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Governor –Alonzo B. Cornell
Lieutenant-Governor – George G. Hoskins
Secretary of State – Joseph B. Carr
Comptroller – Ira Davenport
Treasurer – Robert A. Maxwell
Attorney-General – Leslie W. Russell
State Engineer and Surveyor – Silas Seymour
Superintendent Bank Department – A. B. Hepburn
Superintendent Insurance Department – C. G. Fairman
Superintendent Public Works – S. B. Dutcher
Auditor Canal Department – John A. Place
Superintendent Public Instruction – Neil Gilmour
Superintendent State Prisons – Isaac V. Baker, jr.
The Legislative powers of the State are vested in the State Legislature, which consists of two houses – Senate and Assembly. The Senate consists of 32 members. The State is divided into 32 Senatorial Districts, each choosing one Senator. The Senators receive a compensation of $1,500 per session. The Assembly consists of 128 members. They each receive the same compensation as State Senators.
County Judge and Surrogate – Seymour Dexter
County Clerk – Alexander C. Eustace
Deputy County Clerk – Joseph P. Eustace
District Attorney – John B. Stanchfield
Sheriff – Levi D. Little
Deputy Sheriffs – Enoch M. Little, E. O. Beers
County Treasurer – William J. Lormore
Justices of Session – John Miller, Henry H. Worden
School Commissioner – Charles K. Hetfield
Coroners – Benjamin White, Thomas A Dundas, John F. Smith, John Moroney
Loan Commissioners – Paul Collson, William R. Hammond
Superintendent of the Poor – Elliott Griggs
Board of Commissioners of Excise – Antoine Romer, Frank H. Atkinson, John E. Dohoney. William L. Muller, Clerk.
Incorporated April 7, 1864
Mayor – David B. Hill
Clerk – Thomas Spence
First Ward – George R. Hannon, William R. Rathbun
Second Ward – William Walsh, Alfred F. Norton
Third Ward – George Worral, Samuel H. Laney
Fourth Ward – Stephen T. Arnot, Thomas S. Flood
Fifth Ward – Justus H. Harris, James Walker
Sixth Ward – J. W. Hillabrant, Benjamin Williams
Seventh Ward – B. Yenger, Solon H. Brooks
City Chamberlain – Prentice P. Norman
City Attorney – Charles A. Collin
City Assessors – B. Gabriel, H. S. Gilbert, W. A. Kingsbury
Street Commissioner – H. B. Batterson
Overseer of the Poor – William E. Murphy
City Sealer – Ralsey Lutes
City Engineer – W. A. McKinney
City Recorder – John Cass
Health Officer – Dr. C. W. Brown
Organized April 1, 1876
David B. Hill, Mayor, President of the Board
Chief of Police – John S. Knapp
BOARD OF HEALTH – Common Council constitutes the Board of Health
BOARD OF EDUCATION – Office, 110 Baldwin. President, James L. Woods; Commissioners at Large, Harden D. V. Pratt, James L. Woods, Matthias H. Arnot and Edward Wiseman; No. 1 District, E. B. Youmans; No. 2 District, Eugene Diven; No. 3 District, Charles Tidd; No. 4 District, Jesse L. Cooley; No. 5 District, Patrick Battersby; Secretary and Superintendent, Charles B. Tompkins
Department Headquarters, Market near Baldwin; Chief Engineer, Robert H. Walker; First Assistant Engineer, Benjamin Andrews. Fire Committee, Stephen T. Arnot, chairman; J. W. Hillabrant and Samuel H. Laney.
COMPANIES – Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1; Foreman, Daniel H. Kinney
Hose Co. No. 1; Foreman, F. H. Pelham
Hose Co. No. 2; Foreman, C. H. Riggs
ACADEMY – James R. Monks, A. M., Principal; Cornelia S. Norman, A. B. Davis, Jennie A. Eustace, and Edward W. Krackowizer, M.D.
The Academy building is located on a lot bounded south by Clinton Street, and extending from Lake to William street three hundred and twenty-one feet, and north two hundred and twenty one feet on William, and two hundred and sixty feet on Lake street, containing about an acre and a half. This lot (with the exception of a small parcel since purchased) was purchased from several owners by the corporation of the "Elmira Academy," in 1859, and in 1860 the said corporation conveyed it to the Board of Education for an Academy site. The building is a substantial brick structure, two stories high, with a basement mostly above ground. The building will comfortably accommodate 150 pupils. It was completed in 1862, at a cost then of $12, 000. In the basement are the boys’ and girls’ retiring rooms and wardrobes, the laboratory and society rooms. In the first story are the assembly room and teachers’ room. In the third story are reception rooms, library, philosophical apparatus and cabinet. Personal property of the Academy is worth $90,500.
