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by Warren D. Nash of Sulllivan Township Deceased January 2001
Postoffice address Granville, unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis).
Adams Express Co., (Granville Summit) r 30, O. W. Jaquish agent
Adams, Frank, (LeRoy) r 64 n town line, laborer
Adams, Nancy, (LeRoy) r 64 n town line, widow Ruel
Alexander, Henry, (Sayles) r 16, laborer
Alexander, Mary, (Sayles) r 16, widow Calvin C., h and lot
Allen, George, (Granville Center) r 19, dairy 8 cows and farmer on shares for Orrin, 22
Allen, Orrin, (Granville Center) r 21, farm 22 on r 19
Ammerman, Johnson, (Granville Center) r 21, laborer
Anderson, Isaiah W., (Sayles) r 18 cor 15, postmaster, general merchant and farmer 50
Andrews, Asa, (Granville Center) r 10, dairy 13 cows and farmer 33, and in Troy 60
Andrus, A. N., (Granville Center) r 1, farmer 65
Arnold, Henry C., (Granville Center) r 36, school director, blacksmith, h and lot
Arnold, Lena, (Granville Center) r 11, music teacher
Arnold, Willard, (Granville Center) r 21, breeder Jersey cattle, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees and farmer 100
Aumich, Hugh, (Granville Summit) r 32, laborer, h and lot
Austin, David U., (Granville Center) r 7, dairy 14 cows and farmer on shares for Erastus Streeter, 100
Ayers, Frank H., (Windfall) r 47, (Clark & Ayers) dairy 4 cows and farmer 80
Ayers, Shely, (Windfall) r 50, retired farmer, h and lot, also h and lot in Canton
Ayers, Susanna, (Granville Summit) r 48 cor 33, widow Marcus
Bailey, Albert L., (Granville Center) r 39, carpenter and farmer 37 1/2
Bailey, Emmet, (LeRoy) r 63, laborer
Bailey, Ezra, (Granville Center) r 36, farm 106 on r 39, h and lot
Bailey, Jefferson T., (Granville Center) r 20 cor 12, farmer 50
Bailey, Julius W., (Granville Center) r 20 cor 12, laborer
Bailey, Lucern, (Granville Center) off r 36, farmer 17
Bailey, McKean, (Granville Center) r 34, laborer
Bailey, Orrin, (Granville Center) r 39, highway commissioner, farmer on shares for Ezra Bailey, 106
Bailey, Lutia, (Granville Center) r 20 cor 37, widow Robert, farm 100
Baird, Hugh, r 20, general blacksmith
Baker, Nancy, (Granville Center) r 45, widow Burton, h and lot
Baldwin, Benjamin, (Granville Center) r 12, farmer 37
Baldwin, William, (Granville Center) r 12, dairy 10 cows, farmer 100 with wife Georgia
Barnes, Fidelia Mrs., (Windfall) r 62
Barnes, Floyd, (Windfall) r 51, laborer
Barnes, Fordyce M., (Windfall) r 50, dairy 22 cows, farmer on shares for L. D. May, 150
Barnes, George, (Granville Center) r 19, dairy 5 cows, farmer 44
Barnes, Sylvia, (Granville Center) r 34, widow Simeon
Bassett, Francis M., (Granville Summit) r 30, clerk O. W. Jaquish and Co.
