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Elmira, N. Y.
Abbreviations used in this Directory:
- ab, above; bel, below; b or bet, between;
or cor, corner; ct, court; h, house; la, lane;
opposite; n, near; r, rear; rd, road;
sq, square;
N, North, E, East; W, West;
S, South
Abbott Charles, carriage-trimmer, h Hudson n R. R. Ackerson Abraham, farmer, h Lake n boundary line Adams John, shoemaker, h National hotel Adams William (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin c 3d Adamy Nancy, h De Witt bet John and Water Agney Millah A., wid. Laben L., h Lake n Washington av Ahrlick Israel Rev., h High n John Ainsworth Loring, lumberman, h Water, fifth ab Walnut Albertson George W., engineer, h S Water n Harmon Albertson Ruth A., dressmaker, h Water, fifth ab Columbia Albrecht Joseph, shoemaker, h S Water n R. R. Alexander Miner, tanner, h Ann n S Lake Alexander Nathan, clerk, h Cross n Washington
Allen John S., printer, h Cross n Harriet
Allerton Geo., machinist, h Dickinson, third N of Clinton
Allison Nathaniel, farmer, h Clinton bet Davis and Walnut
Allison William, cooper, h Magee c 5th
Alvord H. Mrs., seamstress, h 1st, second ab College av
Amann Joseph, lager beer and boarding-h, Wisner, n 2d
Amarous Michael, laborer, h 3d n College av
AMERICAN HOTEL, Wisner c 3d opp depot
Anderson Alexander, farmer, h River n S Water
Anderson George (col’d), laborer, h E 3d c Conongue
Anderson Wesley, h Baldwin c 2nd
Andrews John (Andrews & Burbage), saw manufacturers, Cross E of R. R.’; h Wisner c Gray
Andrews Joseph, sawmaker, h Water n Walnut
Andrews Sarah, wid, Benjamin, h Water n Walnut
Andrews William Henry, sawmaker, h Water n Walnut
ANDREWS & BURBAGE (John Andrews and Joseph Burbage), saw manufacturers, Cross E of R. R.
Andrus S. G., late lumber-dealer, h Main c 1st
Angell Charles, express messenger, h Main n 4th
Anhalt Julius (A. Jacobs & Co.), clothier, 7 Water; h High n Church
Anhalt Morris, salesman, h High n Church
Ansell William, spinner, h Sullivan, first S of Clinton
Appleton Charles, laborer, h 4th n Wisner
Archer George, baker, h Chemung house
Armitage Richard (W. F. Armitage & Co.), h Columbia c Church
Armitage William F. (W. F. Armitage & Co.), h Columbia c Church
Armitage W. F. & Co., (William F. and Richard Armitage), tinware and glass, Water n Main
Armstrong E. T., currier, h Church c Grove
Armstrong Joseph, baggage-master, h 3d, first ab Main
Armstrong Maria, seamstress, h Clinton, first E of Lake
Armstrong Wesley (col’d), blacksmith, h Baldwin, second N of 4th
Arnold Jared, clerk, h Columbia bet 1st and 2d
ARNOT JOHN, Pres. Chemung Canal Bk., h Lake bet Cross and Church
ARNOT JOHN JR., Cashier Chemung Canal Bk., h Water, first W of Chemung C. Bk.
