Pg 164 GO Elmira Directory, 1917
Golden, Floyd, res Schuyler Ave
Golden Francis P. trainman P R R, res 405 Fulton
Golden Frank emp Willys-Morrow Co res 102 Fox
Golden George emp Willys-Morrow Co res Schuyler Ave
Golden John emp Willy’s Morrow Co res Schuyler Ave
Golden Margaret caterer, h 609 Walnut
Golden Patrick, emp Willy’s Morrow Co, h 365 Fulton
Golden Thomas, carp P R R, h 405 Fulton
Golden see Goulden
Goldmeyer Philip J, foreman Frank W Hughson h 154 Clinton
Goldmeyer William J salesman 129 E Water , h 383 W Water
Goldner Max peddler, res 118 Sullivan
Goldner Rebecca, clerk Freudenheim’s, res 118 Sullivan
Goldner Samuel, peddler, h 118 Sullivan
Goldsmith Archie D. (Elmira Portrait Co) 114 Baldwin, h 468 W Second
Goldsmith Frank, emp Hygeia Ice Co, rms 154 High
Goldsmith George E, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, bds 109 Washington
Goldsmith Helena A, music teacher 468 W Second, res do
Goldsmith Ira, clerk Hotel Rathbun, bds 109 Washington
Goldsmith James R, carp, h 598 Reynolds
Goldsmith John J, agent Lyceum bldg 154 Lake, h 109 Washington
Goldsmith Julian T, bkkpr Elmira Casket Co, res 211 Lormore
Goldsmith Max, emp K V Co, h 917 John
Goldsmith Susan, wid Charles h 119 High
Goldsmith Thomas J, boilermaker P R R, h 467 ½ Franklin
Goldstein Anna, emp F M Howell & Co, res 810 John
Goldstein Harry, Minister, h, 810 John
Goldstein Hyman, real estate 314 E Water, h 106 Dewitt Ave
Goldstein Hyman junk dealer, h 715 John
Golos Abraham, second hand stoves 765 John, h do
Golos Asher emp Herald, also base ball bulletin, rms 258 Baldwin
Golos Benjamin, apprentice Herald, res 765 John
Golos Jacob, apprentice Herald, res 765 John
Golos Nathan, h 811 E Market
Golos Phillip, tailor 109 N Main, h 714 John
Golos Sol, condr E W L & R R Co, h 808 E Market
Golotte Lawrence, stationary fireman D L & W R R, h 811 E Washington Ave
Gong, P E. emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 507 McDowell place
Gonser Charles, clerk 162 Lake, res 215 Orchard
Gonser Elizabeth Mrs, res 215 Orchard
Gonser Ella Mrs. Bkkpr W U Tel Co res 469 Riverside Ave
Gonser Godfrey G, linotype opr Telegram, res 469 Riverside Ave
Gonser Gustave lieutenant U S Army, res 215 Orchard
Gonser John, carp h 215 Orchard
Gonser Katherine A. clerk Telegram, res 215 Orchard
Gonser Rose E, res 215 Orchard
Gonware T Harry, engr D L & W R R, h 368 E Thurston
Good George A, student, bds 309 E Second
Good Hugh W, fireman P R R h 626 ½ Reynolds
Good Marion, stenogr Horwitz Bros, res 309 E Second
Good T Frank, emp Adams Ex Co, res 309 E Second
Good Thomas F, fireman P R R h 610 Reynolds
Good Timothy F, salesman J P & M Sullivan, h 309 E Second
Good Walter M, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 710 Holdridge
Good William, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 610 Cypress
Goodall Leon S carp, h 810 Holdridge
Goodenough William emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 702 Dubois
Goodhue Maurice P, directory publisher 803 Winsor Ave, h do
Gooding Lucien F, condr P R R, h 516 Herrick
Goodman Harry, watchmaker 140 E Water, h 358 Davis
Goodman Millie A wid Richard, h 560 E Clinton
Goodnow Fred W, (Horseheads Drug Co) h 421 W Gray
Goodnow Pauline E. res 421 W Gray
Advertisements: pages 164-165
Drink Record’s Bohemian
Pierce & Bickford, Architects, Building Superintendent 118-120 Lake St
Jobbers in Steam and Hot Water Appliances, LeValley, McLeod, Kinkaid Co, Inc. 215-217 E Church St.
"We Do Not Do All the Laundry Work" We are satisfied to Produce Only the Best of It.
Custard & Kistler Laundry Robinson Building
Henry J Mantell, Coal and Wood, Pittston Coal, Cor Woodlawn ave and Magee St
When Thinking of Insurance, Call Welts & Calkins Phone 1251523 Realty Building
GO Elmira Directory, 1917 Page 165
Goodrich Alvin, emp A L F E Co, h 101 Boardman
Goodrich Carrie, clerk Willys-Morrow Co, res 519 W Second
Goodrich Cecil J, clerk A S B Co, res 702 N Main
Goodrich Chester A, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, res 5 Gates place
Goodrich Claribel, emp Ufford Glove Co, res 107 Spruce
Goodrich Earl D, foreman Thatcher Mfg Co, h 1051 Johnson
Goodrich Ernest W, agent Prudential Ins Co, h 517 Logan
Goodrich Ethel, student, res 517 Logan
Goodrich Helen, clerk A S B Co, res 702 N Main
Goodrich Isadora N, wid OD h 764 Spaulding
Goodrich John D, lab, h 702 N Main
Goodside Charles, student, res 804 John
Goodside Harry, emp A L F E Co, res 804 John
Goodside Max, emp Star Gazette, res 804 John
Goodside Julius, clerk J R Spillan, res 804 John
Goodside Louis, peddler, h 804 John
Goodwin Carl V, accountant A L F E Co, h 715 Spaulding
Goodwin Clarence E, engr P R R, h 600 Dubois
Goodwin Edward A, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 600 ½ Broadway
Goodwin Ernest G, foreman N Y Tel Co h 551 Riverside ave
Goodwin Gertrude H, clerk A L F E Co, res 112 E Henry
Goodwin Glen H, condr E W L & R R Co, h 507 Baldwin
Goodwin Granville B, emp American Bridge Co, h 112 E Henry
Goodwin Hovey H, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, h 1316 Hall
Goodwin John R, foreman A L F E Co, h 308 E Miller
Goodwin Louis A, machinist P R R, h 600 ½ Broadway
Goodwin Robert F, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 510 Balsam
Goodwin Rose M, bkkpr 116 Lake, res 308 E Miller
