![]() All of the people pictured here, and more, can tell you about their life and times on these pages.
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Jack Ellison
64 Conhocton St.
Corning, NY
January 1 1953 No snow. Fred went out at 5:40 this morning. Steve went to work at 3. George laid off and first thing went to Y. Did not get anything special for dinner or do anything. Mr. Harris gave us a dollar a piece for New Year’s drinks.
Jan 2 Betty and I went after groceries. Fred went out on his father’s job.
Jan 3 Everything George wanted to do I didn’t yesterday. Geo had had plenty yesterday and wanted to travel. Has laid around most of today sobering up I guess. Hope he marks up soon. Two trips all shot for him to show what he can do. Had worked 23 consecutive days.
Jan 4 Stormy but mild. Went to church and came home & washed then
Betty and family and I went up to Dolores’s for dinner. Audrey’s Birthday.
NOTE: Audrey is Helen’s brother. Born Jan 4, 1905. Parents Robert &
Viola Sibley Barber.
Jan 5 Did the ironing and straightened thro’. Steve took care of Fred and Betty. Fred, Wayne & I went to General. Dellie goes in hospital tomorrow at 4. Bill & Fred went to Waterloo and talked trading cars. Got the rest of the chrome. Had to tell Beamer to leave. He went over banister last night.
Jan 6 Not too cold. Went to lodge & to supper. Played cards. When I came home Geo. had come dressed in white shirt and I could not find him till after twelve. He had marked off Fred on drunk also.
Jan 7 Haven’t done much of anything all day. Caught up the mending. Geo gone. Marked on Buffalo job to go out in morning. Betty washed. Is sick with cold.
Jan 8 Rain & snow. Cleaned all thro and baked 12 chocolate cupcakes 2 loaves banana bread and an apple and a pumpkin pie. Coming down with a cold. Looked for a card from Dora.
Jan 9 Rain & snow. Payday. Sent 2 qt tomatoes to church. Geo had
a real time for himself. Marked on Buffalo job as Monahan took his. Was
in no condition to go but did. Went to Hgts. to show with Dot & kids.
She paid the way. Got card from Dora saying Dellie was coming home today
or Sat.
NOTE: Dot is her daughter. Dolores (Dottie) Dora (Eudora) and Dellie
are Helen’s sisters.
Jan 10 Rain & snow. Dragged all day but dusted thro’ Fred &
Betty went down town. Fred worked four o’clock yard job. Went up to Sibley’s
at 8:30 stayed till after ten and watched TV no good.
NOTE: Sibley is Helen’s brother.
Jan 11 Snow & rain. George came in about 2 and I had to get up and put cold compress on my throat. Seems better but feel badly and can hardly talk. Fred went to Scranton. Dead headed home on 15.
Jan 12 Sunny but rather cold. Washed straightened thro’ blue parakeet laid first egg of second nest. She raised one. Mr. Rose brought his fireman (Ausburn) over tonight. Fred took car early this morning came home 3:45 drunk. He and House went to Buffalo after car on 3.
Jan 13 A Lovely sunny warm Jan. day. Geo’s day off and we went to Corning., Bath, Wayland looking to trade cars. Got back about six. Went to Griska’s for an hour then home saw Hayward there.
Jan 14 Another warm day and another parakeet egg. Did my ironing and wrote letter to Leona ??? son & Kinney. Fred got out on Advanced BH4. George call for 8:45. He played dominoes & went to Gulka’s.
Jan 15 Lovely warm sunny. Called Dora to meet me at HV got some things
fruit & milk makes. Then went up to Phillip Detty’s. Had supper there
and stayed till 9:30 got home about 10:30. Mr. Harris carried things in
for me.
NOTE: HV is Halsey Valley
Jan 16 Colder and cloudy. Geo & I drove to Ithaca to see about trading our car. Offered us less than anyplace yet 17.33. trade for $1725 difference. Came home after stopping to Griska’s. Geo let agent in and again I took coffee( Jewel Tea Co.) stayed for more 2 hrs. Geo called for 6.
Jan 17 Sunny this morning with freezing rain about 4:30 this afternoon. Cleaned thoroughly upstairs. Defrosted refrigerator. Went after groceries went up to Dot’s. She is sick. Had supper over to Betty’s. Fred worked yard job and then went after hair cut – am cleaning down stairs tonight. Geo working.
Jan 18 Not very cold but cloudy. Did not got to church. Dot down and had dinner here. Geo went to work at 7:30. I read and listened to radio. Dot went to Candor but no one home.
Jan 19 Cloudy. Washed. Straightened thro’. Took Wayne up to Dot. Betty
waited on table & Fred took boys to Father son banquet. I went to lodge
supper at Pierces. Got home at 11 pm. Geo got in fight at Dahlia and called
John then kept me awake till nearly 4.
NOTE: Wayne is Helen grandson Fred & Betty Harker Ellison-Davis’s
Jan 20 Cloudy got right out of bed and went after his pay. Listened to the Inaugural address. Geo went to get a hair cut & didn’t come back as he promised. Found him at Clubs. He had damaged the car last payday and didn’t admit it. Had the car lined up yesterday and he had door fixed.
Jan 21 Snowed a soft snow melting on road. Very nasty. Did the ironing. Went up to Dot’s & took parakeet. Geo went to Y. I called him at 3:00 and he said he’d be home in half hour just came 5:00. Called for 8:00. Took Jean to take Diane to Dr. Cargill. Think John had a girl at his house.
Jan 22 Dry not very cold. After doing up my work. Drove up to Geneva Dellie had gone for check up at Hospital. Got home at 11:00. Jean called Betty and said girl had called her & gave her a lot of trouble.
Jan 23 Not very cold. As usual Geo took car as soon as he could get his breakfast. Came home about five. Ate and went to bed. Mended and cleaned upstairs. Steve brought studio couch back. He was some sore.
Jan 24 Rain Went down town after cleaning. Fred on drunk. Wayne has bad cold. Went up to Dot’s for supper. Betty called me to look after kids while she went after Fred. Went back up to Dot’s and played cards till nearly one.
Jan 25 Mr. Harris brought me a book “The Bounty Lands” by Wm Donahue Ellis. Very cold snow. Did not go to church. Baked cookies. As soon as Geo got his breakfast went to Y and when he came at 4 had been drinking. He cut the Polovick’s hair. Called for 7:15.
Jan 27 Cold Did not do much of anything all day. Got dinner. Geo had only stayed a few min at Y and bummed all day. Did not get back till after twelve. Did the ironing. Raining tonight.
Jan 28 Rain today. Went downtown and got three dresses. Red tailored
4.00 Brown wool 6.00 and Rose taffeta 18.00 also pr. Red shoes 12.00 Geo
two shirts brown & green 6.00. Betty got a dress & coat for Kenny.
Geo got his earning 6,128.62. Income tax out 952.32.
NOTE: Kenny is Fred & Betty Harker Ellison-Davis’s oldest son.
George and Helen’s grandson.
Jan 29 Fred worked a midnight yard job and never came home is on a drunk.
He came home about 1 and went to Candor with Sibley. I took Betty down
town. She got coat for David & went to show. I got a pr of blue shoes.
Went after her then to Dot’s for supper & cards.
NOTE: David is Fred & Betty Harker Ellison-Davis’s son. George
and Helen’s grandson.
Jan 30 Wed. Went down. Monday washed went down town. Tues ironed. Geo gone all day. Wed went downtown & got shoes & dresses. Thurs Straightened through house and got blue shoes Fri did mending. Sat cleaned. Rain Geo had car. Payday gave me 100.00. Paid for a ton of coal for Fred. They are to pay me back. Geo came about 4. Ate & went to bed. Took Wayne & went to Dot’s. Took her to get meat & something for supper.
Jan 31 Rain. Cloudy. Geo’s pants came from cleaner. Betty & I went
after groceries. Kenny & David went on hike. We tried to find them.
Fred & Betty went to Harker’s. I cleaned. Took care of Dot’s kids till
3 this morning. Insurance on car cancelled for no reason.
NOTE: Harker’s are Betty parents. Coral & Ethel Heath Harker lived
in West Danby, NY.
Feb 1 Very cold. Did not go to church. John over. Sold ring to Betty. Will give $5.00 to each boy for birthday. He has joined Eagles. Geo went to Y. stayed till 5:30 and was called for 6:15 washed after 3.
Feb 2 Very cold Paid mother $3.50 for 7 doz eggs and got 8 doz in Candor.
Put in $3.00 of gas in Van Etten. Went to Spencer to see about insurance
also downtown and got red bag. Stayed 4 hr with mother E. then to Dora’s
got eggs at mothers and Candor.
NOTE: This entry has been written over by another entry and can’t read
the second entry.