SCHOOL NO. 1. – Mr. E. J. Beardsley, Principal; Miss Annie E. Hotchkiss, First Assistant.
District bounded as follows: Beginning on the north bank of the Chemung River, at the bridge of the Erie Railway, thence north on the centre of said railway to East Clinton Street; thence east on the centre of East Clinton to Oak street; thence north on Oak street to East Fifth; thence east on the centre of East Fifth to Sullivan street; thence north on the centre of Sullivan to Washington avenue; thence east on the centre of Washington avenue to east line of city; thence south of said eastern boundary to the Chemung River; thence west on the north bank of said river to the place of beginning. The school building is located on the corner of Sullivan and Second street, on a beautiful lot, with shrubbery and grass plots in front, and two large yards for play grounds in the rear, the whole lot containing about four acres. The building is a substantial brick structure, 119 feet long by 90 wide, two stories in height, costing, with the furniture, $25,000. It was first brought into use in the fall of 1868. In the building there are sittings for 650 pupils. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,500.
SCHOOL NO. 2. – D. A. Blakeslee, Principal; Miss Julia O. Durbon, First Assistant.
District bounded as follows: Beginning on the north bank of the Chemung River, at the bridge of the Erie Railway; thence north on the west side of said railway track to Clinton street; thence west on the centre of Clinton street; thence south following the city limits to the Chemung River; thence east on the north bank of said river to the place of beginning.
The school building is located on a beautiful, dry and airy lot, containing 3 ½ acres, on the corner of Davis and Second streets. The building is a brick structure, two stories in height, 119 feet long by 80 wide. Its internal arrangements, size of rooms, grade of pupils, and number of seats are the same as in No. 1. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,907.
SCHOOL NO. 3 – Mr. P. Coburn, Principal; Miss E. Y. Wilson, First Assistant.
District bounded as follows; District No. 3 Comprises all that portion of the city lying on the south side of the Chemung River. The school building is located on a beautiful, elevated, dry lot of ground, containing 3 ¾ acres, on the south side of Partridge street, fronting Harmon street, in the Fifth Ward. The school building is an elegant, substantial brick structure, two stories high, with slate roof, 113 feet long by 70 wide, and is located on a beautiful, elevated dry lot of ground containing 3 ¾ acres of ground. The internal arrangements are the same as Nos. 1 and 2. The house was first occupied January, 1871. The entire cost of buildings, grounds, furniture, etc., was $37,000. Will seat 700 pupils. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,400.
SCHOOL NO. 4 – Mr. A. W. Norton, Principal; Miss J. B. Brook, First Assistant.
District bounded as follows: Beginning at the centre of East Clinton street, on the east side of the Erie Railway track; thence east on the centre of East Clinton street to Oak street; thence north on the centre of Oak street to East Fifth street; thence east on the centre of East Fifth street to Sullivan street; thence north on centre of Sullivan street to Washington avenue; thence east on centre of Washington avenue to the east bounds of the city; thence north on the east bounds of said city to the northeast corner thereof; thence west following the city limits to the Erie Railway track; thence south on said railway to the place of beginning. The school building occupies a lot containing about two acres, bounded by Hall and Benton, and Crescent and Division streets. It is built of brick, three stories in height, with mansard room, and cost $57,000. The personal property of the building, including furniture and heating apparatus, is valued at $10,000 and the lot at $10,000. In arrangements for ventilation, comfort and convenience for school purposes, the building has, probably, no superior in the country. Its extreme measurements are 94 by 132 feet, and its capacity for 900 pupils.
SCHOOL NO. 5 – Prof. T. F. Chapin, Principal; Miss Hannah Rhodes, First Assistant.
District bounded as follows: Beginning on the west side of the Erie Railway track on the centre of Clinton street; and thence west on the centre of Clinton to Hoffman street; and still in the direction of Clinton street to the city limits; thence north on said limits to the northwest corner of said city; thence east on the northern bounds of said city to the Erie Railway track; thence south on the centre of said railway track to the place of beginning. The building stands on elevated ground, with its main entrance looking towards the south. It is 134 feet long and 81 feet wide. It is erected on a lot containing about 2 ¾ acres. Will accommodate 700 pupils. It is, with exception of No. 4, the handsomest school building in the city, presenting more the appearance of a college edifice than a common school building. It cost about $50,000.
