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January 1 1941 New Years Day. We went down after Lula then we all went over to Troy to Ada’s stayed all night.
January 2. Ross’s birthday. We went back down to Lula’s and stopped to Allie’s. He said Ada was sick and Ethel went over there so Ross and I went in to see how she was and then went back to Lula’s to dinner then came home. Florence said Anna Mae was sick. It snowed all the way home.
January 3. Friday. I sent Ada Ward a card.
January 4. Saturday. Gene’s folks stopped here a little while.
January 5. Sunday. We went to church. The preacher didn’t come so we had Sunday School and came home. We went down to Ernest’s after dinner a while.
January 6. Monday. I washed. Henry and Ruth stopped a while. I sent Doris’s Baby a birthday card.
January 7. Alfred’s birthday one year old. I sent for my driver’s license. I sent Hunts folks a card. Alfred Finnerty’s birthday.
January 8. Awful cold. I got a letter from Ethel that Ada A. was back to the hospital.
January 9. I went down to Lula’s; her and I went down to the hospital to see Ada A. Stayed all night with Lula so Ross could take the car to go up to the Sanitarium to take an x-ray.
January 10. Friday. Ross went up to Sanitarium to take x-ray; he took me over town then I came home.
January 11. Saturday. We went up to Raymond’s to go see Helene but had to work so I went down to the hospital to see Ada A. again. Ross went with me. She wasn’t any better. I went back up to Raymond’s; stayed all night.
January 12. Raymond’s folks and Sonny and I went up to see Helene but they wasn’t home so stopped to Ross’s and then went up to Lula’s. Clarence and Ada was there. They stopped up here but I wasn’t home so they went down to Lula’s with Henry and Ruth; they brought them here.
January 13. I washed and wrote to Ethel and sent Ada A. a card to the hospital. The coldest night we have had; my pump froze up.
January 14. I ironed and made covers for my rocking chairs in kitchen. Some woman stopped to rent some rooms. I thawed out my pipes.
January 15. I sent Little Ernest a birthday card.
January 16. Little Ernest two year birthday. Raymond’s folks came to dinner. He hurt his foot and couldn’t work. We went down to the store after they went. Stopped to Ernest’s; Little Ernest was there. It was raining and freezing on.
January 17. I sent Jeanette a birthday card.
January 18. We went down to Elmira to get Sonny a snow suit. Went over to Lula’s found Ada A. there came from the hospital. I saw Allie and Ethel and Lewis to the super market. I had my car inspected before went and and went up to Lewis Smith to have Presto tested; had to get two quarts.
January 19. Jeanette is 11 years old. We started to church and had a flat tire. Stopped to Ernest’s and Daryl changed tires for me. I went on to church; when I got back Raymond’s folks was here.
January 20. Lula’s birthday. Awful cold again. I washed and sent Mrs. Dewitt a card.
January 21. I ironed and patched and started shortening Sonny’s snowsuit.
January 22. I sent Janet a little birthday card. We went down to Gertrude to ask her about Sonny’s snow pants. Went to store to get a loaf of bread.
January 22. Nellie and kids came to the garage to have their car inspected. They came over here to dinner. They didn’t have car done it had to have new brake linings.
January 24. Janet’s birthday; it commenced to snow. I wrote to Ada Ward.
January 25. I baked pumpkin pies and a cake and mopped. Betty and Pauline came up a while.
January 26. There was so much snow I didn’t go to church. Raymond’s folks came; brought me an inner tube. We went down to Ernest after they left.
January 27. I washed.
January 28. I ironed and made Sonny some snow pants to play in. Betty
came up a little while after school.
January 29. Dorothy’s boy was born. I got a letter from Ada W. Betty
was up again.
January 30. I wrote to Ada W. and got a letter from Ethel. Truman Holton’s store burned.
January 31. I wrote to Lula.
February 1, 1941 I baked and mopped and shoveled out the driveway to the barn.
February 2. We went to church then went down to Lula’s to dinner; then went down to Ross’ a while and came home. Let the car down to Ernest’s.
February 3. Ada A. birthday. I washed. I got a letter from Nellie.
February 4. I wrote Nellie and Ada Ward; got a letter from Ada W. We walked down to Ernest and covered my car and got the keys.
February 5. I wrote to Ethel and sent the baby boy a present.
February 6. I got
February 7. I got a card from Ada she wanted us to meet her down to Lula’s Saturday; I was about sick.
February 8. I felt better and we went down to Lula’s. We all went back to Ada’s stayed all night. Ross stopped to Lula’s a few minutes.
February 9. We came back home after dinner; stopped to Allie’s and saw the new baby boy. Raymond’s folks were there; they run out of gas; pushed them. They had been here.