Feb 3 Not so cold. Finished ironing and went to lodge. Was going to school but Geo was at Griska’s and we went to show. “Above and Beyond” very good. Fred went out after mysterious telephone call. Geo had been drinking a lot and was disagreeable in Griska’s.
Feb 4 A lovely sunny snappy winter day. Geo went to Y and didn’t come back till 3:00. Went downtown and took out Insurance from Henbest paid $173.70 so George won’t lose his license. He laid off tonight so he can bum for the rest of week. Wish I could get along and do as little as he or do I .
Feb 5 A lovely sunny winter day. George bought paint brush 8.90 painted to entry hall then went to Y came about seven then went back and stayed till 4 in morning. Fred came in about 11 from Scranton.
Feb 6 Sunny this morning but turning cloudy with rain & colder. Fred painted our front bedroom green and they are planning to put boys there. Got my iron from Scheodeck’s $4.00 after groceries.
Feb 7 A lovely sunny day. Fred sick but went to Scranton. I got a permanent 6.30 at Montes. Took lesson and got paint at Tooti’s 3.70. Got deed back for Buffalo lot and letter from Mrs. Lillibridge also Dellie who’s not feeling good breasts are leaking blood.
Feb 8 Went to church and up to Dot’s for a chicken dinner. It was delicious Geo called for 4:15. Listened to radio then went up to Dot’s took my washing and played cards till nearly midnight while it was washing.
Feb 9 Snow on ground but not too cold. Did up my work. Sprinkled clothes
then took 6 to Binghamton. Came back on 5. They were all pretty good.
Feb 10 Lovely sunny day. Pay day. Geo drew 176.00 Paid Fred’s paint
bill 31.18. I put together 300.00 which he put in bank. This included 137.88
from my mother. Came back at 2 and we drove to Bath. Went to show “Mississippi
Feb 11 Snowing tonight. Geo played dominoes at Y then went to Gulka’s and played cards. Came about 5 ate and went to bed. Had won about 4.00. Ironed thorough cleaning up stairs. Snow very slippery.
Feb 12 Very slippery not very cold. Have cleaned all day downstairs. Scrubbed kitchen floor on knees & waxed. Went downtown for floor paint for Fred and went to Sears & got rubber rugs 3 - 6.33. Dot here tonight put things in cellar & Fred also put things there. Went to Pioneer & got pizzas for them. Took bath.
Feb 13 Snow & slippery. Didn’t do much of anything today. Went to Dot’s & stayed with kids from 9:30 to 2. Got dinner & Geo went to bed. Called 7. Read & listened to radio. Geo got notice from traffic bureau.
Feb 14 Painted frame gold & white on Lords supper picture. Dot took it. Lovely day like spring. Got a letter from Kinney. Cleaned under sink & straightened thro the house. Work lagged. Fred called to go to Scranton first time in week. Dot been here twice & John twice.
Feb 15 Heavy soft snow. Went to church. Cut too short and hit bumper of car and put dent in right front door. No damage to other car. Been sick all day. Geo went to Y & didn’t come till 7 called for 8:45.
Feb 16 Nice sunny day very cold this morning. Steve took me down town also Betty. Got Fred bedroom slippers. 2 pr shorts & pipe. Did a big washing. Can hardly make myself go. Up to Dot’s for a ham dinner.
Feb 17 George never came home till 4 o’clock this afternoon. Haven’t
done much all day. Some snow. Alma here awhile tonight.
Note: Alma was Simeon Ellison (Toot’s) son Jack’s wife. Toot is George’s
Feb 18 Not very cold. Did the ironing. Geo got up and went to beer joint. Had plenty when he came at 2:30. Monkied with car and went with it to joint. Dolores here. Went with her to Corning to take Alma home.
Feb 19 A lovely sunny day. Haven’t done much of anything today except write letters. One to Bartow, Blanche Lillibridge, Bert Puderbaugh & Dellie. Got card Gregory’s baby born Jan 21 boy. Thomas Gregory. Notice Insurance Co. Fred & Betty gone with car to Audrey’s.
Feb 20 Cloudy warm. Went with Geo after his pay. Got groceries &
paid bills. Geo had 20.00 got a hat. Stopped at Gulka’s and Griska’s. Fred
on drunk with House. Had Wayne. Dot took Betty around after groceries stayed
there for supper.
Feb 21 So warm it’s like a day in spring. Very uncomfortable with fire.
Fred got in 3:30 and called 9:30 to go to Buffalo. Geo wasn’t called till
Feb 22 No snow. Rather cold. Went to church. Had Fred’s family here for dinner. George called for 5:30. Then I washed. Listened to radio. Went to bed at 10:30.
Feb 23 Warm, Sunny day. Fred went to Scranton. Did my ironing. Straightened thro. Fred washed car and his own. They went over to John’s for supper. To bed early. Gave doily to Rose.
Feb 24 Lovely sunny warm day. Geo and I went on 15 to Buffalo and back on 10. Bartow thinks hearing went in our favor. I don’t know. Terribly tired. Fred got wash basin for bathroom.
Feb 25 Lovely sunny day. Geo went to Y and stayed all day then to joints. Was called for 6. Said he was tired and going to lay off for ten days. Fred tore up bathroom.
Silver Chalice – Thomas B Costain
Feb 26 Lovely sunny day. Straightened all thro. Dot had her teeth out and I took Kevy to doctors. Fred went on drunk. Geo stopped at Griska’s and was feeling good also bought Fred some.
Feb 27 Sunny and nice today. Pay day. Finished paying insurance. Geo went to Collin’s. Drunk a lot but went to work. Didn’t do much of anything today. Fred got a BO. Betty got his check.
Feb 28 Snowy & Cold. Finished chair sit for Hayward and straightened thro. Put the canaries together. They aren’t doing anything. Went down town for Fred twice this afternoon. Griska’s he’ll have to get a plumber.
Feb 29 Try to get “Agnes Sligh Turnbull”, “The Rolling Years”,” Remember the End”, “The Day Must Dawn”, “The Greatest Book Ever” by Fulton Onsler, “The Man called Peter Catherine Marshall”, “Pea of Sonl” Fulton J Sheen.
Mar 1 Went up to Dot’s & washed. Steve and D had trouble over cards at his mothers. Snowy, thawed. Went up to Dot’s for beef dinner. Fred went on 15. Took kids to Horseheads to show. Geo went to sleep up to Dot’s and was called then gave me hell because I taken him home.
Mar 2 Very cold clear day. Haven’t done much. Fred took car to go make out his income tax and stopped to Griska. Went and got car went to library & then for art lesson. Ironed.
Mar 3 Moderate. Cloudy. Went to lodge. Did hand ironing. Went over to
John’s then to show “Niagara”. Jean coming down with flu. Diane had shot
and seemed better.
NOTE: Diane is John & Jean Stewart Ellison Daughter and George
& Helen’s granddaughter.
Mar 4 Lovely sunny day. Haven’t done much of anything. George to Y. Read most all day. Dolores down for a while.
Mar 5 Snowy bad day. Called Jean & she and Diane both sick. John brought me over her ironing which I did, took to her and then went to lodge meeting at Penney Y.
Mar 6 Snowed a little tonight. Geo called for six o’clock. Finished one tatted doily. At ten o’clock went up to Sibley’s watch the fight. Then talked till nearly four in the morning. Fred on work train. Got drunk.
Mar 7 Clear and cold. Went after groceries then took Betty for groceries. Took kids to show. Straightened house thro. Did the mending. Dot had Steve’s brother to supper.
Mar 8 Cold and clear. Betty had a ham dinner for us. Dot gave us a bedspread and John 4 bath towels. We went with John to Eagles and then to show. John had stopped before he came up. Geo laid off. Fred got job.
Mar 9 Plumber came yesterday and says he can’t go in sewer at Fred’s.
Lovely sunny day. Did a wash then went to Spencer after dinner. I went
to Dora’s. Sister Carmilla had a kidney operation. Very bad. Planning to
go to California Burbank in 3 weeks. Dellie to go back in hospital next
NOTE: Dora & Dellie are Helen’s sisters.
Mar 10 Lovely sunny day. Went with Geo to Y. He’s got a pet on. Don’t know what is wrong. Pay day & no money. Sat for 3 hours in front of Y. Came home to go to Bath and he went to Griska’s and for his pay as soon as I left.
Mar 11 Nice day George went to Y and stayed all day. I went after car at three o’clock to go to library after book they were holding for me. Geo called for seven o’clock. Fred called but call cancelled.
Mar 12 Lovely sunny day. Cleaned thro got some groceries. Went up to Dot’s. They had bought a television. Fred to get gas smell from car up to Peter’s. They didn’t. Dora, De Young and Meade Brown came. Had tea & cookies. Stayed about ten hours.
