Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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FOR 1891

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Abbreviations Key

Mangan, Maurice, flagman Water street, h 409 W Third

Manier, Maxwell, stenographer, bds 213 Columbia

Manion, Joseph, bartender 146 E Water, bds 200 E Water

Manley, Arthur L., bds 418 W First

Manley, Betsey A., widow Charles G., h 522 W First

Manley, Charles G., trav salesman, h 522 W First

Manley, Dolson J., trav salesman, h 418 W First

Manley, Sylvester A., milk dealer also creamery, 652 W First, h do

Mann George W., hostler 350 W Church

Mann, James, merchant, h 663 Magee

Mann, John W., pressman Advertiser, h 105 Main

Mann Mary C., widow John, 70 Tuttle av

Mann, Mary E., h 216 Harmon

Mann, Michael, h, 105 E First

Mann, William G., conductor D L & W R R , h 356 E Center

Manning, Clinton, clerk 102-104 W Water, h 620 do

Manning, Edgar, clerk West End hotel

Manning Elmer E., bookkeeper 112 Lake, h 636 W Gray

Manning Frank T., clerk Durland & Pratt, h 504 Madison av

Manning Lee T., engineer bridge works, h 613 Junction

MANNING & LEWIS (Samuel S Manning and California Lewis), fruit and confectionery, 155 Lake

