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The 25th Presidential term of four years commenced on the 4th day of March, 1885, and will expire at noon on the 4th of March, 1889.
President—Grover Cleveland, of New York. Salary, $50,000.
Vice-President—John J. Ingalls, of Kansas. Salary, $10,000.
Secretary of State—.T. F. Bayard, of Delaware. Salary $8,000.
Secretary of the Treasury—C. S. Fairchild, of New York. Salary, $8,000.
Secretary of War—Wm. C. Endicott, of Massachusetts. Salary, $8,000.
Secretary of the Navy—W. C. Whitney, of New York. Salary, $8,000.
Secretary of the Interior—W. F. Vilas, of Wisconsin. Salary, $8,000.
Postmaster-General—Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan. Salary, $8,000.
Attorney-General—A. H. Garland, of Arkansas. Salary, $8,000.
Governor—David B. Hill.
Lieutenant-Governor—Edward F. Jones.
Secretary of State—Frederick Cook.
Comptroller—Edward Wemple,
Treasurer—Lawrence J. Fitzgerald.
Attorney-Geberal—Charles F. Tabor.
State Engineer and Surveyor—John Bogart.
Superintendent Bank Department—Willis S. Paine.
Superintendent Insurance Department—Robert A. Maxwell.
Superintendent Public Works—James Shanahan.
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Superintendent Public Instruction—Andrew S. Draper
Superintendent State Prisons—A. H. Lathrop
The Legislative powers of the State are vested in the state Legislature, which consists of two houses—
Senate and Assembly
The Senate consists of 32 members. The State is divided into 32 Senatorial Districts, each choosing one
Senator. The Senators receive a compensation of $1,500 per session.
The Assembly consists of 128 members. They each receive the same compensation as State Senator.
County Judge and Surrogate—Seymour Dexter.
County Clerk—Henry V. Ransom.
Deputy County Clerk—Daniel Finley.
District Attorney—Edgar Denton
Sheriff—Allen Cooper.
Deputy Sheriff—Jeremiah Smalley, E. O. Beers.
County Treasurer—J. Lowman McDowell.
Justice of Sessions—Elnathan Personius, James Smith.
School Commissioner—Thaddeus P. Jackson
Coroners—D. H. Reardon, M.D., D. A. Jokwas, M. D.
Loan Commissioners—Paul Collson, Nathaniel Owen
Superintendent of the Poor—Eugene Atkins
W. A. Armstrong, Edward Ayers, J. F. Babcock, H. L. Bacon, James Bacon, L. A. Baker, A. H. Baldwin, F. E. Baldwin, J. S. Baldwin, W. E. Bardwell, L. L. Barney, A. E. Baxter, E. O. Beers, J. Bennitt, A. D. Blair, F. M. Blossom, H. S. Brooks, Platt V. Bryan, G. W. Buck, W. S. Carr, J. J. Curtis, George L. Davids, J. S. Davison, C. S. Davison, Edgar Denton, W. A. Dodson, C. H. Edson, A. C. Eustace, N. P. Fassett, A. B. Galatian, J. A. Gibson, J. C. Greves, J. H. Holmes, E. Charles Hart, W. L. Hylen, Charles H. Knipp, W. D. Kelly, Fred Leonard, E. H. Mahler, J. H. Merwin, Theodore L. Minier, J. L. McDowell, L. A. Merrill, Fred H. Mills, J. Murray, W. H. Peters, C. R. Pratt, H. C. Robertson, G. G. Reynolds, J. B. Rathbun, L. G. Rathbun, E. M. Roberts, H. V. Ransom, T. S. Rice, A. J. Robertson, Jacob Schwartz, J. M. Sly, Dix W. Smith, C. A. Scudder, S. B.Sargent, R. J. Stage, S. C. Taber, R. H. Thurston, A. S. Thurston, D. E. Ufford, E. C. Van Dusen, S. D. Wadhams, F. L. Woodruff, J. H. Wiles, Mattie Grant, Clara A. White.
Incorporated April 7th, 1864
Mayor—Charles S. Davidson, office Masonic Temple.
Clerk—B. S. Chamberlain, office Masonic Temple.
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First Ward---Theodore L. Minier, Charles L. Elmendorf.
Second Ward---Martin Ford, John T. Gorman.
Third Ward---Samuel H. Laney, Thomas Gorman.
Fourth Ward---Morris J. Gladke, Florence Sullivan.
Fifth Ward---Dennis Bevier, Daniel Sheehan.
Sixth Ward---Cornelius Sullivan Jr., Daniel Smith
Seventh Ward---James E. Lockwood, Roe Reilly.
Recorder—Burton C. White.
City Chamberlain—Frank M. Blossom.
City Engineer—Asa P. Bovier.
City Attorney—H. H. Rockwell.
City Weigher—Orris Danks.
City Sealer—John J. Campbell.
Superintendent of Streets—John Biggs.
Overseer of Poor—Abraham Anhalt.
Chief of Police—Levi D. Little
Chief Engineer of Fire Department—Joseph A. Campbell
Health Officer—Dr. II. H. De V. Pratt, Jr.
Board of Commissioners of Excise—Granville D. Parsons, Baldwin Kolb, John E. Dahoney, Henry Marvin, Clerk; office Masonic Temple.
Assessors—Jocob Kolb, P. J. Lee, W. A. Kingsbury
Supervisors—R. R. R. Dumars, M. F. Fitzmartin, John McMahon, John D. Williams, Daniel Dempsey, Wm. H. Hart, Fred L. Woodruff.
Constables—Charles Hoppe, Patrick Fean, James Trainor, Squire Pine.
Civil Service Commission—Harry S. Brooks, Chairman, Parley Coburn, John W. Kennedy, Clerk, Thomas S. Smith.
C. A. Phillips, 218 East Water
Daniel O’Connell, 308 East Water
E. K. Roper, 336 East Water
Andrew B. Galatian, 338 East Water
Organized April 1st, 1876
Charles S. Davidson, Mayor, President of the Board
Police Commissioners—C. J. Langdon, W. C. Smith, L. T. Holmes, William Walsh.
