![]() |
Holden James, h 69 Fist Holland Alfred, laborer, h 43 Dickinson Holland Mary, domestic, Third, n Railroad av Holland Michael, laborer, bds 16 E Second Holland Peter, shoemaker, h 27 Jay Holland Thomas, laborer, h Chestnut, bel Hudson Hollearn Abbie, widow Michael, h Stowell Hollenback John W. salesman, 202 Wqter Hollenstein Wernert, shoemaker, bds 185 Water Holleran Mary, widow Michael, h 6 Partridge Holleran Michael, driver bds Water, c High Holley Martha, milliner, 113 Water, h do Holley Seth E. baggage master, h Penn’a av, c Elm Hollister Filmore, farmer, h Clinton, n Grove |
Holloran John, car builder, bds 193 Railroad av
Holloran Thomas, iron worker, bds 193 Railroad av
Holloday Freeman, sewing machine agent, h 57 First
Holloday Martha J. widow James, h 4 First
Holly Davis, painter, h 124 Lake
Holly George, puddler, h Seventh, n Canal
No Spiral Springs in the "V I C T O R", Caldwell’s Block |
Holly Jane, widow William, bds Washington av, n Stowell
Holly Mary, domestic, 57 Lake
Holly Sarah, widow Samuel, dressmaker, h 124 Lake
Holmes Horace H. conductor, h 63 College av
Holmes, shoemaker, bds 7 Third
Holohan Lawrence, laborer, bds First, n Railroad av
Holoran Michael, laborer, bds First, n Railroad av
Holren Martin, laborer, h 8 E Third
Holstine Barnhard, peddler, h 22 Water
Holt Edwin C. blacksmith, h 62 Fourth
Holton John, blacksmith, bds Penn’a av, ab Franklin\
Holtzapple Adam G. blacksmith, h Penn’a av n Franklin
Holzheimer Lewis (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.) h 56 Water
Homer William H. engineer, h 91 Clinton
Homes Charles, laborer, bds Conongue, n Clinton
Homes Russel, machinist, bds 104 Baldwin
Homes William, barber, 188 Water, h do
Homes William, laborer, bds Conongue, n Clinton
Homes William, stone mason, h Herrick, n Franklin
Hommison Fanny, h Davis, n Second
Hooey Albert S. carpenter, h 7 Park Plae
Hooker Catharine, widow Warren T. h 104 Baldwin
Hooker Edson, carpenter, h Walnut c Millard
Hooker George, teamster, bds 104 Baldwin
Hooper Charles, waiter, h Perry n E Second
Hopkins Alfred, horse dealer, h 29 Washington av
Hopkins Cornelia, dressmaker, bds 27 First
Hopkins Miles A. bookkeeper, 108 Water bds 122 Market
Hopkins S. N. (Hopkins & Wilson) bds 122 Market
Hopkins & Wilson, (S. N. Hopkins and J. D. Wilson) dry goods, 108 Water
HOPPE CHARLES, hairdresser, 10 Baldwin h 8 do
HOPPE LOUISE MRS, human hair goods, 10 Baldwin h 8 do (See adv)
Hopson George, grocer, 22 Dickinson h 31 do
Horan James, carpenter, bds 28 Orchard
Horllon John, laborer, h Washington av n Pratt
Horllon Patrick, laborer, h Washington av c Pratt
Hornell Charles, painter, bds DeWitt ab E Second
Hornell Harriet, widow Joseph, h DeWitt ab E Second
Horner Benjamin S. book-keeper, 4 Baldwin bds 10 Oak
Horrocks Joshua, printer Gazette, bds 69 Gray
Horton William W. liquors, h 357 Water
HENRY E. DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Hosford Seymour, carpenter, h 78 Fourth
Hoskins Francis D. Rev. h 4 Main
Hossley John, laborer, h Benjamin n Canal
Hotchkin Samuel, flour and feed mills, Water opp College av h 30 Park Place
Hotchkiss Alvin, brakeman, bds 89 Clinton
Hotchkiss Annie E. teacher, h 50 Market