February 10. I washed and wrote to Ada and Ethel and Lula; the mail didn’t come, so they didn’t go.
Gertrude told him I wasn’t home because she didn’t see me come.
February 11. I went down to see why the mail didn’t come; he said Gertrude told him I wasn’t home so he left the paper there.
February 12. Sonny and I sent some Valentines to the kids and I wrote to Nellie and Lula and Ada W. and sent brother Sam a birthday card. Got a letter from Marie. Leinsolus birthday.
February 13. Sonny and I got a Valentine card from Ross and Florence.
February 14. Sonny got a Valentine Card from Anna Mae. I went over to the garage and got my tires pumped up and then went up to Lew Smith got gas and groceries.
February 15. I baked pies and mopped. I got a letter from Ada W. she was some better.
February 16. Went up to the Corner to church. Raymond’s folks came but didn’t stay.
We went down to Ernest’s after dinner a while. Marian and Lewis folks
was there.
February 17. I washed and sent a line to Louise about the paper and
wrote to Ross and sent three cents to Cortland for a letter. Ruth stopped
and said Hod Perry was dead.
Feburary 18. Hod Perry was buried. It was an awful blustery day. Louise didn’t send after the paper. I got a letter from Lula.
February 19. Cold and blustery. I got a Valentine Card from brother Sam. Daryl came up to see if I wanted groceries.
February 20. Cold and blustery. Got a card from Ada.
February 21. Blusteryer than ever. I sent for a cross piece for my stove and an order to Montgomery Ward.
February 22. Washington’s Birthday no mail. I baked two pies and a cake. Shoveled out the driveway again. Went up to Lew Smith and got oil put in my car, and some cookies and bread.
February 23. We went up to church; the preacher didn’t come. Raymond’s folks came after we got home.
February 24. Cold. I washed.
February 25. Warmer. I wrote to Ada W. I ironed and patched and read the paper.
February 26. I got a letter from Ethel. Gladys came up a while with Little Ernest after school. Got a letter from Ada W. too.
February 27. I wrote to Ethel. The cross piece came for my stove and the application for my drivers license came.
February 28. Awful cold. We got ready to go to Elmira but couldn’t get the car started. Went down to Ernest. Got my check and mail. The mail man said it was the coldest day we have had. I came back home and done my Saturday work.
March 1. We went down to Lula’s; Ross stopped there. Then we all went back over town, came back to Lula’s to dinner. Then came home. Ern came up and started the car for me. Daryl changed tires for me.
March 2. Nice day. Had a flat tire so I couldn’t get to church. Raymond’s folks came, he fixed the tire for me.
March 3. Thawed a lot. I washed and sent for my license plates. Sent my insurance.
March 4. Cold. I ironed. Wrote to Ada W. and sent for Sonny’s boots and socks.
March 5. I got a letter from Ethel. I fixed a pair of pants for Sonny.
March 6. I got a letter from Ada. We went down to Lula’s then we all went to Ross’ to supper.
March 7. Ross took the car and went up to Sanitarium to take x-ray again. I took Ross home, stopped to 5 & 10 and we came home.
March 8. It snowed all day. I baked two pies and mopped. I got a letter from Ada Anderson.
March 9. Snowed hard all day Sunday. So much snow I couldn’t go to church. Raymond’s folks came after dinner a while. They couldn’t get in the driveway; had to back down to ?"Golds".
March 10. Nice warm day; thawed a lot. I washed. I sent Lula and Ada A. a letter.
March 11. It snowed all day again. I ironed and patched and read the mail. Came up and went back; the hill was full.
March 12. The mail didn’t come up here. Sonny and I made paths. I wrote to Ada W. and sent Ethel a birthday card and a present. Sent an order to Montgomery’s for Ada W.
March 13. We commenced shoveling out driveway. I went down to see the mail man and got my mail.
March 14. Got a card from Lula. Warm. We finished shoveling out the
March 15. Ethel’s birthday. Warm. I baked pumpkin pies and apple cake
and mopped. We went down to the garage and got my tire pumped up and sent
after groceries.
March 16. Warm. We went to church and looked for Raymond’s; they didn’t come. After dinner we went down to Ernest’s got Sonny’s hair cut. Marian and Buster came.
March 17. Awful cold and blustery. I washed. Ada called up but so cold I didn’t go down and Sonny was taken sick, diarrhea and vomiting.
March 18. Still awful cold and blustery. Sonny was a little better but didn’t sit up. Lela came up after the paper. I sent a line down to Big Leda to call Ada and tell her Sonny was sick so I couldn’t go down to the phone.
March 19. A little warmer. I read most all day. I got a letter from Ada W. wanting $10.00.
March 20. Cold wind. I wrote to Ada W. Went down to Louise’s to see her living room suite.
March 21. Warmer. Shoveled out the driveway again.
