Pitts Samuel, engineer, h 120 W Gray
Plaisted W. A., foreman Richardson & Co, bds 608 Park pl
Plate Frank, carpenter, h 109 Spring
Platt Hosea L., laborer, h cor E Thurston and Sullivan
Platt John, h 152 High
Platt John H., teamster, h 396 E Thurston
Platt Willis, bridge builder, h 258 Partridge
Playford Charles, laborer, h 116 Chestnut
Plowman William H., (Plowman, Chapman & McCann), h 419 W Gray
Plum Bertha M., bds 224 Lormore
Plum Electa A., widow Hiram A., h 224 Lormore
Plum John E., carpenter, h 117 Brand
Plum Joseph, tailor 100 E Water, h 158 DeWitt
Plumb George E., (Plumb & Sheldons), h 512 William
Plumb & Sheldons, (G E P and F M and W M Sheldsons), wholesale saddlery hardware 700 Madison av cor E Fifth (see adv page 4)
Plummer S. C. Mrs., bookkeeper, bds 415 Main
Plummer Selah, meat market W Fifth cor Main, bds 415 Main
Podshadua Albert, h 356 E Fifth
Pofall William, grocer, h 611 Sullivan
Poland Patrick, barkeeper Rathbun house, bds do
Poleman Gustav J., teamster, h 528 W Hudson
Polhamus Frank, brakeman D L & W R R,. h 368 Diven
Polhamus Maynard S., brakeman D L & W R R, h 1308 Hall
Polhamus Theodore, brakeman D L & W R R, h 368 Diven av
Polhamus Theodore, conductor D L & W R R, h 369 Diven av
Polhamus William, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 369 Diven av
Police Commissioners Office, Masonic Temple Lake
Police Office at City Hall
Pollack Julius S., optician, h 304 High
Polley William, blacksmith D L & W R R, h 152 W Washington av
Pollock Adaline, bds 959 Main
Pollock Andrew J., groceries 322 W Fifth, h 306 1-2 W Water
Pollock Elsworth C., emp blast furnace, bds 959 Main
Pollock Robert, emp blast furnace, h 158 Broadway
Pollock William, laborer, bds 150 Broadway
Pollock William, emp blast furnace, h 959 Main
Pompe John, woodturner, h driving park Grand Central av
Pond Ashley, conductor, bds 468 Baldwin
Pond Byon G., clerk 611 E Clinton, h 208 E Hudson
Pond DeWitt, blacksmith, bds 112 E Hudson
Pond Edward C., bookkeeper Payne shops, 357 Spaulding
Pond Marlin E., slater, bds 109 E Church
Pool Orline, widow John L., bds 458 W First
Pope Joseph, h 374 W Fifth
Popek Frank, shoemaker, h 53 First av
Poppino Fred C., carpenter at bridge works, h 5 Lemon
Poppino Richard, laborer, bds 5 Lemon
Popular Book Store (The) Hosmer H. Billings 112 Baldwin (see center lines)
Porter Anna M., dressmaker, bds 510 Jefferson
Porter Charles H., carpenter, h 412 W Second
Porter Daniel, engineer N C R R, h 510 Jefferson
Poeter Immogene Mrs., dressmaker 226 Mt Zoar, bds do
Porter Kate S., milliner, bds 510 Jefferson
Porter Lizzie C., operator Tel Ex, bds 510 Jefferson
Porter Orson, blacksmith 206 Maple av, bds 223 do
Porter Theodore F., com trav, h 162 S Elm
Porter Zeley W., laborer, h 229 Mt Zoar
Post Anna E., bds 916 College av
Post Arthur W. (McDowell & Post), h 109 Harmon
Post Charles, clerk 105 E Water, bds 916 College av
Post Elsie M., widow, h 206 W Chemung pl
Post G. H., bds Pattinson house
Post Helen, bds 916 College av
Post James H., conductor N C R R, h 916 College av
Post Lewis, machinist, h 755 1-2 Harper
Post Myron G., bds 206 W Chemung
Post Office, Masonic Temple, Lake, Dr. Henry Flood, postmaster
Post William T., real estate 101 E Market cor Railroad av, h 708 Park pl
Post William H., express messenger, h 510 College av