Chief of Police—Levi D. Little
Board of Health—Charles S. Davidson, Mayor, Pres., Harvey Snith, William C. Wey, M. D., R. B. Jenks, M. D., John Gilmore, John Biggs, A. Romer.
Clerk, B. S. Chamberlin.
Charles S. Davidson, Mayor, President of the Board; J. M. Shoemaker, Irving D. Booth,; Clerk, B. S. Chamberlin.
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(Department Headquarters Market opp. Exchange pl.)
Chief Engineer—Joseph A. Campbell
Assistant Engineer—William Y. Ellett
Hayes Truck and Chemical Engine Co. Foreman, Daniel H. Kinney.
Hose Co. No. 1 Foreman, F. H. Pelham.
Hose Co. No. 2, Foreman, C. H. Riggs.
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E. F. Babcock, Postmaster; George W. Ward, Assistant Postmaster; C. E. Hutchinson,
Superintendent Carriers, Open from 7:30 a.m. till 8 p.m.; Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 1 p.m.
news agency, to actual subscribers thereto, to other news agents, shall be entitled to transmission at the rate of one cent per pound or fraction thereof, the postage to be prepaid.
thereof, to one ounce, or fraction thereof. The same increase of weight is allowed for drop
letters, whether mailed at stations where there is a free delivery or where carrier service is
not established.
any place containing 4,000 population or over, according to the Federal census, within the carrier limit of any free delivery office, or within one mile of the postoffice coming within the provisions of this law, which may in like manner be designated as a special delivery office; that such specially stamped letters shall be delivered between 7 a.m. and midnight; that a book shall be provided in which the person to whom the letter is addressed shall acknowledge in receipt; that messengers for this special delivery are to be paid eighty per cent of the face value of all the stamps received and recorded in the month, provided that the aggregate compensation paid to any one person for such service shall not exceed $30 per month, and provided further that the regulations for the delivery of these specially stamped letters shall in no way interfere with the prompt delivery of letters as provided by existing laws and regulations.
Publications, books, newspapers, maps, proof sheets, music, printed posters, printed cards, blanks, photographs, unsealed circulars, etc., one cent for each
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four ounces; books, maps, product sheets, music, printed posters, printed cards, blanks, photographs, unsealed circulars, etc., one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Seeds, cuttings, flexible patterns, samples of minerals and merchandise, one cent per ounce. Matter of this kind must not be sealed.
Money Order Fees—Not exceeding $10, 5 cents; over $10 and not exceeding $15, 10 cents; over $15 and not exceeding $30, 15 cents; over $30 and not exceeding $40, 20 cents; over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents; over $50 and not exceeding $60, 30 cents; over $60 and not exceeding $70, 35 cents; over $70 and not exceeding $80, 40 cents; over $80 and not exceeding $100, 45 cents. Not more than there orders payable at the same office can be issued to one person the same day.
Registered Letters—Letters may be registered at any postoffice by paying of ten cents, in addition to the postage.
Postal notes from one to four hundred and ninety-nine cents, issued for three cents at Money order office. Open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Foreign Postage—Rates given on letters are for every half ounce or fraction thereof to each country.
Letters- Five cents postage to Austria, Australia (via San Francisco) Brazil, Belgium, Bermuda, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britian, and Ireland, Holland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, India and East Indies, Chili, Peru, China and Java.
Newspapers and merchandise samples, not exceeding four ounces in weight, two cents.
Letters to Sandwich Islands, 6 cents; newspapers, two ounces, one cent; merchandise, two ounces, two cents.
Board of Education—Board rooms and Superintendent’s office, 116 Baldwin. President, Jesse L. Cooley; Commissioners at-Large, Frederick Collin, H. S. Gilbert, Francis Hall, Matthias H. Arnot; No.1 District, John R. Joslyn; No. 2 District, R.B. Jenks, M.D.; No.3 District, J. H. Barney; No.4 District, Jesse L. Cooley; No.5 District, Patrick Battersby; Secretary and Superintendent, Dr. G. V. R. Merrill; Sanitary Superintendent, C.W.M. Brown, M.D..
Acadamy—Herbert M. Lovell, A.B. Principal; Cornelia S. Norman, Miss E. Y. Wilson, Ellen Gallup, Helen J. Perry and Elizabeth Monks, teachers.
The Academy building is located on a lot bounded south by East Clinton street, and extending from Lake to William street three hundred and twenty one feet, and north two hundred and twenty one feet on William, and two hundred and sixty feet on Lake street, containing about one acre and a half. This lot (with the exception of a small parcel since purchased) was purchased from several owners by the corporation of the Elmira Academy in 1859, and in 1860 the said corporation conveyed it to the Board of Education for an Academy site.
The building is a substantial brick structure, two stories high, with a basement mostly above ground. The building will comfortably accommodate 150 pupils. It was completed in 1862 at a cost of $12,000. In the basement
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are the boys’ and girls’ retiring rooms and wardrobes, the laboratory and society rooms. In the first story are the assembly and teacher’s rooms. In the third story are recitation rooms, library, philosophical apparatus and cabinet. The personal property of the Academy is worth $9,500.
School No.1 (ROBERT J. ROUND, A. M., Principal)
District bounded as follows: Beginning on the north bank of the Chemung river, at the foot of State street, thence north on the center of said street to East Third street; thence east on the center of East Third to High street; thence north on the center of High street to East Clinton; thence east on the center of East Clinton to Sullivan street; thence north on the center of Sullivan to East Fifth street; thence east on the center of East Fifth street to east line of city; thence south on said eastern boundary to the Chemung river; thence west on the north bank of said river to the place of beginning.
The school building is located on the corner of Sullivan and Second streets, on a beautiful lot, with shrubbery and grass plots in front and two large yards for play grounds in the rear, the whole lot containing about four acres.
The building is a substantial brick structure, 119 feet long by 80 wide, two stories in height, costing, with the furniture, $25,000. It was first brought into use in the fall of 1868.
In the building there are sittings for 640 pupils. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,500.