Mar 13 Lovely sunny spring day. Didn’t do much. Betty & I went after groceries. George called early. Made out income tax cost 3.00 Went up to Dot’s about 10 last night and watched the fight stayed till nearly one. Then couldn’t sleep. Geo ran down possum and brought it home last night.
Mar 14 Cloudy warm spring day. Took bath made or rather corrected income tax. Straightened thro. Took book to library and then went to see “Jeopardy” not so good. Came home about 8 washed my hair and Betty put it up. Fred went to Buffalo and stopped on his way home. Sent out income tax.
Mar 15 Dark & Cloudy. Didn’t do much today. Got dinner for Fred’s folks. My back went bluey this afternoon. Pain terrible. Steve & D went to Anderson’s for dinner. Geo called for 7:15. He gave the possum to Jasper Brown.
Mar 16 Cloudy & colder. Back still hurts. Went up to Dot’s and she did my washing. John bought the female bird from mother O. Guy Meany went in army. Got letter from Minnie & card from Cassady.
Mar 17 Got the first canary egg today. Mickie’s daughter & Holland bird. John borrowed 10.00 to be paid Fri. Lovely spring day. Sibley and George laid up wine cellar for Griska’s. Geo had plenty. Up to Dot’s for supper. Went to lodge and he was to meet him but wasn’t there. Had had plenty. When he came about 2.
Mar 18 Lovely spring day. George got up at seven then went back to bed about 11. Kept me awake nearly all night. Guess he’s sleeping it off. Got letter from Motor & Shields. Can’t find our registration.
Mar 19 Warm cloudy. Kid up my work and then went up to Dot’s and sewed till 12:30. Harris & I were talking when Geo came in about one. Gave canary her egg. She had another today & broke it.
Mar 20 Lovely day. Didn’t do much. After Geo left went to Art School. Fred went on drunk. Came home about 2. Betty went down town. While I was at school. Fred took off about 8.
Mar 21 Bert Punderbaugh birthday to be at Spencer School at 8:00 PM. Lovely day. Could not go. Fred went to Buffalo. Took care of Betty’s kids last night. Went after groceries baked cake, pie, cleaned. Up till 3 this morning. Betty found Fred with Lorraine at Madelyn’s grill.
Mar 22 Lovely day in spring. Went to church. Had Steve & Dot here
for dinner. Fred didn’t get in till 2:30. They have gone to Harker’s There
Dot brought her bird & one she sold to Marsha Down & all her seeds.
NOTE: Coral Eugene Harker & Ethel Mae Heath were married March
21, 1916.
Mar 23 Rain cloudy. Washed up at Dot’s last night. Made kitchen curtains. Hung clothes this morning ironed. Gave Mrs. Harker three dresses. Had supper at Betty’s. Took bath. Straightened house.
Mar 24 Rain all night & morning. Went to Sayre Cost Dolores 25.00
me 30.00. Betty went up to Dot’s and gave Mrs. Harker a permanent. George
sprained his ankle over to Griska’s. Had agreed to do some papering. Was
I ever angry. He got what he deserver for taking work from some one who
needs it.
Mar 25 Cloudy and colder. Ed Griska over. I told him some how I felt
but am going to say more. Fred signed up for unemployment then went up
to Audrey’s. They have to Mrs. H house. Geo laid off. He’s some baby. Think
he puts some on. Enjoys being waited on.
Mar 26 Geo came home tonight and demanded we go home. I wouldn’t go because my work wasn’t done and birds not taken car of. He was going anyway and I demanded the car. Steve took him.
Mar 27 Got up early and cleaned downstairs cleaned birds & baked.
Went to Spencer and got the dinner. Got eggs & took mother to Van Etten.
She talks every minute. Drives you nuts. Boots died last night.
NOTE: Helen’s parents were Robert Hobbe Barber & Viola Melissa
Sibley-Priest. Robert was born Aug 13, 1871 and died Dec 16, 1914 Viola
was born June 30, 1876 in Sulphur Springs and died Oct 1, 1952. She remarried
Franklin Priest.
Mar 28 Diane’s birthday. Took Diane to hospital yesterday. Came home
this morning. Took care of things. Fred sore because Betty told me he wanted
her to go to bed. They got back there tax. Gave all the eggs to canary.
NOTE: Diane born Mar 28, 1947.
Mar 29 Nice day. Went to church. Geo grabbed the car and went to Y. Had dinner at Betty’s. Called Geo and he didn’t come. Dot called Dora & Lee at her house. Betty took me up Geo came about 5 and then went to Griska’s. John ate at our house.
Mar 30 Windy & chilly. Washed and cleaned thro. Did the mangling. Betty went down town when George went to doctors. I took care of baby. Dot down for a while. They brought Diane home tonight.
Mar 31 Dolores’s birthday. Nice day. Finished my ironing then after
Geo had gone to Dr. we went to Galeton and changed cars. Gave us 2,000.00
for ours and we paid 1,325.00 difference. Betty had us all there for a
party. Gave Dot pants, jewel case & tatted doily. Fred put back on
NOTE: Dolores Helera Ellison-Polovick born March 31, 1926.
Apr 1 Dark & dreary. Geo got up six o’clock. Fred called for local. Still sore. Drank a lot yesterday. In afternoon we drove over to Betty’s mothers. Geo took car in evening and went to Y. Payday. He didn’t give me any.
Apr 2 A lovely rather warm day. Went down and had state income made out and took a lesson. Geo went to Y in evening and I went over to Jean’s for evening.
Apr 3 A lovely day. Geo got his mother and me a lily. Went over to his mothers. Decided to start for the South Sunday so decided to have our Easter dinner tomorrow. Mother tires me out she is so hungry to talk.
Apr 4 Rain this morn. Clearing in afternoon. Geo got Dot a lily. Had the family for four o’clock dinner. Geo played dominoes most of afternoon. Went a few groceries. Gave John five dollars for birthday.
Apr 5 Lovely day. A few sprinkles in afternoon. Got started about one for the south. Had dinner at Williamsport. Stayed at Warren’s town Virginia.
Apr 6 Nice day had oil change 6.23 mi. Lovely all through Virginia. I also like S. Carolina. Stayed at Bennellville, SC.
Apr 7 Have buyer for mother’s place 7400. Arman to get 800 for sale.
John’s birthday. Got started about 8 this morning. Drove to Fort Jackson
near SC this morning. Is much bigger. Stayed at Darien G. driven 987 mi.
Apr 8 Very warm. The water last night we thought wasn’t fit to use is sulphur water but what a taste. Very noisy last night. Stopped at a motel in West Palm Beach 5.00 can cook.
Apr 9 Very, very warm. Drove to the Keys there are 4” ridges one 7 mi long and a number a mi very pretty. Atlantic on one side & gulf on other.
Apr 10 Got started at 8:15. Went through upper part of Everglades. Stayed at Homestead. Geo had to entertain his host. I was disgusted with him last night. Am just about sick. Geo bought a lot of shells, cocoa nuts grape fruit.
Apr 11 Started out to be very beautiful but began to rain while we were on Jungle boat. Stayed at John’s place near Ocala. Silver Springs is lovely. Geo bought Indian doll but left it. Wish we could have stayed longer at Silver Springs.
Apr 12 Rained nearly all day. Had dinner in Farmville Maryland and stayed at Phillip’s Motel. Very good place. Got started at 8:30. Had lunch in woods. The dog wood is very beautiful.
Apr 13 Rained almost all day. Got started at 7:30. Went to Galelon greased car. Are to take it back first of week. Got home about 6:30. Fred got new television. All to Betty’s for supper.
Apr 14 Lovely sunny day. Can’t seen to get myself to work. Dot came down about noon & said Dellie telephoned that she was going down & would I go. Hope the place was sold but wasn’t. Guess it’s for the best. Any more Dellie makes me feel almost unnecessary. Left here about 3:30 PM.
Apr 15 Nice day. Steve & Dot got home 4 M. Got most of the rubbish
away. Cellar yet to clean. Got some flowers. Planted daffodils on mothers
grave. Got dates from West’s for lawyer. Got supper & Steve & Dot
left about eight. Am very tired. Betty gets riled because I can’t or won’t
work myself sick.
Apr 16 Rained a bit this morning. Went after arbutus. Dellie tired
out. Went home about three. Dora & I put supper on drove home and got
things for Aunt Hallie, took to her. Did not stop in Spencer. Had company
when I got home about 8:30 PM.
NOTE: Aunt Hallie not too sure who she was.
