The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |
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Scanned & Formatted by Joyce M. Tice
For explanations, &c., see page 13.
Postoffice address Lawrence unless otherwise designated in (Parenthesis)
Aldrich Jesse T (Nelson) r 24, tobacco grower 5 acres and farmer, 123
Allen Norman (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Allen Zelotus P (Tompkins) r 26, laborer
Andrews Levi O (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer, leases of James Hopkins 100
Andrews Levi S (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer, 53
Austin George (Lawrenceville) r 19 1-2, farmer on shares for H B Colegrove, 80
Bacher, Daniel (Jackson Summit) r 38, farmer
Bacher Fred (Jackson Summit) r 38, farmer
Bacher Henry (Jackson Summit) r 38, farmer, 100
Bacher Jacob (Somers Lane) r 39, farmer, 34
Bailey Frank (Nelson) r --, farmer, 34
Bailey William (Tompkins) r 23, veterinary surgeon
Baker Charles (Lawrenceville) r 3, retired
Baker George (Nelson) r 1, farmer, rents of A Odell 80
Baker Jane E (Lawrenceville) r 3, widow Bradley
Baker Leroy (Lawrenceville) r 3, farmer, 100
Baker Rebecca (Nelson) r 1, widow Orlando
Baker Samuel (Nelson) r 1, farmer, 86 owned by his mother
Baldwin Lucy D (Lawrenceville) r 6, photographer
Baldwin Mellicent H (Lawrenceville) r 6, widow Moses S
Baldwin Mose S (Lawrenceville) r 6, tobacco grower 5 acres, farmer, estate of Moses S Baldwin, 150
Ball Henry (Tompkins) r 24, carpenter and farmer, 13
Ball Herbert E (Lawrenceville) r 23, farmer on shares for F Camp, 50
Ball John (Tompkins) r 26, tobacco grower 3 acres, farmer on shares for Mary Phillips, 75
Barber Eli (Rising) r 42, farmer, 50
Barber Nathan (Rising) r 41, tobacco grower 10 acres, farmer on shares for Eli Barber,250
Bates Alfred (Tompkins) r 24, farmer on shares for W H Bills, 73
Benson Benjamin F (Somers Lane) r 39, mason and farmer, 100
Benson Charles E (Somers Lane) r 39, laborer
Bellinger Philo (Lawrenceville) r 5, farmer on shares for C Blackwell, 75
Bills Philo (Somers Lane) r 13, farmer, 75
Bills William H (Tompkins) r 24, farmer, 73
Borwe Bigelow (Jackson Summit) r 89, farmer, 100
Borwe Kiley (Somers Lane) r 39, farmer, 100
Borwe William (Somers Lane) r 39, h and lot
Bostwick Fred E (Rising) r 18, agent harvesting machinery
Bostwick Truman (Lawrenceville) farmer, 19
Bostwick William (Nelson) r 27, farmer, 100
Bostwick William Jr (Nelson) r 27, farmer, 64
Boulton William (Lawrenceville) r 8
Brant Bruce N (Lawrenceville) r 4, tobacco grower 2 and farmer, 60
Brisco George (Nelson) r 27, farmer, 25
Brisco Nathan (Nelson) r 27
Brock Augustus (Rising) r 41, section hand F B R R
Brockway Daniel (Lawrenceville) r 30, farmer on shares for H Wheeler, 120
Brockway Frank (Lawrenceville) r 18, section hand F B R R
Brown Charles (Lawrenceville) r 15, laborer
Brown Dewitt A (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer
Brown Henry (Rising) r 41, farmer in Middlebury 80
Brown Lyman (Jackson Summit) r 38, farmer, 1 1-2
BROWN MERRITT B 1st. (Somers Lane) r 35, apiarist 300 colonies, farmer, 67
BROWN MERRITT B, (Somers Lane) r 33, town auditor, agt for Lackawanna Fertilizer Co, dealer in hides, breeder of Percheron horses, stock horse "Colonel," tobacco grower 6, farmer, 100
