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Abbreviations For ab., read above; al., alley; av, avenue; bds, boards; bel, below; bet, between; carp, carpenter; cor, corner; col’d, collored; E, east; h, house; lab, laborer; manuf, manufacturer; manufy, manufactory; N, north; nr, near; pl, place; propr, proprietor; res, residence; rd, road; S, south; W, west. The word Street is implied A Abbey G B, barkeeper, h 1 Wyckoff’s Block Abbot Aaron B, railroad conductor, h 3 College av Abbot Charles R, carriage trimmer, 17 Carroll, h 22 Hudson Abbott Franklin J, blacksmith, h 51 Water Abbott, William, shoemaker, bds 208 Water Abraham Lazarus, peddler, h 4 Washington Adams Jere, h 19 William Adams John, shoemaker, h Elm nr S lake Addison Mrs Abigail, (col’d) laundress, h 15 Dickinson Albro Walter H, clerk, bds 38 Gray Albro Wm W, tobacconist, h 38 Gray Alexander Minor, tanner, bds 6 S Lake |
Allen Asa M, carp, h 24 E Second
Allen John, miller, bds Franklin House
Allen John S, printer, Fairman & De Voe’s Job Printing Office
Allen R R, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Allenton John, lab, h 25 Water
Alliston Shadrach, tailor, h 12 De Witt
Alvord Mrs Hila, h 36 First
Alvord Otis, wool sorter, h 24 Oak
Aman Jacob, brewer, h 104 Baldwin
Ambrose Michael, lab, h 52 College av
American Hotel, Chas I Bush Prop’r, cor Third and Wisner
Anderson F, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Anderson John G, carp, h 15 Jay
Anderson Wesley, h 5 S Main
Andre John L, tailor, h 70 Church
Andrews H, fireman, bds 1 Magee
Andrews John, saw maker, h 333 Water
Andrews William, saw maker, h 337 Water
Andrus Sylvester G, boarding house, 27 main
Anhalt Abram, ( J A & Co0 bds 35 High
Anhalt J & Co (Julius and Abram Anhalt) wool dealers, 107 Water
Anhalt Julius, (J A & Co) bds 25 High
Ansell William, spinner, h 76 Sullivan
Apr Joseph, propr Hoffman’s Hotel, 157 Wisner
ARBOUR HOTEL, Salon and Billiard Rooms, 7 9 and 11 Lake, Joshua Jones propr
Arburtis Steve, boatman, bds 125 Baldwin
Archer George H, saloon, 172 Water, h same
Armitage Richard F, tinner, 214 Water, h 122 Cross
Armitage,William F, dentist, 100 Water, h 214 Church
Armstrong George (col’d) lab, h 121 lake
Armstrong Joseph m, baggage master, h 14 First
Armstrong Mrs Maria M, dress-maker, h 19 E Union
Arnhault Morris, pedlar, h 35 High
Arnold Philip, brewer, h 29 E Union
Arnot John, pres’dt Chemung Canal Bank, h 57 Lake
Arnot John jr, Cashier Cheumg Canal Bank, h 76 Water
Arnot Mrs Maria, h 17 Hudson
Arnot Matthias h, ass’t cashier Chemung Canal Bank, bds 57 Lake
ARNOT STEPHEN T, Vice Pres Chemung Canal Bank, Sup’t Elmira Gas Company and propr Seneca Lake Steamers, 5 lake, h 144 Church
Arnot William H, bds 17 Hudson
Aspinwall Edwin P, book-keeper, bds 49 First
Aspinwall Pomeroy, h 49 First
Assauer Christian, grocer, 27 E Union, h same
Atkins Christopher C, tailor, cor lake and Water, h 280 Water
Atkins Christopher C Jr, cigar maker, bds 280 Water
Atkins Robert T, cigar maker, bds 280 Water
Atkins William, lab, h S Main nr Franklin
Atkinson Frank H, book-keeper, bds 92 Cross
Atwater Dwight, coal dealer, bds 66 Main
Averill Levi, h cor Church and High
Ayrault Miles, sup’t Elmira Water Co, office with S R Van Campen, bds Brainard House
Ayres Jehial T, cigar maker, h Hudson bet S Main and Harmon
Ayres Miss Martha, dressmaker, bds 5 Ann
AYRES SOCRATES, watchmaker and jeweler and insurance agent, 99 Water, h 84 Lake
Babcock Erastus F, lawyer and Ass’t Assessor U S Internal Revenue, 160 Water, bds 32 Main
Babcock, George, machinist, bds Bevier House
Babcock John G., carp, h 36 Orchard