Apr 17 Chilly & cold, a little rain. Fixed a coat for Dot. Took book to library. Got all cleaned upstairs except my room. Audrey had shock tonight while eating supper. In hospital. Paralyzed on right side. Knows but cannot talk. Cashed tax check 209.98.
Apr 18 Stubby’s Birthday Rain & snow. It is Stubby’s birthday. Eighteen.
Feed all the kids & Betty for dinner. Cleaned my room & downstairs.
Geo got nearly four dollars of groceries. Dora came to see Audrey but didn’t
come here. He is very despondent but same.
NOTE: Stubby is Stanley Barber He was Audrey & Phyllis Barber son
and Helen’s nephew. Died Feb 9, 2007. Obit below.
BARBER Stanley L. Sr. Owner/Operator of Barbers Garage and 24 Hour Towing Service Age 71, of Big Flats, NY, passed away on Friday, February 9, 2007, surrounded by his loving family. He was survived by his children, Stanley L. (Kimberly) Barber Jr., Helen Barber, and Shawn L (Amy) Barber; his beloved grandchildren, Carrie (Scott) Walrath, Kris, Rebecca, Billy and Nathaniel Barber; sister, Gloria (Tom) Giles; and several nieces and nephews; and his faithful companion, "Smudge." His wife, Phyllis, predeceased Stanley. He was a lifetime member of the Big Flats Volunteer Fire Department, and a member of the Towing Association of America (TRAA). He was the owner-operator of Barbers Garage and 24 Hour Towing Service, Big Flats, NY since 1944. He was an avid sportsman and gardener. Stanley has been honored by many local area law enforcement agencies for his service to the community that he loved. Family and friends are invited to call at Olthof Funeral Home, Inc., 1050 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, on Monday, February 12, 2007, from 1:00 to 3:00 and 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. with Funeral and Committal Service there Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Stanley will be laid to rest next to his wife, Phyllis in Rural Home Cemetery, Big Flats, NY. The family would like to thank Southern Tier Hospice and Palliative Care, and Marge Bellows for the wonderful care given to Stanley during his illness.
Apr 19 Warmer & cloudy. Got dinner for both families. Steve & Dot came on 15. Went to see Audrey took him a bunch of daffodils. Steve slept and helped Fred this afternoon. Putting TV aerial on roof. It is no better.
Apr 20 Cloudy & windy. Washed hung most of clothes out doors. Straightened house. Seems as thou I’ll never get caught up. Dellie came to see Audrey. Stopped at Dot’s did not come here. Geo had a few drinks and was sore.
Apr 21 Lovely sunny day. Did my ironing while Mr. Langworthy talked. Geo left about ten for Galeton. Got back at five, had been drinking & ugly & mean. I went to lodge. He went to see Audrey and shaved him.
Apr 22 Warm & Sunny. Cleaned my birds prepared a salad and went
over to Mother E. Got back about 4 and Geo was called for 5:30 his first
trip. Went to see Audrey tonight seems to be improving.
NOTE: Mother E is Emeline Sincebaugh Ellison. George’s Mother.
Apr 23 Sunny & warm. Cleaned and went to Toti for art lesson. Gave finished picture to Betty. Light house on rocks in Ocean. Went to hospital. Audrey spoke. Think he’s better. Mrs. Baker rode home with me.
Apr 24 Warm & Sunny. Didn’t do much of any thing all day. Took Geo to work. Bobby Surdam here when I got back. Visited for an hour. Read & listened to radio. It rained about eleven PM & Betty came over and put pans in attic at midnight.
Apr 25 Warm & cloudy. Straightened thro. Put bedspread Dot & Steve gave us for anniversary & Easter on. Put away electric blanket & found moths in blue blanket I had put in its box in my closet. Fred came in on 15. Went to dentist & fixed roof.
Apr 26 Dark & cloudy rain. Had dinner over to Betty’s. Her mother & dad came over. Fred called for Scranton. Geo called for six thirty. Dellie & Bryan came to Dolores and stayed last night. Left before I could get up there. Audrey went home from hospital.
Apr 27 Cloudy but washed. Took curtains down in my room. Went over to John’s and spent the evening. Fred went on drunk. Mangled the flat clothes. Have felt badly all day with sinusitis.
Apr 28 Sunny. Didn’t do much except sew on Betty’s quilt all day. Geo called for 6 PM came back and did birds and dishes. Up to Dot’s & took care of kids.
Apr 30 Sunny Gave my room a thorough shampoo. Straightened thro. Went up to Mrs. Scanlon’s on lodge business. Then up to Dot’s till midnight. Steve called for wreck at Lowman. Rained about ten tonight. Fred took car and went up to Audrey’s back at 5:30. Had supper at Fred’s.
May 1 Sibley’s birthday. Sunny morning with rain in afternoon. Went after groceries with Betty. Geo called for 5:30. Did not get up till 12:00 PM. Very bad accident on Grand Central & Center. Two men in car both hurt. Geo got 27.87 back pay.
May 2 rain in afternoon. It has taken me all day to straighten thro & then about five Steve came for mattress on Langworthy’s bed and to put away large mattress. Had supper at Betty’s. Fred is going around with sore head.
May 3 No rain but chilly. Had Betty & kids to dinner. Didn’t do much all day. Dolores down and went to her mother in laws then to drive in Fred called to go to Scranton. Dead headed home. Stopped at beer joint & came home & was meaner than mean.
May 4 Lovely sunny warm spring day. Washed and went down town came near getting my self a new watch mine is very worn & can no longer be regulated. Ironed last night & did mending. Had supper at Betty’s. Did dishes. Went after Dot and took her home.
May 5 Rain & rain very muggy clearing about three. Went to lodge at ten this morning came after Betty at noon. Got out 3:45. Geo got insurance check took both and was at beer joint. Got dinner. Fred worked on Wm car all day.
May 6 Cloudy & warm. Dolores called before I got up & when I went up took Stephan to the doctors. Had a very high temp. Came home got dinner. Geo washed car. Took care of Wayne last night. He was sick. Betty went to Dot’s for ceramics lesson. Fred called for yard.
May 7 Rain beginning about 8:30 this morning. Fred & Betty went
to her sister’s. Cleaned Harris’s room & straightened thro the house.
Had supper at Betty’s.
NOTE: Betty’s sister Blanche Harker Shepard. Helen took in boarders
and Harris was a boarder.
May 8 Geo has appointment with Dr. Chamberlain at 1:45 PM. Geo kept appointment then proceeded to drink. Didn’t do much of anything today. Guess I’m getting old can’t seem to do what I once did.
May 9 Very warm. Haven’t done much of anything today except chase. Betty & I went downtown. Fred ordered for yard job and had a few he went to work went after groceries. Took cookies to church. Bought pie & 6 cup cakes. Brakes went out with Dot over in Southport & she sat 3 hours before she could get anyone. Ward plowed back yard $5.00.
May 10 Very warm. Went to Spencer. Took Mother E two flowers geranium and chrysanthemum. Took our dinner roast pork, corn & lemon pie, also cucumber. Got back 4:30. Fred & Betty went to Harker’s. Betty’s aunts there. Had not seen one since she was a little girl. Dot gave me pin & earrings. Betty nightgown.
May 11 Very warm. 83 at noon. Did a big washing. Dot called and I had to go up there. Steve wanted car to go Pine City after parts. Cleaned the back bedroom. At 6:30 went to Harris ill on picnic. Came home & cleaned dining room & kitchen then mangled for an hour. John gave me a Toni permanent.
May 12 A very warm day. Went to green house & got plants & seeds. Have not done too much. Finished ironing. Geo took bath then went to doctor. I was mad because he dressed in white shirt. Had Dot & Betty here to supper. He never showed up till 6:30 and had been drinking & was mean.
May 13 Cloudy & very warm. Geo marked on Speeno job, very long hours but no expense away from home. Had two load of loam 14.00. Gave Geo 5.00 for grass seed. They got most of it spread.
May 14 Rainy & cloudy. Cleaned bathroom and hall to down stairs portion. Straightened house. Am just about all in.
May 15 Very warm & cloudy. Went down town got myself a corsi and two dresses at cotton. My eyes are bad, say may need glasses changed. Dora came and we signed deed to lower place.
May 16 Rain. George came home from work. Didn’t get anything done. Betty & I went after groceries. My back is bothering me like all get out.
May 17 Rained all night. Did not go to church. Geo took car & went over to John’s who gave him 3 drinks of liquor. Hit the beer joints. Left car at Park View then wouldn’t tell where it was. John & I went & got it. Went up to Stewart’s.
May 18 Mother Ellison’s birthday. Started out nice & sunny. Washed took clothes to Dot’s for her to hang. Went to Spencer mother very pleased took her to Halsey Valley to see Mrs. Carlyle. Liked the chain. Kinney sent her fruit & Carnations for mothers day. Got back 8:15. Geo had gone to bed. Dot having plastic party. Betty took car up taking Mrs. Bixler & Ann Hysiak.