Brown William W (Lawrenceville) r 7, farmer
Buck Willis E (Lawrenceville) r 7, brakeman
BUCKBEE FRANK (Lawrenceville) off r 15, farmer, son of Hannah
BUCKBEE HANNAH (Lawrenceville) off r 5, widow John H, farmer, 75
Burdett John W (Somers Lane) r 17, farmer, 19, tobacco grower 2 acres
Burditt Goolie (Rising) r 18, portable saw mill, tobacco grower 4 acres, farmer, 100
BURDITT RICHARD L (Rising) r 18 cor 39, dealer in agricultural implements, shingle mill, pile driving, thresher, tobacco grower 5 acres and farmer, 100
Button Jesse H (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Cady Minor (Lawrenceville) off r 4
Cady William (Tompkins) off r 22, tobacco grower 2 acres and farmer on shares for H Davis, 120
Califf Stilson S (Lawrenceville) r 9, farmer, 85, breeder of thoroughbred Devonshire cattle
Campbell David (Tompkins) r 1 1-2, farmer, 60
Campbell Eliza (Tompkins) r 22, widow Charles
Campbell Jerome (Tompkins) r 22, mason
Campbell John (Tompkins) r 22, mason
Cary Bert (Somers Lane) r 14, laborer
Cary James N (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer, 75
Cary William (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer, 17
Carlton Burdell (Tioga) r 31, farmer on shares for H Smith estate, 180
Carlton Catherine (Tioga) r 31, widow Amasa
Carlton Levi (Tioga) r 31, farmer, 123
CASE CHARLES (Lawrenceville) r 4, farmer with Stephen DeGroff
Case John (Tompkins) r 24, apiarist, tobacco grower 3, and farmer, 67
Case Nathan (Tompkins) r 27, farmer, 57
Churchill Enoch (Lawrenceville) r 16, brick layer
Clark Clarissa (Lawrenceville) r 4, widow Hiram
Cleveland Charles F (Lawrenceville) r 7, butcher and dealer live stock and poultry
CLISHAN ELIZABETH K (Somers Lane) r 33, deputy postmaster
CLISHAN STEPHEN T (Somers Lane) r 33, postmaster and general merchandise,
section foreman Erie R R, Tioga Division
Close Grover (Lawrenceville) r 21, farmer, 125
Cole Francis (Tompkins) r 22, widow Thomas
Colegrove Delbert (Lawrenceville) r 19, farmer, 85
Colegrove Delos (Tompkins) r 22, tobacco grower 3 acres and farmer, 70, and rents of H B Colegrove, 30
COLEGROVE HENRY B (Lawrenceville) r 5 cor 19 County Commissioner, farm, 150
Colegrove School District No 5 (Lawrenceville)
Conley Alex (Somers Lane) r 33, laborer
Corey John (Jackson Summit) r 39, farmer, 100
Corwin Ernest (Somers Lane) r 10, laborer
Corwin John N (Somers Lane) r 10, farmer, 50
Croffut Frank (Tompkins) r 20, farmer, 100
Croffut John (Tompkins) r 2, school teacher and farmer, 60
Culligan Michael (Lawrenceville) r 18, farmer, 100
Cummings John (Somers Lane) r 39, laborer
Curlett Frank (Somers Lane) r 35, pastor East Lawrence Christian Church
Dailey William (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Deats Bert (Nelson) r 1, farmer, son of Joseph
Deats Clarence (Nelson) r 1, farmer, son of Joseph
Deats Joseph (Nelson) r 1, farmer, 38
Deats William (Lawrenceville) r 8, laborer
Decker Holmes A (Tioga) r 30 cor 31, farmer, 111
Decker James H (Tioga) r 30, cor 31, farmer son of H A
Decker School District (Rising) r 31, cor 21
DE GROFF STEPHEN (Lawrenceville) r 4, tobacco grower 5 acres and farmer, 69