Bacon William, axe grinder, h 21 S. Water
Badger Harwood M, h 48 Factory
Badger L. M, watches and jewelry, 103 Wisner, h 31 Fourth
Badger Russell M, lab, h59 College av
Bailey Columbia, h 72 Gray
Bailey Francis, (col’d) barber, 19 lake, h same
Bailey Henry L, tanner, bds 56 Factory
Bailey, Isaac H. butcher, h 19 Columbia
Bailey James E, wagon-maker, h 4 Conongue
Bailey Timothy, shoemaker, bds 15 S. Lake
Baker, Miss Ann J., h 55 Water
Baker Francis, lab, h 75 Water
Baker Frederick, brick maker, h 17 Fifth
Baker George, farmer, bds 47 Hudson
Baker Henry, h 15 High
Baker James M, restaurant, 190 Water, h same
Baker Jonathan G, clerk, bds
Baker, John S, toll-keeper, Lake st Bridge, h 3 S. Lake
Baker Leroy, bds 47 Hudson
Baker Nathan, marble dealer, 79 Water, h 40 Water
Baker, Richard, h 47 Hudson
Baker Sparrow, butcher, 194 Water, h 28 Hudson
Baldwin Alexander H, ice dealer and lumberman, bds Haight’s Hotel
Baldwin Elisha G, printer, h 9 Harmon
Baldwin Gordon W, bds 70 Lake
Baldwin Henry, exp messenger, h 27 Gray
Baldwin J Davis, coal dealer, 112 Cross, h 70 Lake
Baldwin John S, ice dealer, h river rd, Southport
Baldwin Thomas D, (B & Reynolds) h 44 First
Baldwin William I, clerk, bds 70 Lake
BALDWIN & REYNOLDS (THOMAS d b, Samuel N R) merchant tailors, 149 Water
Bales William S, carp, h 29 First
Ball Jonathan, Sup’t Elmira Umbrella manu’fg co, h 24 W Union
Ballard WW & co, (William W B, Joseph C Sampson) oil barrel manufy 164 Church
Ballard William w, (W W B & co) h 42 Baldwin
Baltz John F, cooper, h 4 Gray
Baltz Richard D, cooper, h 76 Baldwin
Bank of Chemung, Tracy Beadle pres’dt, Ralph W Beadle cashier, Henry W Beadle ass’t cashier, 130 Water
Barber Abbott, mason, h 93 First
Barber James W, mason, h 17 Sullivan
Barbour Elijah N, butter dealer, h 255 Church
Barentlar P, saloon, 84 Wisner cor Second, h same
Barker James M, shoemaker, bds 3 Cross
Barnes David, carp, h 345 Water
Barnes William H, (Thomas & B) bds National Hotel
Barnes Willis S, oyster dealer, bds Brainard House
Barnett Jeremiah, lab, h Fulton bet Hudson and River
Barnett John, lab, h 30 Hatch
Barney Henry, bds 9 S. Water
Barney Joseph H, clerk, h 9 S Water
Barr Gabriel, intelligence office, 56 Lake, h same
Barr Nicholas, lab, h 1 Canal
Barrett Warren S, h Tuthill av, nr Factory
Barry David, lab, h Walnut, nr Hudson
Barry John, lab, h 14 Henry
Barth Ferdinand, carp, h 19 First
Bartholomew Edmund, carp, bds 49 Baldwin
Bartholomew Josiah, carp, h 48 Baldwin
Bartholomew Oscar N, carp, h 20 orchard
BARTHOLOMEW URIAH, tobacconist, 9 Baldwin, boards Brainard House
Bartholph Andrew, blacksmith, h 67 Gray
Barton R. Walter, (B & Dickinson) h cor Baldwin and Third
Barton & Dickinson, (R Walter B, George S D) grocers, 8 Lake
Bateman Mrs Eliza, h 56 Washington
Bates James, mason, h partridge, nr S. Main
Bauer Charles, iron worker, h 119 Lake
Bauer George, bds 119 Lake
Beach William, h 24 William
Beadle Chauncey M, clerk, bds 86 Lake
Beadle Henry W, ass’t Cashier Bank of Chemung, bds 86 Lake
Beadle Ralph W, Cashier Bank of Chemung, bds 86 Lake
Beaman M, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Bean George, tanner, h 3 N Oak
Bean Martin, clerk, bds 19 Wisner
Beardsley Beoni P, edge tool manuf, 50 Lake, h 92 Cross
Beardsley Elisha J, teacher, h S Water bet Harmon and Main
Bechtol Hiram, shoemaker, h 44 Clinton
Beck Mrs. Rosanna, h cor Fourth and Dickinson
Beckwith George, farmer, h 230 Hoffman
Beckwith James B, dyer, 51 Water, h same
Bedell Horace, (Cook, Willis, B & Co0 h 59 Baldwin
Bedine Daniel S, wagon maker, bds 6 Washington