Battin, Lamarline H., (Granville Center) r 45 cor 46, dairy 5 cows and farmer 75
Baxter, Candace, (West Burlington) r 13, widow Almon, farmer 135
Baxter, Franklin, (Granville Center) r 12, farmer 62
Baxter, Fred, (Granville Center) r 11, dairy 5 cows, farmer 65
Baxter, Jesse E., (West Burlington) r 13, farmer for his mother Candace
Baxter, Myrtle, (Granville Center) r 11, teacher
Baxter, Orselus, (Granville Center) r 11, commissioner of highways, butcher and farmer 50
Baxter, Silas O., (Granville Center) r 11, farmer, son of Orselus
Baxter, S. Ira, (Granville Center) r 11, farmer on shares for U. D. 100
Baxter, Sollie S., (West Burlington) r 13, farmer for his mother Candace
Baxter, Uriah D., (Granville Center) r 11, dairy 12 cows, 30 sheep and farmer 160
Benninger, Marble, (Granville Center) h High, agent, h and lot
Bixby, Fred, (Windfall) r 53, laborer
Blish, Adell, (Granville Center) r 36, widow Isaac, h and lot
Blish, Samuel, (Granville Center) r 36, clerk at Sayre
Bohn, George V., (Windfall) r 48 cor 50, h and lot
Bonney, Vernon O., (Sayles) r 19, dairy 15 cows and farmer on shares for Alice Putnam of Towanda 240
Bovier, Seely, (Windfall) r 61, dairy 10 cows and farmer, leases of Thomas Webster, 100
Bovier, Solomon L. Rev., (Windfall) r 47, Baptist clergyman
Bowman, Mahlon J., (Windfall) r 47, dairy 6 cows and farmer 60 owned by wife
Boyce, Daniel, (Sayles) r 16, dairy 11 cows and farmer 100
Boyce, Fred, (Sayles) r 15, dairy 9 cows and farmer 40, also on shares for Mrs. Lydia, 60
Boyce, Lydia, (Sayles) r 15, widow Rensler, farm 60
Bradley, James, (Granville Center) r 21, laborer
Breese, Phineas M., (Windfall) r 56, laborer
Brown, Lillie Mrs., (Granville Summit) off r 27, breeder of barred Plymouth Rock fowls
Brown, Martha, (Sayles) widow Calvin, farm 36
Brundage, Alva O., (LeRoy) r 65, farmer 50
Bunyan, Alice R., (Granville Center) r 46, widow Frank, farm 50
Bunyan, Miles, (Granville Center) r 46, laborer
Burke, Eugene, (Windfall) r 47, dairy 5 cows and farmer 60 for his mother Margaret
Burke, Margaret, (Windfall) r 47, widow George, farm 60
Burr, Alice Mrs., (Granville Center) off r 23
Bush, Thomas, (Granville Summit) r 34, farmer, life lease 65
Calkins, Emeline, (Granville Center) h High, widow Horace
Carey, Rebecca, (Sayles) r 16, widow Davis
Case, John, (Granville Center) h and lot High, laborer
Case, Samuel R., (Granville Center) r 8, mason, h and lot
Casterline, Irvin E., (Granville Center) r 24, farmer for P. Putnam
Catlin, Catherine, (Windfall) r 57, widow George
Chamberlain, Charles, (Windfall) r 56, dairy 6 cows and farmer on shares for L. Haxton, 54
Chesley, A. Newton, (Granville Summit) r 30, breeder of and dealer in Jersey cattle and Poland China swine, dairy 9 cows and farmer 55 and 20 owned by wife
Chesley, Commodore L., (Windfall) r 50, laborer
Chesley, Elizabeth, (Windfall) r 50, widow Malachi, h and lot
Chesley, Oscar, (Granville Summit) r 30, farmer, son of A. Newton
Church of Christ, (Granville Center) r 21, Rev. Henry F. Keltch, pastor
Churchill, Calvin W. Rev., died since canvass
Clark and Ayers, (W. L. Clark & F. Ayers) (Windfall) r 40, steam threshers
Clark, Courtland, (Windfall) r 58 cor 56, farmer 50
Clark, Edward J., (Granville Center) r 22, buttermaker, Glenside Creamery
Clark, Grant U., (Windfall) r 58 cor 56, laborer
Clark, Rex W., (Granville Center) r 43, farmer on shares for J. Gee, 91
Clark, Sidney W., (LeRoy) off r 66, farmer 60
Clark, W. Llewellyn, (W. W. C. & Son) (Clark & Ayers) (Windfall) r 50
Clark, W. Walter, (W. W. C. & Son) (Windfall) r 50 cor 47
Clark, W. W. & Son, (Windfall) r 50 cor 47, saw, shingle and feed mills
Coe, Edward A., (Windfall) r 47, dairy 10 cows and farmer 85
Collins, James W., (Granville Summit) r 30, section hand, N. C. Ry.
Collins, John T., (Granville Summit) r 31, section hand, h and lot
Collins, Michael B., (Granville Summit) r 30, section foreman N. C. Ry, dairy 10 cows and farmer 125
Colton, Samuel T., (Granville Summit) r 46, farmer 32
Coon, Minnie, (Sayles) r 18, widow Sylvester
Crandall, Andrew, (Windfall) r 62, dairy 5 cows, farmer 90
Crandall, James L., (Granville Summit) r 48 cor 33, farmer 65
Crofut, Charlotte C., (LeRoy) r 41, widow Levi
Crofut, I. Eugene, (LeRoy) r 41, farmer 63
Dailey, Lyman, (Granville Center) r 20, dairy 8 cows and farmer on shares for Lutia Bailey, 100
Darling, Harry, (Granville Center) h High, clerk F. K. Taylor
Dickinson, William J., (Granville Summit) r 35, laborer
Dreste, Herman, (Windfall) r 52, breeder and dealer in Jersey cattle registered, Chester white and Yorkshire swine registered, and fancy fowls, dairy 20 cows and farmer 60, and 48 in Canton
Drysdale, Robert, (LeRoy) r 64, farmer
Duart, John W., (Windfall) r 53, dairy 18 cows and farmer with D. Henry 175, sugar orchard 100 trees
Duart, Sarah, (Windfall) r 53, widow David H.