ARNOT M. H., Secretary Elmira Gas L. Co., h Lake bet Cross and Church
ARNOT STEPHEN T., Sup’t and Treas. Elmira Gas Light Co., h Church n Lake
Assauer Christian, grocer, E Union c Clinton
Aspinwall N. P., h 1st n Columbia
Aspinwall Nathaniel, h Main n Water
Aston William, h De Witt bet Church and Cross
Atkins Christopher C., tailor, 6 Lake; h Water, n Columbia
Atkinson F. H., bookkeeper, h Water, first ab Wisner
AVERILL LEVI, lime manufacturer and cement and plaster, junction Chemung canal and Washington av; h William, second N or Church
Ayers Cornelia, h E Water c De Witt
Ayers Jehiel T., segar-maker, h Washington bet Cross and Church
AYRES SOCRATES, watchmaker, jeweler, and insurance agent, 1 E Water; h Lake c E 2d
Babcock Erastus F., (Dann, Spaulding & Babcock), h Brainard house
Babcock George W., carbuilder, h Columbia c 4th
Bacon Calvin, h Clinton n William
Bacheldor Frances, h S Main n S Water
Badger Howard M., farmer, h Factory, second E of Newton creek
BADGER LUCIUS M., watchmaker, jeweler, &c., 19 Lake; h 4th, second W of College av
Badger R. M., h College av c 4th
Bagley William, blacksmith, h W Union n 3d
Bagley William A., blacksmith, h 4th bet College av and Columbia
Bagley William E., blacksmith, h 4th, third ab College av
Bailey Columbia, h Gray, second bel Elm
BAILEY FRANCIS J., wigmaker and hairdresser, 19 Lake
Bailey James E., wagon-maker, h Cross c Washington
Baker B. (J. M. & B. Baker), h Water n Elm
Baker C. Hamilton, clerk, h Hudson, second W of S Main
Baker Frank, gardener, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Baker Frederick, laborer, h 5th n Oak
BAKER HENRY, Sheriff, court-house; h r court-house
Baker James M. (J. M. & B. Baker), h Water W of Hoffman
Baker John S., tollgatherer, Lake st bridge; h S Lake at bridge
Baker Leroy, law-student, h at Southport
Baker Luna, weaver, wool factory; h Factory, sixth E of Sullivan
BAKER NATHAN, marble-worker, E Water opp Chemung Canal Bk., and E Water c Fox; h E Water c DeWitt
Baker Richard, conductor, N Y. & E. R. R.; h Hudson n Harmon
Baker Sparrow, butcher, Water bet Wisner and Main; h Hudson bet R. R. and S Main
Baker V. C., train dispatcher N. Y. & E. R. R.; h Magee c 5th
Baker J. M. & B. (James M. and B. Baker, Water, third E of R. R
Baldwin Alexander H., ice-dealer, h Haight’s hotel
Baldwin Elisha G., printer, h Harmon n S Water
Baldwin Frances D., h Harmon n S Water
Baldwin Henry, express-messenger, h Gray, second ab Main
BALDWIN JOHN D., coal-dealer, Cross c R. R.; h Lake, third S of Church
Baldwin John S., ice-dealer and nurseryman, Ann c Sly
Baldwin Lotie, printer, h S Water c S Main
Baldwin Myrilla, wid. Grant B., h Lake c Washington av
Baldwin Sarah, h Harmon n S Water
Baldwin Thomas D. (Baldwin & Reynolds), clothier, 55 Water; h Water, first W of R. R.
Baldwin William L. (Schnell & Baldwin), Gem hotel, Wisner opp depot
BALDWIN & REYNOLDS (Thomas D Baldwin and Samuel N. Reynolds), clothiers, 55 Water
Ball Jonathan, contractor, h 4 th c W Union
Ballard William W., lumberman, h Baldwin c Church
Baltz John F., cooper, h Magee, first S of 6th
Barber James W., mason, h Sullivan bet Cross and John
Barbour Abbott, mason, h First n Grove
Barbour E. N., farmer, h Church bet Elm and Walnut
Barbour Evelyn L., preceptress, Elmira Female College
Barden Ransom R., h Baldwin 7th S of Clinton
Barnard Samuel W., ( J. Langdon & Co.), coal and iron dealer, 5th cor Hatch; h at Albany
Barnes David, carpenter, h Water, third above Walnut
Barney Henry, h S Water n S Lake
Barney Joseph H., clerk, h S Water n S Lake
Barrett David, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Barrock Obediah, laborer, h Henry n S Lake
Barry John, car inspector, h Henry n R. R.
Bartholomew Josiah, carpenter, E Water opp conongue; h Water, fifth W of Columbia
Bartholomew Oscar, carpenter, h S Lake n R. R.
