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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Hanford's Tioga County (PA) 1899 Directory
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1908 Directory Table of Contents
Clymer Township Page
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Scanned & Formatted by Joyce M. Tice 
Retyped by Nancy Spain


For explanations, &c., see page 13.
Post office address Clymer, unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis.)
Abbey Nettie M., widow Wilmot H. (Azelta) r 28, h with Edward A Thompson, farm 38
Ackley Beriah S. (Sabinsville) general merchant Main cor Church, h Church
Ackley George M. (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer 165
Ackley G. Roy (Sabinsville) r 27, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Geo M. 165, also leases of Job Bush about 75
Ackley Lovinus B. (Sabinsville) r 11, agent agricultural implements and farmer 300
Ackley Mary A. (Sabinsville) widow Chauncey C. h Maple
Ackley Ross L. (Sabinsville) h Maple
Ackley Samuel E. (Sabinsville) r 11, farmer on shares for L.B. about 200
Ackley Sarah J., Mrs. B. S. (Sabinsville) h and lot Church
Ackley School Dist. No. 6 (Sabinsville) r 11
Arnold Sarah A. (Sabinsville) r 7, bds with George Atwell
Atwell George A. (Sabinsville) r 7, farm laborer
Austin Samuel E. (Sabinsville) laborer Sabin n cemetery
Bailey Myron W. (Lansing) off r 40, farmer 50
Bailey Robert H. (Sabinsville) off r 24, laborer [Maple]
Bair Thomas A. (Sabinsville) physician and surgeon, h and lot
Baker David (Lansing) off r 34, laborer
Baker Henry G. (Westfield) r 5, dairy 15 cows, farmer on shares for B B Strang estate about 280
Baker Lorenzo D. (Westfield) r 5, farmer with Henry G.
Baker Marion (Lansing) r 23, farmer 28
Baker Thomas (Sabinsville) r 32, farmer 100
Balch C. Vernon (Sabinsville) r 26, apiarist 16 colonies, farmer 100
Ballard Edward M. (Potter Brook) r 2, dairy 10 cows, farmer on shares for Almond King estate 110 
Barber Edward R. (Sabinsville) r 5½, farm laborer
Barber Myron P., r 22, dairy 10 cows, farmer 125
Barto Martin W. (Lansing) r 34, farmer on shares for Stephen Stiles about 80
Bates Jerome (Azelta) r 30, farmer 4 owned by wife Celestia J. and 8 owned by Albert
Beach Augustus C. (Gurnee) r 33, farmer 74, also works on shares for J.B. Beach 45 
Beach Burdette, r 16, farmer 155
Beach Clark W. (Westfield) r 22, cheese factory
Beach Justus C. (Sabinsville) jobber of tobacco and cigars Main, h do
Beach Mary, widow William G. (Lansing) r 21½, farmer for W. B. Beach estate 44
Beach Moranvill K. (Sabinsville) r 21½, farm 203
Beach School Dist No. 5, r 16
Beach Wallace B. (Lansing) r 22, farmer 152
Begell Benjamin F. (Potter Brook) r 2, farmer, 138, also works on shares for Charles Weeks of Westfield, 157
Belcher C. Edgar (Lansing) off r 39, locomotive fireman and lumberman
Belcher George W. (Lansing) off r 39, carpenter and lumberman
Belcher Samuel (Lansing) off 39, boarding house and farmer 3
Belcher Samuel T. (Lansing) r 40 n 21, section hand B&S R R
Benn J. Norman (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer, 50
Benn William W. (Sabinsville)r 26, farmer, 20
Bennett William W. (Sabinsville) off r 27, laborer
Bevier Alta L. (Sabinsville) telegraph operator, hardware, stoves, etc., Church, h do
Bevier Edgar (Sabinsville) h Church
Bliss Algernon (Sabinsville) laborer, h and lot, Gaines
Bliss A. Riley (Sabinsville) carpenter, h and lot Second n Church
Bliss Norman (Sabinsville) laborer, h with Algernon
Bliss Richard M. (Sabinsville) r 23, farmer for Luell Roberts, 140
Bliss William B. (Azelta) r 30, farmer on shares for Charles Edwards, 140
Blue Abbie (Lansing) off r 21, widow Isaac