Goodwin William R, vice-pres New Method Varnish Co 514 Realty Bldg, also pres
Service Laundry Co (Inc) 510-512 E Water, res Hotel Rutland
Gordon Abraham, salesman 156 Baldwin, h 754 John
Gordon Charles F, expressman 309 W Second, h do
Gordon Consuelo, maid 460 W Church res do
Gordon Earl, emp A Wyckoff & Son Co, rms 76 Luce
Gordon Elvin, maid 722 W Water, bds do
Gordon Jesse, emp Thatcher Mfg Co res 76 Luce
Gordon Harold C, emp City Hall, res 307 E Clinton
Gordon Lottie M, maid 356 Gray res do
Gordon Margaret R wid Mathew h 311 W Second
Gordon Samuel, retired res 605 Reynolds
Gordon Samuel J. emp J N Stearns & Co h 1116 Ovid
Gordon Washington N, porter Hotel Rathbun, bds 307 E Clinton
Gordon see Gorton
Gores Joseph, emp American Bridge Co, res 1006 N Main
Gorges Leo, fireman D L & W RR, bds 366 Diven ave
Gorges Matilda, nurse St Joseph’s Hospital, res 205 High
Gorke Helen B, student Elmira College res do
Gorman Algernon D student res 518 W Third
Gorman Ann, wid John h 371 E Center
Gorman Charles, car repairer D L & W RR, h 312 Baldwin
Gorman Elizabeth teacher school No 4, res 371 E Center
Gorman Elizabeth, emp L M Bridgman Co res 265 W Henry
Gorman Frank J, agent Penn Mutual Life Ins Co of Philadelphia and Standard Accident Ins Co of Detroit, also clerk Board of Supervisors, Masonic Temple 203 Lake, h 518 W Third
Gorman James, emp Kertscher & Co h 207 Roe ave
Gorman John, lab res 371 E Center
Gorman John J, engr Erie RR res 455 W Sixth
Gorman L Nora, milliner 106 W Church, res 371 E Center
Gorman Mary Mrs, Rooming House 312 Baldwin h do
Gorman Patrick, special officer D L & W RR, h 117 Washington
Gorman Patrick J, gardener Strathmont h, 455 W Sixth
Gorman Raymond P, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 460 E Clinton
Gorman William J, emp American Bridge Co, res 207 Roe Ave
GR Elmira Directory 1917 Page 166
Gornee Elliott, mason h 931 Penna Ave
Gornee Erwin, mason res 933 Penna Ave
Gornee Samuel, bricklayer, bds 933 Penna Ave
Goronwy Sarah, wid David res 615 Mt Zoar
Gorr Emily, wid Charles, h 210 Washington
Gorr Mary E, res 210 Washington
Gor William F, res 210 Washington
Gorski Paul, emp Field Force Pump Co, h 1302 Lackawanna ave
Gorski Samuel, emp American Bridge Co, h r 704 Baldwin
Gorton Co, (Warren A Gorton) women’s garments 125 W Water
Gorton Isabelle Mrs, h 516 ½ Perry
Gorton Warren A, (Gorton Co) 125 W Water h 356 do
Gorton see Gordon
Gorzycki Frank, clerk bds 1157 N Main
Gorzycki John, emp Elmira Foundry Co bds 1162 N Main
Gorzycki Martin, emp American Bridge Co h 1162 N Main
Gorzycki Mary, mill opr, bds 1162 N Main
Gorzynski Frank, res 551 John
Gorzynski John, emp Elmira Foundry Co, h 910 N Main
Gosper Burt J, sec and treas Gosper-Kelly Co 108-110 W Water,h 503 Park Place
Gosper Ellen J, opr N Y Tel Co, res 112 Davis
Gosper Frances, wid Clark W, h 112 Davis
Gosper Frances L, teacher school No. 3, res 112 Davis
Gosper-Kelly Co, John W Kelly pres,Mrs S A Kelly vice-pres, Burt J Gosper sec-treas, boots and shoes 108-110 W Water
Goss Frank A, trainman, Erie RR, rms 604 Park Place
Goss Frank H, emp Willys- Morrow Co. h 131 Tuttle ave
Goss Franklin L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 638 W Water
Gotrick Nils E, res 210 William
Gottschalk Edward N, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, res 1313 ½ Grand Center ave
Gotshall Catherine Mrs, res 460 Franklin
Gotshall Henry M, round house foreman P RR , h 460 Franklin
Gott Bert, driver 409 Madison ave, h 63 Monroe
Goudreau Peter, car repairer, D L & W RR bds Lake View Hotel
Gough Harry E, civil engr E W L & R R Co, h 720 Davis
Gough Margaret, tel opr, res 309 Hathaway
Gough Mary, wid Patrick, h 309 Hathaway
Gough Teresa wpr N Y Tel Co, res 309 Hathaway
Gough Thomas, caller D L & W RR, res 309 Hathaway
Gould A H Mrs, teacher china painting, res 1509 W Water
Gould Alan J reporter Star-Gazette, res 50 Foster ave
Gould Albert H, market gardener, h 1509 W Water
Gould Alexander C, clerk A S B Co, h 50 Foster ave
Gould Allen K, machinist A L F E Co, h 509 Fulton
Gould Almond M, carriage painter, h 55 Gould
Gould Ethel W, student, res 109 Catherine
Gould Fannie, emp day nursery Elmira Federation bldg, res 365 Davis
Gould Jennie M Mrs. Cook New England Kitchen, res 109 Catherine
Gould LaFayette, retired, h 207 Caldwell ave
Gould LaVerne, U S Army bds 420 E Market
Gould Lena Mrs , trained nurse, h Gould
Gould Leslie, clerk Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, res 50 Foster ave
Gould Mary M, wid John W. res 509 Fulton
Gould Minnie M, wid Philander , res 55 Gould
Gould Richard, emp A L F E Co, bds 509 Fulton
Gould Willard L, sales clerk K V Co, res 207 Caldwell ave
Goulden Phoebe, wid Joseph h 408 Baldwin
Goulden see Golden
Gover Mamie, emp Goff Way & Brand, res 215 Gregg
Gowan Allen, emp A L F E Co bds 413 Penna ave
Grace Mary E, grocer 413 Welles h do
Gracie, Amanda, wid Robert, h 106 E Water
Advertisements for pages 166-167
Electric Fixtures and Glassware, Portable Lamps and supplies, The Wright Electric Co, Inc, 212 S Main St
Otis Dockstader & Son Architects, 101-103-105 West Church Street
H.L. Stone Lumber Co., Inc 757 East Ave Phone, Lumber, Lath, Shingles,Rooffings, and other Building Materials
Pirece & Bickford, Architects 118-120 Lake Street
Miss Lena Ross, Business Blocks and Store Stocks, Phone, 303-304 Robinson Bldg.
