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FOR 1860.
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You can see this and other Elmira Directories at Steele Memorial Library in Elmira. Thanks to Steele for letting us scan these pages. 
Hagar Charles, machinist, h Wisner, second ab Gray

HAIGHT’S HOTEL, Lake c Cross

Haight Leonard (Pagett & Haight), h Main c 2d

HAIGHT SILAS, agent Haight’s Hotel

Hale Marshall ( S.O, Gleason & Co), h at Fairhaven, Mich.

Hall Charles C. (Hall Brothers), bds Main c First

Hall Francis A, clerk, h National Hotel

Hall Fred (Hall Brothers), h Cross bet Lake and William

Hall Henry (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, second N of 5th

Hall Jeremiah, h Lake opp Sullivan

Hall John, cooper, h Jay c Oak

Hall John T, carpenter, h Franklin n S Lake

Hall Robert, clerk, h 30 Water

Hall Samuel, farmer, h Lake opp Sullivan

Hall Sylvester, farmer, h Lake, second S of Church

Hall William B., engineer, h Church c High

HALL BROHERS (Frederick and Charles C. Hall), booksellers and stationers, and dealers in paper-hangings, 30 Water

HALLIDAY, WM, lumber-dealer, Cross bet Baldwin and Chemung Canal; h High, third N of Catholic church

Halliday William H., mason, h Water n Main

Halloran A., h Washington av c Hatch

Halloran Martin, laborer, h E 3d, Fourth W of Oak

HAMER LOUISA MR., grocer, provision and fruit-dealer, 33 Lake,; h De Witt, third N of Cross

Hamer William, grocer, provision and fruit-dealer, 33 Lake, h De Witt, third N of Cross

Hamilton Charles (col’d) stripper, h Perry, first N of E 2d

Hamilton Daniel F., watchmaker, Lake bet Carroll and Cross; h Church c High

Hamilton Frederick, watchmaker, h Church c High

Hamilton Oliver, shingle-maker, h Baldwin, fourth N of 3d

Hamilton R. S., carpenter, h Gray n Elm

Hamilton Walter, tinner h John n High

Hamlin Saml. S. (Hamlin & Rice), dry goods, 24 Water; h Church, first W of Walnut

HAMLIN & RICE (Saml. S. Hamlin and Remick C. Rice), dry goods and carpets, 24 Water

HANCOCK EDWIN C., confectioner, h on Canal c Gray

Handrahan, John, stableman, h De Witt n Cross

Handrahan John, hostler, h Factory, fifth E. of Sullivan

Hanford Nancy, h S Water c R R

Hankins Zaccheus, carpenter, h College av, first S of 6th

Hannon, Matthew, cartman, h College av n 3d

Hanson William, carpenter, h Gray, second ab Columbia

Hardenberg A. J., mechanic, h Franklin house

Hardy F. H., patent rights, h S Water c S main

Hardy J. H., h Gray c Hoffman

Harper Joseph, switchtender, h 3d n Magee

Harrington Bartholomew, teamster, h Washington c E 2d

Harris Joseph, h Lake n Washington av

Harris Joseph, peddler, h High n John

Harris Joseph, traveling agent, h Water n Grove

Harsh William, watchman, h National hotel

Hart, baker, h Gray c Columbia

Hart Erastus L., physician, Lake, second N of Church

Hart Erastus P., (Thurston, Hart & Benn), lawyer, 20 Lake; h William c E 2d

HART IRA F., physician, Church bet Baldwin and Lake

Hart Solomon, baker, h Chemung house

HART WILLIAM E., dry goods and groceries, 12 Water; h Gray, third W of Main

Harvey Holmes, teamster, h Franklin n Fulton

Hassan Bernard, tailor, h Cross c De Witt

Hassett John, laborer, h Canal c 7th

Hastings John L., machinist, h E 2d c High

Hatch Dorus, mechanic, h Main c 1st

Hatch Harry, millwright, h Gray, second ab Main

Hatch, W. S. (Hatch & Partridge), h Main, second n of 2d

Hatch William, carriage-trimmer, h Cross c Washington

HATCH & PARTRIDGE (W. S. hatch and H. M. Partridge), planning-mill and Lumber, Church at Chemung Canal