Postal Telegraph Cable Co., C. L. Jones, mgr., cor E Water and Baldwin
Potoski Michael, laborer, h 664 Baldwin
Potter Albert R., shoemaker, h 318 W Fourth
Potter Carrie E., box factory, bds 100 E Hudson
Potter Charles H., pension attorney E Water, bds 814 W Church
Potter Cranston T., h 506 William
Potter Elizabeth, widow Henry, h 651 E Market
Potter Elmer E., conductor N C R R, h 409 W Fifth
Potter Fernando D., clerk, bds 651 E Market
Potter Hattie M., bookkeeper, bds 506 William
Potter Henry W., bds 651 E Market
Potter Lulu, bds 112 E Water
Potter Mary, physician 348 W Fourth, h do
Poulle Andrew, stonecutter, h 901 E Market
Poulle Henry, laborer, bds 901 E Market
Poulle William, stonecutter, bds 901 E Market
Pond Benjamin S., clerk 511 E Clinton, bds 208 DeWitt
Pound Joseph, carpenter A D Hart, h 110 Fulton
Pound Wesley W., clerk 313 E Water, bds 700 1-2 Oak
Pound William, carpenter A D Hart, h 700 1-2 Oak
Pound William R. W., druggist 224 W Water, h 210 College av
Pound William W., clerk, bds 700 1-2 Oak
Poussette Maude, nurse Arnot-Ogden hospital
Powell Anna, teacher school No 1, bds 378 W Fourth
Powell Bert N., clerk E C & N R R, h Irvine pl
Powell Bridget, widow Martin, h 378 W Fourth
Powell Carpenter, flagman E C & N R R, bds Irvine pl
Powell Clara A., dressmaker, h 908 E Church
Powell Fred, emp N C freight office bds 318 W Fourth
Powell Hattie, bds 318 W Fourth
Powell James, postal clerk, Erie R R, h 324 W Fourth
Powell James L., laborer, h 308 W Hudson
Powell John G., drayman, h 908 E Church
Powell Margaret, widow John, h 318 W Fourth
Powell Martin, h 916 E Church
Powell Martin, trav salesman, bds 318 W Fourth
Powell Michael, laborer, h 428 W Fifth
Powell Nathaniel, cigar maker, bds 407 W Hudson
Powell Patrick, policeman, h 912 Main
Powell Thomas, student, bds 916 E Church
Powell William, emp Couch’s Glue Co., h 907 Jay
Powell William H., policeman, bds 600 Sullivan
Powers John, h 502 William
Powers Michael, hostler N C R R shops, h 776 S Main
Powers Richard J., laborer, bds 776 S Main
Powers Spencer J., engineer D L & W R R, h 359 Division
Prall Benjamin F., express messenger, h 367 W Water
Prall Evangeline S., h 467 W Water
Prall Justus H. R., h 467 W Water
Prapre Emma, widow Nicholas, h 509 Fulton
Pratt Anna B., bds 308 William
Pratt Anna B., asst teacher Elmira college, bds do
Pratt Arthur, bookkeeper Hallock’s clothing store, h 514 W Clinton
Pratt Charles R. (Pratt & Joerg), h 318 William
Pratt Daniel R., h 413 Lake
Pratt Daniel T., secy and mgr the Elmira Building Co., Robinson bldg, 163 Lake, h 418 W Church
Pratt David N., cashier Second National bank, h 415 Lake
Pratt Edith G., 652 Park pl
Pratt Frank D., bds 750 Park pl
Pratt Gaylord A., com trav 126 Lake, h 309 W Fifth
Pratt George E., lawyer, h 326 W First
Pratt George E., shoecutter, h 360 Grove
Pratt Harden D. V., h 652 Park pl
Pratt Harry J., com trav, bds 327 Baldwin
Pratt Harriet, widow Daniel, h 415 Lake
Pratt Harriet D., teacher Elmira college, bds do
Pratt H DeV. Jr., physician and surgeon 150 Main cor W Market, h do
Pratt Irene, bds 326 W First
Pratt James P., real estate, h 367 W Gray
Pratt Jessie M., laboratory assistant, bds 360 Grove
Pratt & Joerg, (C. R. P. and H. J.), lawyers room 2 opera house blk, lake
