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Deloff, Augusta, nurse Arnot-Ogden hospital
DeLang, Lyman, turner Fitch & Aldrich, h 702 Oak
Delorme, David, shoemaker, h 712 Dickinson
DEL PAPA, MICHAEL, hotel and restaurant, 417 Railroad av
Demarest, Mark W., stenographer Tel Ex, bds 355 Davis
Demarest, Rebecca, widow James, h 363 W Second
Demarest, William H., bookkeeper J. Richardson & Co., h 363 W Second
Demarest, Woodman, farmer, h 355 Davis
Deming, Daniel G., engineer N C R R, h 414 Jefferson
Demming, David, emp Spaulding planing mill, h 419 W Second
Dempsey, Agnes M., milliner, bds 160 Madison av
Dempsey, Bartholomew, laborer, h 323 River
Dempsey, Catharine, widow Dennis, h S s Jones bel Robinson
Dempsey, Daniel, laborer, bds 906 E Market
Dempsey, Daniel E., mason, bds S s Jones bel Robinson
Dempsey, Dennis, mason, h 265 W Hudson
Dempsey, Dennis, laborer, bds 449 W Hudson
Dempsey, Dennis, policeman, h 757 Spaulding
Dempsey, Edward, clerk 126 E Water, bds 213 Lormore
Dempsey, Ellen, dressmaker, bds 906 E Market
Dempsey, Hannah, domestic, h W s Maple av bet Horner and Home
Dempsey, Ella, milliner, 301 E Water, bds 123 W Hudson
Dempsey, James, laborer, h 367 W Fifth
Dempsey, James, machinist, bds 368 Railroad av
Dempsey, John, laborer, bds 120 Fulton
Dempsey, John E., mason, h S s Jones bel Robinson
Dempsey, John S., agent, bds 368 Railroad av
Dempsey, John W., clerk 68 Penna av, bds 265 W Hudson
Dempsey, Julia, widow James, h 368 Railroad av
Dempsey, Margaret E., bds S s Jones bel Robinson
Dempsey, Mary, domestic 357 N Main
Dempsey, Michael, clerk W Water, bds 265 W Hudson
Dempsey, Nellie E., bds 368 Railroad av
Dempsey, Nora, domestic 522 W First
Dempsey, Patrick, mason, bds 265 W Hudson
Dempsey, Patrick, cigarmaker, bds 449 W Hudson
Dempsey, Patrick, laborer, h 449 W Hudson
Dempsey, Rick R., fireman,h 364 Railroad av
DEMPSEY, THOMAS W., restaurant 203 E Market, h 368 Railroad av
Dempsey, Timothy, laborer, h 906 E Market
Deneen, James, laborer, bds 206 Chestnut
Deneen, John, drayman, h 206 Chestnut
Deneen, John, bartender 145 W Water, bds 206 S Chestnut
Deneen, Johannah L., dressmaker, bds 206 Chestnut
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Dennen, Kate M., dressmaker, W Water, bds 204 Chestnut
Deneen, Nora, clerk, 132 W Water, bds 206 Chestnut
Denio, Emery, engineer, N C R R, h 218 Franklin
Denison, Alonzo, laborer, h 374 Railroad av
Denison, Charles, tel operator, bds 962 Oak
Denison, Charles M., (Breese Denison & Co) bds 962 Oak
Denison, Charles M., teacher school of commerce, bds 962 Oak
Denison, Marion A., broom-maker, h 962 Oak
Denison, Walter M., (Breese Denison & Co) bds 962 Oak
Denison, William S., bridge carpenter D L & W R R bds Madison av
Denmark, Harry A., brakeman D L & W R R bds 1310 Baldwin
Denney, Charles, waiter, Rathbun house, h 720 Baldwin
Denney, Oscar H., pastor, free baptist church, h 1203 Hall
Dennis, Charles, engineer, h 430 S Broadway
Dennis, Emma V., bds 1505 Lake
Dennis, Henry, laborer, h 707 Sullivan
Dennis, John S., engineer D L & W R R, h 1505 Lake
Dennis, Mary S., bds 1505 Lake
Dennison, Charles M., teacher school of commerce, bds 962 Oak
Dennison, Edmund, engineer, 1505 Lake
Dennison, Hollis J., watchman Payne shops, h 618 South av