Sawyer, Noble & Co, Investment Bankers, cor Lake and East Market Streets, High grade Bonds and Local Securities
GR Elmira Directory, 1917 Page 167
Gracie Archibald M, foreman P R R, h 508 Perine
Gradwell Catherine E, teacher school No 5, res 510 Perine
Gradwell Charles G, chiropractor 145 ½ Water, res 715 Walnut
Gradwell Elizabeth M, order Clerk F M Howell & Co, res 510 Perine
Gradwell & Fitzgerald, (T Fitzgerald) cigar mnfrs, 107 E Church
Gradwell Hazel, res 458 High
Gradwell James, died April 1917
Gradwell James D, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 510 Perine
Gradwell Margaret J, clerk Flanagan’s, res 510 Perine
Gradwell Mary R, asst Dr A M Epstein, res 510 Perine
Gradwell Robert, salesman Gradwell & Fitzgerald, h 715 Walnut
Gradwell Susan G, forelady F M Howell & Co, res 510 Perine
Gradwell Thomas D, emp P R R, h 510 Perine
Gradwell Thomas L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 863 Davis
Grady Agnes L, res 510 Balsam
Grady Helen, wid Harry, h 510 Balsam
Grady James J student, res 1319 Pratt
Grady John H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 808 Davis
Grady John T, emp K V Co, h 214 Sullivan
Grady Joseph, engr D L & W RR, res 361 Maxwell place
Grady Joseph P, molder K V Co h 452 High
Grady Mary B, emp W I Booth res 510 Balsam
Grady, Mary C, clerk Personius, Malone & French, res 371 Second
Grady Michael J, condr D L & W RR, h 1319 Pratt
Grady Nellie, emp F M Howell & Co, res 510 Balsam
Grady Nellie L, nurse Gleason Health Resort, res 604 Beach
Grady Thomas J, foreman KV Co, h 857 E Water
Grady Thomas J, agent Metropolitan Ins Co, h 759 E Church
Grady William B, molder K V Co, h 805 ½ E Market
Graham Earl, switchman D L & W RR, h 313 Hathaway
Graham Frank, fireman P R R, bds 210 W Miller
Graham Francis J, h 325 River
Graham Grover, prof Elmira College, rms 917 Davis
Graham Harry, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 100 Fox
Graham James, emp P R R , bds 403 S Main
Graham Lillian, clerk Willys-Morrow Co res 708 Penna Ave
Graham Lillis A, stenogr 326 Baldwin, h do
Graham Louis L, carrier PO, res 360 Diven ave
Graham Lyman E, switchman P R R, h 720 Kinyon
Graham Mary E wid John D, h 360 Diven ave
Graham Maude A, wid William E, h 708 Penna ave
Graham Russell R, draftsman American Bridge Co, bds 117 College ave
Graham Thomas, bds Home for Aged
Graham William, stock clerk A L F E Co, res 113 Magnolia
Gramenstetter Minnie, stenogr Thatcher Mfg Co rms 397 W Water
Grana Joseph Rev, pastor Italian Mission M E Church 807 Magee,h do
Grand Theatre, (Charles H Ross) 307 E Water
Grand Union Tea Co, N E Smith mgr 111 N Main
Granda Mary, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 1168 Magee
Graner Arnold, upholsterer, 214 Baldwin, res 815 E Market
Graner Charles H, upholsterer 214 Baldwin, h 815 E Market
Graner Grace, housekeeper 522 Perry, res do
Graner Henry, chiropodist Merchants National Bank bldg res 815 E Market
Granger Ella S Mrs, res 124 E Hudson
Granger Harry, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 201 Cusick place
Granger John, contractor and builder, h 1455 Grand Central ave
Granger Rice B, clerk Merchants National Bank res 1553 Lake
Granger Rose, wid James, emp New England Kitchen, h 1553 Lake
Granger William, lab, h 59 Monroe
Granger Willis E, carp res 154 W Thurston
Granger W Herman, printer, res 454 W Thurston
Grannis A L, patrolman police dept, res 1005 College ave
Grannis Clayton H, patrolman police dept h 205 Rathbun
Grant Arthur W, res 155 Baldwin
GR Elmira Directory, 1917 Page 168
Grant Christoper, com trav I D Booth (Inc) h 1233 W First
Grant Fred H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 504 Erie
Grant Jesse, res 376 W Gray
Grant Leroy L, res 608 E Clinton
Grant Loyal, emp E W L & R R Co, res 376 W Gray
Grant Marie, emp United Sales Mfg Co, res 376 W Gray
Grant Robert B, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 505 College Ave
Grant Walter V, salesman VanDemark Motor Co, h 514 W Gray
Grantier George W, retired h 460 South ave
Graser Rosetta Mrs, res 501 Walnut
Graves Agnes E, teacher 955 College ave, res do
Graves Asel T, printer C J Harrison, h 205 Willys
Graves, Bert L, trainman Erie RR, h r 116 S Main
Graves Bessie A, student res 154 W Third
Graves Carrie D, bkkpr Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, res 353 W Water
Graves Clara Mrs. Housekeeper 272 Baldwin, res do
Graves Charles W, cabinet maker, h 154 W Third
Graves Claude e, guard N Y S Reformatory, h 1051 Lincoln
Graves Florence C, teacher 955 College Ave, res do
Graves Fritz K, clerk P R R genl offices, h 524 Jefferson
Graves Harry T, res 524 Jefferson
Graves Howard J, emp A S B Co, h 759 ½ Carpenter
Graves Josephine D, wid William, res 514 W First
Graves Margaret, wid Milton, res r 116 S Main
Graves Walter A, music teacher, h 461 South ave
Graves see Greves
Gray Belle, dressmaker, h 709 Lake
Gray Bradley, emp A S B Co, h 709 Lake
Gray Charles H, lab, h 916 W First
Gray Charles H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 365 E Thurston
Gray Clifford A, engr P R R h 602 Dubois
Gray Cora H, cashier F W Woolworth & Co, res 507 Mathew
Gray David E, electric engr h 1234 W First bey limits
Gray Dean, clerk Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, res 242 Mt Zoar