BARTLETT DENNIS B., prop. Brainard House, Water c Baldwin
Barton Robert W., (Barton & Dickinson), h Haight’s hotel
Barton & Dickinson (Robert W. Barton & George S. Dickinson), grocers and provision dealers, S. Lake
Bartow Morris, farmer, h College av, first N of Second
Batholf Rachel, tailoress, h Gray cor Davis
Baulchman Stephen, fireman, h Forrest house
Beach William (Beach, Stuart & Co.), h William n Church
BEACH, STUART & CO. (Wm. Beach, Chas. B. Stuart and Daniel E. Ufford), tailors, clothiers, hatters and boot and shoe dealers, 20 and 22 Lake
BEADLE RALPH W., cashier Bk of Chemung, h Lake c E 2d
BEADLE TRACY, pres. Bk. of Chemung, h Lake cor E 2d
Bean George, tanner, h N Oak, first N of 5th
Bean Martin, tanner, h Water n Grove
Bean Peter, tanner, h Water n Grove
BEARDSLEY BENONI P., axe and edge tool manuf., Lake c Cross; h Cross, second E of Lake
Beardsley Elias J., teacher, h S Lake c Hudson
Beardsley Harriet, dressmaker, h College av n Gray
Becker Hiram, shoemaker, h Lake c 4th
Beckwith Caroline, h Walnut c North
Beckwith George, farmer, h Hoffman av n Village line
Beebe Ferdinand, laborer, h Hudson n Fulton
Beebe Nancy, h Henry n S Main
Beecher Thomas K., Rev., h Elmira Water Cure
Beekman James, brakeman, h Delavan house
Beers E. O., carpenter, h Water n Hoffman
Beers George H., clerk, h Water, first ab Elm
Beers Jacob H., carpenter, h Grove, second N of Water
Beers Johnson, clerk, h Gray n Chemung canal
Beers William H., carpenter, h Water n Elm
Behan John, laborer, h Church c Gregg
Bell James, cabinet-maker, h Water, third ab Wisner
Bell Robert, tailor, h Eastey, 2d from Robinson, Southport
Bellius Aaron, peddler, h William, fourth S of Clinton
Belton Samuel, blacksmith, h High, second N of E 2d
Bement William, Rev., h Washington av c Main
Benedict John, laborer, h Cross bet Harriet and the canal
Benedict Samuel, h Cross c De Witt
Benham Mrs., dressmaker, Main c 3d
Benight Reuben, h Water 7th W of Columbia
Benjamin Henry L., physician, Main, third S of 3d
BENJAMIN SIMEON, pres. Elmira S Bk., h Lake c E 3d
BENJAMIN W. F., clerk and steward of Elmira Female College, h Lake c Clinton
Benn Erastus H., (Thurston, Hart & Benn), h 1st c College av
Bennett A. P., (A. P. Bennett & Co.), grocer, 18 Lake; h Water at ft of Elm
Bennett John, trackman, h Columbia n 5th
Bennett Patrick, laborer, h Wisner c 1st
BENNETT A. P. & CO. (A. P. Bennett & David Young), grocers and provision dealers, 18 Lake
Bent Solomon, lumber dealer, h Main, first N of 2d
Bently Fuller, farmer, h Henry n S Main
Benton George, axe-maker, h Monroe n E Water
Benton Henry P., city surveyor, 6 E Water; h 1st, third W of Main
Berhalter Joseph, boot and shoemaker, Baldwin opp Ely’s block; h National hotel
Bermingham John, laborer, h 4th c Columbia
Berner Adam, vinegar manuf., High c E Water
Bessy John W., carbuilder, h Clinton n Davis
Betson Peter, farmer, h N Oak, fourth N of 5th
Betson William, sawmaker, h N Oak, fourth N of 5th
Bettania John, harness-maker, h Water, third ab Wisner
Bevier Henry H. (Bevier, Briggs & Co.), h at Binghamton, N. Y.
