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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
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Say Hello to Joyce
Lavinia PETTIBONE (Monro) received the following 
letters from her sister, Nancy PETTIBONE (Davis)
who had migrated to Michigan from Columbia
Township in Bradford County

Lavinia is shown at right at a date later 
than that of the letters.

Letters of Nancy PETTIBONE (Davis)
Township: Columbia Township, Bradford County PA
Transcribed letters from Migrant
Year: 1855-1863
Photo Source : Percy Mettler
Transcription Source - Don Turner
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
Diaries and Letters
on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.

(the date/address is half cut off on my copy, and I don’t have easy access to the original, so the next line is somewhat of a guess from the bottom half of the writing)

Marion Mar. 22, 1855

Dear friends:

Having this opportunity I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how we are all well at present. We have had a very hard cold weather here this winter, the hardest that I did see any where I ever lived. The snow was two feet deep on the level. Charles has made a bargain for a piece of land south of where we are now and if the snow ever goes off he calculates to go and look and see what it looks. And if it suits we shall go there if spring ever comes. He has traded his Virginia warrants for it. If he likes it we will go there. We will write to you what kind of country it is. The children is both well and harty and fat as pickles. I want you to write to me as soon as you get this and write to me how the others have been and how the folks is and all the news you can find or think of for I want to hear from you all very much. I want you to sit right down just as soon as you get this. Set right down and let your work go and write to me. There is a man going from where we live to Chicago and will be gone three or four weeks and I want you to write right off and send your letter to Chicago and we may get it by way of him.

Nancy J. Davis

(No date, but since the letterhead shows a civil war union soldier, it is undoubtedly after the start of the Civil War and before Nancy Jane Pettibone Davis died in March 1863)

Respected friends

We received your letter this ninth with draft in it all safe and now have got the money for it. We have got seven acres chopped and Charles is arguing to make a bee and log it up day after tomorrow. We would like to have you come out here for we would like to see you and all the rest very much. I think you might come out here if you would raise spunk enough to start. If you would come out here the change of climate might help you. I think it would. It is not much (undecipherable) where there is a little. We are all as well as common. Tell Louisa not to wait til she gets time to write but to take time and write.

I wish you to come out and see us and would like to have you come out here to live so I would not be all alone. I should think you might. I get to thinking some times about you all and it makes me feel lonesome to think of you there. Send the rest of the money before long. I don’t know that I want it very bad yet. If you do I can write and you can send it or come and fetch it. I want you to come and fetch the rest. My pen is poor and I have not much time to write so I scratches a little and let it go for this time.

I want you to write as soon as you get this and tell the rest to write too. You will find some mistakes I expect in here but I was in a hurry.

Nancy J. Davis

Six Corners Ottowa Co., Mich Apr 27, 1863

Lavinna Monroe

Dear sister – with pleasure I received yours of the 17 of Sept last informing me of the health of our friends and wish I could say the same to you but I am under the painful necessity of informing you that Nancy Jane is no more. She departed this life on the 21 of March last. She was confined on the 14th and left a girl 7 days old. The babe is well. I have given it to one Mrs. Williams and am keeping the rest of my family together by the help of my girl. We are well. Write as soon as you receive this.

From your affectionate brother,

C. Mc. Davis

1 Since she mentions both children, this places the letter between 1855 when her second child was born and 1858 when her third one was born. So my guess on the date is 1855 from the bottom half of the writing I can read. Since Alice Davis (born 1855) was born in Illinois, I suspect this letter was written from there.

22 Apparently this was written before Ira and Betsey Pettibone died, or at least before she learned of their deaths. They died in 1855 and 1858 respectively.

3 Louisa PETTIBONE Hulslander 1812-1864, her older sister. I suspect this letter is to Lavinnia PETTIBONE Monro, but don’t know that for sure. The money referred to I suspect is from the sale of Ira and Betsey TENNY PETTIBONE estate since they died a few years earlier.

