![]() All of the people pictured here, and more, can tell you about their life and times on these pages.
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Jan 1 Jean Ellison's Birthday. George went to work #2 leaving on #4
time. Didn't sleep much last night and have been feeling badly all day.
Fred and Betty came from John's about seven and Fred took car and probably
came to the Y. Fred spent about thirty dollar last night. Don't know what
Geo did. Fred got out this afternoon on BH #4. Cut out brown plaid dress.
Made an apron for Jean and am giving her a couple pair of nylons.
The Amateur Naturalist's Handbook by Vinson Brown 3.50
Minerals Their Identifications, Uses and how to Collect Them by Herbert
S. Zim and Elizabeth K Cooper 3.50
The First Book of Stones by M B Cornack 1.50
Getting Acquainted with Minerals by George Letchworth English 5.00
Mineral Collector's Guide by David E Jensen 5.00
Jan 2 Went to church and up to Dots for turkey dinner. Fred, Betty and
kids went. Stub House came about nine tonight and they went to Wellsburg
where he (Fred) out did himself again.
Hammond's Guide to Nature Hobbies by E L Jordan 2.95
A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals by Frederick H Pough 3.75
Jan 3 Got George off and got at my washing. Sewed for about five hours. Straightened thro' went to Toti's with the churches I tried to paint. Then to school at hghts. Where I didn't accomplish much. Sent check for George's dues. George was dead headed home on #5 where he played poker won $12.00. Fred got $15. Was up to Dot's few minutes. Ate a little turkey. Found out how to faggot two pieces of cloth together. Am terribly tired tonight.
Jan 4 Audrey Barber's Birthday Nice day. Not very cold. Got up late. Do not feel very good. George got tire from Five Point Tire Store. Recapped 13.00. Gave Geo. 10.00. Betty and I went to lodge. Got home late. Went to Park View after George and he said he'd go to the lodge supper. We took Mrs. Pint and her daughter. George went to John's and got the movie projector. Had trouble so it wasn't so successful as the women wanted to play cards. Got home a little after ten.
Jan 5 A nice day. Rain at night. Went back to bed after taking George. Didn't get up till 11:30. Baked two batches of cookies and got the ironing. Worked on table cloth. Geo came about seven. Had meat loaf and baked potatoes. George showed the kids some movies. Thinks the spring is weak.
Jan 6 Rain and sleet. Van Etten & Odessa schools closed today. Roads good here today. Much colder this afternoon. George got tire from Barry's recapped 8.00. Cashed Albert's check. Geo Harriman stopped all new roads except what have already have their allotments. I got two spools of thread. Fred going around since the third when they went out with the Houses. Got reels from John took his piece TV which lets me shift from one station to other. Fred called tonight. Wouldn't tell where he was going.
Jan 7 Windy & cold. Took George to work. Laid down on couch & slept till after 10. Haven't been over to Betty's today. Worked on my dress. Got it done but the hem. Straightened thro' mopped floor. Thought I'd go after groceries but dreaded to go out. Geo never came till after ten. Had stopped. I ate at nine. He didn't want a meal so made him canned soup. I also made two blue pillow cases. An eighteen year old boy killed in car by Black Diamond yesterday.
Jan 8 A sunny mild day. Got up late. Went after groceries and up to Dots. Gave her .75 of tickets from groceries, which finished enough for a record player. George came home shaved and went to get hair cut and beer joint wouldn't let me go with him. Never came home till after one. Said he'd been all over. Picked a fellow up at Herbs bar. One of these days he won't get away with picking up people.
Jan 9 Rather cold. Took George to work and came home took a bath and went back to bed. Woke up at 10:40. Dressed and went to church. Washed a rubber of clothes mostly mine and bedding. Painted a little. Betty measured my dress. They went to Harker's. Got home a little after seven. Very slippery. Geo got in at five thirty. Had a baked chicken for supper.
Jan 10 Not very cold. George got hair cut then came after me we got his pay. Went downtown and got recapped tire 8.00. Owed Griska 5.00. Stopped and played cards. Broke about .75 in the hole apiece. Fred came in and was a little drunk. Got him to give me his pay. He had used $10.00. Geo gave me 100.00. Got 145.00. Went to doctors blood pressure up again. Take more medicine. Geo was to meet me after I got out at De Donna or Griska and he wasn't there about 7:00 gave Fred the devil, then went to Corning and never showed up till 1:00 in the night.
Jan 11 A sunny cold day. Put hem in dress and lace on pillow case. Made dress which I have to do over as its too wide on shoulder and long in waist. Went to Toti for art lesson then to Dots where I ate supper and when I came home met George as he got off the engine. Bought some stamps for kids. I wanted some. My book is so old that its not much good. TV is rather good tonight. George was bumped off his job tonight and there doesn't seem to be any place for him. Set back four engineers.
Jan 12 Not very cold. Got up late. BH2 buckled and two cars broke parapit by station. Steve was on derrick. No. 2 had a baggage coach tipped over. Went up got Louise & Dotty and they got their cars. Had dinner then Geo got the bright idea he could pick up the grain. I knew it as a chance to get away I took nap. Geo not back. Took Fred's car and found him & Frank at Herbs bar. A drunken girl was with them. Stopped at Collins then we were to meet Frank at De Donna's but Geo brought Fred's car home and didn't want to go up there. Had supper and went to bed.
Jan 13 Lodge has contest supper to which Betty and I went. Then up to Dots for home bureau. I cleaned downstairs and worked on my dress which I had to shorten in the waist. Got part of the hem in. Sewed lace on pillow case. Fred got a four o'clock yard job. Geo was called for BH2 for 9:15 AM not very cold some snow. Got a letter from Mrs. Petty.
Jan 14 Very cold this morning but thawing a little in afternoon. Got pants & dress from cleaners. Cleaned upstairs. Fred took Wayne and went up to Audrey's. I got some groceries took Dot to Dr. Lindenberry, 228 W. Washington Ave. She has a bad cold which is going on her lungs. Geo made the rounds. Borrowed 2.00 from Betty. After I had gotten, went after him at De Donna's. Betty baked. Archie Naple called and Fred wouldn't tell Betty what he wanted. Geo got in at 5 AM. Betty ate breakfast with us. Very very cold tonight.
Jan 15 Not as cold as predicted. Geo called for 5:15. After taking him went back to bed till 9am. Cleaned drawers and bottom of sink & sides of stove made chicken al La king and chicken soup. Took most of it up to Dots. Cleaned inside of refrigerator. Went up to Dots and stayed till nearly eleven came home took bath. Fred took Wayne to Brick pond and left him and went to beer joint. Kids brought him home all of them wet. He then came & asked me for 2.00 which I refused as I figured he'd just go again which he did anyway but came back about 8.
Jan 16 Not very cold. Went to church a very good sermon on How every body was lonely and that was why so many people joined clubs went to too many parties and the most lonely those who visited bars. George must have come in about as soon as I left for church. A bunch of cub scouts went to round house and blew the whistle so much George thought something must be wrong and we went to see. He stopped to Griska's and he dropped a couple of dollars in pin ball machine. Came home and had dinner. He went to bed again. I slept a couple of hours after church.
Jan 17 Not very cold this morning. Snow flurries but very cold tonight. Took Geo to work at 6:45. Did the washing. Dust mopped upstairs. Cleaned spice cupboard. Dropped flour bin and flour went all over. Mopped kitchen, went down to Toti. Finished night picture of Halsey Valley church. Had supper with Betty. She took Bobbie to Dr's but he wouldn't do anything for him (shots) because he had bronchitis. Cleaned birds & vacuumed dining room. Dot very sick with sinus yesterday but better today. Fire nearly roasted us out last night and draft had been left on so fire was nearly out. Got started about two. Fred got a ton of coal from Linn & Chapel 19.95.
Jan 18 Lodge Betty & I went out early. Fred got #15. George took care of kids. Cut Wayne & Kenny's hair. George went to Griska's and I went to meat market not very cold. Got cheese for church supper. Think they must have had a big crowd by the cars. Dot brought her kids down. Betty had to go to a cub community meeting so we had all of them. Geo cut the rest of their hairs. Dennis Hayward came with pig knuckles stayed till about ten. Did my ironing. Steve & Dot came about 11:45.
Jan 19 Not very cold. George called for 6 AM for the 601.
Jan 20 15.00 Payday. We went down town and then at a couple of houses on East Ave where new showing is to go then to see a mover. He discourage Fred. I got a new corset 10.00. We paid taxes, lights and milk bill. Geo sold corrigan over coat he bought from Ed Griska. George took the projector to Griska's where they looked at vanderville pictures. I went to Dots till twelve. He wouldn't come home & when he did he was mean. Had four reels with him and after undressing went down & played with them then came upstairs and berated me for being half a woman same old story. Very cold about zero.
Jan 21 # Very nice day sunny and not too cold. Got up about ten o'clock. Geo had laid off. Made out check for lot taxes and Digest Book. Then went downtown. Bought housecoat 8.98 Dress 24.95. When I got home George wanted to go and get switch for projector. I also changed the corset. Got myself a pair of shoes 4.66. Gave Geo 10.00. When I went to show Betty the things. He beat it. Went back downtown to get tube or light monkeyed a lot with it but got it working.
Jan 22 5.00 Cold. Got up late. Geo changed tire and then beat it. Took Fred's car when Betty came from doctor's and he was at Griska's. Got home to take me downtown but before we could go had to go get Steve and kids as Dot had gone after groceries and he was called to work and he didn't know where she was. Got myself a hat and some more material. Let Geo out at Griska's came home and cleaned downstairs and about 7 went after Geo. Went up to De Donna's when he put 2.00 in pinball won some at Griska's then he was mad because I chased him when he told me to come and get him. He called his mother. It bothers me for she knows he's been drinking when he does.
Jan 23 A sunny rather warm winter day. Got up early but felt so like fainting did not go to church. Laid down for awhile in afternoon and took a short nap. Geo has slept nearly all day. Drove down to John's and up to Dots neither at home. Tried to get him to go up to Dot's but he wouldn't. Said he wanted to go to his mothers but wouldn't get started.
Jan 24 G 1.00 Sunny but real cold. George washed the car then went to Griska's. Put in cement in the mens toilet. Stayed until five then came home for supper. Went back but left car for me to go to school. After school I went to Dot's taking her the wristlets and belt I knit for Stephan. Geo was home when I came at 10 but left to level off cement at Griska's. Came home at 11:45. Fred got in at 4:30 this morning. Would have gotten 15 if his father had gone to work as he should.
Jan 25 G 2.00 Very cold this morning. Up at 5 am after taking Geo to work made cookies and a cake. Fred went to 612 Fred St. Real nice house but said it would probably sell for 5,000 or more. Made table clothes ready for hand work. Cogs on the wheel on projector broke two teeth. Fred took it to Elmira Arms and they are sending away for it. Got card from Dora for Halsey Valley taxes $11.25. Sibley was here and wants to borrow some money. Has bought a place next to him.
Jan 26 Rather cold. Did not leave the house. Geo didn't either. Got up late and didn't do much of anything all. Betty had sick headache. Feed the kids and took care of Bobbie while she had the scouts. The mothers march of dimes tonight. Gave 2.00. They did very well. Went to bed at ten. Read.
Jan 27 G 2.00 Very cold supposed to be the coldest night of the winter. Geo called for 9 AM. Fred got in about eight. Note Went to Dots. Took her ¼ cake. Loaned her 1.25. Went to Dora's 2.00 gas 1 qt oil .45. Got home at 9 PM. Ran out of light brown for my rug. Shampooed living room rug. Paid taxes for Halsey Valley place also Sibley's. Drew Halsey Valley church on two pictures. Taxes $11.25.
Jan 28 Very Cold day. Got my medicine 2.25. Went to Mrs. Owens & got some rug rags .50 when I home Dot had telephoned that Kevin had climbed a tree and got his hands scratched by his cat which had been frightened by dog. Took him to Dr. Cohen. Home got dinner and Geo left as it was ready. Said he'd be back in 10 to 20 min but stayed more than hour. Went up to Dot's and took care of kids while they went to the school dance. Home at 12:45. Loaned her the money 2.00.
Jan 29 G 3.00 Still very cold. Geo wasn't called till 11:15. Sibley and Lee here for an hour. Did the washing. Cleaned. Then went up to Dots and we went to rummage at Methodist church in Horseheads got .15 of books. Dot got .30. Then went to auction and she bought stove electric very nice for 64.00 trucking 1.00. Had Blanche and family for supper. Borrowed 3.00. Stopped and got her 2 qt milk .50. I was sore for I felt she could manage with what she has. Wrote out check for 64.00 came home at 8 finished red check table cloth. Took bath. Let Sibley take bird cage belonging to Dot. Mrs. Spinner 3-1654 dining room suite.
Jan 30 Very cold. Went to church. Geo had gotten up and gotten his breakfast. Geo got in early. Went to sleep in afternoon. Guess Geo had had a real time for himself by the odor. Didn't do anything all day.
Jan 31 D 3.00 Not quite as cold. Geo called for 7AM. Came home and slept till nine. Did my ironing and straightened house. Put some money in checking account but couldn't find place to park so didn't take painting lesson from Toti. Came home and worked on rug. Had supper at Betty's then went to Hghts to school then up to Dots. Steve and her mad at each other over stove. Guess I should have kept my mouth shut but she is always putting me on the spot. Can't blame her for wanting an oven.
Feb 1 Payday. Milder with some snow. Geo paid 39.00 on insurance 40.00 on coal 4.00 gas. 4.00 in silver, 11.00 groc. Check 144.00. now has gone to beer joint. So far hasn't given me any. Gave me 33.00. Stayed about 2 hrs at different joints. Had dinner and then went to bed early. Betty and I went to lodge. Geo stayed with kids as Fred got BH2.
Feb 2 4.00 had. Very cold. Geo called for 8:45 got a quick permanent $1.64 which I gave myself just around my face. Took care of the baby while Betty took Hudson and went to Hghts. When she got back went to Mc Cann's and got her .10 of paper for scouts then up to Dots. She also had scouts. Then supper and I gave her a permanent got home 11:30. Sent for fancy work magazine. WorkBasket 1.00. Fred got all dressed up to take 1 & 2 yr tests. They didn't want him so he went to Griska borrowed 5.00 and proceeded to make an ass of himself. Came home about six.
Feb 3 # G 5.00 Very very cold. Paper says it will be the coldest night of the winter so far. Didn't get up till one. Fred got #15. His car wouldn't start so he pushed Betty. She had radiator checked. It checked for 17 below & ours for 15. She did a lot of baking two batches of cookies, cake and two pumpkin pies. Each of us got two tons of coal. The dust went all through the house.
Feb 4 3.00 Very cold. George called for 10 AM. Came home and finished my story. Then did some mending also sewed on my dress. Cleaned the house. Fred and Betty went to Blanches got home about 7. Kenny could not be found. Heard him over there but he didn't report to me as he was supposed to. Didn't get thro work till nine. Betty gave me part of a pumpkin pie. They had a terrible fire in Carbondale & another small town near. Each had a million dollars damage. Each had nearly a square block burned. Many people are homeless.
Feb 5 Much warmer. Got up about ten. Got dinner. Geo got up 11:30. Is taking a bath. Haven't done much of anything. Betty's sister came this afternoon. Fred and Elwin went to stock sale at Horseheads. George's insurance check came. Fred sent his income tax in 262.05 back. Geo left and never came back till two in the morning. He'd had such a good time had laid off.