Dense, Albert, drayman, h 102 Harmon
Plans, Elevations and Specifications by H. O. SMITH, ARCHITECT, 108 Lake Street
Dense, Carrie, dressmaker, 200 W Chemung pl bds do
Dense, George W., teamster, h 601 Tuttle av
Dense, Levi, teamster, bds 601 Tuttle av
Dense, Reuben C., emp bridge works, h 756 Spaulding
Dense, Robert E., train dispatcher N C R R, h 814 N Main
Dense, William E., carpenter, h 118 Catharine
Densmore, Charles W., civil engineer, h 624 Winsor av
DENSMORE, JOSEPH D., prop Elmira sign works and manuf of wood signs 125 S Main, h 510 Grove
Denson, Emory, carpenter, h 628 Lewis
Denson, Norton P., barber, h 628 Lewis
DENTON, EDGAR, (Denton & McDowell) district attorney and notary public, h 116 W Chemung pl
Denton, Julius S., clerk E C & N R R, h 377 W Clinton
Denton, Lucretia, widow Seymour F., h 377 W Clinton
DENTON & McDOWELL, (E Denton and Boyd McDowell) lawyers, 335 E Water
DePue, Harry E., bookkeeper, Elmira Beef Co, bds 414 Main
Derby, Alden, carpenter, h 75 Walnut
Derby, Charles E., bookkeeper, 71 Penna av, bds 459 W Second
Derby, Charles S., carpenter, h 459 W Second
Derby, Charles N., tinsmith, h 330 S Broadway
Derby, Cora A., clerk, 112 Baldwin, bds 75 Walnut
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Derby, Eva N., bookkeeper, 112 Baldwin, bds 75 Walnut
Derby, E. H. Mrs., dressmaking, 154 Baldwin
Derby, Elmer H., paper hanger, h 154 Baldwin
Deltra, Hiram B., telegrapher, W U Tel Co, bds 305 E Church
Derby, John M., carpenter, bds 432 Pleasant
Derby, Marcia G., stenographer, 101 E Chemung pl, bds 459 W Second
Derry, William, teamster, bds Maple av cor Horner
Desky, Isaac, h 117 High
Desmond, Cornelius, laborer, h 316 Roe av
Desmond, James P., expressman, h 376 W Clinton
Desmond, Mary, domestic, 221 Lake
Desmond, William A., clerk, 313 E Water, h 230 W Chemung pl
Dethloff, Louis, carpenter, h 507 1-2 DeWitt
Devine, Edward Jr., puddler, bds 415 Standish
Devine, Edward L., bartender 102 E Water, bds 410 S Magee
Devine, John, brakeman, D L & W R R, h 712 Benjamin
Devine, Maggie, tailoress, bds 371 W Clinton
Devine, Maggie, widow Andrew, bds 371 W Clinton
Devine, Mary, widow Edward, h 415 Standish
Devine, Michael, brakeman D L & W R R, h 713 Benjamin
Devine, Nellie, domestic, 155 Madison av
Devine, Thomas L., switchman D L & W R R, h 1322 Baldwin
Develin, John, saloon 814 Hatch h do
Develin, John J., teamster reformatory, h 316 Reformatory
Devoe, George W., foreman, h 210 E Water
Devore, Alice D., tobacco sorter, bds 457 Lake av
Devore, Monroe J., laborer, bds 357 Lake av
Devore, Winfield S., laborer, h 457 Lake av
Devore, Zachray T., laborer, bds 457 Lake av
Dewall, John H., laborer, h 164 Orchard
DeWaters, Frank E., bookkeeper Harris & McHenry's, bds 111 Penna av
DeWaters, Lewis A., (Grant & DeWaters) h 111 Penna av
DeWaters, Martha E., widow Wright, h 111 Penna av
DeWaters, Martin, insurance agent, 57 S Main
DeWaters, York P., insurance agent, h 207 Brand
DeWitt, Abram M., stoves and house furnishings, 154, 156 Exchange, h 213 Washington
DeWitt, Edgar L., physician, h 423 W Church
DeWitt, Florence M., artist 602 E Church, h do
DeWitt, Isaac T., doormaker Fitch & Aldrick, h 602 E Church
DeWitt, J. Estelle, modiste, h 423 W Church
