Purdy Fanny L Mrs, h 33 Baldwin
Purdy Henry H, physician, 33 Baldwin, h do
Purtell Robert M, hack driver, h 92 Gray
PUTNAM E. A. MRS, dress and cloak maker, 6 Union Block, Water, h do, (see adv)
Putney Jedediah M, engineer, h 44 Fourth
QUICK S. P, hats, caps, boots and shoes, 135 Water, h S Lake, c Sly, (see adv)
Quinn John, barkeeper, ST. Charles Hotel
Quinn Simon, laborer, h John, n Sullivan
Radway Albert R, carpenter, h 85 Second
Rady Margaret Miss, bds Washington ave, n Dickinson
Rae James M, express agt. H 8 Orchard
Ragan -----, laborer, h Chestnut, n Hudson
Ragan Richard, laborer, h Park, c Main
Ragan Timothy, laborer, h 18 Church
Ramsdell Frederick D, asst. post master, h 50 High
Ransom Henry V, law student, bds 331 Water
RANSOM R. H, lawyer and justice 139 Water, h 331 do
Ransom Erastus S, (Reynolds & Ransom) h 4 S Water
Rapelyea Caroline Mrs, h 284 Water [Water
Rapelyea Charles E, clerk, 101 and 103 Water, bds 284
RATHBONE HENRY W, sec. and treas. Elmira Rolling Mill Co, h 28 First
Rathbun A. J, clerk, 12 Lake, h Conongue, n Cross
RATHBUN J. H, Rathbun House, Water, c Baldwin
Rathbun John, mason, h Conongue, n Cross
Rathbun John T, h 94 Lake
Rauscher John K, saloon, Cross, c the canal, h do
Raymond Mary Mrs, h 37 De Witt
Read J. H, bookkeeper, bds Hathaway House
Read Silas Mrs, h 276 Water
Read V. B, storage, forwarding and commission, canal basin, rear Union Block, h 319 Water
Ready Michael, painter, bds 15 Gregg
Real Henry, tinsmith, h 63 Columbia
Real John, h 63 Columbia
Reardon Thomas, engineer, h Seventh, n Hatch
REDFIELD J. A, asst. supt. N. C. R. R, Fifth, c Wisner, h 3 4 W Union [Columbia
Redfield, D. S, clerk, N. C. R. W, Fifth, c Wisner, h 64
Redner Alanson, shoemaker, h 79 John
Reed Charles E, clerk, h First, c Walnut
Reed Elbridge G, carpenter, h First, c Walnut
Reed Electa Mrs, h 5 Hudson
Reed John, clerk, h 37 Water
Reed Thomas, hackman, h 206 Water
Reeder Lauren T, bds 33 Conongue
Reeder Wm. T, h 33 Conongue
Reedy Michael, police constable, City Hall, h Second ave, n S Water
Reedy Patrick T, saloon, 57 Wisner, h do
Rees John W, carpenter, h Elm, n S Main
Rees Wm, roller, h Stowell, n Washington ave
Rees Wm, pastor Central Baptist Church, h 28 De Witt
Rees Wm. H, tinner, h Partridge, n S Main
Reese David M, puddler, h Fifth, c Magee
Reeve Fanny Mrs, boarding house, 15 William
Reid James R, (Loremore Bros. & Reid) bds 65 Lake
Reid Thomas, carpenter bds 99 Wisner
Reidy Patrick, laborer, bds Magee, n Sixth
Reimer Charles, laborer, h 13 E Fifth
Relfe W. F, head clerk Brainard House
Renshaw George, machinist, h S Main, c Partridge
Reynolds Absolom G, h 12 S Water
Reynolds A. H, lumber dealer, h 61 Baldwin
Reynolds D. D, (D. D. Reynolds & Co) h 74 Lake
Reynolds David S, axemaker, h 117 Church
Reynolds John A, physician, 41 Baldwin, h do