Hathaway, Samuel G., (Diven, Hathaway & Woods) lawyer, h Haight’s Hotel

Hathaway Thomas S. (Hathaway & Letts), photographer, h Cross bet Lake and William

HATHAWAY & LETTS (Thomas S. Hathaway and James M. Letts

Hathorn Andrew, h W Union, first N of Fifth

Hauenstein Henry, lager beer saloon, Cross C Fox

Haven R. T., sawyer, h College av c Gray

Havens Robert C., sawyer, h S Water n Fulton

Haviland Allison, machinist, h Hudson n S Lake

Hawkins Ann, wid. Thomas, h Cross c De Witt

Hawkins Bridget, wid. Daniel, h Jay c High

Hawley Martha, tailoress, h S Lake c S Water

Hawley Milton, laborer, h S Water C Harmon

Hayden Kate L., preceptress, Elmira Female college

Hazard Phebe Mrs., h 1st, fourth ab Main

Hazelton, Charles, mason, h 2d, first ab Main

Hebbron Houston, conductor, h Main c 5th

Hebbron William, conductor, h Main e 5th

Heggie Archibald, real estate agent, h Main c Cross

Heigle Louis, cooper, h Lake 5th N of Clinton

Hemenway Jehila, h Henry n S Main

Hemenway Seth I., laborer, h Clinton, second E of Oak

Hemenway William W., carpenter, h Henry n S Lake

Henderson Thomas, foundryman, h Wisner n Gray

HENRDRICK BURR, salesman, h Brainard House

Hennessy George, gardener, h Washington n Water

Hennessy Julia, umbrella-maker, 5 E Water

Hennessy Timothy, laborer, h 5 E Water

Henry Barnard, laborer, h 3d, third from College av

Henry James, laborer, h Hatch, sixth N of 7th

Henry Josiah, h Water c Elm

Hepinstall Richard, tanner, h Harmon n S Water

Herrick Benjamin F., (Herrick & Snyder), h De Witt, second N of Cross

HERRICK & SNYDER (Benjamin F. Herrick and Geo. W. Snyder), carriage-makers, Cross c Fox

Herring Caroline, h College av e Church

Herron Frederick ( Herrron & Son), lawyer, h Water n Walnut

Herron James, physician, h Conongue n Church

Herron Joseph (Herron & Son), lawyer, h Water, first W of Walnut

HERRON & SON (Joseph and Frederick), lawyers, 63 Water

Heresy Edward W., ( J. H. Loring & Co.), h 1st, first W of main

Hibbard Thomas, carpenter, h 5h n College av

Hibler Sullivan, painter, h S Lake n Elm

Hickey Matthew, laborer, h Henry bet S Main and RR

Hickok Sereno, stonecutter, h Henry n S Main

Hicks George W., carpenter, h Cross, second E of Orchard

Hiendl Francis, teamster, h Church c Sullivan

Higgins Emma, engraver h S Main c Hudson

Higgins James, carpenter, h 1st n Columbia

Higgins James, laborer, h Baldwin, third N of Clinton

Higgins Josiah G., painter, h S Main c Hudson

Higgins Norman L., blacksmith, Carroll W of Fox; h De Witt n Church

Hill Charles J., (col’d), hairdresser, Lake, under Haight’s hotel; h Dickinson c 5th