May 19 Damp & cloudy. My back is positively killing me. Went to Hood & it is easier. Made a cake after supper. Geo home early and he helped drag the back yard is all in.
May 20 A lovely day. My back very bad. Took another adjustment. Paid a few bills. Did the mangling. Fred on drunk. Geo’s leg bad. Took bath & went to bed. Paid Dot 5.00 Geo owed.
May 21 A very lovely day. Am feeling better did the hand ironing and worked on the Barber reunion books. Got a few groceries.
May 22 Sunny & warm. Mended some did up work. Went to Galeton gave me new seat and said to come back. Let him know. Geo had been drinking tonight dressed all up said he was going to Y. Think he is lying. Shaved. Had Betty to supper and cooked a ham. Rain.
May 23 Lovely day. Cleaned house all thro. Went to Waverly after parts at Elwyn’s took then to Big Flats. Fred went up there again. Geo went out and didn’t come in till after 2 AM.
May 24 Lovely sunny Sunday. Went to church & to ordination services of Peter Staples. Geo worked in garden washed car. Stayed around all day. He got up very early 7:15. Female blue parakeet died.
May 25 Rainy. Washed. Sent coupons to General Mills. Got groceries cleaned house thro made pumpkin pie. Took map over to Andrews. Paid milk bill. Geo drinking again.
May 26 Rain Ironed most of clothes had to wash sheets over. Geo marked on BB. Got sore head over some thing, probably a woman has looked at him. Would not take 5.00 I offered. Went downtown. Got mother’s watch. Stopped at Mrs. Dorsett’s & got another parakeet.
May 28 Cloudy. Betty & I went & got groceries at Hghts. then up to Dot’s for few minutes. Can’t seem to get sleep enough. Back still hurts.
May 29 Cold & cloudy. Betty & I got some groceries. Washed my hair. Straightened through. Otherwise haven’t done much. Geo laid off Speno job.
May 30 Rain & more rain. After taking Geo to work went on 15 did up my work. Went to Candor. All of us drove to Flemingville had chicken supper at Dora’s. Then on to Mother E for 3 hours. Stopped to Sibley’s. Picked Geo up on 8.
May 31 Cold & cloudy. Did not got to church. Had dinner over to Betty’s. After George was called read paper changed beds and then went to Dot’s & she did my washing.
Bernice’s license no EL68-18
June 1 Lovely sunny day. Straightened thro. Did the ironing. Had Betty
here for dinner. Geo missed his job and didn’t get in till 11:00 PM. Waxed
the kitchen floor. Took care of Dot’s kids. Took bath.
June 2 Lovely sunny day. Got ready and when we (Betty & I) there was no lodge so we went downtown. I got 4.95 yarn for carriage robe for Jean . Sprained my ankle when I caught my heel in rug & slipped on floor can hardly walk.
June 3 Cloudy. Haven’t done much today. My back & ankle have me about sick. Knitting a lot on blanket for Jean’s baby. Took care of kids & had car waxed. Brought it at five wasn’t done. Rented bed to Al Diven’s.
June 4 Sunny & warm. Haven’t done much today. Geo walked home. Went up to Dot’s after dinner. Made a banana cream pie, banana cake, ham loaf. Took her what was left Geo & I got some more plants from Cleare’s. They took car but never cleaned it inside or anything charged 26.42. I’m disgusted.
June 5 Very warm. Cleaned upstairs & got a chicken dinner for Fred & Betty. Al insurance came & Geo signed it. Went to slaughter house back of drive in. Got 5.00 of meat. Went to show saw “President’s Lady” thought it very good.
June 6 Sunny very warm. Cleaned downstairs & washed my hair. Saw a starling this morning pick top out of pepper plant. Have tow more baby canaries dark. W.
June 7 Rainy. Geo washed car. I went to church. After Geo went to work and the kids went home and Fred came on 3 I drove up to Dellie’s. The radio went blewy. Kept blowing fuses.
June 8 Very warm sunny day. Did a big washing. Cleaned and straightened. Geo did not come in missed his job home.
June 9 Sunny & very warm. Ironed George’s day off so he has been roaming. Can’t see why I can’t go. My ankle still stays sore. Took bandage off Sunday.
June 10 Sunny. Pay day. Big pay 214. Geo gave me 180 took rest with him. Have put away 400.00. Fred went to Waverly twice. Got the kids a tent. Dot went to Chemung tomorrow.
June 11 Check for insurance came 93.33. Sunny & warm. Went down
town got me a dress. Not what I wanted. Went to Spencer & to see Uncle
Ed. Geo had spent most of his money in Buffalo. Got eggs at the Finn’s
65 for large & 32 for cracked.
NOTE: Not sure who Uncle Ed is.
June 12 Sunny Chill. Geo gone all day. Went on his own job. Baked tow batched of cookies & a cake. Jack came after Fred’s car no money. Went to bed with chicken feel us thou I had a bad cold. Fred got the kids swings.
June 13 Dark & cloudy muggy breath very short. Went after groceries. Straightened house thro. Betty 7 I drove to Harker’s had supper. Fred went on 15 and Geo his own job.
June 14 Children’s Day. Nice day a little on the cold side. Did not go to church. John & Jean over. Had dinner at Betty’s. They went to airport to see auto races then proceeded to get drunk. Fred went out on 5.
June 15 Very nice day. John & Jean’s anniversary. They were to call Fred but didn’t guess he is sore. Did big washing and he ironing Elmira came on TV and I did my ironing to Betty’s. straightened thro.
June 16 Very warm this afternoon. Have done a lot of mending. Geo gone all day. Betty & I went to lodge stayed & practiced after bringing Betty home. Geo & I went for a ride to Spaghetti Place.
June 17 Very warm & humid. Went to the country meat market. Took Betty, Dolores, Marion Gulkus. Geo took engineer around to see the sights. Haven’t done much of anything today. Went up to Dot’s in evening.
June 18 Very warm. Straightened through. Just haven’t felt like even getting out. Think I went to Galeton for cars last check up. Car radio on blink. He undercoated it. Took up tappets, retarded timing lowered breaks greased it, adjusted carburetor etc. checked transmission.
June 19 Very warm. Took radio to shop. Geo & I went downtown. Got
dress for lodge & one for myself. Geo got shoes & overhalls. Gave
me 80.00 when we got back he beat it. Had a few. I sewed till one o’clock.
June 20 Very warm. Betty gave Dolores and I both permanents then we
straightened our housed, got some groceries & went to Harker’s. Had
supper & Betty picked strawberries. Watched wrestling. Had a terrible
thunder storm.
June 21 Very hot 99. Father’s Day. Dolores gave a bag. Fred white shirt & tie & John initials for car door. Had dinner here Dolores & Steve went with Tom & Elaine on trip. Have kids. Betty made 8 batches of jam. I hulled most of the berries.
June 22 Not so warm & a little breeze. Washed & ironed. Straightened. Went to Dot’s to feed animals. Cat gone. Found it at neighbors. Betty feed us our supper. They took car to drive in. Did not sleep much last night so hot.
June 23 Sunny not to warm. Geo got car radio. John polished kitchen floor. Went to Owego took Stephan to see Bartow. Closing Albert’s estate. Drove around by Spencer. Dolores & Steve had come. Got supper for gang. Had dead baby canary this morn.
June 24 Very chilly this morning sunny. Geo went on 2 to Scranton to take characteristics of road. Father to baby canary dead this morning was bird Martha had. Went on his own job after getting back.
June 25 Very hot but after getting the work done up drove to Halsey Valley and took some pictures of the house talked with Mrs. Smith then went over to Dora’s. She gave me some zinnias. Took boiled beef.
June 26 Hot. Geo laid off and went on drunk. Took two fellows caught up with him about midnight at Gulka’s Called the fellows bums to Mariam and he was sore. So was I. Guess I’ll lay off also. Set out the zinnia’s.
June 27 Kenny’s birthday. Very warm. Betty gave them ice cream & cake. After getting my work done went to Dot’s she was gone so went to Sibley’s. Audrey came back from Black Lake no better. Geo stayed in bed most all day.
June 28 Terribly hot. Went to Geneva. Had a lovely visit with Bill and Jean Bryan. Worried sick, think it maybe TB. Got home about 11. Had chicken dinner at restaurant with Charlie, Ella & Dellie.
June 29 Another terribly hot day. Could not sleep upstairs so started the washing early. Did a lot of extra’s as Betty didn’t wash. We went to drive in. Show good but back just about killed me.