The school building is located on a beautiful, dry and airy lot, containing 3 ½ acres, on the corner of Davis and Second streets.
The building is a brick structure, two stories in height, 119 feet long by 80 wide, with additions 36x60 feet and 36 ½ x 71. Cost of building and furniture,$36,000. Its internal arrangements, size of rooms, grade of pupils and number of seats are the same as in No.1. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,907.
District bounded as follows: District No.3, comprises all that portion of the city lying on the south side of the Chemung river.
The school building is located on the south side of Partridge street fronting Harmon street, in the Fifth ward, and is an elegant brick structure, two stories high, with a slate roof, 113 feet long by 70 wide and is located on a beautiful, elevated, dry lot of ground containing 3 ¾ acres. The internal arrangements are the same as Nos. 1 and 2. The house was first occupied January 1871. The entire cost of the building, grounds, furniture, etc, was $37,000. It will seat 700 pupils. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,400.
District bounded as follows: Beginning at the center of East Clinton street, on the east side of the Erie railroad track; thence east on the center of east Clinton street to Oak street; thence north on the center of Oak street to East Fifth street; thence east on the center of East Fifth street to Sullivan street;
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thence north on the center of Sullivan street to East Washington avenue; thence east on the center of East Washington avenue to the east bounds of the city; thence north on the east bounds of said city to the northeast corner thereof; thence west following the city limits to the Erie railroad; thence south on said railway to the place of beginning.
The school building occupies a lot containing about two acres, bounded by Hall and Benton and Crescent and Division streets. It is built of brick, three stories in height, with Mansard roof, and cost $65,000. The personal property of the building , including furniture and heating apparatus, is valued at $10,000 and the lot $10,000.
In arrangements for ventilation, comfort and convenience for school purposes, the building has, probably no superior in the country. Its extreme measurements are 94 by 132 feet, and has a capacity for 700 pupils.
District bounded as follows: Beginning on the west side of the Erie railway track on the center of Clinton street, and thence west on the center of Clinton to Hoffman street, and still in the direction of Clinton street to the city limits, thence north on said limits to the northwest corner of said city; thence east on the northern bounds of said city to the Erie railway track; thence south on the center of said railway track to the place of beginning.
The building stands on elevated ground, with its main entrance looking toward the south. It is 134 feet long and 81 feet wide. It is erected on a lot containing about 2 ¾ acres. Will accommodate 700 pupils. It is, with the exception of No.4, the handsomest school building in the city, presenting more the appearance of a college edifice than a common school building. It cost about $50,000.
Located on Second street between Madison avenue and Dewitt street; one story building, 68 by 75 feet; contains four rooms, accommodating 224 Pupils. Value of building and ground, $11,000. Miss M. A. Potter, Principal.
Located on Lake street near the D. L & W Railroad. C. A. McDowell, Principal.
Elmira School of Commerce, Nelson A. Miller, President, 201, 203, 205 and 207 West Water.
Elmira Business College, A.J. Warner, Proprietor, Water, corner Lake.
Academy of Our Lady of Angels is situated cor of High and East Market. It is an elegant brick and stone structure. This institution is under the direction of the Sisters of St. Mary, and is managed in connection with the Convent by the Lady Superior. Both music and the languages are taught. The building was completed in 1865.
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Elmira Female College, North Main, corner Washington avenue. Rev. A. W. Cowles, D.D., President.
Elmira Female College was founded for the purpose of furnishing superior facilities for the highest and best education of young women. It has carefully arranged extensive courses of study, with all those advantages of libraries, apparatus, literary societies and lectures, which give pre-eminence to colleges as compared with academies, high schools, and seminaries. It was the first college for women that by its full charter and higher course of study was fairly entitled to rank as such.
St. John’s Parochial School, in charge of the Sisters of St. Mary, 715 Benjamin.
St. Ursula School for Young Ladies, 402 West Church street. Miss Julia E. Chalmers, Principal.
Byrant Hall, 219 West Gray street. Miss H. Jean Johnston, Principal.
Elmira Circulating Library, 224 West Water street. F. M. Brown, Librarian.
Dr. John Moroney, President; Dr. F. B. Parke, Secretary; Ph. Heldrich, M. D., Treasurer. Meets every Wednesday at 555 East Church.
J. M. Shoemaker, President; C. S. Davison, Vice-President; J. R. Joslyn, Secretary; R. W. Barton, Treasurer. Organized August 22, 1879. The meetings are held the first Tuesday in each month at the Masonic Temple.
Second National Bank, Lake street cor Carroll. Incorporated 1863; capital $200,000; President, D. R. Pratt; Vice-President, C. R. Pratt; Cashier, D. M. Pratt; Directors, Arthur Pratt, Daniel R. Pratt, George E. Pratt, D. M. Pratt, and Charles R. Pratt.
Chemung Canal Bank, East Water near Lake. President, M. H. Arnot. Established in 1833.
Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, 122 East Water street. L.M. Smith, President; H. L. Bacon, Cashier. Established January 1876.
Elmira Lodge No. 62, B.P.O.E. Aug. Voorhees, Secretary; F. M. Blossom,
Treasurer. Meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows’ Temple.
Cogswell’s Military Band. Meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the new Armory, East Church near Baldwin Street. H. E. Cogswell, Leader.
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Cassady’s Orchestra. G. B. Cassady, Leader 224 West Water
Cogswell & Bostlemann’s Orchestra. Meets Wednesday evenings at the new Armory.
Professor Krug’s Orchestra. Meets at 503 Railroad avenue, Bijou Hotel.
Thirtieth Separate Company. Captain, Roscius Morse; First Lieutenant, Edward M. Hoffman; Second Lieutenant, John T. Sadler. New Armory. Organized October 1, 1874.
Twenty-sixth Separate Company. Captain, R. P. Bush; First Lieutenant, Floyd B. Parke; Second Lieutenant, F. J. Jones, Organized April 17, 1882.