DeWitt, Maggie, widow James, h 135 E Hudson
DeWitt, Mattie, saleslady 310 E Water, bds 119 Brand
DeWitt, Stephen H., foreman 336 E Water, h 217 1-2 DeWitt
DeWitt, Wyntzie, tailoress, bds 217 1-2 DeWitt
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DE WITT, SUTHERLAND, agt U S Express Co. 152 Baldwin, h 608 W Water
DeWitt, William P., gun and locksmith 418 E Water, h 423 W Church
Dexter, Charles B., student, 217 W Gray
Dexter, Daniel, h 121 W Chemung pl
Dexter, Daniel W., student, bds 103 S Main
Dexter, John M., h 207 W Gray
Dexter, Seymour, pres Second National bank, h 103 S Main
DEY BROS., & CO., (Donald, Robert, John and J G S) dry goods and carpets, 301 and 303 E Water
Dey, Donald (Dey Bros & Co.) h Syracuse
Dey, James, G. S., (Dey Bros & Co.) h Syracuse
Dey, John, (Dey Bros & Co.) h Syracuse
Dey, Robert, (Dey Bros. & Co.) h Syracuse
Deyo, Charles W., engineer N C R R., h 540 S Main
Dibble, James M., sashmaker, bds 118 W Seventh
Dibble, Samuel M., carpenter, h 118 W Seventh
Dibble, V. Jay, switchman E C & N R R, h 718 Benjamin
Dibble, Wilber, sashmaker, bds 118 W Seventh
Dibble, Minnie, bds 118 W Seventh
Dick, A. T., carpenter, bds Elmira house
Dick, Lewis T., cigar manf 415 E Market, h 322 W Gray
Dickens, William, laborer, h Davis n Reformatory
Dickerman, George W., fireman D L & W R R, h 1001 1-2 Oak
Dickinson, Charles, clerk bds 209 College av
Dickinson, Charles, fireman D L & W R R, bds 1312 Benton
Dickinson, Charles S., clerk 130 W Water, bds 209 College av
Dickinson, Edward, professor music Elmira college, bds 612 Columbia
Dickinson, Emma S., tailoress, h 393 W Water
Dickinson, Ester M., widow Henry, h 110 W Market
Dickinson, George B., moulder, h 604 Sullivan
Dickinson, George S., (Geo. S. Dickinson & Son) h 209 College av
DICKINSON, GEORGE S. & SON, (Geo. S. Dickinson) grocers 130 W Water
DICKINSON, HARRY, grocer 222 W Water, h 209 College av
Dickinson, John B., farmer, bds 626 Penna av
Dickinson, Sabrina S., widow Aristarchus, h 495 E Water
Dickinson, William P., clerk 212 E Water, bds 209 College av
Dickman, Stephen, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 902 Lake
Dickson, Henry, fireman, D L & W R R, bds 902 Lake
Dickson, Richard L., brakeman D L & W R R, h 766 Carpenter
Diedrich, William F., h 604 Howard
Diehl, Charles E., barber 169 Baldwin, bds 151 Washington
Diehl, Jacob, baker and grocer 151 Washington cor John, h do
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Diehl, Jacob M., barber 169 Baldwin, h 111 W First
Diehl, John C., baker, grocer and confectioner 510 Main, h do
Diehl, Maggie C., clerk 151 Washington, bds do
Diehl, Nicholas, bookbinder, bds 153 Washington
Dittman, Ruth, widow Miles, Home for the Aged
Dietzel, Adam, laborer, Esty n Robinson
Digby, James B., clerk S H Laney, bds 509 Madison av
Dildine, Dennis, bill poster, bds 151 Baldwin
Dildine, Henry H., laborer, h 727 Kinyon
Dildine, James, cartman, h 210 Hudson
Dildine, William, laborer, bds 210 W Hudson
Dill, Edward, printer Gazette, h 360 W Second
DILL, ELIZABETH A. MRS., restaurant and bakery 241 W Water, h do
Dillistin, Ellis E., gardener, h 315 Franklin
Dillistin, Mary, widow Richard, bds 661 N Main
Dillman, Silas, engineer L V R R, bds Blyley house
