![]() |
Hunter, Minnie L., teacher, bds east hill ab Water cure
HUNTINGTON, CHARLES E., plumbing, steam and gas fitting, 325 Carroll, h 374 W First
Huntington, Helen, asst editor, bds 374 W First
Huntington, Richard J., bar tender, bds 427 Railroad av
Huntley, Daniel A., h 127 E Hudson
Huntley, Daniel A., (Huntley & Roberts), h 127 E Hudson
Huntley, Ella R., h 410 High
Huntley, George W., h 410 High
Huntley, H. H., blacksmith, h 356 S Main
Huntley, Jerome S., jeweler, bds 127 E Hudson
Huntley, Mary E., dressmaker, 410 High, bds do
Huntley, Susie T., bookkeeper electric light station, bds 410 High
HUNTLEY & ROBERTS, (D. L. H. and J. I. R.), carriage manf. 435 Carroll (See p 8)
Hurd, Clara V., bds 454 W Gray
HURLBURT, CHARLES F., real estate agent, Robinson bldg. 159-163 Lake, h 405 Grove
Hurley, Bridget, domestic 359 W Church
Hurley, Daniel, blacksmith, h 307 South av
Hurley, Dennis, laborer, h 1010 Magee
Hurley, Herman B., painter, h 911 Main
Hurley, James, shoemaker, bds 107 S Walnut
Hurley, John, fireman D L & W R R, h 962 Main
Hurley, John, laborer, bds 509 High
Hurley, John, laborer, h 207 S Walnut
Hurley, Kate, domestic 417 E Market
Hurley, Kendrick, paper hanger, h 416 Carroll
Hurley, Lawrence, laborer, h 107 S Walnut
Hurley, Lawrence, jr., mason, bds 107 S Walnut
Hurley, Lizzie, bookkeeper Metzger, Lake, bds 207 S Walnut
Hurley, Maggie, domestic D D Robinson's, Maple av n Horner
Hurley, Mary, domestic 111 College av
Hurley, Michael, paper hanger, h 919 Benton
Hurley, Nellie, bds 107 S Walnut
Hurley, Mellie, domestic 318 William
Hurley, Patrick, laborer, h 323 Roe av
Hurley, Patrick, mason, bds 207 S Walnut
Hurley, Patrick J., harness maker, bds 911 Main
Hurley, S. Lott, clerk 216 W Water, h 104 Hoffman
Hurley, Thomas, paper hanger, bds 911 Main
Hurley, Timothy, grocer also saloon 1010 Main, h do
Hurty, N. D. Mrs., bds 615 W Gray
HURTH, AMANDA, prop Elmira Stove Store 116 Lake, h 631 W Church (See adv)
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Husbandman (The), Erwin G. Fowler and John J. Dillon editors and proprietors, Elmira farmer's club bldg, Hoffman
Huston, Emma, stenographer, 129 Lake, bds 514 W Gray
HUSTON, JOHN W., hats, furs and gent's furnishing goods 310 E Water, bds Rathbun house
Huston, J. William, clerk, bds 124 E Chemung pl
Huston, Prudence, widow Charles, bds 650 Main
Hutchins, Harriet Mrs., bds 651 Lake
Hutchinson, Charles E., supt carriers post office, h 215 Caldwell av
Hutchinson, Robert, student, bds 858 N Main
Hyatt, George S., blacksmith E Gray cor State, h 316 Washington
Hyde, Frank, engineer Telegram, h 407 Mt Zoar
Hyde, Frank H., sales agt Blossburg Coal Co., h 310 Webber pl
Hyde, Helen M., widow William F., h Lake cor Second
Hyde, John W., mail clerk Erie R R, h 400 Sullivan
Hyalman, Larson, cigarmaker, bds 758 Spaulding
Hyland, Benjamin, currier, bds 204 Chestnut
Hyland, Julia A., widow Thomas B., h 204 Chestnut
Hylen, Julia, 204 Chestnut
HYLEN, WILLIAM L., manager Elmira Drug Co., h 304 Baldwin