Pratt L. D., h 750 Park pl
Pratt Manly D., wood yard 260 W Chemung pl, h do
Pratt Olive M., bds 308 William
Pratt R. B., physician and surgeon, office hours 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m, Baldwin cor E Market
Pratt Sarah E. Mrs., physician 367 W Gray, h do
Pratt Timothy S., (Durland & Pratt), h 308 William
Pratt William B., bds 308 William
Pratt William H., president Canadian Lumber Co., res Toronto, Can
Pratt William L., (Canadian Lumber Co, limited), h 348 W Fourth
Pray Fred, farmer, h Lincoln
Pray Harriet, domestic, h 253 W Sixth
Pray Lillie, nurse 208 Gregg
Pray William emp Eire car shops, h 820 Lincoln
Prechtl Bartholomew, laborer, 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl Henry, milk dealer, h Lake cor Norton
Prechtl Jacob, butcher, bds 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl Johanna, domestic 1400 Sullivan
Prechtl Minnie, bds 1400 Sullivan
Prentice Clarence G., watchman 301-303 E Water, h 501 w Water
Prentice Ida M., bds W Third n limits
Prentice John H., bookkeeper, h 315 Washington
Prentice Wilson, bookkeeper, bds 315 Washington
Prentice William A., flour and feed 227 W Water, h 1059 Walnut
Prentice William E., mason, bds W Third n limits
Presbrey C. L., bds 108 W Chemung pl
Prescott Frank W., undertaker 318 Carroll, h 113 Dewitt
Prescott Frances E. Mrs., h 113 DeWitt
Prescott Joseph C., laborer, h 711 E Oak
Prescott Joseph S., h 307 Madison av
Prescott William H., h 113 DeWitt
Presner John, laborer, h 223 E Seventh
Preston Benjamin G., peanut stand cor R R ave and W Water, h 515 S Elm
Preston Eveline, h 515 S Elm
Preston George H., dentist 312 E Water, h 414 1-2 W Second
Preston Herbert D., doormaker, bds 213 Thurston
Preston John N., extra passenger agent E R R
Prescott Aurelia J., widow Edmund T., h 308 Washington
Preswick Christopher, h 102 S Main
Preswick Jennie, teacher sch No 1, h 308 Washington
Pieydiyger Peter, laborer, h 718 Baldwin
Price Charles H., engineer D L & W R R, bds 1104 Lake
Price Dorcas, widow John, h 734 Harper
Price James B., carpenter, h 703 W Second
Price John, peddler, bds 507 Railroad av
Price H., physician 154 W Fourth, h do
Price Joseph W., clerk William cor Market, h 713 1-2 E Water
Priest Carlton, mason, h 315 W Fifth
Priest Fred O., clerk 202 E Water, bds 315 W Fifth
Priest William, emp Chicago Dressed Beef Co, h 439 W Fifth
Priest William B., butcher, h 315 W Fifth
Prim Frank, carpenter, bds American hotel
Prime Effa A., milliner 115 E Water, bds 508 Balsam
Prime Harry G., painter, h 751 E Second cor Oak
Prince Charles W., carpenter, h 213 South av
Proctor Carl F., com trav, h 323 Balsam
Prooski John, laborer, h 830 Canal
Prudential Insurance Co., Walter C. Mason mgr, Opera block Lake
Prudhomme Edward, shoemaker J. Richardson & Co, h 752 John
Prudhomme Emma M., clerk 115 E Water, bds 752 John
Prutsman Frank C., teamster, h 618 1-2 Winsor av
Prutsman Hattie J., bds 602 W Hudson
Prutsman Jason, carpenter, h 369 Fulton
Prutsman Jason A., farmer, h 602 W Hudson
Prymusic Antoni, laborer, h 666 Baldwin
Pryor John, coachman 150 Main
Pughe Daniel E., com trav, h 410 W First
Pulford Charles A., contractor and builder Lake av cor Erie, h 128 E Hudson
Pullar Rebecca Mrs., nurse, h 311 Orchard
Pullard Susie, widow Arthur Dr., h 402 W Second