June 30 Very hot. Today was my mother’s birthday. Nine months since
she was gone and no one knows how I miss her. Self pity I guess. Have felt
bad all day but did get the ironing done a& dust mopped upstairs.
NOTE: Her mother Viola Melissa Sibley-Priest born June 30, 1876 Sulphur
Springs Parents George D & Adaline Sibley. First marriage Robert Hobbe
Sibley he was born August 12, 1871 and died Dec 16, 1914. Her second marriage
was to Franklin Priest who was born Nov 4, 1872 and died Mar 8 1948.
July 1 Very very hot. Cleaned pantry. Pay day. Got bathing suit. Straightened house. Took bath. Had two meals at Betty’s Hard thunder storm after I had watered garden. Bobby here. I gave him a talking to which will do no good.
July 2 David was bite by Anna’s dog. Took him to Arnot. Geo took care of Wayne it was about 9:30 at night.
July 3 Very warm. Went downtown. Got material for nun dress. Thought would clean but am all in got four fish. Am so lame in the knees and feet I feel like just going up & not trying.
July 4 Very warm. Didn’t do much of any thing today but sew. Took care of Wayne while Geo & Betty went to races. George has pet on do not know why. Cut out dress and sewed it up. Finished dress.
July 5 Did not go to church. Am feeling so punch its not funny. Did change the beds. Ate over to Betty’s. Fred & Betty went over to Harker’s, left David and picked 6 qts of red raspberries. Geo went in back bedroom because I was sleeping with my head at foot to get the air.
July 6 Wayne’s Birthday. Cloudy & warm. Washed most of clothes got dry. Ironed on back porch. Went up to Dot’s for supper. Fred wants to trade cars. Had 51 Hornet up there.
July 7 Betty & I went to lodge. Very warm then after lodge Geo & I drove to Spencer then he went to Van Etten where he came home stopped again then I shoved over to drive. Stopped again at the pines, then all he wanted to do was quarrel. Am bushed.
July 8 Cool & sunny. Betty washed and I went down town, then after meat, then there was a thunderstorm and we got over the Harker’s about five. I got supper and then did dishes. They picked berries till dark. Had big dishpan full.
July 9 Chilly wind but sunny. A very Hectic day. First Dolores called & I had to take her to dentist. Fred bought a car and then Fred put good tires from his Hudson on Steve’s then john called that Jean was trying to loose her baby & would I come right over.
July 10 Chilly this morning. Geo has a pet on. Would not give me any of his pay. Took it with him to work. Betty made 7 batches of jam yesterday. Think he was sore because I had the car. He played dominoes all day & lost yesterday. Thinks he has to catch up on his debt.
July 11 Cool & sunny. Cleaned living room. Had another bird die baby one yesterday. Took them away from mother. Took bath then went to Betty’s & watched wrestling. Geo played dominoes then to beer joint. Took Wayne to park then up to Dot’s.
July 12 Very warm. No church. Did washing and ironing. Betty took kids to Harker’s and Dot & Steve. After I got my work done went to Frank Barbers & took reunion books then drove to Dot’s. They had just gotten home.
July 13 Rain all the morning. Geo got up early. Came back & washed the car then went on a drunk for himself. Would not come home with me so went to Dot’s Looked over her berries & made her two pies. Geo had come home & dressed up bringing someone with him. I went over to John’s about 11:30 PM stayed till 1 AM. Made a batch of cookies & berry pie for Betty & me.
July 14 Very warm. Went to sale & got 3 pr drapes & books & cards. Cleaned front parlor. Richard here.
July 15 Very warm. Wanted to clean dinning room but was just too tired. Went down town got 2.00 dress 2 slips & 2 pr white shoes. Straightened house. Dotty down at noon. Asked her to help me but she wouldn’t. Ate meals at Betty’s.
July 16 Very warm. Sewed all day. Did not get any meals. At midnight went out for supper. Geo & I rowed about car. Told me not to drive it out of town. Geo went & got pretty well sodered. As usual has to show himself before vacation.
July 17 Very warm early this morning. Took Fred’s car & found Hudson near shanty in yards. Geo laid off. Seems as thou I can’t stand him around any more he’s so dam lazy. Did give up & got meals. Took car & he says valve is stuck. Geo took it and had new points put on.
July 18 Very warm slept most of night on couch. Wanted Geo to take car to Galeton & he wouldn’t so has gone to play dominoes. Needs oil change gone nearly 4,000 miles.
July 19 Hard rain in morning. Was up to Dot’s for supper she was afraid she’d run out of gas before she got home. Fred & Betty went after the kids & after he went & took Ford to Horton’s & rode motor cycle home. Is he ever ugly.
July 20 Very hot made a dress of material from mothers. Geo got up early and went away saying nothing. Had been drinking when he came at 10 PM brought a pair of moccasins & an ornament for yard also 7 glads for Betty & I said took car to Galeton. Bad spark plug & timing off.
July 21 Very hot washed & cleaned all the bird cages. Geo got some groceries. Dot has decided to sell & bought things down to put in cellar. Here for dinner as were also Betty.
July 22 Very warm. Went downtown and got white pocket book, then drove
to Candor, Dora had gone got doz. eggs & then went to see Bryan. He
has TB in lungs & can not get out for at least 18 months.
July 23 Geo gave me $100.00 yesterday. Wed got tomatoes & cucumbers from garden. Cooler but still warm. Cleaned upstairs. Got chicken dinner. Cat came in house & got the Dorsett yellow singer. Geo left about six and isn’t home at 12. Betty took me around and he’s not in regular places.
July 24 Very cool almost like a frost. Washed & ironed. Went to Dot’s had supper went to sale. Did not buy anything. Sewed some. Geo did not get in till 2 AM but went to work.
July 27 Started on vacation.
July 27 – Aug 12 Most terrible time I ever had and I’ve had some wretched ones. I don’t think I’ll ever plan to take a long trip again in a car as much as I love to go.
Aug 7 David’s birthday.
Aug 12 House’s car license 5J 12-06 black Dodge about 40.
Aug 14 Steve came down tonight and put up molding in front room.
Aug 15 Worked awful hard today. Cleaned upstairs, baked two pies and a cake. Took care of birds and straightened what I could downstairs.
Aug 16 Went over to Geo’s mothers Geo and beat me up. Twisted his mother’s arm. Took roller out the car and I had to telephone John to bring me a roller. Geo painted side walls & floor to front room, then we went to his mother’s where he got in fight with her and because I said he said to much he knocked me out of chair slapping my face. I took keys from car so he wouldn’t leave me and he came in and took every cent out of my pocket book about 151.00 also distributor out of car then hitch hiked home. Money was for bills. John brought me another distributor for car and I came home. Went to see fireworks but was late.
Aug 25 Very warm. Went over to Dot’s & helped her all day. George started to paint then left went to outing where he made a fool of himself. Was very drunk when he came home 8:30.
Aug 26 Very, very warm. Went to lodge & practiced. Betty took me. Came home & got dinner. Betty took me.
Aug 27 Kevin’s Birthday. Betty, Dot & I went up and cleaned Dot’s
house. The people are to move in tomorrow and close deal. Gave Kevy 2.00
very, very hot. Betty 1.00.
Aug 28 Very hot. Looked for De Young tonight to put aerial and he didn’t
come. Got their supper all ready. Went & practiced at lodge. Betty
took me.
Aug 29 Very hot. Haven’t done much today. Steve’s brother hear from California and they all had a rowe. Went to Dot’s for an all night session. Fred went on a real bender with them.
Aug 30 Very hot. Washed ironed and cleaned through. John up. Betty Fred Steve & Dot went to Harker’s after Kevy. Went up to see Bryan. Dellie & Dora there. They want to use me.
Aug 31 Very hot. Haven’t done much today. Head is feeling badly. Betty & Dot washed.
Sept 1 Very hot Pay day. Geo drew 163.00 and wouldn’t give me any to pay bills. He went and got a few groceries 10. Went to lodge.
Sept 2 Still very hot. Refrigerator man came. Said nothing wrong. Had put a combination of foods in which had formed a compound. Very hard to get out. Wash with Clorox a couple of times then soda. Today it was 107. Hung around all day. Left for Candor about 5:15 got there for supper. Had a nice visit. Home about 1.
Sept 3 Very hot. Haven’t done much today. Had very bad thunder shower.
Sept 4 Very, very hot. Cleaned upstairs and could not seem to get things done down. Had supper at Betty’s. Went to Mark Twain and practiced. Betty took me and came and got us.
Sept 5 Much cooler. Had rain and water came in our cellar. Made macaroni and cheese, batch of molasses cookies, chocolate cake & lemon pie. Fred went with house about noon today & didn’t come back till 2 in morn. George went on spree also tonight. Came home a little after 1 AM. Guess he’s having check coming somewhere else as it didn’t come today.