Manning Martin, brakeman, bds 723 Lake

Manning, Samuel S., (Manning & Lewis), h Carroll

Manning Theron E., foreman E & H St R R , h 350 Center

Manning, William D., expressman, h 1006 East av

Manning, Michael, saloon Water, h 208 S Walnut

Manske, John, ironworker, h 116 Spring

Mantet, Nora, domestic, 255 Baldwin

Mantell, Paul, foreman street car company, h 100 Park

Mantell, Thomas, blacksmith, h, E s Keefe n South av

Manwaring, Ansen, farmer, h, E s S Broadway n limits

Manwaring, Sidney A., ( G W Bullard & Co.) h 963 Walnut

Mapes, Charles B., clerk 901 Lake, bds do

Mapes & Co., grocers 901 Lake

Mapes, George P., brakeman, h 897 Oak

Mapes, William J., clerk 901 Lake, h do

Mapes, M. H. Mrs., bds 309 W Clinton

Marcuson, Amelia, bookkeeper, bds 319 High

Marcuson, David, peddler, h, 901 John

Marcuson, Isador, h 319 High cor Second

Marcy, Ida, waitress Elmira house

Mares, Mate, dressmaker, bds 705 N Main

Marfen Mike, laborer, 225 E Seventh

Margraff, Anna, student, bds 152 W Fifth

Margeson, Eber G., carpenter, h 404 Baldwin

Maricle, Adelbert W., brakeman E C & N R R , 906 Benton

Marim, Thomas B., (Marim & Thompson) h 497 Erie

MARIM & THOMPSON, builders and contractors, 497 Erie

Marinan, James H., engineer D L & W R R , h 420 E Washington av

Marinan, John, engineer D L & W R R , bds 420 E Washington av

Maring, Harry, peddler, bds 107 Washington

Marion, Albert, engineer, h 663 Lake

Marion, Charles T., painter, h 670 Magee

Marion, Edward, laborer, h 813 Hatch

Marion, Frank, painter, h 670 Magee

Marion, Edward J., express mess., 670 Magee

Markham, Daniel, laborer, h r 213 O’Gorman

Markham, John, laborer, h 710 Magee

Maroko, William, laborer, bds Robinson n Esty

Marks, Bernard, peddler, h 751 E Water

Marks, Isaac, peddler jewelry, 112 Sullivan, h do

Markson, Benjamin, peddler, h 558 E Water

Marrin, Mary, domestic, 303 N Main

Maroney, Ellen, dressmaker, bds 708 Elm

Maroney, James C., h 864 Lake

Maroney John, (Elmira Drug Co.,) also physician, h Baldwin cor E Second

Maroney Sarah, h 864 Lake

Maroney, Thomas, laborer, bds 708 Elm

Marris Isaac, milk peddler, h, 421 S Broadway

Marsh, Francis M., widow Fred S., h 415 N Main

Marsh, Frederick C., clerk Erie yard office, h 374 W Fifth

Marsh Grace E., 415 N Main

Marsh, John B., organist park church, h 321 ½ W Clinton

Marsh, Joseph C., engineer D L & W R R , h 313 E Center

Marsh, Linda, clerk, h 217 W Third

Marsh, Michael, machinist, h 364 W Fifth

Marsh, Willis J., clerk, h 873 Magee

Marshall, George H., laborer, bds E s Penna av n limits

Marshall, Hebe, bds 507 W Church

Marshall, Isaac S., emp E C & N R R office, h 507 W Church

Marshall, Jacob, laborer, h E s Penna av n limits

Marshall, Mattie, bds 507 W Church

Marshall, Willie C., laborer, bds E s Penna av n limits

Martinette, Charles F., h 357 Grove

Martinette, Eva, dressmaker 357 Grove, bds do

Martin, Amelia, widow, h 709 E Church

Martin, Charles W., carpenter, h 606 ½ Dickinson

Martin, Ebenezer L., carpenter, h 407 Penna av

Martin, Elma G., teacher school No. 4, 1302 Maxwell av

Martin, Frederick T., photographer, h, 962 East av

Martin, George F., mailing clerk Telegram, bds 534 Penna av

Martin, George W., engineer N C R R , h, 534 Penna av

Martin, Jacob H., bds 407 Penna av

Martin, John, millwright, bds 318 Washington av

Martin, John H., brakeman N C R R, bds 702 Giltanan

Martin, Mabel B., dressmaker, bds 407 Penna av

Martin, Mary, seamstress, h, 100 W Water

Martin, Pearl, operative, bds 252 South av

Martin, Phebe, domestic, 462 Franklin

Martin, William M., shoemaker 962 East av., h do

Marvin, Alice, student, bds 168 Orchard

Marvin, Bertha, bds 409 Dewitt

Marvin, C. E., lawyer, bds Rathbun house

Marvin, Charles M., lawyer, Robinson bldg Lake, rooms Chemung bank bldg

Marvin, Edward D., fireman D L & W R R , bds 350 Center

Marvin, Frank, student, bds 168 Orchard

Marvin, Henry A., clerk 125 S Main, h 469 Dewitt

Marvin, Jane C., widow, Lyman G., h 168 Orchard

Marvin, John D., clerk 413 and 415 Carroll, bds 168 Orchard

Marvin, Lillie A., milliner,, bds 409 Dewitt

Marvin, Lile E., widow Isaac, dressmaker, bds 339 W Seventh

Marvin, Martha, h 356 Walnut

Marvin, Mary J., widow Edward, h 469 Dewitt

Marvin, Walter, student, bds 372 W Water

Mark, Lenna Mrs. G., bds 3009 S Main

Maskell, Nora, domestic, 350 W Sixth

MASON BROTHES, (Jud and George), grocers and provisions, 300 S Main

Mason, Elizabeth, widow G.W., h 114 Columbia

Mason, Frank, clerk, 300 S Main, bds 453 Franklin

Mason, Frank H., clerk, 300 S Main, bds 453 Franklin

Mason, Furman, city express, h 453 Franklin

Mason, George, h 453 Franklin

Mason, George( J and G Mason) bds 453 Franklin

Mason, Jane, widow Sidney, Baldwin cor E Fourth

Mason, Jud (J and G Mason) bds 453 Franklin

Mason, Marcus L., conductor, h 349 W Sixth

Mason, Walter C., supt Prudential Ins. Co., room 4 opera house, h 119 E Hudson

Mason, William E., telegraph operator N C shops, h 451 W First

Masonic Hall at Masonic Temple , Lake cor Market

Masters, Julius, engineer Erie R R , bds Blyley house

Masterson, Harry, bookkeeper, bds 110 College av

Masterson, Harry D., bookkeeper 207 and 209 Baldwin, bds S s W Hill road n Hoffman