Feb 6 Very icy. Went to church. Then down to John's. He was making out his income tax came home. Got dinner and Betty had Steve and Dot to dinner. Fred, Steve and I played penuckle later Dot played till 9 PM when they went home.
Feb 7 1.25 Not very cold. George took car to get a hair cut and never came home. Betty went to Den mothers banquet with Mr. Wing so I took their car and went to school where I lost the right glove pigskins that Dora gave me two years ago for my birthday. When I came home Geo was on Grand Central at Gilly's. Came home changed my clothes and looked for my keys to car but could not find them. We drove up to Hghts to see if glove was on ground but didn't see it. Came back to Griska's where we stayed till nearly 1 then I could sleep. Geo borrowed 10.00.
Feb 8 3.00 Not very cold. Geo went to work. As soon as I could get my work done went up to Dots. Stopped & got some groceries. Got there about 11. She was making board for the home bureau. We worked on them till time for scouts. I put her supper over. After supper we worked on boards again. Got home about 9:30. Stephan seems to be coming down with the mumps. I forgot to take 2 quarts of tomatoes to church for their supper tonight. Am I ever embarrassed. Went to school but no one had found the glove.
Feb 9 # 1.00 Not very cold. Slept late. After dinner drove to Candor. Got 12 doz eggs. Saw Dora an hour and a half while Geo visited at beer joint. Then up to his mothers where we stayed another 1½ hr. home about 7:30. Stopped in Van Etten and at Griska's. Fred in there. House came with a quart of whiskey and took their washing machine. Betty sore because he gave it to them. Have looked everywhere I can think I might have put those keys and haven't found them.
Feb 10 5.00 A day like spring. Geo called for 7:05. Took him to work. Went over to Betty's. Fred never came in till five. Went back to bed till 10. Took bath changed beds and started to wash. Dot called that as soon as Dr Lindenberry came in would I take Stephan to Dr. I had a cake in oven when she called. Took it out and left it in tins. Payday so I stopped in Hghts & cashed check and hurried then to Dr where I waited 2 hrs. I went to take out it stuck to bottom so had to make another also cream & icing. We had a nice time over at Anna Hyziak. Think they all enjoyed making baskets.
Feb 11 G 10.00 1.25 5.00 for more from silver dollars. Geo came in about five and it was raining. Soon turned to snow. Fred got out extra to Scranton at 8:45. Laid in two days first out. Geo went out for four hours. Steve came after me to stay with kids. Got home at 10:30. Geo had dressed up white shirt and all taken the bag of silver and never came in till 1:20. Fred came on #512 and it was an hour late. Had the biggest snow storm of the season yesterday.
Feb 12 3.00 Geo called for 7:30. After taking him to work. Laid down till 9:45. Went thro silver bag and he had sold twelve of the dollars all the old ones. If he doesn't exchange and get the four oldest back am going to exchange the whole of them at the bank for paper money. I am thoroughly disgusted with him. There was seven paper dollars in bag. Went & got 17.00 groceries. Fell on Betty's back steps and thought I had broken my back. The pain was terrific. After an hour called Hood and he gave me a little relief. Think it was probably massaging that did it.
Feb 13 Did not go to church. Still cold but milder than it has been. It thawed a little yesterday. Geo didn't get in until about ten. Fred went on drunk then with John to Buffalo after a car for Gerard. They got back about two. DeYoung, wife & daughter came about five. Adjusted the TV Fred called to go to Buffalo on HB1 at 8:45. Was to have taken exams today. My back is bad. Did my ironing and got meals. Went to bed about nine. Geo didn't leave the house.
Feb 14 3.00 Geo called for 6:30 and it was cold. My back very bad. Went back to bed with electric pad. Got some pieces ready for tomorrow. Have to wash them. Went to Hood's. Don't think he helped much. Paid insurance. Henbest wanted the first paid said he'd make the Collision good. Went to Dr. Wladis and waited two hours. Got home 5:30. Sterns called Fred to take exams tomorrow. Said he should be in but hasn't came. Got 2:18 of groceries.
Feb 15 Lodge & first lesson on Hooked Rug at Neighborhood House. 10 3. Bought a rug base 1.85. Book .25. Enjoyed the lesson very much. Went to lodge. Geo went to Dr. Chamberlain at four. Came back and got supper. All of Fred's went to Scout Blue & Gold dinner. Geo went up to De Donna's but didn't stay.
Feb 16 3.00 Frederick Ellison birthday. Fred started out this morning. Betty gave him her last five this afternoon. Dot down and brought me some wool Clothes .50 and plywood for my bed. Snowed hard this afternoon. I'm just miserable with my back. It pains me all the time. If it doesn't let up guess I'll have to take x rays as Dr. Wladis wants sent for. Higby rug stripper 14.25. Geo called for 6 AM. Sent for uranium book to U S government.
Feb 17 # Not very cold some snow. Got up nine o'clock. Got dinner. Got bill for Mutual of Omaha. Fred never got in till morning. John helped him celebrate and he took Leo Pints wife and her sister home. Had an accident with his car which he thinks I don't know about. Said it was on Crescent but am sure it was not. Geo went out about 3:20 and never came back till after eight. He'd had enough. White top knot bird has decided to set. Laid just two eggs. Put another under her. She has laid six before.
Feb 18 Not very cold but cloudy. Geo pay 124.47. I paid the household bills and got some groceries 10.00. Got the fifty dollar deductible insurance today. Fred is on another tear. Wouldn't give Betty any money. Going to pay bills himself but was at Griska's when I took Betty at 2:45. She had to take David to Dr. Burke. Have to stay with Dots kids tonight. Steve got called out on a wreck to Campbell four cars off. Betty made a scene at Griska's.
Feb 19 A nice sunny day. Haven't done much all day. Geo went to make his regular calls and he and Ambrose argued over Fred. Fred called for #15 this morning.
Feb 20 3.00 A nice day. Geo called for 6:15. I didn't go to church. Straightened thro and worked on rug most of the day. Had dinner with Betty. Fred still has his pet. Dressed up in his best clothes. Betty found the car in front of Brad's in the Hghts. Came home & changed her clothes and when we went back he was gone.
Feb 21 Rainy. Geo didn't get in till about 9:30. I baked two batches of cookies and didn't do much else all day. Geo took bath but stayed in bed most of the day. Fred called for Buffalo local. Couldn't find him last night. Good drunk as usual. Gave Betty twenty dollars to pay television. Didn't have enough for other bills. Betty washed. Fred told Betty that Griska's wouldn't sell him a drink and had been forbidden to and the person who had forbidden them couldn't get one either. Betty wanted change for a five but I wanted my ones let her have a couple of dollars which she is to pay me back tomorrow.
Feb 22 3.00 Dark & Cloudy. Didn't do much. Geo called for 8:15. Went downtown got gas, paid 30.00 on deductible insurance, got pair black shoes, went after meat and a few groceries. Went up to Dots for supper got her some meat stayed till nearly twelve. Rain a little and warm. Dolores says Dora has an appointment with Voorheis Friday and that Bryan had had to quit work and rest for a couple of months. Got Betty hamburg 1.26 and Dot 4.05 meat. Steve didn't pay me because he is getting fixtures for a rug frame he is going to make. Betty went over to Harker's and to a cub scout Committee meeting.
Feb 23 # Dark & gloomy. Worked on the first rug most of the day. Geo slept on couch. Didn't even move car all day. Fred still mad. Betty came sick. He never came over all day. My back was terrible when I first got up but seems to be better if I don't get around too much.
Feb 24 3.00 Cold this morning. Geo called for 7:15. Fred got on Scranton last night. Straightened through worked some on the rug. Have one long side and part of a short one to fill. Am anxious to get the first one done so I can get at the one for home bureau. Think I'll take part I did out and do it the way I want. Dora came a little after six and we had supper then went up to Audrey's till after eleven.
Feb 25 2.00 Geo made the rounds. Then after dinner went to bed. Dora & Dolores went shopping. After Dora's appointment she stopped but went on to do meat shopping then stop for dinner at Sibley's. Geo wanted to go home. He laid off so I can expect a good drunk & trouble.
Feb 26 Dark & gloomy. Washed then went over to Spencer. Mother began to pick the minute we went in the house. I took over a vegetable soup. Ate and Geo went to Hoxie's. When they came back mother began on how Fred lost Albert's money and she said he hired boys to take care of gas station while he went on road selling auto parts. Geo got mad and told her off, then left leaving me because she said she had a heart attack and I didn't leave the minute he spoke. He said he'd be back in a couple hours this at 5pm at 9:20 he called and said he'd be back in the morning.
Feb 27 Rain all day. Geo came down and got me at his mothers. Asked
Fred if he ever sold parts and he hadn't nor had he hired kids to take
care of gas stations so she was mistaken. Got dinner. Geo stayed in bed
most of day.
Guess he had a real night of it. Stayed at Daddona's he said till it
closed. Went & got Fred. Fred feeling better. Betty fed Steve &
Dottie. Elaine home from hospital. They scraped her and she's good. Came
home today. A green parakeet has disappeared. The white canary laid two
more eggs. Mother said she rested better than she had in weeks.
Feb 28 3.00 Cleaned thro. Geo went to work finished the hooked rug I started last November. Took a lesson of Mr. Toti and went to school. No one found my glove. Thought I heard the parakeet upstairs but couldn't find him. Went up to Dots. Steve had my rug frame done and he did a very good job. Just what I wanted. Rained all the morning but sunshine in afternoon. Rained again at night.
Mar 1 Lodge went. Betty didn't go. Geo stayed in the bed most of day. I got up about ten. He got up 11:30. Had dinner ready. Had meat loaf, then he went back to bed. Brad Hamilton came over. Said they weren't doing so good in Buffalo and his father had been in the rounds about a month. Geo & I went after his pay 149.13. Paid rest of insurance 4.00 gas. Had three drinks. He bought about a dollar worth of stuff at drug store. Had supper and went to bed early. Fred called for a yard job.
Mar 2 5.00 Coral Harker's Birthday Cold. Geo called for 6:45. Parakeet hasn't showed up yet so guess it must be gone. Geo said he didn't have any money so his good time must have cost him about 15.00. Went up to Dots. Got some groceries 5.47. Stayed till nearly midnight. Got medicine again 2.25.
Mar 3 Geo cut the kids hair. Stayed close all day. Slept most of the time.
Mar 4 Cleaned all the way through. Thought I'd never get through. Sent check for Geo's union dues & my insurance. Geo called for 7:00 AM. Got some more groceries & meat.
Mar 5 5.00 Dick Bucklecamp called and Geo was to meet him at Dixie bowling allies at 5:30 PM. Said he'd be back about 8:30 but never showed up till after 3 AM had run out half a tank of gas. Gone to Waverly & Corning. Said he took six fellows to cat house but my darling never went Oh no. Washed my hair & took bath.
Mar 6 # Went to church. Didn't do anything much all day. Dolores called & wanted me to go to Geneva but thought I shouldn't but should have. Geo bumped think he had laid off.
Mar 7 Geo left about 12 and never came home till 5 in the morning. Slammed doors and came up stairs and picked a fight after answering him a couple of times I shut so he talked to himself for an hour then went to sleep. Dolores down. Said she had nice time at Dellie's. Dellie told her Bryan can't live very long because he has only part lung & part of heart working. All the adhesion from TB are filling up fast with calcium deposit. Dr. says someday soon he'll wake up with phlem in his throat struggling for breath & it would be the last.
Mar 8 Second Lesson on rugs. Took up dyeing. Geo marked on hostling job. Came home did up the work and then up to Dots till 11:00. Dora came about 7:20. Geo came home about 10:00. My 36 wedding anniversary and no one remembered it not even myself.
Mar 9 Dolores called & wanted me to come up about 11:15 to take care of kids while she and Dora went shopping. Helen Reynolds came over and showed me how to braid the top of my basket and how to start one without wooden button. They came about 4 and Dora left about six. I stayed till eight. Geo came a little after eleven.
Mar 10 A very lovely day warm & sunny. Payday. Geo gave 50 and his check was 92. Had the car and went to see about its being painted. Looked at new cars but decided to keep old. Dolores down. Car is to go in garage Monday. Paint job 75.00 replace chrome & damage I did to side. Went to home Bureau. Worked on baskets. Got home at 1:00. Put Albert's check in my checking account. Geo borrowed 5.00 of Audrey & 5.00 of Griska.
Mar 11 Rain. When I put down the window must have leaned on my glasses for the left lens was so badly bent couldn't even put them on. Went to Voorhees and he said he didn't see how it could have been done without breaking them. Geo ran around yesterday in his shirtsleeves & came down with a cold.
Mar 12 A nice day. Didn't do much except work on my rug. After taking Geo to work did up work & about 7:30 went up to Dots. Showed her how to hook. She had Bill Smith & family for supper. Geo came while I was gone & made oyster stew. Fred called for Waverly job at six.
Mar 13 # Mi 27451 when I came from Dots with car. A very nice day. Wanted to go up to Dellie's all day. Dolores came down & Geo cut Kevin's hair. Took George to work. Worked on rug for a couple of hours. Went to John's for a couple. John acted mad altho Jean didn't say anything. Geo came home at 10:30. Fred & Betty got home from Harker's about nine.
Mar 14 A nice sunny day. Did a large two weeks washing. Geo took the car to be painted and chrome replaced also door to be fixed. Had breakfast & he went after hair cut. Isn't home yet so he must of landed in beer joint. Fred got a midnight yard last night. Just missed five. Geo never moved an engine from 3 to 11. After Geo went to work did most of ironing on mangle Kevy came down with mumps has them hard.
Mar 15 Rain Betty & I went to lodge. Finished the ironing & cleaned thro downstairs. Went to doctors but was called on an emergency at five so have my appointment changed to next Monday. Came home & got my scalloped corn for the supper in the oven. Went to supper. Stayed & played cards. Geo got home just a few minutes before I did.
Mar 16 George took Fred's car about noon and was gone till about three. Dolores came about four. Took Fred's car and went up there. Stopped at Whipperwill yarn shop but didn't find what we were looking for. Gave Kevy aspirin & he felt better. Three up all the night before. Also gave him some eggnog. Worked on Dots rug. Steve made his frame smaller. Geo had trouble with Carey yard master so didn't get home till 11.
Mar 17 Sunny day but windy. Geo stayed home and slept. After he went to work and about six Dot came down after me. I stayed there till 10:30 and she brought me home. She made baskets & I got her rug straightened up. Tipped & cut strips for her.
Mar 18 When we got up this morning it was snowing. Had about an inch and a half. Fred called for HB1. Geo stayed home & slept most of the day. I didn't do much. After Geo went to work cleaned upstairs and sewed for awhile. If Geo doesn't feel like working don't see why he doesn't work off. He would for other reasons.
Mar 19 Sunny Geo gave 100.00 & kept 16 for himself 25.00 to go to Gerard. Tried to call them at 12:20 but got no answer. Paid lights, milk and got meat & groceries 24.00. Cleaned the refrigerator. Straightened dowstairs. Fred & Betty gone to Harker's after 20 hens live weight .15 cents. They never told me & I bought a frying chicken at AP .53. Geo cold seems to have settled in his back. Came home last night & it bothered him badly & all day today the time till he went to work. Bert Puderbauph died on his 72 birthday after a stomach operation had been hospital 5 mo.
