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O'Neil, Annie, bds 101 Chestnut
O'Neil, Bartholomew, boilermaker, bds 606 S Main
O'Neil, Daniel, laborer, h 467 W Hudson
O'Neil, Jeremiah, engineer N C R R, h 109 S Second
O'Neil, John S., telegrapher D L & W R R yard office, h 708 1-2 Day
O'Neil, Julia, operative, bds 606 S Main
O'Neil, Kate, bds 101 Chestnut
O'Neil, Mary, bds 101 Chestnut
O'Neil, Mary, widow Michael, h 606 S Main
O'Neil, Michael, car inspector N C R R, h 471 South av
O'Neil, Owen, saloon 705 Railroad av
O'Neil, Patrick, laborer, bds 467 W Hudson
O'Neil, Thomas, laborer, h 101 Chestnut
O'Neil, Thomas, laborer, h 460 W Second
O'Neil, Thomas jr., engineer, h W Sixth cor Magee
O'Neill, Daniel, laborer, h 727 Lake
O'Neill, John, emp Wells, Fargo & Co, bds 403 W Water
O'Neill, Lizzie, bds 727 Lake
O'Neill, Owen, laborer, h 509 High
Ones, Charles, laborer, bds 23 Grant
Ones, Helen, widow John, h 23 Grant
Ones, Joseph, student, bds 23 Grant
Onzay, John, tailor, h 118 Washington
Opelt, Lizzie, chambermaid Homestead hotel
Opera House, W C Smith mgr 154 Lake
Oppenheim, Bessie, bds 805 E Water
Oppenheim, Jacob, peddler, h 901 John
Oppenheim, Louis, clerk 112 E Water
Oppenheim, Sarah, saleslady 112 E Water, bds 805 do
Oppenheim, Simeon, peddler, h 805 E Water
Orcutt, Fred R., student, bds W Clinton cor Euclid pl
Orcutt, Henry F., salesman H C Spaulding & Co, h W Clinton cor Euclid pl
O'Reilly, Dennis, stone cutter, h 961 Oak
O'Reily, Mary Ann, widow T., bds 853 E Market
O'Reily, Michael, brakeman D L & W R R, h 759 Carpenter
O'Reily, William, grocer 150 E Washington av, h do
ORMAY, JULIUS, concert pianist and teacher of music 154 W Third, h do
Ormiston, James M., supt E Market cor Fox, h at Horseheads
Ormiston, William G., supt E Market cor Fox h at Horseheads
Orms, Frank, laborer, 750 Maple av
Ormsby, Bert W., student, bds 517 W Third
Ormsby, Helen M., widow William A., h 517 W Third
Orpha, Mackey, widow Benjamin, bds 1313 Pratt
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Orphans' Home, Franklin, cor Fulton
Orr, Fred, telegrapher D L & W R R yard office, bds 1122 Lake
Orr, Levi J., sash maker, h 307 E Clinton
ORTON, GEORGE E., M. D., eye, ear and throat specialist, 126 E Water
Orvis, Emerson, gardener, h 602 Perine
Osborn, Benjamin C., bds 306 Penna av
Osborn, Belle, widow Sylvester, h 1314 Benton
Osborn, Harriet E., widow Edward, h 774 S Main
Osborn, Henry B., laborer, h 432 S Broadway
Osborn, Oscar, h 110 N Main cor W Market
Osborne, Addie, widow John, bds 331 Norton
Osborne, Cora, domestic 314 Baty
Osborne, David M., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 350 Center
Osborne, Eliza, widow John, h 350 Center
Osborne, J. E., painter, bds 106 W Second
Osborne, Junius G., practical painter and decorator 456 1-2 Spaulding, h do
Osborne, William J., harnessmaker 214 E Water, h Horseheads
Osborne, Woodbury S., engineer D L & W R R, h 373 Diven av
Osgood, Charles E., brakeman, bds 511 Perine
Osgood, Philip H., blacksmith, h 505 S Broadway
O'Shea, Cornelius W., clerk 329 E Water, bds 461 Franklin
O'Shea, John, grocer also saloon, 737 S Main, h do
O'Shea, John B., letter carrier, h 461 Franklin
O'Shea, Mary, domestic Wyckoff house
O'Shea, Mary E., bds 461 Franklin
O'Shea, Timothy, carpenter, h 461 Franklin
Osman, James K. P., blacksmith, h 404 E Water
Osman, Maria, widow John, bds 401 Franklin