Post Baldwin, No. 6, G. A. R., Department of New York. J. B. Beman, Commander; Jno. Hathorne, Sr. Vice Commander; Judd Griswold, Jr., Vice-Commander; O. N. Smith, Adjutant; Chas. R. Wallace, Quartermaster; W. H. Davis, M. D., Surgeon; Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Chaplain; Jacob Arnold, Officer of the Day; Phil F. Lobdell, Officer of the Guard; M. M. Conklin, Sergeant Major; C. B. Fitch, Quartermaster Sergeant. Meets at Temple of Honor Hall, Lake street, Opera House Block.
Post L. Edgar Fitch, No. 165, G. A. R., Department of New York. Meets in G. A. R. Hall, Newlove Willison, Commander; Joel E. Frye, Adjutant. Post meetings first and third Mondays of each month in the new Armory.
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, cor. Dickinson and Fourth; Rev. L. M. Beckett, pastor.
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, South Main, junction Pennsylvania ave., erected 1884; Rev. C. E. Ferguson, pastor.
First Baptist Church, Church south-east corner Main; Rev. W. T. Henry, D. D. pastor.
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Baldwin bet. Church and East Second; organized 1819; Rev. C. C. Wilbor, pastor.
First Presbyterian Church, East Church cor. Baldwin; organized A. D. 1795, Rev. Isaac Jennings, Jr., pastor.
Franklin Street Presbyterian Church, 212 Franklin street; Rev. C. B. Gillette, pastor.
Free Baptist Church, Benton cor. Division; Rev. F. O. Dickey, pastor.
German Evangelical Church, East Church near William; organized October, 1874, erected 1876; East Church near William; Rev. William Kammerer, pastor.
Grace Church (Episcopal) Main bet. Water and Gray; erected 1865; Rev. W. E. Wright, rector.
Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church, 318 West Church; Rev. A. W. Green, pastor.
Jewish Synagogue, Beit Israel, 117 Orchard; Abraham Rubin, rabbi.
Jewish Synagogue, Bnai Israel, 110 High; A. M. Radin, rabbi.
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Lake Street Presbyterian Church, Lake cor. Church; Rev. A. W. Spooner, pastor.
Magee Street Chapel, Seventh cor. Magee.
Park Church, The, Main cor. Church; organized 1846; Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Pastor.
Shiloh Baptist Church, 662 Dickinson.
Southport Baptist Church, Pine City; F. A. Martin,m pastor. Strangers welcome.
Southport Presbyterian Church, at Southport corners; organized 1821; Rev. James R. Robinson, pastor.
St. John the Baptist’s (German) Catholic Church, 720 Dickinson n East Fifth; Rev. Anthony Giesenhoff, pastor.
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Clinton bet. Main and Park Place; Rev. J. J. Bloomer, pastor.
St. Luke’s Chapel, (Congregational), 400 Division; Henry A. Ottman, paster.
SS. Peter and Paul’s Roman Catholic Church, East Market cor. High; Rev. Thomas Cunningham, pastor.
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Franklin cor. Fulton; Rev. Michael O’Dwyer, pastor.
Trinity Church (Episcopal) Main cor. Church; Rev. George H. McKnight, D.D., rector.
Union Methodist Episcopal Church (African) High bet. East Clinton and East Third.
Zion Methodist Episcopal Church (African) situated on the southwest cor. Of Dickinson and Fourth; Rev. J. W. Lacey, pastor.
The Elmira Young Men’s Christian Association was established in 1858, reorganized in 1883, and has since been incorporated. The rooms are located at 419, 421 and 423 Carroll street, and are open to the young men of the city from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., each week day, and from 8a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays. The reading room and parlors are free to all. The following advantages of membership are offered: A $2.00 membership ticket entitles the holder to the home use of the Association Circulating Library, containing 3,300 volumes; The Young Men’s Journal, a 16 page monthly magazine, and with admission with lady to monthly entertainments and members’ lectures.
A $5.00 membership ticket entitles the holder to all of the above privileges, also to gymnasium, shower and tub baths, and educational classes. Any young man may become a member of the Association by filling the required form of application.
The association membership is steadily increasing. The number of paid-up members at this writing (May 1, 1888) is upwards of 530. The following are the officers of the association: President, Judge Seymour Dexter; First Vice-President, Hon. J. Sloat Fassett; Second Vice-President, C. F. Carrier; Third Vice-President, C. R. Gerity; Treasurer, William R. Rathbun; Secretary, Otis Dockstader. The Board of Directors, including the above named officers, is as follows: J. S. Bates, Daniel R. Pratt, Caspar G. Decker, J. L. Gregg, G. E. Plumb, and Dr. J. H. Price. The following named gentlemen are employed to
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give their time to the work of the association: Rufus Stanley, General Secretary; Don O. Shelton, Associate General Secretary; Reeve B. Howland, Assistant General Secretary; Prof. M. F. Mayer, Instructor of Gymnastics.
Organized April 5, 1885. Regular weekly meetings Fridays, 4:30 p.m., at the Y. M. C. A. parlors, 419 Carroll. President, Elmira E Losie; Secretary, Miss Hattie L. Beckwith; Treasurer, Miss Mate Coke; Librarian, Miss Leda Congdon.
UNION LODGE, NO 95, F. & A. M.
Wor. John Levy, Master; L. D. Caldwell, S. W.; D. C. Brown, J. W.; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; James C. Cartledge, Secretary; C. B. Chase, S. D.; G. H. Kelly, J. D.; Wm. D. Miller, Thos. F. Seem, M. of C.; R. B. Van Gorder, Tiler; C. W. Bricker, Organist. Regular communications first and third Tuesdays in each month.
IVY LODGE, NO. 397, F.& A.M.
Wor. Hiram B. Rhymer, Master; Samuel Harris, S. W.; Conrad Wehnes, J. W.; F. M. Blossom, Treasurer; M. P. White, Secretary; S. B. Roberts, S.D.; George S. Hull, J. D.; James T. Wise, C. C. Walster, M. of C.; J. A. Baty, Chaplain; R. B. Van Gorder, Tiler; John Stobo, Organist; D. W. Wise, Marshall. Regular communications first and third Thursdays in each month.