Hotchkiss Thomas W. lumber, h 13 Baldwin
Hotlinger Peter, cigarmaker, bds Pennsylvania House
House Jeremiah E. propr city hospital, 353 Water h do
Houstein Henry, machinist, bds 128 Baldwin
Houston Amelia, saleslady, 189 Water bds Lake
Houston J. W. hats, caps &c. Water bds Rathbun House
Howard Anthony, laborer, h Magee c Fifth
Howard Charles A. shoemaker, bds 202 Water
Howard Dennis, laborer, h 19 First
Howard Henry, shoemaker, bds 21 E Union
Howard John, salesman, bds Grove c First
Howard John A. laborer, h 111 Baldwin
Howard John J. cabinetmaker, h 34 Hatch
Howard Kate, domestic, Rathbun House
Howard Mary, domestic, 15 Colllege av
Howard Mary A. domestic, 326 Water
Howard Oliver H. painter, h Hathaway n Lake
Howard O. F. dancing teacher, h 202 Water
Howard Theodore, carpenter, h 10 Penna av
Howard Thomas, shoemaker, Clinton n Main, h 7 Park Place
Howe Henry F. oil producer, h 86 Clinton
Howell D. Everett, stock dealer, h W Hill cor Hart
Howell Eunice, teacher, bds 233 Church
Howell John V. engineer, h 22 Fourth
Howell Mary, domestic, Lake n Washington av
Howell Sarah B. widow Dr. Asa R. bds 97 Lake
Howell William H. (William H. Howell & Co.) h 44 S Main
Howell William H. & Co. (Daniel Aber) S Main cor Mt. Zoar
Howells Evan, hammerman, h 69 Washington
Howes Ephraim W. (E. W. Howes & Co.) h 4 Conongue
HOWES E. W. & CO. (Ephraim W. Howes and Lorenzo Howes) liquor dealers, 3 Carroll
Howes Lorenzo, ( E. W. Howes & Co.) h 33 Conongue
Howland Howard C. bookkeeper, 37 Carroll, h 32 Sullivan
Howland James B. teamster, h Franklin n Balsam
Howley Bart, laborer, h Seventh n Canal
Hubbard Henry D. bookkeeper, 20 Lake, bds 15 William
Every Motion positive, in the "V I C T O R" Sewing Machine |
Hubbard, Mary, domestic, 233 Church
Hubbell Charles, clerk, 174 Water, bds 41 First
HUBBELL ELI S. general sales agent M. C. Merur & Co. 60 Second, h 68½ Gray
Hubbell Ira C. clerk, 34 Lake, bds do
HUBBELL SAMUEL B. furniture, $c 174 Water, h 41 First (See adv)
Hudson Adelbert, (Foster & Hudson) h 74 Market
Hudson John, gardener, bds 12 Jay
Huely Hugh, laborer, h Munrow n the river
Hugenier Elizabeth, widow Lambert, h 57 Railroad av
Hughes David, roller, bds 69 Washington av
Hughes Edward, blacksmith, h 65 College av
Hughes George, laborer, bds 46 Oak
Hughes John, blacksmith, h Oak cor Wash. Av
Hughes John, laborer, h Hathaway bel Lake
Hughes Kate, domestic, 190 Water
Hughes Thomas, laborer, h 6 Harriett
Hughes Thomas, laborer, h 46 Oak
Hulbert Mary, widow George, 139 Lake
Hulse Celia, widow Rensler, h Church n Sullivan
Hultin Hans, blacksmith, bds Pennsylvania ave ab Franklin
Hultin John, blacksmith, bds Pennsylvania ave ab Franklin
Hummel Gottlieb, hotel, 127 Railroad ave
Humphrey John, cabinetmaker, h 18 E Second
Humphrey John, traveling agent, h 18 College ave
Humphrey John Mrs. florist, 18 E Second, h do
Humphrey Joseph S. (L. A. Humphrey & Co.) h 24 S Main
Humphrey J. B. Mrs. milliner, h Church cor College ave
Humphrey Lucius A. (L. A. Humphrey & Co.) bds 24 S. Main
HENRY E. DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Humphrey L. A. & Co. (J. S. Humphrey,) boots and shoes 182 Water
Humphreys Robert, laborer, bds 4 Dickson
