![]() |
Miller, Jacob, clerk, 118 S Main, bds do
Miller, James, watchman, h 709 Lake
Miller, James C., engineer, h 414 W Church
Miller, James H., carpenter, h 351 Centre
Miller, John, driver, h 912 Carpenter
Miller, John D., farmer, h Pennsylvania av bel toll gate
Miller, John H., roller, h 379 W 5th
Miller, Judson, driver, h 540 Tuttle av
Miller, Lettie M., milliner, bds 514 W Hudson
Miller, Lizzie Mrs., domestic, 959 College av
Miller, Marcus, grocer, 118 S Main, h do
Miller, Mattie, domestic, 601 Railroad av
Miller, Mira, bds 1351 Baldwin
MILLER, PHILIP, coal and wood, College av cor Reformatory, 1309 College av
Miller, Samuel, shoemaker, h 270 W S Water
Miller, Samuel C., laborer, h 104 E Water
MILLER, VALENTINE, grocer, also saloon, 221 S Main, h 218 W Henry
Miller, William, ice dealer, h 514 W Hudson
Miller, William H., salesman, 207 E Water, bds 379 W 5th
Millis, Carey J., telegrapher, bds 306 DeWitt
Millis, Eben S. Rev., pastor Madison av Baptist Church, h 306 DeWitt
Millius, Henry E., carpenter, h 205 Elm
Millmore, Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 211 High
Mills, Asa, h 208 Orchard
Mills, James H., clerk, 311 Carroll, h 202 College av
Mills, Mabel, widow Uri, h 512 Perine
Mills, Robert N., physician, 214 Baldwin, bds do
Mills, Rufus, clerk, 107 W Water, h 223 Gregg
Mills, Sarah L., clerk, 116 Baldwin, bds 208 Orchard
Millspaugh, Giles, clerk, 340 E Water, bds 853 do
Millspaugh, Howard, bds 853 E Water
Millspaugh, Leander M., clerk, 340 E Water, h 108 Harriet
Millspaugh, Margaret, widow Leander, h 853 E Water
Millspaugh, Theodore, agent, h 211 Larmore
Minahan, John, laborer, bds 709 Railroad av
Minar, Henry, patternmaker, h 371 W Water
Minch, Christian, tanner, h 211 Ann
Minch, Gottleib, h Robinson ab Esty
Mingst, John, carpenter, h Robison ab Esty
Minier, Chester B., carpenter, bds S Broadway ab city limits
Minier, Christian, farmer, h S Broadway ab city limits
Minier, Cora, domestic, 118 W 2d
Minier, D.A. Mrs., h 712 E Market
Minier, Frank L., law student, 312 E Water, bds S Broadway beyond limits
Minier, James B., student, bds 109 E Hudson
MINIER, MAX, coal and wood, 101 S 2d, h 502 W Water
Minier, Samuel, baggage master, h 462 South av
Minier, Solomon, horse dealer, h 109 E Hudson
MINIER, THEODORE L., h 502 W Water
Minier, William, carpenter, bds 462 South av
Mink, George R. (Elmira Co-operative Co.), bds Homestead Hotel
Mink, Louis (Reitenbach, Tuttle & Co.), h at Somerville, Mass
Minogue, Honora, domestic, 454 W Gray
Minster, John, slate roofer, h 119 Sullivan
Mirteenes, David C., grocer and tailor, 321 S Main, h do
Misnor, Cornelius C., tablemanufr, Park cor Johnson, h do
Mitchell, Alfred, mason, h 215 Harriet
Mitchell, Amanda, widow Hugh, h 404 W Church
MITCHELL, E.W., supt U.S. express, 152 Baldwin, h 368 W 4th
Mitchell, Ellie L., milliner, bds 161 Archer
Mitchell, Jerome, horse dealer, h 603 West Hill
Mitchell, Joseph B., expressman Erie depot, h 368 W 4th
Mitchell, William, gardener, h Grand av beyond city limits
Mitchells, Emma A., dressmaker, bds 161 Orchard
Mitchells, John, street sprinkler, h 161 Orchard
Mixter, Horace, shoemaker, h 510 W 2d
Mochrie, Edward J., laborer, h State cor E 1st
Moe, M.M. & Co. (Marcus M.), commission, 141 W Water
Moffet, George A., baker, bds 427 Railroad av
Moffet, Thomas, boots and shoes, 427 Railroad av, h do
Moffet, William, foreman, h 109 College av
Moffet, Mary A., teacher, bds 470 W 1st
Moffitt, William, car repairer, h 531 W Church
Moloney, Catharine, widow Michael C., h 350 Railroad av
Moloney, Ellen, domestic, 115 N Main
Moloney, James, tinsmith, bds 406 Madison av
Moloney, Johanna, widow James, h 406 Madison av
Moloney, Kate, dressmaker, bds 406 Madison av
Moloney, Mary, dressmaker, bds 406 Madison av
Moloney, Owen T., bookbinder Advertiser, bds 350 Railroad av
Moloney, Thomas, clerk, bds 406 Madison av
Moloney, William, clerk, bds 406 Madison av
Monell, Elrude, mason, bds 432 Balsam
Monell, George C., laborer, bds 412 S Broadway
Monell, Samuel, carpenter, h 432 Balsam
Monks, James R., prof., principal at academy, h 104 College av
Monks, Thomas, engineer, h 301 E 5th