Reynolds John A, law student, bds 80 Lake
Reynolds Isaac S, clerk, bds 12 S Water
Reynolds L. T. Mrs, h 104 Lake
Reynolds Nathan, farmer, h 80 Lake
Reynolds Odell D, bds 29 First
Reynolds Samuel N, (Baldwin & Reynolds) h 29 First
Reynolds Schuyler C, (Reynolds & Ransom) h 4 Main
Reynolds S. T, teller Chemung Canal National Bank, 104 Lake
Reynolds Wallace, hackdriver, bds 92 Gray
Reynolds Wm, h 39 Baldwin
REYNOLDS D. D. & CO, grocers and provisioners, 21 Lake, (see adv)
REYNOLDS & RANSOM, lawyers, 143 Water
Rhamp Wm, cigarmaker, h 38 First
Rhinesmith Jennie Miss, h 214 Water
Rhinesmith Mary Miss, h 214 Water
Rhodes -----, h 22 Water
Rice Aaron, physician, 7 S Main, h do
Rice Daniel O, grocer, Church, c Wisner, h 188 Church
Rice Elijah J, carpenter, h 10 Henry
Rice Louisa, Mrs, h Paul, n Junction
Rice L. N, clerk, 107 Water, bds 15 High
Rice R. C, h 25 William
Rich Richard H, carpenter, h 80 Clinton
Richard David, puddler, h Washington ave, n the canal
Richards Frank, machinist, bds 1 Magee
Richards Richard, tallyman, h 68 First
Richardson George H, h 9 S Lake
RICHARDSON JACKSON, boot and shoe manufacturer, 2055 and 207 Water, h 70 Gray, (see adv) [Conongue
RICHARDSON MICHAEL, dry goods, 7 Baldwin h 29
Richardson T. A, clerk, 7 Baldwin, bds 29 Conongue
Richardt George H, United States Hotel, Wisner, opp Depot
Ridgaway Wm, (col’d) laborer, h Dickinson, n Fifth
Ridley Barzellay, bridge inspector, E. R R, h 38 W Union
Rieble Gottleib, laborer, h 19 Gray
RIEDINGER JACOB, grocer, Lake, c Fourth, h do
Riedinger Joseph, clerk, bds Lake, c Fourth
Rielly Edmond, baker, h 3 Grove
Riggs Edward, picture frame maker, bds S Main, c Par-
Riker Samuel, h 46 Baldwin
Riker Samuel Jr, printer, bds 46 Baldwin
Riley John, carpenter, h S Water, c Harmon
Riley Patrick, laborer, h S Walnut, n Hudson
Riley Timothy, shoemaker, h 24 Cross
Rimell Joseph, bds Fifth Ward House
Ripley, P. B, h 36 First
Ritz Adam, tanner, h 6 Monroe
Ritz Julia Mrs, h 252 ½ Water
Rivest Joseph E, shoemaker, h 6 Perry
Roach John J, shoemaker, bds 7 Henry
Roan Wm, clerk, 152 Water, bds 1 S Main
Robb John, carpenter, h High, c Jay
Robbins B. V, clerk, 4 and 5 Union Block, h Gray
Roberts Charles, blacksmith, h 203 Water
Roberts Edward, heater, h Broadway, c Magee
Roberts Edward D, butcher, h 10 E Second
Roberts Ezra M, teacher, h 50 William
Roberts Henry, axemaker, h 34 First
Roberts Henry S, blacksmith, h 3 Orchard
Roberts Isaac, carman, h Oak, n limits
Roberts James, furnaceman, h Fourth, n David
Roberts James, boiler maker, h 29 Orchard
Roberts Nathaniel A, carman, h Maxwell ave, n Division
Roberts Stephen, blacksmith, h 27 Sullivan
Roberts Wm, roller, h 8 Arnot’s Building, Fifth [adv}
ROBERTS WM, dyer and scourer, 69 Water, h do, (see
Robertshaw Charles, express man, bds Hathaway House