March 22. Nice and warm. We went down to Elmira and saw Ross. Stayed all night to Lula’s.
We went up to Andy’s then we all went to see Helene. Raymond’s folks went to Addison; they stopped to see Helene too.
March 23. Nice and warm. We went up to Andy’s and we all went to see Helene.
March 24. Raining. Rev. Mr. Knights called. I wrote Ada.
March 25. Colder, snowed a little. I ironed and wrote to Nellie. Gladys
and Betty came up a while after school. I gave Gladys her birthday present.
March 26. Warmer. I cut out my apron and made some more cushion covers.
I got a letter from Nellie telling me they was over her Saturday.
March 27. I wrote to Ethel.
March 28. I got a letter from Ada Ward. I made my apron and swept upstairs.
March 29. Colder and snowed. I got a letter from Andrew. I baked and mopped Betty came up a while. Raymond’s folks came in the afternoon a while.
March 30. Colder. We went to church. Betty was here when we got back. She stayed till night. Earl and Gladys came after her. Elnora Garrison died.
March 31. Warmer. I washed; washed my bed blankets. I got a letter from Andrew.
April 1. Cloudy and rained a little. I ironed and patched. Got Easter Cards from Lula and a letter.
Betty and Pauline came up.
April 2. Colder We went down to Louise’s and Gertrude’s. Wrote to Andrew.
April 3. Nice and warm. I sent an Easter Card to brother Andrew. Sat out on the porch and read the paper.
April 4. We went down to Lula’s; went over to town. Went up to Raymond’s stayed all night. It rained all night and Saturday.
April 5. It rained all day. We came back to Lula’s then went down to see Ross a little while, then we came home.
April 6. Nice day. We went up to church, came home then went down to Mosherville to the Community Sing. Nellie and Ruth came while we was gone.
April 7. Nice day. I washed, I sent Helene an Easter Card and Ross and Ada W.
April 8. I ironed and patched. I sent Ethel and Lula an Easter Card; got Easter Cards from Ada.
April 9. We went over to Nellie’s then went over to Troy with them and went to Ada’s
April 10. I sent Lula and Ada and Ross a card. Louise came up a while. I took the roofing off the screen doors. Louise was up and Gladys and Little Ernest.
April 11. I cleaned up the yard, made bonfires. Opened up the hatchway.
April 12. I got my big chair over town. We went down to Lula’s and after dinner we all went over to Ada’s. We stayed all night.
April 13. After dinner we went over to Allie’s and stayed all night.
April 14. After dinner we went to Ross’s a while and then back to Lula’s. We came home. Ross went over and loaded my chair for me; Daryl helped unload it.
April 15. I washed.
April 16. I ironed and patched and wrote to Lula.
April 17.
April 18. Cold. I mopped and cleaned pantry shelves.
April 19. Ada W. called and wanted me to come over there and go fishing. We went over and stayed all night. Raymond’s folks came just as we was getting ready.
April 20. We all went down to Lula’s to dinner. We called on Ross and Florence a little while. Then went back to Ada A. Stayed all night again.
April 21. Clarence drove the car to work; we stayed till after dinner then went to Elmira and stopped to Ethel’s. I got a griddle. We saw Ada and Andy to Salvation Army then came back home.
April 22. I washed.
April 23. I ironed and patched. Mary and Charlie called.
April 24. Swept upstairs.
April 25. Swept down the cellar steps and the cellar.
April 26. I baked pumpkin pies and mopped. Raymond’s folks came after dinner. I got a card from Florence and one from Ada. Ross was sick.
April 27. We went to church then after dinner we went down to see how Ross was; stayed all night.
Clarence and Ada came down to Lula’s stayed all night.
April 28. Ross and I took the car up for Clarence and Ada to use to look for a job. Ada got a job to the P. T. I took them home, stayed all night with them.
April 29. Took Ada back down to the P.T. for examination. She commenced work at 5 p.m. I went over to Ross’s; we went over town got my wall papers; took Ross home. Florence was sick. Then we came home and mowed lawn for the first.
April 30. I washed and ironed. Ernest came up and said he had two new tires for me. Daryl came and got the car and put them on the car for me.
May 1. My check came. I got ready to go over to Nellie’s but she came before I got started. I went up to Lew Smith got my check cashed; paid Ernest for two tires.
May 2. I went over to Nellie’s and went down to the lawyers to make application for insurance in my pension. John was there; we came home.
May 3. We went down to Elmira to see if Raymond had moved. He had the night before. Then we went over to Lula’s. Ada and Clarence wanted the car to go to Troy to get some things so we stayed all night.
May 4. Lula and I went over where they roomed and got the car. We went down to Ross’; they was gone so we went back to Raymond’s. Delos and his mother came. I took Lula home and came home.
