![]() |
McCullough Edwin L., spinner, h Factory, first E of Sullivan McDonald Charles, laborer, h 6th c Wisner McDonald Sandy, hostler, bds William, third N of Church McDonald Stephen (McDonald & Palmer), h 1st, third W of Main McDONALD & PALMER (Stephen McDonald and Edward H. Palmer), boots and shoes, 15 Water, and tanners, S terminus of Elmira and Southport bridge McEnally Thomas, teamster, h Fulton c Franklin McEnerny Michael, blacksmith, h John c Washington McGraw Norah, domestic, h Main, first S of 5th McGreevy Owen, livery-stable, Lake c Cross; h De Witt c Cross |
McKEE THOMAS W., blacksmith, E Water n Fox; h Conongue n E Water
McKendrie Matilda, milliner, 6 Water
McKINNY ARTHUR, carriage-maker, upholsterer and harness-maker, Water, third E of R R; h Jay, fourth E of High
McLafferty Crandall (McLafferty, Sackett & Co.), h Baldwin, first S of Chemung hotel
McLAFFERTY, SACKETT & CO., (Crandall McLafferty, Caleb W. Sackett and William H. Fergurson), candy manufacturers, 25 Lake opp P. O.
McLaughlin Henrietta, tailoress, h S Water n R R
McLaughlin John, moulder, h Dickinson, fourth S of 4th
McLaughlin Silas H., moulder, h Church c Orchard
McMahon Bridget, h Hatch, second N of 6th
McMahon Jeremiah, grocer, Oak c Clinton
McMahon Michael, fireman, h Hatch, fourth N of 7th
McMahon Peter, shoemaker, h Wisner, third ab Water
McMann Daniel, laborer, h Wisner c 6th
McMann Dennis, laborer, h Hatch, third N of 7th
McManus James, laborer, h Baldwin, third S of 5th
McMurray W. M., book-agent, h Forrest house
McNamara James, laborer, h Canal, first S of 6th
McNamee Andrew, tanner, h Hudson n R R
McQuhae Azubah, wid. John, h Lake n Washington av
McVeil P. S. S., h W Union c 4th
McWhorter William, millwright, h Main n Henry
McWhorter William, steward Elmira hotel
McWilliams Daniel W., clerk, h Magee c Washington av
McWilliams J. A., conductor, h Magee cor Washington av
Machol Lewis, boot and shoemaker, 61 Water; h Water second E of gas-works
Mack Daniel, laborer, h Wisner, second N of 5th
Mack Martin, laborer, h 4th, fourth ab College av
Mack Mary, domestic, h Lake n Washington av
Mahoney Hannah, h Warren n Hudson
Mahoney Michael, laborer, h 3d, first bel College av
Mahoney Patrick, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Maley Bridget, seamstress, h 4th n Columbia
Mallicks George (col’d), waiter, h 1st n Canal
Mallory Philo, express, h Magee c 4th
Mallory Russell, fruit-peddler, h 4th, second ab College av
Malone John, laborer, h Magee, first N of 7th
Malone Martin, laborer, h Wisner n 1st
Maloney Ellen, domestic, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Maloney Joseph, h Wisner n 1st
Maloney Margaret, h Wisner n 1st
MANCHESTER GEORGE O., lawyer, 53 Water; h Main, second S of Gray
Manderville James, mason, h Jay, third W of Oak
Mandeville Hannah, h High n Cross
Mandeville Kate, h High n Cross
Maney James, laborer, h Hatch, fifth N of 7th
Manix Morris, fireman, h 3d, sixth ab Main
Mann Mary Ann, dressmaker, 46 Water
Manns Patrick, laborer, h 3d, fourth from College av
Marlette P. W., baggage-master, h Delevan h
Marsh Aaron T., clerk, h Church, third ab Columbia
Marsh M. H., late grocer, h Wisner c 5th
MARSH S., dealer in real estate, Gray, third W of R R
MARSH WASHINGTON, house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, 5 Union block; h Conongue, third N of Church
Marshall Addie, h Water, first ab Walnut
Marshall Josepha, h Water, first ab Walnut
Marshall Mary, h Water, first ab Walnut
Marstin Abraham, hotel, h S Main n Henry
Marion W. A., upholsterer, h Main n 5th