Doud Lorenzo (Lawrenceville) r 10, agent
Doud Philomon R (Lawrenceville) r 10, farmer 37
Duel Phebe (Lawrenceville) r 19, widow Bradley, farmer, 19
Durfey John (Lawrenceville) r 19, farmer on shares for Adelbert Stage, 33
Eastman Mary A Mrs (Tompkins) r 23
Eiffert Fred W (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer, 85
Eiffert John (Rising) r 31, farmer, 90
Elliott William (Nelson) r 1 cor 1 1-2, laborer
Farr Czar N (Rising) r 39, laborer
Finch Alonzo (Nelson) r 26, farmer on shares for Samuel Finch, 60
Finch Frank J (Lawrenceville) r 6, farmer, leases of Baldwin estate 30
Fisher Frank (Lawrenceville) r 18, farmer on shares for Charlotte Inscho 12
Fowler George (Tompkins) r 22, laborer
Fowler Henry (Nelson) r 27, laborer
French Samuel (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer 32, and 30 owned by wife
Fuller Charles M (Somers Lane) r 34, farmer, 80
Garrison Ebeneazer R (Rising) r 40, laborer
Gee Albert (Nelson) r 28, laborer
Gee James A (Nelson) r 28, farmer, 70, son of Robert
Gee Mary (Lawrenceville) r 19, widow Andrew
Gee Robert (Nelson) r 28, farmer, 145
Gee Thomas (Nelson) r 28, farmer, 2
Gibbs Arthur H (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Gibbs Frank A (Lawrenceville) r 7, leases of Harrison 80
Gibbs Harrison (Lawrenceville) r 7, farmer, 80, tobacco grower 3 acres
Gifford Herman (Lawrenceville) r 7, farmer, 40
Gleason Andrew J (Tompkins) r 22, tobacco grower 1 1-2 acres, farmer, 116
Graham Charles L (Somers Lane) r 35, laborer
Graham William (Lawrenceville) r 10, farmer, 51
Green John W (Lawrenceville) off r 22, constable and collector, farmer, 20
Grover Henry (Lawrenceville) r 10, farmer, 50
Grover Rebecca (Tompkins) r 22, widow Thomas
Grover Soloman S (Tompkins) r 1 1-2, farmer, 36
Guile Leonard G (Lawrenceville) r 18, tobacco grower 2 acres and farmer, 76
Hall Fred (Jackson Summit) r 38, farmer, 20
Harrington George (Tioga) r 31
Harrington Leon (Tioga) r 31, farmer, son of Polly
Harrington Polly (Tioga) r 31, widow J Heman, farmer, 120
Harris Elizabeth Mrs (Rising) r 39
Head Lorenzo D (Lawrenceville) r 4
Head Lyman (Lawrenceville) r 4, laborer
Hearld Christina (Rising) r 18k, widow Elias, farmer, 53
Hearld Villa Mrs (Lawrenceville) r 18
Higgins Simeon S (Somers Lane) r 35
Hill Albert (Lawrenceville) off r 7, laborer
Hill Charles (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Hill Cruger (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Hill James (Lawrenceville) off r 7, laborer
Hill Polly Mrs (Lawrenceville) r 7
Hitchcock David (Somers Lane) r 34, laborer
Hitchcock Ezekiel (Somers Lane) r 34, farmer 4
Holton Samuel L (Rising) r 39, carpenter
Holton William (Lawrenceville) r 19 1-2, farmer 2
Hooker Arney (Somers Lane) r 39, laborer
Hooker Orrin E (Somers Lane) r 39, laborer
Hopkins James (Rising) r 39, laborer
Horton Chauncey (Lawrenceville) r 7, farmer estate Elias Horton 110
Horton Emma (Lawrenceville) r 7
Horton Hannah (Lawrenceville) r 5, widow Hiram
Horton Mary (Lawrenceville) r 7
Howe Jesse (Lawrenceville) r 5, farmer 60
Hoyt James P (Tompkins) r 26, laborer
Hughes Frank (Somers lane) r 32, tobacco grower 4, farmer 75
Hulslander Benjamin F (Somers Lane) r 33, farmer 50
Hulslander Watson (Somers Lane) r 33, farmer 75
