![]() Postcard from Betty Lamont Collection |
Abramovitz & Katz, (Lewis A. and Hayman K.) Globe Clothing House,
gents’ furnishings, hats, boots and shoes, 18 Main
Abramovitz, Lewis, (Abramovitz & Katz) bds 201 Main cor Minnequa Ave. Adams, Eliza, widow Edward, h Sullivan, died since canvass Adams Express Co., F.W. Taylor, agt, N.C. depot, branch office, 8 Main Adams, P. Benjamin, blacksmith, h 25 S. Minnequa Ave. Adams, Stephen, blacksmith Sullivan, bds Washington Allen, Elwin, dealer in farm produce, hay and grain, warehouse Troy n depot, farm and res. Union, Tioga Co. Allen, Wallace, (Ogden & Allen) bds Main Anderson, Fannie W., widow J. Norman, h 1 Tioga cor Troy Anderson, John J., h S. Towanda Anderson, Ray W., bds 1 Tioga cor Troy Andrews, E. Latham, laborer, h 28 S. Towanda Andrews, George E., telegrapher, bds 28 S. Towanda Andrews, Ralph, emp. Belmar Co., bds 116 Main Andrews, Vianna, bds 46 N. Center Andrews, Alta M., milliner 48 Troy, bds 17 Troy Andrews, Jennie, widow Alvin, farm in Nebraska, bds Troy Andrews, William S., teaming and livery 50 Troy, h do Armstrong, Emeline C., widow Rev. William, h 6 S. Washington Aumendt, Marguerite F., stenographer, bds 45 N. Center Ayres, Charles, emp. G.M. Coons, h 22 Fall Brook Road Ayres, Allen M., farmer 30, h Center Bacon, Ronan & Co., (Wilson V.B., Patrick J. Ronan, Claude F. Biddle) general merchants and butter buyers, Main Bacon, Wilson V., (Bacon, Ronan & Co.) pres. H. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h 51 N. Center Bailey, Edward J., (Rainey & Bailey) h Armenia road Baldwin, Electa L., widow Charles, bds 8 Center Baldwin, Valeria Mrs., h 42 Sullivan Baldwin, William F. Jr., clerk 6 Main, bds Union outside limits Barnes, Edith C., school teacher, bds 26 W. Union Barnes, Melville M., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h 26 W. Union Barrand, Edwin, barber Troy, h and lot outside boro Barrow, Merton L., clerk 7 Main, bds Canton House Bates, Baron L., painter and paper hanger, h Main Baylor, Winsor, fireman, h W. Union Beals, Addison, livery and farmer 24, Sullivan, h 17 do Beals, Addison E., farmer and stableman, bds 17 Sullivan Beardslee Bros. & Rhoads, acid works in Ward, Tioga Co., 6 Main Beardslee, Isaac N., (Beardslee & Innes) (Beardslee Bros. & Rhoads) 6 Main, h at East Canton Beardslee, Seely J., groceries and boots and shoes 3 Main, h S. Minnequa Ave. n Main Beardslee & Innes, (Isaac N.B. and John Innes) manufs of and wholesale dealers in hemlock and hardwood lumber, 5 Lewis Bldg, Main Beck, Ida R. Mrs., bds 34 Minnequa Ave. Becker, H. Miller, miller Rockwell’s mill, h 142 Troy Belmar Co. The, Louis M. Marble pres., manuf. of specialties 14 Lewis bldg., Main Bellman, John, h Crooks Terrace Benedict, E. Bingham, farmer 45, h 75 N. Center Benedict, Elephaz C., painter and paper hanger, 304 N. Center Benedict, Frank E., photographer, portrait and landscape artist in oil, 41 Troy, h N. Washington Benedict, Henry J., photographer, bookkeeper Elm, h outside boro Benedict, Maude G., asst. photographer 41 Troy, bds 41 N. Washington Benedict, Samuel S., bookkeeper First Nat. Bank, h Elm outside limits Biddle, Almeron D., h 74 N. Center Biddle, Arthur, emp. H. Crawford’s saw mill, h S. Towanda Biddle, Claude F., (Bacon, Ronan & Co.) h 76 N. Center Biddle, Fidello, farmer 30 on r 16, h 36 N. Minnequa Ave. Biddle, J. Ola, farmer, son of Fidello, bds 36 N. Minnequa Ave. Biddle, Mary E., school teacher, bds 36 N. Minnequa Ave. Biddle, Wallace, pensioner, bds S. Towanda Bidwell, James A., marble cutter, h 37 Troy Black, Charles E., livery and feed stable r 12 main, h 1 Washington Black, Cornell W., carriagemaker 210 Troy, h do Black, Edward S., painter and paper hanger, h 210 Troy Black, Frederick, merchant tailor 3 Troy, h Main Black, Nellie M., school teacher, bds 12 Minnequa Ave. Black, William, blacksmith Sullivan, h 12 Minnequa Ave. Boland, Mary A., dining hall and bakery N. Center N. Main, bds 3 Carson Boyce, John C., laborer, h 42 W. Union Brann & Greene, (John F.B. and Thomas S.G.) meat and fish market Brann blk, Main Brann, James H. Jr., grocer Troy cor E. Union, h do Brann, John T., (B & Greene) (F.J. Packard & Co.) h Main cor Washington Brann, Thomas M., cattle dealer, h Washington n E. Union Briggs, George A., pastor First Baptist Church, Main, h Main n Minnequa Ave. Brigham, Anna, music teacher, bds 46 N. Center Brighan, Elizabeth, teacher Canton graded school, bds 46 N. Center Brigham, Myra, widow Phineas, h 46 N. Center Bright, Ernest, laborer, h 9 Crook’s Terrace Bristol, A. Erma, school teacher, bds E. Union n limits Bristol, George D., peddler, farmer 14, E. Union n limits Bristol, L. May, teacher Canton graded school, bds E. Union n limits Bristow, Cecelia M., (Mrs. F.F.) milliner, Main cor Minnequa Ave. Bristow, Frederick F., carriage and sign painter Sullivan, h Main cor Minnequa Ave. Brooks, Erdine, stenographer, removed to Elmira, N.Y. Brooks, Lee, (Stone & B.) notary public, h 105 E. Union Brooks, Perry C., farmer in Armenia 25, h 314 Troy Brooks, Robert W., physician and surgeon 10 Lewis blk, h 200 Main cor S. Washington Brown, Rufus G., township tax collector, h Second cor S. Washington Bullock, Charles E., lawyer and general insurance, boro clerk, 2 Main, h 68 S. Towanda Bullock, George E., vice-pres. First Nat. Bank, real estate and loans, treas. Union Agricultural Association Main cor Center, h 47 Main Bullock, Howard C., printer, bds 47 Main Bullock, Jesse E., bookkeeper, bds 47 Main Bunn, Francis (W. & F.B.) h at Ogdensburg, Tioga Co. Bunn, W & F (William