SCHOOL NO. 1 – Primary – Located on Second between Madison and DeWitt; one story building 68 by 75; contains four rooms, accommodating 224 pupils; value of building and grounds, $11,000. M. A. Potter, Vice Principal.
SCHOOL NO. 2 – Primary (old No. 4) – Located on Lake n the Junction Canal. Miss Fannie E. Carr, Vice Principal.
Allen Business College, F. M. Allen, President; Market cor Lake.
Elmira Business College, A. J. Warner, Proprietor; Water cor Lake.
Academy of Our Lady of Angels, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Mary; Market cor High.
Elmira Female College, N Main cor Washington av. Rev. A. W. Cowles, D. D., President.
Of the City of Elmira. Robert T. Turner, President; H. M. Partridge and Alex. Diven, Vice-Presidents; J. R. Joslyn, Secretary; William J. Lormore, Treasurer.
First National Bank – Water n Lake. Capital, $100,000; S. T. Arnot, President; John Arnot, jr., Vice-President; M. H. Arnot, Cashier; Hull Fanton, S. T. Arnot, John Arnot, jr., M. H. Arnot and L. Webber, Directors.
Second National Bank – Lake street cor Carroll. Incorporated 1863; capital, $200,000; President, D. R. Pratt; Cashier, Charles R. Pratt; Directors, Arthur Pratt, Daniel R. Pratt, George E. Pratt, C. F. Carrier and Charles R. Pratt.
Chemung Canal Bank – Water near Lake. Vice-President, S. T. Arnot; Cashier, John Arnot, jr.; Assistant Cashier, M. H. Arnot.
Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank – 122 East Water. L. M. Smith, President; H. L. Bacon, Cashier.
30th Separate Company – Captain, E. O. Beers; First Lieutenant, E. M. Hoffman; Second Lieutenant, John T. Sadler. Armory, Carroll n Lake.
Emmet Band; organized November 8, 1872, J. P. McCann, Leader; P. Hassett, Drum Major; meets in Hall, 424 Railroad av.
Pines’ Quadrille Band, 414 South Main; Squire pines, Leader.
Singerhoff Orchestra; meets at 114 Lake; Charles Singerhoff, Leader
Casady’s Orchestra. G. B. Casady, Leader, 103 West Water
LaFrance Band; Jos. A. Benjamin, Drum Major and Manager; meets 406 East Water
Park Church – Main cor Church; organized 1846; Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, pastor.
First Baptist Church – Church S E cor Main; Rev. William T. Henry, pastor.
First Presbyterian Church – Church cor Baldwin; Rev. William E. Knox, D. D., pastor.
Lake Street Presbyterian Church – Lake cor Church; ---- pastor.
Free Will Baptist Mission – Frisbie Hall, Dickinson n Fifth.
Grace Church (Episcopal) – Main ab Water; erected 1865; Rev. F. D. Hoskins, rector.
German Evangelical Church – organized in October, 1874; erected 1876; will seat 400; East Church n William; Rev. William Kammerer, pastor.
Jewish Synagogue – Bnai Isreal – No. 110 High.
First Methodist Episcopal Church – Baldwin bet Church and East Second; organized 1819; Rev. J. H. McCarty, D. D., pastor.
South Main Street Methodist Episcopal Church – South Main cor Pennsylvania av; organized 1872; Rev. C. T. Moss, pastor.
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church – Franklin cor Fulton; Rev. Michael O’Dwyer, pastor.
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church – Clinton bet Main and Park Place; Rev. J. J. Bloomer, pastor.
St. John’s German Catholic Church – Dickinson bet Fifth and Junction Canal; Rev. A. Geisenhoff, pastor.
St. Peter’s and St Paul’s Roman Catholic Church – Market cor High; Rev. Thomas Cunningham, pastor.
Trinity Church (Episcopal) – Main cor Church; Rev. George H. McKnight, D. D., rector.
Young Men’s Christian Association Chapel – Seventh n Magee.
Zion Methodist Episcopal Church (African) – Situated on the southwest cor or Dickinson and Fourth; Rev. Charles A. Smith, pastor.