Hungerford Elizabeth, widow, h 31 Jay
Hunt Alfred, carpenter, h Pleasant ab Mt. Zoar
Hunt Amanda L. Miss, h 10 Mt. Zoar
Hunt Elizabeth A. widow William G. h 6 Gray
Hunt Franklin, laborer, h 14 College ave
Hunt George, laborer, bds 23 Orchard
Hunt George A. clerk, 6 Lake bds 6 Gray
Hunt Julia Miss, saleslady, 11 Baldwin, bds 6 Gray
HUNT ROSWELL, proprietor Delevan House, Railroad ave cor Clinton
Hunt Sarah, widow Benjamin, h 80 Gray
Hunt Thomas, h 10 Mt. Zoar
Hunt William P. clerk E R W freight office, h 6 Gray
Hunter William H. laborer, h 12 E Third
Huntington Richard J. clerk, 15 Baldwin, h 6 Lake
HUNTLEY E. S. collector Elmira Advertiser, Lake cor Market, h 103 Lake
Hurd Eugene, clerk, bds Hathaway House
Hurd Moses, printer, h Clinton n Sullivan
Hurd William, laborer, bds 60 Columbia
HURLBURT JOHN S. painter, 156 Water, h 115½ Water
Hurlburt Luman D. constable, h 12 Gray
Hurley Dennis, laborer, h Magee N Washington ave
Hurley John, iron-worker, h Magee n North
Hurley John, laborer, h Walnut ab Hudson
Hurley Lawrence, laborer, h 86 Hudson
Hurley Mary, domestic, Frasier House
Hurley Timothy, iron-worker, h Main c Broadway
Hurvich Marx (Rothchild & Hurvich,) bds Rathbun House
Huston James C. printer, "Gazette," h 54 Sullivan n E Second
Huston John W. (Hoffman & Huston,) bds Rathbun House
Hutchinson Charles, postal clerk, bds Sixth n College av
Hutchinson Eliza, widow William, h 36 Orchard
Hutchinson E.P. bookkeeper, Rathbun block, h Sixth n College av
Hutchinson William A. auctioneer, 159 Water, bds 15 Washington
Hutchinson --------, farmer, h Water n W city limits
Hutton John, iron-worker, h 71 Fifth
Hyde Abram, clerk, 28 Lake, h 81 Church
Hylen Robert F. city assessor, h 44 Baldwin
Hylen William L. clerk, 100 Water, bds 44 Baldwin
Hyson William, bds 60 S Water
Buy the "VICTOR" and be happy. Store in Caldwell’s Block |
Icke Martin, varnisher, h 66 Washington
Impson John, laborer, h W Elmira
Ingersoll Fred H. clerk, bds 362 Water
Ingersoll Henry H. clerk, 110 Water, h 362 Water
Ingersoll Orrissa, widow Herman H. h 362 Water
Ingersoll Seely, clerk, 106 Water, bds 362 Water
Ingham John Q. cabinet maker, h 51 Third
Ingraham Clark S (C.S. & F. Ingraham,) bds 92 Market
Ingraham C. S. & F. durggists, 202 Water
Ingraham David, insurance agent, bds 25 First
Ingraham Francis ( C. S. & F. Ingraham) h 78 Second
Ingram John, shoemaker, bds 118 Market
Inscho Obediah, quarryman, h 12 Water
Institute of the Sisters of St. Mary, Market c High, Sister Mary Clafer, Mother Superior
Irvine O. G. (Gleason & Irvine) h 103 College av
Ireland Merritt, painter, bds 69 Second
Irvine Bridget, h Broadway, n Franklin
Irvine John, butcher, bds Broadway, n Franklin
Irvine O. G. grocer, Baldwin, bds College av, ab Washington
Irvine William Gene’l, h College av, ab Washington av
Isham Morris, shoemaker, h 25 DeWitt
Jackson Benjamin, laborer, h N Oak, n Fifth
Jackson Benjamin, porter, 6 Baldwin, h 32 Dickinson
Jackson Benjamin, laborer, bds Clinton, n E Third
Jackson Frank, dressmaker, h Perry, n E Second
Jackson George W. drayman, h 18 E Third
Jackson Henry, waiter, Arbour Hotel
Jackson Henry, waiter, h Perry, n E Second
Jackson James, laborer, h Washington av, n Woodlawn