Mar 20 Didn't go to church. Geo worked altho he was sick and had no business to. Haven't done much of anything all day.
Mar 21 Mr. and Mrs. Harker's wedding anniversary Geo laid off. Not only does he cough but his back hurts also. I worked most of day on rug.
Mar 22 Third lesson on Rugs. Took the lesson and I enjoyed it very much. Geo still coughing but says he feels better. It rained hard Niagara River has the most terrible ice jam. They've had for twenty years.
Mar 23 A nice sunny day. Geo marked up. We got up later. Went to work I dusted upstairs. Worked on my rug so as to get as much done as I could before tomorrow Dot came down for a few minutes.
Mar 24 Rug show at neighborhood House. Rugs to be there by ten. Second Home Bureau meeting at Dolores. Took mine down they were beautiful. Betty went with me when I went after it. Fred had yard job & Geo stayed with Bobby. Took Geo to work then went to rummage sale & sat till Dot left. Went to home bureau up to Dot. Ann & Dorothy served hot dogs with hamburg. A small everyone nearly had sick kids. Couldn't get Leona.
Mar 25 A lovely day but I can hardly drag again. Fred got BH4 yesterday. Wanted to buy a bus and borrow the money. Feel he owes enough and I only had his fathers & I don't feel free to use it as I did my own. He was sore. Audrey wanted to borrow 400.00 for about 3 hours but I didn't have it. He got Fred to help him all day.
Mar 26 Dark & cloudy, a little rain turning cold at night. Bought a brown nylon living room suite two pieces for a hundred dollars. George bought a dining room suite 10. They gave us about 45 records. I bought 2 pr curtains. Fred & Steve got Audrey's trailer & move the stuff and took the red chair & davenport up. Geo came home & helped move.
Mar 27 # Very cold with some snow. Went down to see car. Its painted but not assembled, then up to Dots. Did not go to church. Fred got a yard job 8 4. TV was changed on channel 12 power lowered by antennas changed about 500ft higher.
Mar 28 Diane Ellison's Birthday. Snow flurries and cold. Did a big washing and dust mopped upstairs. After Geo went to work took David and went down to Johns. Gave Diane two silver dollars. When we came back took all three kids up to Dots where Steve cut out Kenny a sword. Came home & changed living room around. Geo came home about eight and didn't go back. I was so tired I couldn't go to sleep.
Mar 29 27470 Cold but sunny. Car was delivered about 3:15. We went down to see about it this morning. New windshield. Blanche Lillibridge came about 3 just as Geo was going to work. Went after meat 3.61 & got a few groceries 3.10. Went up to Dots. She was going to wait on table for Father son banquet. John was up a few minutes for two fellows who held up a grocery. Got 10.00 gave themselves up at 1:30. Were brothers 11 and 16. John Gough on a bender.
Mar 30 Seems good to have it warm & sunny. Blanche did most of my ironing made a cake and roast pork. I am feeling miserable. After Geo went to work we got ready and went to Geneva. Bryan looks good but has lost about 50 lbs. It was after six when we got there but Dellie got us some lunch. Got home about 10:45. Went on avenue after Geo. Lalie came & got blue chair. Saw her in Watkins, her mother in hospital again with undulant fever.
Mar 31 Dolores Polovick 1926 Birthday. A lovely spring day. Took Blanche to bus station for 10:20 bus. Made cake for Dolores. She feels badly. Guess she carried a chair and desk downstairs. They ate most of the cake up before I left. Geo had had a few drinks and all he could do was find fault. Went to viaduct and got him. Was mad because I wanted to read paper in bed. Jean called me & she wants to use return income tax for rug and living room suite. Gave her 5.00.
Apr 1 Another lovely spring day. Took care of Bobbie while they went after groceries. Geo got up and left. Got his check bought two trees 12.00 car job 25.00, gas 4.20 rakes 2.90 coal 5.90 paint 10.00 gave me 50.00 Drew $119. Trout fishing opened this morning. Kenny was let out of school. Fred took him to Latta Brook and he walked home. Tonight got medicine and groceries, then up to Dots. She feels better. Tom & Elaine came. Geo gave barberry bush to fellow at roundhouse. More money wasted but am glad its gone.
Apr 2 A lovely warm spring day. Sorted out book in library to take to Dora's had three big boxes. Cleaned front room and other rooms. Things are awful dirty but don't know if I'll ever get them clean. Steve worked over time so I got my work done before I went to take care of kids. Took bath & washed my hair up there. Got home about 1.
Apr 3 Rain turning to snow in afternoon. Went to church Steve went to work & Dot came down for dinner. Took care of baby & Wayne who isn't feeling good and we think has the measles for an hour and about four drove down to Dora's Got some eggs, had supper and I got home about 10:15. Geo was in bed. Fred called for #5. Lee Dorn dropped dead & was buried today an old beau. Mildred Minor was buried today in Spencer. They had had their library sale so Dora didn't know what to do with them.
Apr 4 Geo has appointment with 9:45 with Voorhees. Cold but sun came out about 10 AM. Dora, Lee & friends were at the Rustic Gardens saturday night same time as Steve and Dolores & friends but didn't see each other. Never came home till 2 and had been drinking. Raised hell with me took his insurance check when I told him it was needed for his glasses. Guess he didn't feel right about it so raised hell. Took car came back with it at 8. Straightened house through.
Apr 5 Beautiful spring day. April 5 Fourth lesson on rugs and the last. Have agreed to meet at each others house eight of us to finish rugs & get ideas. Came home after lodge and did up the work. Read paper. Went up to dots till 9:30. Geo came home with Reggie St John Leona Siverson's nephew. Went back up to Dots had tea & cookies then over to Johns. She gave me blue parakeet when I go after it. Stopped at Gulka's for a drink then took him to his hotel.
Apr 6 Gave canary her eggs 7. Cloudy and cooler. Fred has been spreading the garden. Worked in yards 4 12. Wouldn't let Betty go to lodge. Haven't done much today. After Geo went to work I went and got New York State Tax made out 40.62. Then went downtown but found no place to park. Went up to Sibley's where I had supper then up to Dolores till about 9:30.
Apr 7 John Ellison's Birthday. Fred went on 15. Very cold. Geo let fire go out so the oven is on. Am afraid I'll catch cold. Geo took me downtown and I got John pajama's 3.19 and ½ doz hankies 1.50 & two combs. When we got home he went after a drink. Took him to work. Just as I was getting ready to go down to John's he came after car to take some officials to Mark Twain and when he came back was mad because I wanted car thought I should take Betty's. When he came about 8 he'd had plenty. Telephoned he was too busy to bring car home. He never did come. Geo called me everything he could think of when he came at 3 because I took the car & went to see if the police had him.
Apr 8 Still cold but some sunshine. Looked in Geo's pocket book and he had gotten his check & cashed 117.00. When he left yesterday he had 18.00 and he has only 95.00 left. Never gave me any of it. Got his mother a flower 4.00 and me a lily 2.50. Paid 25.00 on car. Took flower to his mother. She was in foul mood. She is going to do as she pleases if there is any way of doing so & she doesn't care who she hurts doing it.
Apr 9 A lovely spring day. Did a real big washing. Washed about everything in front & our room. Cleaned our beds and made them. Washed even mattress covers. Went up & got needlepoint 2.98 yarn 3.60 then up to Dots. Steve has the frame work of the bar done & 1 cupboard.
Apr 10 Lovely Easter day. Went to church. Geo took car & left as I was putting my hat on. Thought I'd never make it up there or back. Very nice sermon. Went to dots for a ham dinner. Geo left car but I didn't go anywhere. Betty went to West Danny. Stephan very sick. Dolores called the doctor. Said he thought he was coming down with mumps on other side.
Apr 11 Lovely sunny spring day. Did a very large ironing & the mending. Geo took car all day. Fred came in about 12:30 and got #5 tonight. Stephan much better. She Dolores was down a while this afternoon.
Apr 12 Rain & cold Paid New York State tax 40.72. Made pie & banana cake. Cashed income tax check 191.96. Went up to Dots and to Leona's. She has had the mumps. Geo took car up to Park View all yesterday from 11:30 to 2:30 and they were tarring roof & spattered right side of car. Fred got Waverly job tonight. Steve went to Lake & did Bill Smith's floors. Barbara & Dot making baskets.
Apr 13 Dark rainy & cool. Carmilla came over and she washed the blinds in the bath tub. All of them upstairs and we cleaned front room & our room. Got through about 5. Gave her 5.00 .60 an hour so she earned 3.00. After she left I washed all the plastic drapes, rugs in hall & bath room also some clothing, then Betty & I went to movies. The Man Called Peter.
Apr 14 Home Bureau at Anne's. Camilla came about 10:30 and we cleaned back bedroom. She washed the bathroom walls. I did all the windows & frames. I tired out. She did woodwork in hall down the stairs. I was nearly all in. Went to Anne's for home bureau. About 8 there. Got home about 11:15 George had taken bath & dressed all up about 9 o'clock. They called here about 10 and wanted him. I took Fred's car & found him at Herbs. He walked out on me. I slept in Front room. He was back & forth to bathroom half a dozen times.
Apr 15 Dark with rain in afternoon. Washed day bed covers & drapes in the dining also a little laundry also did all the ironing. Geo came about six. Got lunch. He was to leave car but didn't so I cleaned downstairs & mopped kitchen. Sure am tired. George painted on Fred's back porch.
Apr 16 Dark cloudy cool. Got up about 8 and cleaned china closet putting all the glass in one & china in other. Geo left car and I went up to Dots and then took a religious book to Leona for their parcel post sale. Got home about 9:30. Washed my hair & Betty did it up because I cut my thimble finger on a glass. Geo painted some on our back porch.
Apr 17 Dark cloudy & cool. Did not go to church. Got up about 11. Betty went after Kenny. Her mother is miserable. Fred came about two. After Geo went to work took him up to Audrey's Stayed & watched television. Got home about five. Changed my dress and went over to John's. He had been out on scrap drive for CD. He had a Chevy from Gerards .55. They want 800 and his car. Geo didn't come in at 11. Put in 2.00 gas at Audrey's.
Apr 18 Stanley Barber's Birthday. Lovely sunny day. Geo came in took the next three hours running to bathroom. Guess Camilla isnt coming. Washed windows & blinds in front room. Went to see parade with Fred, Betty & kids. It was very nice. Took our car & Geo took theirs.
Apr 19 Warm & Cloudy. Went to lodge. Came home & feed & cleaned birds & ran vacuum down stairs also mopped. Fred got yard job.
Apr 20 Warm & sunny. Went with Geo after his pay gave me 45.00 got some meat after we came back visited all the beer joints. Had dinner and after he went to work went after groceries 15.91. Fred got a yard job. Went up to Dots came home at ten.
Apr 21 nice day. Rain late after noon. Camilla came about 12:45 and we cleaned front room. She worked 2 ½ hours & didn't want to do front hall. She wiped down walls & washed paint waxed floor. I did the rest.
Apr 22 Cleaned the living room. After I had pictures down windows done etc. Camilla about 12:30 sent word she was feeling too miserable with her side to help so I did it alone. Also the front hall.
Apr 23 Dennis Hayward's Birthday 70. Cleaned dining room and mopped kitchen besides regular work. Am all in. Was taking bath when Geo came. He had been drinking. Asked for a dollar so knew what he'd do. He took bath put on white shirt, scotch hat etc. and instead of going to work went to beer joints. Left word for me to pick him up at Gulka's. Of course I hadn't dressed. So he wanted to go to Maple Ave. While I was waiting John & two fellows came. Asked his father to go to Allie Hacketts. There he made a real ass of himself. Ate pancakes & sausage there. Fred got advanced BH8.
Apr 24 Rain. Did not go to church. Am all in. Nerves all to pieces. Got dinner. Geo started to take car but said I'd take him. Came home did up my work and went down to Dora. She was at Halsey Valley. When she came we made a curtain for her sun porch. Got home 10:40. Geo was in bed.
Apr 25 Rain most all day. Am just about sick. Got up late. After Geo went to work went up to Dots. Got cutter for Mrs. Scanlon. Went to art class at Hghts. Geo home went to bed early. Fred called for hostling job. 10 6.
Apr 26 Dark & cloudy. Geo took car for oil change & has been gone a couple of hours. Dolores went to doctors & she is definitely pregnant two months.
Apr 27 cleaned cupboards & sink. Straightened thro upstairs. Camilla came over and washed walls in kitchen. Didn't get through. 1.00.
Apr 28 our home bureau met with Mrs. Barber Mariland
I had washed & cleaned the pantry. Was all in. Had a nice meeting. Camilla came over and washed kitchen walls 2 ½ hrs. Gave her 2.30. Finished.
Apr 29 Have felt so badly. Ask Camilla not to come over. Got groceries after Geo went to work. Went up to Dots.
Apr 30 Straightened all the house. Camilla came scrubbed & waxed floor. 1.20. Looked for Haywards. Geo said he wasn't going to Haywards party at Griska's but about 9 shaved & put starched shirt sneaked brown coat & pants. I am mad. He acts as tho' he was ashamed to take me. Never got in till 2.
May 1 Sibley J Barber's Birthday. Lovely day. Went to church. Took tea in basement. Dolores came just after I came home. Steve called in to work. She had dinner here. After doing up the work went to her home where we made a salad and then drove to Keuka Lake. Got back about 8:30. Stayed & watched TV. Geo called to run Griska's job.
May 2 Betty did big wash. I didn't. Sibley & plumber came. Would do the job 15.00 cheaper for Fred. Went to school and up to dots & watched TV. Betty went down town & after groceries. Thought she'd never come. Teacher wants all of us to exhibit pictures in bank. May 16. Geo
May 3 A very nice day. Betty & I went to lodge. Didn't get out till 5. Plumber had been here and said he'd be here tomorrow at eight. Steve & Fred tore up the floor in my bathroom. They stayed over to Fred's for a macaroni & cheese supper.
May 4 Very very warm 93. I really suffered. Plumbers came about 11:15, left for dinner 12:30 back 1:30 and left at 5:30. What a mess. Geo called to run in yards. Wreck on Eric at Endicott. Fred got speeno machine. Went up to Sibley. Donald White better. He has albumin of the kidneys. Fred on speeno machine.
May 5 George Poley's Birthday A lovely day. Plumbers finished today. It's not as I'd like it but at least there is a place to wash but oh such a mess. Paid 65.00. Fred 25.00. Dolores is going with the mother & daughter banquet with Mrs. Wicks. Geo's check came today & he gave it to me.
May 6 a very nice day. Geo & I went this morning and got the things for Steve to put in the floor. Stuff cost over 25.00. Went & got Dolores & kids. Steve came directly from work. I got 3 chickens cleaned all partly cooked two & had french fries & fried chicken ate 1 1/2. He got most of the Masonite down. Fred is again mad at the world. Didn't sleep nearly all night because water wouldn't run in lavatory. Steve found sink full of rust. Got new faucets for tub.
May 7 # A nice day. Steve came down about eleven and began to finish. Had pancake & chops for dinner. Cabbage & wieners for supper. Got through about 5:30. They left about 7:30 for outdoor movies taking David with them. Had thunderstorm about nine. I straightened thro. Geo came home took bath and dressed taking coat & hat with him. Thought he had gone for the night but he came back about 9:30. Took bath & put up hair. The new faucets make water run alright.