Hurlbut John (Nelson) r 24, tobacco grower 5, and farmer estate of George, 213
Hurlbut Jane Mrs. (Tompkins) r 24, widow George
Hurd Sherman (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer 67
Inscho Charles (Rising) r 41, section hand F B Ry
Inscho George (Rising) r 41, farmer 3
Irvin John (Lawrenceville) r 17, ex-sheriff and farmer 200
Jackson Agnes (Rising) r 18, widow Joseph
Judson Judson R (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer 90
Kachele John (Lawrenceville) off r 5, farmer 4
Kennedy Joel G (Somers Lane) r 39, farmer 50
Kirkendall Erastus (Somers Lane) r 33, farmer 50
Kirkendall Horace C (Somers Lane) r 33, farmer
Kirkendall James (Rising) r 18
Knapp Fred F (Somers Lane) r 32, tobacco grower 12 acres, cabbage 3 acres, farmer 40
Knapp Harry (Tompkins) r 26, laborer
Knapp Julia (Lawrenceville) r 4, widow Crel
Koon Joseph O (Lawrenceville) r 7, farmer 85
Koon Samuel (Lawrenceville) r 8, farmer 30, owned by daughter Kate of Philadelphia
Kriner Andrew J (Tioga) r 31, farmer on shares for John Stevens, 200
Lamphier Alonzo M (Lawrenceville) off r 4, farmer 50
Landon Andrew (Lawrenceville) r 17, leases of J M Smith of Mansfield, 140
Lee Frank (Lawrenceville) r 5, supervisor and farmer 4
Lent John (Farmington Hill) laborer
Lewis Grant A (Lawrenceville) r 8, laborer
Loughridge William F (Somers Lane) r 33
Lowery John (Rising) r 18, blacksmith, tobacco grower 2 1–2 and farmer, 50
Mapes School District (Tompkins) r 23
Mattison Ralph H (Nelson) r 24, farmer with J T Aldrich
Mattison Willis (Tompkins) r 26, tobacco grower 3 and farmer, rents of N Preston, 116
McAvoy John (Somers Lane) r 40, tobacco grower 4, farmer, 75
McCallum William H (Tompkins) r 22, farmer, 150
McDowell James (Rising) r 18, carpenter
McKinney George S (Somers Lane) r 34, local preacher M E church, farmer, 72
McKinney Lewis H (Somers Lane) school teacher
McLean George (Lawrenceville) r 18, tobacco grower 3 1-2 and farmer, 40
McNaughton William D (Tompkins) r 25, postmaster, general merchant
Middaugh Jane (Rising) r 18, widow Henry
Middaugh Truman C (Lawrenceville) r 11, farmer, 30
Middaugh Willard (Rising) r 18, postmaster, tobacco grower 3 and farmer on shares for D Kelts, 60
Middaugh William G (Somers Lane) r 12, mason and farmer, 106
Miller Albert (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Miller Adam (Lawrenceville) r 20, laborer
Miller Norman H (Lawrenceville) r 20, farmer on shares for H B Colgrove, 112
Miller Stephen (Somers Lane) r 39, laborer
Miller William G (Lawrenceville) r 3, farmer, 100
Morris Andrew (Somers Lane) r 34, laborer
Morris George (Lawrenceville) r 10, laborer
Morris William (Lawrenceville) r 14, laborer
Moshier Charles (Tioga) r 21, farmer, son of Henry
Moshier Henry (Tioga) r 21, farmer, 100
Moshier William (Lawrenceville) off r 18, laborer
Mosier Bert (Lawrenceville) off r 7, laborer
Mosier Charles (Lawrenceville) r 1, farmer, 25
Mudge Marshall M (Lawrenceville) r 15, leases of C S Smith, 90
Niles Harry H (Lawrenceville) r 15, farmer, 45, owned by wife
Niles Lewis (Lawrenceville) r 15, farmer, 48, owned by wife
Nims James E (Farmington Hill) r 29 1-2, farmer, 110
Odell Catharine Mrs (Somers Lane) r 34
