![]() |
Sheives George, h 16 S Main
Sheives William E., carpenter, bds 16 S Main Shemway Frederick, auger polisher, h 43 Clinton Shepard Eunice, widow Samuel, bds 22 Dewitt Shepard John, laborer, h 45 Clinton Sheppard Christopher C., h 227 Church Sheppard Peter, waiter Frasier House Sheppard William, hostler, 221 Church Shepperd John, bell boy Frasier House Shepperd William, waiter Frasier House Sherman Cyrus, auger maker, h 7 Park Place Sherman Eli B., mason, h 76 Second Sherman Frank, carpenter, bds 76 Second Sherman George W.,telegraph operator, bds 76 Second Sherry Ira C., baggage man, bds Hathaway House Sherry Lawrence, mason, h 8 Partridge Sherwood Ira, laborer, h 76 High Sherwood Mary, domestic Sixth cor Davis Sherwood N.M., Rev., h 138 Carroll Shewitt Jane Mrs., h Broadway n Hine |
SHIDLEN ERNST, furniture dealer 179 and 181 Water, h 185 do
Shilden Louis, clerk 179 Water, bds 185 do
Shields Alice, widow Michael, h 6 E Third
Shields John, mason, bds 14 Oak
Shields Peter, grocer 20 Oak, h 14 do
Shields Peter, machinist, bds 23 S Water
Shields William, clerk, bds 14 Oak
Shipman Abram, wheelwright, h 244 Water
Shipman Ansel, augermaker, h Columbia cor Fifth
Shipman Chauncey N., book-keeper 6 Baldwin, h 156 Church
Shockey Jacob, bds 59 High
Shoeler John, painter, h 25 Magee
Shoemaker James M., (Freeman & Shoemaker) h Fourth ab College ave
Shoemaker John H., (Bedell, Shoemaker & Co.) bds 57 Lake
Shoemaker Lewis, bartender Frasier House, bds do
Short Agnes, domestic 117 Lake
Short Jeremiah, laborer, h E Third cor Conongue
Showers Henry J., hairdresser, Pattison House, h 8 Baldwin
Shuhmann Louis, (Martin & Shuhmann) bds Fourth c Lake
Shultz Charles, baker, bds 45 Railroad ave
Shumway James C., hardware agent, h 39 Columbia
Sick Paul, laborer, h Carpenter n Oak
Sickles Charles, boatman, h 21 Standish
Sickles Daniel, carpenter, h 36 Dickinson
Sickles Frank, printer, bds 192 Lake
Sidles Mary, domestic 89 Church
Sigison Maria, widow William, h 83 Lake
Sigison William, bds 83 Lake
Sikes William, laborer, h Benjamin ab Fifth
Simberg Abram, peddler, h 83 Water
Simmons Nelson, shoemaker, h Partridge n school house
Simmons Richard, puddler, h Sixth n Canal
Simmons William, cabinet maker, bds 192 Lake
Simms Samuel L., engineer, h 67 Fourth
Simon Morris, h 32 E Second
Simons Austin, peddler, h Harriet n Church
Simons Josiah C., salesman 5 Railroad ave, h 66 Gray
Simons Noah, painter, h 5 Partridge
Simpkins Samuel, clerk 205 Water, bds Elmira House
Simpson James, laborer, h Hart n Woodlawn
Simpson John, porter, bds 43 Dickinson
Simpson Thomas, yardman, Hathaway House
Simpson William, clerk, bds 35 DeWitt
Sinot Thomas, laborer, h DeWitt n E Third
Sisk Eliza, widow Michael, h 73 Water
Sittenfield Solomon (Swartz & Sittenfield) h 11 High
Skahan Edward, laborer, h 54 Harper
Skank Samuel, barber, h 223 Water
Skeahan James, laborer, h 6 First
Skinner Charles W., (Skinner & Goodhue) h 1 DeWitt
Skinner E. V., salesman, bds Hathaway House
Skinner M. J. Mrs., bds 1 DeWitt
Skinner William, hostler, bds 33 William