BEVIER, BRIGGS & CO. (Henry H. Bevier, Thomas Briggs & George Ralph), maltsters and brewers, 2d n Chemung Canal
Bierhinder Jacob, tailor, h Wisner, fifth ab Water
Bigelow William A. (W. A. Bigelow & Co.), h S Lake n S Water
Bigelow W. A. & Co. (William A. Bigelow & Abner L. Derby), boots and shoes, Lake c Carroll
Biggs John, blacksmith, h E Union, second N of 3d
Biggs Mary, housekeeper, h Cross c High
Biggs Peter (Kelly, Biggs & Co.), h Baldwin bet 3d and Clinton
Billette Joseph, grocer and provision dealer, 72 Water; h Church, second W of Columbia
Billette Theodore, moulder, h Gray, first ab Columbia
Billings Charles C., farmer, h Main, first from Gray
Billings David T., h Gray c Elm
Bingham Lucian W., salesman, h Haight’s hotel
Birchall Catharine, wid. Richard, h John n Village line
Birdsell Thomas, teamster, h 2d, first ab College av
Birmingham James, laborer, h Baldwin, fifth N of 3d
Birmingham Mary, wid. Patrick, h E 3d, second E of High
Birmingham Michael, laborer, h E 3d, second E of High
Bishop V. R., tobacconist, h Church n Davis
Blaisdell William, engineer, h 5th n Columbia
Blake A., agt Howe Scale Co., h Hudson n R R
Blampied Joshua (Blampied & Coke), h Fox, second N of Carroll
BLAMPIED & COKE (Joshua Blampied & Levi Cake), bakers, grocers, provision and fruit dealers, 31 Lake
Blanchard William H., carpenter, h Grove n 1st
BLIVEN ASA, machinist and steam engine manuf., Wisner c Church; h Wisner, second N of Gray
Bliven Asa, jr., law student, h R. R., first S of Church
Bliven Charles, machinist, h Church n Washington
Bliven George, machinist, h Church c Gregg
Blodgett Gardner A., shingle manuf., Water opp Davis; h College av c Gray
Blos Francis, boot and shoemaker, E Union c Lake; h Lake n Clinton
Blye Norman, teller Bk. of Chemung, h Brainard house
Boak James C., switchman, h 2d, second bel College av
Boardly Catharine (col’d) wid. Adam, h Perry c E 3d
Boland Thomas, laborer, h Perry, fifth N of E 3d
Bolt Marlon S., milkman, h Oak c Washington av
Bolton Z. H., engineer, h 2d third W of the canal
Booth R., bridgebuilder, h Franklin house
Bopp Jacob, butcher, h Henry n R. R.
Bower George, cutter, h Orchard c Cross
Bowes Phebe J., seamstress, h Cross c Harriet
Bowles Solomon, station sup’t Hornelsville and Attica R. R., h 2d, second ab Wisner
Bowman Henry, tanner and currier, Water n Davis; h do
Boyce James E., tobacconist, h E Water bet Fox and Conongue
Boyd William B. (Hotchkin & Boyd), h Water c Columbia
Boylan Anna, seamstress, h Cross c Harriet
Boynton Austin H., lumber dealer, h S Lake n Sly
Boynton Nathan, physician, h S Lake n Sly
Boynton Sarah, h S Lake n Sly
Brady Peter, machinist, h River n S Water
Bradley Alfred, brakeman, h Gray c Columbia
Bradshaw Aaron, basket-maker, h E 3d c High
Bradshaw George, farmer, h Mt Zoar n S Lake
Bradshaw Henry, sawyer, h S Lake n village line
Brainard Block, Water c Baldwin
BRAINARD HOUSE, Water c Baldwin
Brand John (Brand & Hoffman), h at Buttonwoods
BRAND & HOFFMAN (John Brand and Henry Hoffman), distillers, at Buttonwoods
Brant Sandy (col’d), laborer, h Clinton c Dickinson
Brave James, carpenter, h Ontario hotel
Bray Reuben, h Baldwin, third N of Cross
Brennan Patrick, laborer, h 1st c College av
Brewer Isabella R., teacher, Elmira Ladies’ Seminary
Brewer Lucas, cabinet-maker, h Wisner first N of Church
Brewerton George D., Rev., h Main, third S of 3d
Brickwedde Henry, tinner, h High n Cross
Bridgman Adna, farmer, h Hoffman n Washington av
Bridgman John, farmer, h Hoffman n Washington av
Briggs Isaac P., blacksmith, Water n college av; h Water bet College av and Columbia
Briggs Smith, carbuilder, h S Magee n 3d
Briggs Thomas (Bevier, Briggs & Co.), maltsters and brewers, h Lake, second N of E 3d
Brigham Phineas, insurance agent, h Gray n Walnut
Brizeler Frederick, painter, h College av c 5th
Brizeler George, painter, h College av n 5th
Broadhurst Joseph G., painter, h Hudson n S Lake
Broder John, tailor, h Wisner c 1st
Brody Thomas, baggage-master, h Delavan hotel
Bronson Anna M., preceptress, Elmira Female College
Brooks Elijah P. (Brooks & Tomlinson), h College av cor 6th
Brooks H. S. (D. H. Tuthill & Co.), h Main c 1st
Brooks Henry (col’d), laborer, h S Water n R. R.