M. E. George H. Kelly, High Priest; Geo. H. Kelly, King; S. B. Roberts, Scribe; F. M. Blossom, Treasurer; S. D. Wadhams, Secretary; C. B. Chase, C. of H.; F. M. Hunt, P.S.; Chas. T. Briggs, R.A.C.; John M. Hinkle, M. 3d Veil; D. C. Brown, M. 2d Veil; Henry L. Keene., M 1st Veil; DR. B. Van Gorder, Tiler, C. W. Bricker, Organist. Regular convocation second and fourth Wednesdays in each month.
Em. Sirs James Bacon, Commander; Cornelius B. Chase, Generalisimo; Joseph H. Pierce, Captain-General; Em. Frank E. Cleveland, Prelate; Frank M. Blossom, Treasurer; Granville D. Parsons, Recorder; Charles L Hart, Sen. Warden; Geo. F. Randolph, Jun. Warden; Thurber A. Brown, St. Bearer; Arthur S. Couch, Sword Bearer; John M. Hinkle, Warder; R. B. Van Gorder, Captain of the Guard; Isaiah B. Coleman, 1st Guard; Frank B. Sadler, 2nd Guard; Frank M. Hunt, 3d Guard; John D. Williams, Armorer. Regular conclaves first and third Fridays in each month, Masonic Temple.
Conrad Whenes, Master; S.D. Wadhams, D. M.; J. A. Baty, P.C. of W.; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; W. A. Kingsbury, Recorder; D.C. Brown, C. of G.; A. J. Cooley, C. of C.; C. B. Chase, Steward; R. B. Van Gorder, Sentinel. Regular Assemblies third Mondays in each month.
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Incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. Officers: C. N. Shipman, President: John D. Williams, Vice-President; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; E. O. Beers, Secretary; J. H. Price, M. D., Medical Director. Office, Masonic Temple.
Cernau Council Princes of Jerusalem: Henry Simpson, M. E. S. P. G. M. L. M.; L. M. Millspaugh, Grand Secretary. Cernau Lodge of Perfection; C. N. Shipman, T. P. G. M.; L. M. Millspaugh, Grand Secretary. Cernau Sov. Chapter of Rose Croix; John T. Hill, M. W. and P. M.; L. M. Millspaugh, Grand Secretary. Cernau Council of Kadosh; F. E. Cleveland, Ill. Commander; L. M. Millspaugh, Grand Secretary and Keeper of S. and A.
-------, Sov.; C. S. Davison, Vice.; P. L. Hinman, S. G.; S. D. Wadhams, J. G.; F. E. Cleveland, Prelate; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; H. B. Berry, Recorder. Regular conclaves second and forth Mondays in each month.
MT. NEBO LODGE, NO. 41, F. & A. M.
p. d. White, W. M.; Wm. Hall, S. W.: Alex Taylor, J. W.; Jefferson Brown, Treasurer; Horatio Greene, Secretary. Regular communications first and third Thursday evenings in each month, at 658 Dickinson street.
E. C. Baker, D. D. G. P.; DeWitt C. Curtis, D. D. G. M ; of Chemung county.
Newtown Lodge. No. 89, meets every Monday evening at Odd Fellows’ Temple. E. C. Baker, Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer.
Donau Lodge, No. 363, meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows’ Temple. William Hoffman, Secretary; Jacob Diehl, Treasurer.
Southern Tier Lodge, No. 344, meets every Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows’ Temple. R R. R. Dumars, Treasurer: H. Jessey, recording Secretary; J. S. Allen, Per. Sec.
Elmira Encampment, No. 86, meets the second and fourth Fridays in each month. T. M. Losie, Treasurer; J. S. Allen, Scribe.
Fort Hill Encampment, No. 18, meets the first and third Friday evenings of each month. James McCann, Treasurer: William H. Reese, Scribe.
Board of Temple Trustees, I. O. O. F., meets third Thursday evening of each month at the Temple, 105 to 111 West Water; E. C. Baker, President.
James Clatworthy, J. Diamond, D. D. G. D. , of Chemung county.
Empire Lodge, No. 53, E. N. Gibbs, R.; meets first, third and fifth Monday evenings in each month, at Knights of Honor Temple, 114 Lake.
Oaksis Lodge, No. 2100, James Digby, R., meets every Monday eveing in Knoghts of Honor Temple, 114 Lake.
Anchor Lodge, No. 120, Knights and Ladies of Honor, meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Old Odd Fellows’ Temple parlors, 107 West Water street.
Ivy Lodge, No. 766, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Geo. Elliott, Secretary; meets at K.of H. Temple.
Lake Eldridge Lodge, No. 1916, J. P. Goode, R., meets the second and fourth Mondays in each month, at Knights of Honor Temple, 114 Lake.
Elmira Lodge, No.1677, J. P. Goode, R.; meets the first and third Thursdays in Knights of Honor Hall, 114 Lake street. Dr. F. W. Ross, Medical Examiner.
Southport Lodge, No. 1974, Lester Beers, R.; meets the second and fourth Mondays in each month at No. South Main.
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Chemung County Lodge, No. 34, meets quarterly throughout the county.
Olive Lodge, No. 127, meets every Tuesday evening at No. 1058 Walnut.
Joy Lodge, No. 149, meets every Tuesday evening in Good Templars Hall.
Conongue Council, No. 39, O. U. F., meets every Saturday evening in Red Men’s Hall 166 Lake street. E. M. McAllisterr; Chief Counselor; Dennis Bevier, P. C. C.
Queen City Council, No. 106, meets second and fourth Thursday nights of each month at G. A. R. Hall. E. K. Roper,, Recorder and Financier; Frank X Fisher, Chief Counselor; Morris Tuch, Vice Counselor; Dr. F. W. Ross, Medical Examiner.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen, A. O. U. W. ,is a corporate Insurance fraternity, having for its object the relief of members in need and giving to their families at their death in sum in the nature of a life insurance payment of $2,000 in each case, without delay, deduction or litigation. Grand Lodges are established in the different states, subject to the authority of the Supreme Lodge.