Impson, Elijah, laborer, West Hill rd
Impson, Elisha C., mason, h 1016 Tenietenti
Impson, Marion, widow William W., h 108 Lormore
Industrial School, E Church cor Madison av
Ingalls, Charles W., trav salesman, h 506 W Third
Ingersoll, Fred H., engineer, h 306 W First
Ingersoll, Nicholas, bds 313 Washington
Ingersoll, William D., tobacco grower, h 313 Washington
Ingersoll, William K., machinist, h 109 Caldwell av
Ingham, Albert P., bds 203 Caldwell av
Ingham, George W., physician 203 Caldwell av, h do
INGHAM, JOHN Q., architect opera house blk., h 666 Park pl
Inglebreck, John, harnessmaker, bds 105 N Main
INGRAHAM BROS. (C S and F), druggists 100 W Water
Ingraham, Clark S., (Ingraham Bros.), h 108 Columbia
Ingraham, David P., bds 157 Baldwin
Ingraham, Francis (Ingraham Bros.) 413 N Main
Ink, Amelia, domestic 758 E Water
Inksater, Frank, bookkeeper 50 Penna av, h 307 Penna av
Inksater, Samuel J., machinist, h 381 S Main
Inscho, Ada S., teacher No. 1, bds 713 E Water
Inscho, Obadiah, bds 713 E Water
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Inscho, Percilla Mrs., (Mrs P and Son) h 214 W Water
Inscho, Samuel S., baggageman D L & W R R, bds 713 E Water
Inscho & Son (Mrs P and Son) dry goods and millinery 120 W Water
Internal Revenue Department, room 3 Opera block
Inter-state Fair office, Robinson building, secretary G M Robinson
Iredell, Arthur E., teller Painted Post, bds 113 Walnut
Iredell, Bessie, bds 368 W Clinton
Iredell, Charles (Peerless Dye works) h 113 Walnut
Ireland, F. B., potter, bds 657 E Market
Irelenborn, Getrude Mrs., bds 702 Dickinson
Irelenborn, Mary, widow William, h 702 Dickinson
Ireton, Charles E., brakeman, h 319 Orchard
Ireton, Lottie, dressmaker, h 508 College av
Irvine, Orville, G., (G. W. Kennedy & Co.), h 1 Irvine pl
Irvine, Phoebe G., h 915 College av
Irwin, Elizabeth, widow Samuel, h 319 Dickinson
Irwin, Emory O., butcher, h 419 Pleasant
Irwin, Fred O., fireman N C R R, bds 419 Pleasant
Irwin, Lizzie, widow Samuel, 319 Hathaway
Isbell, Edwin, rag buyer S H Laney, h 514 High
Isbon, Edwin E., paver, h 459 Lake av
Jacacks, Graham G., clerk 333 E Water, bds 117 Madison av
Jack, Happy, groom, h T S Flood's farm E Miller n Maple av
Jack, Lizzie L., widow John, bds 424 Pleasant
Jack, Louis, laborer, bds 857 E Water
Jackson, Abram M., clerk 301 and 303 E Water, bds 152 1-2 Madison av
Jackson, Andrew, laborer, bds Lewis House
Jackson, Anna M., domestic 478 South av
Jackson, David R., fireman N C R R, h 613 S Elm
Jackson, Fred Mrs., domestic 464 W Church
Jackson, Fred M., bookkeeper Doane & Jones, h 505 E Church
Jackson, George W., clerk 600 Penna av
Jackson, Henry, hostler 502 W Water
Jackson, James H., hostler 502 W Water
Jackson, James N., laborer, h 113 Ovid
Jackson, John, h 606 Ovid
Jackson, John A., laborer, h 1118 Ovid
Jackson, John S., h 505 E Church
Jackson, Leroy, porter Wyckoff house, h E Fourth
Jackson, Lewis, laborer, h 653 Baldwin
Jackson, Lorenzo, laborer, bds 108 E Second