Brooks Roxanna, wid. Theseus, h College av second S of 6th
BROOKS & TOMLINSON (Elijah P. Brooks and Solomon H. Tomlinson), lawyers, 50 Water
Brophy John, laborer, h Wisner, second N of 5th
Brophy Patrick, laborer, h Wisner, second N of 5th
Brophy William, laborer, h Wisner, second N of 5th
Brown Amos, farmer, h Walnut n North
Brown Charles, miller, h Church c Sullivan
Brown Comfort S., teacher, h S Lake c Hudson
Brown Daniel, boatman, h E 2d, second W of Oak
BROWN DAVID B., grocer and restaurant, Water bet R R and Chemung canal; h Water c College av
Brown Esther, dressmaker, h Mt. Zoar n S Water
Brown George, stonecutter, h Church, second E of High
Brown Harriet E., dressmaker, h Baldwin S of Cross
Brown Henrietta, wid. Silas, seamstress, h Gray, second ab Wisner
Brown Horace H., mason, h Orchard bet Cross and John
Brown J. W., clerk, h junction Lake and E Union
Brown Jane, wid. Benjamin, dressmaker, Baldwin S of Cross
Brown Jefferson (col’d), laborer, h E 2d c Perry
Brown John, hatter, h Water c Columbia
Brown John, lumberman, h S Lake n Elm
Brown John (col’d), farmer, h Henry n R R
Brown Maria, h Church second E of High
Brown Mary E., dressmaker, h Baldwin S of Cross
Brown Samuel, boatman, h Columbia n Water
Brown Sarah, milliner, h Church n Columbia
Brown J. Whitback, clerk, h Lake c Union
Brown William (William Brown & Co.), hardware, 14 Lake; h Water n Columbia
Brown William H. (col’d), laborer, h 4th bet Lake and Dickinson
BROWN WILLIAM & CO. (William Brown and Nelson Wells), hardware, stoves, tinware and leather dealers, 14 Lake
Brownell Charlotte, h Main, first from 3d
Bruckler John, blacksmith, h Oak, second S of Washington av
Bruen John H., patent rights, h 4th n Davis
BRUSH GEORGE A., lawyer, 61 Water; h Church c Columbia
Brushingham Mary, waiter, Haight’s hotel
Bryant Lewis, h William c E 3d
Buchanan Esther, wid. George, h E Water bet High and Washington
buckley Mary, h Fulton n Hudson
Buckley Mary A., head waiter, Elmira hotel
Buckley Patrick, clerk, h Cross, second E of Washington
Bull David M., mail-agent, h Baldwin, fifth S of Church
Bullock Anna, wid. Robert, h Church c College av
Bulmer David, dry goods, 10 Water; h Brainard house
Bundy Jabin, bookkeeper, h High, third N of Church
Bundy Oscar, clerk, h High opp the park
Bundy Rufus, carpenter, h Cross n Sullivan
Burbage Joseph (Andrews & Burbage), saw manufacturer, Cross E of R R; h Baldwin bet Cross and Church
Burch Erastus, painter, h 4th c College av
Burchell Arthur, teamster, h Washington c E 2d
Burchill John, porter, Delavan house
burgess Benjamin, carriage-maker and machinist, Carroll W of Fox; h Sullivan c Cross
Burgess Benjamin S., jr., machinist, h Sullivan c Cross
Burke Mrs., h Hatch, second N of 6th
Burke John, laborer, h Perry, fourth S of Clinton
Burlingame William, lumberman, h Franklin n Fulton
Burns Dennis, laborer, h Hatch, second N of 7th
Burns Patrick, laborer, h Washington av c Hatch
Burns Philip, laborer, h Wisner, first N of 7th
Burns Thomas, clerk, h S Water n Main
Burrell Elizabeth, h W c Cross
Burt Jennie, h Water, seventh ab Columbia
Burt Judd D., law student, h Water seventh W of Columbia
BUSH C. I., American hotel, Wisner, e 3d, opp depot
Butcher Edward, bootmaker, Carroll bet Lake and Baldwin; h Gregg bet Cross and Church
Butcher Thomas, carpenter, h 4th n Columbia