SKINNER & GOODHUE, (Charles W. Skinner and Josiah C. Goodhue) liquor dealers, 2 and 3 Opera
Block, Carroll
Slack George W., teamster, h First ab Hoffman
Slade Mary , widow Frank, bds 78 John
Slater Catharine, widow Isaiah, h 92 Hudson
Slater Clara, domestic 44 S Water
Slattery William, blacksmith, h 42 Third
SLAUGHTER ARTHUR M., grocer 4 Lake, h 115 Church
Slee J. D. F., (J. Langdon & Co.) h 28 First
Slitely John, shoemaker, h Market n Judson
Slocum Calvin, wool spinner, bds 63 Factory
Slocum James C., contractor, h 46 Market
Sly Catherine Miss., h Maple av c Sly
Sly James M., (Sly & Straight) h 68 Second
Sly Matthew R., farmer, bds Male av c Sly
SLY & STRAIGHT (James M. Sly and William E. Straight) insurance agents 4 Baldwin
Small Lafayette, carpenter, bds Pennsylvania House
Smedes Ellen, domestic 84 Lake
Smedes Sarah, widow Levi, h Canal bel Washington ave
Smith Allen W., prison-keeper at Sing Sing, h 307 Water
Smith Amanda C., widow David, h 57 Washington
Smith Arnold, upholsterer, bds 5 Ann n Sly
Smith Benjamin A., h 75 Sullivan
Smith Benjamin D., brickmaker, bds Benton n Norton
Smith Benjamin F., carpenter, h 42 Main
Smith Charles, agent opera house, h 120 Market
Smith Charles, carpenter, h Penna ave c Partridge
Smith Charles, laborer, h 4 Dickinson
Smith Charles. Laborer, h Washington ave c Davis
Smith Charles B., shoemaker, h 5 College ave
Smith Charles E., clerk 161 Railroad ave, h 93 Market
Smith Chauncey, carpenter, h 44 Hudson
Smith Daniel (Smith, Lawrence & Co.) h 46 William
Smith Daniel G., carpenter, h 58 William
Smith David, carpenter, bds 62 Fourth
Smith David C., plumber, Water, h 1 College ave
Smith Delia, widow Franklin, bds 38 Fulton
Smith Edward, conductor, bds 57 Washington
Smith Elizabeth, domestic 20 William
Smith Elkanah, cooper, h 13 Partridge
Smith Ezekiel, teamster, h 33 Hudson
Smith E. B., baker at Corning, h 222 Church
Smith Fannie G., teacher, bds 19 Union
Smith Frederick W., book-keeper, Water opp College av, h 25 Conongue
Smith Gabriel L., (Smith & Hall) h 60 Sullivan
Smith George, laborer, h E Third c DeWitt
Smith George, porter, Homestead Hotel
Smith George S., (Smith & Elliott) h 9 High
Smith Harriet Mrs., h 42 S Main
Smith Harrison, cradle builder, bds 141 Lake
Smith Harvey, clerk, h 8 S Main
Smith Henry, carpet weaver 27 E Union, h do
Smith Henry, conductor, h 278 Church
Smith Henry, laborer, h E Union c Jones lane
Smith Henry B., farmer, h Benton n Norton
Smith Henry B., station agent E R W depot, h 74 College ave
Smith Henry B. jr., clerk E R W freight office, bds 74 College av
Smith Henry S. laborer, h Carpenter n Pratt
Smith Hiram F., tailor, h 20 Pennsylvania ave
Smith Hiram T., lumber inspector, h 45 Clinton
SMITH HOWARD M., wholesale dealer in coal, also secretary Elmira Slate Co.,
166 Church, h 247 do
Smith Huron O., carpenter, h 16 Harmon
Smith H. Boardman., (Smith, Robertson & Fassett) h Penna av c Mt Zoar
Smith Isaac S., carpenter, h 15 Hudson
Smith James, waiter 173 Water
Smith James H., tinsmith, h 7 Orchard
Smith Jane K., widow C. G., h Third c Main
Smith John, carpenter, h 8 Harriet