Dunbar, Victor, (Granville Summit) r 32 cor 49, farmer 17
East Granville Free Baptist Church, r 20
English, Harvey W., (Granville Summit) r 30 (O. W. Jaquish & Co.)
Evans, Mary, (West Burlington) r 12, widow John, h and lot
Every, Benjamin, (LeRoy) r 41, farmer 15
Every, Hiram, (LeRoy) r 41
Fenton, Skinner, (Windfall) r 46, carpenter and farmer 60
Ferguson, Edward, (Granville Summit) r 28, farmer 60
Finney, Ada, (Granville Center) r 20, widow Hiland
Finney, Melinda, (Granville Center) r 20, widow Nathan, h and lot
Fitch, Chauncey S., (Granville Summit) r 28, farm in Tioga Co., NY, 114, h and lot
Fitch, Duley T., (West LeRoy) r 47, farmer, leases of Walter Colton, 56
Fitch, Ellery E., (Granville Summit) r 33, laborer
Fitch, Fernando H., (Granville Center) r 34, farmer 14
Fitch, Frank E., (Granville Summit) r 27, dairy 8 cows and farmer 106
Fitch, William (Granville Summit) r 33, farmer, leases of Mrs. M. Titus of Troy, 53
Fleming, Alden, (Windfall) r 60, farmer 11
Fleming, Burdett, (Windfall) r 62, farmer 52
Fleming, Jane, (Windfall) r 62, widow Joseph, farm 12
Fleming, Philander, (Windfall) r 60, dairy 12 cows and farmer 118
Foster, Hiram H., (Granville Center) r 20, jury commissioner, pensioner, member 11th Pa Cavalry
Foster, John, (Granville Summit) r 46, farmer 47
Foster, Rebecca H., (Granville Summit) r 46, widow William
Foust, George, (Granville Center) r 64, farmer
Freer, Harry, (Granville Center) r 64, farmer 105
Fuller, Emily, (Granville Center) r 8, widow Orrin, farmer 100 with Mrs. Leslie F. Putnam
Gee, Julius, (Granville Center) r 43, dairy 7 cows and farmer 91
Getchell, Charles E., (Granville Summit) r 30, mgr W. U. Tel. Co., Cowley Station
Gilbert, Orville C., (West Burlington) r 12 1/2, dairy 9 cows and farmer 100
Gilbert, Stanley, (Granville Center) r 10, laborer, removed to Troy
Glenside Creamery, (Granville Center) r 21, J. K. Innes of Binghamton, NY prop., L. D. May, mgr; manuf creamery butter
Glenside Feel Mill, (Granville Center) J.K. Innes prop., L. D. May mgr.
Glenside Stock Farm, (Granville Center) r 21, J. K. Innes of Binghamton, NY, prop., L. D. May, mgr., breeders of dairy short horns, dairy 50 cows and farmer 400
Graham, Margaret, (Granville Center) r 10
Graham, Mary, (Granville Center) off r 10
Granville Center Grange Hall, r 8
Granville Center & Granville Summit Stage Line, (Granville Center) r 21, F. A. Saxton, prop.