Beebe George, lawyer, 4 Lake, h 4 ½ Ann
Beecher Rev Thomas K, Pastor Congregational Church, h Factory nr Water Cure
Beers, E. O, Capt N Y Vol, bds 323 Water
Beers George, carp, h 318 Water
Beers Johnson, (Elmendorf & B) h cor John and DeWitt
Beers William, carp, h 323 Water
Bell Andrew W, iron worker, h corn Willow and Washington av
Bell M Addison, carp, h 166 Water
Belton Samuel, blacksmith, h 62 High
Bement Rev William, h 76 Washington av
Benedict James, carp, h cor Broadway and Main
Benjamin Henry L, physician, h 38 Main
Benjamin James h, clerk, bds 108 Lake
Benjamin Simeon, Vice Pres’dt Elmira Rolling Mill Co, 130 Water, h 96 Lake
Benjamin William F, clerk and steward Female College, h 108 Lake
Benn Erastus H, lawyer, 20 Lake, h 30 First
Bennett Albert P, h 31 De Witt
Bennett Miss Frances L, (Cole & B) bds 50 Cross
Bennett Mrs Rheuby, h 292 Water
Bennett Solomon, lumber manuf, h 37 Main
Bennett Wm H, law student, bds 60 Sullivan
Benson Joseph, lab, bds 27 Water
Benson William, lab, bds 27 Water
Benton Henry P, surveyor, h 13 Gray
Berhalter Joseph, shoemaker, 105 Church, h same
Bermingham, Mrs. Mary, h 11 E. Third
Bermingham, Michael, lab, h 9 E. Third
Berner Adam, vinegar manuf, 30 Water, h same
Berry David, carp, h 14 Sullivan
Bertholf Theodore, clerk, bds Gray cor Davis
Bessy John, carp, h 281 Church
Betson Peter, lab, h 12 N. Oak
Bettridge Henry E, baker, h 82 Church
Bevier Edgar, porter, Delavan House
Bevier Henry H, (B & Briggs) h 260 Water
Bevier House, O C Waters prop’r, 117 Wisner
Bevier & Briggs (Henry H Bevier, Thomas Briggs) brewers and malsters Second nr Wisner
Bidwell, Gilbert, (B & Moshier) h cor S lake and Mt Zoar
Bidwell & Moshier, (Gilbert B, Humphrey J M) meat market cor Church and Wisner
Bigelow William A, (B & Richardson) h 11 S. Lake
Bigelow & Richardson, (William A B, Jackson R) boots and shoes, Water nr Wisner
Biggs Miss Mary, milliner, Holden’s Hall, bds 79 Baldwin
Biggs Peter, (Kelly, B & Co) h 79 Baldwin
Billett Francis, lab, bds 76 Gray
Billett Joseph, grocer, 188 Water, h 222 Church
Billett Theodore, moulder, h 76 Gray
Billings John L, grocer, 32 Water, h same
Bingham Almerin, hatter, Stuart & Ufford, h S. Water
Bingham John, carp, bds 37 S Water
Bird Isaac, (col’d) lab, h 30 S Lake
Birdsall Oliver, grocer, 47 main, h 54 Main
Birmingham James, lab, h 78 Baldwin
Birmingham John, lab, h 48 College av
Bishop Mrs Mary, h 44 Clinton
Bishop Vincent, lab, h 12 N Oak
Bissell William D, Blacksmith, with C L David
Blaisdell Stephen, cancer doctor, bds 208 Water
Blake Abijah, h 44 S Water
Blake Elial B, umbrella cutter, h 27 College av
Blake Jonathan, bds cor Lake and Washington av
Blake John, lab, h 209 Wisner
Blampied John, hackman, h 219 Church
Blampied Joshua, baker and grocer, 196 Water, h 107 Wisner
Bliven Asa, (B & Jewett) h 39 Wisner
Bliven George, machinist, at 181 Church
Bliven & Jewett, (Asa B, Thomas M J Jr) iron manuf, cor Wisner and Church
Blodgett Gardner A, lab, h 50 Gray
Bloss Francis, boots & shoes, 27 Union, bds Western Hotel
Bloss Martin, shoemaker, h 27 Jay
Blossom Enos, bds Brainard House
Bly Norman, teller Bank of Chemung, bds Brainard House
Boake James, lab, h 92 Second
Boardley Mrs. Catherine, (col’d) bds 14 Perry
Bochnievetch Joseph, saloon, 73 Water, h same
Bodine John S, wagon maker, bds Washington
Bogart James, bds haight’s Hotel
Bogart Louis, N Y Vol, h 8 Hatch
Bohan James, shoemaker, bds S. Water
Bolt Martin S, grocer, 50 Second, h same
Bolton S, h Second nr Wisner
Bookmyer Frederick, book-binder, 117 Water, h 42 High
Boothe Elijah, carp, h 2 Ann
Bopp Jacob, butcher, h 8 Henry