Monroe, Elias A., soda water manufr., h 262 Partridge
Monroe, John T., carpenter, bds 617 Magee
Monroe, Robert, carpenter, h 617 Magee
Monroe, West P., brakeman, bds 305 W Clinton
Montgomery, Mary, widow William, h 505 E 3d
Montgomery, William, blacksmith, h Baldwin n Thurston
Monyea, May, telegrapher, bds 156 W 3d
Moody, Warren L., clerk, 421 Railroad av, h 423 Pleasant
Moody, William H., manager 111 E Water, h 111 Harmon
Mooers, Emma E., dressmaker, bds 512 John
Moon, Keziah, widow Phileman, h 704 Baldwin
Moon, Lucy, dressmaker, bds 704 Baldwin
Moon, Polly Mrs., h 704 Baldwin
Moon, Russell C., laborer, h 706 Baldwin
Moonan, James, grocer, 751 Canal, h E 7th ab Canal
Mooney, Daniel, tinsmith, bds 622 Baldwin
Mooney, James, car inspector, h 410 S Magee
Mooney, Katie, domestic, 219 High
Moors, Alexander, curber, bds 161 E Washington av
Moore, Bridget, domestic, 458 E Church
Moore, Edwin, fireman, h 603 E Church
Moore, Emily Mrs., St. James Hotel, W Water cor Railroad av
Moore, Frank A., wiper, bds 461 E 3d
Moore, George C., patternmaker, h 268 W S Water
Moore, Henry W., conductor, h Herrick cor South av
Moore, Horace D., shoemaker, 365 W Gray
MOORE, HUGH M., florist Cottage Green House, 51 Fulton cor W S Water, h do
Moore, James J., railroader, bds 51 Fulton
Moore, John, carpenter, h 458 W 1st
Moore, John (Murdoch & Moore), bds 500 Franklin
MOORE, LEVERETT D., boarding house, 102 W Water
Moore, Michael, laborer, h Franklin n S Broadway
Moore, Morris, laborer, h E South av ab Maple av
Moore, Olive, widow Daniel, bds S Main beyond city limits
Moore, Samuel T., clerk, bds 310 Pennsylvania av
Moore, Thomas, engineer, bds 411 Railroad av
Moore, Timothy, teamster, h 708 Magee
Moore, William, laborer, h 138 Hatch
Moore, William C., watchman, h 461 E 3d
Moore, William H., conductor, h 518 Jefferson
Moran, Edward, laborer, h 813 Hatch
Moran, James, groom, bds 554 E Clinton
Moran, James, laborer, h 554 E Clinton
Moran, James, jr., laborer, bds 554 E Clinton
Moran, Margaret, widow Patrick, h 59 Monroe
Moran, Patrick, cinderman, h 704 Hatch
Moran, William, blacksmith, bds 510 E Church
Moran, William, laborer, bds 59 Monroe
Morden, Almeda, widow William, h 369 W 2d
Morden, Ida Amelia, bds 369 W 2d
Moreau, George H., shoemaker, h 622 Josephine
Morehouse, James W., traveling agent, h 957 East av
Morey, Andrew B., gilder, h 758 John
Morgan, Charles H., stone paver, bds 505 Magee
Morgan, D.A., bartender Rathbun House, bds do
Morgan, Eber F., fireman, h 604 Pennsylvania av
Morgan, Goodwin H., fireman, h 524 Jefferson
Morgan, John, laborer, h 620 Baldwin
Morgan, John H., clerk, 200 W Water, h 106 W Gray
Morgan, Peter, peddler, h 1319 Benton
Moriarty, Eliza, widow Morris, h 358 Elm
Moriarty, James, clerk, 108 E Water, h 421 Columbia
Moriarty, John, letter carrier, h 404 Madison av
Moriarty, John L., salesman, 102 W Water, bds 358 Elm
Morley, Dwight, carpenter, h 901 John
Moroney, Ellen, widow Thomas, h 402 E Washington av
Moroney, John, physician, 100 Lake, bds do
Morrell, C. Edward, bds 272 Baldwin
Morrell, G. Orlando, clerk, 126 Lake, bds 218 Madison av
Morrell, Isaac (Gerity & Morrell), also physician, 218 Madison av, h do
Morris, Alpharetta, dressmaker, bds 321 W 1st
Morris, Linda, bds 321 W 1st
Morris, Melville E., painter, h 116 Sullivan
Morris, Fred, auctioneer, bds 116 Sullivan
Morris, Richard, grocer, 410 E Water, h 412 do
Morris, William, news agent, bds 205 W 3d
Morrissey, Bridget, domestic, 417 E Market
Morrisey, Maria, widow Michael, bds 161 E Washington av
Morrison, Lydia, widow John, h 158 Lake
Morrison, Robert J., clerk, bds 158 Lake
Morrison, William H., driver, h 452 High
Morse, Albert, laborer, h 814 Hatch
MORSE, BARNETT W., physician; office hours 12 to 2 pm., 7 to 9 pm, 351 N Main
Morse, Frank, carpenter, h 1207 Hall
Morse, Jennie, dressmaker, bds 814 Hatch
Morse, Roscius (Preswick, Morse & Co.), h 210 W 1st
Mortimer, Jacob, shoemaker, h 508 W 2d
Mortimer, John, laborer, h 50 Pennsylvania av
Mortimer, John, shoemaker, h 462 W 2d
Mortimer, John, jr., laborer, h 54 Pennsylvania av
Mortimer, Peter, laborer, h E 2d cor the canal
