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Cramer Robert M., printer Advertiser, h 214 Caldwell av
Cramer William, music teacher, bds 159 Madison av
Crandall Erastus n., salesman 301 E Water, h 311 Penna av
Crandall Francis R., sashmaker, bds 219 W Water
Crandall George (R. S. Seely & Co.), h 1012 Walnut
Crandall George H., doormaker, h 1012 Walnut
Crandall Lulu Miss, clerk, bds 157 lake
Crandall Mary, widow Erastus, h 408 DeWitt
Crandall Spicer T., clerk Delavan House, bds do
Crandall Walter M., doormaker, h 759 E 2d
Crane Adella E., teacher school No. 3 bds 408 Spaulding
Crane Anna m., bds 305 William
Crane C. C., h 312 Webber pl
Crane Charles R., sash and blindmaker, h 706 E Oak
Crane Cordelia E., widow Daniel, nurse, h 4589 Spaulding
Crane Elizabeth N., widow A. W., h 408 Spaulding
Crane Emily, widow S. C., bds 361 S Main
Crane Floyd E., machinist, h 465 Spaulding
Crane George E., laborer, h 106 W Church
CRANE THEORDORE W., treas J. Langdon & Co, incorporated, h E Hill ab Water Cure
Cranston Charles h., painter, h Carroll cor Lake
Empire Laundry Co., 110 W. Water St.
Crasper Eliphalet, shoemaker 71 Penna av, h do
Craver Davina, book-keeper, bds 307 Penna av
Crawford Duncan, book-keeper Elmira Mills, h Aspen Ridge
Crawford Emma A., dressmaker, bds 611 Lewis
Crawford Fannie R., h 51 Fulton
Crealman James, firemaen, h Diven la
Creaton Hannah, widow Owen, h 211 Sullivan
Creaton Michael, machinists, bds 211 Sullivan
Creed James A., h 163 Sullivan
Creelman Alice, widow Matthew, h Webber pl n College av
Creelman James, driver fire dept, bds Webber pl n College av
Creelman John, cigarmaker, bds Webber pl n College av
Creelman William, bds Webber pl n College av
Creighton Mary, domestic 102 S Main
Criddle Ida B., teacher , bds 57 Orchard
Criddle James W., shipping clerk 340 E Water, h 208 Horner
Crippen L. R., book-keeper, h 206 Orchard
Crise Peter, traveling agent, h 425 W Clinton
Crispin George A., foreman 625 Railroad av, bds 657 Magee
Crittenden Albert W., engineer Telegram, h 413 Baldwin
Crittenden Judson, drayman, bds 707 E 5th
Crittenden Richard G., jdrayman, h 707 E 5th
Crocker Charles F., conductor D L & W R R, h 714 Oak
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Crocker David (A. D. Slosson & Co.), h 402 E Union
Crocker Margaret (J. M. Shoemaker & Co.), Delevan House
Croft Elizabeth E., widow George, h 354 S Main
Cromer August, hostler, h 656 Walnut
Cronan Jane D., laundress Elmira College
Cronan Kate, domestic Elmira College
Cronenberger Frederick, laborer, h 126 S Main
Cronin Daniel, puddler, h 909 Stowell
Cronin Daniel, laborer, bds 101 Broadway
Cronin Daniel, laborer, bds 101 Broadway
Cronin Daniel jr., laborer, bds 101 Broadway
Cronin James, laborer, 507 E 3d
Cronin James jr., cigarmaker, bds 507 E 3d
Cronin Jane, h 101 Broadway
Cronin Jeremiah, cigar manuf 800 Hatch, h do
Cronin Johanna, widow John, bds 101 Broadway
Cronin John, bds 101 Broadway
Cronin John, cigar manuf 507 E 3d, h do
Cronin John F., driver, bds Elmira House
Cronin Mary Mrs., h 464 W 6th
Cronin Mary, domestic 372 W Water
8 OPERA BLOCK, 154 LAKE ST. See adv. Opp. Page 25Cronin Mortimer, telegrapher, h 914 Stowell
Cronin Stephen, barber, h 302 High
CRONK HANGER CO., 511 E Union (see adv page 6)
Cronkright Mina, h 216 E Water
Cronbkright Clarissa Mrs., tailoress, h 216 E Water