May 8 Warm cloudy. Thunderstorms in late afternoon. Went to mother Ellison's. Took the dinner. Chicken. Took her a pocket book flower & a dwarf dahlia. Geo went to work. About seven I went over to John's. He bought a new car 54 Chevy. De Lux 900 and his Nash. Said a bearing or rod was gone said they allowed him 1100 for his. Debbie began to walk last night. John had his car about a week.
May 9 Cold & some cloudy. Did a big two weeks wash. Took care of Bobby most of the afternoon. Cleaned birds gave them a new nest. They now have raised two birds one from each setting and she laid again this morning.
May 10 Cool. Did the ironing & mending. Did as much as I could on the mangle. Straightened thro'. Pay day Geo gave me 50.00. Got more than 20.00 of meat & groceries. Dot went with me. Didn't get through until about six. Steve worked over time. She got about 10.00 of meat & groceries. She wanted me to stay for supper but felt as tho' I should get Geo some.
May 11 A lovely day. Betty and I went down town. Looked at dresses. Got back a little afternoon. Kenny stayed from school said he had the stomach ache. Betty went downtown this afternoon without me. I went by myself and got the dress patterns. Drove up to Dots. This should have been on Thursday. Dot had xray this morning for TB. Her patch or shin test was positive.
May 12 Lovely day. Went to home bureau Mrs. Rohr. She is having a difficult time. Her daughter Ethel moved and has gone to Sampson were her husband found work. Mrs. Storch our sponsor way there. We had a very nice meeting. I came home more than an hour before Betty came.
May 13 A nice sunny day. Geo painted. I went to Horton's & changed the kitchen tile and stopped downtown got some notrons. Had just gotten home & put dinner over when Dolores called to get her & take her downtown.
May 14 It was supposed to rain today but instead has been a lovely day. Worked on my rug part of the day. After George went to work Mrs. Smith called. After she went straightened thro' the whole house. George's leg began bothering today. Said he did more work tonight than in a week. The white canary laid six eggs. Mr. De Young put a new vertical tube in. Charged 5.70. Service 2.50 tube 2.20. Better but very snowy.
May 15 A very nice day. Geo kept me awake because his hip pained him so badly. I laid in bed till after time to go to church as he was sleeping, then felt badly all day. Fred put on part of the plastic around his walls and wired his medicine cabinet. Betty baked. Their bathroom will be lovely when they're thro none of the kids showed up today.
May 16 Warm cloudy in afternoon. Made a batch of white cookies stuffed and two lemon pies and crust. Thought mother's birthday tomorrow. Geo went and got some medicine to help his hip and of course didn't pass up all the joints.
May 17 Lodge Very warm. Betty & I went to lodge got home 4:30.
May 18 Mother Ellison 87 Birthday. Geo & I got over to Mother's about 11. They were having a birthday dinner all the old ladies. I had taken a large roast of pork & dressing for dinner. Hot rolls etc. Mother was sick & could hardly sit up. Got home about 3 and Geo went to work.
May 19 Haven't done much but regular work except clean upstairs.
May 20 Pay day. Geo gave me 90.00 guess he had a lot of beer bills for he got 130 and didn't pay any bills. I paid water & lights & got him a carton of cigarettes then went with Betty after Mrs. Harker. Had supper there. Got home about nine. Got 2 doz eggs $1.00. Cleaned downstairs.
May 21 Lodge group meeting. We had to put on most of the work and some of it we did a good job of making mistakes. Got home 3:45. Rested a while & then went after groceries. I really am all in tonight.
May 22 No one has been around. Had chicken dinner with Betty. Geo took car. Betty gave her mother a permanent. Fred got a yard job. Betty washed. Have just dragged. Hot weather sure gets me.
May 23 Martha Ellison wife of Glen Ellison died. Burial Thursday 11 AM
May 24 Very hot & humid. Achievement Day for the Home Bureau. Every thing was very nice. I gathered things up & Dolores went with me Mrs. gave a good talk and the tea after was lovely. Betty had scout picnic & I took care of Bobby. He kept waking up. Betty didn't come so at 9:15 I went after the things. I was a little put out. Fred got 15. Geo didn't come for his supper, so I had to get when he came about 11. Dolores's x rays show she is positive alright.
May 25 Cloudy this morning rain early. Betty stopped for school school bus passing taking the Bixby's to dentist clinic. Let her go but she had forgotten her license. Groner. Blanche & Elwin here. Had dinner at Betty's. Fred putting in new bath tub. Geo bought a box cigars run his face. Fred washed screens. Betty goes over to Mrs. Harker's for picnic supper committee for lodge. Geo hit Meany's dog for biting him on motorcycle.
May 26 Very hot. Did big washing & ironing. Geo leg bothering him a lot. A cloudy nice day. Home bureau tonight & we elected offices. Leona told me Dora telephoned & wanted us to all come & sign off as the place was sold. Saturday at 2 PM. I get more disgusted with her all the time.
May 27 A nice day. A little cloudy. Did up my work & decided to go down to Dora's. Left about six. After we had supper drove down home. To dark to see anything. Sat around & visited. Took short ribs lemon pie, cookies lettuce, onions, pie, plant.
May 28 Everybody got there except Dellie on time. Signed off then went down home. Dellie tried her best to have Leona stay at Dora's. After we had gone from a room she'd bring something & say if no one wants that I'd like it. Sibley had taken white picture. I liked & painted lamp that was mother B. Audrey wanted everything said he could put it in his tenant house. Leona & Sibley came back to Candor & went on to Dora's farm. Just as we went in Dellie told Dolores not to come tomorrow altho they had all their food. Dora told her to come. I came near coming home. Dellie brought Steve but then he's an angel child.
May 29 Rain but we went over to the cemetery. Let Donald drive the car. Got a few things at home. Dolores & Betty had gone to farm eaten & had everything ready for us. After they went to Flemingville. No one had been there.
May 30 A nice day. They sold the Barber home this afternoon. Lloyd took the price he wanted 10 acres 1200.00 and people. Boyden from NY took other. Have seven years to pay 200 down 37.73 a month. Went down home waited till seven & Sibley didn't come . I got chair & a few things. Went to see Aunt Hallie. She is bad. Babe had an operation for cancer.
May 31 Haven't done anything all day. Kept car & went up to Dots. George is going around feeling sorry for himself. Baked a batch of cookies. Went up to Dotties. Got a few groceries. Stayed till eleven. Geo didn't like it.
June 1 Dottie down & said Steve would go over home and get my thing. Got Audrey's trailer & went after Geo went to work. Took chair rocking Sibley told me to and helped myself to pr of pillows. Got back about 8. Pay day. Geo gave me 50.00 kept 19.00 for himself.
June 2 More cleaning. Put a rug from mother by the two studio couches. George took car then came back ate supper.
June 3 Got my pictures at the bank and got about twenty dollars of groceries. Went up to Dots for awhile cut carpet rags for Leona's rug as well as my own. I ripped & she cut. She did a big washing.
June 4 A nice day. Cleaned down stairs. Betty & Fred cleaned their three downstairs rooms. Geo took car & never came home till after beer joints closed. Took bath & washed hair. Worked on rug.
June 5 A nice day. Not too warm just about right. Did not go to church. John and Jean came. He wants his father to put in his oil furnace. Guess he's going to. Betty & Fred went up to Dots and then to Watkins where they drank. Fred then started out. Geo didn't come home till 1:50. Up to Park View. Made a chocolate cake.
June 6 Philo F Hidebrand 237 Glenwood Ave Hghts.
Very warm today. Geo had three teeth pulled at this dentists. He liked
him very much. Had his hair cut. Dentist charged 5.00. Geo's insurance
check came. He gave me 14.00. I should put some in bank. I went to Dr.
4.00. Blood pressure up again. Guess it will never be right again. Arthritis
shot. Have it bad. Fred got #2. Never came in till 4:00 this morning.
June 7 Casady (Elmer) Birthday. Haven't done much of anything, its very warm Dolores brought Steve to work & after her scouts went we went to Sibley's. He has been having such a time with his back he couldn't walk. Went to chiropractor in Horseheads. He can now walk. Leona's brother is coming. He had his other foot amputated last Thursday just below knee. Left there at eight and then went to Jack Ellison's. Lalie's boy operated on emergency at two last night for appendicitis. Jack want to buy house for 4000 where their living. Alma working days.
June 8 Dark & cloudy & not so warm. Geo leg is bothering a lot. He painted on house. I baked two pumpkin pies, two shells a very large cream cake & a batch of Old fashioned molasses cookies. Straightened upstairs. Geo came from work about eight ate supper & his leg gave him hell. They called from round house & he told them he couldn't come. Rain tonight.
June 9 Home Bureau Supper. Has rained all the morning. George's leg was bad. Went to sleep a little after eleven and slept till 2 and I gave him a couple more pain pills. I had already given him two & two aspirin also a sleeping pill. Haven't heard anything from him an its now 12:30 PM.
June 10 Geo gave me 115 dollars got some bird seed. Took my checking account from down town bank to Hghts. Had more in it than I thought 18 put another 20.00 with it to make 200. Geo put 5.00 in silver dollars so he had 70.00 Fred went on drunk Batted Betty around. He brought Snyder wife & wives sister here. Think they stole 20.00 off him. Geo never came home from work Took his silver dollars. Don't know if he brought them all back. He was real drunk too.
June 11 Got dinner for Dora & Steve & Dot but everything nearly
spoiled. (This should have been yesterday).
Rain Dot came down & we went downtown got her cloth for her studio
couches. After we got back went to Lalia's. Jack not so good. Her man on
drunk. Geo never came home. Out drinking with John. Brought car at 1:30
then they went to Y. Geo gave John his silver dollars probably so I wouldn't
spent. I told him off & he began raving about my only being half a
woman. Saw part of the Moose parade. Geo never got till nearly 3.
June 12 Didn't got to church. Rainy Bad thunderstorms. Took Geo to work and then went up to Dotties. Cut both severs and basted one & she sewed it . Geo telephoned to see if I was there. Came home about 12:30 with Kossacks next door. Again he'd had plenty to drink. In a day or so he'll go around groaning with his back. Never said a word to him. Dora called a mortgage Mother held again. Dad place for 300 dollars can't be found to be discharged.
June 13 Dark & gloomy. Geo got up before eight got the house full of pancake smoke & me wide awake so he was happy. Got up 9:30 and did the washing. Parakeet Dolores had dead in cage this morning. Didn't have any seed & I'm worried that she may have been missed when I fed others. George's leg is bothering him wonder if he has the car Steve goes to work at eleven for three week now.
June 14 Lodge Picnic. Cool almost chilly. Haven't been very good all day. Made three different kinds of cookies for picnic. Camilla stayed with baby. I went with Betty. My cookies were delicious. After picnic went up to Dots. Gave her a bunch of those left and Betty the rest. Fred got a yard job. Betty did Camilla's hair. She took two salads that she had left gave to Dolores.
June 15 Rather warm. Dora & Dellie & Bryan came after four.
They had been downtown shopping. Got Gloria a brunch coat pajamas &
panties. Audrey gave her a watch. Had all of us to go before a notary sign
deed to Lloyd power of elector to Ives so he could go before judge to discharge
mortgage Mother held for 300.00 so sign land contract up to Dots for ham
supper & spent rest of time up to Audrey's. Gave them a lot of lettuce.
June 16 Very warm. Geo brought the car about eight & after supper
took some lettuce to Sibley. Ralph Leong's brother was there he looks very
good after such a serious operation. Went up to the vegetable woman's after
strawberries but they didn't have them. Then went up to Dots until eleven.
She has covers all made & they look nice. Steve's work is getting him
working 11 7. cross as a bear. Dolores made a batch & half of strawberry
June 18 Very very warm. Didn't do much. Went to sale at Cayutaville. Dellie bought roll away bed 16.00 & Dora had a lot of stuff & she bought roll away for farm also 15.00 she had over 50.00 of junk. Geo went on another bing. Seems as tho when he's gone a few days he doesn't know when he's had enough. They came after him & I called John & he went & helped him. Geo borrowed money. John was supposed to have been on the water wagon but nearly drank the place dry of beer & whiskey. They came about twelve but Geo had to have more so he made I rounds. I drank a gin Rickey and part of another gin. Geo wanted to go for a ride so I drove to Horseheads. Two o'clock when we got home. Fred had to go out after they got back from races & fill up.
June 19 Seems cooler today. Geo got called to run a west end yard job. Bitched all the time. Fred caught a yard job. Did not go to church. Betty went to see her. Took are of kids. Did a small washing.
June 20 # Payday. Geo gave me only 50.00 but paid lights & milk. Paid his beer bill got Wayne & Stephan suits & a few other things. Got a large tin cooked ham. I got me some carrots then he dropped me & preceded to fill up. Caught him at Griska's . I had three whiskey's. Tasted good.
June 21 Very warm. When Dolores came from the doctors she stopped & got 24 qts strawberries. Did not go to lodge but went up & helped them. She made 10 batches. Gave me 7 glasses. I bought 3 qts. Geo did a lot of drinking. Dolores miserable has terrific pains in her lower abdomen. Dr. gave her a prescription which releaves her. Goes to hospital tomorrow for urinal tests.
June 22 Cleaned the house all thro' took me all day. Fred & Betty went to see Mrs. Harker and instead of their coming right they went to Houses then to a beer joint so didn't get home till 7. After that I had the downstairs to do. The baby was good for a while then he made up his mind he wanted to go home. Couldn't pacify him except to swing him in the hammock. He was good if Wayne would have stayed in.
June 23 Dolores felt life. Very very warm. Geo washed car. Haven't done much of anything. Got a few groceries. Gave lettuce to Bixby's. Mrs. Meanie and took a lot up to Leona. Cleared out of tomato plants. Got some over across Fitch's bridge .50 a doz. Got Gloria's graduating present breast pin of pearls & white bible. Betty made pies & cake to take to her mothers. She will be alone a couple of days till her (Mrs. Harker's) sister comes sunday.
June 24 Very warm but cooler than yesterday. Betty had dinner with us.
Took kids, our car and a lot of food & baking over to her mother's.
Picked her mother up at the Montour hospital. She is not to do anything
for three weeks. Light nothing weighing more than a pound. She didn't get
home till 9:45. Tried to get Dolores but she didn't answer. Dr says nothing
wrong just her uterus.
June 25 Rather warm. Thunder showers this afternoon. Did a small
washing. George worked in garden & yards all the morning. Fred got
BH8. Cleaned thro and did the ironing. Geo didn't come till 8:30. Had been
drinking a lot. Broke the choke to motorcycle. I went to Dots. He came
home & dressed up white shirt & all took Betty's car & rest
of silver dollars 38.00. Came back with car at 3.00 so drunk he couldn't
walk in house. Fell on sidewalk & laid about half hour. Then Mrs. Meany
& daughter came out and saw him trying to get out of the ditch. Turned
lights on. I laid on couch. Wouldn't let me alone so went to Betty's &
finished the night.