Marvin Andrew J. (Thos. A. Sedgwick & Co.), iron-founder, Washington bet Court and Henry; h Western hotel
Mason Eunice, wid. William, tailoress, h W Union c 6th
Mason G. W. Mrs., h Water, sixth ab Columbia
Mastin Abraham, clerk Elmira hotel
MASTIN JOHN F., Elmira hotel
Mathews Henry E., h Washington, second S of E 2d
Mathews Isabella, wid. Henry H., h Washington, third N of Church
Matthews M. B., teamster, h Hudson n S Main
Mauris J. F., saloon, 2d, third W of the Canal
Mauterstoc William, butcher, h E 2d, fourth E of High
Maxwell Edward, agent Williamsport and Elmira R. R., freight office; h College av bet Gray and Church
Maxwell Hector I., freight agent, h Gray c College av
Maxwell Samuel, piano-maker, h Washington bet Cross and John
MAXWELL THOMAS, lawyer, Ann n S Lake; h S Lake n Ann
Maxwell Wm. H., contractor, h De Witt bet Cross and John
Maxwell Zerviah, wid. William, h Lake n Washington av
Mayberry Saml. J., bartender, h 11 Lake
Maynard Thomas, blacksmith, h Columbia n 1st
Mead Isaac, millwright, h Water c Elm
Mead Lenna, wid. Stephen, h Orchard bet Cross and Church
Mead Peter B., cabinet-maker, h Sullivan c Church
Meddaugh Andrew, boatman, h Columbia n 5th
Mehan Michael, tobacconist, h River n S Water
Melix Adam (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson c 5th
Melix Samson (col’d) laborer, h Lake, fourth N of 4th
Merrill Albert, porter Delavan house
Merrill Rensselaer, h Delavan house
Merriam William, upholsterer, h Gray c Columbia
Merrill Edgar C. (E. C. Merrill & Co.), Delavan house, Wisner opp depot
Merrill George, clerk, Delavan house
Merrill R. Mrs. (E. C. Merrill & Co.), Delavan house, Wisner opp depot
MERRILL E. C. & CO., (Edgar C. and Mrs. R. Merrill), Delavan house, Wisner opp depot
MERWIN WAKEMAN, harness, saddles and trunks, 49 Water; h Washington bet Cross and Church
Metzgar Daniel, carpenter, h Gray, second ab College av
Meyer Joseph (J. Meyer & Co.), dry goods, 46 Water; h Lake c 2d
Meyer Morris, clerk, h Lake c 2d
MEYER J. & CO. (Joseph Meyer and Joseph Rosenbaum), dry goods, 46 Water
Miles Elizabeth, h Gray c Columbia
Miles Nathan, clerk, h American hotel
Millard Carroll A., engineer, h College av, first N of 4th
Millard M. G. Mrs., h College av, first N of 4th
Millen Anvernett, h Water n Elm
Miller Charles, porter, American hotel
Miller David, mechanic, h Franklin house
Miller E. L., dressmaker, Water, third ab Wisner; h do
Miller Franklin (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, third N of 4th
Miller James L., sash and blindmaker, h 2d, second ab Wisner
Miller Lydia A., wid. John, h E Water n High
Miller Mary, wid Henry, h E Water n High
Miller Robert, miller, h Baldwin S of Cross
Miller Samuel, shoemaker, h S Water n Fulton
Miller Susan, milliner, h 59 Water
Miller William, cooper, h 6th, first W of Columbia
Milliken Joseph, cooper, h William, fourth S of Clinton
Millins Henry E. (H. E. Millins & co.), h Water, first ab Wisner
MILLINS H. E. & CO. (Henry E. Millins and William A. Kingsbury), groceries and provisions, Water bet Wisner and Main
Mills Richard, pattern-maker, h College av c 5th
Minier Abram, late lumberman, h Mt. Zoar n Fulton
Minier Fleming, clerk, h Baldwin c 2d
Minier Solomon, h High bet Church and Cross
Mitchell Jerome, horse-dealer, h Washington n Water
Mitchells John, teamster, h Orchard bet Cross and John
Mitchells Miles, pump-borer, h Orchard bet Cross and John
Moffit William, carpenter, h College av n Water
Moloney John, laborer, h Perry, third S of Clinton
Moloney Patrick, welldigger, h John n Washington
Monks James, grocer, 4th c Baldwin