and Francis) planing mill N. Minnequa Ave. cor Carson Bunn, William (W. & F.B.) h at Ogdensburg, Tioga Co. Bunyan, William G., tinner, 15 Main Burk, Thomas & Co. (Timothy B. and Herrick E.T.), general merchants, 1 and 3 Troy Burk, Thomas S., clerk Burk, Thomas & Co., bds Troy Burk, Timothy (B. Thomas & Co.) farmer, h 94 Troy Burns, George, laborer, bds 9 Crooks Terrace Burns, Jane Mrs., laundress, h 9 Crooks Terrace Burroughs, S. Jane, widow John, dressmaker 42 W. Union, h do Burt, Almeron, stone mason, h 325 N. Center Burt, Charles H., tel. opr. N.C. Ry, bds 325 N. Center Bush, Fannie L., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., bds 64 N. Center Bush, Melissa L., widow Jay, h 64 N. Center Butler, Jeremiah B., Justice of the Peace, pension atty. and fire insurance over 1 Main, bds 8 Washington Campbell, John F., laborer, h 132 Troy Campbell, Richard H., laborer, h 22 S. Towanda Canton Cigar Co., The, makers of high grade cigars, A. Elton Landon, prop., Mart H. Wirth supt., 112 Main Canton Graded School, Minnequa Ave. cor E. Union, Willis L. Rowland, principal Canton House, Loop E. Benjamin propr., Troy Canton Illuminating Co., H. Lee Clark, mgr., off Troy Canton Telephone Co., H.M. Whitman, propr., dealer in telephone supplies, Exchange 10 Main Canton Mfg. Co., Charles Davis propr., manuf toilet preparations 1 Troy Canton Supply Co., Crippen & Dyer proprs., wholesale cigars and confectionery, 21 Main Canton Opera House, John Vrooman, propr., Lycoming Canton Roller Mills, Homer Rockwell, propr., Troy cor Fall Brook Road Canton Sentinel, The (semi-weekly) Charles D. Derrah, publisher, 6 Main Carman, George W., carriage trimmer and upholsterer Sullivan, h Tioga Carman, Mary V., dressmaker, 105 Tioga, bds do Cease, Charles L., (Cease & Drake) h 10 Washington Cease & Drake (Charles L. Cease and Christopher H. Drake) practical horseshoers, horse clippers and bicycle repairing, 32 Sullivan cor Second Channell, Frank J., clerk 8 Main, h 306 do Church of Christ, Rev. Ulna A. White, pastor, Troy cor Union Churchill, Melburn, laborer, h 310 Main Clancy, Nora, sand bed and farm 5, h Lycoming Clark, H. Lee (Gleason & Clark Tanning Co.) (Clark & Jewell), manager Canton Illuminating Co. and surveyor, office at electric plant off Troy Clark, J. Frederick (Gleason & Co.) (Canton Illuminating Co.) (Pennsylvania & Buffalo Land Co.) director “The Pathfinder Publishing Co.” of Washington, D.C., h 25 Center Clark & Jewell (H. Lee Clark and Samuel H. Jewell) coal and ice dealers, West Union Clayton, William H., tin shop and house furnishing goods 11 Troy, h 28 Troy Cleveland, Emerson J., attorney and counselor-at-law, pension attorney, general insurance, Justice of the Peace, Cleveland blk., Sullivan, h 42 N. Center cor Tioga Cleveland, J. Emory, physician and surgeon, notary public, Cleveland blk., Sullivan, h 26 Minnequa Ave cor Union Close, Milton N., horseshoer, blacksmithing, horse clipping and carpet cleaning, 28 Sullivan, h do Cockburn, James, hardware, stoves, tinsmith, plumbing, etc., 15 Main, h Tioga Cockburn, Jessie J., widow James, bds Tioga n Minnequa Ave. Cole, Walter E., bookkeeper and manager 100 Main, h r 31 Canton Collins, James, clerk, 30 Main, h Minnequa Ave. Collins, William H., furniture and undertaking, 30 Main, h 7 Minnequa Ave. Connolly, William H. Rev., rector St. Michael’s R.C. Church, res. at Troy Coons, G. Claude, emp. G.M., bds 38 E. Union Coons, Giles M., saw and planing mills, lumber dealer, contractor and builder, dealer in building materials, 49 Troy, h 121 Troy Crandall, Blithe L., emp. Belmar Co., bds 24 S. Towanda Crandall, James A., carpenter, h 24 S. Towanda Cranmer, Bertha L., widow Wayland S., h 15 Minnequa Ave. Craven, George W., musician, bds 20 Minnequa Ave. Craven, Harry, emp. Belmar Co., bds Lycoming Craven, Horace U., electrician, bds 20 S. Minnequa Ave. Craven, John C., h 20 S. Minnequa Ave. Craven, Thomas H., pensioner, h Lycoming Crawford, Byron H., (Hugh Crawford & Sons) h 12 Second Crawford, Hugh & Sons, (J. William, Byron H. and James) manufacturers and dealers in lumber and timber, saw mill, planing mill, grist mill, 215 acres timber land in Lycoming Co., 100 Main Crawford, Hugh, (Hugh Crawford & Sons) real estate in boro, 100 Main, h do Crawford, James, (Hugh Crawford & Sons) bds 100 Main Crawford, J. William, (Hugh Crawford & Sons) h S. Center Crippen, Julius G., Main, h 15 Washington Crippen, William C., (Canton Supply Co.) bookkeeper, h 310 Troy Crockett, William Day, pastor First Presbyterian Church of Canton, h 23 N. Center Crooks, William, farmer 60 in Sullivan Co., h Crooks Terrace Crowell, Margaret B. Mrs., bds 15 Tioga Curtis, Robert H., bds 201 Main Dann, Judson, dealer in pianos and organs, and repairer, 38 Center, h do Darling, W. Burton, painter and paper hanger, h 104 Troy Dartt, Achsah E., widow Benjamin S., h 7 E. Union Davis, Charles, barber, manuf. toilet preparations, janitor, Lewis block, room 1 Lewis bldg., Main, h 32 W. Union Davis, Sarah J., widow Samuel L., h 119 Troy Davison, Blythe J., drugs, books and stationery, manager Cedar Lodge creamery, Lycoming cor Sullivan, h Troy Davison, Willis T., physician and surgeon, Main, h 14 Center DeBoser, William, laborer, h McIntosh Alley Decker, Henry, agent Standard Oil Co., h W. Union Denmark, Rufus B., emp. W.