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Jackson, Lorenzo D., laborer, bds 751 E Second cor Oak
Jackson, Matilda, widow Frank, h 4 Fourth
Jackson, Virginia, matron Elmira college, bds do
Jackson, William, laborer, h Davis n Woodlawn
Jackson, William H., barber shop 62 Penna av, h do
Jackson, William H., laborer, bds 751 E Second cor Oak
Jackson, William H., bds 120 Caldwell av
Jackson, ____ 666 1-2 Dickinson
Jacob, Adam, meat market 538 Penna av, h 619 do
Jacob, John, bell boy Delavan house
Jacoba, Jacob, printer, bds 310 E Church
Jacobs, Catherine, widow Henry h 621 Baldwin
Jacobs, Edward A., conductor D L & W R R, h 718 Oak
Jacobs, Henry Mrs., h 621 Baldwin
JACOBS, JONAS, physician and surgeon, coroner and city physician, office hours until 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m., 251 Baldwin, h do
Jacobs, Nettie C., clerk, bds 718 Oak
Jacobs, Solomon, butcher also grocer 162 Washington, h 751 John
Jacobs, William, hostler Buckbee house, bds do
Jacobus, John H., cigarmaker, bds 707 E Church
Jacobus, John J., laborer, bds 107 W Second
Jacobus, W. D., clerk Ayers jewelry store, bds 397 W Water
Jacoby, Markle M., printer Advertiser
Jakel, Minnie, domestic 311 W Church
Jakubowski, Bromislaus, meat market 668 Dickinson, h 1001 Davis
James, Catharine, widow Richard, h 754 E Oak cor Harper
James, Charles A., laborer, bds 208 Maple av
James, Elizabeth M., laundress, h 815 East av
James, Grace, student, bds 111 Columbia
James, John, laborer, h 724 E Oak
James, John, asst supt Elmira Woolen Mill Co, East av, h 724 E Oak
James, John jr., clerk 110 W Water, bds 110 Columbia
James, John D., salesman Durland & Pratt, h 111 Columbia
James, John R., student, bds 111 Columbia
James, Mary H., widow Joseph, bds 1045 Walnut
James, Richard jr., weaver, h 606 Sullivan
James, Susan, widow Edwin W., h 208 Maple av
Janowski, William, laborer, bds Robinson n Esty
Janesweski, Mary, domestic 512 William
Janowski, Adolph, mason, h Esty n Robinson
Janowski, Charlie, laborer, h 7 Robinson n river
Janowski, Daniel, laborer, h Sullivan cor Pattinson
Janowski, Fred, laborer, h 217 Harriett
Janowski, Julius, laborer, h 220 Harriett
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Janowski, Louisa, widow Frederick, h Robinson n Esty
Janowski, Michael, laborer, h S s Esty n Robinson
Janowski, Reinold, painter, h Esty n Robinson
Jarvis, Annie, nurse Arnot-Ogden hospital
Jarvis, Charles, clerk, bds 309 Washington
Jarvis, Clara B., teacher school No. 4, bds 309 Washington
Jarvis, Edward, messenger N C R R, bds 309 Washington
Jarvis, Mary, clerk 368 W Clinton, bds 309 Washington
Jarvis, Sarah M., widow Joel, h 309 Washington
Jaskula, J. Frank, tailor, bds 154 Fox
Jeffers, Edward W., policeman, h 1318 Pratt
Jeffers, Louisa, bds S s Riverside av n Horner
Jeffers, William M., carpenter, h 1206 Pratt
JEFFERY, GEORGE P., veterinary surgeon West End hotel, bds do (See adv)
Jemoske, Joseph, laborer, h 816 East av
Jenkins, Alice, dressmaker 213 W Third