Masterson, Jennie, widow Henry, Home for Aged

Masterson, Jennie, compositor, bds Hoffman n Carrs corners

Masterson, Sarah, widow, O.H., h, S s W Hill road, n Hoffman

Masterson, William, fireman E F D , h 605 John

Mather, Charles S., (H L Armstrong & Co.,) h 517 W Church

Mather, Joseph E., carpenter, h 209 Mt Zoar

MATHER, CORNELIUS B., coal and wood 104 Partridge, bds 309 S Main

Mather, Lottie E., clerk 134 W Water, bds 209 Mt Zoar

Mather Lula N., dressmaker, bds 209 Mt Zoar

Mather, Luther P., shoemaker 209 Mt Zoar, bds do

Mathers, William J., student, bds 454 ½ Spaulding

Matherson, Mame, student, bds 406 Sullivan

Matheu, William, hotel 351 E Fifth

Matthew Mary A., domestic, 416 W Water

Mathews Peter, cigarmaker 435 E Water, bds 562 E Water

Mathews, Annie Mrs., h 664 Dickinson

Matthews, Carrie, clerk 309 E Water, bds 104 High

Matthews, Effa, clerk 309 E Water, bds 104 High

Matthews, Elizabeth, widow John, h 316 Railroad av

Matthews, Elmer C., shoecutter, h 107 Harmon

Matthews, Fletcher, real estate, h 914 College av

Matthews, H., Bort, machinist Elmira Bridge Co., bds 104 High

Matthews, Horation W., carpenter, h S s Reformatory av

Mathews John, bookkeeper 156 and 158 Lake, h 605 E Church

Mathews, John S., doorcutter Fitch & Aldrich, h 515 Dewitt

Matthews, Joshua, engineer, h 610 Dickinson

MATTHEWS JOSHUA MRS., dressmaker and ladies furnishings and fancy goods 610 Dickinson, h do