& F. Bunn, h E Union, outside limits DeRhone, Samuel A., harnessmaker, h 108 Main Derrah, Charles D., publisher The Canton Sentinel, book and job printer 6 Main, h Minnequa Ave. Derrah, Lavina, widow Joshua, bds with Charles D., Minnequa Ave. Dewey, Alma, widow Porter, h E. Union Dickinson, William S., teamster, h 30 Lycoming Doane, Fernando, barn man Packard House, bds do Doane, Samuel N., medical student, h 39 N. Center Doll, Grace M., tobacco stripper, bds Troy outside boro Drake, Christopher H., (Cease & Drake) h 10 Washington Drake, Homer B., sheriff, h 3 N. Washington removed to Towanda Drake, Rebecca, nurse, h 305 N. Center Drake, Mildred R., clerk 2 Main, removed to Towanda Dunbar & Hartranft (Roswell J. Dunbar and Jacob A. Hartranft) manufrs. and dealers in farm wagons, carriages, etc., Sullivan Dunbar, Roswell J., (Dunbar & Hartranft) h Tioga cor Minnequa Ave. Dwyer, Charles S., physician and surgeon, farm 50 in Springfield, Brown blk. Main, h Tioga Dye, Lemuel H., painter and paper hanger, 8 Washington, h do Dyer, James L., Canton Supply Co., com. trav., h 108 Center Earnest, Clinton D., clerk Canton House, Troy, bds do Eastman, Abram A., propr. stage route Canton and Franklin, leave Canton 9 a.m. return 4 p.m., fare 75 cents, also farmer in Smithfield 113 Fassett, Newton P., clerk N.C. Ry. Office, h Main Felix, George W., cigar maker, h S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Andrew W., clerk, bds 10 S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, David E., carpenter and builder, 11 S. Minnequa Ave., h do Fellows, Edna, teacher Canton graded school, bds 11 S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Georgia, 11 S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Huldah, widow Joseph, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Martin L., laborer, h 10 S. Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Theresa C., school teacher, h 11 Minnequa Ave. Fellows, Myron, retired farmer, h 34 Minnequa Ave. Ferguson, John L., farmer, local Methodist preacher, h 18 Minnequa Ave. Ferguson, William, agent, bds 18 Minnequa Ave. Ferguson, Frank, clerk Bacon, Ronan & Co., bds 18 Minnequa Ave. Field, O. Lazelle, restaurant and groceries, 21 Troy, h do First Baptist Church of Canton, Rev. George A. Briggs pastor, Main n Washington First M.E. Church, Rev. H.E. Hyde pastor, E. Union cor Center First National Bank of Canton, The, Daniel Innes pres., George E. Bullock vice-pres., L.T. McFadden cashier, capital $50,000, Lewis blk., Main First Presbyterian Church of Canton, N. Center St., Rev. W.D. Crockett, pastor Fitzpatrick, Dominick N., shoe maker 27 Troy, h W. Union Fairchild, Sarah, widow Hiram, bds 304 Main Ford, James R.W., bds 32 Lycoming Foss, Elizabeth, widow Arvin, millinery and fancy goods, E. Union n limits Foss, J. Walter, carpenter, h S. Minnequa Ave. Foss, Roland, emp. cigar factory, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Fowler, John T., clerk N.C. Ry., h 28 Center Fowler, M. Addie, widow Rhomine D.A., dressmaker 68 Lycoming, h do Fox, James F., h S. Washington Fuller, Delphine, widow C. Freeman, housekeeper Park Hotel Gates, Matilda F., widow Rev. Stephen P., h First Gates, Sarah F., bds First Gem Laundry, The, C.M. Williams, propr., 23 Troy Gleason & Clark, (LeRoy G. and J. Frederick C.) tanners of Union crop sole leather, W. Union Gleason, LeRoy, (G. & Clark) (Canton Illuminating Co.) (L.R. Gleason & Sons in three other tanneries) pres. boro school board, director First Nat. Bank, director Boston Leather Co., h W. Union Gleckner, Byron L., musician, machine operator W.W. Gleckner & Sons, bds W. Union Gleckner, Robert H., machine operator W.W. Gleckner & Sons, bds 47 W. Union Gleckner, William V., (W.W.G. & Sons) h 68 Lycoming Gleckner, William W., (W.W.G. & Sons) h 47 W. Union Gleckner, W.W. & Sons, (William W., William V. and Charles V. of Towanda) mfrs. harness, Eureka shaft tugs, check holders and dealers in horse goods, Sullivan Goff, George J., retired farmer, h Troy Granger, Bert, driver for Dr. W.S. Lewis, bds do Granteer, Blanche, clerk 5 Main, bds 356 Troy Granteer, Charles E., clerk N.C. Ry., h S. Washington Grantier, John R., carpenter, h 356 Troy Greek, Andrew J., emp. tannery Green, Charles D., mason, h Sullivan Greene, Mary, widow Patrick, bds S. Minnequa Ave. n Main Greene, Thomas S., (Brann & G.) farmer 83, H S. Minnequa Ave. n Main Greenlaw, Ada, compositor Sentinel office, bds 3 E. Union Greenlaw, Anna, compositor, bds 3 E. Union Greenlaw, Cornelia E., widow Alexander, h 3 E. Union Greeno, Alonzo D., retired farmer, h 109 Troy Gregory, Etta M., (Mrs. F.M.) dressmaker First, h do Gregory, Forrest M., janitor, Troy graded school bldg., h First Gregory, Myron E., laborer, h Washington n First Griffin, Alice J., with Mary farmer 5, h 47 S. Towanda Griffin, Harry E., boot and shoe dealer and farmer 58, h 56 S. Towanda Griffin, Lucy, widow John W., h Lycoming Griffin, Marcella A., widow Samuel, h Sullivan Griffin, Mary O., widow George W., interest in farm 5, h 44 S. Towanda Griswold, Austin S., h 312 N. Center Griswold, J. Scott, clerk post office, bds outside boro Griswold, O. Arthur, farmer, h 312 N. Center Guernsey, George A., investments, securities, h 52 Center Guernsey, Helen M., teacher Kent’s Hill seminary, h 52 Center Hackett, Albert, emp. Belmar Co., bds Lycoming Hackett, Augustus P., machinist, h 314 N. Center Hackett, Catherine, h 62 N. Center Hackett, Emma, widow Rague, farm 78 in Union, Tioga Co., h Lycoming Hackett, Fred F., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h 62 N. Center Hackett, Mary C., bookkeeper Sheldon Mfg. Co., bds 62 N. Center Haley, William, cigarmaker, h 47 Sullivan Hallett, Edward N., com. trav., h 150 Troy Harding, Berthia, widow Benjamin N., h Sullivan Harding, Curtis M., com