Jenkins, Archie, at Wells, Fargo & Co. Erie depot, h 619 Walnut
Jenkins, Charles F., (LeValley & Jenkins), h 208 Brand
Jenkins, Charles R., general delivery clerk, h 121 Sullivan
Jenkins, David, carpenter, h 1105 Davis
Jenkins, Edward S., machinist, h 208 Brand
Jenkins, Harmon W., teamster, h 606 Hart
Jenkins, Isaac, porter Fraiser house, h 4 Fourth
Jenkins, Jonathan H., bds 619 W Church
Jenkins, John T., box maker, bds r 522 Penna av
Jenkins, Leon A., h 213 W Third
Jenkins, Lucinda, widow Colvin, h 213 W Third
Jenkins, Lyman F., carpenter, bds r 522 Penna av
Jenkins, Margaret, widow Alfred, bds 521 W Water
Jenkins, Marilla, h 100 Lake
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Jenkins, May, domestic 1001 Lake
Jenkins, Mary B., teacher school No. 4, h 410 Sullivan
Jenkins, Mary L., bds 208 Brand
Jenkins, Nellie B., dressmaker, bds r 522 Penna av
Jenkins, Nelson, brakeman, h 108 Harmon
Jenkins, Nelson W., brakeman, bds r 522 Penna av
Jenkins, Reuben, teamster, h Carrs Corners
Jenkins, Thomas, horseman, h r Penna av
Jenks, Charles, laborer, bds 665 Baldwin
Jenks, George E., engineer D L & W R R, h 309 E Center
JENKS, ROBERT B., physician and surgeon 300 W Church, h do (Office hours 12 to 2 and 5 to 7 p.m.)
Jenks, William T., engineer D L & W R R, h 1208 Benton
Jennings, Charles, emp Erie freight, h 516 Oak
JENNINGS, CHARLES G. R., physician and surgeon, office hours 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m., 272 Baldwin cor Church, h do
Jennings, Fred L., product com merchant 110 State, h 158 Madison av
JENNINGS, ISAAC D. D., pastor Presbyterian church, h 323 William
Jennings, John F., engineer D L & W R R, bds 1101 Benton
Jendings, Leah, chambermaid 503 Railroad av
Jennings, Marshall C., night watch, h 373 Thurston
Jennison, Frank, shoemaker, 401 Railroad av
Jennison, Gertrude B., bds 709 Spaulding
Jennison, Lelie W., machinist, bds 709 Spaulding
Jennison, Nathan B., h 709 Spaulding
Jennison, Parker, shoemaker, h 401 Railroad av
Jennison, Wesley L., tinsmith, bds 709 Spaulding
Jentz, Ernest, tailor Reformatory, bds do
Jerke, Frank, laborer, h 706 Baldwin
Jervis, Joseph N., shoemaker, h 854 N Main
Jessen, Carl, painter Schweppe, bds 115 High
Jessy, Henry W., letter carrier, h 609 Lake
Jewell, Aurelia, Home for Aged
Jewett, Arthur L., trav salesman, h 701 College av
Jewett, Frank N., student, bds 125 E Chemung pl
Jewett, Fred F., student, bds 125 E Chemung pl
Jewett, W. Andrew, coal agt, h 120 E Chemung pl
Joerg, Herman (Pratt & Joerg), h 357 1-2 W Clinton
Johnson, Alexander, driver, h Baldwin cor E Church
Johnson, Anna L., asst teacher Elmira College
Johnson, Arthur W., mason, h 766 Day
Johnson, Arthur W., painter, h 665 Dickinson
Johnson, Armenus, laborer, bds 808 Magee
Johnson, Catharine L., widow Israel G., bds 458 Spaulding
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Johnson, Benjamin, blacksmith, h 409 Davis
Johnson, Benjamin S., h 751 Spaulding
Johnson, Bert R., clerk 353 Davis, bds 224 W Water
Johnson, Bertha, domestic 301 W Clinton