Dillon, Andrew E., lineman, bds American hotel
Dillon, Daniel W., policeman, h 509 E Market
Dillon, John J., (The Husbandman,) bds West Hill n Carr's cor
Dillon, Patrick, laborer, bds 814 Hatch
Dimmock, Henrietta, bds 312 William
Dimond, Reuben O., emp Turnbulls shoe factory h 516 W Second
Dinantha, Sister, teacher convent Our Lady of Angels, Market
Dingman, Eugene E., carpenter Lehman's, h 508 John
Dinninny, Ferral C., h 820 W Water
Dinninny, Ferril C. jr., h 820 W Water
Dinneen, James, blacksmith, bds 552 S Main
Disbrow, Arthur P., clerk, h 458 W Third
Disbrow, Ella F., clerk Board of Education, bds 419 Grove
Disbrow, Isabel S., teacher school No. 1, bds 419 Grove
Disbrow, John V. B., clerk rolling mill, h 458 W Third
Disbrow, Noah, shoemaker, h 419 Grove
Dismore, William A., clerk 313 E Water, h 250 W Chemung pl
Disney, Francis X., student Robinson Bldg, bds 423 W Third
Disney, James, clerk 211 Baldwin, h 157 Orchard
Disney, Thowas S., grocer 423 W Third, h do
Dittmar, Charles, supt Elmira Gas Light Co, h 512 Madison av
Diven, Alexander S., pres Elmira Water Works Co, h Willow Brook farm Lake n Limits
Diven, Aimee, bds 502 W Church
Diven, Eugene, secy LaFrance Fire Engine Co, h 306 W Gray
Diven, George M., (Diven & Redfield) also pres LaFrance Fire Engine Co, also vice-pres Elmira Water Works Co, h 957 Lake
Diven, Julia, widow Eugene, h 502 W Church
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Diven, George M. jr., 1313 Lake
DIVEN, JOHN M., sec and treas Elmira water works, h 601 W Water
Divon, Martin L., marble cutter, bds 257 Partridge
DIVEN & REDFIELD, (G M Diven and H S Redfield) lawyers, 212 E Water
Dixon, Elizabeth A., 105 W Water
Dixon, Henry, fireman D L & W R R, bds 902 Lake
DIXON, JOHN, manager boots and shoes 105 W Water, h 1 Brady
Dixon, Will H., car repairer, bds 2 Main St bridge
Doane, Addison, livery stable and saloon 320 E Washington av, h do
Doane, Clarissa, widow Ezekiel P, h 418 W Second
Doane, Frank, driver 320 E Washington av
Doane, George, (Doane & Jones, ) civil engineer, h 404 Hoffman
Doane, Jennie, bds 917 Benton
Doane, Joe, laborer, 320 E Washington av
Doane, John, driver, h 320 E Washington av
Doran, John, puddler, bds 103 E Washington av
DANE & JONES, (G Doane and R T Jones,) manf and wholesale dealers in lumber, planing mill, etc, Henry, Harmon and Parlridge
Dane, Madison, teamster, h 907 E Church
Dane, Mary, widow Nathaniel, h 314 Reformatory
Dane, Nathaniel K., drayman, h 314 Reformatory
Dane, Royal, carriage maker, h 917 Benton
DANE, WILLIAM H., hackman 315 Washington av, h do
Dobberstein, August, carpenter, h Robinson n Esty
Dobberstein, Gustave A., hair dresser 102 State, bds Robinson n Esty
Dobberstein, William F., job printer, h Robinson
DOBBINS, ANDREW J., propr Frasier house W Third cor Railroad av, h do
Dobbs, Benjamin J., laborer, h 211 Maple av
Dobbs, Isaac E., car repairer N C R R, h 514 Balsam
Dobbs, Thomas F., laborer, bds club house Maple av
Dobbs, William J., laborer, bds 211 Maple av
Dobell, Emma E., stenographer Erie depot bds 1024 Oak
Dobell, Stephen V., laborer, h 1024 Oak
Dobson, Thomas W., teamster, h 324 Railroad av
Dochane, H. H., currier, bds 617 Lake
DOCKSTADER, OTIS, architect Robinson bldg 163 Lake, h 373 W Gray See top lines and back cover