Hill James W., grocer, Baldwin, first N of 4th

Hill Robert N., carbuilder, h College av n 5th

Hillard J. C. Mrs., seamstress, h Wisner, third ab Water

Hillis William, gigger, h E 2d c High

Hilton Jacob, laborer, h E 3d, second W of Oak

Hine J. S., farmer, h Hine c Broadway

Hines Jacob, porter, American Hotel

Hines L. P., painter, h Franklin house

Hines Oscar O., painter, sign and ornamental, h Franklin house

Hines W. A., dentist, Water c Lake; h Water, second E of Davis

Hisom George, shoemaker, h Hudson c Hines

Hisom William, peddler, h S Water n Fulton

Hitchcock Harmon (Hitchcock & Loomis), h S Lake bet S Water and Hudson

Hitchcock & Loomis (Harmon Hitchcock and William R. Loomis) butchers, 37 Lake

Hoag Jane, h al bet Clinton and 4th

Hochstetter George (Louis Straus & Co.), h Brainard house

Hoffman George W., farmer, h Hoffman opp Clinton

Hoffman Henry (Brand & Hoffman), distiller, h at panama

Hoggman Peter, lager beer and bakery, Clinton c Wisner

Hoggman William, farmer, h Water c Grove

Hogan Ann, washerwoman, h William, fifth S of Clinton

Hogg John, tanner, h High, first n of Jay

Hogoboom Robert Rev., h Baldwin n Gray

Holbert Thomas, teacher, h 1st, first bel Davis

Holbrook Fanny h., wid. George W., h Church, second E of High

Holden’s Block, Water c Baldwin

Holden Fox, grocer and provision dealer, 36 Water; h Main bet 1st and 2d

Holden’s Hall, Holden’s block, third story

Holden, Omar S., (Holden & Everts), grocer, 22 Water; h Main bet 1st and 2d

HOLDEN & EVERTS (Omar S. Holden and John S Everts), grocers and provision dealers, 22 Water

Holdridge Harrison, nurseryman, Franklin c Fulton

Holland Anthony D., clerk, h Conongue n Water

Holland Henry, clerk, h 34 Water

Holland Maria (Holland & Racklyeft), h Conongue n Cross

Holland & Racklyeft (Maria Holland and Emma Racklyeft), milliners, 18 Water

Holmes E. F., grocer, h Main, second S of 3d

Holmes H. H., sup’t repairs W. & E. R. R., h College av, first S 5th

Holmes William (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, fourth S of 5th

Hooker Helen M., tailoress, h Hudson n R R

HOOKER JOHN, druggist, 24 Lake; h Lake c 2d

Hoppe Charles, hairdresser Brainard house; h Chemung house

Hoppe Matthew, tailor, h Ann n S Lake

Horton Chase B., h S Water n R R

Hotchkin Samuel (Hotchkin & Boyd), h at Elmira township

Hotchkin & Boyd (Samuel Hotchkin and William Boyd), wood-dealers, Water opp College av

Hotchkiss Thomas W., lumber-dealer, Water c Davis

Houpt Andrew, tailor, h De Witt n Water

House Alpheus B., photographer, h Baldwin o0pp 1st M. E. Church

House Edward, telegraph operator, h main n 4th

House James W., photographer, 16 Water; h Baldwin opp 1st m. E. Church

Houston Andrew, carpenter, h 2d c Columbia

Howard Anthony, trackman, h Wisner, third N of 5th

HOWARD & CO’S EXPRESS, S. De Witt, agent, Ely’s block

Howard Dennis, laborer, h College av c 3d

Howard James, laborer, h Wisner c 6th

Howard Michael, h Wisner c 6th

Howes Ephraim W., clerk, h Elmira hotel

Howesly Lorenzo, clerk, h Elmira hotel

Howe Joel, butcher, Lake n Cross; h Church n High

HOWES ORISON, wines and liquors, Fox bet Carroll and Water; h High c Cross

Howland Asa C., shoemaker, h Jay, second E of Oak

Howland Gaylord, h Orchard e E 2d

Howland James B., carpenter, h Franklin bet New Road and Fulton

Howland O. H., carpenter, h Jay, third E of High

Hoyt William, Ontario house, Wisner c 2d

Hubbard Sarah, wid. Laman, h Church, first E of Wisner

HUBBELL SAMUEL B., cabinet-maker, upholsterer and undertaker, S Union block; h 1st bet College av and Columbia

Hudson Adelbert, salesman, h Haight’s hotel

Hudson George W., painter, h Lake, third N of 4th

Hudson Richard B., tobacconist, 23 Lake; h Gray c Elm

Hughes Cyrus, blacksmith, h Church n Cross

Hughes Edward, blacksmith, h College av c 4th

Hughes Helen, h High n Cross

Hughes John, laborer, h Oak, fourth S of Washington av

Hughes Sarah, h High n Cross

Hulbert George, carpenter, h Lake c 5th

Hulett M., student h Water, first W of Chumung C Bk

Hull Andrew Rev., pastor Trinity Church, h Main n Church

Hulse C., tailoress, h Water bet Grove and Hoffman

Humphrey Clark M. (C. M. Humphrey), wines and liquors, 4 Baldwin

Hunt Charles L., eating saloon, Wisner, fifth ab 2d; h Wisner, second ab Church

Hunt Franklin K., clerk, h College av bet Church and Gray

HUNT THOMAS, buckskin dresser, glove manufacturer and whipmaker, Water opp Elmira hotel; h Mt Zoar bet Lake and Fulton