Odell Seymour (Somers Lane) r 34, laborer
Odell William E (Somers Lane) r 34, farmer, 46
Orcutt Charles K (Lawrenceville) r 5, tobacco grower 5 and farmer on shares for
Clarenee Horton, 250
Orcutt Frank (Lawrenceville) r 4, farmer, son of C R
Orcutt John E (Lawrenceville) r 5, farmer, son of C R
Owen William H (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer, 10
Paris Byron (Jackson Summit) r 37, farmer, 120
Parker Edward (Rising) r 18, laborer
Parmelee Charles (Lawrenceville) off r 4, section foreman F B R R
Parsels Elias (Nelson) r 2, farmer on shares for H Harrison, 150
Patchin Andrew J (Somers Lane) r 32, tobacco grower 2 acres, farmer, 200
Patchin Mart K (Somers Lane) r 32, farmer
Paul Susan (Tompkins) r 22, widow Hiram
Perry Had (Lawrenceville) r 19 1-2, laborer
Phillips Loren E (Tompkins) r 25, farmer, 60
Porter Allen T (Lawrenceville) r 19, farmer, 135
Preston, Fred (Nelson) r 29 1-2, farmer, 100
Preston Robert (Nelson) r 29, farmer, 120
Price Eugene (Nelson) r 29 1-2, farmer, 34
PRITCHARD LEWIS G (Lawrenceville) r 4, tobacco grower 2 acres and farmer, 45
Pritchard Speedy (Lawrenceville) r 4, widow William
Quackenbush Benjamin F (Rising) r 18, section foreman F B R R
Reed Gurden (Tompkins) r 22, laborer
Reep Andrew J (Somers Lane) r 17, farmer
Reep George W (Somers Lane) r 33, tobacco grower 2 acres, farmer, 46
Reep Henry K (Somers Lane) r 17, farmer
Reep Horace (Somers Lane) r 17, tobacco grower 2 acres, farmer, 100
Reep Levi F (Lawrenceville) r 16, farmer
Reep Louisa (Somers Lane) r 17, widow Daniel, farmer 36
Reep Michael B (Somers Lane) r 17, flagman
Reep Peter (Lawrenceville) r 16, farmer, 100
Reep William (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Reep William (Somers Lane) r 17, farmer, 128
Reep Willis F (Somers Lane) r 32, justice of peace, school director, tobacco grower 3
acres, farmer, 5, leases 30
Richardson Charles A (Nelson) r 27, farmer on shares for N Preston, 150
Roberts Eli G (Lawrenceville) tobacco grower 8 acres, farmer leases of John Irvin, 200
Robins Lewis (Tompkins) r 24, laborer
Robins Wilson (Tompkins) r 24, laborer
Robinson Barney (Nelson) r 1, laborer
Robinson Charles C (Lawrenceville) r 20, section hand F B R R and farmer, 8
Robinson George (Jackson Summit) r 37, farmer, 100
Robinson James (Lawrenceville) r 20, laborer
Rockwell Charles S (Lawrenceville) r 11, stump puller, farmer, 40
Rockwell Edward E (Lawrenceville) r 10, assessor and farmer, 85
Rockwell Joseph W (Lawrenceville) r 10, town clerk and farmer, 47, and works for Samuel 67
Rockwell Samuel (Lawrenceville) r 11, farmer, 67
Rowley Chandler (Lawrenceville) r 21, farmer, 50
Rozell Joseph (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer, 50
Russell Hadley (Rising) r 18, laborer
Russell William (Lawrenceville) off r 4, tobacco grower 5 acres, and farm on shares for R W Stewart, 222
Ryan David H (Lawrenceville) r 7, tobacco grower 6 acres, farmer, 87, and estate of George L Ryan 97
Ryan Frank W (Lawrenceville) r 22, farmer on shares for Norman H Ryan, 250
Savey Clarence (Lawrenceville) r 16, leases of P L Califf 100
Saxbury George (Somers Lane) r 33, laborer
Saxbury Harlan C (Somers Lane) r 33, laborer
Schenck George (Rising) laborer