Johnson, Carry, widow Hans, bds 917 Davis
Johnson, Charles C., carpenter, h 751 Spaulding
Johnson, Charles L., laborer bridge works, h 719 Erie
Johnson, Charles S., driver No. 1 steamer E F D, bds 464 W Water
Johnson, Clayton A., stationery fireman, bds 808 Magee
Johnson, Cyerne D., widow James D., 215 W Water
Johnson, Edward E., driver National and American Ex Co., h 224 W Water
Johnson, Elizabeth, widow Isaac, bds 626 W Gray
Johnson, Ella Mrs., nurse, bds 115 Columbia
Johnson, Elsie, domestic, 411 Railroad av
Johnson, Elsie, domestic 457 W Second
Johnson, Emeline Mrs., widow William, h 75 Penna av
Johnson, Emiline Mrs., widow William, h 808 Magee
Johnson, Emily, h 617 Dickinson
Johnson, Emma F., bds 1008 Pratt
Johnson, Emaline, widow William, h 808 Magee
Johnson, Eugene L., emp Telegram, bds 315 William
Johnson, Finley M., teamster, h 818 Walnut
Johnson, Frank, widow, bds 127 W Henry
Johnson, Frank M., brakeman N C R R, bds 457 South av
Johnson, Harry, piano turner, h 551 John
Johnson, Harry G., brakeman Erie R R, bds 736 W First
Johnson, Harley T., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 1319 Benton
Johnson, Henry, h 376 W Clinton
Johnson, Henry L., carpenter, h 912 College av
JOHNSON, HENRY S., flour and feed, hay, straw, meal, etc, 364 S Main, h do
Johnson, Herbert, clerk, h 113 W Second
Johnson, Horace, 1219 Lake
Johnson, S. Hamilton, mason, 758 Jay
Johnson, Ida, domestic 432 Balsam
Johnson, Isaac, h 407 Railroad av
Johnson, James H., stenographer Elmira Oil Co., h 956 East av
Johnson, James Jr., mason, bds 711 Mathews
Johnson, J B., bartender 229 W Water bds do
Johnson, Jessie, moulder, bds 221 W Water
Johnson, J Hasbrook, expert accountant 208 Baldwin, bds 656 Lake
Johnson, J Kimball, contracting painter and paper hanger, h 209 Caldwell av
Johnson, John C., saloon, 229 W Water
Johnson, John C., h 915 Main
PAGE 239
Johnson, Joseph, laborer, h 411 Railroad av
Johnson, Julius, printer, bds 464 E Water
Johnson, Kimbley E., mason, bds 858 Jay
Johnson, Lester M., polisher LaFrance shops, bds 808 Magee
Johnson, Margaret, widow, George W., h 309 W Second
Johnson, Mary, widow Thomas, h 315 William
Johnson, Mary E. Mrs., bds Rathbun house
Johnson, Melissa, canvasser, h 104 W Second
Johnson, Michael, laborer, h 105 E First
Johnson, Millard G., carpenter, h 756 W First
Johnson, Nettie, domestic, 110 W Chemung pl
Johnson, Richard R., teamster G A Gridley & Son, h 608 E Clinton
Johnson, Robert H., h 308 W Hudson
Johnson, Sarah, domestic, h 303 E Clinton
JOHNSON, SAMUEL, hotel also pleasure boats 464 E Water h do
Johnson, S E Mrs., stenographer, bds 159 Madison av
Johnson, Theodore, teamster, h 720 Sullivan
Johnson, William, laborer, h 808 Magee
Johnson, William, saloon 221 S Main, h 354 S Main
Johnson, William, laborer, h 327 Railroad av
Johnson, Winifred, h 1124 Walnut
Joice, Ella, domestic, 508 W Third
Jolley, Robert, foreman bridge works, h 127 Partridge
Jolls, John M., student, bds 613 College av