May 5. I washed; washed my kitchen curtains.
May 6. I ironed. Gene’s folks came. Stayed to dinner.
May 7. I moved Sonny’s table and couch and plants and mopped and blackened the stove.
May 8. Gertrude papered the ceiling in the kitchen and commenced papering the side walls.
May 9. I cleaned the woodwork in the kitchen and papered some. Raymond’s folks came up a while after supper.
May 10. I papered. Gladys and Gertrude came up too and brought me a plant for Mother’s Day.
May 11. Froze ice. Mother’s Day. We went to church. Raymond’s folks was here when we got home.
May 12. Froze ice at night. I washed; washed my bedroom curtains. Papered some more.
May 13. Mrs. Baker called. I finished papering the kitchen. Gertrude came up to look at the catalogue. Ernest and her came up and got Verne’s bench.
May 14. I put up the curtains in the kitchen and ironed the ones upstairs in my room. Gladys came up a while. Raymond and Lorraine came up and ate supper with me. I got a letter from Ethel.
May 15. I worte to Ethel but didn’t mail it. Washed windows upstairs.
We went over to Ethel’s and stayed all night.
May 16. Allie and Ethel came home with me and stayed all night.
May 17. We all went down to Raymond’s to dinner. They stayed all night with Raymond; I stayed with Lula.
May 18. We all went up to Andy’s to dinner; called on Ross and Ada when we came back through. I took them home and came home. Ernest had a bad spell.
May 19. Ernest didn’t work. I washed. Betty came up and told me Ernest had a bad spell. I went down to see how he was.
May 20. I ironed and took Gertrude and Gladys up to Doty’s to paper. Went and got them. Marked and planted my garden.
May 21. We had thunder shower. Nellie and Gene and Helen stopped to dinner when they came back from Elmira.
May 22. Had a hard thunder shower. I cleaned the bedroom downstairs. Took Gertrude and Betty up to Doty’s to paper.
May 23. Rained hard. Raymond’s folks came, stayed till supper. Planted some garden and Daryl planted his.
May 24. Delos mowed the lawn again.
May 25. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came. We went down to Ernest’s after they went home. May 26. I washed and ironed. Gladys came up a while. I cut Sonny’s hair.
May 27. I went down and got Lula. Called to Ross and Raymond’s; they wasn’t home. Called on Ada.
May 28. Helen’s birthday. Lula and I went over to Jullies then we all went to Troy. Took Helene to Harkness’s. We went to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves.
May 29. Raymond’s folks came. We all went to see Ross about shingling the house. We got some shingles and Ross came up. Took the car back.
May 30. Cash. Ross and Raymond brought up a load of shingles and commenced shingling; Florence came up with Ross.
May 31. Clarence and Ada came up with Ross; he helped Ross shingle and they all went home at night.
June 1. We all went to church; went down to Ernest’s after dinner.
June 2. I went down after Ross. Raymond’s folks was here when we got back. They shingled.
June 3. Ross shingled. Raymond didn’t come. Ross went down home at night. Gene’s folks stopped in afternoon.
June 4. It rained all day. Ross didn’t come back. I washed.
June 5. Ross came up early and shingled. I ironed. Daryl helped in the afternoon.
June 6. Daryl helped Ross again part of the afternoon.
June 7. Ross went down with Ernest. I mopped and swept upstairs.
June 8. We went to church. Raymond’s folks were here when we got back. We went down to Ernest’s after they went home.
June 9. I went down after Ross. We called on Lula and Ada W. Ross shingled.
June 10. Ross built the roof on the porch. Raymond came, he left Hazel to her mothers. They went down home.
June 11. Raymond and Ross came back. They brought lumber for the porch and they fixed that. Then Raymond went home. Ernest had another bad spell. They came up here in the afternoon.
June 12. It rained. We painted the porch inside and out.
June 13. Ross built britments under the porch and patched the barn roof. Then I took him home; stayed all night with Lula.
June 14. I went over to Raymond’s; Hazel was there. Then I went back to Lula’s then to Ross’s. Paid him $5.00 then came home.
June 15. We went to church. Came home ate dinner then went over to Ethel’s. Stopped to Ernest’s when we came back; he cut Sonny’s hair.
June 16. I washed.
June 17. I ironed and finished Sonny’s waist. Lewellen’s girl Polly found Sonny’s gun.
June 18. Weeded my yellow cosmans and cultivated the garden.
June 19. Ruth stopped and said Barney’s wife died Wednesday. I weeded my flowerbeds and strung morning glorys. Hoed my garden.
June 20. I mowed part of the lawn.
June 21. Delos finished mowing the lawn. I washed these windows and
in the other room and parlor windows.