Ostrander, Edwin C., conductor D L & W R R, bds 1122 Lake
Ostrander, Frank L., laborer, bds 203 DeWitt
Ostrander, George L., laborer, h 203 DeWitt
Ostrander, Oscar O., emp J Richardson & Co., h 214 W Water
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Ostrander, William, shoe cutter, h 120 Brand
O'Sullivan, James W., lineman, bds 419 Railroad av
Ottman, Henry A., pastor St Luke's Congregational church, h 1008 Lake
Otto, Fred, painter, bds 552 Coburn
Outt, John S., switchman West Shore R R, h 557 E Second
Outt, Theorde T., fireman D L & W R R, h 707 1-2 Benjamin
Ovenshire, Henry C., h 214 W Water
Ovenshire, Herman L., clerk 222 W Water, bds 214 W Water
Overhiser, Martin, hostler West End hotel
Owen, Anna, milliner 301 E Water, bds 400 Penna av
Owen, Carrie G. Mrs., boarding 368 W First
Owen, Ella M., milliner, bds 400 Penna av
Owen, George H., farmer, h 316 Lake
Owen, Imogene, clerk 110 W Water, bds 400 Penna av
Owen, Jesse, farmer, h 410 W Church
Owen, Lucinda, widow William, h 418 Carroll
Owen, Maggie T., bds 418 Carroll
Owen, Richard G., wagon maker, h 400 Penna av
Owen, William, farmer, h S s S Main n N Y L E & W R R
OWEN, WILMOT H., mgr W U Tel office 150 Baldwin, h 411 W Gray
Owens, Alice, seamstress, bds 604 Penna av
Owens, Charles B., student, bds 665 Davis
Owens, George H., peddler, h 307 High
Owens, George M., peddler, bds 307 High
Owens, Griswold M., butcher Railroad av W Fifth, h 655 Davis
Owens, James, emp rolling mill, bds 212 Park
Owens, Johanna, bds 212 Park
Owens, John E., emp rolling mill, h 212 Park
Owens, Henrietta, h 604 Dickinson
Oxford, Moses, laborer, h 706 Dickinson
Pack, Elizabeth C., bds 1306 Baldwin
Pack, John, emp blast furnace, h 1306 Baldwin
Pack, Robert, laborer, bds 1306 Baldwin
Packard, Elizabeth, stenographer Op house blk, bds 501 William
Packard, Helen R., bds 452 W Church
Packard, J. Lenora, widow Hobart H., h 452 W Church
Packard, P. L., laborer, h 501 William
Packard, Romaine D., bds 452 W Church
Packard, Stephen G., carpenter, bds 1122 Lake
Padden, Edward, emp Sheeley's tannery, h Tuttle av n Sheeley tannery
Padden, Edward H., bookbinder 104 Lake, h Tuttle av ft E Water
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Padden, Edward H., printer Gazette, bds Tuttle av n Sheely tannery
Padden, Katie, domestic Maple av n E Miller
PAGETT, THOMAS A., real estate, 108 1-2 N Main, h 407 W Water
Paige, Charles S., h 406 Maxwell pl
Paine, Charles, coachman, h 604 Dickinson
Paine, Cora, cook, h 519 Madison av
Paine, Henry, h 666 Dickinson
Paine, Henry, laborer, h 652 Baldwin
Paine, John, laborer, h 855 Dickinson
Paine, John, boot black, h 622 Baldwin
Paine, Lizzie, caterer, 604 Dickinson
Paine, Maragurite, artist, bds 54 Hoffman
Paine, Samuel A., Telegram editorial staff, h 54 Hoffman
Paine, Samuel H., shoemaker 662 Baldwin, h do
Paine, Thomas, bartender, bds 862 Day
Paine, William, porter Delevan house, h 353 E Fifth
Painton, Clara, clerk S Main, bds do
Painton, George, bakery 203 E Water, h 200 S Main
Painton, George jr., clerk 200 S Main, bds do
Painton, William E., engineer, h 1206 Hall
Palmer, Archie, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1312 Baldwin
Palmer, Charles E., transfer clerk Adams Ex Co., 603 Railroad av, h 312 W Gray
Palmer, Charles H., asst postmaster, h 360 W Clinton
Palmer, Charles M., bartender, 422 E Water, bds do
Palmer, Charles W., laborer, h 122 Catharine