American Union Methodist Episcopal Church (African), cor Dickinson and Fourth; Rev. Henderson Davis, jr., pastor.
Union Lodge, No. 95, F. & A. M., W., Charles Van Wagoner, Master; Edward McLaughlin, S. W.; Charles B. Chase, J. W.; Granville D. Parsons, Treasurer; Griff D. Palmer, Secretary; George C. Moore, S. D.; J. R. Lariew, J. D.; J. C. Cartlidge and A. S. Couch, M. of C.; R. B. VanGorder, Tiler; Griff D. Palmer, Organist. Regular communications first and third Tuesdays in each month. Annual communication December 17th.
Ivy Lodge, No. 397, F. & A. M., W.; Jehial A. Baty, Master; Silas B. Roberts, S. W.; John Stobo, J. W.; John Arnot, jr., Treasurer; M. P. White, Secretary; J. V. Kinner, S. D.; D. D. Curtis, J. D.; W. H. Grover and L. B. Taggart, M. of C.; C. N. Shipman, Chaplain; R. B. VanGorder, Tiler; Griff D. Palmer, Organist. Regular communications first and third Thursdays in each month.
Elmira Chapter, No. 42, R. A. M.; Conrad Wehnes, H. P.; Griff D. Palmer, K.; C. W. Bricker, S.; S. D. Wadhams, Secretary; John Arnot, jr., Treasurer; E. O. Beers, C. of H.; Alden Derby, P. S.; D. C. Brown, R. A. C.; A. J. Cooley, M. 3d. V.; J. A. Baty, M. 2d V.; H. K. Gilbert, M. 1st V.; R. B. VanGorder, Tiler; Griff D. Palmer, Organist. Regular convocations second and fourth Wednesdays in each month.
St. Omer’s Commandery, No. 19, Knights Templar; C. S. Davison, E. C.; P. L. Hinman, Gen.; A. B. Morey, C. G.; F. E. Cleveland, Prelate; J. T. Hill, S. W.; C. W. Brickler, J. W.; John Arnot, jr., Treasurer; G. D. Parsons, Recorder; G. C. Wiegand, St’d B.; George W. Slair, Sw’d B.; James Bacon, Warden; Em’t John D. Williams, Armorer. Regular conclaves first and third Fridays in each month.
Southern Tier Council, No. 16, R. & S. M.; P. L. Hinman, Master; D. L. Dorr, D. M.; F. E. Cleveland, P. C. W.; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer, W. A. Kingsbury, Recorder; Conrad Wehnes, C. of G.; Alden Derby, C. of C.; D. C. Brown, Steward; R. B. VanGorder, Sentinel. Regular assemblies third Monday in each month.
Southern Tier Masonic Relief Association; incorporated under the laws of the State of New York; regular meeting of Directors, second Monday in each month. Officers; C. N. Shipman, President; John D. Williams, Vice-President; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; H. B. Berry, Secretary; office, Masonic Temple.
Coeur De Lion Conclave, No. 7, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. ----------, Sov.; C. S. Davison, Vic; P. L. Hinman, S. G.; S. D. Wadhams, J. G.; F. E. Cleveland, Prelate; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; H. B. Berry, Recorder. Regular conclaves, second and fourth Mondays in each month.
Henry Minar, D. D. G. P.; T. M. Losie, D. D. G. M. of Chemung County.
Newtown Lodge, No. 89, I. O. O. F.; William H. Reese, Rec. Sec.; meets in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water, every Monday evening.
Donau Lodge, No. 363, I. O. O. F.; Jacob Sautter, Secretary; meets in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water, every Wednesday evening.
Fort Hill Encampment, No. 18, I. O. O. F.; William Reese, Scribe; meets first and third Friday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water.
Odd Fellows’ Relief Association, of the City of Elmira, N.Y.; R. R. R. Dumars, Secretary.
Southern Tier Lodge, No. 344, I. O. O. F.; Henry Minar, Secretary; meets in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water, every Tuesday evening.
Elmira Encampment, No. 86, I. O. O. F.; Henry Minar, Scribe; meets in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water.
James Abbott, D. D. G. D. of Chemung County.
Empire Lodge, No. 53; M. Kirsch, R.; meets every Thursday evening in Odd Fellows’ Temple, 105 and 107 W. Water.
Oasis Lodge, No. 2100; T. F. Bennett, R.; meets every Tuesday evening in Red Men’s Hall, Main cor Water.