Pullman Dennis, shoemaker, h 104 W Second
Pultz Griffin, engineer D L & W R R, bds 213 Thurston
Purcell Ann, widow John, bds 202 High
Purcell Harry, clerk, bds 667 Baldwin
Purcell John H., h 118 E Water
Purcell Patrick B., shoemaker, bds 608 Jay
Purcell Stephen, com trav, h 667 Baldwin
Purdy Charles L., stenographer N Y L E & W R R, bds 323 W Clinton
Purdy Henry L., ticket clerk Erie depot, bds 203 Baldwin
Purdy Sarah W., widow Guy, bds 410 W First
Purple William engineer N C R R, bds 612 S Main
Purtell John R & Co., (J R and R M Purtell), teas coffees and variety store 114 N Main
Purtell Martin, car inspector N Y L E & W R R, h 914 Magee
Purtell M. Fanny, music teacher, h 506 W Gray
Purtell Robert M., (John R Purtell & Co,) h 506 W Gray
Putnam Edward E., hairdresser 169 Baldwin, bds 200 E Water
Putnam John, assistant electrician N Y and Pa T and T Co h 709 N Main
Putney J. M., engineer Erie R R, h 356 W Fourth
Putney Judd, engineer Erie R R, h 356 W Fourth
Putney William W., teacher Elmira business college, h 356 W Fourth
Puwatowski Kaznir, laborer, h 954 Johnson
Qua William, machinist, bds 381 S Main
Quackenbush Ira, mason, h N s Coburn n Pine
Qualey John, emp rolling mill, h 195 E Washington
Qualey Stephen, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 211 Thurston
Qualey Susan, widow James, h 211 Thurston
Quant Mary, domestic 113 High
Quantick Ellen, nurse Arnot-Odgen hospital
Queen City Coal Co., W D Dounce mgr, retail coal 657 Railroad av See ad
Queen City Mattress Manuf., Charles F Lilly propr 620 State (see page 265
Queen City Lime Kilns, (Barney & Co.) E Washington av n rolling mill
Queen City Medical & Surgical Sanitarium (John A Westlake and John W Hedden) 1219 Lake
Queen city Oil Co., retail oils and gasoline, office 367 W Church P O box 123
Queen City Sewer Pipe Co., T E Fassett mgr, State cor E Church
Quick Joseph S., saloon 356 S Main, h do
Quigley Edward, baggage master L V R R, h 373 W Second
Quigley Elizabeth, widow Martin, h 418 Walnut
Quigley John engineer D L & W R R, h 373 W Second
Quigley Wilmot, laborer, bds 613 S Main
Qujh William, laborer, h 007 Jay
Quimby Elmer, conductor D L & W R R, h 657 Lake
Quimby Ollie, boarding 105 N Main, h do
Quinn Ellen, widow William, bds 221 W Third
Quinn Frank C., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 909 Lake
Quinn James, car inspector N C R R shops, bds 507 Erie
Quinn James T., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 909 Lake
Quinn John, h 507 Erie
Quinn Julia T., dressmaker, bds 909 Lake
Quinn Michael, machinist Erie R R shops, bds 507 Erie
Quinn Morris, brakeman N Y L E & W R R, h 221 W Third
Quinn Simon Mrs., h 914 John
Qunilan Michael, laborer, h 861 Railroad av
Qunilan Daniel, Intertocutor Wilson minstrels, bds W Second
Quintana Manlius B., N C R R, bds 661 Davis
Quirk Maurice, capt Elmira Base ball club, bds Rathbun house
Qvautd Gotleib, laborer, h 818 East av
Rachell Adolph, (Rachell & Sauter,) h 111 DeWitt
Rachell & Sauter, (A Rachell and J Sauter,) fresco painters, 172 Lake
Rachford Thomas, conductor D L & W R R, h 902 Benton
Rackett Merritt, laborer, h 913 1-2 Benton
Radiker John H., bds 262 Baldwin
Radin Joseph, cigarmaker, h 106 Sullivan
Radin Joseph S., cigar manuf 607 John, h do
Radin Louis, meat market, 753 E Water, h 714 John