Seely Frank (Lawrenceville) r 7, insurance
SHEPHERD CHARLES H (Somers Lane) r 32, tobacco grower 3 acres and farmer, 56
Shoemaker Eunice B (Lawrenceville) r 5, widow Sylvester
Shoemaker Lyman E (Somers Lane) r 13, farmer, 64, and leases 75
Shulenburg Charles (Lawrenceville) r 10, butcher and stock dealer, farmer, 50
Smith Charles H (Tompkins) r 23, carpenter and farmer on shares for Miss M A Eastman, 60
Smith Lucian M (Rising) r 41, apiarist 25 colonies, dairy 15 cows, tobacco grower 8 acres and farmer, 150
Stafford Wallace (Somers Lane) r 35, laborer
Stafford Walter (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer, 25
Stafford William J (Somers Lane) r 35, farmer, 75
Stage Bert (Lawrenceville) r 22, farmer on shares for N H Ryan, 100
Stage William (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
Starr George W (Tompkins) r 1, farmer, 106, owned by his mother
Starr Polly C (Tompkins) r 1, widow Valorus D
STEELE FRANK O (Mitchell Creek) r 40, tobacco grower 2 acres, dairy 14 cows, farmer, works on shares for C & J M Breed, Big Flats, N Y, 200
Stephens William M (Rising) r 18, farmer, 2
Stewart Myron (Lawrenceville) r 9, farmer, 130
Stoddard Charles (Tompkins) r 1 1-2, farmer, 76
Storm Calvin (Jackson Summit) r 37, farmer, 20
Strait Moses S (Somers Lane) r 40, tobacco 4 acres, farmer, 70
Tenbroeck Edward (Somers Lane) r 39, carpenter
Tenbroeck Fred (Lawrenceville) r 18, butcher, tobacco grower 4 acres and farmer, 9
Tenbroeck George (Rising) r 18, tobacco grower, 1, and farmer, 7
Thomas LaFayette (Tompkins) r 24, tobacco grower, 1, and farmer on shares for Kinner & Phillips, 75
Thomas William R (Tompkins) r 26, farmer, 180
Tilford Archibald C (Lawrenceville) r 10, stump puller, farmer 40
Tilford Lewis (Lawrenceville) r 10, h and lot
Travis Isaac (Lawrenceville) r 7, laborer
TREMAINE CHARLES H (Somers Lane) r 39 cor 40, tobacco grower 4, agt for Milsom
Rendering Fertilizer Co, Buffalo, N Y, farmer, 100, and 200 wild land
Tremaine Frank B (Rising) r 40, telegrapher
Tremaine Levi J (Rising) r 18, laborer
Tompkins School District (Tompkins) r 29 cor 22
Vincent Dinah Mrs (Lawrenceville) r 7
Walker Emma (Lawrenceville) r 5, widow Frank
Walker George N (Rising) r 32
Walker John P (Rising) r 32, dealer in general merchandise
Wells Fargo & Co’s Express (Somers Lane) r 40, Tioga Junction G R Wheeler agt
Wheeler George R (Somers Lane) r 40, station and Wells Fargo & Co’s Express agt
WILCOX WILLIAM S (Lawrenceville) r 7, manuf of cheese box material and shingles
Winfield John (Somers Lane) r 17, laborer
Winfield John E (Somers Lane) r 17, laborer
Winter Washington M (Somers Lane) r 17, farm 6, owned by wife
Wood Dallas (Tioga) r 30, farmer, rents of J Smith, 109
Wood John F (Lawrenceville) r 4, farmer, son of W H
Wood William H (Lawrenceville) r 4, tobacco grower 4 and farmer, 180
Woodhouse Charles (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer with Thaddeus, 40
Woodhouse George (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer, 48
Woodhouse Thaddeus (Somers Lane) r 12, farmer with Charles, 48
Yelverton Henry (Somers Lane) r 12, laborer
Young Hazard (Nelson) r 28 cor 29, farmer, 220, with John
Young John (Nelson) r 28, farmer with Hazard, 220