Gray, Charles F., (Granville Center) r 40, com trav and farm 65
Grenell, Lindroff T., (Granville Center) r 21, dairy 9 cows and farmer on shares for V. Taylor, 80
Grist, Lawrence, (Sayles) r 15 1/2, laborer
Grist, Thomas, (Sayles) r 15 1/2, farmer 50
Greeno, Volney L., (East Troy) r 9 cor 8, farmer leases of Edwin of Canton, 75
Haflett, David H., (Windfall) r 57 cor 56, dairy 11 cows and farmer 86
Haflett, George H., (Windfall) r 57, dairy 15 cows and farmer 140
Haflett, George W., (Windfall) r 53, dairy 6 cows and farmer 41, owned by wife
Haflett, John W., (Windfall) r 53, dairy 6 cows and farmer 50
Halford, Alvira Mrs., (Sayles) r 18
Halford, James, (Sayles) off r 18, farmer 25
Hawthorn, James A., (Windfall) r 47, dairy 10 cows and farmer 80
Hawthorn, Orin B., (Windfall) r 53, dairy 8 cows and farmer 50
Haxton, James, (Windfall) r 58, farmer 30
Haxton, Lawren, (Windfall) r 56, dairy 6 cows and farmer 54
Haxton, Myrton T., (Windfall) r 58, collector and solicitor for Reporter-Journal of Towanda
Hay, Thomas, (Granville Center) r 22 cor 10, photographer
Heald, Harvey L., (Granville Center) r 21, harnessmaker
Heald, Horace H., (Granville Center) r 22 cor 10, town treas., manuf of harness, saddlery, web and leather halters and dealer in trunks, bags, horse clothing &c., h r 21
Henry, Fred, (Granville Summit) r 33, laborer
Holcomb, Polly, (West Burlington) r 13, widow Harrison
Horton, Charles, (Sayles) r 18 (Kelly and Horton)
Huff, Daniel D., (Granville Center) r 22, farmer 16, also 96 on r 8
Jaquish, Orin W., (O. W. Jaquish and Co.) (Granville Summit) postmaster, agent N. C. Ry and Adams Express Co., res. Canton
Jaquish, O. W. and Co., (O. W. J. & H. R. English) (Granville Summit) (Cowley Station) r 30, general merchants and wholesale dealers in butter, cheese, eggs, hay, grain and produce
Jennings, Fred, (Windfall) r 52, laborer
Jennings, Henry W., (Windfall) r 57, dairy 8 cows and farmer 66, wife owns 40 on r 52
Johnson, Lamira, (Sayles) r 14, widow George
Johnson, William E., (Sayles) r 14, farmer 67
Kelley, Hiram, (LeRoy) r 42, dairy 5 cows and farm 53
Kelley & Horton, (K. K. & C. H.) (Sayles) r 18, portable saw mill
Kelley, Kelsey, (Sayles) r 18, (Kelley and Horton)
Keltch, Henry F. Rev., (Granville Center) r 36, pastor Church of Christ
Kendall, Cola, (Windfall) r 48, laborer
Kendall, Ephraim, (Windfall) r 62, farmer 60
Kendall, Joseph S., (LeRoy) r 63, breeder and dealer in Jersey cattle, dairy 14 cows and farmer 90
Kendall, Orange H., (Windfall) r 48, dairy 20 cows and farmer on shares for Theodore Porter, 107
Kendall, Richard E., (LeRoy) r 63, breeder of and dealer in Pekin ducks and Barred Plymouth Rock fowls
Kennedy, Fred A., (LeRoy) r 65, com trav
Kenyon, Charles R., (Granville Center) r 10, Justice of the Peace and mason, h and lot
Kenyon, Henry F., (Granville Center) r 10, laborer
Kittle, Lucy, (Granville Summit) r 24, widow Hiram
Kittle, Willis M., (Granville Summit) off r 25, dairy 15 cows and farmer 150
Knowlden, Harry, (Granville Center) r 10, dairy 11 cows and farmer, leases of Robert Innes of Bodines, 100
Knutzman, Gotleib, (Sayles) r 15, dairy 4 cows and farmer 56
LaMent, Charles, (Granville Center) r 8 cor 7, farmer 25 owned by Mary J. Spalding
LaMent, Charles, Jr., (Granville Center) r 36 cor 22, laborer
LaMent, James, (Granville Center) r 8, painter
LaMent, Volney M., (Granville Center) r 9, carpet weaver
Landon, Fred B., (Windfall) r 57, school director, dairy 15 cows and farmer on shares for G. H. Hoflett, 140
Larcom, Alton L., (Granville Center) r 43, auditor, dairy 10 cows and farmer 115
Larcom, Charles, (Granville Center) r 40, school director, dairy 7 cows, farmer 34 and on shares for Edward F., 58
Larcom, Edward F., (Granville Center) r 40, cooper, farmer 58
Larcom, Emery, (West Burlington) r 13, dairy 6 cows and farmer on shares for George W., 70
Larcom, George, (Granville Center) r 20, laborer