Borden A F, machinist, bds American Hotel
Bortle Ephraim, restaurant, 192 Water, h same
Bottsord Shelden, mason, bds 27 Conongue
Bovier James M, clerk, h S. Lake
Bow William, carp, bds 67 Fifth
Bowman George R, shoemaker, bds 206 Water
Bowman Henry, tanner, h 289 Water
Bowman James W, sawyer, h 1 Mt Zoar
Bower George, (B & Romer) bds National Hotel
Bower & Romer, (George B, Anthony R) merchant tailors, 119 Water
Boynton Austin H, lumberman, bds Haight’s Hotel
Braack Peter, piano maker, bds cor Wisner and Cross
Bradman Charles, h Washingtn av
Bradshaw Aaron, h Sly’s Plot
Bradshaw Alfred, lab, bds Sly’s plot
Bradshaw George, engineer, at 12 Wisner
Bradshaw Henry, lab, h S. Lake nr Miller
Bradshaw Henry H, cigar-maker, bds Sly’s Plot
Brady Peter, cooper, h 23 S Water
Branch Edwin, blacksmith, h 12 Hudson
Brand John, (B & Hoffman) and grocer and butcher, 1 S lake, h same
Brand & Hoffman, (John B, Henry H) distillers, Buttonwoods
Brant Sandy, (col’d) lab, h 34 Clinton
Breen Patrick, iron-worker, bds 36 hatch
Brees Elias, ostler, bds 32 Baldwin
Brenan Patrick, lab, h Davis bet Fifth and Sixth
Brewer Lucas, cabinet-maker, h 40 Wisner
Brickwedde Ferdinand, tinner, bds 24 Washington
Brickwedde George, clerk, bds 24 Washington
Brickwedde Henry, tinner, h 24 Washington
Bridgeman lewis H, millwright, h 347 Water
Briesley George, painter, bds 60 College Av
Briggs Benjamin h, h 56 Washington
Briggs I P, blacksmith, h 264 Water
Briggs Smith, carp, h 1 S. Magee
Briggs Smith F, machinist, bds 1 S Magee
Briggs Thomas, (Bevier & B) h 97 Lake
Brink D H, h 206 Church
Brink George W, agt newsroom, 120 Water, bds 206 Church
Brink Miss Mary A, newsroom, 120 Water, res Aurora N Y
Britton Mrs Emma, h 8 Perry
Britton J D, salt dealer, bds American Hotel
Broakman Judson J, clerk, bds 38 Cross
Broakman Samuel m, pastor Central Baptist Church, h 38 Cross
Brockmuller John C, florist, cor William and E Third, h same
Brockway Daniel S, clerk, bds 199 water
Brockway Joseph T, fish market, 199 Water, h same
Broder John, tailor, h 48 Wisner
Brodman Charles, iron-worker, Rolling Mill
Brody Thomas, lab, h 69 High
Bronson Henry, carp, h 88 Firt
Brook James C, woolen manuf, h 22 College av
Brookman J Judson, clerk, bds 22 Washington
Brooks Caleb B. lab, h 12 Henry
Brooks Elijah P. lawyer and Co judge, Court House, h 91 College av
Brooks Henry S, (Tuthill, B & Co) h 20 William
Brooks Warren, iron-worker, bds 2 hatch
Brooks Warren W, iron worker, h 133 Lake
Brown Caleb, (col’d) lab, h 109 Baldwin
Brown Miss Caroline, (col’d) laundress, h 8 Perry
Brown Comfort S, teacher, h 10 Harmon
Brown Daniel B, lab, h 2 E Third
Brown David B, carrier Gazette, h 294 Water
Brown David B, carrier Gazette, h 294 Water
Brown George S, stone cutter, bds 34 ½ Baldwin
Brown Guy P, butcher, h 3 Ann
Brown Horace, mason, h 4 Orchard
Brown Jefferson (col’0 lab, h Franklin nr Fulton
Brown John, hatter, h 3 Ann
Brown John S, (col’d) lab, bds 106 Baldwin
Brown Mrs Maria S, h 3 ½ Baldwin
Brown Mrs Mary E, (col’d0 cook, h 1 fourth
Brown Mrs Rachel, (col’d0 laundress, h 110 Baldwin
Brown Samuel, boatman, h 4 Columbia
Brown Solomon, (col’d) waiter, Brainard House
BROWN WM, hardware 14 and 16 Lake, bds Brainard House
Brown Wm, (col’d) lab, h Dickinson
Brown Zalmon, painter, bds 31 Conongue
Browne Jacob W, clerk Erie Railway, h 23 First
Browne Wm H, machinist, h 24 College Av
Bruen John H, h 51 Fourth
Brush George A, lawyer, 157 Water, h cor Church and Columbia
Bryant Lewis W, agent, h 51 Washington
Buckley Patrick, shoemaker, h Hudson bet Harmon and Fulton
Bulmer David, dry goods and groceries, 108 Water, boards Brainard House