Crook William H., laborer, h 112 E 2d
Crooker james, blacksmith, bds 412 Spaulding
Croodshank Absel, carpenter, h 302 W 1st
Cross Charles, livery E Gray cor State, h 506 W 1st
Cross David E., shoemaker, bds 512 Logan
Cross Elisha R., trav agt, h 658 Main
Cross Frank D., salesman 311 E Water, bds 658 Main
Cross John C., fireman N C R R, bds 613 S main
Cross Lydia h., bds 409 W Clinton
Cross Margaret T., widow Augustus, bds 309 South av
CROSS SAMUEL, coal and wood 513 Park pl, h 409 W Clinton
Cross William T., laborer, h 512 Logan
Crossman Lidia E., bds 531 W Water
Crosthwaite Richard O., painter, h 77 Penna av
Crouse Frank, cooper, h 709 Columbia
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Crouse see also Krause
Crowe Agnes, domestic 106 Elm
Crowe James, shoemaker, bds 302 Fulton
Crowe John, shoekmaker, h 302 Fulton
Crowe John jr., shoemaker, bds 302 Fulton
Crowe Lizzie, tailoress, bds 302 Fulton
Crowe Maggie, domestic 116 W Chemung pl
Crowe Mary, domestic 362 College av
Crowe Michael, shoemaker, bds 156 W 3d
Crowe Michael, laborer, h 913 Maxwell av
Crowe Patrick, laborer, h 214 Giltanann
Crowe Richard, shoemaker, bds 156 W 3d
Crowell Edgar G., salesman 133 E Water, bds 129 W Market
Crowell George P., painter, h 211 Lormore
Crowell John W., h 626 W Gray
Crowell Nellie, bds 458 E Church
Crowles Lizzie, Mrs., housekeeper 5 Alpen Ridge
Crowley David, finisher, bds 504 Sullivan
Crowley Dennis, policeman, h 805 E Market
Crowley Honora, widow Dennis, h 951 Magee
Crowley Jeremiah, laborer, h 520 Perine
Crowley John, laborer, h 615 Jay
, General agents of home company, New York. Cor. Main and Water StreetsCrowley John, butcher, bds 951 Magee
Crowley John, mason, bds 515 S Broadway
Crowley Kate, domestic 500 Lake
Crowley Maggie, domestic 500 Lake
Crowley Maggie, domestic 211 Lake
CROWLEY MARTIN, prop American Hotel 113 W 3d, h do
Crowley Michael, cooper, h 411 DeWitt
Crowley Michael, laborer, h Erie R R n blast furnace
Crowley Thomas, saloon 559 E Church, h do
Crowely Thomas, laborer, h 410 E Market
Crowley Timothy, meat cutter, bds 951 Magee
Cruikshank Charles S., vice pres Chemung Valley Medical and Surgical Institute, bds do
Crundall Anna, widow Edward, h 306 W 3d
Cruthers Robert, blacksmith, h 716 Baldwin
Culkeen Mary, widow David, h 922 Maxwell av
Culkeen William, laborer, bds 922 Maxwell av
Cullen Andrew, shoemaker, bds 364 W 3d
Cullen Ann, widow Patrick, h 364 W 3d
Cullen James, shomaker, bds 364 W 3d
Cullen Joseph, cigarmaker, bds 364 W 3d
Cullinan Daniel, prop man (theatrical) bds 108 W Washington av
Cullinan John, saloon 108 W Washington av, h do
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Cullinan Thomas F., laborer, bds 108 W Washington av
Culliney James, car inspector, bds 703 S Main
Culp Charles, driver, bds 241 W Water
Culp Harriet, widow John, h 700 E 2d
Culp John, blacksmith, h 513 Baldwin
Culp Joseph, planer, h 369 W 2d
Culver A. R. Mrs., h 903 E Market
Culver Orville S., telegrapher, h 373 W 3d
Cummin William, carpenter, h 116 Partridge
Cummings Adelia, clerk, bds 616 S Main
Cummings Ann, widow James, h r 108 W 1st
Cummings F. M., clerk Bijou Hotel, h 421 Davis
Cummings James E., cutter 130 E Water, h 805 Davis
Cummings Julius R., apprentice Advertiser, bds 814 East av
Cummings Kate B., teacher school No 1 h 754 jay
Cummings Mary, domestic 543 S Main