Blue Frank (Lansing) off r 21, laborer
Blue Levi (Lansing) r 21, farmer, 50
Blue Watson (Lansing) r 21, farmer on shares for Levi, 50
Boardman William H. (Sabinsville) r 10, farmer, 73
Bower Andrew (Sabinsville) druggist for M. E. Kelts, Main cor Gaines, bds do, h at Blossburg
Brague Ernest N. (Azelta) r 28, laborer
Briggs Adelbert (Azelta) r 31½, farmer, 30
Briggs Burt (Sabinsville) r 24, farmer, 82½, also farms on shares for Mrs. Eliza Stephens, 50
Briggs Chenie E. (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 55
Briggs Emma D. (Azelta) r 3½, widow Franklin, h with Adlebert
Briggs Palmer (Sabinsville) r 4, farmer, 50
Briggs Robert W. (Sabinsville) farmer on r 26, 160 and on r 35, 45 acres, h Main
Briggs Wesley (Lansing) r 23, supervisor and farmer, 50
Bristol Cheney W. (Sabinsville), r 23, dairy 12 cows, farmer, 60, also leases of Edwin about 150
Bristol Edwin (Sabinsville) farmer, 150 on r 23, h and lot Maple
Brower Edsil (Sabinsville) r 26 cor 12½, laborer, h and 3 acres
Brown Daniel (Sabinsville) mason, h Maple
Brown Willard (Sabinsville) r 27, retired farmer
Brownell Hiram (Lansing) r 22 n 39, school director and farmer, 17
Bruce C. Frank (Sabinsville) r 12½, carpenter and mason
Bruce Charles F. (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer 110
Burley Emmett (Sabinsville) r 9, farmer
Burnside Alonzo (Sabinsville) r 27, tobacco grower 2½ acres, farmer 74 
Burnside S. Watson (Sabinsville) r 10, farmer, 40
Burnside Wilson J. (Sabinsville) r 27, school director, farmer, 56 and 40 owned by wife
Bush Job (Sabinsville) lumberman and farmer, 50, h and lot Main
Butts Adelia C., widow Charles N. (Sabinsville) (M A B & Co.) h and lot Second
Butts Lizzie, Mrs. M A (Sabinsville) asst in store M A Butts & Co. h Church
Butts M A & Co. (Sabinsville) Marcena A. & and Adelia C. groceries; clothing, flour, feed, etc. Church
Butts Marcena A., (M A Butts & Co.) h Church
Calkins Myron (Azelta) r 28¾, laborer
Carl Eli D. (Sabinsville) mason, h off Second
Case David D. (Sabinsville) r 25, farmer, 46
Case Lydia (Sabinsville) widow David, h Main
Chamberlain Charles S. (Sabinsville) r 28, collector and farmer, 80
Chamberlain Edward (Sabinsville) r 11, 75 sheep, apiarist 37 colonies and farmer, 113
Chamberlain Eva M. (Sabinsville) r 11, school teacher
Chamberlain Mark I. (Sabinsville) r 11, farmer with Edward 
Chisom Frank N. (Sabinsville) barber, h and two lots, Second
Chisom Horatio (Sabinsville) h and lot, Second n Church
Chisom John M. (Sabinsville) carpenter, son of Horatio
Chisom Louise S. (Mrs. Horatio) (Sabinsville) milliner, Second n Church
Churchill Wilbur (Sabinsville) breeder of Jersey, Gurnsey and Holstein cattle, 14 cows, grower No. 7 oats and farmer, 144 on r 4, h and lot, Main
Churchill William M. (Sabinsville) r 4, dairy 14 cows, farmer on shares for Wilbur, 144
Clapp Charles A. (Potter Brook) r 2, farmer on shares for James Metcalf, 148
Clark B E & Co. (Sabinsville) (Burt E. & Millard F. Clarke) merchant millers, proprs. Sabinsville Roller Mills, Gaines
Clark Burt E. (Sabinsville) ( B E C & Co.) h and lot, Church
Clark Millard F. (Sabinsville) (B E C & Co.) h and lot, Church
Cleveland Anna (Gurnee) r 33, music teacher
Cleveland Charles (Gurnee) r 33, laborer
Cleveland De Forest (Gurnee) r 33, laborer
Cloverdale Cheese Factory No. 8 (Sabinsville) E B Schot propr, Church 
Colbath Harry (Sabinsville) section hand B & S RR, bds with William J.
Colbath William J. (Sabinsville) carriagemaker, h Second
Cole Charles D. (Sabinsville) engineer, miller and sawyer for E B Schott, bds Church
Cole Chester B. (Sabinsville) propr planning and shingle mill, Main, h and about 3½ acres do
Cole Herman A. (Sabinsville) son of Chester B.