June 26 A very nice warm day. Dressed & went up to Dots thinking we would go to Susquehanna but as a rule she wanted to do something else so we went after cherries. Got 100 at .12 costing me twelve dollars. Called on Donald White. It is very nice when you get there nothing is too well taken care of. Came home & pitted 13 pts then went to drive in cost me 1.75. Didn't get home until 12:45 so slept on couch so not to disturb roommate.
June 27 Kenneth Ellison's Birthday. Gave him two dollars & a card. Took care of the birds and then went up to Dots where we canned 42 pts of cherries for her & 21 pts for me. I was all in. Guess she was too & she has to take care of Blanches kids as she has her brother & sister-in-law graduating. Gloria graduates also. Gave her white bible and breast pin of pearls. Took them to her after I got thro' at Dots. Geo mad because I had car. Latched on it soon as I came.
June 28 Had to lay around all day. Took care of birds & did the dishes after getting meals worked a little on the dress. Guess I'll never get them done. Went over to Mrs Harkers. Dolores, Steve & Betty. She took her Mother's wash 2 pumpkin pies & cookies. Dolores wanted to pick red raspberries. They took our supper we ate outdoors. Mrs. Harker not too strong and very weak & nervous.
June 29 Another one of those days. Have managed to get the upstairs cleaned. Have worked a lot on my rug. Richard Ellison stopped and of course George had to get on his mother. Richard was the one who told her Kinney didn't want her. Kinney is better because he isn't getting the home place because Albert made out deed to him. Read a letter he wrote Lalie. Thinks he's done more for his mother than Geo & had less. Guess if he had everything he wouldn't be satisfied. Lalie really burned up. Says she is paying mother 20.00 a month. Kinney is afraid his mother hasn't enough to keep her and he can't afford to keep her. Says he doesn't want anything to do with any of us, doesn't bother to write any one but grandma & Mrs. Perry & wants to be left alone. He lied like hell in the letter. Don't know when I've felt more like writing something but know it would only make things worse. Kinney said Dawn wrote him. John got grandma to change her will. She is the real troublemaker. Lalie doesn't want Geo to know. Found this all out when we went to see Jackie.
June 30 My mother born 1875 died Oct 1 1952. Gave downstairs a real good going over. Sent George's dues check to Reader's Digest letter to Blanche. Separated my three baby birds.
July 1 Hot 95. Hottest day so far this summer. Payday. George gave me 80.00 then came back and got 5.00. Managed to do considerable drinking. Don't know what he expects to do when he has to go on pension. Didn't get any groceries. Dolores down said I better not try to as the heat was terrible. Went up to Dots after supper. Stayed till 10:00
July 2 Hot 94 Slept downstairs because of the heat. Did a slicking up job in my night dress. Sibley came about noon and George disappeared never showing up till after two. I then went after groceries. Paid bread bill 3.00 groceries 15.00. Came home mopped, put away groceries & washed dishes then went to Dolores. Helped her get some things ready for picnic tomorrow then went with her to drive in. George came home dressed up and had time for himself. Got home 1:30.
July 3 Hot Hot Almost over come but the heat today. Slept downstairs didn't get up till George got up about 11:00. got all three meals. George left car after supper and I went for drive. Dolores stopped after picnic took my hammock up Betty went up there for supper and they all went to drive in. Saw George with a little girl on the motor cycle. Think he is crazy or needs his head examined with no insurance on cycle. They sure could really do things if anything had happened. Don't know what is the matter with him.
July 4 Very warm. Did a rather large washing & cleaned all the way through. Dolores came down & stayed till time to pick up Steve at eleven Jack & Alma came down. Fred stopped at Griska's and then drank most of the afternoon & evening. Will I ever get away from the damn stuff. Feel as tho a curse had been put on this family.
July 5 Very warm. Got that big ironing. Had five shirts & four dresses. Geo kept car. Very warm but not quite so hot as yesterday.
July 6 Wayne Ellison's Birthday George gave Wayne two silver dollars. Haven't done much of anything just laid around & went & spent the evening with John.
July 7 Betty & Dolores took their kids over to Harker's. They picked a four qts raspberries a piece. Mrs. Harker got over tired & bled. She was very frightened. They didn't get home till after 11:00. Fred got a Scranton B. O.
July 8 93 Very warm. Betty took all but Bobby when they went after cherries. Had to pay .10 a lb. Fred came home about four, then went to Griska's where he precceded to get drunk. I took care of Bobby. They got home a little after nine. I was all in Bobby was a little villain. Betty got ready & went out with Fred. Guess he was real nasty. They never came in till 3 AM then he wouldn't let her sleep. Said she had about two hours.
July 9 97 Did up 12 qt of cherries. Had 33 lb saved some for a pie Pitted about nine qt for Betty. Johnny, Betty & Kenny pitted the rest. She also put up two batches of raspberry jam. She had 25 qts of cherries 70 lbs. Dot had 40 lbs & 2 qts. She had to do hers alone for Steve worked I had the car after Geo came for supper. He came home & took bath and knew he was going out. He did getting in about two. Said he was at Green Lantern. Said he took married woman for ride. I was up there & didn't see motorcycle so think he may have lied. Had had plenty to drink. Geo had 2.65 from me.
July 10 Very warm. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow. Geo is all heated up because he thinks he may got set up. Leona called & said Sibley was very bad & wanted me to come up so about eight I went. Leona was to see her brother who had a blood clot from in the lining of the lung. Donald came with family. Fred got HB1 Geo came about 11:30 and had had plenty to drink am beginning to think there's a woman.
July 11 A nice breeze & not so warm somewhere about middle 80. Got up early & made a batch of cookies, chocolate cake & a fresh cherry pie. She took David to Drs. He said to settle with insurance company but want to see him in a couple of months. Dolores wanted me to go with her but I didn't get the cleaning done. Betty came about 4. I was just feeding Bobby. Geo took car.
July 12 95 It's so very hot I cannot do much of anything. Went up to Dots and we went to see Sibley. He doesn't seem to be getting better very fast bet he has to have that disk removed. Fred going around with sore head. Acts just like George used to try & get his own way. Drink & raise hell.
July 13 97 Haven't done much of anything. Weather does permit doing much. Worked a little on my rug.
July 14 98 Pay day. Went up to Sibley's he's feeling better tonight
but put in bad night. Nights seem to be the worst.
Thursday 97 Geo signed the check & last weeks. Took Alberts check
for himself. I paid lights got $20 groceries put 125.00 in vacation fund
Have 375.00.
July 15 Fred had an argument with Bob Collins when he came off the road dead headed on 3. Took his fathers car and preceeded to get drunk then went back & argued again. Came home went to bed and they called him then canceled it. Fred went over to office & Bob hit him and they wrestled Betty tried to be nice to him but he walked. Geo said he tried to find him but he drank too. Brought him home about 2 and of course told Fred what to do & said some mighty rotten things. At last got him home but he went over & marked Fred off.
June 16 98 Geo got Wayne a pair of sneaks because the shoes he got blistered his feet badly. Got up late. Took care of birds. Ran Vacuum & dust mopped upstairs its terribly hot. Fred slept till afternoon. Was so wired up couldn't go to sleep. Fred paid Christmas bill yesterday & today threw fifty at Betty to get an apartment within a week or he was thro. She took 20.00 out his pocket book yesterday.
June 17 Very warm hot & muggy no rain. No one around Fred went to Scranton. Betty went to Newfield. George washed the car. Came home about ten changed his clothes and think he had all intentions of going out but I said I'd take him on the Ave to sit on an engine, which wasn't necessary. Suggested we go to drive in and he went against his will. Saw both features & they were good. Got home about two and he took nearly an hour to water the garden.
July 18 Not quite so muggy but warm. Did a two weeks wash. Dolores called & wants to gad. Stephan was sick yesterday & she Saturday. Steve goes to work at 3. The kids Kevin & Stephan's time changed to 9 am. Kevin goes in 9:30 till 10:30. Geo cousin from Minnesota here & Geo had to show him the town. Dolores & kids here for supper we went up to Sibley's.
July 19 Did the ironing & it was a big one. It's much warmer today. Got through about some one was here but can't remember who.
July 20 Fred, Betty, Dolores & Steve with kids. Haven't done much of anything. Lalie came to see Dot but they weren't home so she came down here. Went up to Sibley's & Dolores was there. Had brought him a lot of books. Had a permanent 10.00. Went down town. Got myself a dress from Personius 7.00.
July 21 98 Got the mending out the way & upstairs cleaned. Very hot. Dolores & Steve went to Elaine's cottage at the lake for the day. Elaine only going to stay till Sunday. Can't stand her mother. Payday. George gave me 40.00. Stopped our milk & I felt very badly. I'll never bring a qt of milk in this house till he gets a milk man. Went & got a few more drinks and really enjoyed it because I didn't like it. He knew I'd be angry. He delights in yelling and showing his authority.
June 22 101 Haven't done anything. Dora came about four. She had broken her glasses & came to get it. Ordered a fan 11 in. Eleven dollars & something. Paid her $11.00. Fred & Betty went to Harker's I went up to Dolores's with Dora. They brought the trailer up & I came home about 7 with them. Geo had the car.
July 23 100 Cleaned downstairs. Took me all day. Wanted to go see Aunt Hallie but Geo didn't want me to so went to see Sibley. He's bad then up to Dots. Think she'd had too much to drink had worked hard and was teed off at Bill Smith. Wasn't very nice to me so came home. Geo acted sore acts as tho I should stay home and wait for him. Geo is out of money again. Gave him 2.00.
July 24 18 days over 90 + cooler: got ready for church but guess they have it now at 10:00 for they were all going home when I arrived got dinner & Geo went to beer joint never came till after 2. Did dishes. He demanded 25.00 to go to an outing. Lost most of it & drank up the rest. Never came in till 3:00. Had had plenty. Lied about where he was & wouldn't tell the truth. Arrested in Hghts for speeding.
July 25 Much warmer today. George paid 15.00 fine for speeding in Heights last night. Cop was arresting a couple of women from Spaghetti palace and he said he was following them & they stopped for red light. Geo only gone a couple of blocks when same policeman gave him a ticket for speeding when he wasn't. Lawrence Riker's body found only lonely road near dead end. Been gone since July 4. Was near car 61 yrs. Took mother canary from male & babies. She wants to nest again. Got digest book today & they had me billed for two books one I'd paid for. Took car to Gerards to be repainted. Geo managed to get every cent of last pay. Bill Riker getting a new gas furnace.
July 26 Getting warm. Did a good size wash. Geo going around with sore head. Dottie came down after me and I went up there Had supper & stayed the evening.
July 27 Very hot. Went to beauty parlor & had my hair washed. Back is too long and didn't take a very good curl. Went downtown and bought a dress. Geo got mad at me for letting the dry cleaner he wouldn't ever get 25.00 to charity such as the crippled children. The language he used was even shocking to the man. I only told the truth for he even bitches if I give a 1.00 to the march of dimes & 5.00 to community chest & red cross he has to give he swears about. Did a big ironing got the car back. Did the ironing.
July 28 Very hot. Payday. Geo & I went after groceries. He wouldn't give me any money. Found out he had borrowed 25.00 or more of De Donna & money from Griska so guess he didn't have too much left. Asked me if I wanted the car. Said couldn't use it if it wasn't here. He said I didn't need to use sarcasm just an excuse to go around with sore head. He'll have a good while to get over it. Went to Dots to Sibley's & Owego was given 2 doz ears of corn.
July 29 Very hot. Think last night I went up to Dots, up to Sibley's then to Owego to see Aunt Hallie. Rose was very talkative had been drinking. Told me what a stinker Geo was in Y cars gone by and how he chased someone on Fox Street. Used to get off train every time we went thro Owego. It makes anyone real proud of their man. Betty & I went to show downtown were late but it was very good. Fred out & Kenny looked after kids.
July 30 Over 100 Had my hair re-permenated. Got home about one. Got dinner. Geo left early. Fred got Kenny a bicycle down to the police auction. Sibley got a letter from Dora saying to come Monday and she'd turn over the money to boys. Leona brought & wanted me to go right up. I did and we decided to go Monday. Geo took Kinney's wheel. Went downtown after getting hair done but couldn't find a dress at Sheehan's.
July 31 Over a 100 103. Didn't go to church. Betty ate dinner. Fred got a Scranton job. Came on #3 they ate supper at Dots & then went to show. Straightened upstairs & down. Took cord fan up to Sibley's. He seems better and far from well. Came home about 10. Didn't leave till after 9. Geo had been home.
Aug 1 101 Very hot. Leona & I went to Candor she drove. Got money for Sibley & Audrey. Sibley 790.00 & Audrey 110.00 had money put in saving account 71.80. Just as soon as there's enough to pay Dora 410 want to do it. Dora name & mine on saving account & get Dellie name on account. Dora was so disagreeable. Got home about 5. Had supper with Leona & then went up to Dolores's. Said State Polish pull in a car. A few drops of rain.
Aug 2 100 Very hot. Went downtown with Dolores. She got some maternity clothes. I got 3 pr pants .77 and a pr play shoes 3.99 candy .25. went to lodge. Fred cut out some more lawn ornaments. Got dinner. Geo doesn't even speak. Got supper. He came at 7:30 washed car. Put on silk shirt and took car. Hasn't been home a night in a week until after twelve till 1:30.
Aug 3 98 Very hot. Straighted thro. Geo doesn't say a word to me and acts just as tho I was a nigger. It won't be long before I'll blow up altho I know it'll do no good. Got him two darn good meals but the food is getting scarce and there's no milk. Can't understand his object. Stand it for a while yet then I'll call another company. I really think the man is nuts. He doesn't begrudge himself plenty of liquid at the joints.
Aug 4 100 Very hot. Pay day. Geo didn't give me any money. He went to dentist. Wonder why he feels he has to fight for anything he wants. Sure hope he wears these but feel its a waste of money by not having the few teeth he has out. Went down town. Got me a gray sun back not too becoming but the best I could do for the money. Went up to Dots left about ten then went to Sibley's.
Aug 5 101 Didn't do much today. Geo check came. He went & got some old lumber and a window. Had had plenty to drink. I blew up & told him a few truths about his borrowing money. He took car went to Van Etten where he was told to get out for molesting a couple of girls. I took care of kids. Betty & Fred went also. Fred drinking. Kenny rode bike to his grandmothers with John Bixby. Hot waterpipe leading upstairs broke on our side. Steve says it'll take 3 or 4 hrs to fix. He worked double time.
Aug 6 100 Very warm. Didn't do anything today. Not even got George something to eat in fact haven't eaten much myself. Worked on rug border. Thank goodness it's nearly done. Geo been home most of day. Fixed hot water pipe by putting an areoplane clamp on it. Steve didn't show up. Cassady came awhile tonight for next two wks will be on 10 7. Harris's job. Betty baking tonight. Went to Harker's after Kenny.
Aug 7 David Ellison's Birthday Some rain in the morning. Went with Betty to the Barber reunion. Largest one. I've attended yet. Meet Fred in Waverly but when we got back nearly every one gone. Gave David two dollars for ninth birthday. Kenny stayed down to Elwin's. Have stopped getting any meals for Geo. If he gets them he'll know just when to eat & as he's buying just what he wants he knows what there's to cook.
Aug 8 Not so hot. Gave upstairs a good cleaning & moved in the front bedroom.
Aug 9 Still Cool. Gave downstairs a good cleaning.