June 22. Children’s Day to Daggett Church. Went down to Lula’s after dinner. Clarence and Ada came over there. They went to the Park. I stayed all night with Lula.
June 23. I went up to Raymond’s then Lula and I went over to Ross’s stayed to dinner. I went back up to Raymond’s then came home.
June 24. I washed.
June 25. Gertrude and Gladys came up to look at the ice box. I ironed and patched. Mrs. Gardner called.
June 26. Sewed and read.
June 27. Awful hot and dry.
June 28. No rain yet. I drawed water from Ern’s creek; rained hard down to Elmira.
June 29. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came while we was gone. We went down to Ern’s after they went home.
June 30. I washed. My check came.
June 31. No rain yet and hot. I ironed and patched. I got a letter from Marie.
July 2. I wrote to Marie. I got a card from Ada and one from Lula.
July 3. I went down after Lula and Ada and Clarence and got a letter from Ethel. Sent $4.00 for paper in July.
July 4. Ada and Clarence went fishing. Lula and I stayed home; set out pansies and stayed all night and camped.
July 5. Ada and I got back about noon. I took them all home towards night.
July 6. We went to church day and evening. Went down to Ern’s a while.
July 7. I washed and wrote to Ethel.
July 8. I ironed and patched. Drawed water from the creek again.
July 9. I finished Helene’s dress that Mrs. Hunt started and read the paper.
July 10. Drawed some more water from creek.
July 11. We had a short shower.
July 12. Raymond’s folks came and stayed to dinner. Sent Helene a birthday card.
July 13. We went to church day and evening; Betty went with us.
July 14. I took Gertrude up to the hall and helped make mattresses. Saw the coal man and ordered 4 ton of coal.
July 15. I washed. Ross and Florence came up with Ernest. Stayed all night. Raymond’s folks came but didn’t stay.
July 16. I looked for my coal but didn’t come. I took Ross and Florence home. Ate supper with Ross and stayed all night with Lula.
July 17. Went over to town. Lula ironed for Ada; we ate dinner with her, Lula came home with me stayed till Saturday. Towards night I took her home and stayed all night.
July 18. We stayed home all day looking for the coal man but he didn’t come.
July 19. We looked again for the coal man but he didn’t come. I took her home towards night and stayed all night.
July 20. Ross came and got the car. They went to see her mother to Binghamton.
Andy came down and got Lula and we stayed to dinner and then brought us
back towards night. Ross and Florence didn’t get back till 10:30 so I had
to stay all night again.
July 21. My coal came; 4 ton. Ross brought the car up and we came home.
Gertrude had paid for the coal so I paid her. I cultivated my garden and
hilled up my potatoes. I wrote to Lula and Ross.
July 22. I washed.
July 23. We went over to Nellie’s stayed all night.
July 24. Had Sonny vaccinated. Nellie and I took Sonny and Helen to Dr. Neal and had them vaccinated. Then we came home. Ada and Clarence came up and wanted to move up.
July 25. I moved my things upstairs so Ada and Clarence could have the parlor, and cloth press and bedroom. I wrote Ethel and sent a card to Nellie to see if I could get a milk can to draw water in.
July 26. Henry and Ruth brought the milk can down. Clarence and Ada moved up; Lula came up with them stayed all night.
July 27. Awful hot day. We went to church then went over to Allie’s to dinner. Ross and Florence came while we was gone.
July 28. William Wagner was killed in an accident. Lula was here so I didn’t wash. I took Lula and Ada down to Elmira. Lula and I went over to Ross’ and I came home. Ada worked. It rained all the way home.
July 29. Washed. Ruth stopped and said Helene was sick and Ada slept till 11 o’clock. Clarence came after her. She went to work again; was late and couldn’t work.
July 30. We had another thunder shower. Ada went down with Clarence in the morning. I washed 6 sheets; Ada’s and mine. Ernest and Gertrude was up. I signed for a mattress.
July 31. Erma Frickle was married. William Wagner was buried. Ada done her washing; I helped her.
August 1. We had a hard shower again. I done part of Ada’s ironing, she slept till 11 o’clock.
August 2. Did my Saturday work. Margaret and Gladys came up a while at night.
August 3. Went to church then we went down to Lula’s . Then we went to church again. Ada and Clarence went fishing.
August 4. I washed; washed some for Ada. Ernest and Gertie was up a little while at night.
August 5. I ironed.
August 6.
August 7. Ada took her test. Went down in the morning. Ruth stopped and left Sonny’s certificate of vaccination. Gladys and Little Ernest was up a while.
August 8. I wrote to Nellie to see if I could wash some quilts over there. Ada and Clarence moved back to Elmira.
August 9. Ruth stopped and said they was starting for New Jersey Sunday morning. Ada and Clarence came up with their groceries; I bought them.