Matthews, Josephine Mrs., h 104 High

Matthews, Mary A., widow William W., bds 208 W Miller

Matthews, Oscar W., painter, h 214 Judson

Matthews, Sarah, widow George, bds 360 E Fifth

Matthews, William, farmer, h 213 ½ Lormore

Matthews, William E., watchman Fitch & Aldrich, h 656 E Third

Matthewson, Mary, dressmaker, bds 314 Washington

Mathias, Frank, fireman D L & W R R , h 1003 Pratt

Mathias, Lewis, brakeman D L & W R R , h 720 Benjamin

Mattice, George B., engineer D L & W R R , h 1023 Oak

Mattison, Carrie, bookkeeper, bds, 702 ½ W Fourth

MATTISON, J. FRANK, meat market 201 W Clinton, h 707 1.2 W Fourth

Maurer, Otto, h 140 E Water

Maurer, William, restaurant 140 E Water, h do

Mauger, Gulie, domestic 511 W Water

Maus, James K., bookkeeper 117-119 E Church, h 519 E Union

MAXCY THOMAS C., grocer 205 W Clinton, h 616 College av

Maxen, Moses A., dealer in old metal Judson, bds 800 John

Maxey, Johanna, domestic 703 Park pl

Maxwell, Anna R., widow William, h 207 E Gray

Maxwell, Catharine, widow William, h 800 E Market

Maxwell, David H., brakeman N C R R , bds 400 Penna av

Maxwell, George P., pressman Advertiser, bds 151 W Clinton

Maxwell, Henry, baggage master D L & W R R ., bds 151 W Clinton

Maxwell, Henry P., trav salesman, h 634 W Water

Maxwell, Jennie S., photograph printer, bds 410 Main

Maxwell, Jennie, bookkeeper water works office, bds 239 W Water

Maxwell, John C., tallyman D L & W frt house, h 406 E Washington av

Maxwell, Lizzie G., teacher, bds 207 E Gray

Maxwell, Louise, widow John D., h 239 W Water

Maxwell, Nellena, bds 406 E Washington av

Maxwell, Robert J., plumber Lake, bds 239 W Water

Maxwell, Samuel, cabinet maker 225 W Water, h 410 N Main

Maxwell, William, clerk U S Ex. Co., h 409 Perry

Maxwell, William, res Woodlawn cemetery

Maycumber, Adelbert, carpenter, h 602 Baldwin

Maycumber, Barney, laborer, h 903 Sullivan

Maycumber, Charles, mailing clerk Telegram office, bds 903 Sullivan

Maycumber, Helen, widow Thomas, 1120 N elm

Maycumber, John H., teamster, h 902 Sullivan

Maycumber, Richmond T., shoemaker, h 1120 Elm

Mayer, M.F., supt Y M C A gymnasium, h 635 W Water

Mayers, Joseph, cigars and tobacco, 138 ½ W Water, h Addison, NY

Mayers, Philip, boilermaker, bds 703 S Main

Mayls W. O., com agt Elmira Oil Co., Masonic Temple

Maylan, Bryan W., boilermaker D L & W R R shops, h 915 Lake

Maynard, Mabel, teacher school No. 1, bds 307 William

Mayo, Charles J., printer Telegram, bds 520 Jefferson

Mayo, Eugene E., clerk, h 1322 Pratt

Mayo, Lineus L., fireman D L & W R R , h 1316 Baldwin

Mayo William H., engineer N C R R , h 520 Jefferson

Mayor’s Office, Masonic Temple, Lake

McAleer, Stephen, tinsmith, bds Chemung house

McAllister, Edward F., tinsmith Barker, Rose & Gray, h 411 W Fourth

McAlpine, William D., clerk Frasier house, bds do

McAndrews, James H., switchman N C R R, h 116 W Miller

McBride, Henry, brakeman D L & W R R , 804 Oak

McCaffrey, Celestia, widow Peter, h 358 S Main

McCaffrey, Edward, laborer, bds 358 S Main

McCaffrey, George, clerk 108 State, h 705 Lake

McCaffrey George H., clerk, h 705 Lake

McCAFFREY & INSCHO, (M McC and A Inscho), grocers, 108 State

McCaffrey, Maggie, operator, h 705 Lake