Cole Rant L. (Sabinsville) carpenter, h Maple
Cole Sherman E. (Sabinsville) clerk, bds with Chester B.
Cole William (Sabinsville) carpenter and builder, h and lot Second
Collins Henry W. (Sabinsville) r 15, farmer 70
Collins Richard R. (Sabinsville) r 15, farmer 50
Conway Lucinda (Sabinsville) widow John, h Church
Cook Angeline (Sabinsville) widow John, h and lot Second
Cook Charles G. (Sabinsville) mason, bds with Angeline
Cook Harris (Sabinsville) laborer, h and lot Gaines
Cook Leslie E. (Sabinsville) laborer, son of Harris
Cooper Burdick (Sabinsville) r 31½, farmer 33
Cooper George E. (Azelta) r 28, laborer
Corey A. Frederick (Lansing) r 21, carpenter and mason
Cornish Thomas M. (Sabinsville) r 31½, farmer on shares for Burdick Cooper 33
Cross Willett (Azelta) r 28, laborer
Cummings Emily (Azelta) r 30, widow George, farmer 60
Cummings Frank G. (Azelta) r 30, farmer 50, also works for Mrs. Emily 60
Curtis William O. (Phillips Station) off r 9½, farmer 75
Davis Bert E. (Sabinsville) clerk, son of Charles M.
Davis Charles M. (Sabinsville) postmaster, h Maple
Davis John (Davis & Ritter) (Lansing) r 39, postmaster and farmer 175, and in Hector, Potter Co., 125
Davis & Ritter (John Davis and W. A. Ritter) (Lansing) r 39, general merchandise and farm implements
Davy John H. (Sabinsville) r 25, brakeman B & S RR, son of Sylvester H.
Davy Sylvester H. (Sabinsville) r 25, farmer 66, owned by wife Nancy
Davy Sylvester N. (Potter Brook) r 17, blacksmith
Decker Jerry (Sabinsville) r 10 cor 9, laborer
DeGraw Benajah W. (Sabinsville) r 25, laborer, son of Jonas W.
DeGraw Grattan W. (Sabinsville) farm laborer, son of Jonas W. h and 3 acres
DeGraw Jonas W. (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer 40
DeGraw Jonas W. Jr. (Sabinsville) r 26, son of Jonas W., h and 3 acres
Dimon Edward C. (Sabnsville) r 26, farmer 104
Dininny Owen R. (Lansing) r 37, laborer
Doty George W. (Sabinsville) blacksmith for J Romain, Main, h Church
Doty J. Romain (Sabinsville) general blacksmith and horseshoer, judge of election Main, h Church
Douglass Eldred A. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Church
Douglass George W. (Sabinsville) h and lot Church, also h and lot Main
Draper David (Lansing) r 38, farmer on shares for W R Burdic estate, 30
Draper Edwin D. (Lansing) r 21, laborer
East Beach Woods School District No. 7 (Sabinsville) r 27
Edwards Steven (Lansing) r 20, farmer on shares for M K Beach, 203
Eldredge Benjamin D. (Sabinsville) school teacher, bds with Jasper L. Scott
Eldredge Bert (Sabinsville) r 12, farmer with Edward
Eldredge Charles (Sabinsville) r 12, lumberman, son of Edward
Eldredge Edgar (Sabinsville) r 3, 17 cows, farmer on shares for John Eldredge, 208
Eldredge Hite (Sabinsville) r 3, farmer with Edgar
Eldredge John (Sabinsville) r 13, cor 24, farmer, 333
Elk Lick School District No. 4 (Sabinsville) r 13 cor 14
Ellis Chloe (Savinsville) widow Chester, h n Main
Ellis Simon W. (Sabinsville) town auditor and carpenter, h Main
Elwood Jennie (Lansing) r 21, widow Willis M., bds with Abraham Phillips
Faulkner Lemuel M. (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer, 206
Faulkner Leonard A. (Sabinsville) r 35, farmer, 122
Fish Arthur P. (Lansing) r 39 cor 21, section hand B & S RR
Fish Elwood L. (Lansing) r 39 cor 21, laborer
Fish Lily G. (Lansing) off r 39. station agent B & S RR
Fish Mary A. (Lansing) r 39 cor 21, widow E. Potter
Fish William E. (Lansing) r 39 cor 21, log loader B & S RR
Foote Benjamin (Lansing) r 37, farmer, 60, owned by wife
Foote Ina (Mrs. Benjamin) (Lansing) r 37, farm 60
Frasier Jacob, r 15, farmer on shares for J. H. Rushmore, 200
Frasier Leon, farm laborer
French Fay J. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Gaines
French Ray J. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Gaines
Frith Samuel (Lansing) r 40, farmer, about 36
French J. Jay (Sabinsville) laborer, h Second
French Nancy D. (Sabinsville) widow Joseph, farm in Westfield about 40, h Gaines
Gee Burt A. (Sabinsville) town clerk, traveling tobacco salesman h Maple
Gee Charles B. (Sabinsville) farmer, 32, owns stallion "Tom Gee," h Maple n Church
Gee Ellen L. (Mrs. Charles B.) (Sabinsville) dressmaker, Maple n Church
Gee Harry B. (Sabinsville) musician, bds with Charles b.