Robertson A. L, physician, h Fulton, n Mount Zoar
Robertson Archibald, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett,) h Fulton, n Mount Zoar
Robinson George M, clerk, bds 92 Lake
Robinson John, clerk, 106 Water, bds 92 Lake
Robinson John, carpenter, h 31 John [William
Robinson John M, furniture warerooms, 43 Lake, h 20
Robinson John M, h 20 William
Robinson Lucius, clerk, 20 William [Southport
Robinson Lucius, lawyer, h river road, n city limits,
Robinson Newell D, butcher, h 24 S Lake
Robinson N. H. Mrs, h 92 Lake
Robinson Orrin, ins. agt., City Hall, h river road, n city limits, Southport
Robinson Richard W@, (Ingraham & Robinson) h 92 Lake
Rockwell Ezra, h 25 Orchard
Rockwell Orville, insurance agt., h 45 First
Roe Charles F, bds 35 Main
Roe David E, at wire factory, h Church, n Harriet
Roe Edward, farmer, h College ave, n city limits
Roe John C, h 35 Main
Roe Joseph M, bds 35 Main
Roe J. Milton, bds 35 Main
Roe W. F, prof. lauguages, h College ave, n city limits
Roesbeck James, laborer, bds Paul, n Elm
Rogers George, (col’d) laborer, h Dickinson, c Fifth
Rogers George W, constable, h 247 Church
Rogers John, laborer, h First, n Main
ROGERS MARTHA A. MRS, physician, 26 Baldwin, bds 32 Baldwin, (see adv)
Rogers N. c, clerk, 108 Water, bds 119 Cross
Rogers Peter, laborer, h Fulton, n Hudson
Rogers Samuel, laborer, bds 15 Wisner
Rogers Stephen, mason, h canal bank, n Church
Roghan Martin, laborer, h S Lake, c Elm
Roll Jonathan S, mason, h Fourth, c Main
ROLL MARTIN L, national garden, Carroll, bet Lake and Baldwin, h do
Romer Anthony, (Bower & Romer) bds Brainard House
Ronan Patrick, grocer, 32 Water, h do
Roof John J, h 347 Water
ROOSA A. P, looking-glass and picture-frame manuf, 11 Baldwin, h 324 Water, (see adv)
Root Nelson S, carpenter, h 95 Water
Roper Fordyce, h 17 Cross
Rose G. P, bds Hathaway House
Rose Stephen Jr, (Ayrault & Rose) bds 7 College
Rose Sidney, wagonmaker, bds 36 De Witt
Rosenbaum Isaac M, clerk, 158 Water, h 25 First
Rosenbaum Lehman, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co) h 53 Baldwin
Rosenbaum Martin, clerk, bds 25 First
Rosenblat Levi, priest Jewish Synagogue, h 10 High
Rosebrook Emory, contractor, h 64 Baldwin
Rosebrook Frank, clerk, 143 Water, bds 64 Baldwin
Ross A. C, shoemaker, h Hudson, c S Main
Ross A. D, clerk, 100 Water, bds Hudson, c 8 Main
Ross Barney, laborer, h 118 Baldwin
Ross Isaac, medical student, bds 5 Main
Ross J. William, laborer, bds 118 Baldwin
ROSS JOSHUA C, brickmaker, h Judson, n Cross
Ross Stephen Mrs, h 118 Baldwin
Ross Thomas, brickmaker, h 60 Second
Rourke Mary Mrs, h 20 Third
Rowe George, carpenter, bds 100 Cross
Rowland Charles, hardware, h 58 Water
Rowland C. H, (Rowland & Beadle,) h Water, n Fox
ROWLAND & BEADLE, hardware, 124 Water
Rowley Nimrod, (col’d) mason, h Hudson, n Hine