Jolls, Mark, yardmaster Erie R R, h 613 College av
Jolly, Fred, machinist, bds 611 Davis
Jolly, Robert B., emp Elmira bridge works, bds 219 South av
Jones, Albert, conductor D L & W R R, h 710 Benjamin
Jones, Alfred P., conductor D L & W R R, h 903 Sullivan
Jones, Alfred P., shipping clerk, h 1213 Benton
Jones, Amasa A., farmer, h w s Broadway n limits
Jones, Arminda, tailoress, 806 E Church
Jones, Bessie, nurse, A O hospital
Jones, Caleb, laborer, h 715 Lake
Jones, Carrie, nurse, A O hospital
Jones, Charles E., bds 412 Jefferson
JONES, CHARLES L., manager Postal Telegraph Cabel Co., E Water cor Baldwin, bds 2 Main street bridge
Jones, Clara B., widow Munn, seamstress, h 706 E Fifth
Jones, Clarance M., h 381 S Main
Jones, Cornelius H., telegrapher W U Tel Co., h 913 Stowell
Jones, David, machinist, bds 909 Stowell
Jones, Edgar E., cutter 103 E Water, bds 151 W Clinton
Jones, Edward C., rubber stamp manuf 108 W Third, bds 721 College av
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Jones, Edward C., student, bds 721 College av
Jones, Edward J., farmer, bds 1259 College av
Jones, Edwin A., druggist 531 Lake, h 511 do
Jones, Elizabeth Miss, dressmaker, bds 5 Home n Spaulding
Jones, Elmer, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 206 Thurston
Jones, Elmer E., carpenter, h 147 W Water
Jones, Eunice, tailoress, h 551 John
Jones, Fannie, housekeeper, 372 S Main
Jones, Frank R., cutter 209 E Water, h 205 E Fifth
Jones, Franklin E., shoemaker, bds 800 1-2 Oak
JONES, FRED M., hack and livery 219 E Market, h 121 Madison av
Jones, Frederick J., sash and blind maker Fitch & Aldrich, h 401 Sullivan cor Second
Jones, Freeman W., brakeman D L & W R R, h 306 Norton
Jones, Furman, painter, 116 E Fifth
Jones, George A., engraver Telegram, bds 304 Orchard
Jones, George C., foreman job room Advertiser, bds 512 W First
Jones, Harriet Mrs., bds Rathbun house
Jones, Harriet, widow Joshua, bds 516 Euclid pl
Jones, Harrison J., carpenter, h 412 Jefferson
Jones, Henry B., billiard parlors 108 Lake, h 154 Washington
Jones, Herbert E. Dr., com trav, h 310 Baldwin
Jones, Hubert E., laborer bridge works, h 207 Rathbun
Jones, Ida J., music teacher, bds 122 E Chemung pl
Jones, Ira, conductor E C & N R R, h 314 W Fifth
Jones, James, clerk R G Dunn & Co, bds 715 Lake
Jones, James R., brakeman N C R R, h S s Sutton n Main
Jones, Jane C., widow Soloman, bds 721 College av
Jones, Jane C., widow Simeon R., h 122 E Chemung pl
Jones, John, brakeman N C R R, bds 552 S Main
Jones, John, carpenter, h 518 Perry
Jones, John C. jr., bakery and lunchroom 237 W Water, h do
Jones, John D., laborer, h 913 Stowell
Jones, John W., farmer and bee keeper, h 1259 College av cor Woodlawn av
Jones, Leroy, clerk 311 E Water, bds 1211 Benton
Jones, Mary D., widow Abraham, bds 206 Thurston
Jones, Melvin O., brakeman D L & W R R, h 759 Carpenter
Jones, Mariah R., widow Henry S, h 512 W First
Jones, Moses, laborer, h 608 Dickinson
Jones, Newton, clerk 327 E Water, bds 207 Rathbun