Gee Van Rensselaer (Sabinsville) justice of the peace, farmer, 44
Gerry David (Azelta) r 29, farmer, 50
Gerry Mary A (Azelta) r 39, owns on r 28, farm, 7½
Giggie Loren (Gurnee) off 31, farmer, about 200
Gile Asa (Azelta) r 28¾, retired farmer
Gill Benjamin F (Sabinsville) r 33 cor 32, dairy 16 cows and farmer on shares for Mrs. Eliza Decker, 220
Goodspeed Ida A (Mrs. Francis) ( Sabinsville) Francis Goodspeed manager, dealer in flour, feed, crockery and glassware, Church, h Sabin
Green Thomas S (Sabinsville) r 12½, bds with Marvin D. Wicks
Griffin Benjamin A (Sabinville) r 6, farmer, 175 
Griffin Clark S (Sabinsville) r 25 n 26, farmer, son of Silas A.
Griffin Elmer A (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer with William A.
Griffin Frank A W (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer with Lucius
Griffin L Amos (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer, 34
Griffin Lemuel A (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer, 51
Griffin Lucius (Sabinsville) r 27, tobacco grower, 2½ acres, apiarist 30 colonies and farmer, 111
Griffin Silas A (Sabinsville) 4 25 n 26, dairy 18 cows, farmer, 300
Griffin William A (Sabinsville) r 27, apiarist 33 colonies and farmer, 66
Guild Eugene B(Sabinsville) h and lost, Second
Guild Frank (Azelta) r 30, laborer
Guild Harry W (Sabinsville) laborer, son of Eugene B
Guild Jean (Azelta) r 30, farmer with Olive
Guild Lavina (Azelta) r29, farm 25
Guild Lester (Azelta) r 29, laborer, son of Norris
Guild Livingston (Azelta) r 29, son of Norris
Guild Norris (Azelta) r 29, farmer, 25, owned by daughter Lavina
Guild Olive, widow Alonzo (Azelta) r30, farm 32
Guild Seymour M (Sabinville) laborer, son of Eugene B.
Guild William (Azelta) r 29, laborer, son of Norris
Gunn Eli (Sabinsville) r 6, farm laborer, h and lot
Gunn Johanna (Sabinsville) r 6, widow Charles
Hackett Hiram L. (Sabinsville) r 8, farmer, 71
Hackett Menzo (Sabinsville) 4 36, farmer on shares for Mrs. Clarinda Schoonover, 111
Hancock William W (Sabinsville) laborer, Sabin n Cemetery
Harvey Betsey, widow George (Lansing) r 39
Harvey Charles (Lansing) r 39, farmer, 86
Harvey John (Lansing) r 21, cor 19½, farmer, 84
Hess Frank (Sabinsville) r 15, town auditor, carpenter, mason and farmer, 27
Hess Hiram E. (Sabinsville) r15, farmer with Newbold W
Hess Howard (Sabinsville) r 15, farmer with Newbold W
Hess Melvin H (Sabinsville) r 15, farmer with Newbold W
Hess Newbold W (Sabinsville) r 15, farmer, 113
Higgins Promise (Sabinsville) laborer, h Main
Higgins Thomas (Sabinsville) laborer, son of Promise
Hill Robert S. (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 40, also works on share for Edward Winters, 40
Hoffman Edwin E. (Sabinsville)carpenter, son of Peter B
HOFFMAN PETER B., (Sabinsville) school director, carpenter and builder, h and lost Second, and on r 6½, farm 10
Hoffman Susan (Sabinsville) dressmaker, Second
Holmes John D. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Gaines
HOTEL BEACH (Sabinsville) Lester W. Rice propr., Main cor Church
Hoose Frederick H. (Sabinville) r 6, farmer son of Jed G.