Gray Eleanor E, h 741 W Second
Gray Emma Mrs, clerk S F Iszard Co, h 415 N Main
Gray Florence J, librarian E F A, res 112 Walnut
Gray Florence m, telph opr Flanagan’s, res 109 ½ Chestnut
Gray George A, student, res 112 Walnut
Gray George A, flagman D L & W RR, h 507 Mathew
Gray George L, h 216 Horner
Gray Herbert C, jeweler 215 E Water, h 702 Holdridge
Gray Ida A, wid James C, h 365 E Thurston
Gray Ida H, wid Roland D, res 716 Winsor ave
Gray John, emp Elmira Foundry Co, bds r 327 E Center
Gray John B, marble setter J L Churchill, h 325 River
Gray L Dean, h 242 Mt Zoar
Gray Lee, molder Elmira Foundry Co, bds r 327 E Center
Gray Lehman W, carp, h 160 ½ Harriet
Gray Margaret L Mrs, wid David, h 425 Patridge
Gray Mary m, res 365 E Thurston
Gray Oscar E, machinist D L & W RR bds 210 W Miller
Gray Thomas F, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 413 Penna ave
Gray Truman D, master carp P R R , h 112 Walnut
Gray Walter, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 116 W Chemung place
Graybill Charles W, emp A L F E Co, h 215 Penna ave
Graymont Product Co, Harry E Record pres, George W Record sec, mnfrs of ice cream 735 Baldwin
Greaney Patrick K, lab bds 200 E Fifth
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, D J O’Neill supt, R V Besemer mgr, teas, coffees and groceries, 117 E Water, branch stores 865 Lake, 506 N Main, 400 S Main, 557 E
Church, 506 N Main, 210 Penna ave, and 400 W Washington ave
Great Eastern Insurance Co, (R D Ameigh) 304 S Main
Greatsinger Albert, fireman D L & W RR, h 1257 College ave
Greatsinger Harold, candy maker, rms 318 Baldwin
GR Elmira Directory, 1917 PG 169
Greatsinger Jacob L, pres E C & W Railway, h Maple Ave, bey limits
Greatsinger John, trainman, PRR, rms 518 Penna Ave
Greatsinger Stephen, shipping clerk W I Booth, res 318 Baldwin
Grebleski Jerry, emp American Bridge Co, h 1066 N Main
Grebleski Margaret M, winder Read & Lovatt, res 1066 N Main
Grebleski Peter M, emp Eclipse Machine Co, res 1066 N Main
Grebleski Victoria L, emp Read & Lovatt, res 1066 N Main
Greek Floyd J, sheet metal worker 165 Baldwin, h 204 Penna ave
Greek Harold, student bds 211 Lormore
Greek William, boat livery, 51 Monroe, h do
Green Annie L, res 204 Penna ave
Green Bruce, painter, rms 258 Baldwin
Green Charlotte, domestic, h 606 W Clinton
Green Clyde, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 119 Madison ave
Green Daniel T, fireman P RR, h 707 Kinyon
Green E Marion, clerk Tepper Bros, res 615 W Water
Green Earl, garage, 453 E Market, h 505 E Water
Green Edna, emp skirt factory, rms 704 E Market
Green Edward, emp James Mfg Co, rms 422 Carroll
Green Edward H, emp A L F E Co, h 164 Sullivan
Green Edwin, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 221 ½ W Miller
Green Ellen, dressmaker, h 206 College ave
Green Ethel, bds 664 Pearl place
Green Frances, res 206 College ave
Green Fred P, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 218 James
Green Frederick B, physician and surgeon 921 Lake, h do, office hours 1-3 and 7-8pm;
Sunday hours by appointment.
Green Frederick B, Jr, student res 921 Lake
Green Irene, cashier Majestic Theatre, res 664 Pearl place
Green Jane, res 206 College ave
Green John, clerk Eastman grocery, res 359 Division
Green Josephine Mrs. Res 1318 Lake
Green Letha, typist A S B Co, res 608 E Water
Green Mabel, res 664 Pearl place
Green Mary, wid Francillo, res 479 Welles
Green Motor Car Co, (Dr F B Green) agency for Hollier and Grant Motor Cars 921 Lake
Green Patick J, shoemaker, bds 448 W Fifth
Green Peter, emp Frostilla Co, h 408 W Third
Green Roswell P, student, res 921 Lake
Green Samuel R, emp A L F E Co, h 716 John
Green Sarah E, physician, 921 Lake, res do, office hours 4-6 pm
Green Theodore, retired, rms 509 Railroad ave
Green see Greene
Greenagle William F, switchtender, Erie RR and P RR, bds 463 Powell
Greene Antoinette PH D associate prof of English language and history, Elmira College,res do
Greene Celia, emp C & K Laundry, res 409 W Hudson
Greene Charlotte, wid Horatio N, maid, 418 W Church, bds 606 E Clinton
Greene Clara B, wid Frederick, milliner, 127 W Water, h 507 W Clinton
Greene Frank L, lab, h 208 W Water
Greene Frank J, osteopath, 203 Snyder bldg, h 510 w Gray
Greene Fred A, florist, 527 Broadway, h do
Greene Ira S, janitor, res 518 High
Greene Ira S jr, janitor, Shoemaker garage, h 604 Baldwin
Greene Jackson, lab h 417 High
Greene Loring F, student, res 510 W Gray
Greene Margaret H, student res 510 W Gray
Greene Martha j, wid Francis, h 510 W Gray
Greene May I, teacher, bds 391 W Water
Greene Patrick J, shoe shop, 710 Walnut, h 448 W Fifth
Greene Peter W, emp 410 W Gray, h 408 W Third
Greene Richard, emp F M Howell & Co, res 153 Madison ave
Advertisements Pages 168-169
Cars washed and Stored. McInerney 311-317 State
Henry B. Sayles, Coal and Wood. Hard Body Wood one and two feet lengths. Cannel Coal a Specialty. 917 Stowell Street
George C Haesloop, Electrical Contractor 423 W Water Phone, "Let George Do It"
Pierce and Bickford, Architects, Building Superintendents, 112-120 Lake
Steinway Pianos, M Doyle Marks Co. Exclusive Agency- Chemung and Steuben 309 E Water St
Tri-Pure Water and Soft Drinks. Purest in the World. Call Elmira Tri-Pure Water Co, Inc., 720 W Second, Phone 529J