Larcom, Herbert C., (West Burlington) r 13, farmer 23
Leach, John A., (Windfall) r 53, breeder and dealer in Jersey cattle, dairy 18 cows and farmer 160
Lee, Day K., (Granville Center) r 10, machinist
Lee, George, (Granville Center) r 10, dairy 5 cows and farmer 64
Leonard, Annie, (Granville Center) r 24, music teacher
Leonard, Baird, (Granville Center) r 24, farmer
Leonard, Loren M., (Granville Center) r 24, dairy 6 cows and farmer 50
Leonard, Solomon S., (Granville Center) r 7, dairy 6 cows and farmer 53
Letts, William, (Granville Summit) r 6, dairy 13 cows and farmer, leases of H. R. English, 93
Lewis, Eli, (Granville Summit) r 50 cor 31, farmer 15 also 5 owned by wife
Lilley, Robert B., (East Canton) r 54, dairy 7 cows, farmer 40
Lindley, Clarissa, (LeRoy) r 65, widow John, farm 60
Lindley, Edward, (LeRoy) r 65, dairy 4 cows, farmer
Lindley, Solomon, (LeRoy) r 66, dairy 5 cows and farmer, leases of R. D. Bailey of LeRoy, 100
Lindley, Ulysses, (LeRoy) r 65, farmer for his mother Clarissa
Loomis, Cora C., (Windfall) r 54, school teacher
Loomis, Joseph, (Sayles) r 18, farmer 5 1/2
Loomis, Noah, (Windfall) r 54, dairy 8 cows and farmer 100
Lowe, John, (Granville Center) r 23, farmer 20, owned by Isabelle of Troy
Luckey, Charles W., (Granville Summit) r 25, farmer, leases of N. M. Campbell of Troy, 25
Maney, James P., (Granville Summit) r 24, telegrapher and bookkeeper
Maney, John, (Granville Summit) r 24, dairy 7 cows and farmer 60
Manley, Samuel N., (Granville Center) r 21, postmaster at Minnequa, Canton Township, live stock dealer, dairy 15 cows and farmer 123
Monroe, Bert, (Granville Center) r 10, dairy 5 cows, farmer 50
May, Garaphelia, (Windfall) r 50, widow Daniel S.
May, John C., (Windfall) r 50, constable, mail carrier, Windfall to Granville Summit, h and lot
May, Leland D., (Granville Center) r 21, mgr. Glenside Stock farm, farmer 140 on r 50
McElroy, William W., (LeRoy) r 64, mason and farmer 14
McGlenn, Frances, (Granville Summit) r 50, school teacher
McGlenn, John, (Granville Summit) r 5, farmer
McKean, Alvina Mrs., (Sayles) r 14, farmer 82
McKean, James H., (West Burlington) r 12, farmer 15
McKean, J. Lee, (Sayles) r 14, dairy 5 cows and farmer for his mother Alvina, 82
McKeel, Hyatt, (Sayles) off r 18, farmer on shares for Sanford, 100
McKeel, Sanford, (Sayles) off r 18, farmer 100
McKerrow, James, (Windfall) r 50, blacksmith, dealer in agricultural implements and farmer 4
McMurray, Samuel H., (Windfall) r 57, commissioner of highways, breeder of and dealer in Jersey cattle, dairy 7 cows and farmer 50 owned by wife
Meeker, Arkles R., (Sayles) r 16, farmer 50
Merrit, Mary M., (Granville Summit) r 28, widow Samuel, farm 42
Merry, A. Maud, (Granville Summit) r 26, dressmaker
Merry, Huldah, (Granville Summit) r 26, widow Truman, farm 25
Merry, Martha, (Granville Summit) r 26
Millhime, Augustus, (Granville Center) r 45, h and lot owned by wife
Mintzer, Leonidas H. C., (Granville Center) r 21, physician and surgeon
Monroe, Delos, (Sayles) off r 16, laborer
Morrison, Amos, (Granville Center) r 9, farmer 61
Morrison, Derrick, (Granville Center) r 9, farmer for his mother Orlina
Morrison, Orlina, (Granville Center) r 9, widow John, dairy 13 cows and farmer 61
Morrison, Page, (Granville Center) r 9, farmer for his mother Orlina
Morse, Alburn, (Granville Summit) r 35, breeder of and dealer in Chester White swine, dairy 9 cows and farmer 80
Morse, Harriet, (Granville Summit) r 6, widow William F., farmer 93
Morse, Harry A., (LeRoy) r 64 cor 65, dairy 7 cows, farmer 105 1/2
Mott, Abraham M. Rev., (Granville Center) r 37 n 20, pension attorney and farmer 54
Northern Central Railway Station (Granville Summit) r 30, O. W. Jaquish, agent
Nutter, O. C., (Granville Summit) r 27, butter maker
Packard, Clara B., (Windfall) r 51, dressmaker
Packard, Elizabeth, (Windfall) r 54, widow Niles
Packard, Elmer Rev., (Windfall) r 51
Packard, Emily, (Windfall) r 51, widow Jerome B.