Monroe G. P., bookkeeper, h Elmira hotel
Moody Jacob, h Monroe, bet E Water and Chemung River
Moody Martin, Rev., h Gray, first ab Main
Moody Samuel, clerk, h Munroe n Water
Moonan Christopher, grocer, Hatch c 7th
Moore Michael, laborer, h Franklin n New rd
Moore Sophia, h Ann n S Lake
Morell William H., civil engineer, h Haight’s hotel
Morgan Peter, boatman, h Baldwin, fourth N of 5th
Morris John, laborer, h Main, first N of 5th
Morris Richard, grocer, 2d, junction E Union and Baldwin
MORSE JOSEPH O., baker, h Columbia c 2d
Morse Martha, h Main, second N of 2d
MORSE R., physician, Clinton c Columbia
Mortimer Mary, assistant principal Elmira Ladies’ Seminary
Moscow Charles, musician, h Church, second E of Wisner
Mott Bernard H., h Baldwin, second N of Cross
MOULTON WILLIAM J., photographer, 20 Water; h William, second N of E 3d
Mower S. Mrs., tailoress, h College av, second N of 2d
Mowry D. C. (Mowry & Townsend), h Water c Main
MOWRY & TOWNSEND (D. C. Mowry and A. S. Townsend), Franklin house, Water c Main
Muller William T. L., h Sullivan c E 2d
Munroe James, sawmaker, h Gray c Grove
Munroe Nancy, widow, h S Lake n Mt. Zoar
Munroe Reuben, carpenter, h Gray c Grove
Munroe Robert, carpenter, h Gray c Grove
Munson Edwin, carpenter, h 1st c Columbia
Munson Joseph, broker, h Clinton c W Union
Murdoch David Rev., h William, third N of E 2d
Murdock John (Smith & Murdock), lawyer, h Church c College av
Murdock Luther N., sashes and blinds, Water n Main; h Main, first S of 6th
Murgatroyd John, shoemaker, h Orchard bet Cross and Church
Murphy Anderson (col’d), porter, h Baldwin, first N of 4th
Murphy Charles, tobacco peddler, h National hotel
Murphy Joseph, fireman, h Main, second N of Washington av
Murphy Michael, servant, h Lake n Washington av
Murphy Owen, engine-wiper, h Main, second N of Washington av
Murphy Patrick, car-cleaner, h 1st, third ab Wisner
Murphy William E., clerk, h Franklin n S Lake
Murray Alexander, gardener, h Mt. Zoar n Fulton
Murray John, clerk, h High n Water
Murray Morris, laborer, h Canal c Washington av
Murray Robert, clerk, h Church, second W of Wisner
Murray T. L., machinist, h Mt. Zoar n Fulton
Murray Timothy, shoemaker, h High, third N of E 2d
Murray William, tinsmith, h Columbia c Church
Musgrave A. M. Mrs., h Gray, first ab College av
Musgrave Hathaway, clerk, h Gray n College av
Myers George, furniture finisher, h Church n Washington
Myers George W., car-builder, h College av n 5th
Myers Jacob, lager beer saloon, Wisner c 2d
Myers John, laborer, h Dickinson c 4th
Myers Sarah, washerwoman, Carroll n Lake
Myers Williet, chairmaker, h Cross n Harriet
NAEFE WILLIAM, lager beer saloon, E Water bet Lake and Fox
NATIONAL HOTEL, Baldwin c Cross
Nelson Alexander (Nelson & Kniffin), h De Witt c Church
Nelson E. B., patent agent, h Church, fourth bel Davis
Nelson & Kniffin (Alexander Nelson and Dennis D. Kniffin), tobacconists, 26 Water
Newman Abraham, tailor, h Orchard n Cross
Newton Louisa, h Lake, fifth N of 4th
Newton Squire, h Main c 3d
New Cemetery, bet 2d and 3d and College av
N.Y & E. R. R. Car Shop, 5th c Hatch
N. Y. & E. R. R. Depot, Wisner bet 3d and Clinton
N. Y. & E. R. R. Engine House, Wisner opp 3d
N. Y. & E. R. R. Freight office, R R c 5th
N. Y. & E. R. R. Machine Shop, E of Wisner opp 3d
Nicholson John, carpenter, h Gray, second ab Columbia
Nicholson Ralph, peddler, h High, second S of E 2d
Nickerson Eli, carpenter, h Carroll, bet Lake and Baldwin
Nicks John J., tobacconist, 1 Union block; h Main c 2d
Nihoof John, laborer, h R R c Cross
Noble William, h 1st, third ab College av