Palmer & Decker (E H Palmer and C S Decker), tanners, Penna av cor Maple av
Palmer, Edward H., (Palmer & Decker also F D Nelson & Co.), h 360 W Water
Palmer, Fred C., bds 259 Baldwin
Palmer, George A., paper hanger, h 818 W Church
PALMER, GEORGE E., prop Elmira steam tin works and manuf and dealer in tin ware, 601 Baldwin cor Church, bds 655 do
Palmer, Harry B., butcher 120 N Main, bds 312 W Water
Palmer, Helen C., widow Martin W., h 239 W Water
Palmer, Henry T., h 818 W Church
Palmer, John A., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1310 Baldwin
Palmer, Mary J., widow Ezra, saloon, 452 E Water
Palmer, Minnie Mrs., clerk 211 W Water, bds 224 W Water
Palmer, Morris W., machinist, h 239 W Water
Palmer, O. W., special agt Franklin Ins Co., 126 E Water, h 509 Lake
Palmer, Rebecca, widow Benjamin, bds 1306 Pratt
Palmer, William A., drug clerk 116 S Main, bds do
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PALMER, S. E., M. D., physician and surgeon and dealer in drugs and medicines, 116 S Main, h do
Palmer, Susan M., widow George N., bds 450 Carroll
PALMER, M. DWIGHT, blacksmith, horse shoeing a specialty 311 W Water, h 312 do
PALTROWITZ, ABRAHAM, merchant tailor, clothier and jeweler, 101 W Water, bds 558 John
Paltrowitz, Levi, installment house, 106 E Water, h 505 Madison av
PALTROWITZ, PHILLIP, collector 101 W Water, bds 660 Columbia
Pangburn, William, carpenter, h 401 Railroad av
PANIMO, JOSEPH, broker, also dealer in second hand furniture, 160 Lake, h 711 E Market
Panimo, Philip, clerk 160 Lake, bds 711 E Market
Pannito, Lurgi, laborer, h 812 Hatch
Papineau, John, shoemaker, 509 E Market cor Gregg, bds 408 Oak
Pardoe, Thomas, gardener, h 904 Lake
Park Coal Yard ( H F Frisbie), college av cor Reformatory
Park Commissioners office at Masonic temple, Lake
Park, Edwin, city editor Elmira Gazette, h 306 S Main
Park, Mary, h 524 W Water
Park, Manly J., bds Maple av club house
Park, Reuben T., carpenter, h 463 W Second
Park, R. T. Mrs., dressmaker 463 W Second
PARK, THOMAS R., manager Maple av club house
Park, Watt, manuf spring beds and mattresses and feather renovating 203 E Church, h 116 Fox
Parke, Alexander H., h 657 E Market
Parke, Floyd B., (Elmira Drug Co.), also physician, h 555 E Church
Parker, A. B., engineer, h 110 E Second
Parker, Clarence O., com trav, h 607 N Main
Parker, C. O. Mrs., dressmaker 607 N Main
Parker, Delora N., widow Richard T., h 402 Hoffman
Parker, E. J., h 607 N Main
Parker, Edmund Vandoran, trav salesman, h 604 W Gray
Parker, Fred, collarmaker Plumb & Sheldons, bds 851 Lake
Parker, George E., brakeman N C R R, h 316 Baty
Parker, Harriett E., bds 402 Hoffman
Parker, James H., laborer bridge works, bds 2 Home
Parker, Jesse, fireman D L & W R R, bds 866 N Main
Parker, John, laborer r 560 E Clinton
Parker, John C., engineer D L & W R R, bds 866 N Main
Parker, Libbie, domestic, h 118 W Hudson
Parker, Richard T., carriagemaker, h 402 Hoffman
Parker, Sarah, widow Edgar, h 866 N Main
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Parker, S. H., painter, h 1318 Lake
Parker, Winifred Mrs., bds 441 E Water
Parkhurst, Benjamin H., ( H L Armstrong & Co.) res Elkland Pa
Parkhurst, Edwin, brakeman, h Southport corners
PARKHURST, LEWIS D., physician 332 E Water, bds 110 Lake
Parkinson, Alexander C., h 508 W Second
Parkinson, Thomas, watchman fgt office, h 407 W Third