Jones, Peter, cartman 611 Railroad av
Jones, Raymond T., (Doane & Jones), h 122 E Chemung pl
Jones, Susan E., widow James, h 800 1-2 Oak
Jones, T. Dwight, carpenter, bds 351 W Sixth
Jones, Thaddeus, laborer, 909 Hoffman
PAGE 241
Jones, Thomas B., barber 195 Baldwin, h 202 High
Jones, Thomas D., emp rolling mill, h 107 E Washington
Jones, Thomas D., fireman Tioga branch, h 415 W Sixth
Jones, T. W., brakeman L V R R, bds Blyley house
Jones, Vergia G., mattress maker, bds 706 E Fifth
Jones, William, waiter, h 519 Madison av
Jones, William, brick layer, bds 421 E Washington av
Jones, William B., dispatcher Erie office, bds 512 W First
Jones, William E., flagman N C R R, h W s S Broadway n limits
Jones, William H., laborer, bds 513 Balsam
Jones, William M., switchman Erie yd, bds 800 1-2 Oak
Jones, _______ , cook, h 651 Baldwin
Joraleman, Fred L., switchman D L & W R R, h 1316 Benton
Joraleman, Louise, widow Rev John, h 627 W Water
Joraleman, Olin B., painter, h 212 Mechanic
Jordan, Albert J., shoemaker, h 223 W Water
Jordan, Belle N., student, bds 851 E Water
Jordan, Catharine Mrs., widow James, h 314 Orchard
Jordan, Charles, brakeman E C & N R R, bds Blyley house
Jordan, Dora, mattress maker, bds 107 W Second
Jordan, Jessie, student, bds 851 E Water
Jordan, Katie, bds 314 Orchard
Jordan, Maggie, bds 314 Orchard
Jordan, William J., carpenter, h 851 E Water
Joslyn, Edward, brakeman N C R R, h 352 S Main
Joslyn, John R., lawyer 208 E Water, h 758 E Church
Joyal, Mary A., widow John, nurse, h 212 Patridge
Judd, Theodore S., h 356 W Sixth
Judge, John, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 926 Maxwell av
Judson, Eliza, widow Henry, bds 408 Main
Judson, George R., clerk, bds 960 Oak
Judson, Lois R., widow William E, h 408 Main
Judson, T. Hulett, bds 315 William
Junction Canal Co., office Chemung Canal Bank building
Judson, Thomas H., bookkeeper 101 E Market, bds 315 William
Judson, William R., clerk D L & W R R freight office, h 960 Oak
June, Frank D., conductor N C R R, h Baty cor Herrick
June, Henry P., laborer, h 820 W Church
June, Henry R., engineer, h 508 Park pl
June, Sellick, mason, bds 820 W Church
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Kaczmarowski, Michael, shoemaker, 310 E Clinton, h do
Kaevin, Helena, widow Edward, domestic 211 Lake
Kahl, Oscar J., carpet layer Dey Bros., h 104 High
Kahler, Anna, bds 859 E Water
Kahley, N. H., train agt, h 357 W Clinton
Kahn, Morris, clerk 139 E Water, bds 110 Madison av
Kaier, Edward, grocer 561 E Second, h do
Kain, Ellen, widow Mathew, h 411 Elm
Kain, Kate, saleslady 201 E Water, bds 661 Columbia
Kain, Mary, widow Martin, h 722 Davis
Kain, Thomas, draymen, bds 722 Davis
Kain see also Kane, Cain and Cane
Kakritz, Amelia, domestic 706 N Main
Kaler, Rosa, domestic 113 Catharine
Kammerer, William Rev., pastor German Evangelical church, bds 507 E Church
Kanary, Maggie, operative, bds 419 W Fifth
Kanary, Patrick, laborer, bds 419 W Fifth
Kane, Anna, bds 411 Elm
Kane, Annie, widow Dennis, h 661 Columbia