Unity Lodge, No. 65. A. O.U.W., meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Red Men’s Hall. C. A. Secor, Recorder.
Elmira Lodge, No. 150, A. O. U. W., meets the first, third and fifth Tuesday evening in each month, in Red Men’s Hall; Geo. Thompson, Recorder.
Wilferth Lodge, No. 276 A. O. U. W., meets every Thursday evening in Odd Fellows’ Temple. A. Holtzapple, recorder.
President, Hon. S. Dexter; Treasurer, G. D. Parsons; Secretary, J. N. Ward. Office, 118 Lake street. Montly meetings held on the fourth Monday evening of each month, at J. M. Sly & Co’s Insurance Office, corner Baldwin and Carroll streets.
Meets Saturday at 2 o’clock p. m., at their hall, Hoffman street near West Hill Road; James McCann, President; W. A. Armstrong, Secretary; Charles Heller, Treasurer.
Meets in the Opera House Building, Lake Street, every Wednesday evening. Berhard Joggerst, Secretary.
The Royal Arcanum is a Secret Mutual Benefit Association, which pays a death loss of $3,000 or $1,500, as the member belongs either to the first or second rate class. Its system of graded assessments, first adopted by it, has become the rule of other similar organizations, and in many methods of doing its business the Arcanum has marked out a course for itself, which proving itself successful, has been adopted by other associations. It has a membership in the United States and Canada of nearly 70,000, and its assessments average about ten yearly. There are three councils in the city of Elmira, the membership being in the neighborhood of 200, and each body has a healthy growth. The Home Office of the organization is in Boston, Mass., the Supreme Secretary being W. O. Robson.
Chemung Council, No. 208, R. A. , meets the first and third Friday evenings of each month at 120 Lake street. Asa M. Bacon, Regent: George E.
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Bacon, Secretary; John B. Beman, Treasurer. Chemung Council is in a very flourishing condition: membership, 100.
Elmira Council, No. 384, R. A. , meets every Tuesday evening at G. A. R. Hall, 118 Lake street. T. J. Murphy, Regent; C. C. Walster, Secretary; H. C. Howland, Treasurer.
Southern Tier Council, No. 585, R. A. , meets the second Tuesday evening of each month at Railway Y. M. C. A. building. Railroad avenue corner Church street. F. H. Hyde, Regent; D. E. Rice, Secretary.
Dauntless Lodge, No. 81, meets every Wednesday evening at No. 166 Lake street. W. L. Holbert, K. of R. S.
Munson Division, No. 17, Uniform Rank, K. of P., meets second Wednesday in each month at 166 Lake street. S. H. Dewitt, Sir Kt. Commander; George S. Marx, Sir Kt. Recorder.
Massasoit Tribe, No. 14, meets at 166 Lake street every Monday evening. Jame W. Scheirer, C. of R.
Wetamoe Tribe, No. 47, meets at 114 Lake street every Tuesday evening. John M. Hinkle, C. of R.
Beaver League, No. 2 meets at 166 Lake street on the second , fourth and fifth Thursday evening of each month. Charles Snyder, K of R.
The Medical Society of the County of Chemung meets quarterly. President, Dr. H. D. Wey; Vice-President, Dr. C. W. Brown; Secretary, Dr. J. Moroney; Treasurer, Dr. C. L. Squire.
Elmira Academy of Medicine, organized June 29, 1852, meets on the first Wednesday of each month at its rooms, 318 Carroll, officers elected every year, number of members 50. Officers for the present year: President, Dr. T. A. Dundas; Secretary, Dr. L. H. Merchant. This society presents a grand array of medical talent, and ranks among the first organizations of its kind in the state.
Pathological Section of the Elmira Academy of Medicine; Chairman, Dr. T. A. Dundas; Secretary, Dr. L. H. Merchant.
Branch No.8, Catholic Knights of America. J. Bergan, President; W. Sullivan, Recording Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at 108 East Water street.
Aaron Lodge, No. 29 K.S.B., meets every other Sunday at G.A.R. Hall. Joseph Wittenberg, Secretary.
Elmira Saengerbund, meets every Monday and Thursday evenings at Madison avenue near Third street. F. Hager, Leader; Jacob Diehl, President; J. Neuer, Treasurer; Andrew Volgt, Secretary.
Monumental Commandery, No. 82, United Order of Golden Cross. Financial Keeper of Records. Jas. H. Dumars.
Chemung Valley Grange, No.57, Patrons of Husbandry. Meets at Farmers’ Club Hall, Hoffman street, every Thursday evening in each month. Harriet Wixon , Master; Miss Helen F. Thurston, Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer.
Chemung County Pomona Grange meets monthly, second Saturday at 11 a.m. at Farmers’ Club Hall, Hoffman street, near limits. LeGrand Carr, Master; J. R. Vincent, Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer.
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Division No.1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, organized May 5, 1875. Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month at Knights of Honor Hall. James Carroll, Recording Secretary.
German Library Association. J. P. Weyer, President; L. Holzheimer, Secretary; Gottlieb Hummell, Treasurer; Joseph Surganty, Librarian.
Catholic Mutual Beneficial Association, Branch 61. Meets in Red Men’s Hall, Lake street, second and fourth Friday evenings in each month; J. Niver, Recording Secretary.
Century Club. Meets on the last Friday of each month in Masonic Temple; E. F. Babcock, President; A. J. Dobbins, Vice-President; Parley Coburn, Secretary and Treasurer.
Elmira Choral Society; President, Colonel D. C. Robinson; Vice-President, Chauncey N. Shipman; Secretary, Chas. H. Ketley; Treasurer, M. T. Chubbuck; Librarian, E. H. Fleming; Musical Director, Prof. H. E. Cogswell.
Elmira Christadelphian Ecclesia; meets at Knights of Honor Hall every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; A. Hall, Presiding Elder; J. F. Sykes, Sr., Secretary.
Home Circle, No. 81; meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 467 W. Second street; Mmrs. C. C. Walster, Leader; Secretary, Elizabeth M. Coke.
