The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |
Scanned & Formatted by Joyce M. Tice
Tioga Borough Directory.
For explanations, &c., see page 13.
Postoffice address Tioga.
Adams Elizabeth, widow Harvey, h Park
Adams Frank H, dry goods, boots and shoes, crockery, groceries, &c, Main cor Wellsboro, also banker, h Main
Adams George, tanner, h Park
Adams John C, laborer, h Berry
Adams Walter C, trainman F B R R, bds Main
ALFORD HORATIO S (Alford & Inscho) also agent Erie R R, Wells Fargo & Co’s Express, mgr W U Telegraph and sect school board, h Broad
Alford & Inscho (H S A & John L I) dealers in coal, lime, cement and brick, East end park Erie station
Alford Ruth, widow Stephen C, bds Broad
Anderson E A, pastor M E Church, h Willard
Andrus Albert J, clerk F L Naring, h Wellsboro
Andrus Harry, brakeman Erie R R, bds Wellsboro
Baldwin Annie D, h Main
BALDWIN HENRY L, justice of the peace, attorney and counselor at law, general insurance and real estate agt, school director, Wickham block Wellsboro, h Main
Banker Candace I, widow Abram, h Oak
Barden Carrie A, widow Dr Oliver P, h Walnut cor Cowanesque
Beers Henry, laborer, h Main
Beers Judson, laborer, h Park
Beers Schuyler, laborer, h Berry
Beers Smith, retired farmer, h Park
Berg Joseph, farmer, rents of F A Berry of Elmira N Y, h Main
Berry Daniel, clerk E A Smead, h Church
Berry John D, retired farmer, h Main
Bishop Robert, tobacco grower 3 acres, farmer in Tioga township, 13, manuf butter packages and tobacco cases, Park, h Main
Bishop William, cooper, Park h do
Bostwick Gertrude, school teacher, bds Main
Boughtin Harriet, teacher Tioga graded school, bds Cowanesque
Boughtin Lewis, blacksmith Cowanesque, h do
Brahaney William, tanner, h Center
Brahaney Michael, tanner, Center cor Walnut
BRIGHAM EDWARD D (G W Brigham & Son) also constable, h Park
BRIGHAM GEORGE W (G W Brigham & Son) also veterinary surgeon, h Park
BRIGHAM G W & SON (G W & Edward D) blacksmiths and agricultural implements, Wellsboro
Broberg Andrew, laborer, bds Main
Brown George C, physician Main h do
Brummer William, laborer, h Cowanesque
Burr Ralph, bds Cowanesque
Burr Walter, bookkeeper Union Tannery Co, h Cowanesque
Bush Jabin S, retired merchant, h Main
Campbell A Frank, tanner, h Berry
Campbell Harriet, widow James, h Summit
Carlton Arthur, laborer, bds Berry
Carlton Charles H, carpenter, h Berry
Cary Charles A, tanner, h Wellsboro
Clapp Stephen G, com trav, N Main, died June 30, 98
Coburn Albert A, clerk Main cor Wellsboro, h Willard
Cole Floyd W, stenographer for F B Smith, bds Park Hotel
Cole Delia, widow A Clark, bds Main
COLE GEORGE D, farmer in Middlebury, 172, h Broad, moved from Middlebury
Cole Henrietta, widow Samuel, h Main
Cole Wallace J, carpenter, h Center
Collins Patrick, tanner, h Walnut
Cooley Charles, laborer, bds Main cor Cowanesque
Crowl Calvin H Rev, pastor First Baptist Church, Tioga, h Church
Davis James T, station agent F B Ry, American Express Co, coal and produce, h Church cor Main
Davis John J, clerk, bds Church
Decker James E, painter and paper hanger, h Broad
DEMING MARION S, carpenter and builder, Church, h do, see adv
DERBY SAMUEL W REV, pastor St Andrews Episcopal Church, h Cowanesque
Dewey Charles J, carpenter, h Cowanesque
Dewey Minerva, widow Daniel, h Cowanesque
Dumaux Ruth, widow John, bds Cowanesque
Ellis J Frank, laborer, bds Main
Ellis Jack W, laborer, h Summit
Ellis Jerrad H, lumberman, h Main cor Cowanesque
Engler Gustave H, laborer, h Park
Erie Passenger Station, H S Alford agent, east end Park
Evarts Edgar E, engineer F B Ry, h Main
Falath John, emp tannery, h Wellsboro