Jackson John, laborer, h Dickinson, ab Fourth
Jackson John A. laborer, h Woodlawn, nLogan
JACKSON JOHN S. wood and lumber, 20 Church, h do
Jackson Luther J. shoemaker, h Hoffman n First
Jackson Mary, domestic, Penn’a House
Jackson William, laborer, h Benjamin ab Fifth
Jacobs Charles, laborer, h Walnut c Washington av
Jacobs Edgar, hacksriver, bds Central House
HENRY E DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Jacobs Henry, teamster, h Clinton ab Lake
Jacobs Julius, h 24 High
Jacobs Max, clothier, 175 Water, h 24 High
Jacot Agatha Elise, techer, Elmira Female College, h do
James Isaac, puddler, bds 69 Washington av
James William H. carpenter, h 18 Standish
Jarvis Benjamin F. clerk, 11 Railroad av, bds 202 Water
JEFFERS WILLIAM M. planing and saw mill, junction Lake and William, h 57 William
Jeffers Samuel G. scroll sawyer, h Perry c Clinton
Jenkins Calvin L. h 52 Main
Jenkins Edward M. painter, h 46 Sullivan
Jenkins Edward S. machinist, h 30 Hudson
Jenkins Louisa, domestic, 1 Woodlawn
Jennings John P. machine agent, bds 49 Baldwin
Jennison Luther P. shoemaker, h Hart n Hoffman
Jennison Luther P jr. shoemaker, bds Hart n Hoffman
Jennison Nathaan B. shoemaker, h Hart n Hoffman
Jervis Clara Mrs bds 56 Washington av
Jervis Joel, teamster, h 55 Washington
Jeudevine Charles, sup’t on R R. bds 47 Fourth
Jeudevine William roadmaster N C R W , 46 Fifth, h 47 Fourth
Jewel Charles E. watchmaker, bds 202 Water
Jewett Arthur L. express messenger, h 68 College av
Jewett Thomas M. h 69 College av
Johnson Alonzo, shoemaker, h 217 Railroad av
Johnson Catharine L. widow I. G. h 118 Market
Johnson Charles B. hotel, 157 Railroad av
Johnson Edward L. (Flatt & Johnson,) h 57 Baldwin
Johnson Emily, widow David F. bds 48 S Water
Johnson Frank, clerk, 154 Water, bds 9 Pennsylvania av
Johnson Frank, laborer, bds 104 Hudson
Johnson F. Michael, teamster, h 44 College av
Johnson George H. painter, h Ann n Pennsylvania av
Johnson Herbert, druggist, Frasier House block, h 90 Second
Johnson James, clerk, Opera block, bds Homestead Hotel
Johnson James, laborer, h 100 Fifth
Johnson James, puddler, h 50 Harper,
Johnson John, blacksmith, h 31 fourth
Johnson Lewis M. iron-worker, h Woodlawn n Elizabeth
Johnson Lorenzo, laborer, bds 48 S Water
Johnson Lyman, shoemaker, bds Pennsylvania House
Johnson Mary, domestic, Rathbun House
AGENTS wanted for the "V I C T O R" SEWING MACHINE. |
Johnson Milard G. shingle machine manufr. 31 Railroad av, h First n Hoffman
Johnson Moses T. painter, bds 42 S Water
Johnson Oscar S. teamster, h 59 Columbia
Johnson Richard, laborer, h Dickinson ab Fifth
Johnson Robert, carpenter, h Sullivan
Johnson Samuel, (Johnson & Pollak) h 13 High
JOHNSON THOMAS, watchmaker and jeweler, and general agent Singer Sewing Machine, 15 Lake, h 22 Conongue
Johnson Thomas, farmer, bds Tuttle av n Church
Johnson William, h 31 Dickson
Johnson William, laborer, bds 36 Dickinson
Johnson William H. clerk, 75 DeWitt
Johnson William H. farmer, h Tuttle av a Church
Johnson William M. butcher, h 7 Gregg
Johnson Wilton, laborer, bds Clinton bel High
JOHNSON & POLLAK, (Samuel Johnson and Julius L. Pollak) auctioneers and commission merchants, 159 Water ( See Adv.)