Butler John, cartman, h 5th n Columbia
Butler Martin, hackman, h 5th n Davis
Butler Mary, wid Barzillia, h Sullivan, first N of Church
Butler Thomas, laborer, h Monroe n Chemung river
Butler William F., laborer, h Sullivan, first N of Church
Butterly Michael, laborer, h Main c 8th
Byrne John, cooper, h 1st, fourth ab Wisner
Cahill Michael, porter, h Cross c De Witt
Calkins Joanna, waiter, Haight’s hotel
Callaghan Ellen, teacher, h W Union, second from 5th
Callahan Daniel O., gas-fitter, h Franklin n S Lake
Cameron Barney, laborer, h 6th c Canal
Cameron John, laborer, h Canal c 6th
Cammell Michael, laborer, h Hatch, second N of 7th
Camp Marvin, baggage-master, h Delavan house
Campbell Andrew, laborer, h Baldwin, third S of 5th
Campbell Eusebia, teacher, h Church, second E of Davis
Campbell Gabriel, h Perry, third N of E 3d
Campbell Harriet, dressmaker, S Lake n Ann
Campbell James, cabinet-maker, h Lake c Clinton
Campbell James B., furnace man, h Magee n Clinton
Campbell Mary, h Sullivan, second S of Clinton
Campbell Michael, car inspector, h S Water n S Main
Campbell R., mechanic, h Franklin
Campbell William, blacksmith, h Gray c Walnut
Campbell William, laborer, h Perry, third N of E 3d
Camper James (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin, third N of 5th
Campin Michael, laborer, h S Lake n R R
Cane Dennis, laborer, h Jay c Oak
Canfield Ezra, saw mills, Williamsport; h Church first ab Main
Canoll Charles, clerk, h Delavan house
Cantwell Council, miller, h E Water n village line
Cantwell John H., shoemaker, h John n Sullivan
Cariss John, machinist, h Gray, second ab Columbia
Carl Edwin A., boarding-h, Water, third ab Wisner
Carpenter Calvin, police justice, 2 Lake; and dry goods, Water c Lake; h S Lake n S Water
Carpenter Charlotte, wid. Alvin, h N Oak, first N of 5th
Carpenter George E., h William c E 2d
CARPENTER ZENUS R., turner and bedstead-maker, R R., N of Water; h Water, second E of Walnut
Carr Barney, laborer, h Hatch, fourth N of 6th
Carr Betsey, wid. Austin, h Baldwin, second S of 3d
Carr James, fireman, h 7th c Canal
Carr Owen, laborer, h 7th bet Hatch and Canal
Carr Peter, laborer, h Hatch, fourth N of 6th
Carr Silas T., carriage-maker, E Union, first N of 3d
Carr Stephen, laborer, h Hatch, first N of 7th
Carrier Joseph, carpenter, h Lake, second S of Clinton
Carrigan James, laborer, h Canal, second S of 6th
Carroll Joseph, cutter, h Conongue n Cross
Carroll Owen, laborer, h Hatch, first N of 7th
Carruthers George, showman, h Clinton c W Union
Carter Alva S., painter, h College av n Gray
Carter Levi (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin, second N of 4th
Carter Sarah, tailoress, h Gray, second above College av
Cary Michael, laborer, h Water n Main
Cass John (R. Covell, jr., & Co.), dry goods, S Water; h William c E 2d
Catchpole Rachel, washing and ironing, h Wisner c Grey
Catchpole William, laborer, h Wisner c Gray
Catlin Mary G., teacher, Elmira ladies’ seminary
CAULDWELL NATHANIEL, commercial college, Dunn’s block opp Brainard house; h Baldwin S of 2d
Cavanagh John, cartman, h Hatch, third N of 6th
Cemetery, Main c Church
Chalker Delilah, wid. Samuel, h Monroe n E Water
Chalker Rosanna, seamstress, h Monroe n E Water
Chamberlin J. w. (C. E. Vinton & Co.), wines and liquors, Wisner, first ab Cross; h Gray, second ab Main