Radway Albert R. Mrs., dressmaker, h 204 Madison av
Radway Minnie, dressmaker 204 Madison av, bds do
Rady John, laborer, h 711 E Fifth
Rae James M., h 367 Penna av
Rae Lida, clerk Advertiser, bds 367 Penna av
Rafter Mary, domestic water cure, h 1005 Pratt
Rafter Thomas, gate tender D L & W R R, h 1005 Pratt
Ragen Edward B., student, bds 663 College av
Rahiley Kate, domestic 203 Baldwin
Rahn Charles, prop Western hotel 515 Railroad av
Raidy James, laborer, h 412 Elm
Raidy Mary, widow James, h 412 Elm
Railway Y. M. C. A., C L Shattuck sec, Railroad av cor Church
Raly Mary L., domestic 551 E Church
Ralyea Barbary S., widow William, bds 118 Caldwell av
Ralyea William H., (Mercereau & Ralyea,) h 118 Caldwell av
Rance William E., brakeman D L & W R R, h 915 Benton
Ranck James C., printer Advertiser, h 62 Penna av
Randall Catharine, bds 1053 Walnut
Randall Charles E., foreman, bds 1118 Walnut
Randall David, carpenter, h 129 W Market
Randall George H., blindmaker, h 113 Catharine
Randall Jerry, carpenter, bds 710 John
Randall Joseph, carpenter, 1116 Walnut
Randall Seneca, shoemaker, bds 261 Baldwin
Randall Truman H., inspector L V R R, yard, h 618 Winsor av
Randall Walter C., laborer, bds 1116 Walnut
Raner Charles, plumber, bds 851 Dickinson
Ransom Henry V., notary public 164 Lake, h 459 W Water
Ransom John, laborer, Holdridge pl n S Elm
Ransom Marks, bds 616 Baldwin
Ransom Martin, bds r 102 W First
Ransom Sarah, widow Reuben H., h 459 W Water
Raasse Michael, laborer, h 214 O’Gorman
Rapelyea Charles E., Spauldings planning mill, h 322 W Clinton
Rapelyea Edward H., student, bds 322 W Clinton
Ratchford Thomas, conductor D L & W R R, h 902 Benton
Ratcliffe William L., (Coykendall & Ratcliffe), bds 321 W Clinton
Rathbone Eugene, clerk 57 S Main
Rathbone Henry W., pres E I & S R Mill Co., h 352 N Main
Rathbone James B., vice-pres E I & S R Mill Co, h 221 Lake
Rathbone William, h 352 Main
Rathbun Eugene, clerk, bds 106 S Walnut
Rathbun George, fireman Erie R R, h 603 E Washington av
Rathbun John T., real estate 121 Baldwin, h 414 Lake
Rathbun House, H. C. Hayt propr, E Water cor Baldwin, (See page 3)
Rathbun Louis G., insurance and real estate 121 Baldwin h 500 Lake
Rathbun Orlando L., carpenter, h 106 S Walnut
Rathbun Robert C., painter, h bds 122 Brand
Rathbun Simeon B., bds 414 Main
Rathbun William R., real estate 121 Baldwin, h 465 W Church
Rau Charles, tailor 111 Sullivan, h do
Rau George, student, bds 372 W Water
Rause Edward, laborer, h 116 S Second
Rawlins J. E., city engineer, Masonic temple, bds 308 Spaulding
Rawson Grove P., florist 107-109 W Market, rosary Winsor av, h 109 W Market
Rawson Isaac, (Rawson & Thatcher, Corning, N Y), h 109 W Market
Ray James D., stove mounter, h 158 Baldwin
Raymond Frank, laborer, h 420 College av
Raymond Jacob, h 666 1-2 Dickinson
Raymond John, machinist, h 408 Clinton
Raynes J. A., musician, bds 422 W First
Raymond J. A. Rev., paster Shiloh Baptist church, h 666 1-2 Dickinson
Reade N. C. Mrs., h 503 W Church
Reading John, stitcher Plumb & Sheldon, bds 802 Madison ave
Readle William H., foreman Church cor State, h 413 W Third
Ready Charles, switchman, bds 720 S Main
Ready John, janitor county buildings, h r court house
Ready John, laborer, bds 258 Park
Ready John, h Arnot-Ogden hospital