Parks, Genpher, conductor L V R R, bds 413 W Clinton
Parks, Sanford H., butcher, h r 801 Lake
Parmenter, Charles, sashmaker Fitch & Aldrich, h 703 E Market
Parmenter, Charles H., real estate, h 313 Penna av
Parmenter, Helen C., teacher school No. 5, h West hill
Parmenter, Nellie, teacher school No. 5, h West hill
Parmenter, Robert N., hatter and furnisher 118 W Water, h 458 W First
Parott, Peter, farmer, Bulkhead rd
Parry, Anna D., dressmaker, h 415 Grove
Parsells, Sarah J., widow Edward A., bds 417 W Second
Parsons, Anna S., asst matron Elmira college, bds do
Parsons, Charles F., supt of agts retail merchants protection association, bds Rathbun house
Parsons, Emma, student, h 351 Columbia
Parsons, Emma G., clerk, bds 521 Baldwin
Parsons, Emma, widow Hezekiah, dressmaker, h 521 Baldwin
Parsons, Fred W., supt Payne shops, h 351 Columbia
Parsons, Granville D., U S Express Co, cashier 152 Baldwin h 321 W Fourth
Parsons, James U., ( J U Parsons & Son), h 363 College av
Parsons, Janett, widow George W., h 667 Park pl
PARSONS, J. U. & SON, ( J U and J B Parsons), hack livery and boarding stable 307 W Second
Parsons, J. Louise, stenographer J Swartz, bds 667 Park pl
Parsons, Marie A., widow Hiram, h 609 W Water
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Parsons, Mary, widow James A., h 351 Columbia
Parsons, Nina A., clerk Doolittle's, bds 521 Baldwin
Parsons, Will C., clerk 126 Lake, bds 713 E Church
Partridge, Charles R., ( H M Partridge & Son), h 95 W 93rd st N Y
Partridge, Emily, widow W H, h 716 Walnut
Partridge, Emma G., widow Samuel, h W s Maple av, bet Horner and Home
Partridge, Henry M., ( H M Partridge & Son) h 311 Lake
PARTRIDGE, H. M. & SON, ( H M and Charles R Patridge) lumber and planing mill and coal 117, 119 E Church also cor Eleventh and Twentieth street N Y
Passmore, James B., laborer, h 203 S Main
Pathsitka, Fred, currier Sheelys tannery, h 858 E Market
Paton, Ada B., widow Alexander, h 655 E Church
Patterson, Arthur M., laborer, h 411 W Fourth
Patterson, Bert, emp J Richardson & Co, bds 717 Walnut
Patterson, Francis, h 724 W First
Patterson, Fred, plumber 408 E Market, h 717 Walnut
Patterson, George W., machinist Payne's, h 717 Walnut
Patterson, Grace, student, bds 422 W Gray
Patterson, Henry L., bookkeeper H. C. Spaulding & Co., h 113 Brand
Patterson, James L., teamster, h 717 Walnut
PATTINSON HOUSE, L. T. Connolly prop, Baldwin cor E Market
Patterson, J. H. Mrs., dressmaker, 623 W Gray
Patterson, John, teamster, h 127 Partridge
Patterson, Joseph H., carpenter, h 623 W Gray
Patterson, Minnie, teacher school No. 2, bds 422 W Gray
Patterson, Nettie, dressmaker, h 321 W First
Patterson, Thomas W., boots and shoes 100 East Water, h 422 W Gray
Patterson, William E., gateman E R R, h 503 Columbia
Pattinson, Emma L., bds 222 Baldwin
Pattinson, Thomas E., bds 222 Baldwin
Pattinson, Thomas S., h 222 Baldwin
Pattinson, William B., bds 222 Baldwin
Paul, Clinton M., D L & W R R, bds 1219 Hall
Paul, Florence M., dressmaker, bds 1219 Hall
Paul, Henry C., carpenter, h 1219 Hall
Paul, Louis A., printer Telegram, bds 719 Columbia
Paul, Martha, domestic, 364 W First
Paul, Matthew, saloon 863 Dickinson
Paul, William, oil worker, h 719 Columbia
Paulman, Charles, printer Telegram, h 415 Powell
Paulman, Charles jr., moulder, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Christina, brushmaker, bds 415 Powell