Roy John, (col’d) fireman, Brainard House
Rudd Darwin, peddler, h 25 College ave
Ruff John, (Friend, Flett & Co,) h 33 Water, n High
Ruppersberger Conrad, saloon, 77 Water, h do
Russell Eliza Mrs, h Paul, n Elm
Russell P. R, boss mason, h 35 De Witt
Russell Wm. C, shoemaker, h 18 Lake
Rutan, Enos W, carpenter, h Grove, n Church
Ruthledge James, laborer, h 4 Hatch
RUTTER WM. E, supt. E. R. R. car shop, Fifth, c Hatch, h 40 Main
Ryan Edward, (Ryan & Toole,) h Wyckoff’s Block, 212 Water
Ryan Francis A, (Ryan & Son,) bds 11 Fox
Ryan George W, (Ryan & Son,) h 11 Fox
Ryan James, laborer, h Washington ave, n Canal
Ryan James, mason, h 3 Dickinson
Ryan Johanna, widow Timothy, h 212 Water
Ryan John D, clerk, 5 Lake, bds 32 E Second
Ryan John D, carpenter, h 32 E Second
Ryan Martin, helper, bds Canal, n Fifth
Ryan Patrick, shoemaker, h Hudson, c Fulton
Ryan Patrick, laborer, bds 88 Second
Ryan Timothy, bds 212 Water
Ryan & Son, paper dealers, 19 Carroll
Ryan & Toole, grocers, 167 Water
Ryarson Ira, gardener, h 129 Lake
Ryon Anthony, laborer, h Wisner, n Seventh
Sackett Caleb W, h 28 High
Sackett John H, carpenter, h 35 Washington
Sackett Nancy, widow Elisha, bds 42 Water
Sackett Richard, pumpmaker, 61 Water, h 42 Water
Sadler Timothy, agt. N Oak, c Washington ave
Sailor Lewis, clerk, bds 119 Cross
Sazenstein Charles, machinist, bds 15 Magee
Sampson J. C, (W. W. Ballard & Co,) h 77 Main
Samuels Abraham, (L. Strauss & Co,) bds Brainard House
Samuels David, roller, h 117 Lake
Sanders John, carpenter, h 28 S Lake
SANDERS WAYLAND M, teacher music, and piano dealer, 47 Baldwin h do
Sarsfield Michael, shoemaker, h 20 Orchard
Satterlee A. S, (D. D, Reynolds & Co,) h 39 Baldwin
Satterlee E. B, E. B, Satterlee & Co,) h 6 Gray
Satterlee Elizabeth Mrs, h 6 Gray
SATTERLEE E. B, & CO, dry goods, 143 Water
Sauter Charles, upholsterer, h 199 Water
Savage Dennis, tinner, h 122 Cross
Savey Stephen, carpenter, h Mt. Zoar, n Broadway
Savey Seth, carpenter, h Franklin, n Perrine
Sawyer George, foreman, 157 Water, bds 138 Church
Sayles Charles E, clerk, 156 Water, bds 35 Baldwin
Sayles Henry, (Peter Briggs & Co,) h 35 Baldwin
SAYLES HENRY, physician, 35 Baldwin, h do
Sayles John S, clerk, 110 Water, bds 35 Baldwin
Sayles Lewis O, clerk, 106 Water, bds 119 Cross
Sayer Sarah Mrs, h 260 Water
Scales Alexander, laborer, h 11 Henry
Schaneman Louis, hotel, Canal, c Washington ave
Scharr Julius, tanner, bds 19 Wisner
Schelcier Wm, harnessmaker, bds Chemung House
SCHIDLEN ERNEST, lager bier salon, 183 Water h do
Scholsser Jacob, blacksmith, h 26 E Second
Schlutter Ernest, boarding house, and saloon, 19 Wisner
Schoff Edwin A, shoemaker, h 6 Orchard
Schuman Charles, butcher, h 27 E Union
Schuyler Harmon, clerk, 158 Water, h 24 Hudson
Schuyler John, teamster, h 24 Hudson