August 10. We went to church, came home then went down to Lula’s. We went over to Ross’s for supper. I stayed all night with Lula.
August 11. Lula and I went down to Ada’s room to see her then I went up to Raymond’s to dinner; then came home.
August 12. I washed.
August 13. Ada came up after some things; ate breakfast with me. She was sick. I got a letter from Ethel to come over there and get some berries. Raymond’s folks came a little while after supper.
August 14. We went over to Ethel’s and went berrying. Allie went too. Had 8 quarts after they was canned. Stayed all night.
August 15. It rained all the forenoon. We came home after dinner. Ernest and Gertrude was up a few minutes. Someone came after him as usual.
August 16. Ada and Clarence came up to dinner and put their things upstairs; helped get mine down.
August 17. We went up to church. Mosherville young people led meeting; our preacher was away. We went down to Ernest’s after dinner. Ernest didn’t feel good.
August 18. I washed. Went back in the big room to sleep. Ernest brought Gertrude up to get some things out of their garden. He didn’t feel any better.
August 19. I ironed. Got ready to can corn.
August 20. I canned 21 pints of corn. A woman came to take orders for picture.
August 21. Sonny’s birthday. We went down to Lula’s then went over town and got our pictures taken. Then went over to see where Ada lived, then went up to Raymond’s and stayed all night. We took Sonny’s tricycles down to have fixed.
August 22. Went back down to Lula’s, she came home with me. I got a letter from Nellie and one from Andrew.
August 23. Lula was here, Gene’s folks stopped when they came from Elmira and said Ruth was coming home.
August 24. Lula went to church with us. Clarence and Ada came up a while. Lula went home with them. We went down to Ernest’s then Raymond’s folks came so we came home.
August 25. I washed. I went down to Ernest’s and got 5 gal. Of oil.
August 26. We went over to Nellie’s to see Ruth but she didn’t come.
August 27. Nellie phoned that Ruth came Tuesday night and that she was coming over some night to stay with me. I sent her a card to bring me a can of water when she comes.
August 28. Nellie and Ruth came over; we went to Elmira with them. I got Sonny a tricycle. Gertrude paid my road taxes for me.
August 29.
August 30. My birthday. I baked two apple pies and a cake and Ada and Ada and Lula came up, stayed to supper. They brought me two bathtowels.
August 31. No meeting to the Corners. I looked for Gene’s folks but they didn’t come. Went down to Ernest’s got Sonny’s hair cut. We went down to the Park with Henry and Ruth. It rained so Ruth wanted to go to a show so they took me to Ross’.
September 1. Labor Day. I washed. Raymond’s folks came a while after dinner and Ross and Florence came a while in the evening. I bought a bushel of tomatos of Merle Daggett, canned part of them.
September 2. School commenced. Sonny’s first day of school. I ironed and finished canning tomatoes. My check came but didn’t get my raise. Went up to Lew Smith and got my check cashed. Went up to the McGraw place to get a can of water. Stopped to Ernest’s and sent by him to get me one pound of butter.
September 3. I patched and painted some plant dishes. Took my boiler down to Gertrudes to have her fix it. Waited for Ernest to come with my butter.
September 4. I wrote to Nellie.
September 5. We went down to Lula’s and took my quilts down. Went over town then went to Raymond’s stayed all night.
September 6. Went back to Lula’s. We took the quilts down to Ross’s and washed them. Went over and got a window frame; it didn’t fit.
September 7. We went to church. Ada and Clarence came to dinner.
September 8. I washed. Nellie called up for me to come over and help her can peaches. I went after dinner; she gave me 4 pints.
September 9. I ironed, patched and canned 3 and one half pts. Peaches. Gertrude was up and said Ernest wasn’t working, he was sick.
September 10. I went down to see Ernest, he wasn’t any better they were talking of taking him to the hospital. Ernest went to the hospital.
September 11. I went down to the hospital to see Ernest and sent Nellie a card about Ernest.
September 12. I painted my new window and put it in.
September 13. I baked and mopped, drawed water. Mrs. Baker called.
September 14. Raymond’s folks came early so we didn’t go to church. We went to Allie’s after dinner then went to Doris’s with them. Andy and Ada brought us home; Gene’s folks came to see how Ernest was. He had a bad spell again.
September 15. Gene’s folks came over and we went down to see Ernest.
September 16. I washed and took Gertrude and Gladys down to see Ernest. Gertrude stayed down. Marian brought her back after they went to see Ernest again. I went down to Ernest’s and waited till they came to hear how he was.
September 17. I ironed. I sent Nellie a card and Ethel a letter. Canned some sweet apples.
September 18. I peeled and canned some pears. Cut my sweet corn. Went down to Ernest’s at night. Ernest had another heart attack.
