Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Directories of Chemung County, New York
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FOR 1891

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Pg. 244

Kearns Thomas, mason, h 409 Locust

Kearse Peter, night watchman Reformatory, bds do

Keating Anna, bds 719 S Main

Keating Bridget, widow Stephen, h 719 Main

Keating Dennis, laborer street car line, 707 Sullivan

Keating George, laborer, bds 709 Junction

Keating Kate, dressmaker, bds 719 S Main

Keating Lizzie, dressmaker, bds 709 Junction

Keating Margaret, dressmaker, bds 719 S Main

Keating Mary, widow Thomas, h 709 Junction

Keating Patrick, conductor F B R R, bds 719 S Main

Keavin Edward F., mason, h 515 Fulton

Keavin John, policeman, h 255 W Henry

Keavin Martin, machinist, bds 255 W Henry

Keavin Martin, laborer, h N s Soper n S Main

Keck Carrie, bds 528 Penna av

Keck Jacob S., boilermaker, h 124 S Main

Keck Solomon G., foreman N C R R boiler shop, h 528 Penna ave

Kedge Mary Mrs., bds 524 State

Kedge Mary, domestic 422 E Market

Keebler Anna, dressmaker, bds 315 E Church

Keebler Anna, dressmaker, bds 1108 1-2 Lake

Keefe Anna, bds 105 S Second

Keefe Annie, domestic 419 W Church

Keefe Daniel, machinist, h 515 Penna av

Keefe Delia, domestic 401 W Gray

Keefe Ellen Mrs., h 220 W Third

Keefe Frank, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 302 Diven av

Keefe Jeremiah, grocer and saloon 610 S Main, h 118 W Miller

Keefe John, laborer, h 911 Magee

Keefe Michael, engineer E C & N R R, h423 E Washington av

Keefe Patrick, h 105 S Second

Keefe Thomas, h 118 W Miller

Keefe Thomas S., hostler N C R R shops, h 83 Keefe

Keefe Thomas, jr., clerk, bds 118 W Miller

Keeffe Anna, dressmaker, bds 360 W Fifth

Keeffe Arthur, fireman D L & W R R, bds 360 W Fifth

Keeffe Daniel, engineer D L & W R R, bds 360 W Fifth

Keeffe John, tallyman L V R R, h 360 W Fifth

Keeffe John, shipping clerk L V frt office, bds 360 W Fifth

Keeffe Joseph, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 800 Oak cor Harper

Keeffe John, bds 220 W Third

Keeffe Mary, widow Arthur, h 360 W Fifth

Keeffe Thomas W., conductor D L & W R R, h 800 Oak cor Harper

Keeler Charlotte W., bds 354 Maple av

Pg. 245

Keene Henry L., h 509 College av

Keener Benjamin, brakeman L V R R, bds Blyley house

KEENEY WESLEY J., new edition bible cards, rubber stamps and printing wheels 569 W Second, h do

