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In 1940, 60 year old Eugenie Crippen was living in Roseville mostly alone, but in regular contact with relatives and neighbors. After years as a single parent, Eugene was adjusting to the changes in his life after his children grew up and left home. His narration covers interesting events both nationally and in the immediate community. This is an excellent window into the workings and social events of the village of Roseville as the world entered the World War 2 era.
Jan.1st Mon.- A sub-zero morning.Cold and windy all day.At home alone all day.Zelma and Jesse were coming for me and I was going up to Dierstein's for dinner,but they didn't.I start off 1940 alone and lonesome. Late in PM Archie Benson called and wanted I should work for himtomorrow.
Jan.2nd Tue.- Real cold.Snowy and windy all day.Worked for Archie,doing chores and cutting wood.At night had a letter from Zelma telling that their car broke down reason they didn't come for me yesterday.Mailed letter to the boys this morning.
Jan.3rd Wed.- Another cold,windy day.Quite lame and sore today.The result,I guess,of my wood cutting at Benson's.In PM the material came from Mansfield Novelty Works.Now can begin work upstairs.
Jan.4th Thu.- Not so cold.Partly pleasant.It is great skateing,the young folks seem to be having a lot of fun.Worked a little upstairs,but it was cold and didn't feel so good.
Jan.5th Fri.- Snowed a little most all day.Cold.Worked a little but kept close to the fire most of the time.
Jan.6th Sat.- Another cold,snowy day.Worked about the house all day.
Jan.7th Sun.- Weather about the same.In PM Zelma and Jesse came and stayed for supper and the evening.
Jan.8th Mon.- Cold.A few snow squalls.Worked in the P.O. Mrs.Cudworth sick. Fred called in the evening a few minutes.
Jan.9th Tue.- A beautiful day,but cold.Didn't thaw.About sick with headache all day.Wrote a little "Bogo" in the evening.
Jan.10th Wed.Not so cold,but cloudy.Washed clothes in the forenoon.Worked about house in PM.
Jan.11th Thu.- Snowed a little most all day.Worked a little on the room upstairs. In evening Zelma and Jesse came and spent the evening, left about midnight. Tuesday their house got afire and burned the inside out of the back kitchen.
Jan.12th Fri.- Real cloudy,warmer.Worked upstairs a little but had bad toothache.
Jan.13th Sat.- Warmer,began thawing a little.Sick all day.Didn't get up till noon.Went back to bed most of the afternoon.Shaved and washed dishes in the evening.That was the extent of my labors for the day.
Jan.14th Sun.- Warmer.A little above freezing.East wind blew a gale all day. Began snowing about 9:30 AM,soon changed to rain.Rained all day. About sick again today.One of my longest and most lonesome days.
Jan.15th Mon.- Colder.High west wind,colder by the hour. Tried to keep warm,that's all I did all day. My face all swelled up,about sick.
Jan.16th Tue.- Colder today.Sub-zero morning and grew colder with increaseing wind all day.Feeling a little better today,but nothing worth bragging about.Slept good last night,first night in nearly two weeks.
Jan.17th Wed.- Another sub-zero morning,but not as cold as at dark last night.The wind went down during the night. My face still big but worked a little on the upstairs rooms today. A beautiful,cold,bright moon light evening.
Jan.18th Thu.- 10 below zero in morning.Didn't get warmer than 8 above all day. Wrote Osmer in PM. An abcess on my gums broke this morning and I soon began to feel relief.But stayed by the fire all day. In evening Zelma and Jesse came. e has no work. Has worked only three days since they were married, only to help his father do chores.
Jan.19th Fri.- Very cold and windy.Worked a little upstairs.Wrote some letters,went down town.
Jan.20th Sat. - Another real cold,windy day. Up too late to get letters in the mail.Orey E.and Ada called few minutes in late PM.
Jan.21st Sun.- High wind,but some warmer. My water pipes froze a few nights ago.Spent much of PM thawing out the pipes. Then mopped the kitchen and hall floors.
Jan.22nd Mon.- Not quite so cold.Worked upstairs a little.Had letters from Creig and Osmer,they are studying airplane engines.
Jan.23rd Tue.- A good winter day. Up about noon.Am feeling quite good,for me. Worked upstairs all PM. Got the January copy of magazine"Islander" from Creig.Read that most of evening.
Jan.24th Wed.- Another good winter day.Worked upstairs most all day. Wrote to the boys in evening.
Jan.25th Thu.- Colder,windy.Read most of time.Wrote a little Bogo. Spent some time down town.
Jan..26th Fri.- Still colder,a zero morning.Sharp,bitter wind. Went to Mansfield. Walked.Rode part way with Ray Hall.
Jan.27th Sat.- Weather about like yesterday.Orey W.called a few minutes in afternoon. Spent some time down at the store. Yesterday received letter from Honolulu.Also yesterday mailed package to Creig.
Jan.28th Sun.- Real cold all day,partly pleasant.Didn't get up till nearly noon. Worked most of afternoon trying to thaw out water pipes,but failed.Pipe is frozen underground between house and well.Zelma and Jesse here a few minutes in evening.
Jan.29th Mon.- A fine day,but not so warm.Washed and wrote Bogo.Paid 1939 taxes on real estate.
Jan.30th Tue.- Still and partly pleasant. Helped Orey E.cut wood. Was at Orey's for dinner and supper.Mrs.Edith McClure and Orey's mother-in law,Mrs.Mertie Frost,were there.
Jan.31st Wed.- A beautiful day,but cold.About 6 above this morning. Thawed a little on the sunny side in protected places.Helped Orey E.cut wood again today,but came home for supper. Came across the fields. Found a wild duck with his feathers frozen in the ice on the creek. He hadn't been there long,so when I cut him loose he flew away.
Feb.1st Thu.- Cold and cloudy forenoon.Began to snow about noon. Snowed all PM and evening,but not hard.I worked upstairs a little.Spent some time at the store.
Feb.2nd Fri.- Snowed a little most of forenoon. Partly pleasant. Worked a little on house in PM.Very cold evening.
Feb.3rd Sat.- Partly pleasant,windy,warmer,thawed a little.Mopped, cleaned up house and worked upstairs a little.
Feb.4th Sun.- Cloudy,not cold. Orey W.called in PM a few minutes. Vivian and Don came about 2 PM. A Mrs.White came with them. She began playing the piano as soon as she could get her coat off and played till nearly five; stopping only long enough to smoke a cigarette. Part of the time she sang. Fred came about 3,from that time on he sang with her. I certainly enjoyed the afternoon.The first time the place has seemed alive since the boys left. Wrote to the boys in evening.
Feb.5th Mon.- Cloudy,thawed a little.Cut a little wood.Worked on house in PM. Had a letter from the boys at noon. Those letters from Honolulu are the bright spots in my life.
Feb.6th Tue.- Weather just about like yesterday.Worked upstairs in PM.In evening Fred Woodmansee and his girl friend Mae Lawson,came up.We played 500 till midnight.Had a fine time.
Feb.7th Wed.- Another cloudy day.Colder.Wrote to the boys and worked about house.Went down town etc.
Feb.8th Thu.- Thawed a little about noon.Cloudy,colder in PM.In afternoon went up to Orey's,stayed for supper.Orey brought me home about 8:00.
Feb.9th Fri.- Cold,cloudy.Began snowing about dark.Worked for Rouse in PM trying to get water pipes thawed out.Zelma and Jesse called in evening for a while.
Feb.10th Sat.- Cloudy,rainy day. Put down a little floor in hall upstairs. wrote some Bogo in evening to kill time.
Feb.11th Sun.- Colder,windy.Rained quite hard in the night last night.Alone all day.Copied Bogo to pass the time away.
Feb.12th Mon.- A beautiful Feb.day.Washed in AM.In PM helped Orey E.cut wood.Up at Orey's for supper.Received letters from Creig and Osmer. Osmer was made a Corporal Feb.1st.
Feb.13th Tue.- Cold,windy,cloudy.Began snowing about dark.Put down a little floor up stairs.Wrote to the boys.Mailed letter to Florence.
Feb.14th Wed.- One of the worst blizzards this part of the country has seen in years.Mail didn't go. Cars stalled all along the road,even snow plows couldn't get through.
Feb.15th Thu.- Pleasant but cold.Roads drifted full in every direction. Some little headway was made to open roads,but not much.I put in a lot of time visiting at the store these days.Copied Bogo in evening.A beautiful moonlight evening.
Feb.16th Fri.- A beautiful day.The snow began to go. I shoveled snow from roadside in front of house to make parking space in case anyone called. The first mail to arrive since Tue.came this afternoon. Also the first outgoing mail since Tue.went today.
Feb.17th Sat.- Colder and cloudy. Worked on wood finishing in hallway up stairs.
Feb.18th Sun.- Weather about like yesterday,till about 5 PM.At that time snow began falling,the wind came up another snow storm got under way. Orey W.called a few minutes in late PM.In evening Zelma and Jesse called a few minutes,but couldn't stay long for fear of drifted roads.They have to walk nearly half a mile from the main road at the top of Patchogue Hill,on account of the snow.
Feb.19th Mon.- Warmer.Snowed all day.A wet heavy snow and wind blew hard. Read and visited the store.
Feb.20th Tue.- Colder,cloudy.Still many roads blocked. About finished what can be done upstairs until have more material. Saw Orey E.down town.His road blocked.Drives a horse across lots to get out.
Feb.21st Wed.- A beautiful day but cold.Worked about the house in AM.Went for mail at noon,but no mail.Roads over the hill blocked again.In PM Jesse Dix came. Wanted a grave opened for his mother, Mary Dix,of Elmira N.Y. She is an old lady,nearly 90. Began work on grave,snow is deep in cemetery. Intended to go to Dierstein's for dinner tomorrow,it's Jesse's birthday. And Friday was going down to Vivian's,but work instead.
Feb.22nd Thu.- 22 below zero this morning.But a beautiful day. Thawed in the sun and froze in the shade all day.Worked on the Dix grave all day. Four years ago today the boys and I opened a grave not far from where I worked today.
Feb.23rd Fri.- Only 4 below this morning.Worked in the cemetery all day. Dix funeral. Earl Kennedy helped me. Couldn't get cars into the cemetery.Had Clifford Crum's team and bobsleds. Transferred casket to sleds for trip from main road into cemetery. Holley of Elmira was undertaker.A cold, windy day.Had letters from boys.
Feb.24th Sat.- Warmer.Snowed a little.Strong S wind.About sick with headache and cramps in my legs kept me awake a large portion of last night. About noon Sheriff Dillman called with a subpoena in divorce for me, Helen has started divorce proceedings against me. I am to appear next Monday if I wish to oppose her. I am not going to make any fight against her.I intended to start proceedings of my own in April.Her doing it will save me the trouble and expense. In afternoon began work on grave for Mrs.Hart.
Feb.25th Sun.- Cold and windy.Snow drifted all day.Worked on Hart grave all day.Earl Kennedy helped me.
Feb.26th Mon.- Clear and cold.Hart funeral at 11:00 AM.Worked in cemetery till about 2:30 PM. Came home,got my dinner and wrote to the boys.
Feb.27th Tue.- Snowed most all day.Earl Kennedy called and we played cards for an hour or so. I loafed all day.
Feb.28th Wed.- Warmer,cloudy,low sky.Shoveled snow away from in front of the house. Orey E.called a few minutes in AM.
Feb.29th Thu.- Pleasant AM.Cloudy,cold PM. Went up to Orey E.'s and built a cupboard in a space where a dumbwaiter once had been. Stayed overnight and worked on another cupboard.
Mar.1st Fri.- Cloudy,snowy,cold. At Orey E's all day,came home in evening. Worked on cupboard and planned the rebuilding of another cupboard.Mrs. Frost at Orey's.
Mar.2nd Sat.- Cold,low sky. Threatened storm all day. In afternoon went to Mansfield with Charles Cudworth.Paid light bill,got haircut etc.
Mar.3rd Sun.- Rained most all day. Got up late.Started in to clean up. Cleaned living room and dining room when Zelma and Jesse came,early in PM. A little later Orey W.came.About five Vivian and Don came,then Fred.So we had quite a flooring on for a while.Zelma,Jesse,Orey and Vivian had supper with me. Fred had supper before he came. Don said he had a late dinner, so drank a cup of coffee. Don had nine teeth out yesterday afternoon so couldn't enjoy eating very much. We had a good time while it lasted,but they all left and I was alone again.Then I wrote to the boys. Fred is thinking some of getting a job in Tioga,if he does he wants to come live with me.
Mar.4th Mon.- A misty day.Thawed all day.Began snowing a bit in evening. In PM went up to Orey's and took out a cupboard,but he didn't have the material to rebuild it,so I came home about 4:00.Received letters from the boys at noon.
Mar.5th Tue.- Rainy,snowy,nasty day.At home,did little.Wrote to the boys.In the evening Earl Kennedy and Basil Costly came up and we played cards.
Mar.6th Wed.- Snowed a little all day.Another useless day.Did nothing but putter about the house.
Mar.7th Thu.- Colder.Snowed a little all day.Changed the stove pipe in kitchen and cleaned kitchen stove and pipe.Put up some molding in kitchen etc. Earl Kennedy called in evening.
Mar.8th Fri.- Cloudy,low sky.Little change in temperature.Did almost nothing.Went down town.Saw Mertie Frost.Visited with Lew and Bessie Longwell.In evening Fred and Mae came and we played 500.
Mar.9th Sat.- Cold wind,but thawed a little. Washed clothes. Hadn't washed before in weeks so had a big wash. Mel Doty died this morning. Doty my nearest neighbor. An old man,nearly 80.
Mar.10th Sun.- Cold,windy,snowy.At home alone most of day.At the store a while in PM. Wrote to the boys.
Mar.11th Mon.- A pleasant day after a cold morning.Went down town.Talked with Will Armstrong about a job at the store.Called at Doty's.That is about all I did all day. Road drifted full.Mail didn't get through to Columbia X Roads.
Mar.12th Tue.- A zero morning,pleasant day.Went to Orey E.'s worked on cupboard.Stayed over night.
Mar.13th Wed.- Cloudy,high wind.At Orey E.'s all day and stayed over night again. In evening Martha and I played Chinese Checkers till nearly mid night.
Mar.14th Thu.- Cold and cloudy.Rained in PM. Finished work at Orey's about noon.Came home late PM.Found I had left the radio on when I left.
Mar.15th Fri.- Pleasant.With about 6 more inches of snow. In PM began removing snow for grave of Milton York.
Mar.16th Sat.- Cold and cloudy.Worked on York grave all day.Roy Kennedy helped me.
Mar.17th Sun.- Partly pleasant,warmer.Worked in cemetery all day. York funeral in PM. Had to use horses and bobsleds again.Zelma and Jesse, Vivian and Don at home in evening.
Mar.18th Mon.- Warmer.Pleasant day.In AM had talk with Will Armstrong about working in the store. About sick in PM.
Mar.19th Tue.- Cooler,but thawed some.Worked about house all day. Cleaning and pressing clothes most of day.
Mar.20th Wed.- Colder.Snowed a little most all day.Made deal with Armstrong to begin work in the store April 1st. Went up to Orey E.'s in PM,stayed to supper. Vivian home in evening to stay overnight. The hearing on Helen's divorce action was held in Mansfield this afternoon.
Mar.21st Thu.- A beautiful day but cold.Thawed some. Vivian home all day. We visited and played cards in the evening.
Mar.22nd Fri.- Cold and blustry all day.At home all day.Seemed good to have Vivian to get meals for me. Helen's witnesses at the hearing Wed.were: Grace Crippen, Alton's mother, and Asa Bement. Vivian and I played cards all evening.
Mar.23rd Sat.- 6 below this morning. Cold and windy all day. Vivian and I went to Elmira with Bill Sweeley in the morning.Don reached Elmira about the time we did. In PM we traveled about the city. Did some shopping,but not much.Too cold. In evening we played 500.
Mar.24th Sun.- Easter - Zero morning,cold and blustry all day. Don took me for a drive about the city in morning.To the places where I used to work and live. Many changes have taken place in the 20 years since I moved away from Elmira. In the afternoon we went to see,"Virginia City",a fine picture.
Mar.25th Mon.- Still cold and blustry. About noon Don and I went up to 1306 Pratt St.Saw Asa Bement's wife and baby and Wayne.My youngest boy,whom his mother gave away when he was about a year old. Also saw Harry Bement,Helen's father and Mrs.Bement, Helen's step mother they are nice old people. In afternoon Don had to go to work. Don drives a big transport truck from Elmira to Boston,Mass. About 5:00 PM I left for home with Bill Sweeley.Had a fine time in Elmira.Enjoyed every minute of my visit. Vivian and Don live in furnished rooms at 551 East Church St. When I reached home Fred was there building fires for me.
Mar.26th Tue.- Partly pleasant but cold.Had letters from the boys.Also fine pictures of Creig and Osmer in uniform. About 11:00 went up to Dierstein's to see Zelma. Stayed for dinner and supper and in the evening Jesse brought me home.Another pleasant visit. Zelma not too well. A grandchild just around the corner.
Mar.27th Wed.- A little warmer.Snowed all day.At home alone and lonesome.
Mar.28th Thu.- Warmer.Snow began to go.Washed clothes,Cleaned up a little. Wrote to the boys. Also wrote to Florence and to Vivian. Fred called in evening.
Mar.29th Fri.- Warmer.Didn't freeze last night.Went to Mansfield in afternoon with Lee VanNocken in coal truck. Ordered some more material to finish off rooms upstairs. Went calling in evening at Charles Cudworth's.
Mar.30th Sat.- Still warm.Rained all day.Snow going and streams rising rapidly.Great danger of floods. Jesse and Wilbur Dierstein stopped in at noon to eat their lunch and get dry.They worked on the road part of the AM. Orey E.called in late PM. He has been appointed Census Enumerator for Roseville and Rutland.
Mar.31st Sun.- Cloudy,little cooler. Fred Woodmansee moved his clothes into my place about noon. Then went up to Don Soper's to help fight water. I was alone all PM and evening.
Apr.1st Mon.- Colder,partly pleasant. Began work for Armstrong in store today. First steady job have had in about 12 years. Am beginning life over again. My first job was in a grocery store 37 years ago this summer. Mrs.Mary McClure died this morning.And since my time as caretaker of the cemetery expired April 1st. Fred Woodmansee began opening the grave.Bad floods in many places about here. Nearly all hill roads are cut to pieces by water. Mailed letter to the boys.
Apr.2nd Tue.- Pleasant AM.Partly cloudy in PM.Worked in store all day. Albert went to Elmira. Orey E.began his census work,took dinner with Fred and I.
Apr.3rd Wed.- Partly cloudy AM.Warmer in PM.Rain in late PM and evening. Worked in store.Orey E.had dinner with Fred and I again today.Fred finished McClure grave.
Apr.4th Thu.- A fine warm day.Creek high again.Mrs.McClure buried today. Worked in store all day. I go to work at 7:00 and work till 7:00 at night.
Apr.5th Fri.- Cloudy,cold wind.Worked in store all day. Fred worked in the house all day.Got dinner and supper. Got letters from the boys at noon. Osmer told about his first airplane ride,in one of the big Army Bombers
Apr.6th Sat.- Mostly pleasant,cold wind.Worked in store all day. Nothing happened of importance.Fred worked for Gerald Kennedy.Orey E.had dinner with me. In early evening they had a cemetery meeting, Fred was appointed caretaker.
Apr.7th Sun.- A beautiful,warm AM.Rained in PM.I worked in store 2 hours in morning,then slept a while.Washed clothes and wrote to the boys in afternoon. Zelma and Jesse here in evening.Was about sick with a cold.
Apr.8th Mon.- Rained all day.Worked in the store. y cold almost had the better of me.Albert went to Elmira.
Apr.9th Tue.- Cloudy all day. Worked in store. Nothing of importance happened
Apr.10th Wed.- A beautiful day. But cold wind.All days are the same now,only this morning Jesse came in and brought me a note from Zelma.She said that she would be over and get dinner for me tomorrow.
Apr.11th Thu.- Warmer today Rain in PM.Heard the first peepers tonight. Zelma came and got dinner for me.and baked.Cake,cookies and bread. Gee! it is good to have Zelma home,if only for a few minutes.
Apr.12th Fri.- Colder.Rained in AM.In evening snowed a little,much colder. Worked,as usual in the store.But about sick with a cold.
Apr 13th Sat.- Cold and snowy. Feeling better today. Worked all day. The store was in bad shape and these two weeks have been hard ones.
Apr.14th Sun.- Still cold and snowy.Only about 10 above this morning. Worked until about 10 AM.Fred came back this morning.Zelma and Jesse here in PM and evening.
Apr.15th Mon.- Cold.Partly cloudy.Worked as usual.Albert went to Elmira. Zelma and Jesse here again in evening. Began getting dinner with Mertie Frost.
Apr.16th Tue.- A little rain and snow,some warmer.Worked in store. Am getting hold of the work a little.
Apr.17th Wed.- Cloudy.Looked like rain all day.Worked in store all day. It begins to seem like old times.I have worked in stores several years in the past.One year in Troy,Pa,and four years in Canton,Pa. Wrote to the boys in evening. Fred began work in the cemetery.
Apr.18th Thu.- Partly pleasant,rained a little. Albert and Will went to Mansfield in PM.
Apr.19th Fri.- Cold,cloudy day.Rained Worked all day in store.
Apr.20th Sat.- Vivian's birthday.Rained all AM.Turned to snow in PM.About 2 inches of snow when I came home from store 7:00 PM. Albert sick most of day.He was at the store a little while in morning.
Apr.21st Sun.- Snowed all day.Warmer.The snow melted.Worked about 2 hours in the morning.then wrote to the boys.
Apr.22nd Mon.- Snowed all the forenoon.Cleared some in PM. Many hill roads blocked.Worked at store all day.Albert went to Elmira. A letter came from the boys.
Apr.23rd Tue.- Warmer.Pleasant most of day.Primary election day. But no excitement and a light vote. Martha at Mertie's for dinner. Leon Welch died this forenoon at the Blossburg Hospital
Apr.24th Wed.- Cold.Partly pleasant.Worked at the store.
Apr.25th Thu.- Weather about as yesterday.Real cold morning and evening.The ground froze hard enough to hold a man's weight.Worked as usual.Zelma and Jesse called in evening for a short visit.
Apr.26th Fri.- A little warmer,but still a cold wind.More like March than late April. Worked all day. In evening went to a supper given by Women's Club for it's member's husbands and male friends. I went as a guest of Mrs.Mertie Frost.
Apr.27th Sat.- Pleasant day,but a very cold east wind. Some of the hill roads are still blocked with snow..Worked as usual.Saw Orey E.at the store in PM. Martha does my washing and ironing. I like my work at the store. I get along with the Armstrongs fine,thus far,and enjoy the work. It seems that I am living again
Apr.28th Sun.- A beautiful day.Cold morning.Ground frozen quite hard. Worked about 2 hours in morning.Zelma and Jesse came about 12:30 and Don and Vivian about 1:30 PM.Don and Vivian have a new car,a Lincoln Zephyr. We went for a ride to Job's Corners and back. Zelma and Jesse had to go home about 4:00 for chores.Don and Vivian stayed for supper.I sure enjoyed the day very much.It seems good to have the girls come home if only for a short time.
Apr.29th Mon.- A beautiful day.Worked in store.Nothing unusual happened.
Apr.30th Tue.- Another fine day.Warm.I completed my first month at the store and continue to like the work. April seemed the shortest month since last May. The base ball team had a dance in the P.O.S.of A. hall.
May 1st Wed.- Cloudy.Rained a little in evening.Worked all day at store.
May 2nd Thu.- Rained all day,slow but steady. About 6:00 PM went to Mansfield with Albert to meet his Aunt,Mrs.Bertha Bond,who came for a visit.
May 3rd Fri.- Another rainy day.Zelma came over and spent the day.Got dinner and supper for me.Jesse came for supper and spent the evening.
May 4th Sat.- Cleared off during the day.Worked at store as usual. Florence came up to Orey's in PM. Got stuck in the mud on her way from the hard road to Orey's.
May 5th Sun.- A beautiful day,but cold air. Florence came about the time I got through at the store.Florence and I dug greens for dinner.About 1:00 PM Zelma and Jesse came for the afternoon. Orey W.called a while in late PM.As did Orey E.,Martha and Ada.Zelma and Jesse went about 4:30.Florence started for home about 6:00, and I was alone again.Fred was gone all day fishing. Lewis Colby got hurt playing ball
May 6th Mon.- Cloudy morning,but soon cleared off.Albert went to Elmira as usual on Mon.
May 7th Tue.- A fine day but clouded over near evening.Worked in store.
May 8th Wed.- A rainy day. In store all day.
May 9th Thu.- Pleasant day,cool wind.Worked in store all day.Zelma and Jesse called in evening.
May 10th Fri.- A pleasant day but cold.A heavy frost this morning,ground frozen. About sick with a cold,but worked all day.Orey W.home for supper.Today Germany invaded Belgium and the Netherlands.In evening I listened,by radio,to a speech by Pres.Roosevelt.
May 11th Sat.- A pleasant day,but cold.Worked in store all day.Albert and his wife both sick.
May 12th Sun.- Beautiful day.Worked a while in morning. Then home alone all remainder of day.
May 13th Mon.- Another fine day.Warmer.Rained in late PM.Albert went to Elmira as usual.He saw a doctor and was ordered to the hospital.I had letters from the boys.
May 14th Tue.- A beautiful warm day.Albert went to the hospital in morning. I worked all day and evening.Am doing the book keeping while Albert is away.
May 15th Wed.- Another fine,warm day.Worked all day and evening in store.
May 16th Thu.- Rainy,cloudy most of day.Worked as usual in store.Florence came up and got dinner for me.I couldn't stay home only just long enough to eat dinner. Will gets all balled up when left alone and Clara is little better. Today she was gone to Elmira to see Albert.I sure have my hands full trying to get along with those two old folks and the store,since I have no authority to do anything. What authority I have, I have to take. In evening Zelma and Jesse came but I had to work till 9:30. May Lawson came up to see Zelma.
May 17th Fri.- Cloudy,rainy AM.Cleared in PM and colder.Wrote to the boys in evening after getting home from the store.
May 18th Sat.- Cold and cloudy.Worked all day in store and until late evening. Vivian and Don stopped on their way to visit Zelma.In evening they stopped again on their way home. Zelma was with them, going down to spend a few days in Elmira.
May 19th Sun.- A very cold day for May.Warmed up in PM.Thunder shower in evening.Worked most of day in store.Had dinner at Mertie Frost's.Orey E and Martha there for dinner. Home a while in AM and again at supper time.
May 20th Mon.- Cool and rainy AM.Cleared in PM. In store all day.
May 21st Tue.- A fine warm spring day.Worked in store all day. In early evening Don and Vivian came out,bringing Zelma home.Both girls and Don were home for supper. Don and Vivian went back after supper and Jesse came over about 8:30 after the store closed. Jesse Zelma and I went for a ride.
May 22nd Wed.- Quite warm and pleasant.The first day we didn't have a fire in the stove at the store.
May.23rd Thu.- Cloudy and cooler. In PM Ted Dunkleburger took Clara Armstrong and I to Elmira to see Albert.
May 24th Fri.- Partly cloudy,cool.Albert came home today. He promised the doctor he would stay in bed at least a month if he could come home.He looks bad and I doubt if he ever will be any better. I have an idea that the doctors know it is only a question of time for him,and that he might as well be home as anywhere. Started a letter to Osmer in evening.
May 25th Sat.- A rainy day.Worked
in store as usual all day and evening. Started a letter to Creig in evening.
May 26th Sun.- Cloudy all day.Worked in store most of day.Zelma and Jesse came in PM. They came down to the store a while,then I came home a while.Zelma and Jesse stayed for supper.Fred called in evening and stayed overnight.
May 27th Mon.- Cloudy,rainy morning.Cleared in PM. Don Soper took me to Elmira in forenoon to get goods for the store. Albert about the same.
May.28th Tue.- Cloudy,rained a little.Several bad storms about here last night,but just a good rain here. Worked in store as usual.Albert not so well.His recovery doubtful.
May 29th Wed.- A pleasant but cool day.Worked as usual,only took an hour off to visit the cemetery in the afternoon.The cemetery looks fine. Went up to Mertie's for supper. Will and Clara came near getting my goat today.
May 30th Thu.- Cloudy,cool.Worked all day,even if it was Decoration Day.
May 31st Fri.- Rained nearly all day.Worked as usual.Zelma and Jesse came over in evening.Stayed till midnight. Albert is no better.
Jun.1st Sat.- Rained most of day. A year ago Creig and Osmer left to join the U.S.Air Corps. I went to Williamsport with them.Orey E.took us to Williamsport.They enlisted and left by train for Harrisburg at 11:15 AM. It has been a long lonesome year. I had a fight with Will and Clara today and got a raise without asking for it.
Jun.2nd Sun.- A fine day.Worked all day.Zelma and Jesse here an hour or so in PM.It has been a long lonesome day. Wrote to Osmer in evening after work.
Jun.3rd Mon.- Another fine day.Worked as usual..Clara went to Elmira in AM with Don Soper. She couldn't trust all that buying to the hired man.
Jun.4th Tue.- A beautiful day.Cool morning.Another busy day.
Jun.5th Wed.- Hot day.About 90 in the shade.Worked all day.
Jun.6th Thu.- A little cooler.Just right,a fine day to spend in the open, but I was inside most of the day.Went up to John Wilcox's on Pumpkin Hill,in AM.Got my hair cut,then called to see Albert.He seemed about the same.The doctor says he is coming along as well as can be expected
Jun.7th Fri.- Almost a frost this morning,but hot PM.A bad storm near Mansfield in PM. Our electric power off at 4:45 PM. We had no lights or power for gas pumps.
Jun.8 Sat.- A good growing day. Worked as usual but about sick with my head.Vivian called at the store on her way to visit Zelma.Zelma not so good.She expects a baby in July.
Jun.9th Sun.- A fine day.Worked most of day.Came home about noon and slept for a couple of hours.Then Zelma came and I went back to work about 4:00. Home for supper,Zelma and Jesse here.Worked in evening till 9:00.
Jun.10th Mon.- A beautiful day.Clara went to Elmira with Don Soper in Am. She is getting more overbearing every day. Italy declared war on France and England today and began the invasion of France.I listened to a speech by Pres.Roosevelt at 6:15 PM. It won't be long before we are in the war.Germany will strike at America as soon as France and England are licked. My poor boys,it is doubtful if I ever see them again.
Jun.11th Tue.- A warm cloudy day.Rained a little in evening.This has been my red letter day.About 2:00 AM Jesse called me out of bed to say that Zelma was sick,and about 8:00 AM Mertie Frost called me by phone and announced that Zelma had a baby girl.Jesse came for me at 10 and I went to see Zelma and her baby. My first grandchild.She named the baby Jean Ethel. I can't make it seem possible that Zelma has a baby, for she is only a baby. My baby girl. I must be getting old.
Jun.12th Wed.- Cloudy,muggy,shower in PM.Worked all day.
Jun.13th Thu.- Partly pleasant,warm.Worked as usual. In evening finished writing letter to Creig and Osmer.
Jun.14th Fri.- A beautiful day.In evening Jesse came over and took me to see Zelma and Jean again.Zelma getting along fine,and the baby is OK. The Germans took Paris today.War seems near for the U.S.
Jun.15th Sat. - Cloudy,rainy morning.Soon cleared,a beautiful PM.Worked all day and until 9:30 in evening. Home after work sat alone on the east porch,where the boys and I spent most of their last evening at home.There I sat and dreamed and womdered why? And wondered what the future would bring for the boys and for me.
Jun.16th Sun.- A beautiful day.Still and pleasant.Came home from store about 10 and washed dishes and mopped till about 11:30.About noon Vivian and Don came.We all went up to Mertie Frost's for dinner. After dinner I worked till about 2:30,then Vivian,Don,Mertie and I went over to see Zelma and Jean.We came home about 4:30.I worked in the store till 6:00,then went home for supper.Vivian and Mertie had supper ready at our home.Vivian and Don brought chicken and noodles and cake. It was a double celebration,Don's birthday and Father's Day. Don's birthday is June 12th.After supper we all went up to Mrs.Frost's. Vivian and Don went home at 9:30.I enjoyed the day very much.Fred left today to board with Don Colby. If the boys had been home it would have been a perfect day.
Jun.17th Mon.- Rainy.Worked in store.Clara went to Elmira.Letter from the boys.
Jun.18th Tue.- Quite cool for June. Had another run in with the Armstrongs Clara was mad all day.
Jun.19th Wed.- Cold.A frost in many places this morning.Another full day at the store.
Jun.20th Thu.- Continued cold.Cloudy.Worked all day.In evening Jesse came and got Mertie Frost and I and took us over to see Zelma and Jean.They are both doing fine.
Jun.21st Fri.- Cold.The coldest June 20th and 21st this part of the country has seen since they began keeping records,so the Elmira radio reports. Florence here about noon.She and I at Mertie Frost's for dinner and we both went to Orey E.'s for supper.Florence took me up to Orey's and brought me back so I lost no time at the store. Wrote to the boys after the store closed.Florence went home after supper. The Armstrongs continue to get my goat.
Jun.22nd Sat.- Cold.Partly pleasant. Worked all day as usual.A Mr.And Mrs. Charles Brown called at the store.They were our neighbors in Elmira at the time Creig was born,and until we came to Roseville in 1920.
Jun.23rd Sun.- A cold day.A nasty cold rain in PM and evening. Had a fire in my heating stove in evening. Worked in store all day.Wrote to the boys in evening.
Jun.24th Mon.- Warmer,Cloudy.In PM and evening rained hard.Hot and muggy. Some different from yesterday.Albert much worse. Worked in store as usual.Set tomato plants at supper time. Finished letters to the boys in evening.
Jun.25th Tue.- Partly pleasant.Rained a little in evening.Worked as usual. Jesse called at store on his way home from work.He reported Zelma and Jean doing fine. Don and Vivian called a few minutes at store on their way to visit Zelma.Mailed letters to the boys this morning. Albert about the same,a little more comfortable. They tapped him last night and drew out 11 qts of fluid.
Jun.26th Wed.- Cold,cloudy,rained several times.Worked as usual.
Jun.27th Thu.- Weather about like yesterday.Albert not so well.I am doing about all the store work.
Jun.28th Fri.- Rainy.Worked all day.Wrote to the boys in evening.
Jun.29th Sat.- Another cloudy day. Had a boy to help me yesterday and today in the store.
Jun.30th Sun.- Cold and rainy. Zelma,Jesse and Jean were over to see me. Little Jean is a dandy,nice little girl.She slept nearly all the time she was here. I wish she could be here more. Was home about 3 hours in the afternoon.
Jul.1st Mon.- Another cold,rainy day.Clara went to Elmira.I had letters from the boys.Things are not going smooth at the store.
Jul.2nd Tue.- Cold.Several showers.Worked all day as usual.
Jul.3rd Wed.- Partly pleasant,but cold. A year ago today the boys reached Hawaii. It seems ages to me.I worked all day and evening,as usual.
Jul.4th Thu.- Cloudy AM,partly pleasant in PM.Showers in evening.Cold. Worked all day and evening in store.A quiet Fourth in Roseville
Jul.5th Fri.- Partly pleasant.Worked all day.
Jul.6th Sat.- Pleasant day.Worked as usual.Vivian and Don here for supper. Vivian got supper for me.
Jul.7th Sun.- A fine day.Zelma and Jesse came over about noon and spent most of the afternoon.Zelma got dinner and washed dishes.Jean sure is a fine baby,she slept most of the afternoon.But woke up happy.
Jul.8th Mon.- Rainy.Worked in store.Clara went to Elmira.Letters from the boys.
Jul.9th Tue.- More pleasant weather.Worked as usual.Things not too pleasant at the store.That is also as usual.
Jul.10th Wed.- A beautiful day,a little hot,but very acceptable.Worked in store all day.
Jul.11th Thu.- Quite warm in AM.Shower in PM.Cold in evening.I worked in store. Albert about the same.No hope for his recovery.
Jul.12th Fri.- Cold for July and rainy.Only about 50 above this morning. Worked all day.
Jul.13th Sat.- Cool but pleasant.Vivian and Don came in PM.Vivian got supper and washed up all the dishes I had left for a week.Albert worse today.As a result I was alone in the store most of day.
Jul.14th Sun.- A beautiful day.Florence came up in early AM and had dinner ready for me at noon.Albert much worse.Will was in the store while I went to dinner.Aside from that I was alone in store.Didn't go out for supper.
Jul.15th Mon.- A beautiful day.In the store most all day.Store closed a while in AM and again at 5:30 PM.Not open in evening.Albert died at 1:20 this PM.
Jul.16th Tue.- A fine day,but cool evening.The store open from 6 to 9 in the morning,then closed all day.Went to cemetery about 9:00 to help lay out the grave. Vivian came about 10:00.Don had to go back to work but Vivian stayed with me.
Jul.17th Wed.- Another fine day.Rained last night,quite a shower.In the store from 6 to about 9 or 10.Vivian helped me in the store.After I closed the store,got some things for Edith McClure who is running things for the Armstrongs at Albert's.Slept most of the PM. Met a salesman at noon and another about 5:30 PM.Don came and Vivian Don and I
went to Mansfield in evening.
Jul.18th Thu.- A hot muggy day.A light shower in late PM. Vivian and I ran the store until 10:00 AM.In PM Albert's funeral.In PM I spent some time in Longwell's store visiting with Lew Longwell. Then went to the store, balanced the books,ready for opening the store tomorrow.At home in the evening.Vivian went to the funeral with me.She stayed with me while I was at Longwells and listened to the radio while I worked on the books in the store.Don went back to Elmira in mid forenoon.
Jul.19th Fri.- Another hot,muggy day.Vivian helped me in the store nearly all day. Will was about the store in PM and evening. The big "I" as usual, only more so, Albert is not here to hold him down.
Jul.20th Sat.- A real hot day. A beautiful, bright moonlight evening. Worked in the store all day. Will and I had a run in this morning over bread. Don came in PM and he and Vivian went back to Elmira in late PM. I am alone again and it is a lonesome place. Have had no letter from the boys this week.Zelma and Jesse were over last evening,of course they brought Jean along. Jean is the nicest little girl,wish she could be here all the time.
Jul.21st Sun.- A fine day.A little breeze,cloudy PM.Worked in store all day and evening. Things not running so smoothly. Zelma and Jesse came over about 8:30 in the evening,brought Jean. They came to the store.Mertie Frost was there. So at nine o"clock the four of us,with Jean,came up home and had ice cream.Later we took Mrs.Frost home. A pleasant evening after a long lonesome day.
Jul.22nd Mon.- Hot and muggy.Worked in store all day. The Armstrongs all went to Wellsboro,as a result I had no dinner. Only junk in the store.
Jul.23rd Tue.- Hot.Rained nearly all the forenoon and still hot.Clara went to Elmira. Will went somewhere and I had a cup of coffee and a hot dog with Will on his return,about 12:30.Had letters from the boys.They are getting along fine.
Jul.24th Wed.- Hot and muggy again today.Showers all around us,but none here. The Armstrongs went to Troy and left me alone again.Had a dish of soup for dinner. Clara knows very little about business,or anything else,and Will knows less. It is just big "I will"William.
Jul.25th Thu.- Hot and muggy.Rained a little. Worked all day.Zelma,Jesse and Jean called in evening.
Jul.26th Fri.- Another hot day.Worked in store all AM and evening. In PM went to Mansfield with T.Dunkleburger. Made a payment at bank,got some clothing etc.
Jul.27th Sat.- Another hot day with a shower in PM. Mrs.Frost home,got dinner with her again. In evening began taking inventory of the store. Don Soper,Ted Dunkleburger and I worked at the inventory till about 10:30 PM. Mailed letters to the boys this morning.
Jul.28th Sun.- Still hot and muggy.Worked on inventory all day. We finished about 4 PM and I figured on it till about 11 before getting the total. Did all the figuring alone.
Jul.29th Mon.- A very hot day.Showers in late PM.I went to work as usual this morning, but war was soon declared.After a real good argument with Will Armstrong over almost nothing,I took my hat and walked out. About 10:30 Zelma,Jesse and Jean came.Had dinner with me then went up on the hill to George Benson's to visit with a family by the name of Valentine. The Valentines are from Texas. hey lived on the old Crippen farm six or eight years ago.There is a girl about Zelma's age and a boy about the age of Osmer,Betty and Richard. The children were great friends,Richard spent many weekends with Osmer and Osmer spent a lot of time on their farm. Zelma and Jesse came back and stayed for supper.
Jul.30th Tue.- Another hot day,but no showers. I went up to Orey E.'s,stayed for dinner.Orey had a funeral in PM.I helped Martha pick peas, while Mertie and Ada shelled them and got them ready to can. After supper I came home. Settled my bedroom,I had cleaned it in the morning. Then wrote to the boys.
Jul.31st Wed.- A little cooler.I cut a little grass down in the orchard and worked a bit upstairs. There is still much work to be done to make the rooms up there livable. Two years ago we finished off two rooms.One for the boys and one for Zelma,the others are still in the making.
Aug.1st Thu.- Much cooler.I divided my time between working indoors,mowing in orchard and resting.Did quite a lot of the latter.
Aug.2nd Fri.- Cool.Mowed in orchard and worked on rooms upstairs.
Aug.3rd Sat.- Again cool.Washed clothes.In mid afternoon Vivian and Don, a Mrs.Smith and a Miss Vanderpool came. We visited a while then all went up to Dierstein's,where we made arrangements for a picnic tomorrow. Don has to start on a trip in the morning,but the rest of us have a picnic planned.We left Dierstein's about 6 PM,came back home,had a lunch and a good time.The crowd left about 9:00 for Elmira.
Aug.4th Sun.- Cool but a beautiful day. I went to Elmira with Jesse,Zelma, Jean and Jesse's cousin.(A girl of about 15 who is spending the summer with Zelma and Jesse.) There we took Don's car and Vivian and all went to Watkin's Glen for a picnic. I took care of Jean while the others all went swimming in the lake. Don had to start on a trip to Boston with a load of leather,so he couldn't go. We had a fine time,reached home about 5:00 PM. In evening I wrote to the boys. The first time I had been away this summer.
Aug.5th Mon.- Cool morning,hot in PM. John Benson's man cut the hay on our pasture. I hand mowed some more in the orchard.Received a letter from Creig.
Aug.6th Tue.- Hot AM. Shower about 11:00.Cloudy in PM. I helped John's man,Harry Broadfield,get part of a load of hay.His team ran backward over a bank and tipped the wagon over when only part loaded. We just got straightened out again when the shower came and ended our haying operations for the day. I wrote to Creig in PM.
Aug.7th Wed.- Cool morning,hot PM. In AM finished mowing the orchard and did some hand mowing about fences.In PM bunched some hay,it was not all dry enough.In evening started cleaning and painting the kitchen cupboards.
Aug.8th Thu.- A good summer day.Finished bunching the hay and mulched the trees in the orchard with the hay I had cut by hand.Worked on the cupboards.
Aug.9th Fri.- Another fine Aug.day.Worked at the house cleaning job.Letters came from the boys in Hawaii. Those letters are always the bright spots in my life.
Aug.10th Sat.- Still beautiful Aug.weather.About 10:00 AM I went up to see Zelma. Jesse is working on the road breaking stone. Stayed for dinner with Zelma.Besides Zelma there are two girls and a boy who helps do chores.I stayed and helped with chores and after supper went to Mansfield with Jesse,Zelma and Jean.Saw Orey W. After Zelma had her shopping done,she and Jesse brought me home.Home these days is a lonesome place.If it were not for Creig's radio,don't know what I would do.
Aug.11th Sun.- A beautiful day.Soon after I got up,Florence came. She had stopped yesterday and not finding me home,had gone up to Orey E.'s and stayed all night.Florence and I visited all AM.Had dinner then went up to see Zelma and Jean.They were away,but we waited until they came home. I helped the boys do chores.We had supper then Florence brought me home and she continued on her way back to Roaring Branch. In the evening I wrote to Osmer and listened to the radio.Jean is two months old today.It was the first time Florence had seen her.
Aug.12th Mon.- A fine day.John Benson and his man came for the hay this morning.I helped pitch it on then worked in the house till noon.After dinner took a nap.
Aug.13th Tue.- Quite a hot day,considering that it rained all AM and part of the PM.I put up wall board nearly all day.Wrote to Creig in evening. This morning while I was cleaning out the storeroom to put up wallboard,I found a snake two feet long. How on earth he got up there on the second floor is more than I can account for, unless he was brought up there when a real little fellow in a set of bedsprings. About two years ago the boys had a bedsprings out on the lawn,and it was taken to the storeroom and has been there ever since.
Aug.14th Wed.- A beautiful day and hot. I worked putting up wallboard all day.Ironed in evening.Went down town a few minutes early in evening. A man called to see me about a carpenter job.
Aug.15th Thu.- Cool morning.Very hot day.Orey E.called in morning for me to help him draw hay in PM. So in PM went up to Orey E.'s and got in hay. Washed clothes in AM.Don't remember ever being so tired as I was at night.Rode home with Harry McKay in evening.Went to bed at eight o'clock.
Aug.16th Fri.- Cool,cloudy morning.Rained in PM. Finished putting up wallboard. Cleaned out a little upstairs.Finished cleaning cupboards in kitchen and dining room. Ironed.Swept and mopped all through down stairs.It seems as if I were getting ready for company,but don't know who or when.
Aug.17th Sat.- A little cloudy,muggy,hot. Dusted and straightened up the house in AM. In the afternoon went up to see Zelma and Jean.Stayed for supper.Helped Jesse do chores,then went to town with Zelma and Jesse. After their shopping was done they brought me home.Jean sure is a pretty baby.She reminds me of days gone by when my babies were babies. I wish Zelma and Jesse could come over here to live.But of course they can't, for the Dierstein's would sink without Jesse to keep them afloat.
Aug.18th Sun.- Cloudy all day.Threatened rain.Read a little and wrote to Creig and Osmer,also to Florence.Listened to the radio.A lonesome day. Don't know what I would do without Creig's radio.
Aug.19th Mon.- Cloudy and cool.Worked upstairs,putting up trim and laying floor. Went to cemetery.Got some of my tools to start diging cesspool tomorrow. Very cool evening,beautiful moonlight. Fall and winter are just around the corner and I am out of a job again. War is raging over England.The U.S.is straining every nerve to prepare for defence.The old world is,or seems to be ,upside down. My boys,Creig and Osmer,are in on the ground floor,so to speak. I feel that I have a right to be proud of them.My prayer is that they may come through these trying times safe and sound and real men.
Aug.20th Tue.- Cool all day.Cloudy.Worked upstairs again all day.Hanging windows and putting up quarterround.Just puttering jobs.Orey W.came in evening and stayed overnight.
Aug.21st Wed.- Cold and foggy this morning.Cool all day but pleasant.Orey W.here till noon,did little except visit. In PM worked on cesspool.A very lonesome PM and evening.The last letter I had from Creig and Osmer was mailed July 31st.
Aug.22nd Thu.- Cold morning.Hot in middle of day.Finished digging the cesspool.In evening wrote to boys.
Aug.23rd Fri.- Cold morning,cool all day.Put in the drain from cesspool.
Aug 24th Sat.- Frost this morning,cold all day.Dug ditch and laid tile from house to cesspool. Dug cellar drain to connect with cesspool drain. Below cesspool laid and covered tile. In evening Bill Sweeley called and made estimate on cost of electric pump, bathroom fixtures, kitchen sink and hot water tank. Bill figured the cost at $293.65,complete and installed.
Aug.25th Sun.- Heavy frost this
morning. Killed vines, tomatos,potatoes and the top leaves on grapes.Cleaned
up the rooms down stairs. Had a late dinner and started up to call on Orey
E.,when Jesse,Zelma and Jean came.I came back and they stayed for supper.Jean
grows like a weed.She is a pretty baby and happy.
Aug.26th Mon.- It rained last night.Was cold,cloudy,misty all day.Worked in P.O.in PM.Too cold to be comfortable. Cudworth took his wife to Sayre,Pa.,to the hospital for a treatment.I went down to Cudworth's in the evening,to take him the keys to the P.O. They gave Mrs.Cudworth no encouragement at the hospital. Received letters from Creig and Osmer today. Used Cudworth's typewriter to write short replies to their letters. The boys are getting along fine. Creig sent me some pictures of he and Osmer taken at Hickam Field. The war in Europe is getting worse every day.It won't be long before they are after us in America. When war comes it is going to be tough on the U.S.A. And what can I do? I am too old to be of any use.
Aug.27th Tue.- Cloudy,cold,rainy.I had a coal fire in the heating stove at night and it was very comfortable.Graded in back yard in morning until rain came about 10:30 AM. In PM hung a door and tinkered in house. In evening finished letters to Creig and Osmer and wished they could be home to enjoy my coal fire.
Aug.28th Wed.- Rained nearly all day. Did a little work upstairs. Hung an old door at the bathroom also put the hall window on hinges. Made a couple of trips down town. Saw Orey E.,Martha and Ada, visited a while. Am going up and help Orey do some digging later on, when he is ready.A lonesome day and evening. Am getting low on money and must find a job soon some where.
Aug.29th Thu.- Some warmer,but cloudy with a low sky. I washed, put down a little flooring in my office nook,did a little grading in back yard etc Received a letter from Florence and answered it.
Aug.30th Fri.- Warm and cloudy.Mowed front lawn again today. Ironed and cleaned house a little. Lew Longwell came up in early evening to look over the house for installing bathroom fixtures. Zelma,Jesse and Jean also called a few minutes in evening.
Aug.31st Sat.- Cloudy,muggy,warm.About 9:30 this morning Lee McClure came for me to help him set up oats.The oats had been cut a week and the wet weather started them to grow.We finished the job about 4 PM.Then I came home and mopped all the floors down stairs.Then we come up to Sept.1st. For years Sept.1st meant a lot to me but not any more.Now all it means is that we are close to winter.
Sep.1st Sun.- A beautiful day,cool.I was alone all day.Read and listened to radio.
Sep.2nd Mon.- Cloudy and cold. Rained a little in evening.Had sick headache. In bed most of day.Better in evening,so I wrote to the boys.
Sep.3rd Tue.- Warmer.Partly cloudy. Helped Neal Rouse thrash oats.A letter came from Creig,also some papers from Creig. Had letter from Florence,wanted I should build a garage,and she would come up and live here in the spring.So now I have a job,to take down the barn and build a
Sep.4th Wed.- A fine day.Started to clean out some trash from the barn and take it to the junk pile by the old beech tree, when my sweater caught in a heavy piece and threw me off the wall. Was about all in for the remainder of the day.
Sep.5th Thu.- Pleasant but cool. Lame and sore all over today. About noon went up to Orey E.'s.Found them just finishing thrashing. Stayed in PM. Orey E.and Martha went over to Springfield to a preacher's meeting. I did chores for them,ate supper and came home in early evening.
Sep.6th Fri.- Cool and partly cloudy. In PM helped John Benson thrash oats. Sep.7th Sat.- Cloudy and cold.Warmer in evening.Went to Elmira with Lew Longwell to see about equipment for a water system and bathroom outfit. Did but little in PM. In evening a young fellow who worked for Frank Williams,Art Burgess by name,ran into a large maple tree about 10 rods west of our barn. Smashed his car and hurt himself quite bad.Mailed a letter to Creig this morning.
Sep.8th Sun.- Cloudy but cold.Thunder shower in evening.Zelma and Jesse called a few minutes in PM,on their way to call on Tom and Louise Harris.Also they called on their way home.Jean grows prettier all the time,but for some reason today she wouldn't let me hold her without crying.Florence also here a few minutes in late PM.
Sep.9th Mon.- Cloudy,not so cold.Wheeled stone and began walling up cesspool.A letter came from each of the boys.They are getting along fine according to their letters.
Sep.10th Tue.- Rained all morning. Rain again in PM,colder.I worked for George Wilson. Built a frame for a cellar door,and trimed staves for a silo he is going to build.
Sep.11th Wed.- Partly cloudy,cool.Rained a little in evening.Put in cellar drain for Harry Longwell,in his place above town,up Pumpkin Hill road,in AM. In afternoon worked at walling up cesspool. Have to wheel stone in a wheel barrow,so it takes some time.In evening wrote to the boys. Zelma's 19th birthday.
Sep.12th Thu.-Weather about like yesterday.Worked for George Wilson,trimming staves for a silo. Wilson lives on the old Ben Benson farm,later known as the Seeley farm, in Benson Hollow, about three miles from Roseville.
Sep.13th Fri.- Not so cold,but cloudy,didn't rain.Went to the Mansfield Fair with John Benson.Went early,stayed late,enjoyed the day a lot.Saw two good ball games.The morning game,Arnot 2 , Blossburg 0.While in the afternoon game Wellsboro beat Mansfield 3 to 2 in 10 innings.Saw only a few people I knew.Only Orey E.and his family and Evert Nash. Had sick headache at night.
Sep.14th Sat.- A fine Sepember day.Washed clothes in AM.In PM took a nap. My head and eyes pained all day.Wrote to the boys in evening.A letter came from Osmer today. The first peacetime conscription law in the history of the U.S.A.,passed both houses of congress today.
Sep.15th Sun.- Cloudy,low sky in AM.Rained most of PM. Zelma,Jesse and Jean were over a few minutes in PM. We are going down to Roaring Branch next Sun.to see Florence. Speaker Bankhead of the House of Representatives died this morning. Mrs,Anna Bosworth died this morning.She is Ross Soper's aunt.
Sep.16th Mon.- Rained most all AM.Pleasant in PM.Went down town and visited most of forenoon.Worked a little around home in PM. Started a letter to Osmer in evening.Did not feel my best today.Just getting over my head ache. Part of the National Guard was called out for a year's training today.Pres.Roosevelt called for all men between the ages of 21 and 35 to register Oct.16th,under the new conscription law.
Sep.17th Tue.- A fine day.Cool morning.Beautiful moonlight evening.Work for Longwell again today.Finished letter for Osmer in evening. England and Germany are destroying each other,but it looks as if England is on the small end.Being outnumbered 3 to 1 they ran.
Sep.18th Wed.- A beautiful autumn day.Worked for Longwell in AM..In the afternoon visited with different people.Tried to get a truck to haul some stone,failed in that,so went up in cemetery. The cemetery is well kept by Roy Kennedy. From the cemetery went on up to Orey E.'s.Came down with him when he came for Ada at four.This is Ada's first year in school. A lonesome afternoon. Made arrangements with Orey E.to help me take down the old barn and to help him dig a cesspool.
Sep.19th Thu.- Warmer,cloudy.Helped Rouse finish thrashing.
Sep.20th Fri.- A beautiful day,but hot,real hot for Sep. Reminds me of some Sept.days I experienced in Missouri 29 or 30 years ago. I worked for O.J.Benson.Drove his team drawing oats to the thrashing machine at Harry McKay's.
Sep.21st Sat.- Pleasant and warm AM.A good shower in PM.Went to Tioga with Orey and Martha.Had dinner with Phyllis and Rex. Went home with Orey's folks,stayed overnight.Had letter from Creig.
Sep.22nd Sun.- A beautiful day.Reached home about 8:30 this morning. Zelma and Jesse came about 9:30 and we went to Roaring Branch.Had dinner with Florence.Came home in evening.Stopped in Troy and called on Mrs.Mertie Frost.Then went for ice cream.Home about 9:30,a very pleasant day.
Sep.23rd Mon.- Another beautiful day. My 60th birthday. Cleaned house.Wrote Creig.Wrote to Florence.A lonesome day and evening.Frank Gillette,an old fellow who has lived more than 60 years in Roseville and who for 20 years or more has lived alone was found dead today. Appears to have been dead nearly a week.
Sep.24th Tue.- Cooler,cloudy,rained a little several times.Began work on a walk and steps leading from the house to the road.In evening wrote to Osmer. n Osmer's last letter he told of the shortage of airplanes and equipment in Hawaii. Also told of the easiness of attack on the great air base,Hickam Field,where he is stationed.He said no precautions had been taken to conceal anything from view from the air at that base. All men are quartered in one great building,an easy mark for attacking enemy aircraft.I consider that very poor strategy.The govt.is spending 25 million dollars on the Hickam Field base alone.
Sep.25th Wed.- Cold and rainy. A regular Nov.day. I did almost nothing except read,write and think about what I had better do this coming winter.
Sep.26th Thu.- Cold morning.Beautiful day. Finished walk in front of house and built steps leading up to the road. I had removed about 6 inches of earth and filled in stone for the walk,intending to use cement for both walk and steps.But changed my mind and used wood for both.
Sep.27th Fri.- Very cold morning.Frost that froze water.Worked for Lee McClure,filling silo.
Sep.28th Sat.- Cool but pleasant.In forenoon helped Minor Cook fill silo.In afternoon worked for Malcolm Kingsley filling silo.
Sep.29th Sun.- A beautiful day.Zelma,Jesse with little Jean came in PM and stayed for supper.Jean seemed so happy.Laughed and cooed most of the time.Orey W.called a few minutes in PM.
Sep.30th Mon.- Another beautiful day.Worked for Kingsley.Finished filling his silo about 5 PM.Received a letter from Creig.The shortest letter he has written since he has been away.I wish he were home.I long to see Creig and Osmer every day.Sometimes it seems as if I never would see them again,and if I do see them they will not be the happy,lovable boys that I saw board that train in Williamsport,June 1st 1939.They will be men. My boys have gone forever.
Oct.1st Tue.- A beautiful day ushered in October,the month of bright blue weather. Went to Rouse's to help fill silo this morning.After we had loaded three wagons the cutter went bad and we had to stop. I came home and graded around the new front walk. Also wrote to Creig and sent it by air. Vivian and Don called in evening.Brought some stuff for me to store for them,which I was glad to do.
Oct.2nd Wed.- A cloudy cool day. Began spading the lower garden again.I spaded it last fall but did not plant this year.Now I am spading again and wondering what will happen next year.
Oct.3rd Thu.- Cloudy AM,but a beautiful PM. Graded some more for Longwell in forenoon.Went down to Rouse's for dinner and helped fill silo till the cutter failed again about 4:00.
Oct.4th Fri.- Cloudy morning,but beautiful PM. Finished filling Rouse's silo about noon.Then went to Howard Brown's.About one mile east of Roseville. In evening wrote to Creig.
Oct.5th Sat.- A beautiful day.Helped
finish filling Brown's silo in AM.Then after dinner went to Gerald Kennedy's
and helped fill his silo.Gerald lives on the old Bill Smith farm.About
one mile south of the Mill Creek Road. Mailed a letter for Creig this morning.
Oct.6th Sun.- Another beautiful fall day.A little cloudy at night and the wind blows up like rain.At home all day.Got up late.Zelma,Jesse and Jean came about 11:00 and stayed for dinner.Zelma brought most everything for the dinner.They had to go home about 4:00.Then I went down town a few minutes. Home alone in the evening.Jean is getting to be the cutest little scamp.
Oct.7th Mon.- A beautiful day.Warm for Oct.Only a little windy.In the forenoon helped Lee McClure fill silo.In the afternoon did a little carpenter work for George Wilson.Rained a little in evening.
Oct.8th Tue.- Cool,partly clear,windy,quite cold at night.Worked for Fred Sweeley helping fill silo.Went to P.O.in morning,found a letter from Creig.Reached home too late last night to call at the P.O.
Oct.9th Wed.- Cool all day.Worked for Fred Sweeley.Finished filling silo about 2:00 PM.Then came home and took a nap.In the evening Zelma and Jesse called.Bringing,of course,little Jean.Who is just as good and cute as a little girl can be.Jesse and Zelma are going to Pittsburg,Pa. to visit friends.Jesse expects to find a job,if he does they will stay.They expect to start Fri.morning.Zelma brought some things for me to keep for her until she calls for them
Oct.10th Thu.- Cold,cloudy forenoon,but about noon the clouds broke away.A beautiful afternoon.Washed clothes and spaded some in lower garden. Wrote and mailed a letter to Creig.In evening Zelma,Jesse and Jean called again,on their way up to Orey E.'s,where Jesse's brother,Wilbur, is to be married. Zelma and Jesse start for Pittsburg tomorrow morning.
Oct.11th Fri.- A beautiful fall day.Worked at Fay Brown's filling silo until 3:30 when we finished.Got a letter from Osmer this afternoon and answered it in evening. Hadn't had a letter from Osmer before in nearly month.
Oct.12 Sat.- Another beautiful day.Had a letter from Vivian this noon.She and Don are separating,and she wants to come home. In PM went to Mansfield with Charles Cudworth.Saw Orey W.,also Florence.Florence is on her vacation.
Oct.13th Sun.- A beautiful fall day.Followed by a beautiful cold,bright, moonlight evening.Up late in morning.Worked about the house,washing dishes,mopping floors. Wrote to Vivian in evening. Altogether a very lonesome day.Wonder what is going to happen next? The boys gone,Zelma gone,Vivian coming back.
Oct.14th Mon.- A very beautiful day.I ironed and pressed clothes all the forenoon.About noon Florence came so during remainder of day we visited. In evening Florence played piano and I smoked and dreamed.Card from Zelma came today.
Oct.15th Tue.- A rainy day.Rained every few minutes all day.Florence and I went to Elmira,did a little shopping,had dinner. In afternoon called on Mrs.John Mandeville at 705 Hopkins St. Mrs.Mandeville was Grace Smith,a distant cousin of ours. In our younger days Grace and I were very good friends and coresponded for years before either of us were married.
Oct.16th Wed.- Pleasant,beautiful day,but cold. In forenoon moved some coal from the barn to the pig house,about a ton. In afternoon worked at taking the barn down. Preparatory to building a garage. Today was the registration day for young men between 21 and 36 years of age.For America's first peacetime conscription.This was made necessary because of the threat of Germany and Japan.
Oct.17th Thu.- Pleasant AM.Cloudy PM.Rain in evening.Worked on the old barn all day,when not visiting.Got the roof off. Florence left this afternoon about 2:00. I started a letter for Creig in evening.
Oct.18th Fri.- Cloudy,cold,snow squalls.Wild geese were going south.Charles Hill helped me finish taking the old barn down to the basement.
Oct.19th Sat.- Cold,cloudy.Real cold morning 24 above at 8:00.Helped Henry Oldroyd fill silo all day. We drew corn from Dick Thompson's,on a hill about two and a half miles from Mansfield. The haul,by truck,was about 10 miles to Henry Oldroyd's farm. Hope to finish this silo business before long,I am getting fed up on it.The gang picking up corn today were:Henry Oldroyd,Howard Brown,Lee VanNocken,Don Woodworth,Floyd Hill and myself. The trucks:Leonard Colby drove his truck,Lewis Tears drove his truck,Bud Palmer drove Stanley Hamilton's truck and one of the trucks was from Mansfield. In evening I started a letter for Osmer.
Oct.20th Sun.- Pleasant but cold wind.Didn't get up till late.In PM went up to Orey E.'s,but they were not at home. While I was looking the place over a bit,Phyllis and Rex came. I left about 4:00.Came home,had supper then went to church.The Methodists have a new preacher.The Baptists are without a preacher,Knight having left. