The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |
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Scanned & Formatted by Joyce M. Tice
For explanations, &c., see page 13.
Postoffice address Liberty.
Bastian Frank, butcher, h Water
Bastian John, butcher, bds High
Bastian Joseph, h High
Bastian William W, meat market and undertaker Williamson, h High
Bennett Amos W, physician Main, h do
Brian G Frank, boro clerk and carpenter, h Shaffer Hill
Brian Henry, laborer, h High
Brian John W, councilman clerk for B F Werline, h Shaffer Hill
Cochran Kate, widow Ambrose W, h Main
Cohick Charles, clerk Sebring house, bds do
Cohick Scott, driver C A Miller, h off Main
DANDOIS G FRANK, physician and surgeon Water, h do
Dice Lyman M Rev, pastor Liberty circuit United Evangelical church, h Williamson
Dudley Nancy, widow, h Water
Ferguson Levi H, furniture Williamson, h High
Fick Albert, music teacher, farmer 8, owned by wife, h High
Fick John, bds High
Foulkrod John E, restaurant and grocer Main, h do
Foulkrod William, auditor and farmer 74, h Main
Fox Harvey F, laborer, h Shaffer Hill
Freer Charles, hostler Sebring House, bds do
Freer Henry, high constable and carpenter, h Main
Fuller Israel, h Main
Goldburg George, peddler, h Main
Guernsey James W, blacksmith Water, h Main
Hartman Samuel, h Water
Hartsock Daniel O, general merchant Williamson, h Main
Hartsock Julia, widow Richard, h Williamson
Hartsock May, dressmaker Williamson, h do
Hartsock Quintillis, prop grist mill Williamson, h do
Hartsock Walter, clerk Williamson, h do
Heyler Charles F, tailor Water, h High
Heyler Frank, laborer, bds High
Heyler Kate, widow Daniel, h High
Keagle Abram B, school director and dentist Main, h do
Keagle Charles L, musician, agent, Main, h do
Keagle Elmer, carpenter, h Water
Keagle G Frank, principal Liberty school, bds Main
Kimball Jacob S, blacksmith Water, h Williamson
Kimball Niles L, painter, bds Williamson
King Sarah, widow William, h Main
Kohler James, farmer 5, h Canton road
Kohler John, farmer 65, h off Main
Kreger Jonathan, saw and planing mill Williamson, h Water
Lau David B Rev, pastor Evangelical Lutheran church, h High
Levergood Elizabeth, widow John, h High
Long Peter, laborer, h and lot Water
Louenschlager John H, laborer, h and lot Water
Mackey James, painter and paper hanger, bds Main
Manevill Ada, bds Water
Maneval Charles U, burgess, dealer in clothing, Main
Maneval Susan, widow Peter, h Water
Mathews Thomas M, hostler, h Main
McCracken George W, school director, h Water
McCracken Homer B, clerk C A Miller, h Main
McVoy Christina, widow James, h Main
McVoy Henry E, farmer, 5, h Williamson
Merithew Cora, milliner Main, h do
Meyer Edward H, prop mail route to Blossburg, h Williamson
Miller Bert L, clerk C A Miller, h High
MILLER CHARLES A, postmaster, boro collector, general merchant and druggist Williamson, h do
Miller Fred B, clerk C A Miller, bds do
Miller John O, barber, tobacco and cigars, Main
Miller Levan L, h off Main
Moore Maria, widow, h Main
Morris Archie, laborer, bds High
MOTT MATTHEW B, machine shop and job printer Water, also foundry and machine shop and cider mill Main, h Water
Narber Charles E, general merchant Main, h do
Ostrom Daniel, farmer, 8, h Main
Ostrom Walter O, mason, h off Main
Paul Callie, bds Water
Paul Elizabeth, widow Mathias, h Water
Raker David, laborer, h Williamson
Raker Mary, widow John, h Water
Raker William J, laborer, bds Water
Reed Robert, wagonmaker Water, h do
Reeser Isaiah J Rev, pastor M E church, h Water
Schartle Daniel, sect board health and painter
Schiek Moses, harnessmaker Williamson, h Main
Searles William M, carpenter, h Main
SEBRING GRANT, school director, prop Sebring house, dealer in wagons and agricultural implements Main. See adv page 326
SEBRING HOUSE, Grant Sebring prop, Main. See adv page 326
Semsey Alfred, prop Semsey House, Williamson
Semsey House, Alfred Semsey prop, Williamson
Sheffer Alpheus, blacksmith Main, h High
Sheffer Harry, h Main
Sheffer Harry G, blacksmith, bds High
SHEFFER ISAAC F, planing mill and cabinetmaker Water, h High
Sheffer James, cabinetmaker High, h do
Sheffer John J, boro health officer, furniture and undertaker Main, h do
Sheffer Michael, wagon maker, Main, h do
Sheffer Milton, laborer, bds Main
Smith Artie, law student, h Main
Smith Bertha, school teacher, h Main
Smith George A, school director and physician and surgeon, Main, h do
Smith Miles H, barber, dealer in tobacco and cigars, Williamson, bds Semsey House
Sweeney Joseph M, harnessmaker, bds Semsey House
THOMAS ELLIS B, painter and paper hanger, bds Sebring House
TOMLINSON CHARLES E, veterinary surgeon, Semsey House, bds do
WERLINE BENJAMIN F, hardware, tinware, stoves, agricultural implements &c, Main, h do
Werline Charles H, livery, Main, bds do
Werline David R, councilman, repairer and dealer in boots and shoes, Main, h do
Werline Isaac B, councilman, harnessmaker, Williamson, h High
Werline Jacob J, justice of the peace and civil engineer, h Williamson
WERLINE MARION M, auditor and bookkeeper B F Werline, h Water
WHEELAND ISAAC F, justice of the peace, jeweler, Main, h Water
Wheeler Chauncey, bartender Semsey House, bds do
Winder William H, restaurant and grocer, Water, H Main
Woodruff William, school director and street commissioner, h Williamson
Wygant George, bds Main