Elmira Council, No. 12, Knights of Columbia; meets at 129 Lake, second and fourth Thursday eveings of each month; A. M. Bacon, Secretary; J. B. Beman, Treasurer; Dr. F. W. Ross, Medical Examiner.
Fidelity Lodge, K. & L. of H.; meets at G. A. R. Hall second and fourth Wednesday eveings of each month; F. Howell, R.
Elmira Lodge, K. and L. of H.; meets second and fourth Monday evenings of each month in Knights of Honor Hall, 112 Lake
Union Lodge, K. and L. of H.; meets first and third Thursday evenings of each month, at _________ S. Main street.
Kismet Lodge, K. and L. of H.; meets first and third Friday evenings of each month at Odd Fellows Temple; Lester Beers, Secretary.
Anchor Lodge, K. and L. of H.; meet second and third Thursday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows Temple.
Irish National League; meets first and third Sundays of each month at Knights of Tara Hall; John B. Sullivan, Secretary.
Local Branch, No. 11, Order of Iron Hall; meets first, third and fifth Wednesday evenings of each month, at 203 East Church; Wat Park, Accountant; H. J. Campbell, Chief Justice.
Alpha Lodge, No. 16, U. O. OF H.; meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each moth at 106 West Water; P. T. Allen, Secretary
Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon Society, 304 Main; Charles H. McKnight, President; Geo. M. McKnight, Corresponding Secretary.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; meets first and third Sundays in each month in I. O. O. F. Temple, 105 –111 West Water; G. H. Morgan, Secretary.
Elmira Boat Club; Dr. Lewis D. Parkhurst, President; A. C. Boynton, Secretary.
Elmira Division, No. 9, O. R. C.; meets second and fourth Sundays in each month in Odd Fellows’ Temple, West Water; Curtis A. Wood, Secretary.
Elmira Microscopical Society; J. R. Joselyn, Presaident; Robert a. Hoffman, Secretary. Regular meetinns second Monday in every month at the Elmira Observatory, from October to June inclusive, at 7:30 p.m.
Elmira Mechanics’ Society, instituded January, 1834; business office, 317 East
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Water; meets third Wednesday in January annually; J. E. Larkin, Treasurer.
St. John’s (German) Catholic Benevolent Society; Joseph Friedman, Secretary; S. Blyley, Treasurer; meets first Sunday afternoon in each month, at school house, Benjamin street.
Hoffman Post Women’s Relief Corp; meets every Tuesday evening; Mrs. Fannie Palmer, President.
Lawn Tennis. The grounds are on Hoffman street, near West Clinton; President, W. F. Hopkinson; Treasurer, Frederic C. Ayres.
Southern Tier Rifle Association; meets first Friday in December at 208 East Water; T. A. Brown, Secretary.
The Elmira Illuminating Co., 216-222 Railroad avenue; J. M. Shoemaker, President; H. E. Baker, Secretary; J. A. Reynolds, Treasurer; F. A. Cheney, Manager.
American Sick Benefit and Accident Association (incorporated); General Edmund O. Beers, President; Edwin J. Park, Vice-President; Roscius Morse, Treasurer; Frank W. Rose, M. D., Medical Diretor; Chas H. Knipp, Attorney, 161 Baldwin street.
Elmira Gas and Illuminating Co.; office, Chemung Canal Bank Building. Incorporated, 1886; capitol, $150,000. C. J. Langdon, President; Platt V. Bryan, Secretary; M. H. Arnot, Treasurer.
Queen City Woolen Mills; Sly corner Maple avenue; J. C. Welles, President; H. C. Hayt, Vice-President; Morris Gladke, Treasurer.
Elmira and Horseheads Railway, 720 Lake street. George M. Diven, President and Treasurer; Superintendent, Emmon T. Walker.
Water Cure. Drs. Gleason & Co., 1019 East avenue.
Chemung Valley Medical and Surgical Institute. College avenue corner Reformatory.
Elmira Medical and Surgical Institute, 111 and 113 West Hudson street. Drs. Annabel & Williamson Proprietors.
Elmira Water Works Co. Office 212 East Water street; organized April 1869. President, G. M. Diven; Secretary and Treasurer, John M. Diven. Capital, $200,000.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Advertiser, published by the Elmira Advertiser Association. Advertiser building, East Market street. Newton P. Fassett, President; R. R. R. Dumars, Secretary; G. W. Treadwell, Business Manager and Treasurer. 316 Carroll street; Daily $8.00, Weekly $1.00.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Gazette and Free Press. Daily published every afternoon at 4 o’clock, city edition at 5 o’clock, by the Gazette Company, Nos. 104 and 106 Lake street; served to the city subscribers for 65 cents per month or $8 per annum; Weekly published every Thursday; Terms $1.50 per year, or $1.00 if paid in advance.
Elmira Saturday Tidings, published by J. B. Briggs every Saturday morning at 316 Carroll street. Terms $2.00 per annum.
The Husbandman, published by W. A. Armstrong, Elmira Farmers’ Club Hall, Hoffman n limits.
Telegram, (The Sunday), published every Sunday by the Telegram Company, East Market street, cor Exchange Place; price $2 per annum.
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The incorporation papers for the Association of the Home for Aged Men and Women in the city of Elmira, Chemung county, N.Y., were executed April 14, 1874; completed by Judge Balcom’s signature and filed in the clerk’s office June 14, 1874, recorded June 18, 1874. The association having received a deed from Dr. E. Eldridge and wife of four acres of ground, located in Eldridge Park, erected a suitable building fronting Grand Central avenue above Warren, to accommodate a large number of aged men and women. The work is conducted by a most energetic, earnest association of ladies, who have received large subscriptions from the public.. The corporate name of this association is" Home for the Aged". The directresses or officers who are to manage the affairs of this association are; Mrs. G. H. Hoffman, President; Mrs. N. Spencer Thomas, Vice-President; Miss Laurs Stephenson, Secretary; Mrs. C. Preswick, Treasurer. Entrance fee $200.