Keese Jacob, carriage trimmer Berrys, bds 406 Standish

Keeton Frank A., wholesale fruit 176 Baldwin, h 424 W Clinton

Keeton Walter T., student, bds 424 W Clinton

Keigler Anna, 2 Main St bridge

Keifer John H., brakeman N C R R, h 312 Baty

Keys William, emp Turner lumber works, h 717 McDonald

Keinley Andrew, moulder, h 223 Harriet

Keller Fred, laborer, h 755 Day

Keller William, hostler, bds 219 Market

Keller William, moulder Payne shops, h 605 Tuttle av

Keller William, saloon 408 E Water, h do

Kelley Bartholomew, emp Postal Tel Co., bds 806 Magee

Kelley Catharine, widow John, bds 770 S Main

Kelley Daniel, tinsmith, h 806 N Main

Kelley Delia, domestic 500 E Union

Kelley George D., watchman, h 517 Perine

Kelley John, laborer, h 315 Hathaway

Kelley John J., shoemaker, h 400 S Broadway

Kelley Josie, 806 Magee

Kelley Joseph J., car inspector, h 106 Magee pl

Kelley Kate, bookkeeper 201 W Water, h 114 Washington

Kelley Margaret, h 256 W Hudson

Kelley Margaret, widow Martin, h 806 Magee

Kelley Margaret E., domestic 464 South av

Kelley Mary, h 605 Perine

Kelley Michael J., engineer D L & W R R, h 1211 Hall

Kelley Michael, moulder, h 114 Washington

Kelley Miles, emp Postal Tel Co., bds 806 Magee

Kelley Mortimer, bds 806 806 Magee

Kelley Patrick, laborer, bds 806 Magee

Kelley Patrick, laborer, h r 559 E Church

Kelley Thomas D., engineer D L & W R R, h 1215 Benton

Kelley see also Kelly

Kellogg Charles, vice-pres Elmira National bank, bds Rathbun house

Kellogg E. Algernon, ins agt, h Home n Spaulding

Kellogg Ellen J., widow Seth W., h 321 W Washington av

Kellogg Erastus W., supt Elmira Bridge Co., h 107 Sly

Kellogg Ida, teacher, h 321 W Washington av

Kellogg Lizzie A., 230 S Main, bds Home n Spaulding

Kellogg May L., teacher, bds Home n Spaulding

Kellogg Reuben B., laborer, h 959 Davis

Pg. 246

Kelly Benjamin F., painter, bds 161 Harriet

Kelly Catharine A., bookkeeper cor Main and Water, bds 114 Washington

Kelly Clara, widow Charles, h 373 W Gray

Kelly Edward, clerk, bds 459 E Water

Kelly Elizabeth, cook American hotel, bds do

Kelly Fannie D., widow John, h Perine n South av

KELLY GEORGE H., painter and paper hanger 130 W Water, h 500 E Church

KELLY & HOUGH, (M A K and J A H), boots, shoes and trunks 108 W Water

Kelly James, policeman, h 751 Walnut

Kelly John, laborer, h 315 Hathaway

Kelly John, doormaker, bds r 805 Magee

Kelly John, policeman, h 910 Oak

Kelly John, boltcutter N C R R shops, 354 Penna av

Kelly John A., janitor, h 408 E Washington av

Kelly John Mrs., grocer, h 910 Oak

Kelly John W., clerk Kelly & Hough, h 111 W Gray

Kelly Joseph B., clerk 108 W Water, bds 408 E Washington av

Kelly Maggie, domestic, 397 W Water

Kelly Mary, domestic, 382 W Church

Kelly Mary A., tailoress, bds 114 Washington

Kelly Mary A., domestic, 407 N Main

Kelly Martin, fireman, bds 1025 Oak

Kelly Matthew P., clerk 305 E Water, bds 1025 Oak

Kelly Mertie, messenger 150 Baldwin, bds 806 Magee

Kelly Michael, laborer, bds 808 E Market

Kelly Michael, driver Telegram, bds 102 E Market

Kelly Michael A., (Kelly & Hough), bds 408 E Washington av

Kelly Michael J., letter carrier, h 854 Magee

Kelly Minnie S., private teacher, bds 500 E Church

Kelly Patrick, emp Erie R R, bds Sherman house

Kelly Seth, h 106 W Market

Kelly Simon, teamster, h r 806 Magee

Kelly Sylvester J., machinist, bds 109 Caldwell av

Kelly Thomas, tinsmith 126 W Water, bds 114 Washington

Kelly William, cigarmaker 91 to 95 Penna av, bds 1 Home cor Spaulding

Kelly William E., canvasser, bds 408 E Washington av

Kelly -----, clerk, 419 and 421 N Main

Kelly see also Kelley

Kelngman Frank, emp Sheeley's tannery, h 913 John

Kemp Christopher G., boot and shoes, 303 Division, h 217 High

Kemp Mary E., widow Samuel, h 138 E Chemung pl

Kemp Thomas C G., stenographer N Y L E & W R R, bds 217 High

Kemp William E V, clerk D L & W R R shops, bds 217 High