Dodd, Alfred E., cigarmaker, h 214 Sullivan
Dodd, Edward, emp Rathbun House, bds do
Dodd, Jennie, clerk 305 E Water, bds Sullivan
Dodd, Leonard, machinist, h 115 Lormore
Dodd, Sarah Mrs., housekeeper Rathbun house
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Dodd, Sarah A. Mrs., agent, h 313 E Church
Dodd, William E., assist nndertaker 203 and 205 W Water, h 214 Sullivan
Dodd, Alfred C., painter, 110 N Main
Dodson, Alexander, bookkeeper Farmers' and Mechanics' bank, bds 515 W Water
Dodson, William A., cashier Farmers' and Mechanics' bank, bds 515 W Water
Doherty, Francis G., clerk Reformatory, bds do
Dohoe, James, laborer, h 209 Harriet
Dohoney, Frank R., clerk, bds 428 Penna av
Dohoney, John E., grocer 428 S Main, h do
Dohoney, John J., machinist, bds 428 S Main
Doherty, Lizzie M., bookkeeper 311 E Water, bds 706 Jay
Doherty, Mary, compositor Gazette, bds 506 Baldwin
Doherty, Patrick C., watchman D L & W R R, h 221 Thurston
Dolan, David, laborer, bds 664 Baldwin
Dolan, Ellen, widow Patrick, h 607 E Third
Dolan & Flahive (Thomas D. and John F.) cigar manuf, 616 E 3rd
Dolan, Helen, widow Patrick, h 607 E Third
Dolan, James, bartender, bds 609 E Third
Dolan, John (Dolan & Flahive), bds 607 E Third
Dolan, John, laborer, h 658 Lake
Dolan, John, laborer, bds 670 Magee
Dolan, Katie, bds 660 Lake
Dolan, Thomas (Dolan & Flahive), h 607 E Third
Dolaway, George S., milkman, h 261 Gardiners av
Dolbee, S. H., 348 W Fourth
Dolmetch, William H., miller, h 505 Penna av
Domallie, Jennie, widow Thomas, h 160 Fox
DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CO. (Benj. Litch and Minnie Campbell) 144 and 146 W Water
Domidian, Johanna, domestic 312 Lake
Donahue, Bernard J., mailing clerk and engineer Gazette, h 418 Carroll
Donahue, Betsey, widow Bernard, h 416 Carroll
Donahue, Catharine, widow Patrick, h 375 W Clinton
Donahue, Cornelius, janitor school No. 5, h 210 Broadway
Donahue, Dennis Mrs., grocer 301 S Broadway, h do
Donahue, Ellen, Empire house
Donahue, Ella F., domestic 628 W Church
Donahue, Florence, com trav, h 800 E Market
Donahue, Frank H., laborer, bds 609 Jay
Donahue, Henry W., clerk 124 W Water, bds 800 E Market
Donahue, John, laborer, h N s Luce n Robinson
Donahue, John, conductor electric cars, h 556 E Market
Donahue, John, laborer, bds 210 Broadway
Donahue, John, shoemaker, bds 409 Fulton
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Donahue, John C., bds 210 Broadway
Donahue, John, jr., clerk, bds N s Luce n Robinson
Donahue, John J., clerk 116 E Water, h Pleasant Valley
Donahue, Katie, domestic 712 E Market
Donahue, Kate, dressmaker, bds N s Luce n Robinson
Donahue, Mary, domestic 615 Park pl
Donahue, Michael, laborer Gas Co., h 556 E Market
Donahue, Michael, fireman D L & W, bds 409 Fulton
Donahue, Michael, fireman D L & W R R, h 409 Fulton
Donahue, Nora, waitress Rathbun house
Donahue, Nora, dressmaker, bds 210 Broadway
Donahue, Patrick, laborer, h cor E Clinton and Oak
Donahue, Patrick, laborer, h 106 W Second
Donahue, Patrick, driver, bds 208 Maple av
Donahue, Peter Rev., SS Peter and Paul's church, High cor Market
Donahue, Thomas, prop Empire house
Donahue, Thomas, clerk 500 S Main, bds 111 S Second
Donahue, Thomas, porter A O hospital bds do