Smith John, coachman, bds 279 Church
Smith John, laborer, h 16 Dickinson
Smith John, teamster, h 31 Water
Smith John H., segarmaker, bds 115 Lake
Smith John S., farmer, h 13 Mt Zoar
Smith Joseph A. (Smith & Ward) h Clinton ab College ave
Smith Joseph H., salesman, h 66 Main
Smith Julia, domestic 21 Main
Smith Julius J., (Smith & Co) h at Waterloo
Smith Lewis, mattress manufacturer, 7 Sullivan, bds do
Smith Lewis M., (Smith & Hall) h Columbia c First
Smith Lucius M, sash, doors and blinds, William, h 46 Fourth
Smith Matthias (Hannah & Smith)
Smith Mary J., domestic, Lake c Oak
Smith Millie C. Miss, teacher Lake, bds 19 E Union
Smith Minnie E., hairdresser, h Day n Sullivan
Smith Nellie F., teacher, bds 13 S Water
Smith Norman, physician, bds 13 S Water
Smith Otis H. (Smith & Co) h Sixth c Davis
Smith Orlando N., city collector Water, h 13 S Water
Smith Philip, laborer, h Hall n Center
Smith Robert, carpenter, h 141 Lake
Smith Robert, mason, h 11 E Fifth
SMITH ROBERT T., machinist, also alderman 7th Ward, 194 Lake, h do
Smith Robert V., laborer, h 3 Jones’ la
Smith Ruth Mrs., h 79 Water
Smith Samuel B., bds 278 Church
Smith Samuel C., carpenter, h Elm n Hart
Smith Seymour, supt. Bridges N. C. R. W. h 62 College ave
Smith Simeon T., brick maker, bds Benton n Norton
Smith Susan Miss, bds 12 Main
Smith S. B. cooper 273 Water, h 274 do
Smith Theodore G., deputy County clerk, h 5 ½ Hudson
Smith Thomas, blacksmith, h Stowell
Smith Thomas, clerk, h 44 Conongue
Smith Timothy J., clerk 108 Water, bds 7 S Main
Smith Walter H., laborer, bds 14 Standish
Smith Wilbur N., upholsterer, bds 307 Water
Smith William K., farmer, bds 13 Mt Zoar
SMITH WILLIAM S., carriage maker, 65 Water, h 9 High
Smith W. B, h 74 Second
SMITH, LAWRENCE & CO., (Michael Richardson, Daniel Smith and Thomas Lawrence)
Confectionery manufacturers, 29 Lake
SMITH , ROBERTSON & FASSETT, (H. Boardman Smith, Archibald A. Robertson and Newton
P. Fassett) lawyers 4 and 5 Opera Block
SMITH & CO., (O.H. and J.J. Smith) tin, glass and earthenware, 161 Railroad ave
Smith & Elliott, (George S. Smith and George W. Elliott) grocers 188 Water
Smith & Hall,(Lewis M. Smith and Francis G. Hall) bankers 12 Baldwin
SMITH & HILL (Gabriel L. Smith and David B Hill) lawyers 149 Water
Smith & Ward, (J. A. Smith and W. A. Ward) curriers 39 Clinton
Smithers John J., moulder, h Hathaway cor Dickinson
Snedeker Charles C., (Pixley & Snedeker) bds Hathaway House
Snell Henry C., carpenter, h 323 Water
Snell William, hostler, 53 Lake
Snellegar John, carpenter, h 102 Church
SNOOK ALANSON L.,(Hart & Snook) bds Elmira House
Snow Martha, domestic 31 College ave
Snowden Mary, widow Philip, h Baldwin opp Bark Works
Snowden Philip, teamster, bds Dickinson ab Fourth
Snyder Aloise, barkeeper 139 Railroad ave
Snyder Henry S., carpenter, 283 Church
Snyder Jacob, hotel, 137 Railroad ave
Snyder John, gardener, h 56 John
Snyder Louis, (Snyder & Bloss) h 25 Carroll
Snyder Mary A., teacher, bds 283 Church
SNYDER & BLOSS, (Louis Snyder and George Bloss) music hall and billiards, Carroll cor Lake