Chapin Freeman, axe-maker, h Sullivan opp Jay
Chapman James J., machinist, h Henry n R R
Chapman Joseph, ticket agent, Elm n S Lake
Chapman Joshua, h Fox bet Water and Carroll
Chapman M. Louisa, dressmaker, Fox bet Water and Carroll
Chemung Canal Bank, Water bet Lake and Fox
CHEMUNG HOUSE, Baldwin c Cross
Cherry John, trackman, h Wisner n 1st
Cherry Leonard, carman, h Dickinson, third S of 4th
CHERRY WILLIAM, proprietor Chemung house, Baldwin c Cross
Chittenden Roxanna, wid. Amos, h Gray bet Baldwin and the canal
CHUBBUCK HORACE, physician, Baldwin, fourth S of Church
Church I. A., clerk, American hotel
Churchill T. W., machinist, h 1st c Columbia
Churchill William, farmer, h Franklin n Fulton
Clancey Patrick, laborer, h 1st c Wisner
Clark Allen S., cabinet-maker, h Baldwin, third N of Cross
Clark Catharine, wid. Charles W., h De Witt c Cross
Clark Grandin, glover and whipmaker, h Wisner, first ab Church
Clark J. B., lumber-dealer, h Church, first ab College av
Clark Jefferson, laborer, h 5th n Oak
Clark John, carpenter, h W Union, second N of 5th
CLARK JOHN M., photographer, Lake c Carroll; h Columbia n Water
Clark Joseph, hostler, h 2d c College av
Clark Susan, wid. John C., h Haight’s hotel
Clark Sylvanus, carpenter, Church c High
Clark William, sexton, h E Union n Lake
Clark William B., carpenter, h Clinton c Lake
Clarke Isaac, laborer, h S Lake n Mt. Zoar
Clarke John, laborer, h John n Washington
Clarke John, h Franklin n new road
Clarke Laura, h S Lake c Elm
Cleveland Frank, station baggage-man, h Magee n 4th
Cleveland James H., car-builder, h Cross n Washington
Cleeves E. J., Mrs., teacher, h Water, fifth ab Main
Cleeves Julia, h Water, 5th ab Main
Close R. H., nurseryman, S Main c Partridge; h do
Coard Primus (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, fourth N of 4th
Coe Lavinia, dressmaker, h E Union c 2d
Coke Levi (Blampied & Coke), baker, &c., 31 Lake
Coke William, cabinet-maker, h Fox opp Carroll
Cole John M., mechanic, h Franklin house
Cole Myron, h Cross, one door W of Orchard
COLE PRATT, hardware, tinware, paints, oil and glass, 14 Water; h Baldwin, fourth N of Gray
Coleman Alex. K., carpenter and builder, h Water c Grove
Coleman Benj., mason, h Canal, first S of Washington av
Coleman C. O., h S Main c Partridge
Coleman Ellen, machine-sewer, h Cross n Wisner
Coleman Henry, salesman, h Cross, second from R R
Coleman John, carpenter, and sash and blindmaker, R R, first N of Water
Coleman John (col’d), hostler, American hotel
Coleman John, patent rights, h Cross, first ab Wisner
Coleman Joseph, saddler, h S Water c R R
Coles Charles, h 4th n Magee
Collier Frances M., teacher music, Elmira Ladies’ Seminary
Collingwood Francis (Collingwood Brothers,) and (Collingwood & Leverich), h Water, seventh W of Columbia
Collingwood Robert (Collingwood Bros.), h Water, seventh W of Columbia
COLLINGWOOD BROTHERS (Francis and Robert Collingwood), watches, jewelry, &c., 13 Lake
COLLINGWOOD & LEVERICH (Francis Collingwood and Gabriel Leverich), civil engineers, surveyors and agents Singer’s sewing machines, 13 Lake
Collins Dennis, laborer, h Washington n John
Comport Frank D., carpenter, h Water, third ab Wisner
Comstock Saml.. G., hats, 2 Brainard block; h Baldwin c 2d
Conan Thomas, laborer, h Canal, second S of Washington av