Anchor Lodge, No. 120, Knights and Ladies of Honor; E. A. Kellogg, Secretary; meets on the 2d and 4th Mondays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Temple Parlors, 107 W. Water.
Lake Eldridge Lodge, No. 1916; H. L. Morse, R.; meets 2d and 4th Mondays in each month at 106 West Water.
Elmira Lodge, No. 1677; C. F. Camp, R.; meets 1st, 3d and 5th Thursdays in Knights of Pythias Hall.
Post Baldwin, No. 6, G. A. R., Department of New York; Comrade Frank P. Frost, Commander; Robert A. Hall, S. V. C.; M. M. Conklin, J. V. C.; C. B. Tompkins, Adj’t; J. A. Wilkey, Q. M.; P. H. Flood, Surgeon; J. M. Losie, Chaplain; S. A. Hosford, O. D.; D. K. Bunnell, O. G.
Queen City Temple, No. 12, meets every Thursday evening at cor Lake and Carroll streets.
Chemung County Lodge, No. 34, meets quarterly throughout the County.
Olive Lodge, No. 127, meets every Wednesday evening at No. 1058 Walnut street.
Joy Lodge, No. 149, meets every Tuesday evening in Temple of Honor Hall.
Bellefont Lodge, No. 355, meets every Wednesday evening in Hall No. ------. Dickinson street.
Progressive Lodge, No. 226, meets every Friday evening at Red Men’s Hall, 109 N. Main street.
Independent Lodge, No. 293, meets Tuesday evenings in G. A. Hall.
Father Matthews’ Temperance Society, meets first and third Sunday in each month in the Free School Building of St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church; William McCarty, Secretary.
Branch No. 8, Catholic Knights of America; Henry Baker, Recording Secretary; meets first and third Wednesday of each month, 108 East Water street.
K. S. B., Aaron Lodge, No. 29, meets in Knights of Pythias Hall, first and third Sunday evenings; William Backman, Secretary; Joseph Pelta, Treasurer.
Elmira Saengerbund, meets every Monday and Thursday evenings at Madison avenue, n Third street; Fred Eschbaum, Secretary.
Knights of Pythias, Elmira Lodge, No. 81, meets every Thursday evening at 114 Lake street; D. W. Munson, K. of R. and S.
Unity Lodge, No. 65, A. O. U. W.; meets second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at G. A. R. Hall, Lake street; E. G. Baldwin, Recorder.
Elmira Farmers’ Club, meets Saturday evenings at their hall, Hoffman street, near West Hill road; James McCann, President; Lewis Fitch, Vice-President; W. A. Armstrong, Secretary; John Bridgman, Treasurer; Charles Heller, Librarian.
Elmira Academy of Medicine; organized 29th June, 1852; meets on the first Tuesday of each month at its rooms in the Chemung Canal building; officers elected every year; number of members, 50; officers of the present year: H. S. Chubbuck, President; T. A. Dundas, Secretary. This society presents a grand array of medical talent, and ranks among the first organizations of its kind in the State.
Chemung County Medical Society: meets quarterly; officers; Henry Flood, President; Dr. Wm. Woodward, Treasurer; Dr. J. E. Eldred, Secretary; Drs. H. S. Chubbuck, W. C. Wey, T. H. Squire, J. K. Stanchfield and J. E. Weaver, Censors.
Elmira Lodge of Harugari, No. 90, D. O. H; Andrew Buille, Secretary; meets in Knights of Pythias Hall every Tuesday evening.
Chemung Council No. 208, Royal Arcanum, meets first, third and fifth Friday evenings of each month at 120 Lake street; J. P. Blades, Secretary.
Elmira Council No. 384, Royal Arcanum, meets every Tuesday evening at 120 Lake street; C. C. Walster, Secretary.
Southern Tier Council, No. 585, Royal Arcanum, meets first and third Wednesday evenings at R’y Y. M. C. A. Building, Railroad av, cor Church st; E. W. Mitchell, Regent; F. Z. Wilcox, Secretary.
Empire Order of Mutual Aid, meets in Red Men’s hall, 109 N. Main street, the first, third and fifth Thursdays in each month; Conrad Wehnes, P.; Charles C. Swan, Secretary.
Unity Council, No. 30, Home Circle, meets at Grand Army Hall, 120 Lake Street, every first, third and fifth Friday evenings of each month; Conrad C. Walster, Leader; Richmond T. Maycumber, Secretary.