Solomon Simon, peddler, h Spring n Water
Sopke William, upholsterer, bds 135 Railroad ave
Souders Samuel H., picture framemaker, bds 254 Water
SOULE ANDREW V., sewing machine agent 34 Baldwin ab Market, bds 11 Fox
Southwick Thomas, shoemaker, h 288 Church
Souvey Alexis, (Wallace & Souvey) h 5 Sullivan
Spangler Adam, artist, h 105 Lake
Spaulding Charles H., (Spaulding & Son) h 31 Main
SPAULDING H. C. & SON, (C H Spaulding) lumber and coal, 38 Fifth cor Canal
Spaulding Thomas S., county judge and surrogate, Court House, h College ave cor Broadway
Spaulding William, carpenter, h 12 Sullivan
Spencer Alice, domestic Water cor Fox
Spencer Dorinda, widow Edwin, h 24 Fourth
Spencer George S., carpenter, h 68 Fourth
Spencer Lydia F., widow Henry, bds 16 Gray
Spencer Orran D., carpenter, bds 2 Gray
Spencer Theodore C., carpenter, h 24 Third
Sperl John (M. Steger & Co) h 20 Conongue
Spickerman Levi B., carpenter, h 7 Water
Spillan John, shoemaker, h Church n Hoffman
Spillane Jeremiah, laborer, h Walnut n Hudson
Spires Anthony, laborer, h Benton n Center
Sprague Charles B., carriage builder, bds Homestead Hotel
Sprague Edward P., musician, h 21 Conongue
Sprigg Charles B., carriage maker, bds Homestead Hotel
Springer James, laborer, h 51 Dickinson
Sproul Ann, widow Charles, bds 23 Orchard
Squires Montgomery N., tobacconist, h 47 S Water
Squires Truman H. physician, 126 Church, h do
Stabler John F. A., tailor 161 Water, h do
Stacker E. M., insurance agent, bds Homestead Hotel
Stage Chauncey, laborer, h Hart n Davis
Stage Clark, slater, h Spring n John
Stage Converse, brakeman, bds Washington n Hoffman
Stage Isaac, carpenter, Washington n Hoffman
Stage Jacob, carter, h Munroe n the river
Stage Martha, domestic, 14 Gray
Stage Rexford, wheelwright, bds Washington n Hoffman
Stagg William E., h 56 William
Stagg William E., fruit dealer, h 26 College ave
Stahl Charles, laborer, 2 S Main
Stahl Jacob Rev., h 10 High
Stahl Nathan J., barkeeper, E R W pass depot,,bds 10 High
Stampp Adam, (Schornstheimer & Stampp) h 110 Lake
Stanchfield John K., physician, Main ab Water, h do
Stanley Fidelia E. Mrs., matron Elmira Female College , h do
Stanley Hoyt, salesman, h 38 Water
Stanley Lawrence, h 48 Third
Stanley Star, shoe maker, bds 38 Water
Stanton Wilber F., carpenter, h Benton n Division
Stanwood E Harriet, teacher Elmira Female College, h do
Stapleton John, laborer, h S Second c Railroad
Stapleton Patrick, laborer, h Powell n Franklin
Stark Chandler H., grainer and decorator, 1 Opera Block, h do
Starks Charlotte, widow Washington, h 154 Water
Stasch Emmel, tinsmith, bds 2 DeWitt
Stauch Lewis, (Stauch & Hitt) h 25 Henry
Stebbins Rosa, domestic Elmira House
Steele Frederick C., (F.C. Steele &Co.) h 213 Church
STEELE F. C. & CO., (Jackson Richardson) boot and shoe factory, Church ab Baldwin
Steele Sophia M Mrs., asst matron Elmira Female College, h do
Steen A. G., book-keeper 147 Water, bds 30 E Second
Steen F. M., bds 30 E Second
Steeples Martha, widow John, h 104 Church
Steere Charles, shoe maker, h 253 Water
Steger Michael, (M. Steger & Co.) h 133 Railroad ave