Bulloch John, bookkeeper, h 202 Church
Bundy George, (col’d) lab, h 15 Dickinson
Bundy Jaben A, (O F & J A B) h 38 Washington
Bundy O F & J A, (Oscar F, Jaben A) grocers, 37 lake
Bundy Oscar F, ( O F & J A B) h 38 Washington
Burbage John, shoemaker, 191 Water, h Southport
Burbage Joseph, saw manuf, h 53 Gray
Burch Erastus, cabinet maker, h 32 Fourth
Burchell Mrs Catherine, h John nr Harriett
Burchell John, porter Delavan House
Burchell Richard, lab, h 66 Washington
Burchill T, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Burchfield Mrs. Nellie, dress maker 170 Water, h same
Burdick Oramel R, local editor Press, bds Franklin House
Burk John, lab, h 62 Washington
Burns Dennis, lab, h hatch
Burns Martin, lab h Wisner
Burns Patrick, lab h 48 Magee
BURNS THOMAS, grocer 95 Water, h 34 S Water
Burt Albert, cooper, bds Wisner
Burt Garry A, billiard marker, bds Elmira Hotel
Burton Mrs Seville, cloak maker, 28 lake, h same
Bush -----, (Shiedlen & B) h Water nr Gas Works
Bush C N, engineer, bds 1 Magee
Bush Charles, carp, h 3 Dickinson
Bush Charles I, propr American Hotel cor Third and Wisner
Bush William, peddler, h 22 Water
Butcher Edward, shoemaker, h 3 Gregg
Butler John, lab, h 79 Fifth
Butler Thomas, lab, h 20 Water
Butler Martin, hackman, h 95 fifth
Butler Mrs Mary, h 48 Sullivan
Butler Nicholas, machinist at 181 Church
Butler William F, teamster, bds 48 Sullivan
Butterlee Mrs Jane, h 102 Main
Byrne John, cooper, h 20 First
Cahill Edward, lab, h 34 E Second
Cahill John, barkeeper, bds 49 Cross
Cahill John, saloon, h 82 Wisner
Cahill Michael, lab, h 49 Cross
Cahill Thomas, lab, h Wisner be Fifth and Sixth
Cain Dennis, blacksmith, bds Church
Call Purinton, carriage trimmer, h 13 High
Callagan Patrick, lab, h 73 Main
Callahan Daniel, lab, h foot of Franklin
Caller Burnam, tailor, bds 65 Cross
Cammel Barney, lab, h 5 Hatch
Cammel John, lab, h 12 Canal
Camel Michael, lab, h Hatch nr Fifth
Camp Marvin, baggage man, bds American Hotel
Campbell Miss E. M., teacher, bds 63 Baldwin
Campbell John H, shoemaker,h 37 John
Campbell Joseph A, machinist, bds 107 Lake
Campbell Mrs. Mary T, h 107 Lake
Campbell Michael, railroad car inspector, h 36 S Water
Campbell Michael, railroad car inspector, h 36 S Water
Campbell Michael, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Campher James C, (col’d) lab, h 115 Baldwin
Campin Michael, lab, h 32 S lake
Canby George, bricklayer, h 81 Fifth
Canfield Ezra, lumberman, h 195 Church
Canfield L D, tinner, h S Water
Canoll Charles, railroad ticket agent, h 26 Fourth
Carbarry Edward, lab, at Third Ward Hotel
Carey De Forest B, artists, bds 32 Sullivan
Carey Erastus T, lab, h cor Oak and Fifth
Carey Francis W, tailor, h 32 Sullivan
Carey Michael, gardner, h 63 Gray
Carl Edward A, h 208 Water
Carney Patrick, shoemaker, at 61 Wisner
Carpenter Mrs Calvin, h 272 Church
Carpenter Mrs Charlotte, h 6 N oak
Carpenter George E., (C, Perry & Co) h 32 William
Carpenter Grant B, harness maker, h 139 Water
Carpenter Nelson, (Williams & C0 h 62 Gray
Carpenter, Perry & Co, (George E. C, Thomas P, John R. Goodrich) glue manufs, Tuthill’s av nr Church
Carpenter Robert T, grocer, 100 Water, h 14 S lake
Carpenter Zenas R, bedstead maker, h 8 Columbia
Carr Barney, lab. h 16 hatch
Carr Mrs Betsy, h 71 Baldwin
Carr James, lab, h 19 Canal
Car Owen, iron worker, h 3 Seventh
Carr Peter, lab, h 16 Hatch
Carr Silas T., carriage maker, h 11 E Union
Carr William S, clerk, bds 71 Baldwin
Carrier James, shoemaker, h 108 Gray
Carrier Joseph, carp, h 106 Lake
Carrigan James, lab, h 6 Canal
Carris John, machinist, h 60 College av
Carroll Joseph, cutter merchant tailoring department Stuart & Ufford, h 20 Conongue
Carruthers George, h 43 First
Carter Alva S, painter, h 8 College av
Carter Charles, clerk, h 44 Gray
Carter, Levi,(col’d) lab, h 8 Hatch
Cash George P, h 10 W. Third
Cashman David T, carriage painter, bds 208 Water
Cass John, merchant tailor, cor Baldwin and Water, h 17 William
Casterlin Horace, gunsmith, bds 18 Conongue
Catchpole William, lab, h 33 Wisner
Cattanger Lewis, tailor, h 33 High
Cauldwell Nathaniel, Commercial College, 159 Water, bds Brainard House
Caywood William, peddler, bds 208 Water
Central Baptist Church, cor Church and Conongue
Ceroll Joseph, tailor, h 20 Conongue
Chamberlin John W, (Vinton & C0 h 28 Gray
Chapin Freeman, edge tool maker, h 68 Sullivan
Chapman James J, machinist, h 18 Henry
Chapman Joshua, bds 2 Fox
Chapman Miss Marcia L, dressmaker, h 2 Fox
Chase Zalmon F, physician, h 2 Conongue
Chemung Canal Bank, John Arnot pres’t, Stephen T. Arnot vice pres’t, John Arnot Jr cash’r, Matthias H Arnot, ass’t cas’r, 74 Water
Chemung House, Mrs Electa Cherry proprietress, 29 Baldwin
Cherry Mrs Electa, proprietress Chemung House, 29 Baldwin
Cherry Larry, h Partridge nr railroad
Cherry Leonard k, carman, h 11 Dickinson
Cherry Patrick, artist, bds partridge nr railroad
Chubb Stephen, blacksmith, bds 223 Church
Chubbuck Hollis S, physician 36 Baldwin, h same
Churchill Jackson V, wagon maker, h 6 Henry
Churchill Thomas W, pistol maker, h 204 Church
Churchill Wm, lab, h Franklin nr Fulton
Churchwell Nelson, hackman, bds Brainard House
Clancy Patrick, lab, h First
Clancey James, cigar maker, bds Elmira Hotel
Clark Allen S, clerk, bds 41 First
Clark A B, Williamsport RR agent, bds Delavan House
Clark Mrs. Catherine, h 20 De Witt
Clark Damon W., shoemaker, bds 20 De Witt
Clark Ephrain A, lab, h Fulton bet Mt Zoar and Franklin
Clark Ira J, teamster, h 18 Fifth
Clark Rev Isaac, pastor Second Presbyterian church, h 138 Church
Clark J B, lumber manuf, h 203 Church
Clark James F, carp, h Hudson nr Western limits
Clark John, lab, h John bet Washington and Orchard
Clark Joseph, lab, bds 34 W Union
Clark Julien, Agent Elmira & Williamsport Railroad, bds Delavan House
Clrk Sylvenus, carp, h 186 Church
Clark William engineer, h 6 Perry
Clark William butcher, h 23 E Union
Clark Wm B, carp, h 1 Magee
Clark William B, saloon, Delavan House
Clark Wm B, carp, h 1 Magee
Clark William B, saloon, Delavan House
Cleeves Mrs E. J, boarding house 254 Water
Cleeves Wm B, clerk, bds 254 Water
Clendeny Theodore, moulder, bds 76 Gray
Cleveland Alanson j, lawyer, h 26 S lake
Cleveland Frank C, baggage man, h 15 Magee
Cleveland James h, foreman, Elmira Car Shop, h 47 Cross
Cleveland William H, teacher bds 72 William
Clifford Alfred, piano maker, h cor Church and High
Close Reuben h, nursery, h cor S main and Partridge
Clymer Thos, bds Brainard House
Cobett Murty, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Coburn Daniel, baker, h 46 Cross
Coddington Mrs E A, dressmaker, 113 Water, h same
Coe Francis U, shoemaker, bds 115 Church
Coe Henry, fireman, bds Troy House
Coe Isaac H, fireman, bds 115 Church
Coe John D, shoemaker, h 115 Church
Coe William D, shoemaker, bds 115 Church
Cohn Norman, peddler, bds 10 High
COKE LEVI, baker, confectioner and grocer, 31 Lake, h same
Coke Philip, baker, h cor Fox and Carroll
Colburn Wells L, agent, h 86 Gray
Cole Mrs Caroline m, (C & Bennett) h 50 Cross
Cole Charles B, agent Empire Brewery, bds American Hotel
Cole Myron, (Huntley & C) h 50 Cross