Hoose Jed G. (Sabinville) r 6, farmer, 67
Hults Samuel (Sabinsville) r 24, farmer, 33
Hunter Celia (Azelta) r 28¾, widow Thomas
Hunter Ward (Azelta) r 28¾, farmer, about 20
Hulburt Samuel (Potter Brook) r1, farmer, leases of Mrs. Malford 
Hulburt M Burnett (Lansing) off r 21, farmer, leases of Mrs. E. Frost, about 200
Jackson Daniel (Lansing) r 38, farmer 116
Jamison School Dist No. 9 (Azelta) r 28
Jeffers Ulysses (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Jennings William B (Potter Brook) r 2, farmer with William E.
Jennings William E. (Potter Brook) r 2, farmer, 74
Johnson Eugene, r 16, farmer, on shares for Burdette Beach. 135
Johnson Vernet W., r 17, postmaster, breeder Shropshire sheep and Holstein cattle and farmer, 80
Jones Casper (Lansing) r22, laborer
Judson Edward M. (Sabinsville) laborer, Main
Kelley Sally M. (Sabinsville) widow Sylvester, h Second
Kelts Carl L. (Sabinsville) clerk for M. E. bds do
KELTS M. E. (Mary E.) (Sabinsville) Roland R. Kelts, mgr, dry goods, groceries, clothing, drugs, etc. Main cor Gaines, h do
KELTS ROLAND R. (Sabinsville) mgr for M. E. Kelts, general merchandise Main cor Gaines, h do
Kernan James H. (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer 90, also works on shares for Charles F. Bruce, 110 
Kilbourn Horace C. (Lansing) r 39, farmer on shares for Silas Davis
King Alfred (Sabinsville) h and lot Gaines
King Samuel O. (Azelta) r 28, farmer 50
King Sylvester (Sabinsville) r 28, blacksmith and farmer, 64
King T. Louis (Sabinsville) r 28, son of Sylvester
Knowlton Herbert A. (Westfield) r 3, hay presser and farmer, 70
La Bar John T. (Sabinsville) retired farmer, h and lot Gaines
La Bar Thompson J. (Potter Brook) r 1, farmer, 64 owned by John La Bar
Ladd Elbern L. (Azelta) r 28, apiarist 20 colonies and farmer, 55
Ladd Elizabeth A. (Azelta) r 28, widow John
Ladd Ernest (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 47
Lansing School Dist. No. 2 (Lansing) r39
Larrison Harry H. (Lansing) r 22, farmer, 124
Larrison J. Gurnee (Lansing) r 22, retired farmer
Lattimer James L. (Sabinsville) r 27 n 32, apiarist 22 colonies and farmer, 59
Lovel J. Edwin (Potter Brook) r 17, laborer
Lovel Loren (Potter Brook) r 17, farmer 40
Lovel Wilmer E. (Potter Brook) r 17, farmer with Loren
Luther Simeon (Sabinsville) lives with W. J. Colbath
Mack Henry (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 50
Mack Milford F. (Azelta) r 28, farmer with Henry
Maddocks O. Walter (Sabinsville) blacksmith, wagon repairer, off Main, h Main
Maker Tamma L. (Sabinsville) widow Benjamin, h and lot, Sabin n cemetery
Mann Andrew J. (Sabinsville) (Peters & Mann) h Church cor Hollow road
Manning Grank G. (Potter Brook) r 1, lumberman
Manning Gilbert M. (Potter Brook) r 1, school director, apiarist 40 colonies, breeder of game and buff Plymouth Rock fowls, farmer, 93
Manning Orie A. (Potter Brook) r 1, student, son of Gilbert H.
May Harry (Lansing) r 37, laborer
McLachlin Etta E. (Sabinsville) dressmaker, Main
McLachlin Mary A. (Sabinsville) widow Edward A. dressmaker, Main, h do
McCullough James (Lansing) r 37 cor 39, farmer, 340, also leases of George Burdick estate 42
Miller Edward A. (Lansing) off r 40, laborer
Miller Henry (Sabinsville) r 5½, laborer
Mintonye John E. (Westfield) r 5, farmer, 66
Moon Bert R. (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Moon Charles (Lansing) r 22, farmer with Dwight E.
Moon J. Curtis, r 22, farmer with Perry F.