Johnston Emeline Mrs. h 44 Third
Johnston Nancy Miss, bds Hoffman n Washington av
Jolls J. dispatcher, E R R depot, bds Delevan House
Jones Adoniram, wood carder, bds 62 Factory
JONES ALBERT, hotel, Third n Railroad av
Jones Albert P. packer, h Benton n Divison
Jones Almeda, domestic, 26 College av
Jones Andrew J. artesian well, h Partridge cor S Main
Jones Caleb, puddler, bds 104 Baldwin
Jones David, spinner, bds 2 Clinton
Jones David P. engineer, h Johnson ab Sixth
Jones Edwin P. painter, h Tuttle av n Factory
Jones Elijah, (Jones & Webb) h 68 Clinton
Jones Elmer, carpenter, bds 7 Gregg
Jones George, puddler, bds 71 Main
Jones Griffith W. helper, bds 104 Baldwin
Jones Henry B. billiard room, 10 Lake, h 22 Washington
Jones Hervey E. engineer, h 7 S Elm
Jones James, wool carder, h 62 Factory
Jones Jane, domestic, 73 Lake
Jones John D. heater, h North end Stowell
Jones John R. (Jones & Dorn) h 29 S Water
Jones J. D. shoemaker, bds 202 Water
Jones Maria, widow Samuel, bds 286 Water
Jones Millard R. law student, bds 62 Clinton
Jones Moses, coachman, 2 S Main
HENRY E. DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Jones Pricilla M. dressmaker, h 15 Third
Jones Richmond, lumber dealer, Church h Clinton ab College av
Jones Soprona, widow Joseph, bds 47 Hudson
Jones Thomas, boatman, h 110 Baldwin
Jones Thomas, shoemaker, bds 202 Water
Jones William, cloth finisher, h 62 Factory
Jones William, iron roller, bds 71 Main
Jones ----------, shoemaker, bds 204 Water
JONES & DORN, (J. R. Jones and George Dorn) wholesale butter and produce, 170 Water
Jones & Webb, (Elijah Jones and William Webb) produce dealers, 18 Baldwin
Jordan James, mason, h 48 Orchard
Jordon Thomas, painter, bds 16 Gregg
Jowls Jeremiah, train dispatcher, E R R pass depot, bds Delevan House
Judd T. S. h Sixth n Davis
Judson Thomas, laborer, h Conongue n E Third
Judson William E. (Judson & Chubbuck) h 36 Main
JUDSON & CHUBBUCK, (W.E. Judson and A. E. Chubbuck) coal dealers, Railroad av c Gray
Jung John, cutter, 38 Lake h Church n Sullivan
Junction Canal Co. 74 Water
STOWELL, PLOWMAN & CO., Hardware and Stoves, 112 Water St.