Nocken Ellen M., h 1st, second E of Wisner
NORMAN JOHN G., blacksmith, Fox, third S Cross; h Church c Orchard
Norman Mary A., wid. Prentice, h Sullivan bet Church and Cross
North Norris L., clerk, h Gray n College av
North Theodore (North & Parker), lawyer, surrogate, and county judge, 59 Water; h Water, second W of Columbia
NORTH & PARKER (Theodore North and Charles E. Parker), lawyers, 59 Water
Northrup Charles A., butcher, 78 Water; h Water W of Hoffman
Northrup G. Egbert, carpenter, h S Water n S Main
Northrup Ovid B. (French & Northrup), h Gray, first W of Davis
Norton Charles H., brakesman, h 2d, third bel College av
Norton Norman R., freight transferer, h 2d c College av
Norton Philando, ticket agt., h Church, first ab Columbia
Nott Albert, milk depot, Baldwin c Cross
Nott George E., farmer, h Lake c Sullivan
Noyes C. D., butcher, h 2d, third ab Main
Nye George M., h Main c 2d
O’Brien Edward, laborer, h Hatch c 5th
O’Brien Humphrey, mason, h S Water n Harmon
O’Brien Jeremiah, laborer, h Fulton n S Water
O’Brien John, marble worker, h Cross bet Washington and Orchard
O’Brien John, mason, h S Water n Harmon
O’Brien Thomas, cartman, h 1st c Davis
O’Conner Daniel, laborer, h Elm n S Main
Odell Abraham, mason, h Magee, second S of 6th
Odell Isaac, mason, h 5th, second E of Columbia
Odey Mary, h Henry bet S Main and R R
O’Donnell John, shoemaker, Wisner, third ab Water
O’Donnell Matthew, laborer, h Wisner c 6th
O’Driscoll Daniel, laborer, h John n village line
O’FLAHERTY THOMAS, Rev., N E c Cross and High
Ogden William, druggist, 18 Water; h Lake, third N of E 2d
O’Keefe Patrick, laborer, h E R R n Mt. Zoar
O’Keefe Thomas, laborer, h E R R n Franklin
Oliver Edward, clerk, h High n John
Olivey William, tailor, h Washington n Water
Olivier Louis, teacher languages, h Church, second ab College av
Ohmsted Samuel S., cabinet-maker, h William n Clinton
O’Maher James, hotel, Wisner n 2d
O’Neill William, engineer, h Magee n 5th
Ontario House, Wisner c 2d
O’Regan John, laborer, h High c E 3d
O’Ryan Anthony, trackman, h Wisner, fifth N of 5th
O’Ryan Thomas, trackman, h Wisner, fifth N of 5th
Ortner Andrew, late brewer, h village line n E Water
Osborne Hezekiah R., musician, h William c E 3d
Osmer J. H., lawyer, Fulton n Mt. Zoar
OSSOWSKI SOLOMON, hardware, stoves, and tinware, 47 Water; h William n E 3d
OTIS JAMES, professor of music, 10 Lake; h Orchard bet Church and Cross
Outram John, horse shoes, h Water, seventh W of Tannery
Owens Richard, weaver, h Factory, first E of Sullivan
Pagett John (Pagett & Haight), h Water c Wisner
Pagett William (W. Pagett & Co.), tanner, h Factory eighth E of Sullivan
PAGETT & HAIGHT (John Pagett and Leonard Haight), hides, oil and leather, and findings, Water c Wisner
Pagett W. & Co. (William Pagett, Thomas Jones, and D. R. Pratt), tanners, factory E of Newtown creek
Paine James H. (Dumars, Van Gelder, & Paine), Elmira Daily Press; h Haight’s hotel
PALMER ALLEN, grocer, Wisner c 2d; h third W of Wisner
Palmer Edward H. (McDonald & Palmer), h S Lake c S Water
Palmer George W., carpenter, Cross n Baldwin; h Gray, first E of Elm
Palmer John, cooper, Wisner bet 4th and 5th; h College Wisner bet 5th and 6th
Palmer Martin W., blacksmith, h Gray c Walnut
PALMER ORSON W., lawyer, insurance agent and (Post & Palmer) dealer in real estate, 7 Water; h Church, third E of Davis
Palmer Sarah, dressmaker, 11 Water
Palmeter M. C., shoemaker, h National hotel
Palmer Martin W., blacksmith, Water E of Wisner; h Walnut c Gray
Palmer O. W., lawyer, h Church, fifth ab Columbia