Paulman, Dennis, shoemaker, h 400 Powell
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Pautz, Albert F., clerk 112 W Water, bds 400 Fulton
Pautz, August, h 400 Fulton
Pautz, George A., butcher 358 S Main, bds 400 Fulton
Pautz, Louis, tinsmith, h 1126 Oak
Pautz, Louise A., dressmaker, bds 400 Fulton
PAUTZ, WILLIAM, tin and sheet metal worker E Market, h do
Payne, Alexander O., physician 453 Maple av, h do
Payne, Benjamin N., ( B W Payne & Sons) h 129 E Chemung pl
PAYNE B. W. & SONS., ( B N and D W Payne) engine and boiler manufacturers S Main
Payne, David W., ( B W Payne & Sons) bds 453 Maple av
Payne, George, mason, h 905 Benton
Payne, Henry, porter Delavan house
Payne, Henry W., tinsmith, h 410 High
Payne, Helen A., bds 453 Maple av
Payne, Kate S., bds 453 Maple av
Payne, Matilda, widow James, h 610 E Clinton
Payne, Sandy, porter Wyckoff House
Payne, Sarah R., widow Benjamin W., h 453 Maple av
Payne, Thomas, laborer, h 831 Day
Payne, William E., carpet layer, h 611 Dickinson
Paynton, William E., engineer D. L. & W R R, h 1208 Hall
Pealer, Archie A., clerk Parmenter's W Water, bds 350 Euclid pl
Pealer, Frank A., emp Reid & Cooper, bds 350 Euclid pl
Pearce, Ellen Etta, bds 318 W Church
Pearce, Liston H. Rev., pastor Hedding M E church, h 318 W Church
Pearce, Robert H., engineer D L & W R R, h 711 1-2 Lake
Pearce, Walter C., printer 156 Baldwin, h 318 W Church
Pearsall, Ella B., widow George T., dressmaker 215 Baldwin, h do
Pease, Irving M., painter, bds 509 Balsam
Pease, Malinda, widow Samuel, bds 515 W Second
Pease, Robert D., machinist, bds 521 W Fourth
Pease, Salmon C., farmer, 521 W Fourth
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Pease, Willis A., brakeman N. C. R R, h 459 South av
Pease, Williston, painter, h 509 Balsam
Peck, Anna, h 698 Tuttle av
Peck, Caid H., master mechanic Bridge Co., h 214 Lormore
Peck, Edward, emp Wells, Fargo Express Co., h r 659 College av
Peck, Frank H., machinist, h 372 Penna av
Peck, Herdick, machinist, bds 372 Penna av
Peck, Ida, bds 153 Fox
Peck, Jesse A., machinist, bds 372 Penna av
Peckham, Edward W., carpenter, h 762 1-2 Day
Peckham, George M., laborer, bds 707 E Church
Pedrick, Hiram, laborer, h 511 N Main
Peebles, William C., managing editor Gazette, bds 403 W Water
Peel, Patrick H., conductor D L & W R R, h 151 E Washington
Peeler, Archie A., clerk 118 W Water, h 350 Euclid pl
Peerless Dye Works ( N Spencer Thomas Co., Geo Pickering, mgr.), W Second ab Hoffman
Peester, Ira, butcher, h 806 W Gray
Pelbrough, Gaymer S., clerk 309 W Fourth, bds 311 do
Pelbrough, Thomas G., grocer 309 W Fourth, h 311 do
Pelham, A. C., carpenter, bds 803 Magee
Pelham, F. Harvey, electrician, h 813 W Church
Pelham, Henry, carpenter, bds 813 W Church
Pelham, Isaac, real estate agt., h 606 Walnut
Pellet, Frances, A. B., teacher Elmira college, bds do
Pendleton, Wallace L., com agt Elmira Oil Co., bds 661 Davis
Pengently, Alexander, machinist, h 414 Powell
Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office, Erie depot
Percell, E. P. Rev., asst pastor St Mary's Roman Catholic, h 224 Franklin
Percival, Alexander W., blacksmith, h 662 N Main
Perhamus, Charles C., brakeman, bds 727 Casey
Perkins, Charles M., laborer, h 900 Oak
Perkins, Jacob D., carpenter, h 369 W Water
Perkins, Margurite, widow Richard, h 408 Walnut
Perkins, Stephen M., machinist, h 620 Lewis