Packard, James S., (Windfall) r 54, dairy 20 cows, farmer 160
Packard, Jerome K., (Windfall) r 51, farmer, son of William B.
Packard, William B., (Windfall) r 51, lecturer Pa state grange, dairy 10 cows and farmer 110, manuf and dealer in lumber in Lycoming Co.
Parkhurst, Ami, (Sayles) r 18, farmer 25, member 52nd Reg Pa Vols
Parkhurst, Linn, (Sayles) r 18, farmer 33
Parkhurst, Ready, (Sayles) r 18, laborer
Parmerter, Anna I., (Windfall) r 62, farmer 60
Parmerter, Jerusha, (Windfall) r 62, widow Charles, died since canvass
Pelton, David, (LeRoy) r 64, miner and farmer 14
Pepper, David, (Granville Center) r 22, thresher and farmer 75
Peters, Harvey C., (Granville Center) r 47, farmer on shares for J. C. Wright, 67
Phillips, Charles, (Sayles) r 15 1/2, laborer
Phillips, Michael A., (Granville Summit) r 32, breeder of and dealer in Jersey and Holstein cattle, reg, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 200 trees and farmer 50, and 25 owned by wife
Phillips, William, (Sayles) r 15 1/2, farmer on shares for Robert Innes of Bodines, Lycoming Co., 100
Pierce, Samuel, (Windfall) r 60, farmer 20, also works 15 for Orin Porter
Porter, Burton A., (Windfall) r 50, postmaster, general merchant and farmer 85
Porter, Fred T., (Windfall) r 61, school teacher, dairy 11 cows and farmer on shares for B. A. Porter, 85
Porter, Grant, (Windfall) r 50, farmer 100
Porter, Nellie H., (Windfall) r 50, school teacher
Pratt, Daniel W., (West Burlington) r 13 n town line, dairy 10 cows and farmer 110 and in Burlington 60
Pratt, Lorenzo D., (West Burlington) r 13 n town line, laborer
Pratt, Perlie M., (West Burlington) r 13 n town line, laborer
Putnam, Albert, (Granville Center) h and lot High, laborer
Putnam, Harry, (Granville Center) r 21, laborer
Putnam, Leslie F., (Granville Center) r 8, dairy 8 cows, 20 sheep and farmer 100 with Emily Fuller
Putnam, Lizzie, (Granville Center) r 21, widow Harvey, farm 20, removed to Troy
Putnam, Milan H., (Granville Center) r 8, dairy 6 cows and farmer 55, owned by wife
Putnam, Philander, (Granville Center) r 24, breeder Holstein cattle and Poland China swine, dairy 4 cows, and farmer 66
Putnam, Sally, (Granville Center) r 20, widow Alfred, h and lot
Putnam, Sylvester, (Granville Center) r 8, farmer 70
Raisch, Carl, (Windfall) r 47, laborer, h and lot
Randall, Ralph W., (Granville Summit) off r 29, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Charles H. Saxton, 100
Randall, Stephen A., (Granville Center) r 20, dairy 7 cows and farmer, leases of John Vroman of Canton, 214, owns in Union, Tioga Co., 50
Rathbun, John, (Granville Center) r 8, dairy 5 cows, farmer 67
Reynolds, Betsey, (Granville Center) widow Hiram, h and lot High
Riggs, Cora, (Granville Summit) r 30, school teacher
Riggs, Samuel T., (Granville Summit) r 30, farmer 20
Riley, James A., (Granville Center) r 23, dairy 6 cows and farmer 80
Riley, Julia, (Granville Center) r 23, widow James A.
Rockwell, James, (Granville Center) off r 15, farmer on shares for F. K. Taylor, 175
Rockwell, John C., (Granville Center) r 66, laborer
Rockwell, Raymond, (Granville Center) r 20, laborer
Rockwell, Merrick H., (Granville Center) r 20, farmer
Rockwell, Samuel A., (Granville Center) r 66, dairy 6 cows and farmer 70
Rockwell, Sylvester, (Granville Center) r 11, farmer for E. Vroman, 20
Ross, Cora, (Granville Center) r 22 cor 23, school teacher
Ross, John, (Granville Center) r 22 cor 23, farmer, son of R. M.
Ross, Libbie, (Granville Center) r 22 cor 23, school teacher
Ross, Lydia, (Granville Center) r 45 cor 46, widow Charles D.