Kalverisky Isadore, notions, bds 193 Water
Kanary Patrick, iron worker, h 87 Fifth
Kane Cornelius, laborer, h Spring n Water
Kane Dennis, expressman, h 59 Columbia
Kane Ellen, domestic, 156 Church
Kane Harriet E. dressmaker, 8 Baldwin bds do
Kane James, teamster, h Pennsylvania av n S Second
Kane Johanna, domestic, Central Hotel
Kane Julia, domestic, Central Hotel
Kane Margaret, widow Morris, h Water c Monroe
Kane Martin, laborer, h 22 Davis
Kane Mary, domestic, 278 Church
Kane Patrick, blacksmith, h 15 Sullivan
Kane Patrick, laborer, bds 22 Davis
Kane Simon, laborer, h Main n North
Kane Thomas, laborer, h 21 Oak
Katzmarowski Michael, shoemaker, bds 135 Railroad av
Kavanaugh Michael, gardener, Lake n Washington av
Kavanaugh Patrick, laborer, h Washington n E Second
Kavin John, clerk, 171 Water bds Water
Keahler Conrad, laborer, h S Main n Hudson
Kearney Mary Mrs. h 70 Hudson
Keefe Ann, domestic, 65 Lake
Keefe Arthur, laborer, h 88 Fifth
Keefe Cornelius, laborer, h 27 Magee
Keefe James, painter, h Hatch bel Washington av
Keefe Patrick, laborer, h S Second n Railroad
Keefe --------, laborer, h Pennsylvania ave n Franklin
Keegan John, carpenter, h 15 Fulton
Keener James P. bootmaker, h 3 Columbia
Kein Mary, widow Dennis, h 9 Jay
Keith Isadora, domestic, 185 Church
Kellogg Charles W. clerk, bds 7 Gray
Kellogg Eha, wood-turner, Market cor Fox, h 101 Fifth
Kellogg Lovell, (Kellogg & Bartholomew,) h 36 High
Kellogg Wesley W. hardware agent, bds 7 Gray
Kellogg W. L. major, recruiting officer, Lake bds 78 Second
Kellogg & Bartholomew, (Lovell Kellogg and John Bartholomew) drugs, 145 Water
Kelley Bridget, domestic, 300 Water
Kelley John, shoemaker, bds Pennsylvania House
Kelley John, stonemason, h 3 Elizabeth
You can buy WAX MATERIAL and FRENCH GLASS SHADES at Dexter’s.
Kelley Matthew, laborer, h Park n College ave
Kelley Michael, moulder, h 16 Washington
Kelly J. H. stonemason, bds 16 Davis
Kelly James, policeman, h 50 Magee
Kelly Johanna, widow Seth, h 16 Market
Kelly John, laborer, h 39 Washington ave
Kelly J. E. widow Luther S. h 20 Columbia
Kelly Margaret, domestic, 17 William
Kelly Martin, heater, h 50 Magee
Kelly Michael, beamsman, bds Tuttle ave n Water
Kelly Simon, puddler, h 50 Magee
Kelly William D. book-keeper, 6 Baldwin, bds 20 Columbia
Kemp Christopher G. shoemaker, 133 Water, h 33 High
Kemp Mary E. tailoress, h 113 Water
Kendall W. Henry, machinist, bds Main cor Water
Kendrick Michael, laborer, h Washington ave cor Magee
Kenfield John, jr., tinsmith, 11 Clinton, h do
Kenfield Lorenzo D., tinsmith, S Main cor Hudson, h do
Kenfield Mary A. milliner, S Main cor hudson, h do
Kennard George W. carpenter, h Main cor Water
Kennedy Charles H. laborer, h 50 Washington ave
HENRY E DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Kennedy David, saloon Fifth, h 21 do
Kennedy James, laborer, 49 Railroad ave
Kennedy John, butcher, h Sullivan n city limits
Kennedy John W. restaurant, E. R. W. Pass Depot, bds 22 Park Place
Kennedy Michael, h 25 Orchard
Kennedy Michael, saloon, Canal, opp Rolling Mill, h do
Kent Frank, machinist, bds 95 First
Kent Margaret, widow P. L. h 95 First
Kent Ralph, h 95 First
Kent Theodore, painter, bds 95 First