Aug 10 Warmer. Geo went to dentist I think. When he came I left. Dolores wanted to find some cucumbers. Drove to Owego but someone had stolen there's. Gave us some corn & a few cukes. Got home about eight. Steve had been home & gone. Had supper up there. Left clothes for Kenny at Blanche's. She was sure he didn't want to come home. Left Dolores about 9:45 and drove nearly to Mansfield got home about 12:15... Put in 2.00 gas.
Aug 11 Rain. Pay day. Geo didn't give me any money. Went with Betty & Dolores to fruit stands. Geo got a few groceries. About 5.00. Have been without milk three days. It means he has to go get it. As long as he's doing my part of spending let him do the rest. Had dinner up to Dots then went to see Lalie. Had adopted a baby boy about three weeks old. Had it a week Robert John. Lalie is going to change name. Also has his sister 2 yrs. She has no papers for her. Ate supper at D. Steve worked an extra shift.
Aug 12 Robby Hobby Barber Born 1871 died passed away Dec 16 1914. 43 yrs. Rather warm. Dolores came after me & I left with her about 11:30. Geo has taken a day job 7 3 hostling. Did most of work done up there as she was feeling so miserable. She brought me home about seven. Geo built a platform around front porch & pounded there till real dark.
Aug 13 Rain all day. Geo came about 4:30. I then took car and went to see Sibley. He up and for last two days been able to watch. TV for an hour or so. He can't stand straight. Had supper there. Then went up to D's played cards till 10:30. Geo had bought two chicken breasts which neither one of us likes & cooked them. I cleaned up mess before going to bed. We didn't get any of Conny the cyclone.
Aug 14 Very warm. Betty went to her girl friends for a get together in Newfield. Geo taking on with his leg while getting his dinner. Went upstairs about 12:30 & hasn't come down. Dolores & Steve are going to a neighbor mans birthday party and I'm to take care of kids. They got back about 10:45.
Aug 15 Very hot. Haven't done much.
Aug 16 Very hot.
Aug 18 Very hot but some rain. Betty, Dottie & kids went looking for cukes for pickling. Ate up to Dots. Came home with Betty.
Aug 19 Rain. Had a terrible flood in Eastern PA, New York, Conn, N. Jersey & Mass. From hurricane Diane. They had over 9 inches of rain. Billions of dollars in damage & many lives lost. Went up to Dolores & worked on her rug till 11.
Aug 20 Very very hot. Went with Betty & Fred to picnic. Made a potato salad.
Aug 21 Very very warm. Laid around all day. After George came went up to Sibley's. He was tired from a ride but seemed better. Stayed till about 11. Last night went with Betty after Fred to VanEtten. He raved all the way home. Sounded just like his father shouldn't have known the difference. When he got home went to Y. to stay so all the fellows would know. Spent the day with John. I don't know what worse punishment the Lord could have given me than to have two boys as bad if not worse than their father.
Aug 22 Very warm with thunder showers at night. My clothes got dry. I mangled all the flat pieces. 8 sheets. Am all in. George didn't come home from work.
Aug 23 Cool Did my ironing. Seven shirts for George, two dresses & 2 culottes for myself. Leona came down about 11:00. Sibley took a heat treatment and is much worse. George came in this morning about 1:30. Went up to Dots & worked on rug till 11:30. She had a party for Kevy and had three couples in. Brought David home with me. Dolores can only stand kids so long.
Aug 24 Cool. Cleaned upstairs. Went down to John's. They have a new rug and he wants a living room suite. Borrowed money on his pension fund. He has borrowed on his house till he has only 100 paid on principle. Jean didn't know John borrowed 3000 from grandma till nearly a year after. Said he paid bills but I don't think he could have owed that. Went up to Dots & worked on her rug till 10:15. John told me how his father was complaining because I didn't cook. It worries me.
Aug 25 Had a nice cool night. Payday none for me so still am doing no cooking. George came home at 2:45 shaved & changed clothes. Betty said he was going get his teeth yesterday out he didn't. Think thats where he has gone. Bet he never wears them. That's his third set & he never wore other two. Cleaned downstairs.
Aug 26 Rain here. Hurricane coming left nine inches of rain and many deaths. Red Cross asking for help. Terrific losts. Pres had given one million to Conn, RI, NJ & Penn 1.2 million to NY.
Aug 27 Kevin Polovick's Birthday. Gave him 2.00. Went up to Sibley where we had a delicious supper of Blue Gill fish. Dottie had her neighbors up for supper.
Aug 28 Sunny & warm. Dolores & Steve here for dinner. Ate chilli from Betty's. She went home left David. We went & got peaches. I got a bushel for us & one for her. Had supper at Dots before they brought me home. They looked at some lots along Seneca Lake. They had a hundred foot drop of rock.
Aug 29 Cloudy. Did seven qt of tomatoes & six pt of peaches. George came home with some groceries and ask him to get some dinner I did. He had had a few drinks. The car has blown a gasket on the manifold so Geo says. Had a surprise baby shower for Dot at Elaines. She got some nice things and was really surprised. She did 49 qts of peaches. Geo was to watch kids. Had had a few drinks but Kenny said had just gone to bed a few min. when we came.
Aug 30 Rain thunderstorms. Helped Betty peel her peaches. She did them all up. Came home & did 12 pt of my own. Got dinner & straighted house. Geo had had a few drinks when he came about 3:30 AM brought home a couple of bottles. Looked for him around here but no find.
Aug 31 Did 18 pt of peaches. Got dinner and then went up to Dots. Dellie came up about four. We got a few Pickles started for her. She had canned all her peaches. Had supper there then went up to Sibley's for an hour & half. He had been to Halsey Valley fishing & could hardly move. Betty cut her hair & gave her a Tony. I was awful sick but managed to set up till nearly 12. Then came home to bed but couldn't sleep. Dellie says Dora is sick they think its her goiter. She may come tomorrow.
Sept 1 A sunny nice day. Dot & Dellie went over to John's. Dora came about 2:30. Geo had to go to beer joint and came at last moment. Dora went with Dellie after her glasses and when they came back they both left. Dora brought the deed for the boys to sign. Dora as usual was catty. Dellie says each one of us should give Dora 25.00 for what she did for us. I don't feel that she should.
Sept 2 A nice day. Haven't done much of anything. After George went to work managed to clean upstairs. Nerves as sure shot. I was really hurt when Dora went so early something is surely going to happen. Hope Lee never finds out what is going on.
Sept 3 Nice day. Am in terrible pain. Tried to get the doctor but he's out of town. The druggist let me have a previous prescription filled got downstairs cleaned. Geo went on a drunk a real good one. Told him what Dellie said about paying Dora. Said maybe they should pay him for the trips he made to try & sell the place & also to get deeds straightened out. We paid over a hundred dollar for nothing.
Sept 4 A lovely day. Am feeling miserable. Aunt Leona, Uncle Charlie, Harry, Leuella & Jay. We went up to Dolores and they stayed till about 6:30. Geo went to Griska's & I to Sibley's instead of Saturday. I walked over to Griska's and got the car, then went up to Sibley's and took deed.
Sept 5 A lovely day. Haven't done much of anything. Am really sick. Didn't get up till late. Have a terrible pain in back & low in abdomen. Just can't do anything.
Sept 6 Nice day. Feel miserable. Betty went to lodge. Told her to tell me to take a teaspoon of wintergreen in a glass of water and take a swallow when you need a drink managed to run vacuum & mop kitchen floor. She got a bushel of dropped pears and is getting pickles & tomatoes tonight.
Sept 7 Fair & cooler. School Started today. Made banana pie and did up 3 pint of sweet gherkins. Am in misery.
Sept 8 nice day. Am feeling so badly am almost out my mind. Got appointment with Dr. Creighton at 4:30. Says definitely urine full of puss. Took sample for hospital drew out urine and put in nitrate of silver. Much revealed 5.00 . Went to see Wladis and he charged me 3.00 for a note to get my license. I was disgusted. Went to Blanche's for home bureau meeting.
Sept 9 nice day. Called Creighton to give her numbers on Blue Shield & Blue Cross. Am feeling miserable. He gave me some more of the purple pills but don't think they are helping. Managed to get upstairs done.
Sept 10 Lovely day. Am just miserable. Managed to clean downstairs. Betty had Dolores & family down for supper and then they went & picked tomatoes 1.25. Betty got two bushel & Steve 1.
Sept 11 a lovely day. Got up late. The people from Binghamton came just as I was washing dishes. Went up to Dolores. Was going to go back up but George never came home. Knew he'd been drinking. Never came in till 3:15. Fred & Betty went to Owego to auto races.
Sept 12 Nice day George's vacation begins today. He hasn't done anything but sleep. I washed & helped Betty peel pears & tonight pared tomatoes. Fred going around being sarcastic but did help Betty. Felt much better today.
Sept 13 Nice day very cold tonight light frosts. Do not feel so good probably got too tired yesterday. Managed to get the ironing done. George went away and never came home till places closed. Could smell him through my closed door. Any more that odor makes me sick to my stomach.
Sept 14 Sibley came down with deed. A nice day. Went to Creighton again he washed bladder & put in nitrate of silver. Went up to Dolores. She in mess cleaning house. Then up to see Leona. She is having heart spells one after another. They gave me some peaches & grapes. When I came home George was down to Gulka's and I stopped & went in. He jumped all over me & I jumped back. Marion came in & ordered George out. Said she'd call the police. He'd had more than he needed I was going to tell him the doctor said it would be alright to go to Virginia. I thought he'd be glad. Guess I'm getting to be a bigger fool everyday. He came home & cut the Bixby's hair, had supper & went to bed.
Sept 15 A very beautiful fall day. Went with George after meat & groceries. Wayne took a knife and whiddle the bark away on the rhododendron on their side. He only had a knife for about 5 min. He's four years old but does the darnedest things. George gave him an awful licking but he still denied doing it. We went to the drive in not too bad shows. Had bad thunderstorm last night no damage. Put 9 qts of tomatoes & 4 qts of grape juice. Do not feel too badly today.
Sept 16 A very nice day. Cleaned my house all the way through am all in tonight. We are going to the Grand prix tomorrow. Kenny went up to Kevin's to stay all night.
Sept 17 A very warm day. Went to the Grand prix and had a good time. Betty took all her kids except Kenny he was up to Dolores's. They went but we didn't see them. Bladder has bothered me all day and tonight. Guess I worked too hard yesterday.
Sept 18 Got up late and didn't feel like going to church. Fred and Betty went to Harker's taking Kevin. Called Dolores and Dellie & Bryan were there. They had come to see Audrey but they had gone fishing. George worked on the house but was waiting for me to come think he'd been on bicycle. A very lovely fall day.
Sept 19 Supposed to rain but Toni went out to sea. A very warm sunny day. Cleaned upstairs. Dolores came down with the table they did over for me. Betty did a big wash and canned apples.
Sept 20 A very warm day. I went to lodge. Betty went to a meeting of the Mother's Den Cub Scouts. Geo went to Y came home about 12:00 I had just gone to sleep.
Sept 21 A lovely fall day. Got up late Geo took car to be tuned up. Came back & got one of our Western books & said he was going to take the car after dinner. Never came home. I had dinner at Betty's. Drove Fred's car around but didn't see the Hudson. Watched TV till nearly one and he hadn't come. Felt badly today altho I cleaned downstairs.
Sept 22 George never came in till about one gone on drunk. They put new brake drums, spark plugs, points roller didn't know how much the bill. Got my license. Went and got groceries. Geo had borrowed money of De Donna. Went to home bureau. Dolores gave a very good talk on flower arrangement.
Sept 23 Dark & dreary. Got started for mother's about 11:30. Had dinner there and George left never coming back till 4:30 I was nearly crazy with her talking was going down to Dora's but she wanted me to fix her stoves then Geo wanted to go with me and stay at beer joint while I was there so I didn't go. Went to bed a little after ten. Geo picked up a peck basket of shucked hickory nuts. Began to rain before he got to the house with them. Donald White is going to Strong Memorial Hosp. Rochester at top of Williver Hill 31649 with full tank.
Sept 24 Rainy but clearing. Left mother E about 10:30 got in Elmira 11:30 and was ready to leave at 12:15. Went to Wellsboro Grand Canyon Motel at 2:00. Mileage when we left downtown Elmira 31702 with a full tank At the sale 31766. At Sale George got 2 white parakeets 10.00 fire place outfit 10.50 cigarettes 1.50 books 1.50 nut picks .50.
Sept 25 31851 got 3.00 gas. Lovely sunny day started at 10:00 AM. Stayed outside Lewisburg in unheated cabin 4.00. Gas at Selingrove 2.40. Uneventful day except on route 15 saw six cars piled up. They had been following too close and hind car had ploughed or couldn't stop. Think someone may have been badly hurt. Stopped at four & ate our dinner. George slept for 1 ½ hr. the bed last night was terrible felt as tired as we were when we went to bed. Stopped about 7:30.
Sept 26 A very lovely day temp 57. mileage 32054 gas 3.00 at 33 ½ cents. Stayed outside Warrenton at cabin very nice 5.00. Went Skyline drive through Shenandoah National Park very beautiful. Gas 3.00 gas 2.34 1 qt oil .45 cents.
Sept 27 mileage this morning 32316. Gas at Morgantown WV 3.00 Rained very hard last night. Stayed at a house 3.50 had breakfast there. Drove past Pittsburg.
Sept 28 Mileage 32592 last stop. Cloudy & not so warm near Meadows. Had a lovely cabin. I was very tired. Arrived at Hamilton's at 2:10 PM. George went to beer joint & to Y. Waited & waited for him to come so we could have supper. Came about 6:30 and we watched fight. Had a very nice visit.
Sept 29 # 32730 Got started at 10:00 after a very nice breakfast. Stopped at Dellie's 12:10. Had pie & tea stayed nearly an hour. Got home about 3. Geo unloaded and beat it to the beer joint. Geo had more than he needed.
Sept 30 Stephan Polovick's Birthday. A very nice day. George been gone nearly all day. Haven't been able to do much today. George had more than he needed. John got us tickets to see war picture at State Theather. Stopped at Griska. Put dinner in oven before we left so dinner was nearly spoiled.
Oct 1 A very nice day. Went to Spencer taking Kevin, David & Wayne. Kenny, Dawn & her kids were there. Lalie came as we were leaving. I took kids & went to Candor staying two hours. Paid Fred's insurance 58.46. Got home after six. Betty had supper ready for us. Geo picked up Dawn about half bushel of nuts. Dolores two bushels & us about two bushels.
Oct 2 A very nice day. Didn't go to church. Cleaned upstairs and rooms downstairs except kitchen. Geo went away about 11. Came back at 2 and changed his clothes. Came home about 11:00. Had won on ball game and spent it on other people. Had plenty.
Oct 3 Steve's mother broke her hip last night. Lovely day. Did a very big washing. Took clothes down & sprinkled. Mopped kitchen. Went up to Dolores. After they had supper went to Sibley's. Dolores had to get some home bureau stuff. Leona gone to Pittsburgh with Donald to see if something can be done. At Strong Memorial gave him six months to live at longest. Only 25% of kidney's left. Got home at 9PM
Oct 4 Another nice sunny mild day. Did the very big ironing 10 shirts for George 4 dresses for me. Went to lodge and when I came back just couldn't work. Fred & Betty went to Scout supper. I took care of Bobby he cried till Geo came & rocked him to sleep. Woke up at 9:15 and they came about 9:30. Geo washed the car and then disappeared with it. Kinney called & lawyer. Geo to be at his mother's Thursday 10 AM.