Pg. 247

Kenally John, h 363 W Clinton

Kenally Mattie, bds 363 W Clinton

Kendall Horace S., conductor N C R R, h 450 South av

Kendrick John J., emp rolling mill, bds 152 W Washington av

Kendrick Josie, domestic Elmira college

Kendrick Michael, laborer, h 152 W Washington av

Kendrick Michael M., fireman D L & W R R, bds 152 W Washington av

Kenfield Lorenzo D., tinsmith Barker Rose & Gray, bds 1006 Lake

Kennedy Bridget, widow Michael, bds 422 E Washington av

Kennedy Edward, seargant police dept, h 458 Carroll

Kennedy Edward, cigarmaker, h 409 High

Kennedy Electa E., widow Angus, bds 562 E Church

Kennedy George (Kennedy & Co.), bds Delevan house

Kennedy George F., farmer, h Davis n state reformatory

KENNEDY G.W. & CO., coal, wood, hay, straw and storage, Railroad cor Fourth

Kennedy Isaac, bds Pattinson house, catarrh and pile remedy

Kennedy Jennie (estate of John Kennedy), h 719 Park pl

Kennedy John (estate of), wholesale and retail grocers, 104 to 106 E Water

Kennedy John, upholster 121 E Church, bds 206 High

Kennedy John W., Erie depot restaurant, res at Binghamton

Kennedy Mary, domestic, 408 William

Kennedy Mary, widow James, h 605 Jay

Kennedy Marie, waitress Delavan house

KENNEDY MICHAEL A., excellsior bottling works 219 W Water, h 158 Washington

Kennedy Nellie, tailoress, bds 605 Jay

Kennedy Patrick, laborer 658 Magee

Kennedy Stephen, acrobat, bds 109 E Church

Kennedy Stephen, bartender, bds 658 Magee

Kennedy William H., driver, h 13 Home n Erie

Kennedy Winnefred, grocer 104-106 E Water, h 719 Park pl

Kenney Bridget, widow James, h Oak cor Clinton

Kenney Elizabeth B. Mrs., h 650 E Market

Kenney James, weaver Elmira woolen mill, h 509 Oak

Kenning Charles W., h 650 E Market

Kenning Elizabeth, h 650 E Market

Kenly Andrew, emp Coleman iron works, h 123 Harriet

Kent Augustus P., laborer, bds 111 W First

Kent Cora, cook Elmira house

Kent George B., (Kent & Miller), res Syracuse, NY

Kent Henrietta, bds 220 W Water

Kent Horace M., manager 133 E Water, h 403 W Water

Pg. 248

Kent Horace M., jr., clerk 133 E Water, bds 403 W Water

Kent John B., mason, h 211 Fulton

Kent Margaret, widow Phineas, h 111 W First

KENT & MILLER (G B K and R V M), clothiers and furnishers, 133 E Water

Kent Ralph, bds 111 W First

Kenyon Carrie F., widow Rev Andrew J, h 520 Fulton

Kenyon Emma, h 116 Sullivan

Keough Charles, barber, h 103 W First

Keough John, bds 315 Railroad av

Keough Patrick, saloon 315 Railroad av, h do

Ker Edward R., cashier 119 Lake, bds 109 Grove

Ker Melville, bds 109 Grove

Ker Richard, dentist, 209 W Water, h 109 Grove

Ker Tiller E., bds 109 Grove

Kerney Mary, widow Martin, bds 257 W Henry

Kerney Martin, jr., car inspector, h 257 W Henry

Kerns Emma Mrs., confectionery 327 Railroad av

Kerr Charles E., bookkeeper and com trav, E Market cor Fox, bds 505 Lake

Kerr Edward R., clerk 107 Lake, bds 109 Grove

Kerr Joseph G., foreman Reformatory, h Roe av n Walnut

Kershaw Cora L., laborer, h 120 W Miller

Kervan Kate, domestic 511 W Water

Kerwin Thomas, conductor Tioga, h 463 W Second

Kerwan Thomas J., conductor N Y L E & W R R, h 612 N Main

Ketchem Edward C., carpenter, h 375 W Gray

Ketchem Herman, student, bds 375 W Gray

Ketchem Jonas S., carpenter, 710 John

Ketley Charles H., (Ketley & Fay), h 114 E Chemung pl

KETLEY & FAY (C H Ketley and J Fay), merchant tailors, 103 E Water

Ketter John, grocer 351 1-2 E Fifth, h do

Pg. 249

Ketter Joseph, machinist, bds 351 1-2 W Fifth

Keune Sarah, domestic 522 William

Keyes Elmer E., paper hanger, 327 W Washington av

Kickbush Mary, widow John, h 220 High

Kidder Louisa, widow Alonzo, h 57 Orchard

Kidder William, frame maker 327 E Water, h 57 Orchard

Kieffier Levi, carpenter, h 709 John

Kieen Joseph, laborer, h n Main cor Center

Kies Eugene A., machinist, h 121 W Miller

KIES FRED W., book binder and blank book manufacturer, 104 and 106 Lake, h 314 Madison av