4 Lavinnia PETTIBONE Monro, sister of Nancy Jane PETTIBONE Davis, the youngest child of Ira and Betsey TENNEY PETTIBONE of Columbia Township, Bradford County, PA.

5 Jennie Rosetta Davis 1863-1924

6 Widow of Mr. Alleine Williams a neighbor of the Davis family. Later, her son takes over the farm. Jennie still lives with them in 1860 although she is listed on the census as Rosetta Jane. In 1859 the oldest Davis girl, Jane Elizabeth marries another son of Mrs. Williams, Alleine Williams Jr. and by the 1870 census have not only their own children, but have the youngest of the Davis children living with them. The Davis children are listed in that census as McDavis. This seems to go back to the confusion on Charles Mc Davis name where he is listed most places as Davis, and some as McDavis. In the roster of the 7th Michigan Cavalry during the civil war, he is listed as McDavis. I suspect that this is because his middle name is an Irish or Scotch Irish one like McDonald or McNett and is abbreviated as Mc. Instead of as M.

77 Nancy Jane Pettibone had another sister marry, Adaline, marry a Davis – Benjamin. I do not know if Charles and Benjamin are related. Charles is from New York, Benjamin from Canada. Benjamin and Adaline moved to Rockport, Illinois after the deaths of Ira and Betsey Pettibone and they show up there in the 1860 census.

Bradford County PA
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On ? 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 23 JAN 2005 

The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com
Good morning,
I was looking for new information on Ira Pettibone and came across your site.  We (my husband and I) can fill in quit a bit for you on the Pettibone line and others that come off of it.  Anna was my Great-great Grandmother's sister.  Betsy Tenny Pettibone was their mother.  We have information on both the Pettibone and Tenny families going back several generations from Ira and Betsy.  Of the other Pettibone children we have information on many of them down to current generations.
Nancy Jane was Anna's youngest sister and was born there in Pennsylvania. She had six children that we are aware of.  The youngest being Jenny Rosetta Davis who was my great Grandmother.  Her youngest was Illah Irene Spencer, my Grandmother.  Her oldest daughter, Barbara Jane Harrett is my mother.
All female lines, aren't they fun!
Nancy Jane married a Charles McDona Davis who was a colorful character. They lived in Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  Nancy died 10 days after giving birth to Jenny in 1863.  She is burried some where near Six Corners, Ottawa County, Michigan.  We have not yet been able to find her grave. Charles then remarried and had five more children and moved to Arkansas via Texas.
Jenny went to live with her oldest sister Jane Elizabeth or Elizabeth Jane depending on the document.  She was known as Lizzie.  She married a man named Alleine Williams.  Aunt Lizzie had been living with the Williams family.  For what reason I  don't know.  She then took over raising her three sisters when her father remarried.  Second wife doesn't seem to like children. She disposes of them to others including to orphanages.  Lizzie lived her life in and around Muskegon, Michigan as did the next two sisters, Electa and Alice.  Jenny wound up in Grand Rapids married to William Spencer, a fire captain.  They lived across the street from the fire station.  It is still there but is not a fire station any more.  Jenny died of brest cancer in 1924.  She had two daughters, Georgia and Illah.  Georgia lived her entire life in Michigan in the Grand Rapids area.  Illah on the other hand moved around.  Arleigh Harrett her husband worked for the U. S. Postal Service and was first in Muskegon, then Detroit, then Cleveland, Ohio.  They retired to Tucson, Arizona where she died in 1961.  They had four children.  Their two daughters are still living.  Barbara has three childred of which I am the eldest.  Yvonne has ten children.
That is just a brief summary of the line down from Ira and Betsy.  Ira goes back to a man named John Pettibone that came to the colonies in the 1600's and married a lady named Sarah Eggleston.  That line is a story in it self because she is the daughter of Bigod Eggleston who came to this country on the John and Mary in 1630.  His life is one adventure after another. Let me know if you are interested in the GEDCOM of this family.

Barb Turner - turnerbabs@cox.net
April 2005