Oct 5 A very warm day. Cooked a chicken & made a chocolate cake. My back aches so the minute I move that sweat rolls down my face. John over & stayed a couple of hours. Really in air about his grandmother & Kinney saying he made her will. Straightened all through. Fred bought still body for boat trailer. 15.00. Again he's sore at Betty because she didn't understand I'd said I'd feed the kids.
Oct 6 A very nice day. Got over to Geo mothers about ten they were just eating breakfast. Lawyer came 10:06 and I left and went to cemetery at H.V. Got back at 12 and they were still there so went to Lake to look for mushrooms. When I got back Geo said go get a cup of tea & take my time. He was waiting. He went to work. Mother has given everything to Kinney and she is going to California with him. Geo terribly upset. Went & got meat also had car filled with gas at DeManns.
Oct 7 A very lovely day. Geo laid off and we went to Owego to see Bartow. Its even worse than Geo thought. Kinney had her bank account can sell her house and invest it can put her any place he wants. After mother's death if he wants to at his discretion he can pay Geo $100.00 a month. He need never pay him a cent if he doesn't want to. We saw Marvin Fisher (no help) saw Dr. Cargill and he immediately knew what Kinney was up to and said he'd do what he could to prevent her going away.
Oct 8 A very lovely day. Straighten through house. Got groceries and got Geo's watch card filled out. Geo can think of nothing but how his mother has used him. Noticed brown stains on my pants. Fred & Betty went to Harker's.
Oct 9 A very lovely day. Haven't done much of anything. Dolores & Steve down. Decided to go get grapes. Each one got a bushel and one for me $2.00. Fred helped Audrey lay tile. He has been drinking a lot since he was on this hostling job. 11 7. Donald White came home today from Pittsburgh. Guess there's no help. They want to move in Smiley's house.
Oct 10 Lovely fall day. Betty did a big washing. Fred going around with sore head. Discovered brown stains were blood on my pants. Called Dr. Creighton and he sent me to Wadis. He gave me a shot and said there would have to be tests taken and he would make arrangements with a Dr Kaolin and the hospital. Come back Monday 17.
Oct 11 Lavon Meier's Birthday. Lovely day. Worked at the grapes all day. Made a batch of jelly and one of jam. 7 pt of concentrated juice & 18 qts of grapes as usual. Cleaned up kitchen. Was all in but my shoe strings. Betty did apples and all her grapes worked till nearly one o'clock. Don't know how she does it.
Oct 12 Columbus Day and kids were out of school. Betty let Kenny go on West Hill and camp last night. They didn't find his watch. I just drag. Geo left car and I went up to Leona's. She or no one at home. Then went up to Dolores's. Stayed until ten. Steve bowling and went to see his mother. She looks good & is walking in a walker. Came home & Geo was home & wanted to know where I'd been at that hour.
Oct 13 It was supposed to have rained but is nice. Paid the light bill and got material for pillow top. Got shears for Dora's birthday. Went to home Bureau had a nice time. Worked some on pillow top. Paid for our membership $1.50. Marilyn Barber can't come anymore. Leona Barber not there. Didn't get home till after one. Geo was over to Betty's. Said Bobby was restless. Caroline has a nice home but I like Dolores's better.
Oct 14 McKinley Ellison's birthday. Started raining at 11 last night & rained hard all night. West Elvira is flooded. A man drowned in Pine City trying to cross Seely Creek in a rowboat. Geo brought home fish fry's from De Donna's. I didn't do anything all day. Got up late & just dragged all day. Finished the pillow top and its now ready to be made.
Oct 15 George H Ellison's birthday. Thunderstorm this morning about ten. The DL & W is running trains over the Erie. Geo didn't come home till 4:20 this morning said he was playing dominoes at Y and lost $2 but I bet it was more. He took $5.00 last night. Straighten thro the house. Finished pillow started at HB and have it on. I made Geo a cake and gave him a couple of suits of under clothes.
Oct 16 Still raining. Didn't go to church. Got up late. Haven't done much of anything. Went up to Dolores's till 11:00. Geo not home. Had Fred's car. Saw it in front of Carr's. Got home a little after 12:00. Fred asleep on couch. He went duck hunting all day with someone. Got home about 9:00. Dolores feels very badly tonight pains in her back. Both Lake Rd & Grand Central closed because of high water. We worked a while in the cellar.
Oct 17 Dark & dreary but not raining. Rained a bit in evening. Water going down. Went to doctors gave me a shot & am to call him sat. for arrangements at hospital. Wants me to go Sunday before 4. Then I went up to Sibley's where I had supper. Geo home when I got back at 8:30. Dolores gave her father a shirt. They stayed at Betty's for supper. Dolores back still paining. Geo worked some cleaning cellar.
Oct 18 Sun shone early but it soon became dark & gloomy. Got up early for us. Got card off to Dora. Went to lodge. Mother E called troopers that John had fraudulently had signed her name to 1800 check without her knowledge. After talking to John BCG man going to take back her checks and say he could go no further and they were convinced it was her signature. She got Richard to call troopers. They were not very nice to BCG man and mother told him everything she could think of.
Oct 19 Betty Ellison & Dora Yeier's Birthday. Raining this morning. Geo called to take work train to Bath. His first time on road as engineer. Got in at 4PM. Ten tanked up. Came home & changed his clothes took Betty's car & gone till 8:00. I got home at 8:00 and he'd just left. Saw him playing dominoes at Y. Betty & Fred went out I watched kids. Went to Dora gave her shears & Betty 5.00. Geo came home in a taxi at 1:20 AM. Very much the worse for wear. Must have borrowed money again. Got up & slept on couch just couldn't stand his smell. John over the bank found where he withdrew 2500 Apr 14 and deposited 2500 to grandma's account same day in 1952. Thank God.
Oct 20 Very lovely day. Did a very large washing and baked a couple of pies. Fred went duck hunting. Geo short a day of his pay. Gave me 60.00 & said I'd better pay taxes 63.00. Drew 73.00 & kept 13.00. Jack & Alma here awhile. Am all in tonight. Betty took Hudson & got groceries & paid bills. Got herself shoes & a brassiere with 5.00.
Oct 21 Dark & cloudy. Got up late. Geo got up at 8 and slept most of the time. John & Jean came over about one & stayed an hour. Got the big ironing done. Geo drove John off made a mistake in the time. Dolores called & wanted me watch kids. Geo came home & changed & shaved and went out for himself. Tied on a pretty good one. He bellyaches where the money goes & he's the one squandering it. Was looking for him & saw him get out of car with a couple of men at Y. He saw me & got in car but as usual was mad. Had a crying jag on dreamed his mother died was sure she died. Sure have your nerve reading my book. Do you find anything in it. Could not keep a book of this kind and keep it clean I'd give up it just to damn bad some women have husbands. (Must be Geo was reading her diary.)
Oct 22 A nice sunny day cool. Fred & Betty went to Harker's. Took potato digger. I went & got groceries 4.97 gas 4.00. Tried to get doctor but he's out of town. Am trying to straighten up the house. Steve & Dolores down for awhile. Had been shopping at Sears. Are going to get groceries and then go to Candor. Dr called about nine and I go to hospital tomorrow between 3:30 & 4:00. Got back from Harker's about 7 had 15 bu of potatoes. Gave us one.
Oct 23 Herman Harris's Birthday A very lovely fall day. Went to hospital about 3:45. Have a semi private with a Mrs. Waters. They wanted me to go right to bed.
Oct 24 Debra Ellison's Birthday. Forgot Debra's birthday but will give her a couple of dollars later. A very lovely day. Took blood and xray of heart. Didn't sleep very well altho I was given a sleeping pill. The Mrs. Waters was afraid of air. I laid without covers all night. Geo came down about 30 min between 7 8. Dolores down 7 Dr came in and took history of life she stayed till 9:30. Mrs. Waters went home Mrs. Rosen came in for xrays. We had a good time.
Oct 25 Rained Operated on went up about 9 and they put me directly to sleep with penethal. Came to about 11:30 and they took me downstairs. Did not feel badly at all. They didn't let me up. Had a regular meal at night. Mrs. Rosen went home & a very hard character came by the name Mrs. Kitchen with a bad heart. Betty came down this afternoon. George came a few min.
Oct 26 Dark & cloudy. Feeling pretty good. Dr said I could go home tomorrow. Dolores & Dora came this afternoon. Dolores got a piano someone gave her. She is pleased. Dora brought me a book, apples & flowers. She is going up to Dolores. Geo came late after eight & was there less than half an hour when a nurse asked him to leave. Dora told me mother E 's place was in the paper recorded in her & Kinney's name. Geo dressed all up.
Oct 27 A lovely day. Dr released me today. Geo came about 11:00 had paid taxes and got deer & hunting license. Guess he owed 10.00 for he said he only had a couple of dollars left. We went after meat and got gas. Drove up to Dolores. Got supper still feel pretty good but tired. Geo went out last night called John about 2 AM. I knew he would.
Oct 28 A very lovely day. John & Jean came and Dolores. Fred drinking. Had Tom Campbell & Fran there. Geo was awful mad because of what they are. Fred came over with some beer for John & Dolores and Geo ordered him out pushing him out the door. I went all too pieces. Began to flow. Took Steve to Groom's and then rode around. Went & got him then after fish fry's. Didn't get settled till after 8. Geo came after me & stayed till 12.
Oct 29 Dark & gloomy. Couldn't do anything all day. Got dinner & washed all the dishes. Am terribly nervous and my abdomen is so sore it hurts to breathe. All I want to do is cry. I feel worse than the day I was operated on. Am still bleeding but took bath just the same. Turned to clocks back. It'll seem good to be on standard time.
Oct 30 Rain all day. Thunder storms early this morning. Abdomen still very sore & am bleeding. I feel just awful. Nerves are raw even have hot flashes. Didn't get up till late. Helped David with his Sunday school book. Just gone in a higher class and feel its too old for him. Got dinner. Geo washed dishes. Came about six & ate a little lunch. Came again at 9:30 for books we got on trips. Looked daggers at me when he saw me writing in this book.
Oct 31 A very lovely day. Geo bought a gun $40 paid $30 shotgun. Left early this morning and came about for money $2.00. Came about 7:30 and wanted me to go to Dolores. I cleaned all the way thro and was too tired. Made a big batch of penuche. Gave apple & sq of candy. Went downtown and then came home & went back to Sears. Went to go over tracks then decided to go down 14th & see the customs. Saw car I thought was Fred's. Stopped & walked back to see & Geo was in it. He was mad. Never came home till 1:45 & then tried to quarrel. I didn't dare to get all stirred up because I'm sick for a couple of days and I was already all nerved up.
Nov 1 A very lovely day. Geo went hunting to Van Etten got 5 squirrels. I stopped at Van Etten. Got stuck and fellow pulled him out with jeep. Said he didn't have any money but must have had some. Did the washing. Betty hung them & took them down. I made a cake & cookies. I'm very tired. Geo came home early. Fred came in & still going around with sore head. Betty went to lodge. Sent Dellie card and night dress. Dolores mailed them. Got letter from Dora, Dellie & Mr. Harris. Dellie very sick again. Bryan bad.
Nov 2 Dellie Riker's birthday. Another nice day. Geo took Wayne hunting & never came home till 3. Got one Squirrel. I was almost out my mind. Let my imagination get the best of me. I have such a fear of hunting. Did the ironing 3 hr & the mending. Ran the vacuum around & cleaned the birds. Betty went up to Dolores's for supper & to cut her hair. Geo must have got money somewhere.
Nov 3 A nice day. Geo got a $100.00. Paid 10 to Gerard's 10 on paint. 10 on coal. Ordered 4 tons $13 groceries 35 insurance bread bill 4.70 Bought shells 3.70 and cleaning rod 3.00 put 3.00 gas. Guess he owed some. Went to Dr. Do not have cancer, but glands in uterus are active & cause bleeding. Must be treated for some time. Didn't pay the 4.00. Hope insurance will. Sure hope I get better soon. Must go every week.
Nov 4 Haven't done much of anything today. Geo got up about ten and then laid on couch to sleep. Felt as tho I should clean but didn't like to make too much noise so did nothing.
Nov 5 A nice day. Haven't done much of anything. Geo was put on extra engineers list so he laid off and about six went to Griska. I kept car & went up to Sibley's. Leona very blue. Donald bad. Moves in their house tomorrow. Then went up to Dolores. Stayed until eleven. Geo came about 12:00 and as he said had piss one to many. Geo gave me 20 for 24.00 check. Geo marked off & bid in #5 & 2. I do not like that job at all.
Nov 6 Sunny. Geo & Steve went hunting. I went up to Dolores. At 2 came down to Betty's for chicken dinner. Boys came about 4. Each had a squirrel. Took kids to show. Geo cut Kevin's & Stephans hair. Geo really tired. Steve said Geo tired him out. Sit back this afternoon. Fred called for #13.
Nov 7 Chilly. I went hunting with Geo. Didn't get home till nearly five. He got one squirrel. Dolores went to doctors. Gave her prescription cost 8.00. Said she wasn't dilated yet but head very low. Signed up for hooked rugs at heights. Put in 2 qts of oil. Fred marked on 3 11 hostling.
Nov 8 Cold Changed rug in living room & cleaned thro downstairs. Voted then went up to Dolores. The Porter's were there & we had a nice visit. Betty washed. Fred put Zerex in car. Gave him 15.00. put in 9 qts at 2.25 a gal.
Nov 9 X Cold Didn't do much of anything. Geo slept nearly all day. Betty went to school & visited David's & Kenneth's room. Teacher says Kenny has high IQ test. David is now able to do 4th grade work. George went out tonight. Fred went to Union meeting. Baked some apple & cooked 3 squirrels.
Nov 10 Cold sunny in morning changing to cloudy with some rain. Geo brought his check home I cashed it getting 20 groc. Paid dues etc. He slept all day. Left him a couple of dollars when I went to doctors. Dr had me given a couple of shots says there's some arthritis of the spine that may be causing back pain and has decided I may have something wrong with the gall bladder after all. Gave me something for the pain. My back sure makes me feel miserable. Had lost a lb. 196 ½. Geo had disappeared when I got home slept all day. Said he made 2.00 playing dominoes.
Nov 11 A very nice day. Geo went hunting as soon as he came home. Got home about dark with 5 squirrels & raccoon. Guess he stopped a few places. Skinned coon & gave carcass to Bixby's. Skinned 4 squirrels. He was all in but his shoe laces & they were dragging. Worked on rug. Got it ready to put on frame.
Nov 12 A nice day. Betty washed I cleaned through. Took me all day. Geo slept most of the day. Haven't heard from Dolores. Fred came in
Nov 13 A very nice day. Dellie & Bryan came about eleven had just gotten up. Dolores were here. Got dinner, Dellie helping. Had Dolores & Fred and their families. Betty & Dolores did dishes. Steve worked came about 3:00. They stayed till six. Coming down with a terrible cold. Throat so sore used cold water compresses. Geo went out on #5 Dellie gave earrings & a large rug pattern to be hooked. Dolores gave me a night dress.