Kies Jennie L., bds 650 E Church

KIES LOUIS, manager 104 and 106 Lake, h 650 E Church

Kilburn Kate, crayon artist, bds 210 W Second

Kilkelley James, conductor N C R R, h 109 1-2 S Second

Kilkelley Frank, fireman N C R R, bds 703 S Main

Killea John J., fireman D L & W R R, bds 311 E Washington av

Killea Patrick J., engineer D L & W R R, h 1206 Hall

Killeen James, laborer, bds 716 Main

Killeen John, laborer, h Furnace block Main cor W Centre

Killeen Patrick, laborer, bds 916 Main

Killey Afton V., carpenter, h 217 Caldwell av

Pg. 250

Killian Sarah E., bds 650 E Market

Kilmartin John, com agent, bds American hotel

Kilmer Charles H., blacksmith, h 1130 Hall

Kilmer Fred D., drayman, bds 211 Caldwell av

Kilmer Harry L., clerk, bds 102 E Henry

Kilmer John F., blacksmith, h 211 Caldwell av

Kilmer Joseph, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1130 Hall

Kilmer Joseph S., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1130 Hall

Kilron John J., conductor D L & W R R, bds 1122 Lake

Kimball Carrie P., bookkeeper J Richardson & Co, bds 108 College av

Kimball Ella M., widow of Dr M C, h 656 Lake

Kimball Henry G., clerk Brophy & MacMahon, bds 108 College av

Kimball Hellen S., widow John H., h 108 College av

Kimball Mary E., widow Miner C., h 656 Lake

Kimball Noah H., salesman 129 E Water, h 509 Spaulding

Kimmes Philip, sign painter, h 214 W Hudson

King Carrie, domestic Maple av cor Horner

King Caroline H., widow Enos, h 610 N Main

King Charles H., boilermaker, bds 257 Baty

King Debbie L., housekeeper 500 William

King Edward J., (William King & Sons) bds 208 College av

King Frank, engineer D L & W R R, h 160 W Fifth cor Main

King Frank Mrs., dressmaker, h 160 W Fifth cor N Main

King John, laborer, h 664 Dickinson

King John R., photographer, bds 107 W Second

King Joseph, shoemaker Caldwell av and Erie, h 50 Washington river bank

King Josephine, clerk, bds 454 Spaulding

King Mary, widow John, Home for Aged

King Mary Mrs., bds Windsor av

King Mary M., widow Leonard, h 802 W Gray

King Rufus, lawyer 306 E Water, bds 417 E Market

King Theron, harnessmaker, h 107 W Second

King William, manfr of church organs 208 College av, h do

King William H., carpenter, h 315 E Clinton

Kingsbury Catharine, widow Horace, bds 662 College av

Kingsbury Ella, artist, h 406 W Gray

Kingsbury Emilye, widow George W., h 446 W Fifth

Kingsbury George A., painter Erie car shops, h Kingsbury av

Kingsbury George W., foreman tin shop Barker, Rose & Gray, h 110 W Market

Kingsbury Henry F., trav salesman, h 221 W Chemung pl

Kingsbury H. Floyd, com trav, bds 221 W Chemung pl

Kingsbury Joseph J., engineer water works, h 643 Windsor av

Kingsbury Lucius S., grocer 110 N Main, h 368 W Gray

Pg. 251

Kingsbury Mrs. M. M., (Kingsbury & Squires), h 221 W Chemung pl

KINGSBURY & SQUIRES, (Mrs M M K and Miss E S) art needlework and Fancy goods 112 S Main