Schwartz Fabian, speculator, h 43 Cross
Schwenke Frederick W, furniture, h 2 College ave
SCHWENKE GEORGE W, Bevier House, 117 Wisner
Schwenke Rachel E. Mrs, h Bevier House
Scofield Lewis D, h 44 Wisner
Scott Alva, sash and blind maker, h 48 Fourth
Scott Edwin A, (Perry & Scott,) h 53 Fourth
Scott Vincent, (col’d) hair dresser, Bevier House, h Wisner
Scriber Stephen J, (De Witt & Sciber,) bds Cross, c Conongue
Scudder Daniel C, h 37 Main
Scut Merritt, blind maker, h Mount Zoar, n Fulton
Seaman H. Warren, (Thomas & Seaman,) h 76 Washington ave
Seaman Warren, h Washington ave, c Main
Searles John, carpenter, h Partridge, n S Main
Sears Mary Mrs, tailoress, h Cross, n Sullivan
Secor David R, segar maker, h 52 High
See James L, piano forte key maker, h 15 Orchard
Seeley John C, (Herrick & Seeley,) h 85 Lake
Seeley N. R, physician, 20 Lake, h 132 Church
Seely Absolom, soda water manufacturer, 188 Lake, h do
Seely Jonas, shoemaker, bds Chemung House
Seely S. T, clerk, 143 Water, bds 119 Cross
Seely Wm. A, law student, bds 158 Water
Seely Wm. T, photographer, 158 Water, h do
Sellner Israel, clothing, 83 Wisner, h do
Selover John, h 10 Harmon
Selway James B, cooper, h Baldwin
Semple James, h 13 Hudson
Sephens Mary, widow Wm, h 79 Church
SERAT MOSES W, divison clerk, h 68 College ave
Seward Hector M, h 80 Cross
Sewell James, clock repairer, h Church, n Harriet
Shaft A. D, carriage maker, Clinton, n Conongue, h 85 Second
Shanahan Ann, widow, h Harriet, n Cross
Shanahan Michael, tinner, h Harriet, n Cross
Shannon Patrick, laborer, h 201 Wisner
Shannon Timothy, laborer, h Fifth, n Davis
Shapcott Wm, foreman, h 26 S Lake
Shappee Jacob, farmer, h 81 Sullivan
Sharp Edward, butcher, h E Third, n Oak
Sharp John, moulder, h Partridge, n R R
Shaughnessy John, clerk, h 103 Second
Shaw G. R, carpenter, h Cross, n Sullivan
Shaw Samuel, painter, h 13 E. Fifth
Shay Robert, moulder, h Standreth, n Oak
Shay Timothy, laborer, h 28 Water
Shea John, shoemaker, h S Water, c Fulton
Shea Philip, laborer, h 32 First
Shearman Abner W, agent boots and shoes, h 42 S Water
Shearman John, h 42 S Water
Shearman John Jr, (Northrup & Shearman,) bds Brainard House
Sheckles Richard L. S, (col’d) barber, h 12 Henry
Sheehan Margaret Mrs, h Wisner, n city limits
Sheehan Peter, laborer, h Wisner, n Seventh
Sheehy John Mrs, h 6 Orchard
Sheeley Isaac, wagonmaker, bds Chemung House
Sheive George, speculator, h14 S Main, n Henry
Shepard Wm. R, h 29 S Water
Shepherd C. C, clerk, 1078 Water, bds Hathaway House
Shepherd John, (col’d) laborer, h Clinton, n Baldwin
Sherman E. B, mason, h 60 High
Sherman Lydia A. Mrs, h r 55 Baldwin [Lake
SHERMAN WRIGHT P, lawyer, 76 Water, bds 103
Sherwood James, saloon, Baldwin, n Fourth, h do
Shields Peter, mason, h 14 Oak
Shipman C. N, bookkeeper, 6 Baldwin, h 14 Main
