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Coke Levi, confectionery, 151 Baldwin, h 467 W Second
Coke Mary E., bds 309 Davis
Coke Sophia, widow William, H 309 Davis
Colburn Cora, domestic 1513 Lake
Colburn James R., ass’t city editor Gazette, h 319 W Church
Colburn Mary, dressmaker, h 523 W Church
Cole Benjamin, hostler 703 Park pl
Cole Charles, laborer, h 209 Harmon
Cole David, h 153 Madison av
Cole Elmer J., painter, bds 424 Balsam
Cole Fred D., carpenter, h 205 W Fifth
Cole George, shipping clerk, bds 427 Railroad av
Cole Hattie, artist, bds 129 W Henry
Cole Jabez G., brakeman DL&W, h 1235 Pratt
Cole John A., tallyman at frt house, h 316 Oak
Cole Lawaence, shipping clerk, bds 427 Railroad av
Cole Lucy M., domestic 240 Lake
Cole Maggie M., cigarmaker, bds 1235 Pratt
Cole Maggie, domestic Lewis House
Cole Miron, bds 516 Oak
Cole Peter carpenter, bds American House
Cole Richard D., carpenter, h 258 South av
EMPIRE LAUNDRY, 110 West Water Street
Cole Samuel R., farmer, h 424 Balsam
Cole Webster J., h 600 Penna av
Cole William, saloon 660 Baldwin, h do
Cole William P., brakeman N C R R., bds 602 S Herrick
Colegrove Lee, clerk 125 S Main, bds Serpentine av
Colegrove William N., finisher Fitch & Aldrich, bds 409 DeWitt
Colegrove William N., upholsterer, h Serpentine av n stone quarry
Colegrove William N., jr., carpenter, h Serpentine av n stone quarry
Coleman Eliza B., widow John, h 360 Columbia
Coleman Elliott, tel operator N Y L E & W R R., bds 613 Lake
Coleman Emma R. Mrs., h 108 W Fourth
Coleman Frank G., barber, 617 S Main, h 121 W Miller
Coleman Hattie, bds 613 Lake
Coleman Hugh H., h 1002 Oak
Coleman Isaiah B., foundry and machine shop State cor Church, h 355 W Seventh
Coleman James, laborer, 1002 Oak
Coleman John, laborer, h 215 Broadway
Coleman Joseph, engineer D L & W R R., h 1317 Lake
Coleman Joseph E., clerk Payne shops, h 409 Pleasant
Coleman Lizzie, bds 1002 Oak
Coleman Mary laundress, bds 1002 Oak
Coleman Peter, carpenter, h 613 Lake
Coleman Winnie, dressmaker, bds 1002 Oak
Coley George D., carpenter, h 209 Harmon
Collier Fred M., conductor D L & W R R., h 354 I-2 E Centre
Colligan Marguerite, domestic 519 W Clinton
Colligan Michael, planer, h 267 W Henry
Collin Frederick, (Reynolds, Stanchfield & Collin) h 524 W Water
Collin James E., dairyman, h 371 Thurston
Collins Andrew, shoemaker, bds 112 E Water
Collins Bernice, domestic 404 Sullivan
Collins Cornelius laborer, bds New n Reformatory
Collins Dennis, laborer, bds New n Reformatory
Collins Dennis, saloon 901 Railroad av., h do
Collins Dennis, janitor city hall, Tuttle av n Glue factory
Collins Dennis, carpenter, bds 365 Railroad av
Collins Ellen, h 255 W Hudson
Collins Frank, bds 527 W Washington av
Collins Fred, emp Fitch & Aldrich, bds 760 E Market
Collins T F., cutter, bds 207 Sullivan
Collins Hannah Mrs., bds 413 Herrick
Collins Isaac, laborer, h 703 Dickinson
Collins James, laborer, h New n Reformatory
Collins James, laborer, bds 100 Park
Collins James, E., milk dealer, h 371 Thurston
Collins Jared N., conductor N C R R., h 474 South av
Collins Jeremiah, emp N C shops, h 306 S Broadway
Collins Jeremiah, truckman Erie depot, bds 160 Harriet
Collins Jerry H., hotel and restaurant, 146 E Water
Collins John, Laborer, h 340 W Seventh
Collins John, laborer, h E Miller n Spaulding
Collins John, cigarmaker, bds 420 Standish
Collins John, track forman D L & W R R, h 420 Standish
Collins John E., section boss, h W Seventh
Collins John M., foreman D L & W R R, bds 340 W Seventh
COLLINS JOHN W., harness manufacturer 212 W Water, h 602 Winsor av