Kingsbury Oliver C., produce merchant, h 406 W Gray

Kingsbury William A., city assessor, bds 513 Railroad av

Kingsbury Andrew, wagonmaker, h 321 Washington cor Second

Kingsley Ellen B., teacher school No. 4, bds 321 Washington

Kingsley Sandy, h 668 Baldwin

Kingston Annie, domestic 612 Columbia

Kingston George, laborer, h 826 Lincoln

Kingston John, coachman 221 Lake

Kingston John, laborer h 951 Johnson

Kingston John, coachman 221 Lake

Kingston Minnie, domestic 463 W Gray

Kingston Nellie domestic 454 W Gray

Kingston Paul emp Arnot bank, bds 826 Lincoln

Kingston Samuel, laborer, h 319 River

Kinkade Angelo, emp bridge works, h 407 Grove

Kinnear James M., clerk 301 E Water, h 623 W Gray

Kinner Asa, laborer, h 203 Hoffman

Kinner Gertrude K., pianist, h 416 College av

Kinner Guy M., musician, bds 416 College av

Kinner Harry, apprentice 215 W Second, bds 203 Hoffman

Kinner James B., bds 212 Hoffman

Kinner John V., machinist, h 416 College av

Kinner Ward, laborer, h 112 Hoffman

Kinney Daniel H., shoecutter Richardson's, h 605 E Water

Kinney Ellen, widow Thomas, bds 853 Magee

Kinney Jennie, domestic 300 W Church

Kinney Oley L., clerk 260 W Water, h 316 W Center

Kinney Patrick, hostler, h N s Soper n S Main

Kinsley Frederick, collar maker Plumb and Sheldon, bds 525 Harper

Kinsman Belle, cook 406 Main

Kinsman Emma M., bds 413 Fulton

Kinsman George P., shoemaker, h 801 E Market

Kinsman George H., brakeman N C R R, h 116 W Hudson

Kinsman Mary, widow M. J., h 413 Fulton

Kinsman Merritt John, teamster, bds 413 Fulton

Kinsman Merritt D., fireman, h 207 W Miller

Kinsman Porter H., mason, h 459 Mt Zoar

Kinyon Clayton L., building mover, h 520 Balsam

Kinyon Edith, school teacher, bds 424 Herrick

Kinyon Harrison A., com trav, bds 628 Penna av

Kinyon Maria A., bds 424 Herrick

Kinyon William, laborer, h 424 Herrick

Pg. 252

Kipp Kate, bds 503 E Union

Kirch Barbara, bds 335 Maple av

Kircher Albert J., barber shop under Delevan house, h 359 W Fourth

Kircher George, barber, bds 359 W Fourth

Kircher George, barber, bds American hotel

Kirk William, carpenter, h 917 E Church

Kirk William M., fireman D L & W R R, h 1304 Maxwell av

Kirkland Elmer, asst yard master D L & W R R, bds 1126 Oak

Kirkland Frederick, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 376 Norton