Ready Mary L., widow Michael, h 919 Stowell
Ready Michael, galvinizer D L & W R R, h 919 Stowell
Ready Patrick, laborer, h 525 W Washington av
Ready Patrick, laborer, bds 250 Park
Ready Patrick J., section foreman, h 552 Oak
Ready see also Reidy and Reedy
Reagan Cornelius R., mgr F Reagan 211 W Water, h do
Reagan Dennis, laborer, bds 213 Chestnut
Reagan Ellen, widow Patrick, h 473 South av
Reagan Fannie, wall paper and dressmaker 209-211 W Water, bds 721 Kinyon
Reagan Jeremiah J., decorator 211 W Water, h 721 Kinyon
Reagan John, laborer, h 429 S Broadway
Reagan John I., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 926 Maxwell av
Reagan Maggie M., dressmaker, bds 523 S Broadway
Reagan Mary Mrs., h 721 Kinyon
Reagan Mary, domestic 351 Spaulding
Reagan Mary A., domestic 111 Horner
Reagan Nellis, bds 473 South av
Reagan Patrick, laborer, h 523 S Broadway
Reagan Richard, laborer, h 523 S Broadway
Reagan Robert, painter, h 721 Kinyon
Reagan Thomas, blacksmith, h 104 S Walnut
Reagan Thomas, laborer, h 213 Chestnut
Reagan T. S., brakeman, bds 707 Casey
Reagan Jerry, apprentice Advertiser
Reap Andrew J., laborer, bds 206 South av
Reap Catharine, widow John, h 206 South av
Reardon Agnes, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon D. H., physician and surgeon, office hours 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m, 53 S Main, h do
Reardon Hannah, seamstress, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon James J. (Reardon & McMahon), h 381 W Second
Reardon Jeremiah, engineer N C R R, h 464 South av
Reardon Johanna, widow John, bds 106 E Henry
Reardon Maggie, dressmaker, bds 513 William
Reardon & McMahon (J J Reardon and J C McMahon), grocer, 381 W Second
Reardon Thomas, engineer N C R R, h 106 E Henry
Reback Frank, laborer, h 761 Sullivan
Reber George W., stonecutter, h 421 S Elm
Reckoutine George, collar maker Plumb & Sheldon, h 406 E Washington av
Recorders Office at city hall
Reddy Elizabeth, h 507 Columbia
Reddy Sophronia, h 507 Columbia
Redfield Henry S. (Diven & Redfield), h 664 Park pl
Redner Henry B., prop Cosmopolitan hotel, 807 Lake, h do
Reecer Florence, table waitress Star dinning hall, h 317 Carroll, h 106 Fox
Reed Charles, mason 900 E Church, h 228 Harriet
Reed Charlotte, domestic 628 Penna av
Reed Eldridge B., letter carrier, h 110 W Second
Reed Fannie, domestic 514 Lake
Reed Frank, express messenger, bds 152 W Fifth
Reed Frederick W., teamster, h 408 Oak
Reed Lizzie Mrs., dressmaker 314 Main, h do
Reed Mandina, seamstress, bds 415 S Magee
Reed Maud, helper 157 Baldwin, h 415 Magee
Reed Rosa, clerk 1124 Davis n Reformatory
Reed Samuel H., carpenter, h 2 Lemon
Reed Smith W., actor (nom-de-plume, Victor L Myrtelle), bds 2 Lemon
Reed see also Reid
Reeder Fred J., brakeman, bds 554 S Main
Reedy Frances, saleslady State cor E Market, bds ft Jones
Reedy George E., barber 119 W Water, h 371 W Water
Reedy James, laborer, h 412 Elm
Reedy James H., salesman, bds ft Jones
Reedy Joseph H., engineer E C & N R R, bds ft Jones
Reedy Mary, widow James, bds 412 Elm
Reedy Michael, tinner, bds 706 Magee
Reedy Michael, laborer, h 561 W Fifth
Reedy Nora, bds 412 Elm
Reedy Sarah, domestic 508 Lake
Reedy Thomas F., engineer E C & N R R, bds ft Jones
Reen Jerry, laborer, bds 1007 Main