East Church, corner Madison avenue. President, Mrs. George H. McKnight; Vice-President, Mrs. Mrs. G. H. Owens; Secretary, Miss Anna J. Kelly; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. N. C. Rogers. The object of this institution is to take care of and instruct poor children. It is supported by voluntary contributions.
Franklin corner Fulton. Incorporated 1864 as the Ladies’ Relief Association. In 1867 name changed Southern Tier Orphans’ Home. Mrs. Fredric Hall, President.
Catholic, Intersection of South Broadway and Franklin street
Jewish, Intersection of South Broadway and Franklin street
Second Street, north side Second between College avenue and Columbia
Woodlawn, northwestern corner of the city. entrances Davis street and northern terminus of Walnut. Charles Abbott, Sexton.
(See Sanitariums)
City Hospital, adjoining Court House. Its object is to receive sick or wounded persons at any time. Sick persons are received on recommendation of the Mayor and Overseer of the Poor. Isaac Garrabrant, Keeper.
Chemung Valley Medical and Surgical Institute, College avenue cor Reformatory.
City Morgue, adjoining City Hospital.
City Ordinance
Chapter 6
Section 9—Cartmen shall be allowed fees and charges for their services at and after the following rates: no more, viz.:
For any truck or other article, thing or things, weighing less than 200 pounds (except for carrying such articles as a higher price is hereinafter allowed to be charged for), 25 cents.
For any load to or from the depot, weighing over 200 and not over 1,800 pounds, 35 cents.
For carrying stoves or other hardware, weighing over 200 pounds, anywhere, 40 cents. Under 200 pounds, 25 cents.
For a load of salt from any salt house or other place on or near the canal, 50 cents.
For moving household furniture, per load, 60 cents.
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For carrying brick, stone, lime, sand, mortar, timber or lumber, 50 cents.
For carrying a load of wood, 35 cents.
For moving property of circuses, theaters, and shows of all descriptions, per load, 75 cents.
The following fees and charges shall be allowed to the driver of a baggage or city express wagon.
For carrying any trunk or box, or any single article of baggage or goods, from any place in the said city, not weighing over 200 pounds, 25 cents.
For any additional trunk or box, or any other single article or baggage or goods, 10 cents
But no cartman or other driver shall be required to go beyond the city limits under the charges aforesaid.
If any cartmen, or driver, or owner of any cart, wagon, or other vehicle, used as herein provided, shall demand or receive any other or greater compensation for the services herein specified than is herein provided, the owner of such cart, wagon or vehicle shall forfeit and pay a penalty of three dollars for each offense.
Section 10—It shall be the duty of every cartman, or driver of any cart, wagon or vehicle used as hereinbefore mentioned, when applied to any person whatever, while standing waiting for employment, and upon being paid or tendered the compensation allowed him in the ordinance for the service required, to go to any part of the city, and to carry any load, if not more than one thousand weight, which such person shall require to be carried and transported by such cartman or driver, under a penalty of three dollars for such refusal.
Section 11—Any license granted under this ordinance may at any time be revoked by the Mayor for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, such revocation to be reduced to writing and filed with the City Clerk, and reported to the Common Council at its next meeting, a copy shall be served on the party licensed. After such revocation said license shall be of no further force and effect.
Section 12—Every such cartman or driver shall keep, and immediately
produce when called for, a certified copy, made by the City Clerk, of Section
9 of the ordinance, under a penalty of one dollar for each offense.
City Ordinance
Chapter 7
Section 8—The prices or rates of fare to be taken or paid to the owners or drivers of hackney coaches, cabs or carriages, shall be as follows, to wit:
For carrying one passenger from one place in the city to another, 50 cents.
For each additional passenger from or accompanied by one or more persons from the same family or place, 25 cents.
For children not under six or over twelve years of age, if accompanied by an adult, 15 cents.
If under that age and accompanied by an adult, no charge.
For driving by the hour, for a carriage load or less number, within the city limits, $1.50.
For every hour over one $1.
For attending funeral at Woodlawn or SS. Peter and Paul’s Cemetery, $3.
For attending funeral; at Second Street Cemetery, $2.
For carrying from evening parties, that is, public balls and family parties, $2 for carriage load or less.
For early morning calls, for carriage load or less, from 12 o’clock at night until sunrise, $2.
One passenger to and from the Water Cure, $1.
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And every additional passenger, 50 cents.
Section 9—No owner or driver of any hackney coach, cab or carriage, in the city of Elmira, shall ask, demand or receive any larger sum than he or they may be entitled to receive, as aforesaid, under the penalty of five dollars for every such offense, to be sued for and recovered from the owner or owners, or the driver or such coaches, cabs or carriages, severally.
And no such owner or driver shall demand or receive from any such person or passenger any extra compensation, or any sum whatever, for carrying or transporting any such person or passenger in or upon such hackney coach, cab or carriage, and ordinary baggage or luggage belonging to any such person or passenger, to and from any place in the city, under the penalty of two dollars.
Section 10—The number of the license of every hackney coach, cab or carriage shall be painted in legible characters on the outside thereof, or on the lamps; and Sections 8 and 9 of this ordinance, with the name of the owner of said cab, coach or carriage, shall be framed and hung up in some conspicuous place in the inside of said coach, cab or carriage, under penalty of five dollars for each offence, to be sued for and recovered from the owner or driver of said hackney coach, cab or carriage, severally.
For each driver of a hackey coach, cab or carriage, licensed as hereinbefore provided, shall wear in some conspicuous place on his hat or cap, painted or printed in a plain, legible manner, the word "Hackman", together with the number of his coach, cab or carriage, on each side thereof in figures, the letters to be not less than one-half inch in length, under a penalty of two dollars for each offence, to be sued for and recovered in the manner herein provided.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying north of the center of Chemung river, West of the center of State street and South of the center of Church street.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying North of Church and West of State street and East of College avenue.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying East of State and North of Church street and South of Fifth street and the line thereof continued.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying south of Church street, East of State street and North of Chemung river.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying south of Chemung river.
All that part of the city of Elmira North of Church street and West of College avenue.
All that part of the city of Elmira lying East of State street and North
of Fifth.