDemark pres and treas, automobile garage and agency for Chalmers, Franklin and Dodge Bros motor cars, 251-257 Baldwin cor E Gray
VenDemark Sabin H, janitor Elks’ Club, h 517 W Second
VenDemark see VanDemark, VanDermark
Vendetti Angelo, emp Erie R R, bds 1007 Magee
Veneski Andrew S, emp H C Spaulding Co, res 101 Bloomer ave
Veneski Catherine, dressmaker, bds 101 Bloomer ave
Veneski John, lab, h 101 Bloomer ave
Veneski Michael, emp 224 Baldwin, res 101 Bloomer ave
Veneski Rose, weaver Read & Lovatt, bds 101 Bloomer ave
Veneski Thomas, emp 224 Baldwin, bds 101 Bloomer ave
Ventitle Angelo, emp Elmira Cut Flower Co, bds 1007 Magee
Vera Laura, emp A S B Co, rms 1202 Lackawanna ave
Verbanic Anna, maid 456 W Water, h do
Verbanic Michael emp Record Brewing Co, res 1312 Baldwin
Verbanic Peter, lab, h 1312 Baldwin
Verbanic Stephen, emp D L & W R R, h 937 Grand Central Ave
Vergallito John, lab, h 721 Erie
Vergallito Michael, emp A L F E Co, res 721 Erie
Verguson Clarence A, lab, h 427 Standish
Verguson Homet, lab, h 1204 Sullivan
Verguson Seth, messr W U Tel Co, res 427 Standish
Vermilyea Blanche, clerk A S B Co, res 800 Herrick
Vermilyea Clara M, h 106 Columbia
Vermilyea John J, foreman 126 W Water, h 108 Columbia
Vermilyea R Burke, clerk A L F E Co, h 556 Riverside ave
Vernes John P removed from city
Vernon Eunice, res 307 Divan ave
Vernoy Abraham L, lab, h 442 W Fifth
Vernoy Clara E, removed from city
Vernoy James E, carp 321 Penna ave, h 1297 Sullivan
Vernoy John C, carp, h 1219 Hall
Vesely Anna D, maid 408 W Water, res do
Vester David, fireman E F D, res 561 E Third
Vester Fred, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 561 E Third
Vester Herman, fireman D L & W R R, res 561 E Third
Vester Mary, wid John F h 561 E Third
Vestley Damon, emp M I Roy Maple ave bey limits, res do
Vetenski Peter, emp H C Spaulding Co, h 1107 N Main
Vetter Charles, res 814 E Church
Vetter Christopher, emp W H Ralyea & Co, res 955 ½ Oak
Vetter George, tinner Willys-Morrow Co, res 757 ½ E Fifth
Vetter George J, bkkpr Goff Way & Brand, h 267 W Hudson
Vetter Jacob, died February 1917
Vetter Jacob, emp Goff Way & Brand Co, h 105 N Main
Vetter Jacob Mrs, h 814 E Church
Vetter Jacob G, slater Losie Bros, res 1102 ½ Walnut
Vetter Miles, emp W H Ralyea & Co, res 569 E Water
Vetter Otto H, emp Losie Bros, res 757 ½ E Fifth
Vickers C H, draftsman A L F E Co, res 463 Maple ave
Vickery Albert J, sec Kelly-Whitney Extract Co (Inc), h 401 W Water
Vickery Harry, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 417 Partridge
Vickery Lewis, removed to Penn Yan N Y
Vickery William H, candy and paper jobber, h 401 W First
Viele Amy, teacher, res 209 Gregg
Viele Charles, clerk A S B Co, res 209 Gregg
Viele Laura, wid Harmon, rms 705 W Church
Viele Nicholas V, retired, res 209 Gregg
Viele Victor V, printer Advertiser, h 209 Gregg
Vieweg Gertrude E, student, bds 161 Dewitt ave
Vieweg Otto C, civil engr, bds 161 Dewitt ave
Vieweg Rudolph Rev, pastor German Evangelical Church, h 161 Dewitt ave
Vincent Arthur, motorman E W L & R R Co, res 754 Pattinson
Vincent Carlton S, died October 1916
Vincent Edward, salesman Remington Typewriter Co Merchants National Bank bldg, rms 112 Baldwin
Vincent Emma, res 754 Pattinson
Vincent Francis, emp 766 Linden place, h 754 Pattinson
Vincent Jack, emp Erie R R, h 319 Division
Vincent James R, retired, h West Hill road
Vincent John, patrolman police dept, res 754 Pattinson
Vincent Rosa, wid James, h 754 Pattinson
Vines Raymond S, mgr Chemung County Egg Co, h 608 Robinson
Vite Irvine H, engr A L F E Co, res 559 W Washington ave
Vite Verner, bkkpr Second National Bank, res 559 W Washington ave
Vito Philomena, wid John, res 722 Erie
Vitucci Michael, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 865 Magee
Vitturine Saverio, emp D L &W R R, h 813 Canal
Vivan Anthony, lab, h 113 E Seventh
Vivers William, emp A L F E Co, res 357 College ave
Vivian James, foreman P R R, h 654 Beecher
Vivian Joseph, emp Elmira Knitting Mill, h 722 Erie
Vivian Michael F, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 722 Erie
Voak Ida Mrs, rms 156 W Third
Voak Martha A, compositor Fraley’s Printing Office, res 405 S Main
Vockroth Edward H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 407 Perry
Vockroth George, clerk American Bridge Co, h 416 Dewitt ave
Vockroth Katherine, wid Frederick, agt Rival Herb Tablets, h 407 Perry
Vockroth William F, foreman Willys-Morrow Co, res 407 Perry
Voelkle Herman E, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, h 115 Phoenix ave
Vogel Herman E, contractor for cement and stone sidewalks and curbing 659 Columbia, h do
Vogel Irving H, com trav, rms 312 Columbia
Vogel Lewis W, agent N P L, h 413 Walnut
Vogel Louise Mrs, res 225 Kingsbury ave