McCaffrey Maggie, widow John, h 705 Lake

McCaffrey, Margaret, widow John, saloon 900 Maxwell av

McCagrey Mary, h 705 Lake

McCaffrey, Minnie (McCaffrey & Inscho) h 713 E Water

McCaffrey, Robert S., shoemaker Richardson’s, bds 504 E Church

McCaffrey, Sloan, bds 617 Lake

McCaffrey, William, manager McCaffrey & Inscho, 108 State, h 713 E Water

McCahill, John H., laborer, h 506 Balsam

McCall, Catharine, nurse Arnot Ogden Hospital

McCall, Charles, laborer, bds 1118 Main

McCall, Evan, upholsterer 166 Exchange pl, bds 416 Carroll

McCall, Thomas, h 524 W First

McCallister, James N., shoemaker 172 Lake, h 616 E Water

McCallister, Edward, tinsmith, bds 127 Partridge

McCann, Criete, bds Davis n Reformatory

McCann, David, laborer, h 506 Erie

McCann, Edward, clerk 208 W Water, bds 220 W Water

McCann, Eliza, car cleaner N C R R, h 725 S Main

McCann, Ella, seamstress, bds 661 W Third cor High

McCann, Terrance, clerk 432 E Market, h 853 East av

McCann, George, brakeman D L & W R R , bds 366 Diven av

McCann, George, conductor D L & W R R, bds 724 Benjamin

McCann, George, lawyer, Chemung Canal bank bldg., h E s Davis n Reformatory

McCann, George S., farmer, also real estate, W s Davis n Reformatory

McCann, James, bds Buckbee house

McCann, James, carpenter, bds 433 E Water

McCann, James D., clerk , h E s Davis N of State Reformatory

McCann, Jane, car cleaner N C R R , h 725 S Main

McCann, John, farmer, W s Davis n Reformatory

McCann, John F., spinner Elmira woolen mills, bds 853 East av

McCann, John J., conductor D L & W R R , bds Wyckoff house

McCann, Joseph (Gardner & McCann), h 220 W Water

McCann, Joseph P., eastern trav agt Missouri Pacific R R , h 657 N Main

McCann Maggie, dressmaker 853 East av, h do

McCann, Mary, domestic 1201 Hall

McCann, Mary, weaver Elmira woolen mills, bds 853 East av

McCann, Peter J., laborer, bds 853 East av

McCann, Wallace, brakeman D L & W R R , bds, 366 Diven av

McCann, Wallace, brakeman, bds 366 Diven av

McCann, Catharine, widow James, h 661 E Third

McCanna, Ella, seamstress, h 561 E Third

McCanna, James P., foreman reformatory, h 457 High

McCanna, Lizzie, tailoress 332 E Water, bds 561 E Third

McCarn, M. DeForrest, (Chapman, Plowman & McCarn), h 303 S Main

McCaraley, Nora, bookkeeper 323 E Water, bds 226 Lormore

McCarly, George, bds 625 Lewis

McCarrick, Clara, bds 720 Sullivan

McCarrick, Franklin P., conductor N C R R , h 304 South av

McCarrick, George, shoemaker, h 515 Herrick

McCarrick, James, laborer, h 600 Hart

McCarter, James, barber, bds 459 E Second

McCarthy, Anna, domestic 411 W Water

McCarthy, Anna, dressmaker, bds 402 S Magee

McCarthy, Anna, domestic 355 ½ W Clinton

McCarthy, Ann, widow Jerry, h 712 Erie

McCarthy, Bridget, widow Michael, h 625 Lewis

McCarthy, Bridget L., nurse, bds 159 E Washington av

McCarthy, Catharine, widow Patrick, h 402 S Magee

McCarthy, Charles, clerk Ross & Kline, bds 462 W Sixth

McCarthy, Charles, shoemaker J Richardson & Co.,,, bds 500 Grove

McCarthy, Clarence T., painter, bds 756 E Fifth

McCarthy, Charles J., fireman, bds 712 Erie

McCarthy, Daniel, tinsmith, h 367 W Third

McCarthy, Daniel, laborer, bds 204 Fulton

McCarthy, Dennis, fireman D L & W R R bds 711 Lake