HUNTINGTON GEORGE M., train dispatcher, h W Union c 5th

Hurlburt Newman, constable, h Gray, first ab Wisner

Hurley Lawrence, laborer, h Warren n Hudson

Hutchinson Edwin P., bookkeeper Bk. of Chemung; h W Union c 4th

Hutchinson Saml. S., salesman, h Columbia n Church

Hutchison Eliza, wid. William, h Orchard bet Cross and Church

Hyde William H., clerk, h Washington c Cross

Hylen Robert F., late inspector, h Baldwin, second N of 3d


Ingersol A. J., physician, h Main c Broadway

INGHAM GEORGE W., physician, Holden’s block; h National hotel

Ingraham Clark S., clerk, h Lake c 2d

Isabell Jerome, shoemaker, h Franklin bet New Road and Fulto

Ivers Charles, factory hand, h Factory, fifth E of Sullivan


Jackson E. H., limeburner, h Washington av n R R

Jackson Francis, hairdresser, 26 Water; h jay n High

Jackson John, (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin c 3d

Jackson, John H., painter, h E Water bet High and Washington

Jackson John S., painter, William, third S of Clinton

Jacobs A., (A. Jacobs & Co.), h High n Church

Jacobs Julius, tailor, h De Witt n Cross

Jacobs A. & Co. (A. Jacobs & Co.) h High n Church

Jadwin Jennie, h Gray, first bel Elm

Jadwin Joseph, tanner and currier, S Water n S Lake

James William, carpenter, h Gray, n Columbia

James William (col’d), laborer, h 5th c Baldwin

JEFFERS WILLIAM M., planning mill and lumber-dealer, Baldwin bet 3d and 4th; h William, second S of Clinton

Jenkins Edwin S., machinist, h Wisner, second N of 5th

Jenkins Helena, h Columbia bet 1st and 2d

Jennings Phebe, wid. Jesse, h Gray, third W of Baldwin

Jennings Whitney, apprentice, h Gray bet Baldwin and Chemung

Jervis Joel S., farmer, h Washington n Church

Jesse Wilhelmina, dressmaker, Water c Lake; h Lake c E 2d

Jessup Nicholas, teamster, h Church c Orchard

JEWETT THOMAS M., agent Phoenix furnace, h William c Clinton

Johnson Amos M., carbuilder, h Church, fourth E of Wisner

Johnson Israel G., machinist, R R, first N of Water; h William, second S of Clinton

Johnson John C., boatman, h Ann n Sly

Johnson John H., blacksmith, Lake, fifth N of Washington av

Johnson Lorenzo, laborer, h Harmon n S Water

Johnson Millard G., machinist, h William, S of Clinton

Johnsons William ( col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, South of 5th

Johnson & Thompson (Israel G. Johnson and J. R. Thompson), shingle-manufacturers, Baldwin bet 3d and 4th

Johnston John, butcher, h Elmira hotel

Jones E., M., dressmaker, h 1st n Columbia

Jones Elijah, flour-dealer, h Church bet Elm and Walnut

Jones Elizabeth, dressmaker, h Cross, second ab Wisner

Jones George M., (G. M.& H. B. Jones), restaurant, 11 Lake; h at Memphis, Tenn.

Jones George W., sexton Congregational church, h 3d, third ab Main

Jones Henry B. (G. M. & H. B. Jones), restaurant, 11 lake; h Washington bet Cross and John

Jones John, lastmaker, h Conongue opp John

JONES JOHN W., SETON Baptist church, h Church, first ab Wisner

JONES JOSHUA, Arbour restaurant, 11 Lake

Jones Richmond, lumber-dealer, h Clinton bet College av and Columbia

Jones Ruth, wid Thomas, h Conongue bet Water and Cross

Jones Samuel, carpenter, h Baldwin, fifth N of Church

Jones Thomas (W. Pagett & Co.), tanner, h Factory, eighth E of Sullivan

JONES G. M. & H. B. (George m. and Henry B. Jones), restaurant and billiards, 7, 9 and 11 Lake