STEGER M. & CO. (Michael Steger and John Sperl) meat market, 25 Carroll
Steiger Conrad, carpet weaver, h 51 Water
Steiger Matthew, laborer, h Sullivan n creek
Steinhauser George, tailor, h 14 Orchard
Stephens Daniel, h 68 Lake
Stephens Lafayette, pipe, tubes &c., Railroad ave, h 72 Gray
Stephens Robert (Murdock & Stephens) h 68 Lake
Stephens Sarah, widow Charles, h 104 Water
Stephens______, mason, bds 1 Magee
Stephenson Ellen Mrs., h 92 Market
Stevens Charles, bridge builder, bds Pennsylvania House
Stevens Charles F., clerk 222 Water, h Gray
Stevens George F.,clerk Rathbun House, bds do
Stevens Hannah, domestic Hoffman n Washington Ave
Stevens Mary, widow William , h 79 Church
Stevens Thomas P., painter, bds 79 Church
Stevens William H., bds 79 Church
Stevenson Hiram, blacksmith, h 20 First
Steves William, tinsmith, bds Sixth c Davis
Stewart Martin, laborer, h 42 Dickinson
Stewart Thomas H., laborer, h 5 Dickinson
Stewart William, boatman, h 200 Church
Stewart William, painter, h56 Market
Stilbo John, boots and shoes, Water, h 9 Harmon
Stiles Isaac, boots and shoes 236 Water, h 19 Mt Zoar
Stiles Samuel S., printer 26 Carroll, h 18 High
Stiles William, mason, h Clinton n E Fifth
Stilson Jennie, widow Lyman, bds 308 Water
Stilson William (Stilson & Fitch) h 109 Lake
STILSON & FITCH (William Stilson and William H. Fitch) boots and shoes 153 Water
Stilwell William M., grocer 41 Railroad av, h 60 W Third
Stirling John, coachman, Willow brook
St. John Edgar, book-keeper Elmira Car Works, h 235 Church
Stobo John, boots and shoes 152 Water, h Harmon
Stoch Ameul, tinner, bds 2 DeWitt
Stock David H., mason, h 80 High
Stoddard Holmes, roller, h 31 Davis
Stoll A. C., boatbuilder, Conongue n Canal, h 20 E Second
Stoll Adam, shoemaker, h 52 Henry
Stoll Donlevy, carpenter, bds 20 E Second
Stoll Joseph C., h 26 E Second
Stoll William, h E Union ab Second
Stoll William H., clerk, bds E Union ab Second
Stone Clara, widow Henry S., h 113 Gray
Stone Err, carpenter, h 35 Fourth
Stone Jerome D., carpenter, h 79 Mt Zoar
Stone J. K., insurance agent, 163 Water
Stone Larran J., carpenter, h 53 First
Stone Martha W., dressmaker, h 113 Gray
Stone Myron C., carpenter, h 75 Fifth
Stone Nathan, carpenter, bds 68 Baldwin
Stone Russell, engineer, h 85 Second
Stonemets Betsy A.,widow Jacob, h 9 Sullivan
Stonemetz John H., printer "Gazette", h 17 Gregg
Storm Albert, laborer, h Hart n Hoffman
Storms William, farmer, h W Hill n city limits
Story Charles F., carpenter, h 49 Baldwin
Stout John, painter, h 124 Baldwin
Stover William, teamster, h 12 Jay
Stowe Charles W., millwright h Dewitt ab E Second
Stowell Abel, carpenter, 21 William, h do
Stowell Alexander, bds 74 Main
Stowell Charles, carpenter,bds 21 William
Stowell Emery, clerk, bds 21 William
Stowell Francis A. (F. A. Stowell & Co) h 114 Church c DeWitt
STOWELL F. A. & CO. (Daniel and George E Pratt and C. F. Carrier) wholesale hardware 32 Lake
Stowell Henry C., book-keeper 112 Water, bds 21 William
Stowell James, conductor, h 74 Main
Stowell James H., (J.H. Stowell & Co.) h 74 Main