Ross, Richard M., (Granville Center) r 22 cor 23, dairy 12 cows and farmer 100
Santee, Bert, (Granville Center) h High, laborer
Saxton, Adolphus, (Granville Center) r 34, dairy 10 cows and farmer 70
Saxton, Burton, (Granville Center) r 34, farmer 40
Saxton, Charles H., (Granville Summit) r 28, farmer 42 for Mrs. Mary M. Merritt, owns 100 off r 27
Saxton, Charles M., (Granville Center) r 34, clerk
Saxton, Dayton L., (Granville Center) r 46, dairy 7 cows and farmer 50 with wife Alice
Saxton, Franklin, (Granville Center) r 8, dairy 8 cows and farmer 58
Saxton, Fred A., (Granville Center) r 21, town collector, propr stage and mail route Granville Center to Granville Summit, livery, breeder grade Durham cattle, dairy 9 cows and farmer 52
Saxton, George, (Granville Center) r 8, school teacher
Saxton, John M., (Granville Summit) r 35, farmer
Saxton, Oscar, (Granville Center) r 34, town assessor, breeder of and dealer in Jersey cattle reg, dairy 22 cows and farmer 120 with Robert A.
Saxton, Robert A., (Granville Center) r 34, farmer 120 with Oscar
Saxton, Solon J., (Granville Center) r 34, breeder of and dealer in grade Jersey cattle and registered Poland China swine, dairy 12 cows and farmer 90
Saxton, Valentine, (Granville Summit) r 35, dairy 18 cows and farmer 150
Sayles, Fay R., (Granville Center) r 8, stone cutter
Sayles, Olivia A., (Granville Center) r 36, widow Charles G., farm 180, removed to Elmira, NY
Schriver, John, (Troy) r 28, farmer on shares M. B. Porter estate 100
Selleck, Clarence G., (Granville Center) r 46, dairy 5 cows and farmer 57
Selleck, Edward R., (West Burlington) r 12, dairy 6 cows, 20 sheep and farmer 100
Selleck, Luzerne E., (West Burlington) r 12, farmer, son of Edward R.
Selleck, Raymond F., (Granville Center) r 36, farmer 75 and for Mrs. Olivia Sayles, 180
Shedden, Agnes, (Windfall) r 47, widow Robert, farmer 60
Shedden, Euphemia, (Granville Center) r 8, widow Alexander
Shedden, Frank, (Windfall) r 47, farmer for his mother Agnes
Shedden, John, (Granville Center) r 8 cor 10, emp tannery at Troy, h and lot
Shedden, William, (Granville Center) r 8, farmer 45
Shepard, George, (Granville Center) r 44, dairy 17 cows and farmer with O'Mera, 140
Shepard, O'Meara, (Granville Center) r 44, dairy 17 cows and farmer with George, 140
Sherman, Betsey, (Granville Center) r 10, widow Horton, h and lot
Sherman, Dudley S., (LeRoy) r 66, dairy 8 cows and farmer on shares for C. W. Churchill, 80
Sherman, George, (Granville Center) r 10, laborer
Shoemaker, Abram F., (Granville Summit) r 51, dairy 5 cows and farmer 40, owned by wife
Shoemaker, Charles M., (Windfall) r 59, dairy 4 cows and farmer on shares for Treat, 34
Shoemaker, Francis E., (Granville Summit) r 26, dairy 23 cows and farmer 3, also on shares for J. W. Merritt of Indianapolis, Ind., 147
Shoemaker, John, (Windfall) r 49, dairy 6 cows, farmer 60
Shoemaker, Malachi T., (Windfall) r 48, Justice of the Peace
Shoemaker, Treat M., (Windfall) r 59, farmer 34
Shoemaker, William, (Windfall) r 49, retired farmer
Shores, Kate Mrs., (West Franklin) r 16
Simpson, John, (Sayles) r 42, farmer 114
Simpson, Volney M., (Sayles) off r 18, farmer 30
Smiley, Arthur, (Sayles) r 16, farmer, leases of A. L. Fleming of Troy 75
Smiley, George, (Sayles) r 17, laborer
Smith, Artemisia, (Sayles) r 14, widow Daniel
Smith, Burton, (Granville Center) r 43, dairy 8 cows and farmer 86
Smith, Clyde, (Sayles) r 14, laborer
Smith, Daniel W., (West Franklin) r 16, farmer 24
Smith, Durand, (Sayles) r 15, dairy 4 cows and farmer 84
Smith, Ezra O., (Sayles) r 14, dairy 10 cows and farmer 150, member 52nd Reg. Pa. Vol.