Conant Julius E., traveling agent, h S Main n S Water
Conby George, mason, h 5th n Davis
Concert Hall, Concert Hall block
Concert Hall Block, Lake bet Water and Carroll
Condon Mary, factory-girl, h High, third N of E 2d
Condon Sarah, wid. Patrick, h High, third N of E 2d
Condon Sarah jr., factory-girl, h High, third N of E 2d
Condon William, paper-hanger, h S Lake n village line
Congdon Erastus, clerk, 2d junction E Union and Baldwin
CONGDON GEORGE, maltster, Cross c Chemung Canal; h Church, second W of Walnut
Congdon Joseph, car-inspector, h College av n 5th
CONKEY SAMUEL, dentist, Holden’s block (up stairs); h W Union, first N of 4th
Conklin David, farmer, h Hoffman n village line
Conklin Ichabod, architect, h Church, third E of Wisner
Conklin J. R., farmer, h Hoffman n North
Conklin Joanna, h Columbia n 4th
Conklin Walter W., axe-finisher, h Hudson n S Lake
Connelly Cornelius, stonecutter and mason, h at Buttonwoods
Connelly Cornelius, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Connelly Dennis, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Connelly John, laborer, h S Water n Fulton
Connelly Michael, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Connelly Patrick, laborer, h Clinton n Main
Connelly Patrick, laborer, h Warren n Hudson
Connelly Thomas, laborer, h at Buttonwoods
Connelly Timothy, laborer, h Hudson n Warren
Connolly Daniel, laborer, h Hudson n Warren
Connolly John F., tailor, h High, second S of E 2d
Conrad G. V., clerk repair shop, h Clinton bet College av and Columbia
Constable William (W. Constable & Co.), h Columbia, S of 4th
Constable William jr., (W. Constable & Co.), Columbia, second S of 4th
CONSTABLE W. & CO., (William and William Constable jr.), shippers of coal, Magee’s basin, E depot
Converse Maxcy M., music-teacher, Lake, third N of Church
Cook Enos, carpenter, h Mt. Zoar bet Fulton and S Lake
Cook Elisha H. (Cook & Watrous), h S Water n R R
Cook George J., h Water n Davis
Cook Henry (col’d), farmer, h Perry, fourth N or E 2d
Cook John, printer, h Elmira hotel
Cook Salmon, teacher, h Factory, seventh E of Sullivan
Cook Sidney S., machinist, h E Union, second N of 2s
Cooley Jesse L., clerk post-office, h Church c Washington
Cooley Levi, h Lake n Washington av
Copley Lauren, farmer, h S Water c S Main
Copley Nancy, h S Water c S Main
Corbin Charlotte, wid. Alvin, h Cross c Washington
Corcoran M., h College av n 3d
COREY AUGUSTUS F., flour and feed, 5 Lake; h Columbia c Gray
Corey William F., teller Elmira Bank, h Columbia c Gray
Cornelison James, printer, h Orchard bet Cross and Church
Cornell Joseph, shoemaker, h Gray, sixth ab Columbia
CORTRIGHT JOSEPH, butcher, Wisner, first ab 2d; h 2d, third W of Main
Corwin Louisa, wid. Joseph, h Clinton c Columbia
Cotton George H., carpenter, h River n S Water
Cottrell Stephen, carpenter, h College av c 5th
Court House, Lake bet Cross and Church
County Jail, rear court-house
Covell Elmina, wid. Miles, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Covell Henry C., teller C. C. Bank, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Covell Jacob M., bookkeeper C. C. Bank, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Covell James, clerk, h Lake, second S of Church
COVELL JOHN D., physician, and (Gregg & Covell) druggist, 4 Water; h Water c Fox