Stowell J. H. & Co. (James H Stowell and A W H Averill) lime kiln, Washington av n canal
Stowell John E. (Stowell, Plowman & Co) also assistant cashier Second National Bank, h 21 William
Stowell Rufus R. (Stowell, Plowman & Co) h 112 Church c DeWitt
Stowell William H. (Barney, Stowell & Davis) bds 21 William
STOWELL,PLOWMAN & CO., (Rufus R Stowell, William H. Plowman and John E Stowell)
Hardware and stoves 112 Water
Strachen Hester, widow Thomas , h 1 Dickinson
Strachen John, blacksmith, h 200 Lake
Strachen Robert, teamster, bds 1 Dickinson
Strader Alfred, cradlemaker, h Lake n Thurston
Strader Peter, cradlemaker , bds Lake n Thurston
Straight William E., (Sly & Straight) h Columbia c First
Strait David, teamster, h 62 Second
Strait Martin V. miller, h Magee n Park
STRANG HENRY W., jeweler 147 Water, h 41 ½ Main
Stratton George, laborer, h 57 Fourth
Strauss Herman, clerk, 3 Union Block, bds do
Strauss Louis, (Strauss & Samuel), h 54 Water
Strauss & Samuel ( Louis Strauss and Albert Samuel) dry goods, 3 Union Block
Strock Jesse K., (Strock & Westlake) h Hathaway House
STROCK & WESTLAKE, (Jesse K. Strock and Henry S Westlake) Hathaway House, Lake cor Market
Strode James, master mechanic, N C R W h 56 S Main
Stroman Charles P., painter, h 23 Market
Strong Eliza, widow Chester D., h 2 Hudson
Strong Pamelia M., teacher, h 66 Water
Strong Sarah Mrs., h 68 William
Strong William, teamster, h 12 Standish
Strouse Harvey H., teamster, h West Hill n Hart
Strouse Jacob E. laborer, bds West Hill n Hart
Strouse Joseph, carpenter, h Judson n John
Strouse Joseph V., laborer, h 98 Baldwin
STRUPPLER GEORGE A., hotel, 131 Railroad av
Struthers Robert, iron worker, h 80 Sullivan
Struthers Samuel, iron worker, bds 80 Sullivan
Stryker Mary, saleslady 189 Water, bds Water
Stuart Charles B. (Stuart & Ufford) h 44 William
Stuart Leslie, shoe cutter, bds 33 Railroad ave
Stuart Ryerson H., conductor, h Lake cor Washington av
STUART & UFFORD (Charles B. Stuart and Daniel E Ufford) merchant tailors 17 Lake
Stull Edward D.,painter, h 145 Second
Stumfle John, blacksmith, h DeWitt bel E Third
Sturdevant Alvin B., carpenter, h Herrick n Franklin
Sturdevant _________, shoemaker, bds 204 Water
Sturges Francis J., carpenter, h 20 Third
Suess Philip, barber Frasier House, bds College av n Third
Suffern Eliza Miss, h 86 Gray
Sugden James, carpenter, h Canal n Fifth
Sullivan Andrew, laborer, h 46 Sullivan
Sullivan Bartholomew, laborer, h Broadway ab Fulton
Sullivan Bartholomew, laborer, bds 49 S Water
Sullivan Catharine, widow Timothy, h Baldwin n Canal
Sullivan Cornelius, laborer, h Hathaway cor Dickinson
Sullivan Cornelius, watchman, h 76 Washington ave
Sullivan Daniel, laborer, h 7 Elizabeth
Sullivan Daniel, laborer, h Elm ab Fulton
Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h Broadway n Hine
Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h Jacob n Penna ave
Sullivan Ellen, domestic 81 Baldwin
Sullivan Ellen, domestic 97 Clinton
Sullivan Florence, news depot, post office, h 85 Church
Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, h 3 Elizabeth