Palta Joseph, peddler, h De Witt n Church
Paltisohn Palta, peddler, h De Witt n Church
Parish Charles, cooper, h Jay, fifth E of High
Parish William, cooper, h Jay, second W of Oak
PARKER CHARLES C., blacksmith, h Main S of 3d
Parker Charles E., (North and Parker), lawyer, h Water second W of Columbia
Parmenter Edward L. (Parmenter & Whiton), h Baldwin second S of 2d
Parmenter John, h Water n Main
PARMENTER & WHITON (Edward L. Parmenter and George L. Whiton), flouring mill, basin r Brainard bl’k
Parsons George W., conductor, h 4th c Magee
Parsons Granville D., express messenger, h Orchard c Cross
Parsons Theodore S., painter, h 2d, fourth bel College av
Partridge H. M. (Hatch & Partridge), h Lake, first N of Church
Partridge Samuel, h Lake, second S of Church
Patrick Orlando, foundryman, h Wisner n Gray
Patterson James, spile driver, h Lake fifth N of 4th
Patterson Thomas, butcher, h Baldwin
Pattinson Rebecca, h Ann n S Lake
Pattinson Thomas S., butcher, Baldwin S of Front; h Baldwin opp Gray
Pautz Charles, umbrella maker, h 5th n N Oak
Payne Alfred (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, second N of 4th
Peabody David, dentist, 10 Water; h Munroe S of Water
Pease Salmon D., farmer, h College av ab North
Pechner Isadore, cutter, h De Witt, second N of John
Peck John A., painter, h Water opp race-course
Pedner Isadore, clothing, h De Witt n John
Pelham Henry, carpenter, h W Union n 3d
Pelham Isaac, carpenter, h W Union n 3d
Pelton Aaron, express mess., h Magee c 4th
Pennell Robert, h fourth ab Columbia
Penney George, car-builder, h College av, first S of 6th
Percival Thomas, blacksmith, h Hudson n S Main
Perine Robert H., farmer, h S Lake n village line
Perry Ann K., h Water bet Lake and Fox
Perry Anna, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Perry Elizabeth, wid Guy N., h Cross and Lake
PERRY JOHN K., (Thomas and John K. Perry), h Water W of Fox
PERRY THOMAS & JOHN K., druggists, 20 Water; h Brainard h
Perry Thomas, 2d Clerk, h Cross n Lake
Perry William, clerk, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Peters John, liquor agent, h Elmira hotel
Peters Thaddeus, travelling agent, h Gray c Walnut
Peterson Robert, tanner, 17 Carroll
Pettengill John T., laborer, h Washington av c Hatch
Pettengill Milton, fireman, h Forrest house
Pettit Charles, clerk, h Water, first W of R R
Phelps Frank, h Water c Davis
Phillips Elias C., clerk, h Water c Walnut
Phillips Mary M., h Haight’s hotel
Phillips William H., lumber-dealer, Lake c Carroll; h Haight’s hotel
Pickering Benjamin, h High n Water
Pickering Carlton, clerk, h High n Water
PICKERING DANIEL F., dry goods and fancy store, 19 Lake; h High bet John and Water
Pickering Edmund, carpenter, h Church c William
Pickering James, dentist, h Church c William
PICKERING JOHN (Pickering & Terry), carpenter and builder, Main n 1st; h Church c William
PICKERING JOSIAH, grocer and provision dealer, 16 Lake; h High n Water
Pickering Josiah, jr., clerk, h High n Water
PICKERING & TERRY (John Pickering & John K. Terry), carpenters and builders, Main n 1st
Pierce Beriah N., lawyer, h National hotel
Pierce Peter, farmer, h Church bet Washington and Orchard
Pierce Jason, lawyer, h New Road n Franklin
Pitcher H. F., carriage painter, h National hotel
Plate Hannah, h 31 Lake
Plato Marcus R., clerk, h Main, second from Gray
Platt Minerva, h College av n Water
Plum Hiram A., carpenter and builder, Columbia bet Church and Gray
Plumsted S. M., tailoress, h Clinton c W Union
Pool John, fireman, h Columbia, first S of 6th
Poole Thomas, laborer, h Spring n Water