GR Elmira Directory 1917 Page 170
Greene William P, res 220 W Water
Greene see Green
Greener Augustus, musical instruments, 219 E Church, res do
Greener Jacob Jr, electrician LaFrance Garage Co, res 219 E Church
Greener Jacob EST, mngr of pianos and organs and dealer in musical merchandise 219- 221 E Church
Greener Sophie, res 221 E Church
Greener see Grenier
Greenhull Ralph E, vice-pres Elmira Used Car Exchange, res 1107 Lake
Greening Gertrude J, student Elmira College, res do
Greenough Lavina N Mrs, laundress Elmira City Club, res 215 Sullivan
Greenough Louise Mrs, clerk 148-150 W Water, res 814 W Church
Greenough Willis B, treas Elmira Candy Co, h 1102 Walnut
Greenlee Carl R, emp Willy-Morrow Co, h 157 ½ Orchard
Greenlee Roy E, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 208 S Main
Greenman Harry C, (Secor & Greenman) 105 W Church, h 217 Maple ave
Greenman Louis, cook William R James, rms 260 Baldwin
Greenwald Samuel, draftsman A L F E Co, rms 450 Maple ave
Greenwalt Elaine, emp W I Booth, res 328 Soper
Greenwalt Joseph, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 328 Soper
Greenwalt Levell, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 328 Soper
Greenwood Frances, clerk Crayton’s , res 517 W First
Greff Katherine, h 612 Jay
Greff see Griff
Gregg A Eugene, foreman Willys-Morrow Co, h 722 Spaulding
Gregg Alice Mrs, dressmaker Personius, Malone & French, res 421 Davis
Gregg Mary A, wid Thomas, dressmaker, res 562 Maple ave
Gregg Thomas C, died February, 1917
Gregg William W, (Babcock & Gregg) Lawyers 414-420 Robinson bldg, h 408 William
Gregg see Greig
Gregory Alfred, china and crockery, 208 W Water, h 832 W First
Gregory Bertha, waitress Hotel Rathbun, res do
Gregory Frederick N, (Elmira Crockery Store) 200 E Water, h 465 Riverside ave
Gregory Josiah S, grocer and city express, 713 Lake , h do
Gregory Leander L, res 554 Coburn
Gregory Marie, student, res 465 Riverside ave
Gregory Nellie, wid Dr George W, rms 459 W Church
Gregory Oscar A, carp, h 500 Baldwin
Gregory Richard O, physician and surgeon 403 W Church, h do, office hours 2-4 and 6:30-8 pm
Gregory Theodore M, carp, h 306 S Main
Greig & Mason Petticoat Co (Thomas M Greig) mnfrs of women’s undergarments 231-233 W Water
Greig Thomas m (Greig & Mason) 231-233 W Water, h 815 W Church
Greig see Gregg
Greising Ellsworth, driver, res 406 W Gray
Grenell Howard, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 201 Sly
Grenier Helen, wid Albert, dressmaker, h 362 ½ Norton
Grenier see Greener
Greno Page, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 551 Franklin
Gressel Frank, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 1260 College ave
Gressel Josephine, wid Frank, h 1260 College ave
Gressel Otto, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 1343 College ave
Greven Thomas P, res 310 E Church
Greven Konstantine, res 310 E Church
Greves John C, retired, h 365 W First
Greves see Graves
Gribbel Lawrence, emp K V Co, res 912 College ave
Gribbel Margaret, proof reader Telegram, res 912 College ave
Gribben Olive M, stenogr Prudential Ins Co, res 386 E Warren
Gribben William P, bkkpr kertscher & Co, res 316 E Church
Gribus Martin, lab, res 809 Canal
Advertisements pages 170-171
Glove Elastic Book Cases and Office Filing Devices MacGreevey-Slecht-DeGraff Co, 313 E Water Street
Otis Dockstader and Son Architects, 101-103-105 West Church Street
Frisbee Bros Coal and Wood, LaFrance Street Phone
Pirece & Bickford Architects, 118-120 Lake Street
Bertram Yenger, Coal and Wood 905-915 E Church Street
Gold Work A Specialty and Guranteed. Dr L A Roth, Fifth floor, Hulett Bldg Elmira NY
GR Elmira Directory 1917 page 171
Gridley Charles H, pres Gridley-Fuhrman & Martin Co 126-128 W Water and 214 S Main, h 113 Walnut
Gridley Earl, emp Willys- Morrow Co, res 633 Penna ave
Gridley Frederick B, clerk, A L F E Co, h 412 E Second
Gridley, Fuhrman & Martin Co, C H Gridley pres, B E Martin vice-pres, H K Fuhrman sec and treas, wholesale and retail hardware, paints, oils, stoves, furnaces, etc. 126-128 W Water and 214 S Main
Gridley Leonard C, clerk 126 W Water, h 104 E Chemung place
Gridley Leonard C JR, plumber 122 Lake, res 104 E Chemung place
Gridley Louise D, wid William G, h 106 E Chemung place
Gridley Roy H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 711 Kinyon
Griemsman Henry, emp Eclipse Machine Co, res 415 W Sixth
Griemsman Joseph, emp Eclipse Machine Co, bds Delevan House
Griemsman Katherine, h 415 W Sixth
Griemsman Margaret, res 415 W Sixth
Grier Romain O, emp P RR, h 715 Spaulding
Griess Frank, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 1861 Davis
Griess George, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 1861 Davis
Griff Carl, emp Dawdy’s Bakery, res 302 E Water
Griff George H, car inspr P RR, h 507 Pleasant
Griff Gertrude, wid George, h 310 Cottage place
Griff Joseph H, tinner, 206 S Main, res 310 Cottage place
Griff Margaret E, nurse, h 319 Orchard
Griff Mary Mrs. H 207 Madison ave
Griff see Greff
Griffen Albert G, trainman, D L & W RR, h 1556 Pratt
Griffen J Max, mgr John O’Dea, 1011 College ave h do
Griffen Arthur, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 626 Reynolds
Griffin Edna L, emp 438 E Water res do
Griffen Georgia A, emp Goff, Way & Brand h 809 E Market