Donahue, Thomas, laborer, h 609 Jay
Donahue see also Donohue
Donahue, Thomas Jr., fireman A O hospital, bds 609 Jay
Donald, Mary, widow George, dressmaker, 710 John h do
Donald, Samuel T., moulder, bds 418 Herrick
Donald, Viola E., milliner 120 W Water, bds 710 John
Donavan, John D., laborer, h 312 S Broadway
Donavan, Josephine, domestic, 322 W Church
Donavan see Donovan
Donegan, Mary, domestic, 308 Penna av
Donly, William R., conductor D L & W R R ladies' furnishing and fancy goods 112 N Main, h 403 W Gray
Donly, W. R. Mrs., manager 112 N Main, h 403 W Gray
Donoghue, John, carpenter Elmira woolen mill, 620 Oak
Donnelly, Edward, engineer D L & W R R, h 322 E Center
Donnelly, John, foreman telegraph line, h 419 W Second
Donnelly, Luke, engineer D L & W R R, h 213 Franklin
Donnelly, Margaret, housekeeper, 861 College av
Donnelly, Sarah, widow Peter, h 413 Locust
Donohue, Daniel, laborer, bds 926 Maxwell av
Donohue, Dennis, laborer D L & W yard, bds 652 Oak
Donohue, Hannah, domestic, 129 E Chemung pl
Donohue, John, barber, bds 111 S Second
Donohue, John J., barber, bds 111 S Second
Donohue, Kate, widow Patrick, h 327 Webber pl
Donohue, Thomas, fireman D L & W R R bds 327 Webber pl
Donohue, Thomas, night janitor A O hopital
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Donohue, Timothy, teamster, h N s Stowell pl n railroad av
Donohue see Donahue
Donovan, Bennet, widow Jerry, h 721 Dickinson
Donovan, Edward, teamster, bds 522 W Hudson
Donovan, Ellen, widow Patrick, h 716 Junction
Donovan, Ellen, bds 364 W Sixth
Donovan, Eugene, emp T Briggs & Co bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan, James, laborer, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan, James H., fireman D L & W R R, h 909 Lake
Donovan, Johanna, widow Jerry, h 721 Dickinson
DONOVAN, JOHN, saloon 118 Fifth cor Magee
Donovan, John, teamster, bds 522 W Hudson
Donovan, John D., laborer, h 514 S Elm
Donovan, Maggie, domestic, 957 Lake
Donovan, Mary, h 506 W Clinton
Donovan, Mary, bds 206 W Clinton
Donovan, Mary V., milliner 108 N Main, bds 506 W Church
Donovan, Michael, shoemaker, h 364 W Sixth
Donovan, Nellie, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan, Richard, laborer, bds 351 Railroad av
Donovan, Timothy, saloon, 365 Railroad av h do
Donovan, Timothy, bricklayer, bds N s Stowell pl n Railroad
Doolittle, Albert, fireman D L & W R R bds 702 E Fifth
Doolittle, Benjamin F., engineer D L & W R R, h 702 E Fifth
Doolittle, Elmer, fireman D L & W R R, h 448 Reformatory
DOOLITTLE, FRANK E., notions and fancy goods wholesale and retail 132 W Water, h 105 Columbia
Doolittle, Frank, laborer, h 411 Penna av
Doolittle, Isaiah, milkman, h 452 Reformatory
Doolittle, John T., telephone tel ex, h 206 College av
Doolittle, Lena, domestic, bds 312 Baty
Dorman, Charles F., brakeman D L & W R R bds 376 Norton
Doran, Michael, laborer, bds 920 Michigan av
Doretta, William R., florist, h 203 Hoffman
Dorion, Severe, clerk, 301 and 303 E Water, bds 265 W Clinton
Dorn, Georgia, widow George, h 213 Columbia
Dorn, Mary, domestic, 651 Lake
Dorn, Melville W., clerk 142 W Water, h 213 Columbia
Dorr, Charles H., (Hooker & Door) h at Newburgh
Dorsey, Grafton, laborer, bds 711 Benjamin