Shipman Chauncey, bookkeeper, h 12 Main
Shohan John, laborer, h Hatch, n Seventh
Shockey George W, clerk, 100 Water, h 28 E Second
Shoeler John, painter, h 13 Magee
Shoemaker Frederick, carpenter, bds 8 E Second
Shoemaker James M, clerk, bds 30 S Water
Shoemaker John H, (Bedell, Cook & Co,) h 118 Lake
Short Jerry, (col’d) laborer, h Conongue, c E Third
Shues John, laborer, h Hathaway, n Lake
Sickles Daniel, boatman, h Baldwin, n Fourth
Sigison Wm. Mrs, h 83 Lake
Simmer Jacob, blacksmith, bds 3 Conongue
Simonds Daniel, gardener, h 17 Washington
Simons Josiah C, agent, h S Lake, c Franklin
Simons Mordicai, carpenter, h First, n Elm
Simpson Wm, boat builder, bds 105 Baldwin
Sinnott Thomas, laborer, h Clinton, n Lake
Sittenfield S, wool, pelts, &c, 201 Water, h do
Skehan James, planer, h First, n Wisner
Skidmore George H, express messenger U. S. Express Co., h College ave
Slack Mary C. Mrs, h r 357 Water
Slater Isaiah, carpenter, h Hudson, c Hine
Slattery Bridget Mrs, h Magee, c Seventh
Slattery Wm, blacksmith, h 35 Fourth
Sliter Wm. H, teamster, h 68 Second
Sloan Thomas, laborer, h Hatch, n Seventh
Slosson Abram D, (A. M. De Witt & Co) h 105 Baldwin
Slosson Henry A, clerk, 105 Baldwin, h do
Sly Catharine Miss, h Ann, c Sly
Sly Mathew, farmer, h Henry, n Fulton
Sly Mathew, farmer, h Ann, c Sly
Smalley Wm. O, h 339 Water
Smith Acker, (col’d) mason, bds Elm, n Walnut
Smith Anna Miss, bds 12 College ave
Smith Benjamin A, cutter, h 75 Sullivan
Smith Benjamin F, carpenter, h 62 Main
Smith Charles B, h 5 College ave
SMITH CHARLES G, Elmira Hotel, 182 Water
Smith Chauncey, farmer, h 48 Hudson
Smith D, engineer, bds 5 Ann
Smith David D, (col’d) laborer, h 7 Dickson
Smith Daniel, (Smith & Maloney) h 107 Wisner
Smith Daniel G, carpenter, h 58 William
Smith Eleanor Mrs, boarding house, 15 Magee
Smith Elkanah, cooper, h 270 Water
Smith Elijah B, baker and confectioner, h 222 Church
Smith Enos, h 46 Cross
Smith Ezekel, baker, h 13 Orchard
Smith Ezekel, bds 29 Conongue
Smith F. W, (Warner & Smith) bds Brainard House
Smith Gabriel L, (Smith & Hill) and County Judge, h 60
Smith George, laborer, h N De Witt, n Third
Smith George, (col’d) laborer, h Chestnut, n Hudson
Smith George F, grocer, 45 Main, h 36 College ave
Smith George S, clerk, bds 9 High
Smith Harvey, clerk, 17 Lake, h 8 S Main
Smith Henry, painter, bds 206 Water
Smith Henry, (col’d) laborer, h Chestnut, n Elm
Smith Henry, (col’d) laborer, h Walnut, n Elm
Smith Henry P, freight agent, h 74 College ave
SMITH H. O, carpenter, 241 ½ Water, h Harmon, n Hudson
Smith Hiram F, tailor, h 22 S Lake
Smith Hiram T, speculator, h 51 Water
Smith H. Boardman, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett) h S Lake, c Mt. Zoar
Smith Isaac S, carpenter, h 15 Hudson
Smith James H, bookkeeper, bds 30 Cross