Sept 30 Stephen’s Birthday gave him two dollars.
Oct 14 Kinney Ellison birthday.
Oct 15 George’s Birthday. Went Corning to lodge group meeting. Corning truck made a dig length of car and broke off rear view mirror while I had parked on Erie St. near police station. He reported it at station.
Oct 19 Betty’s & Dora’s also gave Betty a doz roses and Geo on his own got her 4 different kinds of perfume. They just got their cupboards complete. Finished making Betty’s afghan last night.
Oct 22 It’s been a long time since I’ve had the heart to write in you. Many things have happened. Geo is still on the rampage. He’s so very abused. Can’t talk to him and I’m thro trying. He just loves a rowe. The bills are paid so why worry. He hasn’t been able to save a penny and doesn’t want to.
Oct 23 Lovely day. Dolores & I went to rummage sales. Saw John downtown said Jean’s water broke two days ago. Went over her mother there. Took them to hospital, picked up Diane at school. Stayed with me.
Oct 24 Lovely sunny day. John and Mrs. Stewart here for breakfast. Jean still in labor. Diane slept with me and I’m all in. John called has ordered Jean Caesarian birth born about nine girl 8 lbs. Deborah Jean.
Oct 25 Lovely day. I’m all in have lain down most of day. Betty and Fred went to Harker’s. It seems good to be just quiet although there are so many things I should do.
Oct 26 Nice day. Betty washed. Had all the children here for dinner on Saturday. Have been all day over to John’s. Diane came down with chicken pox. Mrs. Stewart came after visiting hours.
Oct 27 Geo had car most of day. Guess he…..
Oct 28 Lovely sunny day. Took car down to be finished. Betty and I went shopping. Got new pair of shoes & stocking also nylon wool for stoll.
Oct 29 Cloudy day. Rained during night so barn was lifted from the woods. Steve laid off and went hunting. Lester came over. Sewed part of day. Geo gone most of day with car.
Oct 30 Nice day. Cleaned all the way through. Then went and took care of Diane. Didn’t want to stay until midnight so went and got girl. He had C. D. patrolling town.
Oct 31 Nice day. Geo went on motor cycle and was drunk when he came. Had macaroni & cheese. Got mad over nothing. Tried to pick fuss. Went upstairs. I thought to bed. Wanted to see party over to Mapes and was just driving away when he came down. Saw him drinking & drove away. Didn’t get up when he was called so got up & got his breakfast. Was he ever drunk.
Nov 1 Cloudy. Changed all the beds, went to church washed had dinner over at Betty’s went to Ithaca to see Bryan, Dellie there and we had her open her gifts. I gave her two pair outing pajama’s I made home at 9 PM.
Nov 2 Dellie birthday. Lovely day. Geo got up early and disappeared with car supposed hunting. Didn’t eat any breakfast but shaved. Never showed up till about nine. Didn’t bother to get him anything to eat. Ironed.
Nov 3 Nice day. Went to lodge and stayed and helped with the supper. Betty & kids went. Did not stay for cards. Geo never came in till twelve.
Nov 4 Nice day but getting very cold. Fred ut 1 gal antifreeze in car.
Found the oil very dirty & down more than a qt. the oil in transmission
too low to see on stick needed greasing radiator full of rust & tires
needed air. Went over to John’s to see the new baby.
Went to Home Bureau
Nov 5 Nice day Geo took car to garage. The leak in transmission was caused by cross threaded bolts. Geo called White Birch garage and they told him to have Gerard’s call Buffalo. More trouble and fuss.
Nov 6 Nice day. Cleaned all the way through washing windows and put up Dolores green drapes downstairs. Almost to tired to move tonight. Mrs. Denise called in answer to my answer for real estate woman.
Nov 7 Snowed all day. Got birthday package from Dora guess she looked at the wrong date. She gave me rhinestone necklace and Dellie slip. Baked two pumpkin & an apple pie.
Nov 8 Sunny went to church. Snow melting and very slushy. Had dinner at Fred’s also lunch. Did a whole book of bible lessons for Kenny.
Nov 9 Mild snow melting. Betty washed I worked on fur cape all day. Did the birds and got there meals. Geo jumped at me for stool by hall door & I jumped right back.
Nov 10 Sunny and not too cold. Worked on the fur cape all the morning. Pay day but no money for me. Cleaned down stairs. Nearly finished the cape.
Nov 11 Not very cold. Took bath. Went to see Mrs. Dennis she’s a great talker. Then went to Gerard’s. They said it would cost at least 150.00 to fix transmission & they doubted if company would do it.
Nov 12 Nice day. Geo gone most of day with Betty’s car. She didn’t like it. Cleaned the middle room. Geo called on the carpet again about union receipts. Dottie over finished the room after dark. Geo must have broken his thermos.
Nov 13 Nice day. Cleaned back bedroom. Betty came over about 10:30 and wanted to gad. Got started 12:45 called on Mother E. took her apple pie. Went to Dora’s paid 25.00 on TV paid for. Went to see Bryan, then to Harker’s. A nice day.
Nov 14 Blanche’s birthday. Lovely day TV lamp. Geo gave me onyx necklace
& ear rings, John perfume, Betty Parker pen. Dora rhinestone necklace,
Dellie slip, Dot watch, wire brush powder and catsup dispenser. Cleaned
my room and bathroom besides regular work. Geo left early this morning
& isn’t back at 8:30
NOTE: Blanche is Betty’s sister and it is also Helen Barber Ellison’s
birthday born 1898 and died Dec 30 1964.
Nov 15 Lovely sunny day. Went to church and did a large washing which got all dr. Cooked a chicken. Geo came in at 2:45 this morning. Had dinner over to Dolores’s. She made an angel food cake. Geo came after we were thro. I agreed to take care of kids while they went to show.
Nov 16 Lovely day. Fred feeling sorry for himself. Did the ironing mangled for 3 hrs. Geo came in at 3:45 this morning. Dot back at 11:15 and Geo gone. She was awful mad. Got me jewelry box. Very nice. Fred dressed up and gone on drunk. Geo came about 8:30 with squirrel half drunk and meaner than hell. Betty gave herself a permanent and had supper there. Called Dottie and they found Fred at Madalyn’s Grill just leaving.
Nov 17 Lovely sunny day. Have let furnace fir go out. Cold night & mornings. My back is bothering me bad. Baked a batch of cookies & 2 pumpkin pies. Have just dragged all day. Fred & Betty started on a trip. Geo got in a fight at Y with Red Miller & he got the worst of it.
Nov 18 Wonderful weather mild & sunny. Cleaned squirrels and am getting a pop pie ready for all the kids & Steve & Dot. Have worked all day. Went with Dottie for a ride. Geo hung around most of day after he went down town. Still feels mighty sorry for himself and ready to jump at every body. It wasn’t him knocking a woman around.
Nov 19 Another nice day. Washed all the spreads and all Betty’s extra washing. Geo went to Gulka’s and filled up and then began to argue. Ordered Langworthy to get out. Said he’d knock me in front of Langworthy. What an actual coward he is. I’ sick and tired of the whole mess. Wish I could get where I’d never hear arguing ever.
Nov 20 Lovely day. Geo went to work. I went down and made application to Rand and also for xmas clerkingat Newberry’s. Had John’s caar. Fred and Betty was disagreeable. Fred said Tokenhagin says he’s going to have Geo’s job.
Nov 21 Lovely day in afternoon rained a while this morning. Got up and went over this morning. Got up and went over to Dot’s Worked on her fur coat all day and part of night. Steve and Dot went to Candor. Fred on drunk. Geo gone most of the day. Betty got groceries and I went with a ride up to Audrey’s about six. She went over to John’s.
Nov 22 Dark & dreary but warm. Stayed at Dot’s last night came home about nine & Geo had laid off. Fred ad slapped Betty all night and misused Kenny. Gave him a good lecture (which won’t do any good). Drove around to find house for sale on Crescent Ave. then went back to Dot’s. Took a nap and worked on her coat all done but putting the lining in. Home tonight to sleep.
Nov 23 Warm nice day but damp. Thunder storm raining. Put quilt on for Betty. Worked on it all afternoon. Geo cooked himself some supper just got some meat. Hasn’t said a word to me or I to him. A wonderful life. The boys didn’t see any deer.
Nov 24 Dark & gloomy. Haven’t felt like doing anything. Fred & Steve went hunting. Guess Geo is alright as far as his job is concerned. Got called to go to work at Kresge’s which I’m dreading. Sure hope I’ll like it better than I think. Finished turning quilt & helped Betty get her turkey prepared. Furnished stuffed pepper for their super.