Jordon James, mason, h Orchard, second N of Church

Joyce Charles, clerk, h Conongue, first S of E 2d

Judd T., patent rights, h Columbia n Water

Judson William E., lumber-dealer, Baldwin bet Clinton and 4th; h E Union, second N of 2d

Junction Canal Lock House, on Canal c Clinton and High


Kain Patrick, blacksmith, h Cross, second W of High

Kane Cornelius, laborer, h Spring bet John and Water

Kane Dennis, laborer, h Monroe n Chemung River

Keenan Peter, laborer, h E 3d, fourth E of High

Kehoe David, blacksmith, h College av e 4th

Keiser Joseph, peddler, h College av n Water

Kelley Amanda, dressmaker, h Clinton n David

Kelley Bridget, h 1st, first E of Wisner

Kelley Cecelia, h Clinton n Davis

Kelley J. M., h Hatch c 6th

Kelly Johanna, weaver, wool factory; h Factory, sixth E of Sullivan

Kelley John, brewer, h Ontario hotel

Kelley M., Mrs., h Clinton n Davis

Kellogg W. W. (Tenny & Co.), druggist, Wisner, seventh ab 2d; h Cross bet Wisner and Maine

Kelley Seth (Kelly, Biggs & Co.0 soap and candle manufacturer, Baldwin 3 5th’ h Cross bet Wisner and Main

Kelly William D., shoemaker, h De Witt bet Cross and Church

KELLY, BIGGS & CO., (Seth Kelly, Peter Biggs and Henry Sayles), soap and candle manufs., Baldwin c 5th

Kelsey George H., clerk, h Delavan house

Kemp Samuel, Jr., pressman, h Washington c E 2d

Kennedy Allan A., contractory, h William c Clinton

Kennedy David, boatbuilder, h 5th bet Lake and Dickinson

Kennedy James, hatter, h Brainard house

Kennedy James, laborer, h 1st, third ab Columbia

Kennedy Michael, h Hatch, first N of 6th

Kennedy Sarah, wid. Daniel, h 5th bet Lake and Dickinson

Kent Phineas, painter, h 1st n Grove

Kersch Jacob, laborer, h Washington, third S of E 2d

Kickbush John M., tailor, h De Witt n Cross

Kies Lewis, bookbinder, h College av c 5th

Kimball Orison, coal-dealer, h Church c Davis

King Irene, wid. John, h College av c 5th

King John (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, n 5th

King Rufus (King & Reynolds), lawyer, 49 Water; h Brainard house

KING WILLIAM E., billiard and eating saloon, Wisner opp depot; h College av c 5th

KING & REYNOLDS (Rufus King and Schuyler C. Reynolds), lawyers, 49 Water

Kingsbury Elisha, carpenter and builder, r College av, first N of 5th; h College av, first N of 5th

Kingsbury William A., (H. &. Millins & Co.), grocer, Water bet Wisner and Main; h W 3d c Main

Kingsley Andrew, carriage-maker, h E 2d, second W of High

Kingsley William C., student, h W 3d c Main

Kinne Thomas, laborer, h Elm n S Lake

Kinner John, engineer, h College av n 3d

Kirkland James, painter, h Gregg bet Church and Cross

Klines John (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, second S of 4th