trav., farm about 40, h N. Center n limits Hartman, Catherine, bds 3 Washington Hartranft, Jacob A., (Dunbar & Hartranft) h 41 Sullivan Hartranft, M. Daisy, (Mrs. Thomas W.) milliner 41 Troy, h 107 Tioga Hartranft, Thomas W., watchmaker and jeweler 9 Main, h 107 Tioga Hawkins, Charles, billiard and pool rooms 20 Troy, h 326 N. Center Hazleton, Ida Dartt, widow R. Amzi, 7 E. Union Hedgland, Albert F., laborer, h Crook Terrace Hendelman, Harry, dry goods and clothing 2 Main, bds Canton House Henyan, Annie C., widow Marshall K., cook and nurse, h 104 Troy Hickey, Anna, dressmaker, Troy n McIntosh alley Hickey, Frank E., emp. Belmar Co., bds 25 S. Center Hickey, Margaret, widow Michael, h Troy n McIntosh Alley Hickey, Thomas F., emp. Hugh Crawford, h 25 S. Center Hickok, Thaddeus S., attorney and counselor at law, Cleveland blk., Sullivan, h S. Towanda Hill, Claude V., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h 134 Troy Hoagland, Robert, laborer, h 45 W. Union Holcomb, Fred O., fireman for Homer Rockwell, h Fall Brook Road Holford, Edward D., laborer, h W. Union Hollis, Horace R., mason, h 16 Washington Holmes, Charles M., pensioner, bds 1 S. Towanda Home Hand Laundry, J.U. McKay prop., 58 Troy Hooper, Lucy A., widow John A., bds with Lee Brooks, E. Union Horton, Caroline, widow William, bds 64 N. Center Horton, John H., shoemaker, h 64 N. Center Howe, Ada M., stenographer, bds 7 Washington Howe, James H., clerk H. Crawford, h 7 Washington Huffman, Frederick, farmer and market gardener 6, h Lycoming Hulett & Brayton (C.H.H. and G.S.B. of Sodus, N.Y.) fruit evaporators, E. Towanda Hull, Asa D., h 18 Center Hull, Edwin A., groceries, crockery and seeds, 6 Main, h Tioga cor Minnequa Ave. Hurley, Thomas, farmer 90 in Union, Tioga Co., h 26 Second Hurley, Thomas D., bds W. Union Hyde, Hallett E. Rev., pastor First M.E. Church, h 5 E. Union Ingham, Charlotte A., widow James B., bds 35 E. Union Innes Bros. & Co., (Daniel, John A. and Collin A. Innes of Canton, Judson K. Innes of Binghamton, N.Y., G.F. Krise and John Vrooman of Canton) mfs. of wood alcohol, acetate of lime and charcoal, works in Rock Run, Lycoming Co., office 6 Main Innes, Collin A., (Innes Bros & Co.) farmer 100, h 53 N. Center Innes, Daniel, (Innes Bros. & Co.) prest. First Nat. Bank, supt. of Caledonia tannery of Grover, trustee and secy. Cottage State Hospital at Blossburg, h 30 S. Towanda Innes, Floyd A., student, son of Daniel, bds 30 S. Towanda Innes, John A., (Innes Bros. & Co.), farmer about 220, h 7 Tioga cor Center Inscho, Frank B., emp Belmar Co., bds 200 Minnequa Ave. Inscho, Minnie, emp. Belmar Co., bds 200 E. Union Inscho, Obadiah J., emp. saw mill at Cedar Ledge, h 200 E. Union Irwin, Mary A., milliner, 34 Troy, h do Irwin, Thomas G., invalid, h 34 Troy Jaquish, O.W., general merchant, postmaster, station agt., etc., at Cowley in Granville, h 83 N. Center Jenkins, Samuel, laborer, h 146 Troy Jennings, Edwin A., h 300 N. Center Jennings, Franc T., widow Charles E., h 300 N. Center Jewell, Samuel H., (Clark & J.), (Krise & J.), h 35 E. Union Jones, Alfred M., laborer, bds 75 N. Center Jones, Ernest F., bds 15 Tioga Jones, Hattie E. Mrs., teacher of embroidery, h 108 Troy Jones, John G., telegrapher, h Krise blk., Main Jones, Leigh, laborer, bds 7 N. Center Jones, Lucinda A., widow Steward B., h 115 Troy Jones, Mortimer, teamster, h 7 Center Jones, Wilhelmina A., stenographer, bds Krise blk., Main Joralemon, Ernest H., laborer, h 102 Troy Joralemon, Lydia A., widow Hopkins, nurse, h 102 Troy Katz, Hayman, (Abramovitz & Katz), bds 201 Main cor Minnequa Ave. Keaven, Elizabeth B., chief clerk postoffice, bds Minnequa Ave. Keaven, Martin, retired farmer about 55, h Minnequa Ave. n Main Keavin, Edmund F., (K & O’Donnell), h 316 N. Center Keavin & O’Donnell (E.F.K. & R.J.O’D) draymen Keenen, Charles G., dentist, 25 Main, h 212 Main cor Center Kelley, Marion, teacher graded school, bds 9 Washington Kendall, George H., undertaker, over 7 Main, h 12 Minnequa Ave. Kendall, Kathleen M., milliner, bds 12 Minnequa Ave. Kendall, Sylvanus D., cabinet maker and carpenter, h 115 Troy Kennedy, Ernest N., compositor and pressman Sentinel office, bds Center Kennedy T.H. & Co., (Timothy H.K., Thomas M. Brown and John F. Brown) proprs. Packard House, Main Kennedy, Timothy H., (T.H.K. & Co.) farm in Union, Tioga Co., h Packard House, Main Ketchem, George, clerk J.H. Brown, Jr., bds Troy Ketchem, Huldah, widow George W., h Troy n limits Ketchem, Martin E., emp. G.M. Coons, h Troy n limits Kinch, Clara, widow J. William, farmer about 8, h S. Towanda King, Eli, porter Canton House, bds do King, E. Valentine, well driller, h 112 Minnequa Ave. King, Fred, emp. Daniel Innes, h Carlton King, John W., well driller, h 36 N. Minnequa Ave. Kingsland, John C., V.S., veterinary surgeon, manuf. of veterinary specifics, graduate of New York college of veterinary surgeons, 24 Second, h do Knights, Thomas, farmer in Armenia 153, h Lycoming Koch, Harry M., laborer, h S. Minnequa Ave. Koch, Myrtle M., emp. Belmar Co., bds S. Minnequa Ave. Krise, Charles A., harnessmaker, dealer in hides, fur and wool 100 Main, h Main n Elm Krise, Gustavus F., (K. & Jewell) (Innes Bros. & Co.) burgess, wholesale dealer in hard and soft coal, mgr. of Innes Bros. & Co.’s wood alcohol works 6 Main, h 39 E. Union Krise, Helen B., (Mrs. G.F.) farmer 25 in Canton Krise & Jewell, (Gustavus F.K. & Samuel H.J.) general insurance, 6 Main Kumm, Amelia, compositor Canton World, bds N. Center |
Landon, A. Elton, propr. The Canton Cigar Co., gen. insurance agt.