Collins Julius, laborer, bds 703 Dickinson
Collins Kate, domestic 507 West Water
Collins L V., carpenter, h 146 W Water
Collins Maggie, domestic 457 W First
Collins Maggie, student, bds 527 W Washington av
Collins Margaret, laundress Delavan house
Collins Margaret, widow Martin, bds 549 S Main
Collins Mary, domestic 706 W Water
Collins Mary, widow James, h Magee n W Centre
Collins Michael, grocer, 527 W Washington av, h do
Collins Michael, fireman E C & N R R, bds 420 Standish
Collins Michael, deliverer, bds Empire house
Collins Nellie, bds 901 Railroad av
Collins Nellie F., clerk 301, 303 E Water, bds 207 Sullivan
Collins Patrick, laborer, h 726 S Main
Collins Patrick, laborer, h r 103 S Second
Collins Patrick, hostler D L & W R R, bds 207 Sullivan
Collins Patrick R., brakeman D L & W R R, bds 724 Balsam
Collins Richard F., pliceman, h 515 Erie
Collins Stephen B., laborer, h 227 O’Gorman
Collins Thomas, laborer, h 160 Harriet
Collins Thomas, collar maker Plumb & Sheldons, bds 420 Standish
Collins Thomas J. emp Kennedy’s bot works, bds 160 Harriet
Collins Thomas C., fireman D L & W R R, bds 340 W Seventh
Collins Timothy, carpenter, h 261 W Hudson
Collins William, tailor 207 Sullivan, h do
Collins William D., conductor street car, bds 901 Railroad av
Collson Elizabeth, bds 451 Oak cor Jay
Collson Forrest C., watchman, h 316 Orchard
Collson Jane, baker, 450 Oak cor Jay
Collson Minnie G., netmaker 700 Madison av, bds 450 Oak cor Jay
Collson Warren M., grocer baker and confectionery also notary public, 450 Oak cor Jay, h do
Colson Frank B., clerk 206 S Main, bds 302 W Water
Colson Margaret, widow, h 302 W Water
Colson Magaretta Mrs., shoecutter, h 306 W Water
Colton Arthur W., bds 502 Perry
Colton Charlie M., painter, bds 502 Perry
Colton Hannah, widow Stephen, h 502 Perry
Colton John, clerk, h 507 Perry
Colvin Davis, gunsmith 150 Baldwin, bds Serpentine av n stone quarry
Colvin Marvin S., gunsmith 150 Baldwin, h Serpentine av n stone quarry
Colwell Blanche, bds 205 Harmon
Colwell David, carpenter, h 205 Harmon
Colwell Maud, bds 205 Harmon
Combs Ida, domestic 255 South av
Comenoke Marcous, peddler, h 800 John
Comfort George, laborer, bds Southport cor
Comfort Hannah, widow James, bds 600 W Clinton
Comfort Ida M., domestic Maple av
Comfort Louise M., widow Eli C., h 150 John
COMFORT PATRICK, propr Comforts hotel 1337 College av, h do
Commercial Hotel, Thomas McCarthy Fennell propr 601 Railroad av
Compton Anna E., h S s Carrs cor n W Hill rd
Compton Carmy, florist, h 1157 Hoffman
Compton Cornelia Mrs., florist 1157 Hoffman, H do
Compton Edwin R., student, bds 1157 Hoffman
Compton Jacob, farmer, S s Carrs cor n W Hill rd
Compton John W., farmer, West Hill n Carrs cor
Compton Mary, bds 354 S Main
Compton William E., painter, h 358 Fulton
Compton W. R., business mgr Elmira coupling mfg Co, office
COMPTON ZERA, awning and tent maker musical instruments and sewing machines 411 Carroll, h Hoffman Masonic temple
Comstock Annie Maud, bookkeeper Elmira Telegram h 126 N Main
Comstock Clara L., h 126 N Main
Comstock Edward, steward Reformatory, h 506 Grove
COMSTOCK JOHN A., manuf of flavoring extracts and perfumes 126 N Main, h do
Comstock Samuel E., driver Adams Ex Co bds 210 High
Comstock Samuel G., salesman 106 W Water, h 210 High
Condol William, bell boy Rathbun house, h 701 Benjamin
Condol William H., white washer and kalsominer, h 525 Penna av
Condol William H. jr., porter Rathbun house
Condon Edward, shoemaker, h 130 W Henry
ARCHITECT, J. Q. INGHAM, 17 years continuous practice in Elmira. 8 Opera Block, 154 Lake-St.