Rees Fred H., engraver 335 W Eater, h 114 W Second
Rees Mary E., student, bds 420 W Gray
Rees Sarah, bds 361 Walnut
Rees Thomas D., carpenter, h 420 W Gray
Rees William, bds 361 Walnut
Rees William H., tinsmith, h 227 Franklin
Reese Mary J., widow Chauncey B., h 561 Grove
Reese Rachael, bookkeeper Tel Ex, bds 361 Walnut
Reese Mary A., clerk N Y and Pa T & T Co., h 361 Walnut
Reeves Charles S., upholsterer, h 129 E Hudson
Reeves Percy, artist, bds 114 W Market
Regan Nellile, bookkeeper 114 Lake, bds 914 Walnut
Regan Timothy, carpenter, h 914 Walnut
Reich August, laborer, 738 Harper
Heid Andrew F. Mrs., h 361 Grove
Reid Andrew F., jr., plumber, 334 E Water, bds 361 Grove
Reid Clara G., 243 Lake
Reid & Cooper (J R Reid and J R Cooper), iron and brass founders, machinists and boiler makers, Railroad av cor Church
Reid James B., waiter Arbour, h 560 E Clinton
Reid James R. (Reed & Cooper), h 243 Lake
Reid James D. S., clerk W B Hallock & Bro., h 116 W First
Reid Jeanie T., 243 Lake
Reid Margaret, widow Andrew, h 415 S Magee
Reid William, clerk 305 E Water, bds 361 Grove
Reid William D., taxidermist 204 Baldwin, h 152 do
Reid see also Reed
Reidy Bridget, housekeeper ft Jones
Reidy Charles, switchman N C R R, bds 720 S Main
Reidy Ellen, domestic 362 W Church
Reidy James H., letter carrier, bds ft Jones
Reidy Jerry, laborer, bds 377 Railroad av
Reidy John, h 209 Thurston
Reidy John, news stand Delavan house, bds 706 Magee
Reidy John jr., fireman D L & W R R, bds ft Jones
Reidy Joseph H., engineer E C & N R R, bds ft Jones
Reidy Josie, asst teacher, bds 706 Magee
Reidy Maggie, domestic 613 S Main
Reidy Margaret, housekeeper ft Jones
Reidy Mary, dressmaker, bds 706 Magee
Reidy Michael H., foreman, h ft Jones
Reidy Michael, trackwalker E R R, h r 103 E Miller
Reidy Nellie, domestic 115 E Hudson
Reidy Patrick, laborer, h 706 Magee
Reidy Patrick, yard boss D L & W R R, h 652 Oak
Reidy Patrick T., h 120 W Miller
Reidy Terrence, engineer D L & W R R, h 103 Broadway
Reidy Timothy, laborer, h Furnace Block Main co W Centre
Reidy Thomas F., engineer E C & N R R, bds ft Jones
Reidy Thomas H., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 209 Thurston
Reidy see also Reedy
Reill Felix, laborer, h 264 W Hudson
Reilly Alice, grocery 804 Lake, h do
Reilly Edmund A., physician and surgeon and health officer, office hours to 9 am, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 pm 318 Baldwin
Reilly James H., sub letter carrier, h Jones
Reilly Roe, foreman Elmira Oil Co., bds 804 Lake
Reilly Mary A., widow Timothy, h 853 E Market
Reing Fred W., laborer 911 E Market, h do
Reinwald Lee, brakeman N C R R, bds 613 S Main
Reisy Geroge, barber Frasier house
Remer Bessie, bds 7 Scott
Remphey William, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 302 Diven av
Rennin Robert, landscape, fancy and sign painting, graining, etc., 376 Railroad av cor Second, h 407 Railroad av
Retail Merchants’ Protective Ass’n (The), R W Simpson mgr, 400 E Water
Renastrom Matilda, domestic 5 Aspen Ridge
Reuben Robert, merchant tailor 673 and 675 Lake, h 309 DeWitt
Reul Amelia J., bds 621 W Gray
Reul Charles L., finisher 116 W Water, h 621 W Gray
Reul Fred, finisher 116 W Water, h 621 W Gray
Reul Frederica, widow William, h 621 W Gray
Reul L. H. T., bds 621 W Gray