Farr Abram, commercial traveler, h Main
Farr Mary E, widow Eli S, bds Main
Field Alice Mrs, millinery Wellsboro, h do
Field Earl C, clerk, Wellsboro, h do
Field Minor S, dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing, groceries, etc, Wellsboro, also tobacco raiser, 14, farmer, 40, in Tioga, 182, in Middlebury, h on farm, r 12
Finesilver Israel, clothing, boots and shoes, gents’ furnishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, valises, etc, Park Hotel block, Wellsboro, h do
First Baptist Church of Tioga, Rev C H Crowl pastor, Church
Fish Charles S, (W W & C S Fish) res Salamanca, N Y
Fish Edgar C, shoemaker, Wickham block, Wellsboro, h Broad
Fish Mary E A, clerk, Main cor Wellsboro, bds Broad
Fish Wilbur W (W W & C S) res Elmira, N Y
Fish W W & C S, cigar manuf, Main cor Park
Ford Low D, resident, h Wellsboro
Gerber John, mgr W W & C S Fish, h Summit
Goodrich Frank W, bus driver Park Hotel, h Park
Gramerstetter Charles, baker Park, h do
Graves Emma, dressmaker, h Church
GRAVES FRED L, editor and propr Tioga Argus, Park, h do See adv page 453
Graves Sarah, dressmaker Church, h do
Graves Thomas, retired, h Park
Green Jerrie, laborer, h Church
Hakes Solomon P, physician and surgeon over Tuller drug store Main, h Main
Hance Louisa S, widow Thomas E, h Main
Hathaway Albert, carpenter, h Main
Havens Charles, laborer, bds Cowanesque
Holloran Frank, laborer, bds Center cor Walnut
Holloran John, laborer, h Center cor Walnut
Holloran John Jr, laborer, bds Center cor Walnut
Holloran William, laborer, bds Center cor Walnut
Howe Della, dressmaker, bds Willard
Howe William J, canvasser, h Willard
Inscho & Kimball (J L I & William K) hardware, tinware, plumbing, agricultural implements and fertilizers, Main
Inscho John L (Inscho & Kimball) also (Alford & Inscho) h Cowanesque
Inscho Lena, clerk postoffice, bds Cowanesque
Inscho Ruth P, widow Richard I, h Park
Jack John M, high constable, h Broad
Johns Henry, laborer, h Wellsboro
JOSEPH E GEORGE (Pettibone & Joseph) h Park hotel
Kimball Jesse, sawyer, h Main cor Summit
Kimball William (Inscho & Kimball) h Wellsboro
Kosckahl Stephen, emp tannery, bds Wellsboro
Kotutic Peter, emp tannery, h Wellsboro
KRAISS PAUL, furniture dealer and undertaker and farmer, 85 Wellsboro, h do
Kraiss Paul Jr, farmer, bds Wellsboro
Krieger Joseph, harnessmaker Wellsboro, h do
Leutner Max, baker, confectioner and grocer Park cor Oak, h do
Lind August, tanner, h Berry
Lowell Sarah M, postmaster, bds Main
Luther Catharine, widow George, bds Berry
Lyon Harry, laborer, h Summit
Mack John C, clerk pension office Washington, D C, h Willard
Magnuson Fred, laborer, h Park
McCormack William C Rev, pastor First Presbyterian Church, h Main
Middaugh Thomas, farmer, 60, h Main
Mosher Rue S, laborer, h Center
Mulford Rachael, widow Benjamin S, h Oak
Nearing Charles A, supt tannery, h Main
Nearing Fred L, groceries and provisions, crockery, Wellsboro, h Cowanesque cor Walnut
Nobles Daniel L, restaurant and livery, Main, h do
Olney James H, jeweler, clerk postoffice, Main, h Main cor Broad
Padgett Charles L, laborer, h Church
PARK HOTEL, livery attached, Pettibone & Joseph proprs, Main cor Wellsboro
Parks Caroline M, school and music teacher, Summit, bds do
Parks Mary A, widow Benjamin, h Summit
Paris Delbert, farmer, moved to Mansfield
Patterson Simon W Sr, laborer, h Church
Patterson Simon W Jr, laborer, h Church
Peck John M (Smith & Peck) school director, h Main cor Berry
PETTIBONE EDWIN L (Pettibone & Joseph) h Park Hotel
PETTIBONE & JOSEPH (Edwin L P and E G Joseph) proprs Park Hotel
Phelps Edgar E, commercial traveler, h Broad
Philips David F, laborer, h Center