Moon Dwight E. (Lansing) r 22, farmer on shares for C. W. Beach 140
Moon Frank (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Moon Frederick (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Moon Perry F., r 22, farmer on shares for C. W. Beach, 200
Morton Frank T. (Sabinsville) r 3, farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary Morton, 185
Morton Sarah Mrs. (Lansing) r 21
Neal Judson (Lansing) off r 40, farmer, 150
Nichols Frank B. (Sabinsville) laborer, Second
Niver Benjamin (Lansing) r 40, laborer
Niver Charles (Lansing) r 40, apiarist 15 colonies and farmer, 40
Niver John S. (Sabinsville) r 25, laborer
Nuson John S. (Sabinsville) r 25, laborer
Oakley George K. (Sabinsville) off r 27, son of William W.
Oakley William A. (Sabinsville) off r 27, farmer, 100, also works on shares for John T. VanNess 30
Owen Milo (Lansing) off r 40, farmer, 6
Owen Oscar (Lansing) r 40, farmer, 40
Owen Philander, (Lansing) off r 21, farmer for William Owen estate, 37
Parshall J. Peter (Sabinsville) section foreman B&S R R , h off Maple
Payne Frank C. (Azelta) r 28½, farmer with Worcester
Payne Ferris V. (Azelta) r 28, laborer
Payne Worcester (Azelta) r 28, farmer with Frank C. 60, 2½ acres tobacco
Perry Morris J. (Sabinsville) r 27, dairy 11 cows an farmer, 160
Peters Mary M. (Sabinsville) widow Orsemous W., h Church
Peters & Mann (Sabinsville) (O Washington P., Andrew J.M.) general blacksmiths, wagon repairers and mfrs bee hives, apiarists 20 colonies, Hollow road
Peters O. Washington (Sabinsville) (Peters & Mann) h Church cor Hollow road
Phillips Abraham (Lansing) r 21, meat peddler and farmer, 93
Potter Archibald (Sabinsville) r 3, farmer, 30
Potter Brook School District No. 2, r 1 cor 2
Potter William C. (Sabinsville) shoemaker and laborer, h and lot Main
Putman DeWitt C. (Westfield) off r 3, farmer on shares for Cora Trowbridge, 240
Ransom Nellie (Sabinsville) r 31, school teacher
Ransom Thomas J. (Sabinsville) r 31, farmer, 77
Rexford George R. (Lansing) r 24, cor 23, farmer, son of James W.
Rexford James W. (Lansing) r 24 cor 23, stock dealer, dairy 12 cows and farmer, 256
Rexford Walter H. (Lansing) r 24 cor 23, farmer, son of James W.
Reynolds Rhesa I. (Sabinsville) retired farmer, h and lot Maple
Reynolds William H. (Azelta) r 28, farm 54
Rice Lester W. (Sabinsville) propr Hotel Beach, Main cor Church, owns farm 50 in Chatham
Ritter William r. (Davis & Ritter) (Lansing) h over store
Roberts Adlebert A. (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer, 65
Roberts Byron (Lansing) r 19½, farmer on shares for John Niver 40
Roberts Ernest L. (Sabinsville) farm 100 in Deerfield, h Maple n Church
Roberts George A. (Sabinsville) furniture, undertaker and agricultural implements n B &S depot, h Maple n Church
Roberts Jane (Azelta) r 31½, widow Carlisle, farmer 89
Roberts Luell J. (Sabinsville) traveling agent for Adriance, Platt & Co. and farmer 140, h Maple
Roberts Lysle E. (Sabinsville) student, son of George A.
Roberts Mary A. (Sabinsville) r 26, widow Dennis 
Robinson Savina H. (Sabinsville) r 9, farm laborer
Rowland Charles (Sabinsville) r 7, farmer on shares for Alvin Sweazey 75 and for Charles Sweazey 30
Rowland Eugene (Sabinsville) r 27, farmer with Uriah G.
Rowland James B. (Sabinsville)r 27, farmer with Uriah G.
Rowland Uriah G. (Savinsville) r 27, farmer about 106 and in Westfield 91
Rushmore Clare (Sabinsville) r 26, cigarmaker, bds with George Sutherland
Rushmore Joshua H. off r 16, cheese factory, dairy 20 cows and farmer 200 and in Hector, Potter Co. 88
Sabins Luman E. (Sabinsville) r 24, constable and town treasurer, apiarist 25 colonies, dairy 22 cows, and farmer 250
Sabins Phoebe F. (Sabinsville) r 24, widow Alonzo G.