Smith John, (col’d) laborer, h 16 Dickson
Smith John, meat market, Main, n Third, h 110 Lake
Smith John H, h Lake, n Oak
Smith John T, carpenter, h 24 Third
Smith J. W, butcher, 27 ½ E Union, h Lake, c Clinton
Smith Lewis M, (Smith & Hall) h 74 Second
Smith L. E. Mrs, h 156 Water
Smith Lucius M, sash and blind maker, h 46 Fourth
Smith Michael, glueboiler, h John, n glue works
Smith Norman, physician, h 13 S Water
Smith Oliver D, grocer, Main, h 356 College ave
Smith Orlando N, insurance agt. 8 Baldwin, h 13 S Water
Smith Ralph, carpenter, bds 41 Baldwin
Smith Robert T, machinist, h Lake, n Oak
Smith Ruth, widow Orren, h 56 Factory
Smith Samuel B, grocer, Main, c Third, h 44 First
Smith Seymour, master carpenter, N. C. R. W, Fifth, n Wisner, h 62 College ave
Smith Solomon P cooper, h 274 Water
Smith Theodore S, tailor, h Harriet, n Church
Smith T. J, clerk, 110 Water, bds 7 Gray
Smith Thomas S, baker, bds 29 Conongue
Smith Thomas A, (col’d) dyer, h Dickinson, n Fifth
Smith W. Charles, baker, bds 29 Conongue
Smith Wm. B, h 74 Second
Smith Wm. H, drug clerk, 145 Water, bds 74 Second
Smith Wm. S, carriagemaker, rear 46 Lake, h 9 High
SMITH & HALL, bankers, 12 Baldwin
SMITH & HILL, lawyers, 149 Water
SMITH, ROBERTSON & FASSETT, lawyers, rooms 1 and 2 Ely Block, Baldwin
Smith & Maloney, bakers and confectioners, 107 Wisner
Snell Chauncey, machinist, h 82 Second
Sniffin Eugene, painter, h Church, n Grove
Snowden Philip, (col’d) laborer, h E Third, c Perry
Snowden Philip, (col’d) laborer, h Baldwin, n the canal
Snyder Henry S, carpenter, h 283 Church
Snyder Jacob, Eastern Hotel, 137 Wisner, opp Depot
Snyder John, gardener, h John, n Washington
SNYDER LOUIS, saloon, 85 Water, h do
Sobieski A, second hand clothing, 7 Wisner, h do
Soper R. R, clerk County Clerk’s office, bds 12 Main
Soppe Philip, basketmaker, h Baldwin, C Fifth
Sortore Hanford, chandler, h Fulton, n Mount Zoar
Souley Frederick, pastry cook, h 19 First
Southerly Isaac N, farmer, h Water, n limits [Lake
Spaulding Charles H, (Spaulding, Haskell & Co,) h 15 S
Spaulding Chester, (Phelps & Spaulding,) Delavan House
Spaulding Henry C, (Spaulding, Haskell & Co,) h 31 Main
Spaulding Thomas S, (Brooks & Spaulding) h Broadway, c College ave
SPAULDING, HASKELL & CO, Elmira Planning Mill, 38 Fifth
Spraggett Richard, hotel, 6 S Lake
Spencer Aaron, boatman, h 69 Gray
Spencer Burdette, h Second, n the canal
Spencer Edwin, carpenter, h 24 Fourth
Spencer R. E, (col’d) hairdresser, Chemung House, h Dickinson, n Fifth
Spice Charlotte, widow Augustus, h N Oak, n E Fifth
Spillane John shoemaker, h Water, n R R
Spillane John Sr, h Hudson, n Harmon
Spillane John Jr, laborer, h Hudson, n Harmon
Splawn Jerry, laborer, h S Walnut, n river bank
Sprague Wm, meat market, S Lake, n Fifth Ward Hotel, h Ann, c S Lake