September 19. I went down to see Ernest. He was awful bad. Lula went with me.
September 20. Ernest came home from the hospital. Nellie came over to dinner then we went down to see Ernest, he just got home.
September 21. We went to church. Gene’s folks came over after dinner and Ada and Clarence and Lula came after they went home. We went down to see how Ernest was.
September 22. I washed. Went down to see Ernest.
September 23. I ironed and went down to see Ernest.
September 24. I sent Horace my picture and fixed my quilt. Went down to see Ernest. He had another bad spell. They had the doctor come up.
September 25. I peeled some more pears and canned them. Swept upstairs and went down to see Ernest.
September 26. Daryl’s birthday. I peeled some more pears and went down to see how Ernest was. Wrote to Lula, Ross and Ethel. Got a letter from Ethel.
September 27. Horace’s birthday. I baked apple pies and cake and mopped. Raymond’s folks came to dinner. Went down and paid my taxes. Then went and drawed water, stopped to see Ernest.
September 28. No one came. Went to church. We went down to see Ernest again; was better.
September 29. I washed.
September 30. Went over to Center to make mattresses. Gertrude and Mrs. Barnes went with me. I brought mine home.
October 1. Worked on mattresses again.
October 2.
October 3. Went over to Center to work on mattresses.
October 4. We went to Elmira and stopped to Raymond’s and Lula’s. Went over town, got windshield wiper. Stayed all night with Lula.
October 5. Went down to Ross’s then went to Ada’s to dinner. Came home.
October 6. I washed and ironed.
October 7. Went over to Center again. Bill came home so Mrs. Barnes didn’t go.
October 8. We went over to Center again. Brought Gertrude and Mrs. Barnes mattress home. Got a letter from Nellie.
October 9. We didn’t work on the mattresses. I got a letter from Ethel, I wrote a card to Lula.
October 10. They finished their mattresses. I didn’t go.
October 11. Went down to Elmira, Raymond was moving his goods to Gillett.
October 12. We went to church. Ross and Florence came up the afternoon, then Ada and Clarence came but didn’t stay.
October 13. I washed. Raymond’s folks came to dinner. Wanted Sarah’s oil stove but it leaked. They were living in a trailer. A bee stung my finger.
October 14. Jerde Sheive died. I ironed. It rained so I took Sonny’s dinner up to him. Margaret and Betty Lou came up and brought Sonny up after school.
October 15. Canned some pears again. Cleaned mattress from Sonny’s bed and drawed water again.
October 16. I went to Jerde’s funeral at Mosherville. Wrote a letter to Ethel.
October 17. First freeze to hurt anything. Lewis commenced to work at the P.T. from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
October 18. Ada’s birthday. I baked pie and apple cake and mopped.
October 19. Marian’s birthday. We went to church. Went down to Ernest’s after dinner. Gene’s folks came in the evening.
October 20. I washed.
October 21. I ironed and patched. Got a card from Lula that she was sick.
October 22. I wrote to Lula.
October 23. I canned beets.
October 24. I went down and took Lula to doctor. We went to Ada’s they wasn’t home, then we went to Ross’s and I came home.
October 25. I baked pumpkin pies and mopped and got ready for company.
October 26. Ross’s folks and Lula came up to dinner. Ada and Clarence came up in the evening.
October 27. It rained. I washed. Ross came up to have Ernest fix his car. He came over here to dinner; brought Sonny home from school.
October 28. I ironed and patched.
October 29. I wrote to Ethel and Ruth.
October 30. Went over to Nellies.
October 31. We came home. My check came. We went down to Lula’s; went over to see Ada a few minutes.
November 1. We all went over to Ross’s a little while. Then Lula came home with me and stayed all night.
November 2. Went to church then went over to Ethel’s. Lula went back with Ada and Andy.
November 3. I washed. Gene’s folks came a while. John was with them.
November 4. I ironed. Gene’s folks came. I went to Elmira with them.
November 5. Nellie and Ruth came after some money to get their car fixed.
November 6. Ross came to have Ernest fix his car, he had gone a hunting so he stayed with me. I got a letter from Ada Ward.
November 7. Margaret and Gladys came up here after lamp.
November 8. Betty and Ernest came up. I baked and mopped.
November 9. We went to church; Mrs. Baker went with us. Gene’s folks came. We went down to Ernest’s after they went home.
November 10. I washed. Ross and Florence came after dinner a little while.
November 11. No mail. I ironed and patched. Armistice Day.
November 12. I wrote to Ada. The ground was white with snow.
November 13. I went up to the Corners to work in the Church basement.
November 14. Awful cold, couldn’t get the car started.
November 15. We went down to Lula’s then went over to Ada Ward’s to dinner. Went over to Ross’s a while and stayed all night with Lula.