Mortimer, Samuel J., shoemaker, bds 508 W 2d
Morton, L. Ann, teacher, h 703 Columbia
Moser, Henry, cabinetmaker, h 504 Madison av
Moses, Jacob, peddler, h 119 Harriet
Mosher, Albert F. (Mosher, Peters & Marsh), h 111 W S Water
Mosher, Alvah, cartman, h 623 W Gray
Mosher, George (George Mosher & Co.), h 361 Walnut
MOSHER, GEORGE & CO. (George R. Hannon), grocers, 118 W Water
Mosher, Harry, painter, h 209 Fulton
MOSHER, HUMPHREY J., meat market, 311 and 313 Carroll, h 624 W Water
Mosher, Peters & Marsh (A.F. Mosher, George C. Peters and Frank S. Marsh), grocers, 110 W Water
Moshier, William H., farmer, h Jefferson n Franklin
MOSS, ROSWELL R., lawyer, 4 and 5 Opera Block, Lake, h 114 Columbia
Moton, James, porter, h 706 Baldwin
Mott, Clara, teacher, bds 218 Washington
Mouldon, William, bell-boy Frasier House
Mowbray, George W., bootmaker, h Pine n Coburn
Mowry, Delia, cook, 429 E Water
Mowry, Gilleon D., carpenter, h 408 W 2d
Mowry, Thirza, widow David, bds 308 E Water
Moxley, Ann, widow Richard, h 310 W 1st
Moxley, James, laborer, h 310 W 1st
Mudrack, Johanna, widow August, h 442 E Water
Mulcahey, Johanna, domestic, 861 College av
Mulcahey, Morris, laborer, h 908 N Canal
Mulcahy, Daniel, helper, bds S Broadway ab city limits
Mulcahy, Michael, laborer, h S Broadway ab city limits
Mulcahy, Michael, jr., bds S Broadway ab city limits
Mulconroy, Bridget, domestic, 160 High
Mullen, John, shoemaker, h 107 Sullivan
Mullen, Ellens, domestic, 326 Baldwin
MULLER, WILLIAM L., lawyer, 308 E Water, h 217 Washington
Mungovan, Anthony, blacksmith, h 378 W 3d
Mungovan, James, blacksmith, h 422 W 2d
Munroe, John, car builder, h 530 W Gray
Munsell, Charles, engineer, h 217 W South av
Munski, John, laborer, h 114 Spring
Munson, David W., salesman, 203 E Water, bds 433 do
Munson, Almira C., widow Edwin, h 308 Columbia
Munson, Eunice Miss, h 112 W 1st
Munson, Henrietta, teacher, bds 124 W 2d
Munson, Lydia Miss, h 112 W 1st
Munson, Mary, widow Joseph, h 514 W Gray
Murdoch, Alexander V., lawyer, 344 E Water, h 433 do
Murdoch, John (Murdoch & Moore), h 306 W Gray
MURDOCK, LUTHER N., sash, blinds, doors and hardware, 147 W Water, h 713 N Main
Murdock, Milton L., clerk, 147 W Water, h 711 N Main
MURDOCH & MOORE (John Murdoch and John Moore), lawyers, 344 E Water
Murphey, Charles A., grocer, 167 Baldwin, h 315 High
Murphy, Addie, domestic, 721 College av
Murphy, Anderson, grocer, h 652 Baldwin
Murphy, Charles, saloon, 106 Railroad av, bds Lake n E Market
Murphy, Charles T., salesman, h 405 W 1st
Murphy, Christina, dressmaker, bds 100 lake
Murphy, Clara, dressmaker, bds r court house
Murphy, Cynthia, widow John B., h 405 W 1st
Murphy, Daniel, grocer, 516 N Main, h do
Murphy, Darwin D., agent, h 113 Washington
Murphy, Dennis, carpenter, h 409 W 4th
Murphy, Edmund, laborer, h 808 Lincoln
Murphy, Frank, boot fitter, h 957 E Clinton
Murphy, Fred R., bds 113 Washington
Murphy, George H., machinist, bds r Court House
Murphy, Hannah, domestic Mack House
Murphy, Harry S., printer Gazette, h Magee cor Roe av
Murphy, Honora, widow John, h r 370 W 3d
Murphy, J. True, ticket agent Erie Depot, bds 113 Washington
Murphy, James, laborer, h 703 E 2d
Murphy, James, machinist, bds 518 Pennsylvania av
Murphy, Jennie, domestic Water Cure, 1019 East av
Murphy, Jeremiah, carpenter, h 414 Elm
Murphy, John, laborer, h r 370 W 3d
Murphy, John, newsagent, bds 205 W 3d
Murphy, John, roller, bds 914 N Main
Murphy, John, shoemaker, h 257 W S Water
Murphy, John D., telegrapher, bds 516 N Main
Murphy, Joseph H., engineer, h 801 Hatch
Murphy, Martin, hostler, 352 N Main
Murphy, Michael, carpenter, bds 414 Elm
Murphy, Michael, laborer, h 459 Sullivan
Murphy, Michael, laborer, h 857 Lake
Murphy, Miles, stonecutter, h Logan ab Walnut
Murphy, Owen, h 914 N Main
Murphy, Patrick, laborer, h 328 Webber Place
Murphy, Patrick, shoemaker, h 850 E Market
Murphy, Peter, clerk, 516 N Main, h 159 W Clinton
Murphy, Peter, gardener, bds 312 Lake
Murphy, Rose, domestic, 410 William
Murphy, Samuel, laborer, h E. R. R. cor E South av
MURPHY, SARAH, millinery, 100 Lake, h do
Murphy, Thomas, h E South av cor E. R. R.
Murphy, Thomas, blacksmith, bds 914 N Main
Murphy, Timothy, laborer, h 224 W 3d
Murphy, Timothy, shoemaker, h 308 Harmon
Murphy, True J., ticket clerk Erie Depot, bds 113 Washington
Murphy, William, blacksmith, bds 808 Lincoln
Murphy, William E., overseer of the pcor, h r Court House
Murphy, William J., ice dealer, h 514 W Hudson
Murray, Alfred, butcher, bds S Broadway n city limits
Murray, Alexander, jr., carpenter, h 418 Fulton
Murray, Alexander, sr., laborer, h 508 Jefferson
Murray, Andrew, teamster, bds 429 Railroad av
Murray, Bridget, domestic, Elmira House
Murray, Caroline, domestic, 138 W Water
Murray, Horace C., boilermaker, bds 418 Fulton
Murray, James, machinist, h 707 E Church
Murray, John, teamster, h 655 Lake
Murray, Maggie, domestic, 301 E Church
Murray, Lawrence (Haight, Jones & Co.), h 217 Orchard
Murray, Maggie, domestic, 1219 Lake
Murray, Michael, laborer, h Jones bel Robinson
Murray, Nicholas P., engineer, h Giltinan n N. C. R. R. shops
Murray, Patrick, builder, 861 Railroad av, h do
Murray, Patrick, switchman, bds 358 Railroad av
Murray, Patrick, tinsmith, h 811 John
Murray, Peter, hostler 2d Ward Hotel
MURRAY, ROBERT B., dentist, 128 W Water, h 413 W Clinton
Murray, Schuyler R., carpenter, bds 418 Fulton
Murray, Theron L., machinist, h 1217 Hall
Murray, Thomas, clerk, 315 E Water, bds 207 W Gray
Murray, Thomas, mason, h 366 W 3d
Murray, Timothy, shoemaker, h 408 High
Murray, Walter, butcher, h S Broadway n city limits
Murray, Walter, laborer, h 550 Day
Murray, Walter, jr., butcher, bds S Broadway n city limits
Murtaugh, Michael, grocer, 400 S Broadway, h do
Musgrave, Hathaway, carpenter, h 50 Harmon
Myer, William, train agent, h 213 Mt. Zoar
Myers, Allen L., traveling agent, h 511 Columbia
Myers, Charles, furniture finisher, h 903 John
Myers, Ellen, domestic, 222 Baldwin
Myers, Frederick, collarmaker, bds 219 Sullivan
Myers, George, furniture finisher, h 705 E Church
Myers, Jeremiah, laborer, bds r 59 1st av
Myers, John, tanner, h 903 John
Myers, John J., watchman, h 859 E Water
Myers, Maggie F., teacher, bds 751 E 2d
Myers, Mary A. Mrs., h 353 Railroad av
Myers, William, laborer, bds 903 John
Nafe, William, painter, 115 W Gray, h do
Nagle, Bridget, widow Patrick, h 800 Magee
Nagle, James, puddler, bds 800 Magee
Nagle, John, gas fitter, h 608 E Water
Nagle, Mary, domestic Delavan House
Nagle, Michael, bricklayer, bds 608 E Water
Naglee, Joseph C., teamster, h Baty n Herrick
Naismith, Lizzie, domestic, 214 Washington
Nalen, Michael, tanner, h 311 W 2d
Nash, Harvey, laborer, h 213 W 3d
Nash, Patrick, varnisher, h 712 McDonald
Nealon, Mary, domestic, 260 Baldwin
Negus, Angeline Mrs., dressmaker, 204 W Water, h do
Negus, Isabella, dressmaker, bds 204 W Water
Neillson, George, cabinetmaker, bds 613 Lake
NEILSON, ROBERT, supt E. and C. division N. C. R. W., h 703 Park Place
Neily, George, carpenter, h Coburn n Pine
Neish, John, painter, bds 125 Judson
Neish, William, carpenter, h 125 Judson
Nelen, James, laborer, h 562 E Clinton
Nelson, D. Brainard, h 328 Baldwin
Nelson, Emily A., teacher, bds 328 Baldwin
Nelson, John, machinist, h 515 Pennsylvania av
Nelson, Lizzie Mrs., h 807 Canal
Nelson, Patrick, laborer, h 205 Thurston
Neuberger, Harry M., cashier, 325 E Water, bds Pattinson House
Neuer, Charles, augermaker, h 410 Madison av
Neur, Jacob, tailor, 456 E Clinton, h do
Nevells, Michael, shoemaker, bds 114 E Water
Nevins, J.C., traveling agent, h 151 W 3d
Nevins, John, tailor, h 353 Railroad av
New, George, laborer, h 1319 Lake
New, Mary E., domestic Water Cure, 1019 East av
Newark, William H., barber, h 705 Baldwin
Newberger, Harry, bookkeeper, bds Pattinson House
Newcomb, Clay M. (A. Wyckoff & Co.), bds Wyckoff House
Newcomb, Emma P., domestic, 413 Lake
Newcomb, S. Kossuth, commercial agt., 110 W Water, bds Wyckoff House
Newcomb, T. Webster (Newcomb & Walker), h 306 W 4th
NEWCOMB & WALKER (T. Webster Newcomb and Merritt H. Walker), boot and shoe manufrs., Railroad av cor E 2d
Newcomer, John, mason, h 538 S Main
Newell, Baker, boilermaker, h 406 Powell
Newell, David, mason, h 714 Walnut
Newell, Henry, hostler, h 408 W 3d
Newkirk, Lucy, widow Jacob, h 102 E Hudson
Newkirk, Luman, carpenter, h 102 E Hudson
Newman, Albert, engineer, h 820 Lincoln
Newman, George Albert, driver, bds 730 Hatch
Newman, Henry, blacksmith, h 101 E 7th
NEWMAN, JAMES M., physician and surgeon, h 617 Lake
Newman, Joseph, foreman, h 730 Hatch
Newsome, Thomas, hammerman, h 835 Canal
N. Y. L. E. and Western R. R. Co. freight depot, E 5th cor N. Y. L. E. and Western R. R.
Nichols, Charles L., agent, bds 417 E Market
Nichols, Charles O., bookbinder, h 424 W 3d
Nichols, Clara, waitress Water Cure, 1019 East av
Nichols, Daniel M., bookkeeper, 203 E 2d, bds 517 W 2d
Nichols, Ella, domestic Southern Tier Orphans' Home
Nichols, John Q.A., foreman, 114 E 2d, h 416 W Clinton
Nichols, Lucinda, widow Willis, h 517 W 2d
Nichols, Myron, wheelwright, h 420 W 3d
Nichols, Samuel, roller, bds 630 William
Nicholson, John H., manager, bds 114 N Market
Nicholson, Ralph, peddler, h 510 W 1st
Nicks, John E., tobacconist, h 451 W Gray
NICKS, JOHN I., manufr. tobacco and segars, Walnut cor Washington av, h 358 N Main
Nilets, Michael, laborer, h 209 Judson
Nimbs, William M., express messenger, h 354 W 4th
NINETY NINE CENT STORE, N.A. Hughes & Co., proprs., 112 W Water
Niver, Charles, machinist, h Oak ab Standish
Nixon, Elizabeth, widow Dennis, h 807 Magee
Nixon, James, bds 910 Stowell
Nixon, John, laborer, h 910 Stowell
Nixon, Edward M., printer Gazette, bds 312 W 1st
Noble, Julia, widow William, h 312 W 1st
Noble, Mary, dressmaker, bds 312 W 1st
Nobles, Caroline M., widow Milton V., h Ivy n Walnut
Nobles, Nellie, saleslady, 327 E Water, bds 462 E Church
Nolton, Ida, domestic, 308 E Clinton
Noonan, Catharine Mrs., bds 204 Broadway
Noonan, Maggie, laundress, Delavan House
Nooney, Annie, dressmaker, bds 303 S Main
Norman, Charles P., clerk, bds 650 E Church
Norman, Cornelia, teacher, bds 210 Sullivan
Norman, George M., broommanufr., 310 Washington, h do
Norman, John G., agent, h 650 E Church
Norman, Mary A., widow Prentice, h 210 Sullivan
Norman, M. Alice, milliner, bds 310 Washington
Normile, John, shoemaker, 723 Lake, h do
Norman, Prentice P., bookkeeper, 150 Lake, h 212 Sullivan
North, Ann B., widow Theodore, h 527 W Water
North, Morris, tinsmith, h 216 W Gray
Northiup, Clara, widow Nelson H., h 106 S Main
Northrup, Benjamin, blacksmith, h 163 Orchard
Northrup, John T., bootmaker, h 305 Fulton
Northrup, Lansing, pump agent, h 807 W 1st
Northrup, Phay S., painter, h 147 W Water
Norton, A. Wellington, principal school No. 4, h 801 N Main
Norton, Alfred F., dispatcher Erie depot, h 152 W 5th
Norton, Charles B., h 154 W 5th
Norton, Ellen, widow Patrick, h 117 W 1st
Norton, Elmer K., bookkeeper, bds 109 Columbia
Norton, Jane E., widow Philander, h 109 Columbia
Norton, Mary, domestic, 403 William
Norton, Norman R., sup't at Canada, h 226 W 2d
Norwood, Clarance L. (C.L. Norwood & Co.), h E Hudson
Norwood, C.L. & Co., manufrs galvanized iron cornice, 129 W Water
Norwood, Herbert E., tinsmith, h 104 W S Water
Nowak, Adam, laborer, h 211 Ann
Nurse, Charles, peddler, h 908 Benton
Nurss, Solomon, laborer, h 421 S Broadway
Nutting, Eva, bds 115 W Hudson
Nye, George B., bookkeeper, 114 E 2d, bds 112 Walnut
Nye, George M., h 112 Walnut
Oaks, Leander, shoemaker, bds 262 Baldwin
Obalt, John, tailor, h 126 Harriet
Oberholser, Frank P., salesman, h 115 E Water, h Spaulding cor Lormore
Obertin, Adolph D., shoecutter, h 213 Orchard
Obertin, Adolph J., shoecutter, bds 213 Orchard
O'Brien, Kate, machine operator, bds 518 Madison av
O'Brian, Margaret Mrs., h 650 E Clinton
O'Brien, ____, shoemaker, bds 262 Baldwin
O'Brien, Daniel, mason, h 454 High
O'Brien, David, shoemaker, h 214 Harmon
O'Brien, Dennis, laborer, h Pine n Franklin
O'Brien, Ellen, domestic, ft E Water
O'Brien, Humphrey, mason, h 261 W S Water
O'Brien, James, mason, 309 Norton
O'Brien, Jennie, domestic, 516 Herrick
O'Brien, Jeremiah, laborer, h 107 Fulton
O'Brien, John, cabinetmaker, bds 383 W 1st
O'Brien, John, marble works, 432 E Water, h 758 E Market
O'Brien, John, mason, h 263 W S Water
O'Brien, John, jr., mason, bds 263 W S Water
O'Brien, John, plumber, bds 518 Madison av
O'Brien, John, shoemaker, h 808 E Market
O'Brien, Kate, domestic, 402 E Union
O'Brien, Kate, shoe sewer, bds 383 W 1st
O'Brien, Lizzie, domestic, 612 John
O'Brien, Lizzie, domestic, 510 W Church
O'Brien, Lizzie, domestic Rathbun House
O'Brien, Mary, bds 383 W 1st
O'Brien, Matthew W., teamster, h O'Gormon n N. C. R. R.
O'Brien, Michael, helper, bds 906 N Canal
O'Brien, Michael, laborer, bds 107 Fulton
O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, h E. R. R. ab Centre
O'Brien, Peter, laborer, h 806 Magee
O'Brien, Thomas, actor, bds 518 Madison av
O'Brien, Thomas, drayman, h 383 W 1st
O'Brien, Thomas, shoemaker, bds 383 W 1st
O'Brien, William, bookbinder, bds 518 Madison av
O'Bryon, Lyman, stone yard, h 448 W 5th
O'Connell, James, shoemaker, h 152 Fox
O'Connell, James H., shoemaker, bds 114 E Water
O'Connell, John, mason, h 423 W 5th
O'Connell, William, shoemaker, h 264 W Henry
O'Conner, Daniel, laborer, h 803 Magee
O'Conner, James, foreman, h S Main n city limits
O'Conner, Sarah, cook, 102 W Water
O'Conner, Timothy, laborer, h 533 Harper
O'Connor, Ann Mrs., h 608 E Water
O'Connor, Belle, domestic Brooklyn House
O'CONNOR BROS. (Jeremiah J. and Dennis J.), wholesale wines and liquors, 108 E Water
O'Connor, Dennis J. (O'Connor Bros.), h at New York
O'CONNOR, JEREMIAH J. (O'Connor Brothers), also city chamberlain, 5 Arcade block, Lake, h 612 John
O'Connor, John, clerk, 142 E Water, h 111 Sullivan
O'Connor, Maria, shoe sewer, bds 321 W 1st
O'Connor, Mary, widow David, h 371 W 2d
O'Connor, Patrick, laborer, h 373 W 2d
O'Day, Cornelius, laborer, h 458 Powell
O'Day, Ellen, dressmaker, bds 458 Powell
O'Day, John, driver, bds 458 Powell
O'Day, Mollie, saleslady, 106 W Water, h 469 W 5th
O'Dea, Andrew, blacksmith, bds 117 Washington
O'Dea, Jane, paster, bds 114 W Henry
O'Dea, John, laborer, h 111 S 2d
O'Dea, Kate, domestic, 364 W 1st
O'Dea, Margaret, domestic, 117 Washington
O'Dea, Maggie Mrs., dressmaker, 517 DeWitt, h do
O'Dea, Mary, domestic, 120 W South Water
O'Dea, Mary, widow Michael, h 114 W Henry
O'Dea, Michael, laborer, h 328 W 7th
O'Dea, Michael, laborer, h 612 Jay
O'Dea, Michael, tinner, bds 114 W Henry
O'Dea, Patrick, switchman, 414 Powell
O'Dea, Simon, stonecutter, h 369 W 5th
O'Dea, Thomas, laborer, h 324 W 7th
Odell, Isaac, grocery, 316 W 5th, h 314 do
Odell, Jennie, h 602 W Water
Odell, John W., hammerman, bds 314 W 5th
O'Donnall, Arthur, laborer, h Junction bel E South av
O'Donnell, Bridget, domestic, 111 W S Water
O'Donnell, Bridget, widow John, h 420 S Main
O'Donnell, Bryan, shoemaker, h 753 E Market
O'Donnell, Charles, filer, h 165 E Washington av
O'Donnell, Hannah, domestic, 509 William
O'Donnell, James, laborer, h 732 Baldwin
O'Donnell, James, roller, bds 165 E Washington av
O'Donnell, Matthew, laborer, h Dickinson n Hathaway
O'Donnell, Maurice, clerk, 124 W Water, bds Baldwin n Dickinson
O'Donnell, Patrick, shoemaker, bds 420 S Main
O'Donnell, William, shoemaker, bds 420 S Main
O'Driscoe, Debbie, widow Patrick, bds 358 Elm
O'Farrell, Emma J., teacher, bds 422 Herrick
O'Farrell, John, laborer, bds 422 Herrick
O'Farrell, Kate L., teacher, bds 422 Herrick
O'Farrell, Mary, domestic, 210 William
O'Farrell, Michael, laborer, h 422 Herrick
Ogden, Alexander, carpenter, h 317 Baldwin
Ogden, Sarah, domestic, 409 N Main
Ogden, William, h 406 Lake
Oger, Hadaram D., boatmaker, h 561 E Church
O'Gorman, John, clerk, bds 803 John
O'Gorman, Mary, dressmaker, bds 350 Railroad av
O'Gorman, Thomas, laborer, h 350 Railroad av
O'Gorman, Thomas, jr., clerk, bds 350 Railroad av
O'Hanlon, Hugh, h 109 Grove
O'Harra, Ellen, domestic, 304 N Main
O'Hare, Dennis, carpenter, h 420 Balsam
O'Hare, Michael, roller, h 151 E Washington av
O'Hare, Thomas, mason, h 906 E Market
O'Keefe, Ellen, widow Cornelius, h 860 Magee
O'Leary, John, watchman, h N. C. R. R., h S 2d
O'Leary, Patrick, carpenter, h 320 Webber Place
Oliver, George, laborer, h 406 Standish
Oliver, Thomas, h 702 Oak
Oliver, Thomas, jr., driver, bds 702 Oak
Olivey, James T., tailor, bds 56 Munroe
Olivey, William, tailor, h 56 Munroe
Olivey, William A., tailor, bds 56 Munroe
Olmstead, Clark K., printer Advertiser, h 750 John
O'Loughlin, Bridget, domestic, 455 W Gray
O'Loughtner, Nora, domestic, 203 E Gray
Olsen, John, tailor, h 112 Ferris
O'Maher, James, Sherman House, 372 Railroad av
O'Neil Brothers (Owen and Michael), groceries, 705 Railroad av
O'Neil, Jeremiah, carpenter, bds 101 S Chestnut
O'Neil, John, shoemaker, bds Elmira House
O'Neil, Mary A., dressmaker, bds 101 S Chestnut
O'Neil, Michael (O'Neil Brothers), h 705 Railroad av
O'Neil, Michael J., teamster, h ft E Water
O'Neil, Owen (O'Neil Brothers), h 705 Railroad av
O'Neil, Susie, domestic Frasier House
O'Neil, Thomas, watchman, h 101 S Chestnut
O'Neil, William, engineer, h 657 Magee
O'Niel, Daniel, laborer, h 727 Lake
O'Niel, Don, boilermaker, h 606 S Main
O'Niel, Ellen, widow Michael, bds 606 S Main
O'Niel, Jeremiah, engineer, h 109 S 2d
O'Niel, Johanna, domestic Mack House
O'Niel, Mary, bds 101 W S Water
O'Niel, Owen, laborer, h 509 High
Orcutt, Charles, teamster, bds 460 W Hudson
O'Regan, John, watchman, h 315 W 5th