Sabinsville Primary School, Dist No. 10 (Sabinsville) r 13
Sabinsville Roller Mills (Sabinsville) B. E. Clark & Co. props, manuf flour, feed, meal, &c. Gaines
Sabinsville School Dist No. 1 (Sabinsville) r 13
Sawyer Lucy (Lansing) off r 39, widow Albert
Schoonover Clarinda (Sabinsville) r 36, widow Thomas, farmer 111
Schoonover Floyd C. (Azelta) r 28½, farmer with Mansel
Schoonover Mansel (Azelta) r 28¾, thresher and farmer 104½
Schott Edwin B. (Sabinsville) prop saw mill, feed mill and Cloverdale cheese factory No. 8, and farmer 34, Church
Schott Eli D., r 16, farmer 80
Scott Jasper L. (Sabinsville) r 23, farmer 80, h and lot
Scott J. Clayton (Sabinsville) r 23, farmer with Jasper
Scott Susan E. (Lansing) r 22, widow Levi, farm 64
Scott Winfield (Sabinsville) r 13, school director, dairy 13 cows, apiarist 44 colonies, farmer 100
Seagers James L. (Lansing) r 22, farmer 95, and in Westfield h and 7 acres, r acres tobacco
Sears Frank L. (Sabinsville) general merchant Main
Sensabaugh Amason N. (Sabinsville) r 31, farmer 33
Seymour Edward F. (Sabinsville)laborer, Church
Seymour Julian W. (Sabinsville) r 11½, farm laborer
Shelley Charles L.(Lansing) off r 40, farmer
Shelley David (Lansing) off r 40, farmer
Shelley Darius (Lansing) off r 40, laborer
Shelley Edward (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Shelley Emily Mrs. (Lansing) off r 40
Shelley Phebe, widow Nicholas (Lansing) r 21, bds with Edward
Skinner Benjamin F. (Potter Brook) r 1 n line, apiarist 35 colonies and farmer, 60
Smith Milton B. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Second
Smith Platt A. (Sabinsville) r 23, n 14, farmer, 20
Smith William B. r 19, farmer on shares for Eli O. Scott, about 20
Smith W.W. Wayne (Sabinsville) shoemaker, Main n Church, h Maple
Southworth Charles (Phillips Station) r 9½, farmer, 93, also works with Franklin Southworth and William O. Curtis 135
Southworth Franklin (Phillips Station) r 9½, farmer, 60 also works with Charles Southworth and William O. Curtis 168
Southworth Fred L. (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer, leases of John Southworth 55
Southworth John (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer, 96
Stafford Andrew J. (Sabinsville) r 32, farmer, 64
Stafford John W. (Phillips Station) r 8, farmer on shares for Marvin Swimley estate 75
Stebbins Cora I. (Sabnsville) music Teacher, also farm 39½, h Main n Church
Stebbins George A. (Sabinsville) farmer on r 6½, about 25, also works on shares for Cora I. Stebbins 39½, owns imported Percheron stallion "Magendie" (reg) 2 acres tobacco, h Main
Stebbins Gerald L. (Sabinsville) station agt B & S R R, agt W F & Co’s Express, mgr W U Telegraph, h Gaines cor Railroad
Stebbins Gury H (Sabinsville) traveling salesman for Adriance Platt & Co., h Gaines
Stebbins Lydia A ( Sabinsville) widow Elijah H., h and 3 acres, Main n Church, apiarist 50 colonies
Stephens Albert W. (Sabinsville) laborer, h Maple
Stephens Eliza (Sabinsville) widow Erastus P., farmer, 50
Sternburg Joseph (Potter Brook) r 1, farmer, 55
Stewart Minnie B. (Lansing) r 37 cor 39, school teacher
Stewart Nancy, widow John (Lansing) r 37 cor 39
Stiles John (Lansing) r 37, farmer, son of Stephen
Stiles Stephen (Lansing) r 37, farmer, about 300
Stocum George (Sabinsville) bds with A. W. Stephens
Stone Charles W. (Sabinsville) r 25, farmer, about 15, owned by Elizabeth
Stone Elizabeth, widow Lewis J. (Sabinsville) r 25, farm about 15
Stone Henry (Sabinsville) r 5½, farmer, 140
Stone Phebe (Westfield) r 5 cor 5½, farmer, 70 
Strait Curtis (Azelta) r 28, farm laborer
Strait Kenyon D. (Azelta) r 28, farmer with Stephen
Strait Norman F. (Azelta) r 3½, farmer, leases of Mrs. Jane Roberts 89
Strait Stephen (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 60
Sutherland George (Sabinsville) r 26, farmer, 54
Sweazey Alvin (Sabinsville) r 7, school director, farmer, 75
Sweazey Verge E. (Sabinsville) r 7, medical student, son of Alvin 
Swimelar Frederick K. (Sabinsville) r 7, farmer, 29
Swimelar Joseph (Sabinsville) r 10, apiarist 23 colonies, farmer 55, also farm 55 owned by wife
Swimelar Martha (sabnsville) r 7, farmer, 25
Tadder Charles E. (Lansing) r 22, cheesemaker
Terwilliger Elmer E. (Lansing) r 23, apiarist 18 colonies and farmer, 45
Thompson Edward A. (Azelta) r 28, postmaster, candy and cigars, h and 8 acres, also cider and grist mill, also works on shares with James L. for Mrs. Nettie M. Abbey, 38
Thompson James L. (Azelta) r 28¾, pension atty, farmer, 8, also works on shares with Edward A. for Mrs. Nettie M. Abbey, 38
Trimmer Joseph L. (Westfield) r 5, stock dealer and farmer, 60
Trowbridge A. Dorr, r 19, farmer with Asher B.