Post Alaski S., conductor W and E R R, h Main c 5th
Post David (Post & Palmer), real estate, h S Main c S Water
Post Gabriel, conductor, h Main c 5th
Post Jacob, brakesman, h Forrest house
Post James H., brakesman, h Main c 5th
Post Office, Lake c Carroll
Post & Palmer (David Post and Orson W. Palmer), dealers in real estate, 7 Water
Potter Albert M., dentist, h S Water n R R
Potter Crans T., livery stable, Carroll, first E of Post-office; h William, third N of Church
Potter Elizabeth, wid. Henry, boarding, h 17 Carroll
Potter Henry, machinist, h 17 Carroll
Potter Isaiah, clerk, h Main bet 1st and 2d
Potter William, portrait painter, 17 Carroll
Potts Adeline R., dressmaker, h Ann n Sly
Powell Cornelius, brickmaker, h Elm n S Lake
Powell John, brickmaker, h Orchard, first S of E 2d
Powell John, laborer, h 4th, third ab College av
Powell John C., mason, h Jay, second E of High
Powell Martin, brickmaker, h Orchard, first S of E 2d
Powell Martin, laborer, h Henry n R R
Powell Martin, laborer, E Water bet Lake and Fox
Powell Michael, laborer, h Washington, second S of E 2d
Powell Michael, laborer, h 2d n Canal
Powell Patrick, laborer, h E 2d, first W of Oak
Powell R. L., engineer, h Magee bet 6th and 7th
Prall J. H. R., carpenter, h College av, first N of 4th
Pratt B. W., h 2d, third above Main
Pratt Benjamin H., dentist, 51 Water; h 2d c College av
Pratt Daniel (D. & R. Pratt), agent, h Lake c 3d
Pratt Daniel R. (W. Pagett & Co.,), tanner, Factory E of Newtown creek; h Lake
Pratt Leander, engineer, h Main n Water
Pratt Ransom (D. & R. Pratt), agent Elmira Wool Factory; h William bet E 2d and Church
Pratt Timothy, clerk, h Cross n Main
Pratt D. & R. (Daniel & Ransom Pratt), agents Elmira woollen factory, Factory E of Sullivan
Prescott Joseph, clerk, h Haight’s hotel
Prescott William H., painter, h Washington bet Cross and John
PRESWICK CHRISTOPHER, bookseller and stationer, 16 Water; h S Water c S Main
Price John (col’d), hairdresser, Water, first W of Elmira hotel
Priest Mary C., tailoress, h Cross n Lake
Prime Alcimi, tailoress, h 1st, first ab Wisner
Pross Joseph, tanner, h S Water n Harmon
Pue Benjamin, (col’d), laborer, h 5th c Baldwin
Percel John, stableman, h De Witt bet Cross and Church
Purcell Robert, h Spring n Water
Purdy Fanny L., wid. Dr. Jotham, h Baldwin c Cross
PURDY HENRY H., physician, Baldwin c Cross
Purdy William H., clerk, h Baldwin n Cross
Purdy William H., late dry goods, h Haight’s hotel
Purtil Joanna, h Hatch, fourth N of 7th
Putnam George, carpenter, h 5th n College av
Putnam Phebe E., preceptress, Elmira Female College
Putney Jedediah, fireman, h College av n 3d
Racklyeft Emma (Holland & Racklyeft), milliner, 18 Water; h Conongue n Cross
Ralph George (Bevier, Briggs & Co.), malster and brewer, h 1st, second W of Main
Ramsdell Frederick D., clerk, h Lake bet Church and Cross
Ramsdell Kate, teacher, h Sullivan and Jay
Ramsdell Lyman, h Sullivan and Jay
RANDALL JAMES B., hats, caps, and furs, merchant tailor and clothier, 6 Water; h Water W of Walnut
Randall John, lumber-dealer, h Baldwin, second S of 2d
Ransom Jonathan (Wines, Fowler & Co.), china, glass, and earthenware, 2 Lake; h at Poughkeepsie
RANSOM REUBEN H., lawyer, 59 Water; h Water, sixth W of Walnut
Rapelye C., h Water, third above Columbia
Rathbun Henry W., h 1st, third ab Main
Rathbun John H., clerk, h Lake c E 3d
RATHBUN JOHN T., 32 Water; h Lake c E 3d
Raymond Henry, cigar-maker, h National hotel
Read Charles, engineer, h Gray, third ab Wisner
Read John (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson c 5th