Klock Sanford, farmer, h Factory, second E of Sullivan

Knapp George, h William, third N of Clinton

Knapp John, depot police, h Delavan house

Knapp John M., brakesman, h 4th, second ab College av

Kniffin Dennis D., (Nelson & Kniffin), h Hudson n 3d ward school

Knipp John, confectioner, h De Witt bet Cross and John

Knoop John A., tailor, 2d, second W of the canal

Knott Alvin, milkman, h Cross c Orchard

Knott Robert, h Cross c Orchard

Knowles Marcus M., carpenter, h College av n 3d

Knowlton Elizabeth, wid. Baldwin, h Monroe n E River

KOLB BALDWIN, eating saloon, Wisner opp depot; h do

Konkle, Aaron, lawyer, h High bet Cross and John

Konkle William P., (Swan & Konkle), h High bet Cross and John

Korn Herman (Korn & Brother), 63 Water, and Korn & Brother, N Y.; h at New York

Korn Himan, salesman, h Cross n Orchard

Korn Jacob (Korn & Brother), 63 Water, and Korn & Brother, N. Y.; h at New York

Korn & Brother (Herman and Jacob Korn), clothiers, 63 Water

Kough John, teamster, h Wisner, second ab Water

Kress George, speculator, h Cross c Orchard

Kress Samuel J., clerk, h W Union c 4th

Krowl Abraham, blacksmith, Lake opp Haight’s hotel; h Cross, second W of High


Labusky Francis, h Perry, second N of E 3d

Ladew Hiram, shuckmaker, h Dickinson, second N of Clinton

Ladue Jeremiah, carpenter, h Church n Canal

LA FRANCE PETER A., house, sign and ornamental painter and dealer in sash and blinds, paints, oil and glass, Water opp Elmira hotel; h Hudson W of S Main

La France Truxon, engineer, h Cross n Harriet

La France Willis, carpenter, h Cross c Harriet

Laidler William, hairdresser, h Chemung house

Laidlo John, shoemaker, h Church n Davis

Lake J. William S., carpenter, h Hoffman N of Church

Lake L., patent rights, h National Hotel

Lambert Matthew, carpenter h Sullivan C Clinton

Lamont Emily A., teacher, h Church n Grove

Landers Garrett, tailor, Hudson n Harmon

Landy Peter, traveling agent, h Henry n R R

Lane C. A., station agent, h American hotel

Lane Harvey, boatman, h Lake c 5th

Langdon Jervis (J. Langdon & Co), coal and iron, 5th cor Hatch; h E Union c E 3d

LANGDON J. & CO. (Jervis Langdon and Samuel W. Barnard), coal and iron dealers, 5th c Hatch

Langford Nancy, milliner, h 5 Water

Larkin Bridget, wid. John, h Spring bet John and Water

Larkin Edward, photographist, h Water, first ab Wisner

Larkin John E., photographer, h 20 Water

Lardlan John F., tinsmith, h Hudson n S Lake

Lasier Abraham, peddler, h De Witt bet Cross and Church

Latimer Anna R., preceptress Elmira Female College

Latimer James E. Rev., professor languages, Elmira Female College

Lattimore David, h De Witt bet Church and Cross

Lattimore James, factory hand, h E 2d, third W of High

Lawrence J., K., clerk, h Haight’s hotel

Laws Benjamin (col’d), porter, h 5th, second W of Lake

Leach Richard, peddler, h John c High

Leadbeater Samuel J.., laborer, h Oak, first S of Washington av

Leady Jeremiah, farmer, h S Lake n village line

Leary Catharine, h Hatch, third N of 7th

Leary Dennis, laborer, h N Hudson W of Fulton

Leary Fenton, laborer, h Water n Hudson

Leary Jeremiah, laborer, h hatch, fourth N of 6th

Leary Thomas, laborer, h E 3d, third E of High

Leavitt Henry C., machinist and carpenter, Carroll c Fox

Lee E., h Columbia n 4th

Lee Eliza, weaver wool factory, h Factory n Sullivan

Lee George, machinist, h Clinton c W Union

Lee John (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson c 5th

Lemons, M. H. peddler, h Columbia c Church

Lemunyan Philip, farmer, h Sullivan, third S of Clinton

Letts James M., (Hathaway & Letts), photographer, 22 Lake; h Conongue, first from Cross

Levy Maurice (Simmonds & Levy), tobacconist, 12 Lake’ h Church bet Washington and Orchard

Leverich Gabriel (Collingwood & Leverich), civil engineer, &, 13 Lake; h at Southport