Perkins, Susan, widow William, h 412 S Broadway
Perrin, Alfred L., laborer, h 419 Pleasant
Perrin, Ira M., carpenter, h 408 Locust
Perrault, Mitchell, hotel and restaurant 329 Carroll, h 219 E Water
Perry, Andrew J., carpenter, h 504 Erie
Perry, Anna K., bds 160 High
Perry, David K., car inspector N C R R, h 710 Spaulding
Perry, Delilah Mrs., widow Simeon, bds 710 Spaulding
Perry, Edward M., teamster, h 107 E Second
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Perry, Guy W., (Thomas Perry & Co.), h 160 High
Perry, Helen J., teacher, bds 405 N Main
Perry, Henry, laborer, h 714 Walnut
Perry, Hiram, carpenter, h 616 Grove
Perry, John K., bds 307 William
Perry, Joseph R., shoecutter, h 115 Caldwell av
Perry, Mary Mrs., boarding, h 630 Lewis
Perry, Nathan, horse trainer, bds 714 Walnut
Perry, Robert, bds 160 Fox
Perry, Thomas (Thomas Perry & Co.), h 160 High
PERRY, THOMAS & CO. ( G W Perry and Fred D Herrick) gen insurance 164 and 166 Lake
Perry, Vesta D., widow William, h 959 College av
Perry, William W., music teacher, bds 959 College av
Perse, Frank, polisher, bds Buckbee house
Personeus, Elmer E., laborer, h W Third n limits
Personius, Ella, bds 215 E Gray
Personius, Elnathan, h 215 E Gray
Personius, Horace W., clerk 305 E Water, bds 215 E Gray
Pertic, Sarah, domestic 252 Maple av, bds 510 DeWitt
Peterman, Benjamin F., draughtsman, bds 521 Penna av
Peterman, Grace J., bds 521 Penna av
Peterman, Hiram M., clerk 600 Penna av, bds 521 do
Peterman, James C., h 521 Penna av
Peterman, James C. jr., yard master, h 379 S Main
Peterman, Minnie V., bds 521 Penna av
Peterman, Wiliiam W., clerk board of trade rooms, bds 521 Penna av
Peterman, Samuel, cigarmaker, h 128 S Main
Peters, Alice, widow George, h 223 W Water
Peters, Charles E., cashier D L & W freight office, h 501 W Fourth
Peters, Electa, widow George W., h 1209 Benton
Peters, Franc L., dressmaker, bds 459 W Second
Peters, George C., clerk 200 W Water, h 430 W Clinton
Peters, George W., engineer D L & W R R, h 369 Norton
Peters, Horace H., mason, h 407 Madison av
Peters, John J., laborer, bds 429 Railroad av
Peters, Lotta, h 312 E Water
Peters, Pauline R., h 501 W Fourth
Peters, Rosetta, widow Alphonso, bds 459 W Second
Peters, Shubal R., teamster Fitch & Aldrich, h 508 E Clinton
PETERS, WILLIAM H., ( W H Peters & Co.), also station agt D L & W R R, h 1001 Lake
PETERS, W. H. & CO. ( W H P and S Covert), coal and wood, 299 E Washington av
Peterson, Ada, bds 77 Penna av
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Peterson, George A., truckman L V R R, h 634 W Gray
Peterson, Jane, widow Robert, h 77 Penna av
Peterson, Katie, 2 Main St bridge
Peterson, Samuel, laborer, h 408 Herrick
Peterson, William, laborer, bds 739 Dickinson
Peterson, William H., bds 77 Penna av
Petrie, Charles A., bds 315 Franklin
Petrie, Clara A., bds 315 Franklin
Petrie, Edward C., student, bds 315 Franklin
Petrie, J. Rev., h 315 Franklin
Petrie, William S., clerk Erie Fgt house, h 510 DeWitt
Petroski, Joe, laborer, h 832 Canal
Pettengill, John G., teleprapher, bds 458 South av
Pettengill, Milton E., clerk, bds 209 W Third
Pettengill, Philander L., conductor N C R R, h 458 South av
PETTIT, CHARLES P., druggist 317 E Water, h 104 W Chemung pl
Pettit, Paris C., druggist, bds 104 W Chemung pl
Pettit, S. J. Mrs., healer and writer, h 263 W Clinton
Petty, James, call tender, bds 724 Benjamin