Nov 26 Cold. Thanksgiving Day. Helped Betty get ready to go home then went to Dot’s taking quilt. Helped her make pies & washed dishes. Bound the quilt so that’s done. Geo had asked his mother here today but as usual he didn’t feel like doing anything for someone else. Took bath. Steve tried to find Geo but he was gone so he must have gone some place.
Nov 27 Nice day. Went to work this morning in Newberry’s. John came & got me and picked me up. 8 ¾ hrs. Not so tired as I thought I’d be.
Nov 28 Rainy and snow flurries. John came after me & picked me up. Am all in. Don’t know whether I can sand to be on my feet all day or not.
Nov 29 Geo cousin from Bath David her husband daughter Jo Ann 7 her baby about 2/4 hr. Did not go to church. Geo had not put coal on & fire was out so built it and then built Fred’s Cleaned my house through & took bath & shampooed my hair. Still don’t know whether I’ll go to work.
Nov 30 Cloudy. Betty took me to work and came after me. John took George after groceries. Didn’t get them all. Cooked a roast tonight & George had had plenty to drink. Mrs. Harker came home with Betty. I had supper over there.
Dec 1 Rainy Fred took and came after me. Am all in. Geo had supper ready but place only set for himself. He ate and went to bed. I ate after resting & then washed dishes. Watched TV & then washed out a few things. Went to bed.
Lost a day somewhere.
Dec 2 Dark but not too cold. Mr. Harker came after his wife. Fred came after me and I had supper there. I was very tired. Mr. Harris & Mr. Hamilton in George had said nothing to them so they’re paid till Dec 15. My working is going to take a lot from Geo’s income tax.
Dec 3 Dot’s wedding anniversary. Went in with Betty on glasses for Dot. Got a number of my present for the grandchildren. Nearly ten & Geo is on motorcycle and not home. Betty had us there or anniversary supper. Very tired.
Dec 4 Cloudy thunder storm tonight. Was told Mr. Langworthy’s wife died is to be buried tomorrow. Worked 9 hrs. Dot had Betty to supper. Betty gave Geo a deer steak. Geo called on carpet again. Guess they are trying to drive him crazy. It’s a shame.
Dec 5 A lovely day just about like spring. Steve got 51 Pontiac today. 10:15 and am not so tired tonight. Not much to do the last hr. Wish I could be busy all the time. Got out 5:30 but later by the time we got coats. It’s a mess. Geo & Fred on drunk. Got supper but Geo didn’t eat. Betty & Fred at Dot’s.
Dec 6 Cloudy & began to rain about eleven had my clothes nearly all out. Washed & cleaned and at 4:15 have 3 rooms to do. Had dinner at Betty’s. It’s hard to work when its so dark. Have to take bath & wash hair. Hope I get done.
Dec 7 Donald Yeier birthday. Lovely sunny day & not too cold. Geo took a trip to Daggett PA to see about motorcycle & ponies. Had Fred’s car. Fred drinking. Did my ironing, washed dishes. Took the clothes down & sprinkled this morning. Gave black dress to Betty.
Dec 8 Another sunny day & not too cold. Dot took & Fred picked up. I’m very tired tonight. Saw Kenneth & Kevy on TV Geo had been drinking when he came about 7:30. Said the car would be here tomorrow. Paid 27.95 labor 76.90 rest oil & parts. Fred has lain in 3 days. Had a letter from Kinney Sat.
Dec 9 Rain. Car delivered. Had supper at Dot’s. Wish I’d come home. One of our cash registers was short ten dollars. Makes me feel as thou I was under suspicion. Think some mistake in change.
Dec 10 High winds. Did some damage. Betty used her car. Pay day on road, to take me & pick up. Am awful tired body & spirit. Wonder how log Geo thinks he can be rotten and still no one will get even. I will if it’s the last thing I do.
Dec 11 Cold. Fred went on drunk. Floor walker accused me of selling two ties for the price of one. She was very mistaken. If this keeps shall quit. Not worth being thought a thief.
Dec 12 Cold. George on the prowl. Never came in tonight. Went all to pieces at work today. John talked to his father and he said to tell me to quit and he’d pay me what I earned there.
Dec 13 Cold. Did not go to church. Geo got in about five this morning. Don’t know what he could have been doing. Came in my room and acted as thou nothing was wrong. Well I’ll go along and see what’s up. Betty went home.
Dec 14 Cold & snow flurries. Made cake and cookies. Straightened
upstairs. Dolores says Mrs. Crestfield can’t swing the place and that Dellie
is sick in bed. Betty & Dot went to Joyce’s for dinner & didn’t
get home till 4 o’clock in AM.
Dec 15 Sunny but cold. Geo called to run engine in yard. Fred also
worked in yard then proceeded to get drunk at home and abuse Betty. She
had to go to school with Kenny. Geo went over and made him stay home. It’s
a glare of ice outside.
Dec 16 Sunny day. Went to Geneva. Dellie in bed but wouldn’t let me do a thing. Stormed while I was there. Very slippery for about ten miles out, then roads clear. Took care of John’s baby so Jean could take Diane to school play.
Dec 17 Haven’t done much today. Wrote Xmas cards. Took care of Wayne & Stephen. Betty went downtown and Dot to church. Richard here and of course more talk on money. Fred worked hostling. Geo got himself a couple pr long underwear.
Dec 18 Got busy and got the work done. Went to Ithaca. Stopped at De Young’s. Wants more to put in channel 18 than they do here. Began to snow so only stayed with Bryan an hour. About ten miles out of Ithaca very slippery then no snow.
Dec 19 Pay day. Yesterday and Geo gave me $100.00. Washed today. Rained.
Dec 20 Went to church and also to church in evening. Haven’t felt good today. Had dinner at home. Fred out so Betty went home.
Dec 21 Betty and I went downtown. Did part of my shopping. Am spending a lot this Christmas.
Dec 22 Geo been feeling bad all afternoon. Took his temp tonight and its 102.4. Slept in back bedroom after marking him off.
Dec 23 Had doctor for Geo Weatson. He gave him 800 cc of penicillin and stryptamyasin. Had temp 104.4 at 9:30 this morning. Went after prescription & finished my shopping.
Dec 24 Cold but no snow. Went to Spencer. Gave Mother a radio. The kids came and we gave gifs. Geo feeling some better. They drank a lot. Geo was disgusted with them. I guess because he didn’t dare join them.
Dec 25 Had dinner at Betty’s. Her people there, then to John’s for supper. Geo saw them having a high ball and wouldn’t stay. I played cards with the boys & won. .50. Geo came home and had tomato soup.
Dec 26 Not too cold. Geo couldn’t stand to see the car stand so took off. It’ll be funny if he doesn’t catch cold.
Dec 27 Didn’t go to church. Laid around all day.
Dec 28 Did a big washing and cleaned upstairs. Back is driving me crazy.
Geo came and had been drinking when he came. Betty went to Dr. Baby June
6. Fred mad.
Dec 29 Mangled my clothes and part of Betty’s. Cleaned downstairs.
Back hurts me awful.
Dec 30 Rain. Had supper at Dot’s. Took fryer to her to send back as it was broken. Took ring back and paid $5.00 more for one I liked. Got me a new dress $9.00. Saw another I’d like but it was 15.00. Geo got bumped & took job to Scranton first trip since he was sick.
Dec 31 Blustery & cold. Geo got paid. Gave me $50.00 which I’m supposed
to save. Got 40.00 of groceries & paid light bill. Geo drank a little
but we stayed home. Got my ring and its too large. Well this is the end
of the year. In all it’s probably a good year. Too me it hasn’t been too
happy. Maybe I made it so but if I did it was unintentional. Think I will
still try and use my old motto “Do unto others as you wish to be
done by and be more careful to say evil of some or even think it.
Bounty Lands by Wm Donahue Ellis
Trees by Conrad Righter
Clarissa Putman of Tribes Hill by John J Vrooman
Early Americano by Conrad Righter
The Fields by Conrad Righter
The Lost Traveller by Antonia White
The Town by Conrad Righter
The Bishop Mantle by Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Bound by Turnbull
The Covered Bridge by Peterson
Buffalo Coat by Carol Brink
The Destroyers by C R Eastman
The Settlers by C R Eastman
The Gown of Glory by Agnes Sligh Turnbull
The Greatest Story Ever Written by Fulton Ousler
I name thee Mara by Edmund Gilligan
Helen Barber Ellison
1305 Hall St
Phone 2-8543
Weight 185 Height 5”8”
Hair Black Eyes Blue
In case of Emergency Please Notify George H Ellison or Frederick T
Lodges or Clubs Winona Lodge 62
Auto License No. 4J709
Company American Motorist Ins. Co
Amt 10-20 Expires 10-16-53
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