Lewis Edwin P., h Gray first ab Wisner

Lewis George, patent rights, h national hotel

Liddy Patrick, laborer, h Wisner, third N of 5th

Linderman, carriage-maker, h High n Water

Lindsley Ebenezer, farmer, h 4th c Baldwin

Lienhart Andrew, grocer, 4th bet Lake and Dickinson

Linnell Alfred, conductor, h College av n Gray

Lisdale A., blacksmith, h 2d, first bel Columbia

Lobdell Isaac, mason, h Orchard, third S of E 2d

Locey Thomas, tinsmith, h Water, third ab Wisner

Locke H. B. Mrs., h 2d, first ab Wisner

Lockwood Mrs., h S Water n Harmon

Lockwood Gideon, carpenter, h Cross n Washington

Lockwood Hiel, farmer, h Factory, second E of Newtown Creek

Lockwood John, carpenter, h Dickinson c Clinton

Loggie John, laborer, h Main c 7th

Lohman Harrison, boatman, h 5th, first W of Lake

Lombard Horatio J., (Edmister & Lombard), National hotel

Long Lewis, butcher, h Church, first E of Wisner

Long Nancy K., wid. Daniel, h Oak N of Factory

Longwell Ann E., student, h Magee c 5th

Loomis William R. (Hitchcock & Loomis), butcher, 37 Lake; h S Lake n Sly

Loomis William R., Jr., butcher, h S Lake n Sly

Loop Hannah, wid Christian, h Jay, second W of Sullivan

Loop Hester, wid Henry, h Orchard bet Cross and Church

Loop Horace, omnibus-driver, h Cross n Lake

Loop John B., laborer, h Canal, second N of 5th

Loop Stephen, blacksmith, h Cross n Lake

Lorimore William J., clerk, h National hotel

Loring James H., (J. H. Loring & Co.), h 1st, first W of Main

LORING J. H. & CO. (James H. Loring and Edward W. Hersey), grocers and provision dealers, 4 union block

Losie John, tinsmith, h De Witt bet Church and Cross

Loughhead John A., moulder, h Dickinson, fourth N of Clinton

Loughhead William H., moulder, h Hudson n R R

Lovejoy Robert H., express-messenger, h Lake cor Church

Loveless Orrin, printer, h Water, third ab Wisner

Lovel Daniel, farmer, h Sullivan c Church

Lovell G. S., mechanic, h Franklin house

Lovell Japhet B., teamster, h Baldwin, second S of Clinton

Lovell John, tinsmith, h Columbia c Church

Lowe Caroline, h Main, first from Gray

LOWE URIAH S., county clerk, office Lake, first N of court-house; h Main c Gray

LUCE FANNIE MRS., city bakery, 2 Union block, Gray bet Chemung Canal and Baldwin

Luce Joseph, foundryman, h Wisner n Gray

Luce Mary S., h Gray bet Chemung Canal and Baldwin

Luce Stephen S., agent city bakery, h Gray bet Chemung Canal and Baldwin

Lurkins Robert, drayman, h 2d, second ab Wisner

Lutes Ralsey, painter, h Water n Hoffman

Lycan John M., salesman, h William n 3d

Lyman Mary, h Washingtn bet Cross and Church

Lynch John, laborer, h Spring c John

Lyon John, carpenter, h S Lake n Hudson

LYON RUEBEN, marble-worker, Lake, second N of Cross; h Baldwin, second N of Church

Lyon Silas, nursery, h n village line S of Franklin


McBurney Thomas, h Sullivan, fourth S of Clinton

McCaffrey Peter, bootmaker, h Hudson n Warren

McCaffrey Thomas, laborer, h Lake c 5th

McCann James, carpenter, h Gray n Grove

McCann Mrs., h Hatch n 5th

McCarty Charles, laborer, h S Water c Fulton

McCarty Daniel, laborer, h Hudson c Warren

McCarty Dennis, laborer, h hatch, fifth N of 7th

McCarty Donald, segar-maker, h S Walnut c S Hudson

McCarty James, laborer, h Washington av c Hatch

McCarty John, laborer, h College av n Clinton

McCarty John, laborer, h Magee, first N of 7th

McCarty Mary, domestic, h Carroll n Lake

MCcarty Owen, tobacconist, h Elmira hotel

McCarty Patrick, laborer, h Warren n Hudson

McCarty Peter Mrs., h Magee n 4th

McCarty Timothy, laborer, h S Water n Fulton

McCasy Maria, tailoress, h Wisner n 1st

McCasey Mary Ann, tailoress, h Wisner n 1st

McClafferty Simeon, boatman, h 5th c Baldwin

McCorbett, Thomas, peddler, h Franklin house

McCoy Thomas, h De Witt bet John and Water