Cole & Bennett, (Mrs Caroline M C, Miss Frances B) milliners, 114 Water
Coleman A K, carp, h 349 Water
Coleman Benjamin, mason, h 31 De Witt
Coleman Charles, lab, bds 10 Columbia
Coleman John, carp, h 10 Columbia
Coleman Joseph S, harness maker, h 12 Orchard
Colgrove Miss Sarah, h 85 Water
Coligan Michael, lab, h First
Collingwood Brothers, (Robert and Francis) watchmakers and jewelers, 13 Lake
Collingwood Francis (C Bros) h 24 First
Collingwood Robert, (C Bros) h 77 John
Collingwood Thomas, clerk, bds 290 Water
Collins John, lab, h 25 Magee
Collins Stephen, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Collins Thomas, cooper, bds Wisner
Comfort Eli C, botanic physician, cor Lak and Carroll
COMSTOCK SAMUEL G, hats, caps, furs,&, 150 Water, (2 Brainard Block) bds 5 S Main
Condol William H, (col’d) whitewasher, h S lake nr Miller
Condon John, lab, bds 60 Factory
Condon Mrs Sarah, h 60 Factory
Congdon Erastus, clerk, h 70 Sullivan
Congdon George, maltster, h 279 Church
Conkey Samuel, (C & French) h 27 W Union
Conkey & French, (Samuel C, Edson M F) dentists, 116 Water
Conkle George H, h 102 Church
Conklin Walter W, engineer, h 13 Hudson
Conklin William W, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Conley Timothy, lab, h nr Hudson
Connell Patrick, lab, h DeWitt nr E Second
Connolly Cornelius, lab, h Walnut nr Hudson
Connolly Daniel, lab, h Hudson bet Fulton and Walnut
Connolly Dennis, lab, h Walnut nr Hudson
Connolly Hugh, Rolling Mill House, 29 Canal
Connolly Jerry, cigar maker, at J I Nicks’
Connolly John, lab, h S Water bet Fulton and Harmon
Connolly John, tailor, h 56 High
Connolly John, lab, h cor Fulton and Hudson
Connolly Michael, lab, h cor Hudson and Mt Zoar
Connolly Patrick, lab, h Walnut nr Hudson
Connolly Patrick, boarding house, 48 Clinton
Connolly Thomas, lab, h Buttonwoods
Connolly Thomas, lab, h Buttonwoods
Connolly Timothy, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Connolly Timothy, cooper, bds Wisner
Converse Maxey m, music teacher, h 75 Lake
Converse Moses S, Principal Young Men’s Seminary, 17 William
Cook -----, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Cook Elisha H, (C & Covell) h 19 S Water
Cook George J, produce dealer, h 317 Water
Cook Jeremiah, peddler, bds 59 first
Cook John J, printer, bds Elmira Hotel
Cook Sidney S, machinist, h 21 Columbia
Cook Thomas, livery stable Bevier House, bds Bevier House
Cook, Willis, Bedell & Co, (George C, Christopher W, H and D E Bedell, Nelson Chandler, Peter Rhoades) Elmira Oil Refinery, head of Willow
COOK & COVELL, (Elisha H Cook, Henry C Covell) hardware, stoves, &, 101 and 103 Water
Cooke Frederick J, harness maker, h 33 Sullivan
Cooley Jesse L, bookkeeper S T Arnot, h Horseheads rd ab Canal
Cooley Levi J, police justice, Town Hall, h cor Washington av and Lake
Cooney Daniel, lab, bds 48 College Av
Copley Philip, basket maker, h 116 Baldwin
Coppins Reuben, harness maker, bds Chemung House
Corbin Mrs. Charlotte, h 7 Orchard
Corbit Wm, (col’d) lab, h Lane nr S Main
Corcoran Thomas, saloon, 25 Canal h same
Cord Primus (col’d) lab, h 26 Dickinson
Corey Augustus F, corporation collector, 6 Ely Hall, h Elm between S Main and Lake
Corey William F, cashier Elmira Bank, h 209 Church
Cornelison James, printer, bds Haight’s Hotel
Cornell Joseph, shoe maker, h 6 Columbia
Cortright Marcus P, cooper, h 12 Hudson
Cortright Stephen, iron worker, h 23 Canal
Corwin Louisa F, h 34 College av
Cotrell Stephen H, carp, h 61 College av
Cotton George H, carp, h First av nr S Water
Couch Ebenezer, hatter, bds with Henry S Snyder
Couch Stephen B, grocer, Canal Junction, h same