Kirkland James, painter, h 307 High

Kirwin James M., grocer 801 John, h do

Kitchin Edward C., clerk 350 and 352 State, h 525 William

Klapproth Catharine, widow August, h 162 Lake

Klapproth Charles, wine and liquors 162 Lake, h do

Klein Charles, laborer, h James pl n S Elm

Kline C Katharine, widow John R., h 714 Baldwin

Kleindinst Joseph, waiter city club bds do

Kemtz Karl, janitor Masonic hall, h 761 E Washington av

Kline Adam, laborer, h 520 State

Kline Charles (Ross & Kline), h210 W Second

Kline Edward S., carpenter, h Southport corners

Kline Frederick, engineer Robinson building, h 158 DeWitt

Kline John, h 361 Columbia

Kline L A., agent, bds Buckbee house

Kline Martin, blacksmith, bds 505 Magee

Kline Q A., wholesale ale and lager Madison ave cor E Water, bds 196 E Water

Kline Samuel, emp Erie car shops, h 822 Lincoln

KLIPPENSTEIN EMIL C., manager 114 and 119 W Water, bds 812 W Water

Klock Hiram, laborer, h 965 1-2 E Clinton

Klock Peter S., mason Johnson's, h 725 Sullivan cor Harper

Klockner Jacob, cutter, h 154 Fox

Kluge Frederick E., tailor 59 Orchard, h do

Klugman F., ironworker, h 913 John

Knapp Alonzo, tinsmith 601 Baldwin, h Fourth cor Dickinson

Knapp Charles, laborer, h 213 W Hudson

Knapp Charles E., clerk 201 W Water, h 315 Franklin

Knapp Daniel P., carpenter, h 361 1-2 W Second

Knapp Elmira, widow William P., bds 349 W Clinton

Knapp Frank, machinist, bds 35 Franklin

Knapp F. J. Mrs., dressmaker, h 210 W Water

KNAPP FORD R., real estate 212 W Water, h 119 College av

Knapp John H., laborer, h 653 E Fourth

Knapp John M., painter, h 211 W Second

Knapp Lasker W., teamster, h 954 E av

Pg. 253

Knapp Margaret, tailoress, h 211 W Second

Knapp Millicent, student, bds 403 Grove

Knapp Millicent H., teacher Elmira school of commerce, h 403 Grove

Knapp Minnie, clerk 331 E Water, bds 307 High

Knapp Phebe, h 403 Grove

Knapp Sarah, bds 210 First

Knapp Wilmot E., lawyer 314 E Water, h 111 Harmon

Knapp William R., painter, 211 Brand

Kneale Addie, bds 801 Johnson

Kneale Cora, dressmaker h 801 Johnson

Kneale William, carpenter, h 801 Johnson

Knibloe Edward F., supt Tioga div N Y L E & W R R, h 301 1-2 W Clinton

Knickerbocker Frederick S., hackman, bds 441 E Water

Knickerbocker James H., (Knickerbocker & Miller), h 441 E Water

Knickerbocker Louis E., hackman, bds 408 Locust

Knickerbocker & Miller, (J H K and G Miller) livery stable 405 S Main

Knickerbocker Wm. H., bds 408 Locust

Kniffin Doran J., salesman Sheehan, Dean & Co., h 610 W Gray

Kniffin Hamilton P., telegrapher, h Southport corners

Kniffin Phoebe Mrs., h 610 W Gray

Knight Benjamin F., engineer E C & N R R, h 307 W Fifth

Knight John C., electrician, bds 318 W Third

Knight John J., h 318 W Third

KNIGHT MILTON T., manager Grand Union Tea Co., bds 410 N Main

Knipp Charles H., (Youmans, Moss & Knipp) 210 E Water, h 405 W Clinton

Knipp Elizabeth M., student, bds 405 W Clinton

Knipp Kittie E., bds 405 W Clinton

Knipp Minnie M., student, bds 405 W Clinton

Knorr William, foreman Erie shop, h 657 Davis

Knott Alvan A., carpenter, bds 953 Oak

Knott Christopher L., carpenter, h 216 W Water

Knott George E., carpenter, h 953 Oak

Knott Lena H., dressmaker, bds 953 Oak

Knott Lottie H., dressmaker 953 Oak

Knott Robert H., carpenter, h 313 High

Knott Willis H., carpenter, h 213 W Water

Knowlan Stephen, barber 656 Baldwin, h 710 Dickinson

Knowland Mary S., hairdresser and dressmaker, h 710 Dickinson

Knowlson Charles, bookkeeper, bds 537 S Main

Knox Burtis, shoemaker, h 108 Lormore

Knox Edward, emp J. Richardson & Co., h 433 W Fourth

Knox Libbie, domestic 202 E Gray

Knox Morris H., teamster, h 132 W Henry

Knox Morris, jr., laborer, h 132 W Hudson

Pg. 254

Knox William H., cigarmaker, bds 132 W Hudson

Knurr John V., carpenter, h 621 Lewis

Knurr John V., jr., boilermaker, bds 621 Lewis