Condon John, quarryman, h 720 E Oak
Condon Mary, operative Elmira woolen mill, bds 720 E Oak
Condon Nicholas Mrs., h 102 W Fifth
CONDON MORRIS, boots and shoes 122 S Main, h do
Cone Arthur, laborer, h 705 W Water
Cone Mattie, tailoress, bds 316 Penna av
Coney May, domestic 250 W Columbia pl
Coneray Maggie, waitress Rathbun house
Congdon Albert D., laborer, h 1019 Tenietenti cor Bon View
Congdon Anna, widow Nicholas boarding 152 W Sixth
Congdon Belle, bds 523 W Church
Congdon Burdett, drayman, h 157 Orchard
Congdon Charles F., carpenter, h 1018 Hoffman
Congdon Horace S., compositor Gazette, h 324 E Water
Congdon James R., carpenter, h 1018 Hoffman
Congdon Lucy, widow George, h 523 W Church
Congdon Richmond H., bookkeeper 101 W Water, h 152 W Fifth
Conger C. Ann, widow Daniel, h 207 W Sixth
Conklin Albert, carpenter, bds 450 E Market
Conklin Alfred, carpenter, bds 450 E Market
Conklin Arthur, student, bds 951 Lake
Conklin Benjamin F., mason, bds S s Holridge n limits
Conklin Charles M., conductor E C & N R R, h 160 S Elm
Conklin David, farmer, h 1031 Hoffman
Conklin Dennis, h 708 Davis
Conklin Frank S., driver W F Co Ex, h 921 Railroad av
Conklin Helen m., widow Edward S., h 328 E Water
Conklin Irving brakeman N C R R, bds 309 S Main
Conklin Jesse brakeman D L & W R R, bds 911 Benton
Conklin Leon D., student, bds 609 College av
CONKLIN MELVIN M., grocer and baker 651 Lake, h do
Conklin Nathaniel, laborer, h 509 Columbia
Conklin Stoddard H., miller, h 609 College av
Empire Laundry, 110 Water Street.
Conkolinski Thomas, laborer, h 970 E Clinton
Conlon Arthur, machinist, h 213 W Miller
Conlon Helen C., bds 213 W Miller
Conlon Thomas, blacksmith N C R R shop h 770 S Main
Conley James, expressman, bds 509 Railroad av
Conley John, currier 129 W Water, h 208 Harriet
Conley Katie, tailoress, bds 212 Fulton
Conley Mary, chambermaid Delevan house
Conley Mary M., housekeeper 403 William
Conly Mary, domestic 606 N Main
Conly Mary, domestic 456 W Gray
Connell Nona, domestic 413 W Water
Connell Phillip, laborer, h 1007 Main
Connelly Bridget, 2 Main St bridge
Connelly Catharine, widow Michael, h 309 W Hudson
Connelly Catharine, dressmaker, h 224 Hine
Connelly Cornelius, clerk 123 W Water, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Cornelius, saloon 318 E Water, h 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Cornelius, h 409 W Hudson
Connelly Cornelius, carpenter, h 209 Fulton
Connelly Cornelius, laborer, h E Miller
Connelly Cornelius, emp rolling mill, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly Cornelius, (C E & T F Connelly), h Binghamton
Connelly C. E. & T. F., groceries 116-118 E Water
Connelly Daniel, laborer, h 308 W Hudson
Connelly Daniel, emp rolling mill, h Stowell pl cor Railroad av
Connelly Daniel O., com trav, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Dennis, laborer, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Dennis, laborer, h 212 Fulton
Connelly Dennis, mason, h 224 Hine
Connelly Dennis, laborer, h 218 S Walnut
Connelly Dennis J., bookkeeper 120 N Main cor Market, h 309 W Hudson
Consult H. O. SMITH, Architect, 108 Lake-St.