Dorsey, William H., janitor Telegram office, h 711 Benjamin
Dotts, Howard J., fireman, h 410 Matthew
Dotts, John H., fireman D L & W R R, h 1001 Oak
Donachowsky, Theo., laborer bridge works, h E Miller n Erie
Dougherty, Charles F., (C F Dougherty & Son) h 319 Washington
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Dougherty, C. F. & Son (C H D) dealers in pumps 406 E Market
Dougherty, Charles H., (C F Dougherty & Son), bds 319 Washington
Dougherty, Frank, shoemaker, 608 Jay, h 706 Jay
Dougherty, Thomas, shoemaker, bds 608 Jay
Dougherty, Lizzie M., cashier, 311 E Water
Dougherty, Herbert H., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 907 Lake
Douglass, James A., lawyer, 371 W Church
DUNCE & CO., (F N & O C Dounce) wholesale coal coke and iron 657 Railroad av
Dounce, E. Alletta, stenographer Dounce & Co, h 122 Main
DUNCE, F. N. (Fred N) coal and wood E Second cor State, h 514 W Church
Dounce, Ophelia C., (Dounce & Co) h 514 W Church
Dounce, Oliver, shipping clerk, h 508 William
Dounce, Will D., manager Queen City Coal Co., h 510 West Church
Dounce, William J., h 514 W Church
Douris, George, machinist, bds 509 Penna av
Douris, John A., machinist, h 509 Penna av
Dove, Cora E., operative box factory, bds 3 Lemon
Dove, Fred C., carpenter, h 131 W Water
Dove, James E., carpenter, h 3 Lemon
Dovell, Lee A., horsetrainer, h E South av n Maple av
DOW, ISAIAH C., magnetic and electric physician N Main cor W Market h do
Dowling, James, emp rolling mill, h 916 College av
Dowling, John, laborer, bds 672 Magee
Dowling, John J., peddler, 359 Roe av
Dowling, Kate, dressmaker, bds 916 College av
Dowling, Mary V., stenographer, bds 916 College av
Dowling, Matthew, brakeman E C & N R R, h 968 Magee
Dowling, Nellie, milliner, bds 916 College av
Dowling, Patrick A., printer Telegram, bds 916 College av
Dowling, Patrick Mrs., h 1108 Lake
Down, William, tinsmith 601 Baldwin, h 409 W Second
Downing, Levi, brakeman, bds 315 Baty
Downs, Frank, hostler, 520 W Water
Downs, Frank, h 160 Sullivan
Downs, John, laborer, bds 410 S Magee
Downs, John W., coachman 300 W Church
Downs, Michael, fireman D L & W R R, bds 410 S Magee
Dowsey, Joseph, artist 159 Baldwin, bds 513 W Fourth
Doxey, Jenny O., 655 N Main
Doxey, Melicent E., widow Augustus, h 158 Broadway
Doxey, Nicholas D., 655 N Main
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Doyle, Ellen, widow Michael, h 660 Columbia
Doyle, Filmore W., clerk 110 Baldwin, bds 218 W Church
Doyle, George W., umbrella manf and repairer 205 E Church, bds 567 E Water
Doyle, James, h 858 Magee
Doyle, Joseph, conductor D L & W R R, bds 851 Dickinson
Doyle, Kate, waitress Delavan house
Doyle, Maggie, domestic Rathbun house
Doyle, Mary, domestic Rathbun house
Doyle, Mattie E., clerk 124 W Water, bds 218 W Church
Doyle, Michael, coachman, h 218 W Church
Draht, Albert, tanner, h 163 Harriet
Draht, Charles, laborer, h 163 Harriet
Draht, Charles, laborer, h 163 Sullivan
Draiss, Barbara, domestic 310 Lake
Draiss, Elizabeth, widow Adam, bds 718 Dickinson
Draiss, Frederick H., baker, bds 718 Dickinson
Draiss, William J., laborer, bds 718 Dickinson
Drake, Andrew J., carpenter, h 510 Balsam
Drake, Anna L., bds 351 E Center
Drake, Augusta M. Mrs., bds 113 Brand