112 Main, h Main cor Chestnut
Landon, Arthur W., traveling salesman, h Lycoming Landon, Ernest E., law student 10 Main, bds Lycoming Landon, F. Leander, cabinetmaker, h 65 N. Center Landon, Hannah, widow Eldaah, h S. Towanda cor Carlton Landon, Isadore C., bookkeeper A.E. Landon, bds 65 N. Center Landon, Jeannette S., embroidery, fine needle work etc., bds 20 Lycoming Landon, Mary A., widow Benjamin, h 302 Main Landon, Merton, meat, fish and oyster market and wholesale sausage manuf. 38 Troy, h Troy Landon, Mortimer A., commercial collector, h Lycoming Landon, Newton, boro assessor, h Lycoming Leavitt, Emeline, widow Walter, farmer 24, h 116 Main Leonard, Charles M., laborer, bds S. Towanda Leonard, Melville C., carriage ironer, Sullivan, h S. Towanda Lewis, Emma M., widow M. Perry, owns Lewis block, h 206 E. Union Lewis, Franklin L., clerk 6 Main, bds Union Lewis, William S., physician and surgeon, farmer 70 in Canton township, school director, sec. health board 28 Center, h do Lindley, Earl S., (Lindley, Ronan & Co.) boro councilman, h Minnequa Ave. Lindley, Marion E. Mrs., clerk, E. Main, bds Lycoming Litey, Minnie E., widow John T., tailoress, Sullivan, h do Lindley, Ronan & Co., (Earl S.L., Thomas H.R., and Dr. L.E. Manley) hardware, stoves, plumbing, steam heating and tinning, Lewis blk., Main Lindley, Sheldon H., farm 166, h 28 ½ Center Lloyd, Fannie M., widow James, laundress, bds 11 E. Union Loomis, Myron G., farm 40, h S. Towanda Loop, E. Benjamin, propr. Canton House, 18 Troy, h do Love, Oscar B., bell hanger, upholsterer and furniture repairer, Troy, h r 49 Canton Lyon, Lewis D., clerk, bds 41 Troy Lyon, Stanley W., h 41 Troy Manley, D. Clinton, night watch tannery, h Clinton Manley, Frank E., bookkeeper, bds 8 Main Manley, Ford W., laborer, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Manley, Harry E., corporal Co. K 10th Reg’t. U.S. Reg. Inf., son of R.M., 8 Minnequa Manley, L. Edward, (Lindley, Ronan & Co.) physician and surgeon, E. Union cor Center, h 31 Center Manley, Martha, widow Charles, dressmaker, h S. Minnequa Ave. Manley, Minnie F., dressmaker, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Manley, Percy S., fireman Crawford’s mill, h rear Crooks Terrace Manley, Randolph M., h old No. 8 Minnequa Ave. Marble, Louis M., prest. The Belmar Company, manf. of specialties, works E. Washington bel. Second, office Lewis blk., h 206 E. Union Marks & Whitman’s orchestra, F.E. Whitman leader, Main Marvin, Frank, emp. Belmar Co., bds First Martin, Lewis A., Supt. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h E. Union n Washington Mason, Charles H., retired farmer, h 119 Troy Mason, James G., retired farmer, h 38 E. Union, cor Washington Mason, Joseph B., cigar maker, h Sullivan Mason, Matilda M., h 119 Troy Mason, William H., fireman tannery, h Clinton McBride, Henry C., furniture dealer, 13 Troy, h 106 Minnequa Ave. McCarthy, Kate B., dressmaker, bds 37 Troy McCarthy, Katie E., school teacher, bds 35 Sullivan McCarthy, Mary A., h 35 Sullivan McCarthy, Michael W., woodsman, h 35 Sullivan McClelland, James A., clerk, h 108 Main McClelland, Minnie L., (Mrs. J.A.) dressmaker 108 Main, h do McCraney, Augustus D., high constable and chief of police, h 47 Sullivan McCraney, Ward M., barber for A.C. Williams, bds Sullivan McDonald, Mary J., widow James, h 30 Lycoming McDonald, Samuel J., laborer, h 30 Lycoming McFadden, Louis T., cashier First National Bank, bds 32 Lycoming McIntosh, Simon L., pensioner, h S. Towanda McKay, James U., prop. Home Hand Laundry 58 Troy, h do McKee, Adeshia D., dressmaker Carson, bds do McKee, Jay, carpenter and builder, h Carson McKee, Reed, carpenter and builder, h Carson McNeal, Edward O., laborer, h Armenia Road McNeal, Otis O., laborer, bds Armenia Road McNeil, Daniel K., electrician, h 8 Center McNeil, Ida M., (Mrs. Daniel K.) dressmaker, 8 Center, h do Merrick, Alva R., dentist 12 Lewis blk., Main, h 18 N. Center Miles, Thomas B., boot and shoe dealer and repairer Main, h 4 Washington Miller, J. Coleman, farm about 75 in Union, Tioga Co., h 308 Main Minard, Lemira, widow Charles, bds 204 E. Union Mitchell, James M., machinist with A.M. Wilson, h Troy n W. Union Mitchell, William L., (G.E. Newman & Co.) bds Troy n W. Union Mix, Charles H., advertising agent, h 9 N. Center Mix, Charles H., collector, h 7 N. Center Mix, Harriet A., widow Amasa H., h 319 N. Center Mix, Hugh W., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h Carlton Mix, Lorinda, widow John S., bds 12 Center Montanye, Nathan M., clerk at Packard House, h E. Union n Center Montanye, Stanley S., salesman for advertising signs, h E. Union cor Center Moody, Lewis H., clerk M.C. Preston, h Washington Moore, Israel, peddler, h 324 Troy Morgan, Henry, h 40 W. Union Morgan, John W., clerk 3 Main, bds 4 W. Union Morgan, William H., hard and soft coal, sand and gravel, McIntosh alley, h W. Union Morse, James L., emp. tannery, pensioner, h Tannery Lane Morse, Joel, h 51 W. Union Morse, Laura C., widow Truman H., h 108 Troy Morse, Lee, painter and paper hanger, bds 208 Troy Muir, Alexander, invalid, soldier in Civil War, bds Park Hotel Munn, Eliza J., widow Rowen, bds 157 Troy Nash, Alfred J., com. trav., h 20 N. Center Nash, Charles A., painter and paper hanger, h 78 N. Center