Nov 14 Blanche Shepherd's birthday. Cloudy with some rain. Dora came about one gave a beautiful slip. Got dinner. Geo left a little after three & Dora at four. Geo came in about 12:00. Had been celebrating my birthday. Felt just like arguing. Said some mighty mean things. Said I was a pig and that I wouldn't let his grandmother live with us which was a lie for I tried to get her to but she said it would only make trouble for us with Geo mother. Didn't go to school because Geo had car.
Nov 15 Warm & dark. Geo bumped off #5 so marked on BB went to work at 3:00. Dottie went to Dr. She had dilated 2 fingers. No pain except backache. She came about 2:30 and wanted me to stay with her all night. Straighten house & went up about 7:00. My head all filled up & I feel just miserable. Dolores washed. Sure she'll go before morning. Had showing. Betty went to lodge. Fred got in at 2:30.
Nov 16 Rained very hard nearly all night. Dolores fell on their steps but while it made her back hurt badly it didn't seem to bring on her pains. Stayed up with her till Steve came. Slept most of the morning. Came home & made molasses cookies & a white cake. When Geo came went right to Y and played dominoes. Made 3.00 he said.
Nov 17 A little rain tonight. Went over to Ann Huzik's to home bureau. Dolores came. Betty gave a very good lesson on Care of the Hair. I came home early as I felt miserable. Went to Dr and he gave me a shot for my cold and a testosterone shot. I cashed Geo's check got some groceries. A very high wind. Wind blew down our Syracuse aerial.
Nov 18 Snow Betty went up to Dotties and picked out presents for the kids. She got groceries cleaned thro took a day. Geo got in early. The kids all went to show in the Hghts. And Kevy stayed with Kenny.
Nov 19 More snow. Did a very big washing. Geo went to Y and left me to do all the lifting. Am all in tonight.
Nov 20 Didn't go to church altho I thought I would when I got up. Fred and Betty went to Harker's. It's her mothers birthday. They took Kevin who stayed all night last night. I went up to Dolores. Geo went to Y got to bed early as he wants to go hunting with Fred & Steve tomorrow.
Nov 21 Did a very big ironing. Got up & got Geo off hunting but went back to bed. Wind blew over chimney on other side and also the Syracuse aerial. The boys didn't get back till 6:30. I went to school came home & Geo had got Betty's car & was at Griska's went & got gas 2:00 and he was just backing out. Saw him stop at Park View. Had to stay with Dottie.
Nov 22 Cloudy Haven't done much. Have to stay with Dottie. Came home about nine. Geo had had a party here & was giving a woman coffee in the kitchen. The floor was a sight. Went to home bureau lesson. It was very interesting. Geo said he had a man who runs a bar here but I know there was a woman here also. Maybe he had his woman as his wife would have to take care of bar. Said he was at a wake for a RR man. Believe it or not.
Nov 23 Dark & cloudy. Pay day. Cleaned all thro the house. Geo got his hair cut by a colored woman as all barber shops were closed. We went to Regent to show. John took Geo's gun and coat and shells to go hunting tomorrow with CD Fellows. Came home about nine and worked like hell. Fred & Betty went to Harker's.
Nov 24 # A very lovely day. Cooked turkey & we had one dinner at home. Made two pumpkin pies. Cleaned oven. Geo called for 3:45. Gave me $100.00 which I hope to put in bank. Steve & Dolores had dinner at Jim Doanes. D Feeling very badly tonight wants me to bring rest of turkey up there. Stayed all night. Dolores went to hospital tonight about 10:30. Steve laid off.
Nov 25 A very lovely sunny day. Dolores baby boy was born at 8:14 this morning weighing 6 lbs 8 oz. They did not call us and we were worried sick. I didn't sleep much last night. Did up Dolores work. Got home about 12:00 cleaned birds and run vacuum. Got ready & went to hospital then to Dr's office where I waited about an hour. Went to Mrs. Stevens for dye for rugs then stopped & filled car with gas. Geo was gone when I came. Had been after fish fry. Steve brought me one. Got the kids one also. Geo went with Steve to see Dolores. She is having hard after birth pains.
Nov 26 Rainy & nasty. Stephan & Kevin came down at seven last night as he had to go to work at seven tonight. Haven't done much after Geo went to work went & got groceries. Steve picked up kids at three and brought them back at seven. Had given them their baths. Named the new baby Douglas George. They say he looks like George.
Nov 27 # Didn't go to church as the kids are here & I wanted to straighten house. Got dinner ready so that Steve could eat when he came from work. Took kids home & brought them back at seven when he went to see Dolores. Geo built fire on other & they got home about eight. After having it quiet the noise seems louder than ever.
Nov 28 A nice windy day. Geo laid around till 11 Lalie came and told about his mother. He was sore. Asked me if I wasn't going to get anything to eat and after I had it on he shaved & went out. Told him I wanted the car at one. He never came so I got Betty to look it up as she didn't want me to take hers because she wanted to go after groceries. He was at De Donna's & meaner than hot water but I took car & went to see Dolores. Got telephone Donald White died this morning came home got supper & went to school. Felt as tho I should go up to Sibley's but didn't.
Nov 29 They say Buffalo is snowed in but only a few flakes here. Baked all the morning. Chocolate cake and cinnamon jumbles & molasses cookies. After Geo went to work took cake & some cookies up to Leona. Went to funeral parlor. Got home about 9:30. Betty had to pack meeting & then came up to parlor. Had mason ceremony for Donald at eight. All of us put together & got Donald a ten dollar basket. Steve came up after he went to see Dolores.
Nov 30 Donald White was buried today. Inger & kids went to Geneva with her sister till Sunday. I feel so sorry for Leona. Fred drove my car in procession taking friends. Had to have it washed 1.50. Fred sore at Betty so he went hunting. Dora, Dellie, Fred & I straightened Leona's house. We three girls served the food. Began to snow and became so slippery. Dora & Dellie stayed with me. We went up to see Dolores. Fred out drinking. I think he is going to drive me crazy. Geo drank some went to Y & played dominoes didn't come in till nearly one. Took a meat loaf to Sibley. Dolores came home this morning.
Dec 1 # Most of snow melted. A nice sunny day. Dora & Dellie left about 10:30. Did up the dishes then changed their bed. Geo gave me 75.00 drew 114. Got himself a bottle of liquor 6.00 cig 2.00 some after shave lotion probably 2.00 paid 10.00 on coal bill said he owed 5.00. Left him 14 and he said he only had 7 8 so guess he must have owed more. After he went to work I laid down then went up to Leona's then up to Dolores till nearly one. Steve caught cold in his back. Fred went on another tear tonight. Was to take scouts to Penn Y but wasn't needed. The baby looks like Steve. Has a big nose, feet & hands.
Dec 2 I cleaned all through have not been feeling so good. Did a very large washing.
Dec 3 Got the ironing done or rather the mangling.
Dec 4 A rather nasty day. Went to church the first time since in May. George was called this morning. I went up to Dolores for awhile.
Dec 5 George got home about 3. Finished the ironing.
Dec 6 George went to Scranton. Betty & I went to lodge. Again Betty is warden & I as conductor. Fred, Betty, Kids & I went to the supper. I had to furnish perfection salad. The church also had a supper. I had to furnish cabbage salad. Dorothy Manyon wanted to know if Geo was mad because Kenneth bumped him.
Dec 7 Donald Yeier's Birthday George came in from Scranton about five A.M. And was very sick. Wanted him to have a doctor but he wouldn't. Gave him aspirin to try to take his temperature is 101.8. Has chills then sweats till bed & night clothes are wet. Afraid he has the flu from taking his heavy underclothes and putting on summer when he's home. He thinks it was pork he ate for his dinner in Scranton.
Dec 8 Went to doctors. Gave me a shot. George is very sick but won't have a doctor. Told Wladis, & he gave me some pills for his fever. He freezes one moment & next burns up perspiration running off him. Sleeps an awful lot.
Dec 9 Snow Geo fever down a little but he stayed upstairs couldn't eat. Betty got me a dozen oranges. She tried to go up to Dolores but couldn't make the hill. Sanded when she came home. Changed his night clothes. Freezes then sweats. Sure hope its not pneumonia. He just can't eat. Drinks a lot of water. Bowels have stopped running off he says but he sure goes to the bath often enough.
Dec 10 Snow and the roads are very slippery. Betty took kids to Hghts to show. Picked up Dolores also Doans. Steve brought them home. George came downstairs still has a few chills. I am worried afraid he may have something he can't get rid of so easy. His fever is down I took his temp while he was having a chill and it was less than 100. Picked up a bird on back porch which Geo said was a hawk. He was bleeding from nose and eye. He came to when I went over to Betty's Geo took a bath. Ate there.
Dec 11 Didn't go to church in fact didn't do much of anything all day
but read
and watch TV. Geo manage to eat a little bit but can hardly choke it
down. Fred came over a few minutes. Got # 5 last night. Sure wish, Geo
would see a doctor. He's terribly weak and sweats just awful. Roads are
still bad.
Dec 12 A very nice day. Did a big washing. Sent estimates to adjuster. Mack Jack. Geo ate a little wanted some oysters so I went and got about $8.00 of groceries. Got supper. Went to school. No more classes till the 9th of January. After class went up to Dolores. Stayed until eleven. The baby had the colic. She seems good except the kids get on her nerves. She said Stephan seems to cling to Kevin instead of her since the baby came. Geo was up watching TV. He looks awful wish he'd see a doctor maybe he could give him vitamins or something. Afraid he's anemic as well as sick otherwise.
Dec 13 A very nice sunny day. Fred went out on # 2. Tried to get Geo to go to the doctors & he said all I wanted him to do was go to work. Got ready took car & said he was going to work & I blew up. Was gone about two hours & when he came back looked as tho he'd collapse any second. I hurried and got some dinner which he could hardly eat and he went to bed. Straightened thro downstairs sprinkled clothes & did a little mending. I only heard George up a couple of times last night.
Dec 14 Johnny Gough called tonight and signed some papers for us. Made out continental & social security ready for the doctor to finish. George still looks bad altho he's around. Goes to Y and uses every ounce of energy he can build up. George went out awhile this morning. When he came he was all in. Let him sleep for a couple hours then he ate pretty good and wasn't sick.
Dec 15 George had an appointment with Dr. Wladis but he wasn't in. Was delivering a baby so he's to go tomorrow. Sent in part of his social security the rest doctor has to make out. I took him. George just can't hardly make himself eat. He's determined to be up. Just won't keep still.
Dec 16 Took George to doctors. He gave him a couple of shots in the hip. Came home & kept quiet. The doctor made out his social security and kept his continental report to send out. He gave him an examination but didn't tell him much.
Dec 17 Think George looks better. Took him to doctors and he gave him another shot in hip. He came home & has kept real quiet.
Dec 22 A lot of snow today. The home bureau had our party at Dorothy Brace's. Had a very nice time. I gave an ashtray. Mrs. Rohr gave a rub board to Dolores. She used to buy them for a quarter from Tupperware. Can not buy them. She gave it to me. I got a tray, Stayed till 11:30 I took hot rolls. Geo had just gone to bed. He grumbles because I went out.
Dec 23 Snow today. Fred, Betty & I went downtown. Geo took care of kids. Got home a little after five. I didn't get much just for Kenny, Diane, Debra, pipe for George. Glider for Polovicks bird shed & shoes for Douglas. Fred seems so dissatisfied. Geo looks a lot better got up but is terribly weak. Still can't uses up all his surplus strength.
Dec 24 Cold. Went with Betty to finish shopping. George went to doctors. Gave him a shot then went to De Donna's had some whiskey & beer. Was awful sick. Wrapped packages. Gave Kenny shirt, David, Wayne & Bobby sweater. Douglas shoes, Kevin & Stephan glider Stephan underpants & Kevin socks. Diane sleepers & panties 2 pr. & Debra sleeper & 4 pr breaking panties. George insisted we give John $20.00 for license. He gave Fred 2 guns he paid $5.00 a piece for & gun cleaners 3.00 and sheets 3 for single beds. Geo bought a saw used 15.00 for Steve. Fred going round with sore head. Called for # 5. Was here to play Santa Claus. There room looked like a toy shop.
Dec 25 A nice day George is feeling terrible. Ate very little dinner. Jean said he told her his heart was bad & Dr said he'd have had a heart attack if he hadn't been sick. Steve, Dolores, Fred & Betty gave us a medicine cabinet for the bathroom & John & Jean to towel chrome towel racks. He gave his father a pale green sweater. Kevin & Stephan gave us each a aluminum pan. Kenny gave me earrings and pot holder & 2 parring knives. Dolores a pr of stockings. Dolores had a lovely ham dinner. Don't think anyone can beat her fixing ham. We come right home. He was called for # 5 Aunt Hallie died this morning at 6:25.
Dec 26 A sunny cold day. George went to Y. I got up late then did a pretty good sized washing. Dora telephoned Betty last night that Aunt Hallie died yesterday & funeral is tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Dellie & Bryan had Christmas with Dora. Cleaned thro.
Dec 27 Left a little after twelve to go to Owego to Aunt Hallie's funeral. Aunt Leona, Uncle Charlie, Luella, Harry, Charles & Elsa were there. Aunt Hallie had a wonderful time Christmas Eve was taken about four. Marshall & wife were there. They took Bertha to hospital. There's no help for her, just a matter of time. Guess she also has a cancer. Hasn't taken any solid foods for two weeks. Wealthy has been offered 11,500 to lease 16 acres of her land. Is going to keep house where Aunt Hallie lived. She owns the house. Left about 5:15. Got home 6:15. George had eaten.
Dec 28 A rather nice winter day. George went to Y. I did the ironing and feel all in. Washed my hair. Had Dolores Steve & kids here. Betty & kids here for dinner at five had fried veal. George didn't like it. Dolores brought a loaf of bread & a bottle of milk. Steve put in the medicine cabinet & its not right.
Dec 29 Very icy. Fred out on a tear. Betty & I went to the lodge Christmas party at Mrs. Spragues. I furnished cottage cheese with pineapple. I got an apron & Betty writing paper. I gave tray & small scrub board. Betty gave glove ring. I took Dolores boys to dentist. Went to hospital then to doctors. Doctor said George needs the piles removed that his heart is alright in fact very good, that he has a very bad liver, that the shot he gave Geo did not make him sick but must have taken something after. He told Geo to come in Jan 3, 1956 at 2.
Dec 30 Very very cold. Some snow & very cold. George went to Y. I cleaned all through. Fred out drinking again took Kenny downtown and stopped at Griska. Kenny walked home and was nearly frozen. He left Griska's & went to Madylyns. Never came home till 5 next morning. Kids went to show. I went & got them. George went to bed at 8 o'clock.
Dec 31 Rain with snow. Very slippery. Betty took what Fred had left
of his money. Went to Sears. Got night dress for Jean 2.98 and Betty got
glass shelves for medicine cabinet. Fred went to work at midnight. Got
fifteen dollars groceries. The check came from home insurance for the aerial
& chimney. Geo went & stayed to Y for 3 4 hrs.
Lenard Babin
Court St Rochester, NY
Curio Collector
Zetta Rose 87 Ludington St Buffalo
John Polovick 1750 A Cabrillo Ave
Torance Cal
Mar 21 Mr & Mrs. Harker's Wedding Anniversary
May 18 Mother Ellison's 87th Birthday