READ VIRGIL B., storage, forwarding, and com. merchant, and produce dealer, Canal basin r Union Block; h Church, third W of College av
Real George, laborer, h Columbia n 5th
Real John, h Columbia n 5th
Reading P. B., boarding, h Wisner 1st
Redfield Calvin, clerk, h Henry W of Herman
Redfield J. C., Forest house, Wisner n 3d
Redfield J. E., sup’t Williamsport and Elmira R. R, h W Union c 5th
Redfield James, blacksmith, h E Water n Lake
Redfield Matilda, h Henry n Fulton
Reed Charles B., carpenter, h Hudson n R R
Reed Elbridge G., laborer, h Church c Davis
REEDER HENRY, bookkeeper, Haight’s hotel
REEDER LAURIN T., bartender, Haight’s hotel
Reeder Robert (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin c 3d
REEDER WILLIAM T., prop. Haight’s hotel, Lake cor Cross
Rees John W., carpenter, h Sullivan bet Church and Cross
Reeve Fannie, wid. James, h Main n 4th
Regan Daniel, peddler, h Franklin house
Regan John, plumber, h Water, third ab Wisner
Reilly Kate, domestic, h Cross c High
Reniff Abisha B., grocer and provision dealer, Water cor Wisner; h Herman n S Water
Retz Adam, brickmaker, h E 3d, first W of Oak
Reynolds Addison G., constable, h Hudson, n R R
REYNOLDS DAVID D., groceries, provisions, fruits, and yankee notions, 21 Lake; h Baldwin c Gray
Reynolds Gardner G., salesman, h Lake n 3d
Reynolds J. S., clerk, h Hudson bet S Lake and R R
Reynolds Isaac H., clerk, h S Water n River
Reynolds Israel, mason, h Gray n Walnut
REYNOLDS JOHN A., physician, Baldwin c Gray
Reynolds Nathan, farmer, h Lake bet Church and E 2d
REYNOLDS PETER H., physician, Church c Baldwin
REYNOLDS RALPH, hairdresser, Lake c Carroll; h Lake opp Fourth
Reynolds Saml. N. (Baldwin & Reynolds), h S Water n S Lake
Reynolds William, h Baldwin c Gray
Reynolds William, h Wisner, fifth ab 2d
Reynolds Schuyler C. (King & Reynolds), h Main c 2d
Rhamp William, segar-maker, h 1st n Columbia
Rhoades William C., prison insp., h Haight’s hotel
Rianhard George, millwright, h Henry n R R
RICE D. O., grocer and provisions, Church c Wisner; h second W of Wisner
Rice Remick C., (Hamlin & Rice), h Cross, second E of Main
Richards George, barber, h Church, second E of Wisner
Richards George M., baker, h Lake, second S of Haight’s h
RICHARDS HENRY H., grocer, confectioner, and fruit dealer, Lake, second S of Haight’s h
Richards Henry H., Mrs., baker, W side Lake, second S of Haight’s h
Richardson Miss, private school, W Union, second ab 3d
Richardson John, shoemaker, h Buttonwood
RICHARDSON MICHAEL, dry goods, 5 Union block; h Church, third E of Columbia
Richardt G. H., hairdresser, Holden block; h Church n R R
Rickets Josephus, real estate broker, h Church n Davis
Rider George, peddler, h Columbia c Church
Rider Sarah, h Lake adj boundary line
Riggs Joseph L., book agt., h Water, second ab Elm
Riker Samuel, paper-hanger, h Baldwin third N of Church
Riley John, carpenter, h S Water n Harmon
Riley Martin, restaurant, Carroll, first E of Baldwin
Rinker Elias, shoemaker, h Cross, second W of Washington
Ripley Piram B., peddler, h Columbia bet 1st and 2d
Ritchison Charles (col’d), axe-maker, h E Water opp Monroe
Ritter Frederick, patent office, Washington, D. C., h College av c Washington av
Ritter Frederick, jr., student, h College av c Washington av
Roads Harvey, laborer, h S Lake n R R
Roberts E., h Elmira hotel
Roberts E. M., principal Young Men’s Seminary, William, fourth north of Church
Roberts Edward D., butcher, h E second opp Orchard
Roberts Henry S., blacksmith, h Orchard n Cross
Roberts James, teamster, h Jay, second E of High