Keough John, laborer, h 53 Railroad av
Keough Mary Ann, dressmaker, bds 58 Railroad av
Kersten Frank, upholsterer, First av n S Water
Ketchum David, bridge builder, h 244 Water
Ketchum John, sawyer, bds 244 Water
Keyes J. J. Rev. h 16 Gray
Keyser Joseph, clothing, 85 Railroad av, h do
Keyser Tobias H. boots and shoes, Second, h 331 Water
Kickbush John M. tailor, h 42 High
Kidder Alonzo, carpenter, h 5 Orchard
Kiersted James H. carpenter, 95 Fifth
KIES LOUIS, book binder &c. Market n Lake, h First ab Hoffman (See adv)
Kiley Esther, tailoress, h 129 Water
Kiley George A. plumber, bds 129 Water
Kimble John, salesman, h 349 Water
Kinnich Louisa, domestic, 6 E Second
Kimmel Johbn, watchman, h 71 Fourth
King Enos, shoe manufacturer, Water, h 70 Gray
King John, laborer, h 34 Dickinson
King John R. photographer, 118 Water, bds 31 William
KING RUFUS, lawyer, 137 Water, bds Rathbun House
King Theron, bds 31 William
King William, hackman, h 118 College av
King William, organ builder, 182 Church, h 14½ College av
King William E. livery, 96 Market, h 19 College av
Kingbury Henry F. agent, bds 47 S Water
KINGMAN WM. L. chief clerk E. R. W. freight office, bds Hathaway House
Kingsbury Catherine, widow Horace, bds 70 Main
KINGSBURY ELISHA, carpenter and architect, 5 Baldwin ab Clinton, bds
Hathaway House
"V I C T O R" SEWING MACHINE, Caldwell’s Block, 34 Baldwin. |
KINGSBURY GEORGE W. stoves and tinware, 20 Baldwin, h 345 Water (See adv)
Kingsbury Lucius S. clerk, 244 Water, h 58 Gray
Kingsbury Oliver C. (O. C. Kingsbury & Co.) h 66 Gray
KINGSBURY O. C. & CO., (W. H. Ferguson and Morris Seely) commission and produce, 220 and 221 Water
KINGSBURY W. A. grocer, 222 Water, h 122 Market
Kingsley Andrew, carriage maker, h Washington, c E Second
Kingsley Daniel, laborer, h W Elmira
Kingsley Edward, laborer, h 47 Magee
You can buy Crockery, the best and cheapest, at DEXTER’S China Hall.
Kingsley Ellen B. Miss, teacher, Lake bds E Second C Washington
Kingsley Sarah R teacher, Lake, bds Washington c E Second
Kinley Jacob, tanner, h Water cor Harriett
Kinner John V. machinist, h 40 College ave
Kinney Anne, domestic, 232 Church
Kinney Thomas, laborer, h Elm cor Railroad
Kinsley Patrick, laborer, bds 28 Water
Kinyon Almon C. farmer, h Pennsylvania, ave ab Jacob
Kinyon Clayton, clerk, S Main cor Mt. Zoar, bds Fulton
Kinyon Harrison A. farmer, h Pennsylvania ave n city limits
Kinyon William farmer, h Pleasant ab Mt Zoar
Kirk William, carpenter, h Church n the creek
Kirkland James, painter, h 9 Gregg
Kirsch, John, cigar manufacturer, 89 Water, h do
Kivlhan Daniel, pipe-maker, h Judson n Church
KLAPPROTH AUGUSTUS, saloon, 40 Lake, h do (See adv)
KLEIN JACOB, Klein’s Hotel, Baldwin cor Clinton, h do
Klein Michael, coachmaker, h 27 Market
Kline Adam, laborer, bds Elm ab Hart
HENRY E DRAKE, J E W E L E R, 115 Water Street, Elmira. |
Kline Charles, clerk, bds 27 Gray
Kline John, laborer, h DeWitt bel Clinton
Klippenstein Emil bartender, Railroad ave bel Third
Klock George W. hotel, 43 Railroad ave
Klock Sanford, mason, h 78 Sullivan
Knapp Clarence, book agent, bds 23 Conongue
Knapp Daniel P. salesman, 202 Water
Knapp Dwight, auger-maker, h Clinton bel Grove
Knapp Dwight W. clerk, h Clinton n Woodlawn