Smith, Pheobe C., (Granville Center) r 23, widow Charles N., farm 10
Smith, Porter, (Sayles) r 14, laborer
Smith, Warren J., (Granville Center) r 42, dairy 6 cows and farmer 83, one-half owned by wife
Smith, Willard P., (Sayles) r 14, dairy 4 cows and farmer 25
Snyder, John, (Windfall) r 48, laborer
Spalding, Edna L., (Granville Center) r 8, music teacher
Spalding, Mary J., (Granville Center) r 8, widow William S., farm 25
Stanton, Orrin, (Sayles) off r 18, laborer
Stevens, Glenn, (Granville Summit) r 28, school teacher
Stevens, William H., (Granville Summit) r 28, school director, dairy 20 cows and farmer on shares for Simeon Case of Troy, 150
Storrs, Everell O., (LeRoy) r 65, dairy 4 cows, farmer 53
Storrs, Jonas F., (LeRoy) r 65, farmer 10
Storrs, Roy C., (LeRoy) r 65, laborer
Stotenbur, George, (Windfall) r 26, dairy 5 cows, farmer 49
Streeter, Arthur, (Granville Center) r 7, school teacher
Streeter, Rachael, (Granville Center) r 7, widow Orlando L., farm 100
Strouse, Aaron, (Granville Summit) off r 27, laborer
Sturdevant, Anson S., (Windfall) r 57, farmer 13
Swain, Lorenzo D., (West Burlington) r 13, farmer 30
Taylor, B. Franklin, (Granville Center) r 21 cor 36, propr Temperance House and farmer 65 on road 21 cor 37
Taylor, Charles E., (Granville Center) r 21 cor 36, dealer in pianos, organs, violins, guitars, etc.
Taylor, Encel, (Granville Center) r 22, farmer 25
Taylor, Fred K., (Granville Center) r 22 cor 10, postmaster, general merchant and dealer in agricultural implements, wagons, sleighs, feed etc. and farmer 255
Taylor, Matilda B., (Granville Center) r 21, widow Luman D.
Taylor, Volney, (Granville Center) r 21, dairy 9 cows and farmer 80
Telephone Pay Station, (Granville Center) r 22 cor 10, at F. K. Taylor's store
Telephone Pay Station, (Granville Summit) r 30, O. W. Jaquish & Co. store
Temperance House, (Granville Center) r 21 cor 36, B. F. Taylor, propr
Thompson, Maggie, (Windfall) r 54, housekeeper for William Warner
Thurston, Hiram, (Sayles) r 16, cooper
Tice, Wallace, (Sayles) r 18, laborer, h and lot
Tillottson, Reuben E., (Granville Center) r 23, dairy 14 cows and farmer for S. J. Saxton, 100
Tinklepaugh, Henry, (Granville Summit) r 30, farmer 10
Tripp, Florance, (Granville Center) r 21, laborer
VanBuskirk, Erastus, (Granville Center) r 9, farmer for his mother Mary, 70
VanBuskirk, Mary, (Granville Center) r 9, widow John, farm 70
VanHorn, Alvin M., (Granville Summit) off r 27, farmer for his mother Amanda
VanHorn, Amanda, (Granville Summit) off r 27, widow Lyman, farmer 65
VanHorn, Edgar D., (Granville Summit) r 24, dairy 10 cows and farmer 87
VanHorn, Howard, (Granville Summit) r 27, laborer
VanHorn, Luther C., (Granville Summit) r 26, dairy 12 cows and farmer 100
VanHorn, Stanley, (Granville Summit) r 24, laborer
Vroman, Dwight, (Granville Center) r 20, farmer on shares for Grant 84
Vroman, Edward, (Granville Center) r 12, farmer 40
Vroman, Oscar D., (Granville Center) r 11, inspector of election and farmer 17
Vroman, Ritner P., (Granville Center) r 19, farmer 50
Walburn, Aaron, (Granville Center) r 34, farmer 49
Walburn, Benjamin, (Granville Center) r 34, laborer
Walburn, Charles, (LeRoy) r 65, laborer
Walburn, Samuel, (LeRoy) r 65, farmer 25
Ward, William H. Rev., (Windfall) r 51, pastor Windfall Free Baptist Church
Warren, James, (Windfall) r 47, dairy 7 cows and farmer 67
Warren, La Marr, (Windfall) r 47, school teacher