McCarthy, Dennis, laborer, bds 515 S Broadway

McCarthy, Dennis, saloon 416 Dewitt cor Third, h do

McCarthy, Dennis F., mason, h 309 Fulton

McCarthy, Dennis J., painter, bds 416 Dewitt cor Third

McCarthy, Ellen, widow Jeremiah, h 204 Fulton

McCarthy, Ellen, dressmaker, bds 410 Walnut

McCarthy, Ella, widow George, h 107 Fulton

McCarthy, Eugene F., stenographer, bds 159 E Washington av

McCarthy, Eugene E., tailor, bds 215 S Walnut

McCarthy, Eugene J., laborer, bds 214 Chestnut

McCarthy, Felix, laborer, h 410 Walnut

McCarthy, Florence, emp N Y L E & W R R , bds 625 Lewis

McCarthy, James, conductor N Y L E & W R R , bds 625 Lewis

McCarthy, James, flagman N Y L E & W R R ., h 155 E Washington av

McCarthy, James, bds 653 State

McCarthy, James, h 367 W Third

McCarthy, James, cigarmaker, bds 413 Davis

McCarthy, Jeremiah, laborer, bds 204 Fulton

McCarthy, Jerry, laborer, bds 712 Erie

McCarthy, John, plumber, bds 410 Walnut

McCarthy, John, 325 Carroll, bds 410 Walnut

McCarthy, John, car inspector, h 862 Magee

McCarthy, John, emp rolling mill, h 159 E Washington av

McCarthy, John, letter carrier, bds 159 E Washington av

McCarthy, John jr., laborer, h 951 Johnson

McCarthy, Julia, cigarmaker, bds 342 W Seventh

McCarthy, Julia, domestic, 416 Dewitt cor Third

McCarthy, Kate, domestic Maple av n Horner

McCarthy, Kate , domestic 417 E Market

McCarthy, Kate L., milliner, bds 625 Lewis

McCarthy, Kate T., bds 402 S Magee

McCarthy, Libbie, dressmaker, bds 155 E Washington av

McCarthy, Maggie, laundress, bds 202 E Washington av

McCarthy, Mary, saloon 801 Walnut, h do

McCarthy, Mary, domestic 407 W Water

McCarthy, Mary, widow John, h 413 Davis

McCarthy, Mary, widow John, h 342 W Seventh

McCarthy, Mary, seamstress, bds 625 Davis

McCarthy, Mary, h 364 W Third

McCarthy, Matthew, brakeman Erie R R , bds 410 Walnut

McCarthy, Michael, laborer, 756 E Fifth

McCarthy, Michael, stonecutter 1115 Davis, h do

McCarthy, Michael, foreman N C R R ., bds 724 S Main

McCarthy, Michael, hostler, bds 507 Railroad av

McCarthy, Minnie, laundress, bds 302 E Washington av

McCarthy, Nancy, widow Jeremiah, h 712 Erie

McCarthy, Patrick, policeman, h 462 W Sixth

McCarthy, Patrick, tinner, bds 413 Davis

McCarthy, Patrick J., mason, h 404 Walnut

McCarthy, Pierce, saloon 212 Giltanan, h do

McCarthy, Thomas, laborer, bds 204 Fulton

McCarthy, William, shoemaker, bds 410 Walnut

McCarthy, William, laborer, h 830 W Washington av

McCarthy, William, fireman, h 342 W Seventh

McCarthy, William, gigger, bds 706 E Second

McCartney, Catharine, Home for Aged

McCarty, Bridget, domestic, 500 Lake

McCarty, Charles, clerk 219-221 N Main

McCarty, Dennis J., fireman D L & W R R ., bds 659 Lake

McCarty, Edith, widow William, h 436 Carroll

McCarty, Ellen, nurse, bds 368 Thurston

McCarty, Ester, boxmaker, bds 100 Fulton

McCarty, Eugene, tailor, 116 E Water, h do

McCarty, James, barber 121 E Water, bds 418 Carroll

McCarty, James, mason, bds 107 Fulton

McCarty, James H., (Cooklin & McCarty), h 103 Davis

McCarty, James Mrs., bds 107 Fulton

McCarty, John, barber 428 E Water, bds 1000 Lincoln

McCarty John, tailor, bds 215 S Walnut

McCarty, Julia Mrs., umbrella mender 103 W Water, h do