Griffen Harriet L, bds 208 Walnut
Griffin James, carp, A S B Co, h 416 W Fifth
Griffen Michael, retired, res 162 Dewitt ave
Griffen Mildred E, emp C & K Laundry, res 809 E Market
Griffen Nancy J, emp C & K Laundry res 809 E Market
Griffen Patrick H, mason P RR h 101 Franklin
Griffen Robert, machinist Southern Tier Motor Co, h 523 Madison ave
Griffis Fred L, engr P RR, h 504 Home
Griffis George E, engr D L & W RR, h 357 Diven
Griffis John W, fireman Hygeia Co, h 18 ½ Ferris
Griffith Claude W, emp Willys- Morrow Co, res 511 Broadway
Griffith Fred J, trainman P RR, h 653 Dubois
Griffiths Ina M, stenogr Powell-Hall Co, 131-135 N Main, res 311 William
Griffiths Robert H, student, res 418 W First
Griggs Alice Mrs, seamstress, Personius, Malone & French, h 421 Davis
Grill Restaurant (The), Connell Bros proprs, 202 E Water
Grimes Carmi M (Campbell & Grimes) 1002 Walnut, h 1004 do
Grimes E Margaret, M A, prof of romance languages Elmira College, res do
Grimes Lewis B, guard, N Y S Reformatory, h, 254 Crete ave
Grimm Chester J, emp Adams Ex Co, res 218 William
Grinell Wilson S, electrician 118 N Main, h 714 ½ Linden place
Griner Harriet, wid James R, res 802 Maple ave
Grinmari Antonio, lab, bds 361 Railroad ave
Grinnell Carroll C, student, res 406 Pleasant
Grinnell Pauline H, student Elmira College, res do
Grinnell Stowell E, carp, P RR, h 406 Pleasant
Griss Frank, emp J N Stearns & Co, h 1861 Davis
Griswold Albert, huckster, res 850 Maple
Griswold Alice, res 123 ½ Brand
Griswold Arthur E, car repairer, P RR, res 322 Broadway
Griswold Austin S, retired, res 530 Lyon
Griswold Clara E, student, res 123 Brand
Griswold Clayton H, retired, h 123 ½ Brand
GU Elmira Directory Page 172
Griswold Clover, res 207 Madison ave
Griswold Darius E, retired, h 707 Laurel
Griswold Edgar L, motorman E W L & RR Co, h 425 ½ W Fifth
Griswold Edmond, retired, h 476 Horner
Griswold Emma, res 850 Maple ave
Griswold Fletcher m, shipping clerk, Barker, Rose & Clinton Co,h 304 Spaulding
Griswold Guy S, credit man, Barker, Rose & Clinton Co, h 123 Brand
Griswold Harriet C, cashier N Y Tel Co, rms 220 Maple ave
Griswold Howard, bartender, 671 Baldwin, rms 1058 College ave
Griswold Howard A, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 128 W Henry
Griswold Jennie, res 123 ½ Brand
Griswold Louis A, emp N Y Tel Co, res Horseheads NY
Griswold Marian J, supt clerk Willys-Morrow Co, h 216 W Henry
Griswold Marie, clerk 100 W Church, res 207 Madison ave
Griswold Marie A, stenogr 218 E Water, res 716 Broadway
Griswold Mary M, wid Horace, h 217 ½ Lormore
Griswold Mary S Mrs., h 716 Broadway
Griswold Sarah E, wid Orr, h Maple ave bey limits
Griswold Stephen R, com trav, res 123 Brand
Griswold Timothy, chauffeur, res 207 Madison ave
Groboski Frank, trainman, bds 204 Park ave
Groboski Mary, clerk, Flanagan’s, res 204 Park ave
Groff Walter A, emp E W L & RR Co, bds 653 Lake
Gromes Fred, emp T Briggs & Co, res 216 Harriet
Groom Albert, buffer Nat Aluminum Works, h 650 Dickinson
Groom Andrew, lab h 518 Baldwin
Groom Bert, teamster, res 107 South ave
Groom Bradley, carp, h 700 Broadway
Groome Frank M, machinist I D Booth (Inc), res 1263 Hoffman
Groomes Frederick, cooper T Briggs & Co, bds 216 Harriet
Grose Alice, emp W I Booth, res 403 Dewitt ave
Grosel LeRoy, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 653 Lake
Groskop Walter E, emp E W L & RR, h 712 Sullivan
Gross George, emp 311 E Water, bds 659 Dickinson
Grover Edmund D, inspr city streets, h 408 Spaulding
Grover Ella, laundress, res 359 E Fourth
Grover Georgia Mrs., res 359 E Fourth
Groves William, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 547 S Main
Grow Cora B, wid Millard, h 556 E Third
Grow Elmer E, emp Willys- Morrow Co, h 1323 Lackawanna ave
Grow William A, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 556 E Third
Grube Henry J, recruiting service U S Navy Federal bldg, h 56 Monroe
Grube Laura E, wid August, h 117 Caldwell ave
Grube Max A, tailor, 149 W Water, res 117 Caldwell ave
Gruber Anna C, res 514 W Second
Gruber Edward P, inspr Willys-Morrow Co, h 224 Mt Zoar
Gruber John F, com trav, res 514 W Second
Gruber Margaret, wid Philip, h 514 W Second
Gruhlke Arthur, emp James Mfg Co, bds 122 E Hudson
Grunwald Oscar, baker, bds 118 W Fourth
Gruslin Frank J, trainman, D L& W RR, h 1019 Grand Central ave
Gruver Arthur L, emp D L & W RR, h 372 Diven ave
Gruver Harry T, civil engr, h 811 Winsor ave
Gruver J Rupert, U S Navy, res 811 Winsor ave
Gruver Joseph M, machinist, Willys-Morrow Co, h 655 Dubois
Gryska Lawrence, patrolman police dept, res 311 Division
Gryska Lee, fireman D L & W RR, res 366 Diven ave
Gryska Margaret, nurse St Joseph’s Hospital, res 205 High
Gryska Nellie, wid Patrick, h 336 Diven ave
Gryska Peter P, emp Elmira Foundry Co, h 1303 N Main
Gubata Jacob, lab, bds 920 Michigan
Gucker George A, draftsman P RR, bds 766 Penna ave
Guernsey Floyd E, jeweler, 657 E Water, h do
HA Elmira Directory Page 173
Guernsey Louise H, student Elmira College, res do
Guild Mary A, wid James, h 309 Mt Zoar
Guild Mary N, wid Willis, h 309 Mt Zoar
Guile Lee H, emp P B Rutan & Son, h 223 Brand
Guiles A Philip, student, res 717 Columbia
Guiles Austin G, contractor, 717 Columbia, h do
Guiles Harry L, chauffeur, A Wyckoff & Son Co, h 701 Junction