Samaritan Council, No. 162, Royal Templars of Temperance, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at Railway Y. M. C. A. parlors, cor Church st and Railroad av; F. Z. Wilcox, Secretary.
Monumental Commandery, No. 82, United Order Golden Cross, meets second and fourth Tuesday at Railway Y. M. C. A. parlors, cor Church st and Railroad av; Rev. G. F. Potter, Noble Commander; Rev. C. T. Moss, Past Noble Commander; Dr. J. E. Weaver, Secretary.
Railway Young Men’s Christian Association, incorporated August 26, 1881. The new building, owned by the association, located on the cor of Church st and Railroad av, was formally opened April 20, 1882; annual membership ticket, $2.00, which admits the holder to a course of lectures and entertainments, all educational classes, use of the library, bath rooms and informal medical lectures. Open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. J. H. Shearer, President; W. H. Peters, Vice-President; C. W. Dysart, Recording Secretary; P. B. Guernsey, Treasurer; F. Z. Wilcox, General Secretary; R. B. Cable, Spencer Meade and C. C. Drake, Trustees.
Chemung County Pomona Grange meets monthly at their hall, Hoffman n limits; Mrs. Jennie Banks, Secretary.
Elmira Lodge, No. 96, Empire Order of Mutual Aid, meets at 109 N. Main st; Charles C. Swan, Secretary.
Elmira Mechanics’ Society, instituted January 15, 1834; meets at 317 E. Water st; C. C. Scott, Secretary.
Elmira Lodge, No. 150, A. O. U. W., meets in G. A. R. Hall, Lake street; R. P. Williams, Recorder; Charles S. Davison, Financier; Edwin Marvin, Receiver.
Division No. 1, Ancient Order Hibernians, organized May, 1875; meets first and third Fridays of each month at Knights of Pythias Hall; Wm. Walsh, Recording Secretary.
German Library Association; Jacob Weyer, President; L. Holzheimer, Secretary; Gottleib Hummel, Treasurer; J. P. Weyer, Max Lehuleitner, Ernest Shiedlen and John Young, Trustees; Joseph Surganty, Librarian.
Massasoit Tribe, No. 14, I. O. R. M., meets at 109 N. Main every Monday evening; L. J. Jackson, C. of R.
Empire State Lodge, No. 199, I. O. B. B., meets in Knights of Pythias Hall every second and fourth Sunday in each month; M. Grant, Secretary.
Orphans’ Home, Franklin cor Fulton, incorporated, 1864, as the Ladies’ Relief Association; in 1867 name changed to Southern Tier Orphans’ Home; John C. Greves, Treasurer; contains about 51 orphans.
Elmira Liederkranz, meets every Monday and Thursday evenings at 112 Lake; H. J. Volbrecht, Secretary.
Cecilian Mannerchor, meets every Sunday afternoon at German Catholic School House, Dickinson street; Max Grodski, Secretary.
Catholic Mutual Beneficial Association, Branch 51, meets in O’Connor’s Hall, 108 East Water; T. O’Leary, Recording Secretary.
Monument City Union 86, meets first, third and fifth Monday evenings of each month at 105 West Water.
Century Club, meets on the last Friday of each month in Masonic Temple; Alexander Diven, President; E. B. Youmans, Vice-President; Parley Coburn, Secretary and Treasurer.
Chemung Valley Grange, No. 57, Patrons of Husbandry, meets in Farmers’ Club Hall, Hoffman street, the first and third Thursday evenings of each month; S. M. Carr, Master; O. M. Wixom, Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer.
Christadelphian Society, meets every Sunday at 11 A. M., in Y. M. C. A. parlors; J. F. Sykes, President; A. Miller, Secretary.
Patrons Aid Society; incorporated December, 1874, meets monthly; Hoffman ab limits; President, George S. McCann; Secretary, E. J. Young; Treasurer, George Maby.
Young Men’s Christian Association – The Association was established 1858, with the following officers and additional members as its first Board of Managers: H. M. Partridge, President; S. B. Fairman, Vice-President; A. R. Wright, Corresponding Secretary; S. Van Campen, Recording Secretary; S. Ayres, Treasurer; additional Members, F. Collingwood, D. Thompson Dunn, I. F. Hart, J. R. Ward. Its leading object is the moral and intellectual well-being of young men. It sustains prayer meetings, out-of-door meetings and three mission Sunday schools. It has a chapel in the Second Ward, erected at a cost of $2,500, for Sunday and week day services. The Association provides a City Missionary to attend to its benevolent and religious work, expending several thousands of dollars yearly for the poor. He looks after the employment of those in want of work. The circulating and reference library of the Association numbers about 6,000 volumes. The library table is supplied with all the leading magazines and quarterlies. The reading room contains on file the prominent journals. The use of the circulating library costs to members one dollar; to all others, two dollars per year, payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The reading room and reference library are free. The Association sustains an annual course of lectures and monthly literary meetings and reunions, a Palestine class for the higher study of the Scriptures, Bible class meetings of Christian Workers, and home entertainments.
Elmira Gaslight Company. Office, Chemung Canal Bank Building; incorporated 1852; capital, $50,000. M. H. Arnot, President; S. T. Arnot, Secretary, Treasurer and Superintendent.
Elmira Water Works Co. Office, 212 E. Water; organized April, 1869; President, Alexander S. Diven; Vice-President, G. M. Diven; Treasurer, Eugene Diven; Secretary, John M. Diven; Superintendent, Alexander Diven; capital, $50,000.
Elmira Iron and Steel Rolling Mill Co.; H. W. Rathbone, President; Jesse L. Cooley, Secretary and Treasurer; capital, $500,000. Office, 731 Michigan.
Davis Wrought Iron Wagon Co., 110 E. Church; S. T. Reynolds, Resident and Secretary; John Arnot, jr., Vice-President and Treasurer.
Junction Canal Company. Office, Chemung Canal Bank Building; M. H. Arnot, President; Secretary and Treasurer. S. T. Arnot.
McIntyre Coal Company. Organized January, 1870; President, C. J. Langdon; Treasurer, W. D. Kelly; Secretary, C. H. Baldwin; 110 Baldwin.
Elmira and Horseheads Railway. President, Geo. M. Diven; Superintendent, F. Beardsley. Office, 720 Lake.
The Hunsband Association; Hoffman n limits. Incorporated August, 1874; Geo. Maby, President; O. M. Wixon, Secretary and Treasurer.
LaFrance Fire Engine Company. Office. Junction cor LaFrance; capital, $100,000. George M. Diven, President; Eugene Diven, Treasurer; Alexander Diven, Superintendent.
Southport Plank Road Co.; Chemung Canal Bank Building.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Advertiser, published by the Elmira Advertiser Association. Newton P. Fassett, President; R. R. R. Dumars, Secretary; Charles R. Pratt, Teasurer; J. B. Briggs, Business Manager. Lake cor Market. Daily, $9; Weekly, $1.50.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Gazette and Free Press. Daily published every afternoon at 4 o’clock; city edition at 5 o’clock, by the Gazette Company, No. 123 Lake; is served to city subscribers for 65 cents per month or $8 per annum. Weekly, published every Thursday. Terms, $1.50 per year, payable in advance.
The Bistoury (Quarterly Medical Journal), Thad S. Up de Graff, editor and publisher, 111 and 113 W. Hudson.
Sunday Tidings, published by Briggs & Copeland every Sunday morning; Advertiser Building, Lake cor Market. Terms, $2 per annum.
The Husbandman, published by the Husbandman Association; Hoffman n limits; Geo. Maby, President; O. M. Wixon, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sunday Telegram, published every Sunday by the Telegram Company, at 318 Carroll. Price, $2 per annum.
The incorporation papers for the Association of the Home for Aged Men and Women, in the city of Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y., were executed April 14, 1874. Completed by Judge Balcom’s signature and filed in the cler’s office, June 14, 1874, recorded June 18, 1874. The Association having received a deed from Dr. E. Eldridge and wife of four acres of ground, located in Eldridge Park, have erected a suitable building fronting Grand Central av ab Warren, to accommodate a large number of aged men and women. The work is conducted by a most energetic, earnest working association of ladies, who have received large subscriptions from the public. The corporate name of this association is, "Home for the Aged." The directresses or officers who are to manage the affairs of this association are: Mrs. George W. Hoffman, President; Mrs. J. H. Barney, Secretary; Mrs. C. Preswick, Treasurer.
Industrial Home, 107 W. 2d; Mrs. David Decker, Secretary; Mrs. M. J. Smith, Treasurer.