McCarty, Julia, domestic, 308 W Gray

McCarty, Kate, domestic, 710 N Main

McCarty, Margaret, H 302 Washington av

McCarty, Minnie, bds, 302 Washington av

McCarty, Nellie, bds 100 Fulton

McCarty Rose, bds 100 Fulton

McCarty, Thomas, printer, bds 302 Washington av

McCarty, William, saloon 302 Washington av, h do

McCarty, William P., bds 706 E Second

McCase, Frank, brakeman D L & W R R , h 1408 Baldwin

McCausland Will A., clerk 112 W Water, bds 403 W Water

McCawley, Nora, bookkeeper 165 Lake, bds 260 Baldwin

McCaw, James, bds 7 Aspen Ridge

McCaw, Thomas, battery man, h 526 W First

McCay, Catharine V.D., bds 752 Park Pl

McCeaigue, Sophia, widow Isaac, bds 220 High

McCeaken, Mary, widow John, h 709 Columbia

McClain, B.F., pretzel bakery 364 E Fifth, h 319 Lake

McClain, Edward, baker 363 E Fifth, h 319 Lake

McClane, Charles R., bookkeeper 625 Railroad av, bds 902 College av

McClary, Timothy B., laborer, h 1009 Lincoln

McCatchey, Andrew J., clerk National Transit Co., h 210 College av

McClave, H.H. Mrs., bds 902 College av

McClearn, Martin D., Chapman, Plowman & McClearn, h 303 S Main

McClelland Florence, domestic, 374 W Church

McClintic, Bessie, bds 1308 Baldwin

McClintic, Frances, bds 1308 Baldwin

McClintic, William, helper D L W round house, bds 1308 Baldwin

McClune, Ed, fireman L V R R , bds Blyley house

McClure, Carie, bds 110 Lormore

McConnell, Amanda, widow Andrew J., h 714 Spaulding

McConnell, Anna, domestic 855 College av

McConnell, Anna Mrs., widow Francis, h 117 Catharine

McConnell, Annie, domestic 713 N Main

McConnell, Clara, operative, bds 714 Spaulding

McConnell, Florence, elocutionist, bds 117 Catharine

McCONNELL, FRANK W., billiard parlors and sample rooms 160 Baldwin, h 309 Hathaway

McConnell, George, coachman 254 W Clinto, bds do

McConnell, George I., carpenter, bds 714 Spaulding

McConnell, Mary A., operative, bds 714 Spaulding

McConnell, Patrick, laborer, h 309 Hathaway

McConnell, Stephen J., boilermaker, bds 309 Hathaway

McConnell, William H., carpenter emp Swan, h 212 Dewitt

McCord, William S., sec Elmira Bridge Co., bds Rathbun house

McCorey, Libbie, widow John C., h 404 Thurston

McCormick, B. Miss, bds 624 Penna av

McCormick, Eliza, dressmaker, h 315 Lake

McCormick, Jennie, operative Tel Ex., bds 624 Penna av

McCormick, Mary, dressmaker, 315 Lake

McCoy, Andrew M. manager 425-427 E Water, bds do

McCOY FRANK R., prop Homestead hotel 425-427 E Water, h do

McCoy, Lena, widow John, h 520 Dewitt

McCoy, Evan, carpenter and cabinet maker 166 Exchange pl, h 414 Carroll

McCracken, Charles J., clerk 311 E Water, bds 709 Columbia

McCrodden, James, h 220 Franklin

McCrodden, James, bar tender416 E Water, bds 220 Franklin

McCronin, James, fireman N C R R , bds 613 S Main

McCuren, Margaret, widow John, bds 1401 Baldwin

McCullam James, doorman reformatory, bds do

McCullough Florence, domestic 107 Sly

McCurran, James, laborer, bds 546 S Main

McDermott, Mark, coachman Maple av cor Horner

McDermott, Mary, dressmaker, bds 817 Hatch

McDermott, Mary, widow George, bds 669 Baldwin

McDonald, Catharine, widow Larence, h 106 Magee pl

McDonald, Charles, laborer, h W Sixth cor Railroad av’