Cummings Mary, widow Edwin, h 805 Davis
Cummings mead M., carpenter, h 814 East av
Cummings Miles, clerk, bds 814 East av
Cummings Minnie F., student, bds 835 Magee
Cummings Morris, master mason N C R R, h 855 Magee
Cummins Mark, carpenter, h 410 Oak
Personal Attention Given to All Work by REAGAN BROS., 211 W. WATER
Cunningham Andrew, saloon 208 W Hudson, h do
CUNNINGHAM C. N., agt Mutual Life Ins Co N Y, 305 Carroll, bds Rathbun House
Cunningham Emma, seamstress, bds 208 South av
Cunningham Frank G., laborer, bds South av E of railroad
Cunningham, Isaac H., carpenter, h 657 E Market
Cunningham John, farmer, h South av E of railroad
Cunningham John, carpenter and bulder South av cor S Main, h South av n S Main
Cunningham Mary, housekeeper 168 High
Cunningham Matthew, carpenter, bds 208 South av
Cunningham Michael, Elmira Gaslight Co, bds Homestead Hotel
Cunningham Thomas, blacksmith, h 718 S Main
CUNNINGHAM THOMAS REV., pastor SS Peter and Paul’s R C church, h 168 High
Cunningham William H., salesman 323 E Water, bds 208 South av
Cunningham William H., porter, h r 705 Dickinson
Cupp’ Joseph, brakeman, bds 201 Giltanann
Curran Catherine, widow Daniel H., h 613 E 3d
Curran James, laborer, h 812 Hatch
Curran John, cigarmaker, bds 613 E 3d
Curran Johannah, bds 751 Walnut
Curran Michael, laborer, bds 812 Hatch
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Curran Michael, mason, h 612 E 3d
Curran Nellie, tailoress, bds 613 E 2d
Curran Thomas, cigarmaker, h 708 E Church
Curran Thomas, puddler, h 812 Hatch
Curran Thomas, trav salesman Pratt & Co, h 717 Clomubia
Curran Sarah A., widow Thomas H., bds 915 College av
Curyy Daniel, salesman, bds 2 Main St Bridge
Curry James, fireman, bds 760 S main
Curry Michael, helper, h 760 S Main
Curtin Andrew (J. Barand & Co.), bds Rathbun House
Curtin Daniel E., depot clerk U S Ex Co., bds 110 Spring
Curtin John, oiler D L & W shop, h 110 Spring
Curtin Mary, domestic 123 E Hudson
Curtin Stephen, tinner, bds 110 Spring
Curtis Charles H., telegrapher, bds 502 Penna av
CURTIS DEXTER D., fgt agent N Y L E & W R R, h 205 Columbia
Curtis Frank T., shoemaker, h 407 Railroad av
Curtis George, book-keeper, bds 404 W Gray
Curtis George D., draughtsman, bds Fox cor Carroll
Curtis George L., cashier 211 Baldwin, bds 375 W Water
Curtis Ida D., saleslady, bds 502 Penna av
Curtis John J., book-keeper 109 W Water, h 401 Gray
ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOL LONGERCurtis Mary A., widow Sommers S., bds r 118 S Main
Curtis May L., hair dresser, bds 502 Penna av
Curtis Romeo H., clerk N Y L E & W R R, bds 205 Columbia
Curtis Sarah E., widow William, h 502 Penna av
Curtis Sidne B., h 420 W 3d
Curtiss Harry F., theatrical manager, P O Elmira NY
CUSHING JOHN, gents’ furnishings 135 E Water, h 558 E Church
Cushing Joseph W., shoemaker, h 907 W 1st
Cusick Patrick, tanner, bds 411 Powell
Cusick Daniel, saloon 201 W South av, h do
Cutter, E. D., brakeman, bds 708 Giltanann
Cutter John D., stenographer, bds 719 College av
Dabelstein C., widow Charles, bds 963 East av
Daboll & Reid (L. E. Daboll and W. D. Reid), taxidermists 204 Baldwin
Daboll Loren E. (Daboll & Reid), h r 213 Columbia
Daggett Herbert M. (Elmira Portrait Co.), h 357 W 4th
Daggett Willis C., carpenter, h 412 Locust
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Dahon Mark T., supplyman