Trowbridge Asher B., r 19, breeder Holstein cattle, dairy 9 cows and farmer, 150
Trowbridge May M., r 19, widow Onan
Trowbridge Ray R. (Lansing) off r 21, farmer, leases of Onan Trowbridge estate, 74
Trowbridge William E., r 19, farmer, leases of Onan Trowbridge estate about 100
Truax Albert (Lansing) r 21, laborer
Vance Benjamin F. (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 6
Van Ness Caroline C. (Sabinsville) r 25, widow Peter, farmer with Clark J.
Van Ness Clark J. (Sabinsville) r 25, farmer, 90
Wamsley Henry C. (Azelta) r 28½, painter and paper hanger, h and lot
Watkins J. Edward (Westfield) r 4, farmer, son of William
Watkins William M. (Westfield) r 4, wool grower, 140 sheep and farmer, 106, and in Westfield, 96
Weeks Clarence r. (Azelta) r 31½, carpenter and buildr, h with Mr. Jane Roberts
Weeks Gurdon H. (Azelta) r 28, laborer, son of Ritner
Weeks Ritner (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 16, also mail carrier
Weeks Roswell (Azelta) r 28, farmer, 15
Welch Walter (Sabinsville), farm laborer
West Beach Woods School Dist. No. 28 (Sabinsville) r 35 cor 37
Wetherbee Frederick D. (Sabinsville) r 25 n 26, farmer, 80
Wheaton Frank L. (Potter Brook) r 1, farmer, 50
Wheaton Myron M. r 17, farm laborer
Whitaker Edward L. (Sabinsville) r 13,school teacher
Whitaker Frank M. (Sabinsville) r 13, farmer, 48
Whitaker Marion (Sabinsville) r 13, farmer with Frank M.
Whitfield George (Lansing) r 40, farmer, 31
Whiting David L. (Sabinsville) r 31, farmer, 50
Wicks Marion D. (Sabinsville) r 12½, painter and paper hanger, apiarist 20 colonies
Wilcox Joseph D. (Sabinsville) r 13, farmer, with Winfield Scott
Wilcox Ruby V. (Sabinsville) r 13, school teacher
Wilcox William W. (Sabinsville) r 13, farmer, 109
Wiles Amos W. (Sabinsville) r 5½, farm laborer
Wilkins Clark (Gurnee) r 33, farmer, 62
Williams Albert V. (Westfield) r 5 cor 5½, farmer with Mrs. Phebe Stone
Wood Eli B. (Sabinsville) r 23, farmer for Samuel Champaign, about 190
Woodcock Darwin P. (Sabinsville) r 9, farmer with Frederick E.
Woodcock Frank H. (Sabinsville) r 35, wool from 95 sheep, farmer, 156
Woodcock Frederick E. (Sabinsville) r 9, wool grower 113 sheep, farmer, 180
Woody Florence Mrs. (Sabinsville) school teacher, h with Alfred King
Yale Aaron (Sabinsville) r 12, farm 80
Yale George W. (Sabinsville) r 9, dairy 11 cows, farmer on shares for C. C. Ackley estate, about 155
Yale Jay C. (Sabinsville) r 7, supervisor, farmer on shares for C. C. Ackley estate, 200
Young W. Henry (Lansing) r 40, farmer, 80