McDonald, Edward, bds 169 Baldwin

McDonald, Edwin, bar keeper 157 Lake, bds do

McDonald, Elizabeth, tailoress, h 723 Madison av

McDonald, James R., brakeman E C & N R R , h 527 S Broadway

McDonald, John, engineer D L & W R R , bds 907 Lake

McDonald, Lizzie, tailoress, h 723 Madison av

McDonald, Maggie, milliner, bds 310 Diven av

McDonald, Margaret Mrs., nurse, h 518 Dewitt

McDonald, Mary, widow T., h 901 Benton

McDonald, Nellie, tailoress, h 723 Madison av

McDonald, Olive, domestic, bds 518 Dewitt

McDonald Thomas, h 310 Diven av

McDonald Thomas C., teamster, 53 First av

McDonald Thomas jr., helper D L & W R R round house, bds 310 Diven av

McDonnall Charles, laborer, h 801 Railroad av

McDonnell, John, laborer, bds 418 E Water

McDOWELL BOYD, (Denton & McDowell), notary public, 335 E Water, h 605 W Water

McDowell, Clara A., teacher sch No.,4,, bds 501 Baldwin

McDowell, Emma, widow Clayton A., h 716 Walnut

McDOWELL JACOB L., (McDowell & Post), h 408 W Water

McDowell, John J., (Rockwell & McDowell), h 509 William

McDowell, John G., lawyer, bds 509 William

McDowell, John M., trav salesman, h 328 W First

McDowell, Laura, helper 167 Baldwin, h 716 Walnut

McDowell, Mary A., dressmaker 215 Horner cor Lake av

McDOWELL & POST, (J L McD & A W P ), general insurance, 208 E Water

McDowell Robert M., h 509 William

McDuffee, Florence Mrs., h 223 Maple av

McDuffee, Mattie, bds 223 Maple av

McDugal Dell, dressmaker, bds 656 Lake

McElery John, h 410 W Gray

McElligott, Edward, laborer, h 715 Davis

McElligott, Michael, clerk 414 and 416 Carroll, bds 715 Davis

McElligott, Timothy, car inspector D L & W R R , h 722 E Oak

McElroy J. C., carpenter, bds 102 Fox

McElroy, John, brakeman D L & W R R , h 722 E Oak

McElroy, William, conductor, D L & W R R ., h Reformatory av

McElroy, William H. jr., brakeman D L & W R R , bds Reformatory av

McEvett, Delia, domestic 505 William

McElivain, Alexander, shoemaker, bds 353 W Church

McFarland, James, machinist, h 511 W Clinton

McFarlane, Mary Miss, bds- 511 W Clinton

McFeiggan, David M., moulder, h 710 Giltanan

McGahnan, Michael, brakeman D L & W R R ., bds 220 Thurston

McGane Henry H., tool-maker bridge works, bds 109 E Miller

McGee John A., bds 216 William

McGelley Ellen, h 809 East av

McGintz Kate, domestic 209 Gregg

McGlinchey Sarah, widow Joseph, h 154 Baldwin

McGonigal Katie, laundress Wyckoff house

McGough Patrick, hotel and grocery 763 E Market, h do

McGovern Hattie L., bds 362 Columbia

McGovern Hugh, shoemaker, bds 920 Maxwell av

McGovern James, shoe finisher, h 910 Maxwell av

McGovern James, engineer, h 920 Maxwell av

McGovern John, helper, bds 920 Maxwell av

McGovern Michael, carpenter, h 362 Columbia

McGovern Philip, car inspector D L & W R R, bds 920 Maxwell av

McGovern Philip, laborer, bds 920 Maxwell av

McGovern Daniel, brakeman N C R R ., bds South av

McGrath Amanda, bds 465 E Market

McGrath Dennis, carpenter, h 406 Roe av

McGrath, James J., book binder Advertiser, bds 112 High

McGrath, Maggie, domestic 615 Grove

McGrath Michael H., builder, h 465 E Market

McGrath Patrick, laborer, h 112 High

McGrath Peter P., book binder Advertiser, bds 112 High

McGrath Thomas, h 348 W Seventh

McGraw Charles C., bds 611 W Church

McGraw John, engineer L V R R , h 611 W Church

McGraw Katie, domestic 323 William

McGraw Thomas, laborer, h 348 W Seventh