Sullivan Johanna, domestic 41 ½ Main
Sullivan John, h 57 Columbia
Sullivan John, blacksmith, h Third n Grove
Sullivan John, laborer, h Chestnut n Elm
Sullivan John, shoemaker, h 12 Fulton
Sullivan John D., peddler, h 30 Fulton
Sullivan Kate, domestic, 15 William
Sullivan Maggie, domestic, Market bel High
Sullivan Maggie, waitress Homestead Hotel
Sullivan Mark, bricklayer, bds 30 Fulton
Sullivan Mary, assistant cook, Frasier House
Sullivan Mary, domestic 49 First
Sullivan Mary, domestic 29 Gray
Sullivan Mary, domestic 72 Second
Sullivan Mary, widow Michael, h Elm cor Third
Sullivan Michael, bricklayer, bds River n Chestnut
Sullivan Michael, laborer, bds First n Railroad ave
Sullivan Michael, laborer, h 6 E Third
Sullivan Michael J., printer, Gazette, bds 25 Water
Sullivan Minnie, domestic 2 Conongue
Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h Chestnut bel Hudson
Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h 15 Magee
Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h Main n Broadway
Sullivan Patrick K., stone mason, h 76 Mt Zoar
Sullivan Roger, teamster, bds Pattison House
Sullivan Thomas, laborer, h 53 Hudson
Sullivan Thomas, laborer, h River n Chestnut
Sullivan Timothy, laborer, h 15 Oak
Sullivan Timothy, shoemaker, bds Chestnut n S Elm
Sullivan William, wagonmaker, h 25 Water
Sultz Robert, peddler, h E Second c Conongue
Surbridge Frederick G., city missionary, h 38 Gray
Surgandy William, haircutter, bds 51 Water
Surganty Joseph, tailor, h 53 Water
Surganty Joseph, tailor, h 53 Water
Susbery Margaret, widow Willis, h 13 Dickinson
Susemihl Herman, barber 10 Baldwin, bds Ann n Sly
Sutherley Isaac N., farmer, h Water n Hoffman
Sutton Amery N., wool-spinner, h 63 Factory
Sutton Charles R., wool-spinner, bds 63 Factory
Sutton David, carpenter, h 34 Water
Sutton Henry, blacksmith, bds 65 College av
Sutton William, shoemaker, bds 146 Second
Swails Jesse A., porter, h 8 Oak
Swails Johanna, widow Peter, h 23 Jay
Swain George, stone mason, bds 38 Washington
Swan Charles, insurance agent 13 Baldwin, h 257 Church
Swan Charles C., book-keeper 101 Water, bds do
Swan Daniel N., clerk, bds 44 Fulton
Swan Erastus A., carpenter, h 26 Washington av
Swan Hannah, widow William, bds 257 Church
Swan John V., insurance agent, h 44 Fulton
Swan Matthew V., h 7 S Main
Swan Robert, clerk 13 Baldwin, h Penna av c Franklin
Swartout Mary A., h r 55 Baldwin
Swartz Emanuel, boilermaker, bds 98 First
Swartz Fabian (Swartz & Sittenfield) h 45 Market
Swartz & Sittenfield (Fabian Swartz and Solomon Sittenfield) hides, 199 Water
Swayze Wilson, mason, h 6 Penna av
Sweeney Annie, cloth worker, bds 6 Jay
Sweeny Daniel, stonecutter, bds 105 Railroad av
Sweeney Edward, cloth-worker, bds 6 Jay
Sweeny Felix, barber, h 47 John
Sweeney, John, laborer, h 6 Beach
Sweeney Mary, domestic High c Church
Sweeny Mary, widow Patrick, h Chestnut n S Main
Sweeny Michael, stonemason, bds 21 Third
Sweeney Owen, stonecutter, h 6 Jay
Sweeney Patrick, mason, h Factory c Howard
Swift E L., clerk E R W Pass depot, h 209 Church