Connelly Dora, dressmaker, bds 64 Penna av
Connelly Ella, bds 216 S Walnut
Connelly Frances, dressmaker, h 224 Hine
Connelly Hannah, bds 216 S Walnut
Connelly Helen, domestic 612 John
Connelly Hugh, laborer, h 810 Carroll
Connelly James, brakeman D L & W R R, h Norton cor Baldwin
Connelly James, emp rolling mill, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly James A., student, bds 511 Jefferson
Connelly Jeremiah, laborer, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Jeremiah, contractor and builder, h 701 E Market cor Washington
Connelly Jeremiah, cigar manuf, 452 W Hudson, h do
CONNELLY JEREMIAH J., undertaker and furniture, 203 and 205 W Water, h 379 W Fourth
Connelly Jeremiah J., mason, h 224 Hine
Connelly John, mason, h 224 Hine
Connelly John, clerk 123 Lake, bds 452 W Hudson
Connelly John, brakeman, bds E Miller n Erie
Connelly John, laborer, h 120 Fulton
Connelly John B., engineer N C R R, h 511 Jefferson
Connelly John J., emp rolling mill, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly John M., manager 413 and 412 Carroll, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Judd, clerk 112 Baldwin, bds 64 Penna av
Connelly Julia, domestic (D. C. Robinson’s) Maple av n Horner
Connelly Kate, widow Dennis, domestic Maple av n E Miller
Connelly Kate, domestic, bds E Miller n Erie
Connelly Katie, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Katie, domestic 413 1-2 W Water
Connelly Kate J., bds 511 Jefferson
Connelly Margaret, widow Cornelius, h 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Margaret, widow John, h 912 Stowell
Connelly Maria L., milliner, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Mary, domestic, bds 212 Fulton
Connelly Mary, bds 216 S Walnut
Connelly Mary, cook 2 Main st bridge
Connelly Mary, bds 218 S Walnut
Connelly Mary, widow Patrick, boarding 307 Diven av
Connelly Mary, M., bds 309 W Hudson
Connelly Michael, mason, h 501 W Hudson
Connelly Michael, printer, bds 212 Fulton
Connelly Michael, brakeman Erie R R, bds E Miller n Erie
Connelly Michael, mason, h 309 W Hudson
Connelly Minnie, domestic 461 E Water
Connelly Nellie F., teacher school No. 5, bds 122 W Chemung pl
HOSMER BILLINGS, Bookseller, Stationer and Newsdealer, 112 Baldwin Street
Connelly Nora, domestic, bds E Miller n Erie
Connelly Patrick, carpenter, h 409 W Hudosn
Connelly Patrick, puddler, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly Patrick, laborer, h 216 S Walnut
Connelly Thomas, mason, h 409 W Hudson
Connelly Thomas F. ( C. E. & T. F. Connelly), h Rochester NY
Connelly Timothy, laborer, h 309 W Hudson
Connelly Timothy, laborer, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Timothy, cigarmaker, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Timothy, hotel 64 Penna av, h do
Connelly Timothy (C. E. & T. F. Connelly), h 216 S Walnut
Connelly Timothy j., bds 216 S Walnut
Conner Anna S., bds 367 W Second
Conner Crete M., bds 113 E Henry
Conner Edwin, boilermaker, bds 310 S Main
Conner George, moulder, bds 310 S Main
Conner Joseph H., shoemaker, h 367 W Second
Conner William B., meat market 66 Penna av, bds 113 E Henry
Conners Timothy, laborer, h 815 Johnson
Connolly Cornelius P., clerk Patterson House
Connolly John W., bds Patterson House
CONNOLLY LEWIS T., propr Patterson House, veterinary surgeon and dentist
Connolly Michael, puddler, bds Patterson House
Connor E. D., boilermaker, bds Lewis
Connor James, foreman N C R R shops, h 720 S Main
Connor Joseph, fireman L V R R, bds Blyley House
Connors Cornelius, laborer, h 114 Giltanan
Connors Martin, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 307 Diven av
Connors Martin E., car repairer, h 960 Main
Connors Timothy, laborer, h 514 S Elm
Connors William, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 307 Diven av
Connors William B., meat market 66 Penna av, bds 113 E Henry
Conover M. Carmele, music teacher, h 122 Brand
Conroy Daniel, laborer, bds 361 Railroad av
Conroy John, laborer, h 150 Washington av