November 16. Lula and Sonny and I went to Ada Anderson’s to dinner.
November 17. I wrote Lula and Ross and Ada Ward about Thanksgiving. I had the Grippe.
November 18. Ross came up and said Florence was sick; she had the grippe.
November 19. I baked and got ready for Thanksgiving. Wrote a letter to Ethel and went over and got them.
November 20. Thanksgiving very warm. Allie and Ethel was here, Ada and Lula came then Clarence and another man came to dinner. Ada and Lula took Allie’s folks home.
November 21. Gene and Nellie stopped here to dinner. Betty came up after school.
November 22. I got ready for company again. Ada and Clarence and Lula came up and stayed all night.
November 23. Had company so couldn’t get to church. Daryl and Little Ernest came up a little while.
November 24. I washed.
November 25. I ironed. Couldn’t get my car started so I sent a line down to Ernest. He had the grippe but Lewis came up.
November 26. I tried to start my car but couldn’t. Betty came up after school.
November 27. Another Thanksgiving day. Ernest and Daryl came up and started my car.
I went over to Nellie’s. Nellie and I went down to Mansfield to the garage and got points put in the distributor on the car. We came home.
November 28. Put Prestone in my car. We went down to Lula’s then went over town. Came back to Lula’s to dinner then went down to Ross’s a while then came home. Put my Prestone in my car.
November 29. Ernest’s birthday. Baked and mopped and went down to Ernest’s in the afternoon.
November 30. We went to church, Sunday School. Ada and Clarence came in the evening.
December 1. I washed. Gladys and Margaret came up a few minutes. Brought in a lamp chimney from Lew Smiths. I bought some Christmas Seals of Sonny and Delos and Betty Lou and Gladys.
December 2. I ironed and patched. Went down after water. Went over to Ernest’s a few minutes.
December 3. I got ready for prayer meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Knight and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Sheive came.
December 4. I went up to work in the church basement.
December 5.
December 6. We went to Elmira and left Sonny to Ada’s and went over town. Came back and went to Lula’s to dinner.
December 7. We went to church. Raymond’s came to dinner. Ada and Clarence and Lula came afternoon. Stayed to supper. The Japs declared war.
December 8. I washed.
December 9. It snowed hard, I went up to work in the church basement again. I got a letter from Ethel.
December 10. I covered up the hatchway and wrote to Lula. Sent her Ethel’s letter. Put the roofing on the screen doors.
December 11. Ross insured my car. Sent Lorraine a birthday card. Went up to the church to Edson’s wife’s shower. Gene’s folks came and brought two cans of water.
December 12. I got a letter from Lula.
December 13. I baked and mopped and got a Christmas card from Doris and Johnny and one from Ruth and Henry.
December 14. Ground was covered with snow and ice. Daryl came up and put on chains so I could go to church. We went down to Ernest’s after dinner a while. He cut Sonny’s hair.
December 15. I washed. Sent Ethel and Lula a letter and card and a card to Mary and card to Andrew.
December 16. Nellie had an accident. Got hurt. I ironed. Sent some more cards and a letter to Nellie. Sonny came home with his feet wringing wet. I had to change his stockings and shoes and ardics and pants.
December 17. I went to Elmira. Sent some more cards.
December 18. Went over to see Nellie. Sent some more cards.
December 19. I wrote a letter to Lula about Nellie and sent some more cards.
December 20. Ruth and Henry stopped and said Nellie was better.
December 21. Sunday. Gladys and Bill took us up, preacher brought us home. Couldn’t start my car. Ada and Clarence and Lula was here when we got back. They went over to see Nellie. Ada and Andy came a while, Henry and Ruth brought Nellie and Gene over towards night. Christmas tree up to Corners.
December 22. Ernest got me new battery. I washed. I sent Ada and Andy Christmas Card and letter and Ethel a postal card.
December 23. I ironed and made Sonny some night clothes.
December 24. Made my apron. Raymond’s came to dinner then we went down to Lula’s and stayed all night. It rained all night and melted the snow and ice.
December 25. Christmas Day. Lula and Sonny and I went over to Clarence’s to dinner then we came home. The snow and ice was all gone. Sonny’s school teacher was married.
December 26. I measured the water in the well. There was ten feet of water. Lewis got a new valve and put it in and everything was okay.
December 27. I wrote to Lula and Ethel and Nellie and sent a card to Harriet.
December 28. Ross came after us before Sunday School. Ruth brought Sonny in some presents.
December 29. I washed. Got a postal card from Ethel.
December 30. I ironed and patched.
December 31. My check came and Sonny got a Christmas Card from Doris’ boy Sonny.
![]() Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 JUL 2003 By Joyce M. Tice Email: JoyceTice@aol.com You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 16 JUL 2003 |
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