O'Reilly, Dennis, stonecutter, h 961 Oak
O'Riley, John, roller, bds 150 E Washington av
O'Riley, William, shearsman, h 150 E Washington av
Orr, Levi J., sashframer, h 852 Magee
Orvis, Emerson, gardener, h South av n Perine
Osborn, Oscar H., tailor, h 505 E Water
Osborn, Sylvester, carpenter, h 223 Thurston
Osborne, Eliza, widow John, h 350 Centre
Osborne, John, shoemaker, bds 350 Centre
Osborne, Kate M., milliner, bds 350 Centre
Osborne, Mary A., dressmaker, bds 350 Centre
Osburn, Charles S., shoemaker, bds 213 Fulton
Osburn, Emily, widow Levi, h 213 Fulton
O'Shaughnessey, Ann Mrs., h 670 Columbia
O'Shaughnessey, John, laborer, h 670 Columbia
O'Shaughnessey, Patrick F., laborer, h 670 Columbia
O'Shea, John, grocer, O'Gorman ab S Main, h do
O'Shea, Timothy, carpenter, h N. C. R. R., beyond city limits
Osman, James K.P., blacksmith, h 609 E Church
Osmun, Maria, widow John B., bds 513 Jefferson
Ostrander, Charles, brakeman, h Orchard cor John
Out, Theodore, tanner, bds 108 Spring
Overton, Maria W. Mrs., h 200 College av
Owen, Ann, widow Richard, h 450 Oak
Owen, Edward, spinner, bds 450 Oak
Owen, George H., h 316 Lake
Owens, Annie Mrs., h 223 W Water
Owens, George H., grocer, 557 E Church, h 559 do
Owens, Henry W., h 410 W Church
Owens, John, laborer, h 223 W Water
Owens, Joseph, engineer, h 428 Standish
Owens, Morris, helper, h 156 E Washington av
Oxford, Moses, coachman, h 115 N Main
Pack, John, helper, h 1306 Baldwin
Pack, Robert, catcher, bds 1306 Baldwin
Packard, Charles J., insurance agent, 102 W Water, bds do
Packard, Hattie, dressmaker, bds 417 N Main
Packard, Hobart H., internal revenue, N York, h 118 N Main
Packard, Maggie, bds 704 Baldwin
Packard, Martha, dressmaker, bds 417 N Main
Paddock, Mary E., widow Russel S., h 664 College av
Pagan, Rudolph, watchmaker, 212 E Water, h 51 Orchard
Pagett, Thomas A., student, bds 407 W Water
PAGETT, WILLIAM, tanner, also alderman 1st Ward, h 407 W Water
Paige, Sarah, widow Elliott, h 507 DeWitt
Paine, Horace A., secy Temperance Union, bds 218 DeWitt
Paine, Samuel H., bootmaker, h 218 DeWitt
Painton, George, fireman, h Pennsylvania av bel toll gate
Painton, Richard, switchman, bds Pennsylvania av n toll gate
Palmer, Angeline, widow Benjamin, h 324 E Water
Palmer, Avery M., carpenter, h 356 Walnut
Palmer, Charles M., mailing clerk postoffice, h Lormore cor Spaulding
Palmer, Eden, h 812 John
Palmer, Edward H. (Palmer & Decker), h 360 W Water
Palmer, Edward P., watchman, h 504 Columbia
Palmer, Emma, bds 603 Hoffman
Palmer, Erastus S., U. S. guager, 120 Lake, h 110 W Gray
Palmer, Fanton M., foreman, 203 E 2d, h 330 Centre
Palmer, George A., painter, bds 424 W Gray
Palmer, George A., shoemaker, bds 504 Columbia
PALMER, GEORGE E., tinware, 323 E Water, h 324 do
Palmer, George N., stove market, h 106 Orchard
Palmer, George W., planing mill, State cor E Gray, h 203 E Gray
Palmer, Griff D. (Beadle, Palmer & Co.), h Spaulding cor Lormore
Palmer, Hattie, bds 500 Lake
Palmer, Henry T., painter, 225 W Water, h 424 W Gray
Palmer, Manley, salesman, h S Chestnut n W Hudson
Palmer, M. Dwight, blacksmith, 311 W Water, h 312 do
PALMER, MARTIN S., manager Western Union also American District Telegraph Co., h Plank Road beyond limits
Palmer, Martin W., wheelwright, 227 W Water, h 109 W Market
Palmer, Orson W., insurance, 342 E Water, bds 500 Lake
Palmer, Sarah, widow William E., h 110 W Market
Palmer, William, cook, h 755 E 2d
Palmer & Decker (Edward H. Palmer and Casper S. Decker), tanners, Pennsylvania av cor Ann
Palterovitch, Simon Rev., bds 211 Gregg
Pandle, Annie, domestic Arbor Hotel
Pangborn, William, carpenter, h 401 Railroad av
Papineau, Frank, shoemaker, bds 905 John
Papineau, John, shoemaker, h 905 John
Pappineau, Augustus, shoemaker, h 317 W 4th
Pardoe, Thomas, gardener, h 953 Oak
PARK HOTEL, L.H. La Pierre, manager, College av cor Reformatory
Parker, Albert, shoemaker, bds 107 W 2d
Parker, Anna, teacher, bds 403 W Church
Parker, Daniel D., carpenter, h 301 E 4th
Parker, Edmund V., salesman, h 604 W Gray
Parker, George E., clerk, 201 Clinton, bds 513 Herrick
Parker, Jennie, dressmaker, bds 513 Herrick
Parker, John, laborer, h 603 Howard
Parker, John E., conductor, h 513 Herrick
Parker, Mary A., widow Edward, bds 367 Pennsylvania av
Parker, Richard, carriagemaker, h 402 Hoffman
Parkes, Sanford, clerk, 116 W 5th, h 108 do
Parkhurst, Gabriel H., salesman, 115 E Water, bds 417 E Market
PARKHURST, LEWIS D., physician, 332 E Water, bds do
Parkinson, James R., augermaker, h 513 W 4th
Parkinson, Thomas, clerk, h 407 W 3d
Parmelee, L.C., teacher, bds 510 E Church
PARMENTER, CHARLES H., clothier, 214 E Water, h 257 Baldwin
Parmenter, Maggie, domestic, 660 Park Place
Parmenter, Robert N., clerk, 111 E Water, h 458 W 1st
Parry, Edward, puddler, h 155 E Washington av
Parry, Philip, puddler, bds Park n E. R. R.