Guiles Lindsley S, emp Willys- Morrow Co, h 103 Budd
Guiles Marion H, teacher school no. 7, res 717 Columbia
Guiles see Giles
Guinane Ellen, wid John, h 1306 Baldwin
Guinane John Jr., emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 1306 Baldwin
Guinane Leo, caller, D L & W RR, res 1306 Baldwin
Guinane Mary, res 1306 Baldwin
Guinane William J, emp D L & W RR, res 1306 Baldwin
Guinnip Adaline, res 900 W Water
Guinnip Guinn, real estate, h 900 W Water
Guinnip Morgan A, real estate, res 900 W Water
Guion Richard L, electrician, h 408 E Third
Guise Florence E, clerk, res 826 Walnut
Guise George N, clerk, A S B Co, h 826 Walnut
Guite Edith, clerk A L F E Co, res 225 Brand
Guite Ethel, res 462 W Sixth
Guite Herbert H, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 462 W Sixth
Gulick Elisha D, horse trainer, h Maple Ave Driving Park
Gulick Mary E, wid James, h 751 Spaulding
Gulka Frank, emp American Bridge Co, bds 1317 Lackawanna ave
Gulliver Clark D, carp, res 604 Reynolds
Gumowski Anthony, emp American Bridge Co, h 722 Dickinson
Gumowski John, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 153 Bloomer ave
Gumowski Joseph, emp P RR freight, res 153 Bloomer ave
Gumowski Michael, emp American Bridge Co, h 718 Baldwin
Gunderman Alberta, clerk S F Iszard Co, bds 310 E Church
Gunderman Charles, lineman, bds Hotel Frasier
Gunderman Charles P, fireman, D L & W RR, h 905 Oak
Gunderman Earl, gardener, 1031 Hoffman, res do
Gunderman Grace, clerk A S B Co, res 1855 Davis
Gunderman Howard, emp Barton & Wheadon, h 365 ½ Norton
Gunderman James H, chief guard N Y S Reformatory, h 1855 Davis
Gunderman John S, teamster, h 168 Madison ave
Gunderman Julia, wid George W, h 365 ½ Norton
Gunderman Tracy, trainman, D L & W RR, bds 366 Diven ave
Gunisky Paul, tel opr Erie RR, rms 156 W Third
Guriosrski Frank, lab, res 557 John
Gurall Mary, clerk, res 313 E Center
Gusfieene Louis, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 469 South ave
Gustin Alice, wid Thaddeus, h 260 Baldwin
Gustin Anna K Mrs., public stenogr, h 357 Columbia
Gustin C Irene, clerk, S F Iszard Co, bds 560 Maple ave
Gustin Clemmens J, foreman Willys-Morrow Co, h 560 Maple ave
Gustin Mary, wid Elias, res 560 Maple ave
Gustin Percy, machinist, res 109 Fulton
Guthrie Andrew, bds 417 Railroad ave
Guthrie Claude B, jeweler, 110 Penna ave, h 756 Spaulding
Guthrie Edward J, res 825 Hatch
Guthrie John J, towerman, D L & W RR, res 825 Hatch
Guthrie John M, trainman Erie RR, res 326 Webber place
Guthrie Margaret E, h 825 Hatch
Guthrie Thomas H, switchman D L & W RR, h 923 Lake
Guthrie William F, emp A S B Co, res 825 Hatch
Gutsgell Allen D, time clerk, Willys-Morrow Co, res 422 W Fourth
Guyer Hedwig, student Elmira College, res do
Guzznicczak Joseph, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, res 1174 N Main
Haas Anna M, died June 1917
Haas Elizabeth S, res 201 Columbia
Advertisements Page 172 & 173
W. D. Miller Tents and Awnings, 103 West Church Street Elmira Phone
Sawyer, Noble & Co, The Highest Form of Investment Co. Lake and Market Sts Bond
Mutual Realty Company 415-417 Realty Building. Phone 1975W Home Sites Easy Terms
Pierce & Bickford, Architects Building Superintendents 118-120 Lake Street
Viola L Fisher, 117 W Second Street New Houses Built on Easy Terms, Phone 1937
For a First Class Job in Furnace Work, go to C.W. Young & Son,116 Lake Street
HA Elmira Directory 1917 Page 174
Haas Frank J, (Romer & Haas) 216 E Water, h 201 Columbia
Haase Bros (Inc), 52 Lake cor E Water
Haase Charles, physician and surgeon, 52 Lake cor E Water, h 309 S Main
Haase Emma C, res 211 Penna ave
Haase Ferdinand, retired, h 211 Penna ave
Haase Ferdinand Jr, dentist, 52 Lake cor E Water, h 814 W Water
Haase Grover, bar clerk, 709 Delaware ave, res do
Haase Henry J, Mgr John M Connelly, res 211 Penna ave
Haase Minne E, res 211 Penna ave
Haase William, foreman, A S B Co, h 464 Gray
Haase see Haas, Hayes, Hays
Habeck August, lab, h 618 E Third
Habeck August F, emp Mozart Theatre, res 618 E Third
Habeck Charles F, emp Eclipse Machine Co, h 964 E Clinton
Habeck Frank C, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 51 Hoffman
Haberlau Edward H, instr N Y S Reformatory, h 313 Irvine place
Hable Albert F, engr K V Co, h 509 Oak
Hable Albert F jr, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 410 Dewitt ave
Hable Clara, student, res 509 Oak
Hable Frank G, concrete contractor, h 452 Oak
Hable Herman W, toolmaker, Willys-Morrow Co, res 509 Oak
Hable Lena C, res 114 Spring
Hable Walter W, foreman K V Co, res 509 Oak
Habul Jesse, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 410 Magee
Hacke Louis A, maid, 411 William, res do
Hackett Charles, machinist, rms 258 Baldwin
Hackett Eleanor V, stenogr, A L F E Co, res 259 Lyon
Hackett Mathew C, bkkpr A L F E Co, res 454 W Second
Hackett Rogue A, emp P RR, h 901 Penna ave
Hackett Sarah, wid John, res 210 Dewitt ave
Hackett William M, emp P RR, h 930 Penna ave
Hackley Fred D, solicitor, N Y Tel Co, h 817 W Church
Haddad Soloman S, weaver, J N Stearns & Co, res 1160 Magee
Hadden John T, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 107 Madison ave
Haddow Mildred, emp 434 Carroll, res 108 Madison ave
Hade George W, painter, E M Bien, h 311 Madison ave