Kane, Anna, widow John, h 250 W Hudson
Kane, Bridget, domestic Rathbun house
Kane, Catharine, widow Joseph, h 518 S Broadway
Kane, Charles, blacksmith, bds 250 W Hudson
Kane, Cornelius, car inspector, N C R R, h 618 Broadway
Kane, Daniel, boilermaker, h 520 S Broadway
Kane, Daniel, tanner, bds 106 Spring
Kane, Daniel, tailor, bds 205 E Market
Kane, Dennis R., tanner, bds 106 Spring
Kane, Edward, carpenter, bds 250 W Hudson
Kane, Edward M., agent, bds 722 Davis
Kane, Ellen, widow Matthew, bds 411 Elm
Kane, Grace, tailoress, bds 250 W Hudson
Kane, James, laborer, h 457 Penna av
Kane, James, h 427 W Fourth
Kane, James, boilermaker, bds 457 Penna av
Kane, James, laborer, bds 106 Spring
Kane, Jeremiah, driver fire department, h 63 Washington
Kane, Julia, domestic 222 West Church
Kane, Julia A., domestic 209 W Hudson
Kane, Kate, domestic 51 S Main
Kane, Katie, tailoress, bds 106 Spring
Kane, Lizzie, dressmaker, h 411 Elm
Kane, Maggie, domestic Rathbun house
PAGE 243
Kane, Margaret, widow Morris, bds 63 Washington
Kane, Margaret, dressmaker 259 W Chemung pl, bds do
Kane, Mary, dressmaker, bds 427 W Fourth
Kane, Mary, widow Cornelius, h 106 Spring
Kane, Mary, dressmaker, bds 518 S Broadway
Kane, Mary, widow Cornelius, h 106 Spring
Kane, Michael, brakeman Erie R. R., h 209 E Miller
Kane, Michael, laborer, h 411 Elm
Kane, Michael J., engineer D L & W R R, h 372 Diven av
Kane, Nellie, domestic 465 W Church
Kane, Nellie, dressmaker, bds 106 Spring
Kane, Patrick, blacksmith, 209 Washington
Kane, Patrick, car inspector D L & W R R, h 1122 Main
Kane, Patrick, laborer, h 915 E Market
Kane, Peter, laborer, h 652 Oak
Kane, Simon, laborer, h 1011 Main
Kane, Thomas, laborer, bds Sherman house
Kane, Thomas, h 715 Day
Karl, Joseph, laborer, h 112 S Second
Karr, Lettie S., bookkeeper, 201 E Water, bds 516 William
Karski, John, laborer, h 770 E Fifth
Kaster, Henry, laborer, h E Market cor High
Kaster, Jacob, tailor 115 Railroad av, h 108 Spring
Katlewska, Helen, domestic 514 W Third
Katz, Max, peddler, h 755 John
Katzman, John, machinist, h r 217 Franklin
Kaufelt, Philip, engineer gas works, h 830 W Church
Kauffman, William, trav salesman, bds 210 High
Kauanagh, Andrew J., laborer, bds N s Park av n College av
Kavin, Edward F., drayman, h 515 Fulton
Kavanaugh, James, bartender bds N s Park av n College av
Kavanaugh, James, laborer, h 211 Chestnut
Kavanaugh, James, bartender 110 Lake
Kavanaugh, Mary Miss, dressmaker, bds S s Jones bel Robinson
KAVANAUGH, MICHAEL, saloon, h 722 Oak
Kavanaugh, Patrick, clerk 124 W Water, bds N s Park av n College av
Kavanaugh, Richard, laborer, h 211 Chestnut
Kavin, Michael H., boiler washer N C R R, h 113 W Miller
Kazloski, Andrew, saloon, Baldwin cor E Fifth, h do
Keagan, Kate, h 461 Powell
Keah, Julius, laborer Fitch & Aldrich, h 718 E Oak
Keane, Michael, engineer, h 511 Division
Keane, Michael, sec foreman D L & W R R, h 715 Harper
Kearny, Martin, laborer, h 257 W Henry
Kearny, Mary, widow, bds 257 W Henry