Parry, Thomas, puddler, h Park n E. R. R.
PARSONS, GRANVILLE D., mayor, 114 Baldwin, also clerk U. S. express, h 321 W 4th
Parsons, Guilford D., photographer, 134 W Water, h 627 W Gray
Parsons, Ida, teacher, bds 321 W 4th
Parsons, Janet, widow George W., h 669 Park Place
Parsons, Marcus M., dispatcher N. C. R. W., h 372 W 4th
Parsons, Theodore, laborer, h 713 Davis
Partridge, Charles R., student, bds 311 Lake
PARTRIDGE, HENRY M., lumber, 117 E Church, h 311 Lake
Partridge, Samuel, h Maple av n city limits
Pattengill, A.A., conductor, h 363 College av
Pattengill, Nellie, widow Milton R., bds 505 Park Place
Patterson, Abraham, laborer, h 826 Lincoln
Patterson, Electa, widow Reuben, bds 211 Judson
Patterson, Henrietta Mrs., h 502 W 1st
Patterson, James, laborer, bds Haselett ab S Main
Patterson, James L., cooper h 435 W 5th
Patterson, John, teamster, h 718 Walnut
Patterson, William E., laborer, h 503 Columbia
Pattinson, Francis, laborer, h 1021 Oak
PATTINSON HOUSE, Mrs. Mary E. Wells, 164 Baldwin
Pattinson, Thomas S., farmer, h 222 Baldwin
Pattinson, William B., clerk 329 E Water, bds 222 Baldwin
Patton, Mary Ann, widow John B., bds Jacob bel Pennsylvania av
Paulman, Charles, printer Gazette, h 415 Powell
Pautz, Fredericka, widow Charles, h 671 Lake
Pautz, Lewis, tinner, bds Pattinson House
Paxson, John, puddler, bds 701 Davis
Paxson, Joseph, bricklayer, h 701 Davis
Payne, Alfred T., painter, h 318 W 3d
Payne, Charles, hostler, 815 College av
Payne, Cora, cook Erie depot restaurant
Payne, Emma, domestic, 656 N Main
Payne, Henry, laborer, h E 6th n Dickinson
Payne, John, laborer, h 855 Dickinson
Payne, Mary L., domestic, E Market cor Madison av
Payne, Matilda Mrs., h 704 Baldwin
Payne, Sandy, bell-boy Rathbun House
Payne, Susan L., cook Erie lopot restaurant
Payne, Thomas, laborer, h 725 Baldwin
Payne, William, laborer, h 662 Dickinson
Payne, William Saunders, porter, h 355 E 5th
Peabody, Rebecca, h 317 Railroad av
Pearce, Charles W., baker, h 378 W 1st
Pearce, Frank, augermaker, bds 378 W 1st
Pearsall, E.B. Mrs., dressmaker, 215 Baldwin, h do
Pearse, Charles W., foreman 421 Railroad av, h 380 W 1st
Pease, Daniel W., tinsmith, h 443 W 5th
Pease, Salmon D., farmer, h 723 W 1st
Pease, Solomon B., h 959 Sullivan
Pease, Willeston, saloon, h 510 Jefferson
Peckham, Aaron, carpenter, h 306 Sullivan
Peckham, Mary, dressmaker, bds 306 Sullivan
Peckham, William, machinist, bds 306 Sullivan
Peer, Alexander, shoemaker, bds Mansion House
Peester, George, moulder, bds 1106 Lake
Pelbrough, Gaymer S., clerk, 309 W 4th, h 311 do
Pelbrough, Thomas G., grocer, 309 W 4th, h 311 do
Pelham, Austin, carpenter, h 429 W 4th
Pelham, F. Harvey, carpenter, h 813 W Church
Pelham, Henry, carpenter, h 744 W Church
Pelham, Issac, carpenter, h 158 W 3d
Pelta, Joseph, furniture, 359 Railroad av, h do
Pelta, Charles H., clerk, 304 E Water, bds 359 Railroad av
Pelta, Paulina, dressmaker, bds 359 Railroad av
Pelton, Aaron, express messenger, h 308 W 3d
Penny, Ira, farmer, h College av ab Reformatory
Penny, Lydia J., widow George, h 508 Pennsylvania av
Pennycost, Arthur, barber, bds 218 Madison av
Penrith, Adelia E., widow Isaac, bds 300 E Water
Percival, Thomas A., blacksmith, h 559 E 2d
Perkins, Charles P., asst. engineer, Maintenace of Way, N. C. R. W., h 409 N Main
Perkins, Margaret, widow Richard, h 408 Walnut
Perkins, Susan, widow William, h 412 S Broadway
Perrault, Mitchell, shoemaker, h 303 S Main
Perry, Aaron C., shoemaker, h 79 Pennsylvania av
Perry, Albert, carpenter, bds Bowman House
Perry, Ann K., bds 160 High
Perry, Annie, dressmaker, h 114 High
Perry, Helen J., music teacher, bds 373 W Clinton
Perry, Henry, laborer, h 712 Walnut
Perry, Hiram W., milkman, h 519 W Clinton
Perry, John K. (Perry & Co.), h 373 W Clinton
Perry, Nellie F., teacher, bds 373 W Clinton
Perry, Theodore B., clerk, 317 E Water, bds 373 W Clinton
Perry, Thomas (Perry & Scott), h 160 High
Perry, William H., music teacher, bds 373 W Clinton
PERRY & Co. (John K.), druggists, 317 E Water
PERRY & SCOTT (Thomas Perry and Edwin A. Scott), insurance and real estate agents, 342 E Water
PETERS, EZRA M., wines and liquors, 321 Carroll, bds do
Peters, George, engineer, h 1219 Hall