Hadley Arthur, janitor, Arnot -Ogden Hospital, res 313 Division
Hadley Benjamin F, wood worker, h 313 Division
Hadley Benjamin J, foreman P RR, h 760 S Main
Hadley Clarence E, salesman, res 313 Division
Hadley Clyde, emp Willys-Morrow Co, res 105 Magnolia
Hadley Halsey, res 313 Division
Hadley Judson A, retired, h 106 Harmon
Hadley Mina, Mrs., maid, Arnot-Ogden Hospital, res 313 Dickinson
Hadlock & Clark, (Harry L Hadlock and David D Clark) meat and fish market sea food and canned goods, 903 Lake
Hadlock Harry L, (Hadlock & Clark), 903 Lake, h 1003 do
Haefyez John, emp Thatcher Mfg Co, res 919 Grand Central ave
Haesloop George C, electrical contractor and jobbing, 423 W Water,h 465 W Gray (See ad bottom lines)
Hafer Fred, emp Willys-Morrow Co, bds 310 Broadway
Haff Edwin J, emp Chase Hibbard Corporation, bds 508 Dewitt ave
Haflett Philander L, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 309 Baldwin
Hagadorn David B, expressman, 510 Columbia, h do
Hagadorn see Hagendorn
Hagar Jesse P, emp E C & W RR, h 321 Division
Hagar see Hager
Hagas Roswell E, agent Standard Accident Ins Co, h 718 Broadway
Hagelquist Charles, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 382 Home
Hagelquist Hulda, maid, 826 W Water, res do
Hagen Fred, grocer, 766 Linden place, res do
Hagen Fred jr, emp J N Stearns & Co, res 766 Linden place
Hagen Henry, horseshoer, 450 E Water, h 1017 Tenienti
HA Elmira Directory 1917 Page 175
Hagen Joseph, emp Kertscher & Co, h 1368 College ave
Hagen Lawrence, driver Crystal Ice Co, res 164 Exchange place
Hagendorn Charles W, pres and treas Charles Sanitary Mfg Co, h 1013 Lincoln
Hagendorn see Hagadorn
Hager Arnold F, instr N Y S Reformatory, h 311 ½ W Fifth
Hager Bert, telegh opr D L & W RR, rms 257 Baldwin
Hager Burn, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 316 Baldwin
Hager Charles B, foreman, F V Ensign, h 707 Winsor ave
Hager Florence L, opr N Y Tel Co, bds 2 Franklin place
Hager H W, telgr opr, D L & W RR, res 109 W Market
Hager Ida C, wid Frederick, res 311 ½ W Fifth
Hager James A, engr P RR, h 323 Sullivan
Hager see Hagar
Haggerty Margaret, emp 367 W Gray, res do
Hagerman Stuart, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 321 West Side ave
Hagquist Neil, cabinet maker and musical instruments 205 Railroad ave,h do
Hahnel Charles A, adv mgr Star-Gazette, h 804 Maple ave
Haight Emma S, teacher school no. 8, res 119 W Chemung place
Haight Frances H, wid Maxwell, h 55 S Main
Haight George L, wheelwright, 321 Garfield ave, Elmira Heights, h do
Haight Jacob K, farmer, h 800 Broadway
Haight Joanna, wid Silas, h 119 W Chemung place
Haight Larue A, emp Hammondsport N Y, res 218 Connelly ave
Haight Louis A, blacksmith, h 218 Connelly ave
Haight Marie O, emp Sheehan, Dean & Co, res 218 Connelly ave
Haight Minnie, emp 103 W Church, res 321 Garfield ave, Elmira Heights
Haight Ross, emp 56 Penna ave, res 616 Reynolds
Haight Silas M, transitman city engr’s office, h 55 S Main
Haight William L, retired, res 706 Spaulding
Haines Donald, emp A S B Co, res 221 S Main
Haines Mildred N, wid Henry H, scientific massage 456 W Third, h do
Haines see Haynes
Hakes Arthur E, woodworker Kertscher & Co, h 1172 N Main
Hakes Edward, emp Willys-Morrow Co, rms 205 South ave
Hakes Frank, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h Schuyler ave
Hakes Ira L, machinist Willys-Morrow Co, h Sycamore
Hakes John, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 705 Delware ave
Hakes Raymond, res Schuyler ave
Hakes Samuel B, emp Willys-Morrow Co, h 54 Dewitt ave
Halbert Frank A, supt Queen City Knitting Mill, h 408 Hoffman
Halbert see Holbert
Hale Lydia Mrs, bds Home for Aged
Haley William , emp Willys- Morrow Co, bds 119 Madison ave
Hall Adelaide P, emp 301 Baldwin, res do
Hall Andres P, pattern maker, h 627 W Gray
Hall Archie A, shipping clerk, Empire Produce Co, h 753 ½ Harper
Hall Arthur L, foreman, Campbell Knitting Mill, h 706 Livingston
Hall Asaph, student, res 875 Grove
Hall Augusta P, wid Robert, res 315 W Church
Hall Benjamin F, adv mgr, Advertiser, h 611 College ave
Hall Bray D, farmer, res 1219 Lake
Hall Carolyn A, res 315 W Church
Hall Catherine, maid 470 W Water, res do
Hall Charles M, grocer, 750 E Water, res do
Hall Charles W, emp A Wyckoff & Son Co, h 512 Fitch
Hall Edward, mgr A & P Tea Co, Horseheads, h 150 Dewitt
Hall Effie Mrs., clerk, S S Kresge Co, res 661 Dubois
Hall Elvira, wid Bray, h 359 Division
Hall Emma E, wid Harry L, dressmaker, res 307 Penna ave
Hall Fanny F, wid Henry K, h 1219 Lake
Hall Foster M, physician and surgeon, practice in diseases of the skin and genitor-urinary diseases, 407-408 Merchants National Bank bldg, office hours 9 a m to 3 p m and 7 to 8 p m, h 578 Riverside ave
Advertisements Pages 174 and 175
Ellett-Stempfle Co. Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures 112 Lake Street
Interior Marble and Tiling Co, Marble and Tile Contractors, 444-446 East Water Street
J.C. McCarthy & Sons, Artistic Memorials Write or Phone for Catalogue,620-624 Franklin
Pierce & Bickford Architects 118-120 Lake Street
G.A. Burris Realty Co. 218 E Water Street, City and Farm Property.We have what you are looking for. Open Saturday Evenings. Bell’phone
Verne Wells, Contractor and Builder. Office 805 Holdridge, Street.Phone.