Phelps, Edwin J., emp Elmira bridge works, h 731 Casey
Phelps, Frank B., carpenter, h 350 Diven av
Phelps, Frederick, sash and blind maker, bds 420 College av
Phesay, John R., florist, h 705 Winsor av
Philbin, Onnie, cook 615 Columbia
Philips, Amelia Mrs., bds 813 Gray
Philips, Barney, peddler, h 110 Sullivan
Philips, James L., h 409 W Fifth
Philips, Joseph, peddler, h 812 John
Philips, Joseph, bds 110 Sullivan
Phillips, Althea M., widow H A, nurse, bds 557 Columbia
Phillips, Arthur, student, bds 858 N Main
Phillips, Cassius A., lawyer 218 E Water, h 220 Mt Zoar
Phillips, Edward H., clerk 305 E Water, bds 415 W Third
Phillips, Harrison, (Durant & Phillips), bds 411 Penna av
Phillips, Lillie, seamstress, h 108 W First
Phillips, S. R., conductor N C R R, h 208 W Miller
Phillips, William H., harness maker 426 E Water, h 305 Penna av
Phinx, Mary, widow John, bds 700 Tuttle av
Piatt, Catharine, widow Daniel, bds 506 Erie
Piatt, Charles, laborer, h 206 Mt Zoar
Pickering, Adel E., widow James W., h 358 Columbia
Pickering, Edmund B., carpenter 500 E Church cor Madison av h do
Pickering, Frank, bartender 329 Carroll bds do
Pickering, George, ( N Spencer Thomas Co.), 368 W Clinton, bds do
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Pickering, Julius A., boot cutter Richardsons, h 143 W Water
Pickering, Mary E., widow Daniel F., bds 116 Sullivan
Pickle, George, janitor Jewish temple High, h do
Pfiffer, Charles, mason, h 714 Baldwin
PIERCE & BICKFORD, ( J H Pierce and H H Bickford), architects 118, 120 Lake (See front cover)
Pierce, Charles, baker 210 E Water, h 311 Madison av
Pierce, Crawford H., foreman 104 E Water, bds do
Pierce, Eli, teamster, bds 752 Spaulding
Pierce, Floyd, laborer, bds 857 E Water
Pierce, Howard E., painter, h 509 Jefferson
PIERCE, JOHN C., pension claims 317 E Water, h 374 W Fifth
Pierce, Joseph H., (Pierce & Bickford), h 308 W Clinton
Pierce, Joseph R., hat and bonnet bleacher 104 E Water, h do
Pierce, Rebecca, vestmaker, h 102 W Hudson
Pierce, Robert C., foreman, h 752 Spaulding
Pierce, Robert H., fireman D L & W R R, h 711 1-2 Lake
Pierce, Sarah, widow Michael, 605 W First
Pierce, S. A. Mrs., bds 351 W Church
Pierce, S. N., undertaker asst 418 Carroll, h 505 E Water
Pierce, Susan Mrs., dressmaker, h 227 W Water
Pierson, Amanda, widow Cyrus h 554 E Church
Pierson, Ellen C., teacher Elmira college, bds do
Pierson, Joe B., engineer J Richardson & Co, h 513 S Elm
Pierson, Nettie, domestic 401 Maple av
PIERSON, S. J. (Empire Laundry Co, ) h 387 W Water
Pike, Nathaniel A., emp J Richardson & Co, h 363 1-2 Second
Pike, William R., machinist, h 515 Balsam
Pilkington, John, supt National Transit Co, h 317 W Clinton
Pinckney, Alfred, farmer, h Tuttle av ft E Water
Pinckney, Charlie J., farmer, bds Tuttle av ft E Water
Pinckney, George V., clerk 116 Baldwin, bds E Water cor Tuttle av
Pinder, Ann, domestic, h 806 Magee
Pinder, Sarah, widow John, h 806 Magee
Pines, Charles O., machinist, bds 414 S Main
Pines, Squire, musician, h 414 S Main
Piper, Ella Mrs., h 321 S Broadway
Pirki, John, tailor, bds 356 E Fifth
Pitcher, Washington I., peddler, h 363 Railroad av
Pitt, Charles, brakeman, bds 620 W Gray
Pitt, Charles A., farmer, h W s Penna av S limits
Pitt, Dan C., bookkeeper Chemung Oil Co., bds 167 Baldwin
Pitt, Frank, driver, h 661 Columbia
Pitt, Mary, widow John, Home for Aged
Potts, Mary, M. D., physician 616 Columbia, h do