Nash, Jennie, operator tel. exchange 10 Main, bds 20 N. Center Nailen, John, laborer, h Lycoming Newman, Edwin, h 313 N. Center Newman, Ellen M., widow Ezekiel, florist 28 Lycoming, h do Newman, G. Ernest, (G.E.N. & Co.), bds Troy n W. Union Newman, G. E. & Co., (G. Ernest N. and Wm. L. Mitchell) groceries, drugs, crockery, news and stationery, 12 Main Newman, Harry S., paymaster’s yeoman, U.S. gunboat Helena, h 39 N. Center Newman, Jay W., painter and paper hanger, h 28 Lycoming Newman, Walter S., farm in Rome 130, h 13 N. Center Northrup, Austin H., contractor and builder Tioga, h E. Union outside boro Northrup, Elihu C., carpenter, A.H., bds do, h Bodines, Lycoming Co. O’Donnell, George, mason, h 45 N. Center O’Donnell, Richard J., (Keavin & O’Donnell) wholesale and retail coal dealer Troy, h 39 Troy Ogden & Allen, (Edwin A. Ogden and Wallace A. Allen) dealers in vehicles, farm implements, harness, etc., Lycoming Ogden, Edwin A., (O. & Allen), farmer 50 in Union, Tioga Co., h Lycoming Olmstead, Amelia M., widow George, dressmaker, h 305 N. Center Olmsted, Clara B., widow Fred S., h Brown block, Main Osborne, Emily M., widow Owen, h 206 N. Center Osborne, Rose A., dressmaker 206 N. Center, h do Osborne, Watterman N., emp. coal yard, h 206 N. Center Owen, Electa L., widow William, interest in estate of William, h 5 Minnequa Ave. Owen, Frank A., clerk, h 19 Tioga Owen, Mary, widow Samuel, h S. Washington Owen, Mercy, widow Jephtha W., h 27 S. Minnequa Ave. Packard House, T.H. Kennedy & Co. proprs., Main Packard, William, driver Dr. Parsons, h Main n boro line Page, Anson, emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h S. Towanda Page, James G., porter Park Hotel, bds do Palmer, Elizabeth, widow Nathan, h 153 Troy Park Hotel, Bernard L. Wright propr., 57 Troy Parker, Augusta, school teacher, bds 307 E. Union Parker, C. Addison, blacksmiths helper, h S. Towanda Parker, Frank, carpenter, h 307 E. Union, died since canvass Parker, Harry B., barber, bds 24 S. Minnequa Ave. Parker, William C., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h E Union n limits Parkhurst, Lucinda, widow Hiram, h First Parrish, J. Henry, emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h S. Washington Parsons, Charles E., clothing and gents furnishings, 14 Main, h 29 Carson Parsons, Horatio B., h and 9 acres, 20 Carson Parsons, James W., physician and surgeon, prest. U.S. board pension examiners, 5 Troy, h 300 Main Parsons, Sadie L., housekeeper, 29 Carson Patterson, George, carpenter, bds 21 Troy Patterson, Lucy C., (Mrs. George), millinery and dress goods, 48 Troy, h 17 Troy Pepper, Charles H., emp. Sheldon Mfg Co., 306 E. Union Perry, Mary E., bds 6 S. Washington Peterson, Napoleon B., barber, painter and paper hanger, 4 Sullivan, h 24 Minnequa Ave. Pierce, Theodore, hardware, stoves, plumbing, tinner, 8 Main, bds 32 Lycoming Pitcher, Edna, milliner, 41 Troy, bds 107 Tioga Pitcher, Marion E., widow H. Francis, h 107 Tioga Porter, Lucinda, widow Marcus, h 1 S. Towanda Postoffice, C.E. Riggs, postmaster, Lewis blk., Main Powers, Jefferson, section hand N.C. Ry., h Troy Powers, John, switchman N.C. Ry., h Troy Powers, Thomas, track foreman N.C. Ry., h 3 Carson Preston, Mary, widow Daniel, h Lycoming Preston, Michael C., groceries, clothing, gloves, boots, shoes, feed, farm seeds, Sullivan, h do Rainey & Bailey, (Charles E.R. and Edward J.B.), manufs. and dealers in granite and marble monuments, works at Canton and Millerton, Pa., Troy Rainey, Charles E., (R. and Bailey) res. at Millerton, Tioga Co. Randall, Aaron W., emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h Carlton Randall, Helen J., widow Samuel I., h Carlton Randall, Lafayette D., miller, h 78 N. Center Rankin, William K., electrician, Canton Illuminating Co., bds 8 Center Raymond, Fred, stage driver, Canton to Franklin, bds S. Center Reddington, Minnie M., widow James F., boarding house, 201 Main cor Minnequa Ave. Rexford, Lorenzo M., street commissioner and carpenter, h 42 Sullivan Reynolds, Edwin C., emp. tannery, h Cemetery Lane Reynolds, Howard M., clerk J.O. Whitman, bds outside boro Rice, Clarinda M., widow Charles M., housekeeper, S. Towanda Richter, Carl G., cigarmaker, bds Lycoming Richter, Gertrude J., (Mrs. Carl G.), cigarmaker, bds Lycoming Riggs, Charles E., postmaster, Lewis blk., Main, h 21 Tioga Riley, George B., propr. Union Street Mills, flour, feed, etc., W. Union, h Troy Robinson, Celinda, bds McIntosh Alley Robinson, Nehemiah, laborer, h McIntosh Alley Rockwell, Christina, widow Norman, h 146 Troy Rockwell, Elisha, carpenter, h 208 N. Center Rockwell, Harriet J., widow Martin L., h 138 Troy Rockwell, Homer, propr. Canton Roller Mills, Troy cor Fall Brook Road, h 140 Troy Rockwell, Jacob G., farmer 149 ½, h 315 Troy Rockwell, John C., school teacher, h 146 Troy Rockwell, John E., boro councilman, wool carding, h and 8 acres, 22 S. Towanda Rockwell, Robert E., drayman, 315 Troy Rogers, Harry L., carpenter, bill poster, h 39 Sullivan Rolison, Margaret W., widow Uriah C., h 37 E. Union Ronan, Frank A., farmer 53, estate of Patrick in Armenia, h 43 E. Union Ronan, Margaret L., housekeeper, 43 E. Union Ronan, Patrick J., (Bacon, Ronan & Co.) boro councilman, treas. H.J. Sheldon Mfg. Co., h 6 Carson Ronan, Thomas