Drake, George E., conductor N C R R, h 114 Caldwell av
Drake, Clara, stenographer 208 Baldwin, bds 553 E Second
DRAKE, EMERY G., physician and surgeon 312 W Church h do
Drake, George W., h 553 E Second
Drake, Henry E., jeweller 218 E Water, bds 222 Baldwin
Drake, James H., h 416 Euclid pl
Drake, John H., jeweler, h 416 Euclid pl
Drake, Julia, Home for Aged
DRAKE, LEON H., Elmira steam mills 623, 625 Railroad av, h 902 College av
Drake, Oakly Edsall, tinner, h 505 Park pl
Drake, Otis E., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 311 E Washington av
Drake, Robert B., conductor L V R R, bds Frasier house
Drake, Samuel, h 351 E Centre
Drake, Sarah A. Mrs., boarding 505 Park pl
Drake, Theodore M., (J. B. Cooley & Co,) h 1211 Benton
Drake, Wilfred S., baker, bds 1211 Benton
Drake, William H., engineer D L & W R R, bds 351 E Center
Drake, William I., engineer D L & W R R, bds 351 E Centre
Drake, William P., carpenter, h 309 W Fourth
Draper, Delia, bds 663 Lake
DREW, EBENEZER D., fancy goods and notions 128 W Water h 113 Grove
DREW, E. D. MRS., millinery 128 W Water
Drew, Edward D., clerk 128 W Water, h 113 Grove
Driscoll, Daniel, bds 459 E Water
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DREW, WILLIAM S., gen agt Equitable life insurance society 107 W Water, h 114 W Second
Driscoll, Daniel H., (Driscoll orchestra), h 362 W Gray
Driscoll, Deborah, widow Patrick, h 358 Elm
Driscoll, Delia, boarding house 459 E Water
Driscoll, Florence, puddler, bds 851 Dickinson
Driscoll, James, hostler Elmira house
Driscoll, Jeremiah, fireman N C R R, bds 312 Baty
Driscoll, John, U S Ex messenger, h 341 W Seventh
Driscoll, Julia A., domestic, 310 Penna av
Driscoll, Maggie, domestic, 410 Maple av
Driscoll, Mary A., domestic, 753 E Church
Driscoll, Nellie, domestic, 601 W Water
Driscoll, Nora Mrs., domestic 371 W Church
Driscoll, Nora, domestic 451 Maple av
Driscoll, Peter, engineer D L & W R R, h 1410 Baldwin
Driscoll, Susie, stenographer, bds 650 Dickinson
DuBois, Delancy F., h 802 Madison av
DuBois, George, brakeman D L & W R R, h 1027 Oak
DuBois, William M., bds 316 Lake
Duczinski, Albert, laborer, 950 Johnson
Dudley, Isaac M., bds 1200 Maxwell av
Duffy, Christopher, blacksmith N C R R shop, h 724 S Main
Duffy, John J., conductor D L & W R R, bds 1122 Lake
Duggan, David T., clerk D L & W R R shops, bds 208 Harriet
Duggan, Roger, saloon 707 Lake, h 702 Benjamin
Duhl Bros, (John and Jacob Duhl), meat market 651 E Church
Duhl, Elmo L., bookkeeper, bds 650 Oak
Duhl, Jacob, (Duhl Bros), bds 708 E Second
Duhl, John, (Duhl Bros), h 708 E Second
DUHL, LOUIS, manager Elmira Ice Co, h 950 Oak
Dullin, Fred, bookbinder, h 707 1-2 Magee
Dullin, Laura Mrs., widow George, h 304 Washington
DUMARS, JAMES H., bookseller and stationer 142 W Water, h 718 W Water
Dumars, Joseph, bds 466 W Water
Dumars, Mary H., widow Robert R R, h 466 W Water
Dunke, Julius, bar tender 117 Lake, bds do
Dun, Clarence, emp Fitch & Aldrich, bds 411 E Church
DUNN, R. G. & CO., mercantile agency, H M Sheive mgr, 204, 206 E Water
Dunavon, John E., engineer, h 375 W Clinton
Dunbar, Archie L., brakeman N C R R, bds 230 W Miller
Dunbar, Eliza, widow Jerome, h 754 1-2 E Clinton
Dunbar, Minard H., fireman N C R R, bds 230 W Miller