Knurr Maggie, dressmaker, bds 621 Lewis

Knurr Michael F., cooper smith N C R R shops, h 310 Baty

Knurr Phebe, housekeeper 621 Lewis

Knurr William G., boilermaker, 621 Lewis

Koch Adam, boilermaker, h 768 S Main

Koch Daniel, painter, bds 768 S Main

Koch Jacob, boilermaker, bds 768 S Main

Koch John, boilermaker, bds 768 S Main

Koch William, boilermaker, bds 768 S Main

Koening John, blacksmith, bds 554 S Main

Koeiss Paul M., tailor, bds 159 Madison av

Kohl Oscar J., upholsterer 301 and 303 E Water, h 104 High

Kohler Arthur, student, bds 204 Caldwell av

Kohn Blanch, bds 764 Carpenter

Kohn Charles, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 764 Carpenter

Kohn John W., currier, h 764 Carpenter

Kohn Sig Joa, shoemaker, bds 429 Railroad av

Kolb Baldwin, h 118 College av

Kolb Charles, harnessmaker Plumb & Sheldon, bds 851 Lake

KOLB JACOB, prop Exchange hotel 513 Railroad av, h 616 Main

Kolb Theodore B., student, bds 616 N Main

Konetear Albert, laborer, h 226 Harriet

Kouieczny Joseph, tailor, 852 John, h do

Kouieczny Mattie, domestic 356 W First

Konitzer Joseph, gardener, bds Robinson n Esty

Konitzer Rosa, domestic 515 William

Koon Byron A., fireman D L & W R R, h 1204 Baldwin

Koon Earl L., switchman, h Stephen's lane

Koon Fannie B., bds 457 E Water

Koon Isaac P., boarding house 457 E Water

Koon John A., carpenter, bds 457 E Water

Koons Mary, widow John, bds 205 W Miller

Koop Charlie A., emp Fitch & Aldrich planing mill, bds W Third n limits

Koop Charlie O., shoemaker 525 E Union, h 963 East av

Koop Emma, domestic 415 William

Koop Henry, sewer contractor, h Third n limits

Koop Stena, milliner 328 E Water, bds 963 East av

Koop William J., laborer, h 654 Dickinson

Koopstein Meyer Rev., rabbi cong children of Israel, h 708 E Church

Korolowski Anthony, laborer, h 609 Jay

Kosek Antonio, laborer, bds 952 Johnson

Pg. 255

Kough John, bds 317 Railroad av

Koush George A., tailor, h 212 W Hudson

Kovetz Marion, h W s Magee n Centre

KOZLUSKE JOHN, laborer, h 634 Baldwin

KRAFT WILLIAM, tailor and draper 332 E Water, h 314 Orchard

Kranz Johanna, domestic 921 Lake

Kranse Edward A., freight handler L V R R, h 501 Baldwin

Kranse Frank O., cooper, h 509 Magee

Kraus George, tailor 760 John, h do

Krause William, fireman D L & W R R, h 1027 1-2 Oak

Krautz Peter, teamster, bds 524 Lake

Krelie John, tinsmith, h 115 E Henry

Krelie Maggie, housekeeper, r 403 Main

Krusser Joseph, carpenter, h 718 E Oak

Krest John, cigarmaker, h 904 Sullivan

Kreutter Hulda C., bds 218 Gregg

Kreutter Matthias, cabinetmaker, bds 218 Gregg

Krofft Amos E., brakeman D L & W R R, h 309 Norton

Kromer Clinton M., barber 701 E Fifth, h 628 William

Kromer Ida, bds 628 William

Kromer William, h 628 William

Krouse Edward, clerk, bds 501 Baldwin

Krout Frederick, laborer, h 303 Webber pl

Krowl Abraham, blacksmith, h 219 Madison av

Krowl Abraham jr., plumber, bds 219 Madison av

Krowl Charles D., plumber, bds 714 E Oak

Krowl Edgar E., plumber, bds 219 Madison av

Krowl Fred C., veterinary surgeon 418 E Market, h 666 Sullivan

KROWL GEORGE W., plumbing, steam and gas fitting 408 E Market, h 218 Orchard

Krowl Jacob A., plumber, 408 E Market, h 221 Madison av

Lrovki Marion, laborer, 822 Magee

Krug Albert, musician, h 711 Columbia

Kruger Dora, widow Frederick, h 752 E Fifth

Kruger Hermon, laborer glue factory, bds 752 E Fifth

Krum Catherine, widow Abram P., h 110 N Main

Krum Dana L., conductor Erie R R., h 110 N Main

Kuchenbaker John, laborer Fitch & Aldrich, h 706 E oak

Kucheinska Stella, domestic 211 Maple av

Kudder Irene, teacher school No. 5, h 356 W Clinton

Kuffee Harry, brakeman, bds 315 Baty

Kuhn Arthur J. E. J., laborer, bds 705 W Water

Kuhn Gustavus, steward City club 403 Lake, h do

Kulp John, blacksmith, h 724 Lake

Kumbinski Stanishaus, tanner Sheeley Bros., h 762 E Fifth