Pickering Herman, laborer, h Wellsboro
PUTNAM JOHN H, attorney at law, real estate and real estate loans, offices at Wellsboro with N H Ryan and at Tioga, Main, h do
Rathbun Rhoda Mrs, h Park
Rawson Andrew H, painter, h Summit
Rawson C A (Mrs A H) dressmaker, Summit, h do
Retan Edmund A, principal Tioga Graded School, farmer, 100, h Park
Reynolds Fred D, barber, Wellsboro, h Center
Reynolds Frederick S, h Broad
Rhodes Charles T, drayman, h Summit
Rhodes Fred, laborer, h Wellsboro
Rich Isaac L, drug clerk, Main, bds Berry
Rich Rhoda, widow Charles, h Wellsboro
Rightmier Rosa, widow Charles, h Wellsboro
Rightmier William, laborer, h Summit
Rouse Thaddeus D, telegrapher F B Ry station, h Cowanesque
Rundell Bert B, cigarmaker, bds Wellsboro
Rundell Edward A, clerk Wellsboro, h do, moved to Elmira
Russell George U, meat cutter for Smith & Peck, bds Main cor Berry
Saxton Gillett G, clerk for Mrs V E, h Main
Saxton James D, clerk Main cor Wellsboro, h Main
Saxton V E Mrs, dry goods &c, Main cor Wellsboro, h Main
Sens Henry, cigarmaker, h Berry
Shappee Nathan R, laborer, h Broad
Sheardown Henry G, retired mechanic, bds Church
Shoak Rosaina, widow Frederick, bds Broad, died March 13, 1898
Sly Eugene, laborer, h Berry
Smead Ephriam A, hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements, paints and oils, glass, lamps, blankets, robes and whips, woodenware, pumps &c, Wellsboro, h do
Smith Carlton E (H E Smith & Son) boro councilman, h Main
Smith Charles R, physician and surgeon Main, h do
Smith Elmer B (Smith & Peck) boro councilman, h Main
Smith Emma E, widow Elias M, owns farm, h Main
SMITH FREDERICK B, state representative, attorney and counselor at law, real-estate and insurance agent, Main, h Main cor Broad
Smith George V, law student, beds Broad
Smith Harry G, farmer, bds Main
Smith Helen, widow Jacob, h Park
Smith Henry E (H E Smith & Son) h Main
Smith H E & Son ( C E) boots and shoes, Main
Smith Jacob, emp tannery, h Wellsboro
Smith & Peck (Elmer B S & John M P) meat market, grocery, ice and stock dealers
Smith Robert B, physician and surgeon Broad, h do
Smith Winifred, teacher, bds Broad
Spencer Charles, emp tannery, h Center
Spencer W Henry, carpenter, h Berry
Stedge Edward C, slate roofer and painter, h Cowanesque
Stevens John, tailor, Wickham block, h Cowanesque
Szedlak Michael, laborer, h Wellsboro
Taylor Sarah M, widow, bds Main
Telephone Pay Station at W T Urell’s store, Wickham block, Wellsboro
Thornton Mary, widow William h Cowanesque
Tioga M E Church, Main, Rev E A Anderson, pastor
Tomlinson Wilmer H, laborer, h Main
Tuller Philo, druggist, also burgess, Main, h do
Union Tannery Co, manuf sole leather, Wellsboro
Urell Tom M, clerk W T, h Broad
Urell William T, groceries, provisions, books, stationery, news dealer and fancy goods, Wellsboro, h r 10 Tioga
Van Osten Abram, drayman and mail transfer, h Oak
Vincent Frank, laborer, bds Main
Vincent Hannah Mrs, h Main
Vincent Jack Jr, laborer, bds Main
Vincent Jack Sr, laborer, bds Summit
Ward Clarence, laborer, bds Center
Webster George, laborer, h Summit
Wellington Amelia, widow Samuel, h Wellsboro
Wells Fargo & Co’s Express, H S Alford agent, Erie station
West Clark, laborer, h Church
Westbrook Britania L, widow Albert, h Broad
Westbrook Edsal M, stenographer, bds Broad
Westbrook Willis H, clerk Main cor Wellsboro, h Wellsboro
Western Union Telegraph, H S Alford mgr, Erie station
Wheeler Henry C, wagon maker, Cowanesque, h do
Wheeler Henry F, laborer, h Center
Wheeler Roy, telegrapher, bds Cowanesque cor Walnut
Whipple Henry, tanner, h Summit
Wickham Thomas A, saw and planing mill, h Main