H., (Lindley, Ronan & Co.) interest in P. Ronan estate in Armenia, h 43 E. Union Ronk, Frank, emp. H. Crawford Sons, h 112 Main Ross, Sullivan J., meat cutter, 11 Main, h 72 Troy Ross, Lischer, school director, meat fish and oyster market, 11 Main, h Lycoming Rundell, Mary J., widow Francis E., h 119 Troy Russell, George, emp. tannery, h 52 W. Union Ryan, Bridget, widow William, farm 84, h S. Minnequa Ave. Ryan, Mary, tailoress, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Ryan, Michael J., laborer, farm 56, h 329 N. Center St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, Rev. W.H. Connolly, rector, Washington cor Union St. James Mission, (Episcopal) Rev. C.H. McKnight, rector, Lewis block, Main Scudder, Charles, laborer, h Second Scudder, Thomas B., laborer, h 26 Sullivan Scudder, Warren E., laborer, bds 26 Sullivan Sechrist, Laura, typewriter 12 Main, bds Lycoming Sechrist, William C., attorney and counsellor at law, notary public, 12 Main, h Lycoming Sellard, Elizabeth L., widow Lewis, h 308 Main Seymour, Elias C., invalid, h S. Minnequa Ave. Seymour, Ernest B., laborer, h 100 Main Shannon Bros., (William H. and Daniel E.) dry goods and groceries, Lewis block, Main Shannon, Daniel E., (Shannon Bros.) h 8 Washington Shannon William H., (Shannon Bros.) bds 201 Main Shipman, Charles R., carpenter and builder, h 204 E. Union Shires, Mary, housekeeper Thomas Knight, Lycoming Smith, Annie, (Mrs. Ralph B.) ladies’ tailor made suits to order, 30 Center, h do Smith, Aseneth M., dressmaker, 37 Troy, h do Smith, Clara E. Mrs., millinery and ladies and children’s furnishing goods, 10 Center, h do Smith, Clyde E., clerk Shannon Bros., bds 10 Center Smith, Elmer E., late pastor First M.E. Church, removed to Oneida, N.Y. Smith, George H., wagonmaker, h 204 Main Smith, Lavern, painter, bds 204 Main Smith, Ollie, emp. Sheldon Mfg. Co., bds 204 Main Smith, Omar, laborer, bds 204 Main Smith, Orlando T., invalid, h 10 Center Smith, Ralph B., merchant Taylor Lycoming cor Sullivan, h 30 N. Center Smith, Walter W., pressman Canton World, bds 10 N. Center Snyder, Kate, dressmaker 28 Second, bds do Snyder, Nicholas J., farmer, h 28 Second Spaulding, A. Darwin, retired farmer, h 305 N. Center Spencer, Henry H., farmer 116, bds W. Union Stalford, Jesse T. Jr., jeweler and optician and dealer in variety goods, 7 Main and 117 S. Main, Athens, h at Athens Starbuck, Charles, laborer, h over 112 Main Stears, Nettie, cigarmaker, h 312 Troy Stears, Mary, widow Henry, farmer about 65 in Armenia, nurse, h 312 Troy Stevens, Malford M., blacksmith r 12 Main, h S. Center Stinson, John P., retired, h 150 Troy Stone, Alice A., widow Norman C., h Lycoming Stone & Brooks (Judson W.S. and Lee B.) attorneys and counsellors at law, 10 Main Stone, Judson W., (S. & Brooks) h S. Minnequa Ave. n Main Stone, Lincoln L., watchmaker and jeweler 3 Main, h 75 N. Center Stone, Mortimer W., retired farmer, h Lycoming Stull, Asa H., assistant in livery for Levi, h 45 Troy Stull, Austin J., clerk, bds 33 W. Union Stull, Dayton E., painter and paper hanger, 33 W. Union Stull, Emma, housekeeper, 33 W. Union Stull, Levi, livery, boarding and sale stable 17 Sullivan, h 36 do Stull, Lottie B., canvasser, bds 33 W. Union Sweet, Electa J., widow Elisha W., estate of E.W., farm 200 in Lycoming Co., h 27 N. Center Sweet, Lyman D., student, bds 27 N. Center Taber, Lillie A., widow Cyrus, h r 34 S. Towanda Taber, Jane L., widow William, h 104 Minnequa Ave. Taber, Mott B., supt. The Belmar Co.’s factory, h Second n S. Washington Tarbox, Mary A., housekeeper for M.C. Preston, h Sullivan Taylor, Arthur J., barber Main, h 5 Washington Taylor, Frederick W., agt. N.C. Ry. Co. and Adams Express Co., bds 32 Lycoming Taylor, Hollis H., (Rogers & Taylor of Athens) contractor and builder, h 38 N. Minnequa Ave. Telephone Pay Station, Harry M. Whitman mgr., 10 Main Terry, Lill W., laborer, h S. Towanda n Sullivan Thomas, Fidelia M., widow E. Allen, bds Troy cor W. Union Thomas, Henry, com. trav., h 148 Troy Thomas, E. Herrick, (Burk, Thomas & Co.) h Troy cor W. Union Thomas, Lynn G., bookkeeper Burk & Thomas, bds Troy cor W. Union Thomas, Marshall J., mason, bds 21 Troy Thompson, Lawrence A., flagman N.C. Ry., h N. Center Towner, Miles D., baker and confectioner, Lycoming n Sullivan, h do Tracy, Margaret E., bds 9 Washington Tripp, Burton J., (W.J. Tripp & Sons) bds 50 W. Union Tripp, DeVille G. (W.J. Tripp & Sons) bds 50 W. Union Tripp, Milo J., trav. agt. McCormick reapers, h 208 Main Tripp, William J., (W.J. Tripp & Sons) farm 106 in Fox, Sullivan Co., h 53 W. Union Tripp, W.J. & Sons, (William J., DeVille G. and Burton J.) groceries and crockery, Carson cor Troy Trippe, Florence V., widow J. Henry, h 11 N. Clinton Trippe, Fred H., (J.H. Trippe’s Sons) bds 11 Center Trippe’s Sons, J.H., (William M. and Fred H.) hardware, agricultural implements, bicycles, 1 Main Trippe, William M., (J.H. Trippe’s Sons) bds Center Trout, Milton M., fancy goods and notions 5 Main, h 107 Troy Tyler, Evelyn H., h 111 Troy Union St. Mills, flour, feed, etc., George B. Riley prop., W. Union VanDyke, Edward T., bds 72 Troy VanDyke, Sarah, widow Eugene, h 49 N. Center VanEtten, Charles, emp. Hugh Crawford, h 154 Troy VanFleet, Charles E., carpenter, h 53 E. Union VanFleet, E. William, laborer, h 2 Union cor Minnequa Ave. VanSyckel, Fannie G., widow Emmet A., h 205 E. Union Varney, Jesse I., com. trav., W.W. Glickner & Sons, bds Washington cor Union Vroman, John, prop. Canton opera house, farm in Granville 190, h Lycoming Walter, Andrew J., dentist Braun blk., Main, h 9 N. Washington Walter, Nellie, clerk and stenographer over 6 Main, bds Union Warburton, Eli C., emp Sheldon Mfg. Co., h S. Towanda Warburton, Frank T., carpenter, h 304 E. Union Ward, George W., h 319 N. Center Watkins, Susan Mrs., h 78 Troy Watts, Floyd, laborer, h Crooks Terrace Watts, James, retired farmer, h 3 E. Union Watts, Robert T., painter and paper hanger 23 S. Center, h do Watts, Thomas M., emp. The Belmar Co., h 14 Minnequa Ave. Webster, Anna A., bds Lycoming Welch, Frank, teamster, h Fall Brook Road Welch, Freeman D., teamster and farmer, h S. Minnequa Ave. cor Second Welshans, Alfred, cigarmaker, h 302 Main Westgate, Emma S., (Mrs. O.B.) boarding house, 32 Lycoming Westgate, Orrin B., carriage maker Sullivan, h 32 Lycoming Western Union Telegraph Co., W.W. Whitman mgr., 10 Main Wheat, Theodore, laborer, h Lycoming Wheatley, William, farm in Franklin 70, h 204 Main Wheeler, William I., carpenter, h and lot, N. Minnequa n limits Whiting, F. Ernest, clerk 1 Main, bds S. Minnequa Ave. Whiting, Frank W., mason, h S. Minnequa Ave. Whiting, Mae E., clerk Bacon, Ronan & Co., bds 155 Minnequa Ave. Whitman, Cordelia, widow Henry H., h 49 N. Center Whitman & Craven, (Harry M.W. and Horace Craven) props. Canton Local Telephone Exchange, 5 Troy Whitman, Fred E., (World Publishing Co.) leader Marks & Whitman orchestra, 21 Main, bds 12 Center Whitman, Marry M., (World Publishing Co.) mgr. Canton Telephone Co., bds 12 Center Whitman, John H., clerk 10 Main, bds 12 Center Whitman, J. Oscar, drugs, medicines, books, stationery and news dealer, 5 Troy, h 29 Center Whitman, Morris E., shoemaker, h S. Washington Whitman, William W., drugs, books and stationery, mgr. Lewis opera house, mgr. W.U. Tel. Co., 10 Main h 12 Center Wilber, Emery, woodsman, H. Crawford & Sons, h 11 S. Towanda Wilcox, Emerson B., commercial traveler, h 116 Main Willhelm, John R., laborer, h Carlton Willhelm, Leonard, market gardener and laborer, h Carlton Williams, Andrus C., barber, Canton House, 18 Troy, bds 21 Troy Williams, Ansell D., retired merchant, h 39 N. Center, died April 1899 Williams, C.B. & S.F., (Charles B. and Sidney F. of LeRoy) building contractors, plans and estimates furnished, S. Towanda cor Pond Hill Williams, Charles B., (C.B. & S.F.W.) h S. Towanda cor Pond Hill Williams, Charles M., prop. the Gem Laundry, 23 Troy, h 17 Troy Williams, Edwin A., emp. tannery, bds Center Williams, Eliza J., widow Samuel C., bds 7 Tioga Williams, William H., foreman Canton Water Works, h Lycoming Wilson, Allen M., iron foundry and machinist, Troy, h 157 Troy Wilson, Eugene E., general blacksmith, rear 7 Troy, h 59 Troy Wilson, Ivan N., h S. Minnequa Ave. Wilson, Manning E., driver Dr. Davison, bds 59 Troy Wilson, Matilda J., widow Thomas, bds 1 Tioga Wilson, Maria, stenographer, bds 157 Troy Wilson, Thomas, farmer 9, h S. Minnequa Ave. Wing, George L., laborer, h Second n Sullivan Withey, Theodore M., brick and stone mason, h 212 Main Wood, Frederick A., cigar maker, teaches instrumental music, bds Packer House Worden, C. Benton, surveyor and school teacher, h Carlton, outside limits World Publishing Co., (Fred E. & Harry M. Whitman) publisher “The Canton World” book and job printers, 21 Main Wright, Asahel W., owns 50 acres timber land in Canton, h S. Towanda Wright, Bernard L., propr. Park Hotel, 57 Troy Wright, Charles E., grocer and carpenter and builder, 19 Main bds E. Union n Washington Wright, Frederick S., produce dealer, h 11 E. Union Wright, Harvey, carpenter, h McIntosh Alley Wright, Lodeskie M. Mrs., laundress, 11 E. Union, h do Wright, William W., carpenter, h S. Minnequa Ave. Wynne, Andrew L., bds 37 Lycoming Wynne, Edward J., clerk 1 Main, bds 37 Lycoming Wynne, John G., bds 37 Lycoming Wynne, Mark M., clerk B.J. Davison, bds Lycoming Wynne, Michael F., trav. agent for Champion Harvesting Machine Co., h Lycoming n Main Wynne, Patrick, farmer in Union, Tioga Co. 360, h 37 Lycoming Young, A. Philip, tinner, 8 Main, h 20 Center |
Armenia Road-from Troy northwestly to boro limits
Carlton-from South Towanda south to boro limits
Carson-from Troy east to Minnequa Ave.
Center-from Main north to boro limits
Clinton-from Union south
East Union-from Troy east
Fall Brook Road-from Troy west to boro limits
First-from Washington east to boro limits
Lycoming-from Main westerly to boro limits
Main-from Lycoming easterly to boro limits
McIntosh Alley-from Troy opp Fall Brook Road east to Center
Minnequa Ave.-from Main north to boro limits
Pond Hill Road-from South Towanda south to boro limits
Second-from Sullivan east to boro limits
South Center-from Main southeasterly
South Minnequa Ave.-from Main south to South Towanda
South Towanda-east and west, through boro near S limits
South Washington-from Main south to Second
Sullivan-from Troy and Main south to South Towanda
Tioga-from Troy east to Minnequa Ave.
Troy-from Sullivan and Main north to boro limits
Washington-from Main north to East Union
West Union-from East Union and Troy west to boro limits