Coulton Edward V, draughtsman and engineer, h 36 Water
Courry Mrs Eliz, h Sly’s Plot
Courtright -----, lab, h Buttonwoods
Courtright John, cooper, bds 55 William
Covell Edward, (E C & Co) bds Height,s Hotel
COVELL E & CO, (Edward C, Robert C Jr) dry goods and groceries, 106 Water
Covell, Henry C, (Cook & C) h 66 Water
Covell Jacob M, bookkeeper, bds 66 Water
Covell James, clerk, bds 72 Lake
COVELL JOHN D, druggist, 102 Water, bds Brainard House
Covell Lyman, h 64 Water
Covell Robert, 111 College
Covell Robert Jr, (E C & Co), h 55 Lake
Covell Stephen T, telegraph operator, bds 64 Water
Covell William D, bds 64 Water
Cowen Mrs Mary, h 53 Dickinson
Cowen Newton F, clerk, bds 31 High
Cowen Thaddeus A, (C & Son) bds 31 High
Cowen Thaddeus C, (C & Son) h 31 High
COWEN & SON, (THADDEUS C C and Thaddeus A C) auction and commission merchants, 12 Lake
Cowles Rev A W, pres’t Female College, h 95 College av
Cowles Henry D, clerk, h 4 Main
Cowles Samuel G, with S R Van Campen, bds Brainard House
Cox George H, express messenger, bds Brainard House
Craig M D, bds American Hotel
Craig Peter, carder, bds 62 Factory
Craig Robert B, carder, h 62 Factory
Cramp Robert, lab, h 42 Cross
Crane Abijah, mason, h 63 First
Crane Delivan, painter, h 14 Hudson
Crane Ezra C, boatman, bds 6 E Second
Crane, Rev Ezra F, chaplain 107 N Y vols, h 6 E Second
Crane Mrs Hiram, boarding house, 64 Main
Crane Theodore, clerk, bds 27 Main
Craven John, tinner, h 7 DeWitt
Creed James A, h 26 Cross
Creelman Matthew, tailor, h 40 Orchard
Crittenden Richard G, blacksmith, h cor John and High
Cromer Josiah, lab, bds 101 College av
Cronan James, lab, h 65 High
Cronan John, lab, h 67 Washington av
Crosby Walter, clerk, h 75 Baldwin
Cross Edward, cabinet-maker, bds 135 Lake
Cross George, (col’d) lab, bds 95 Cross
Cross Samuel, iron worker, h 135 lake
Crow Martin, lab, h 20 First
Crowly Michael, lab, h 18 First
Cruger Aaron, (col’d) lab, h 106 Baldwin
Cruger George, (col’d) lab, h 106 Baldwin
Cruttenden Miss Harriett, teacher h 62 Cross
Cuddback John, carp, h 349 Water
Cullinan John, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Culp Jacob H, cooper, bds 4 Fox
Culp James B, saloon, 44 Lake, h same
Culp Mrs Harriet, h 4 Fox
Cummin William, carp, h Partridge nr E RR
Cummings Edward, saloon, 59 Wisner, h same
Cummings James, mason, h 16 First
Cummings Marsh, carp, h 13 Jay
Cunan James, iron worker, Rolling Mill
Cunningham Michael, lab, bds 65 Cross
Curran David, lab, h 10 E third
Curran James, iron worker, h 12 Hatch
Curran Mrs Sarah A, dressmaker, h 75 Baldwin
Curran Thomas, lab, h 67 High
Curry Michael, lab, h 209 Wisner
Curtin Andrew J, cigar maker, bds cor High and Jay
Curtin Patrick, cigar maker, h cor high and Jay
Curtis Rev George C, pastor First Pres Church, h 40 William
Dale William, brakeman, bds 1 Magee
Dalton Michael, iron worker, h 61 Second
Daly Mrs Catharine h 46 Hudson
Daly Dennis, machinist, h 18 Washington
Daly Patrick, lab, h 7 E third
Daly Patrick, bds 46 Hudson
Daniels Evern, caulker, h 238 Church
Daniels William H, crp, h 16 Sullivan
Davenport A. Barton, tinner, bds 53 Baldwin
Davenport Ephraim, (Gridley & D) h 53 Baldwin
Davidge John, (col’) lab, h 29 Sullivan
Davis Alvin, painter, 164 Church, h 58 College av
Davis Chancellor L, blacksmith, 100 Cross, h Southport
Davis Charles, engineer, bds 1 Magee
Davis G E, engineer bds 1 Magee
Davis George L, lawyer and justice, 105 Water, h 26 William
Davis Henry, teamster, h 147 Second
Dais Henry A, h Hine nr Mt Zoar
Davis James, lab, h 99 Second
Davis James W, clerk, bds 40 Cross
Davis John, tinner, h 224 Church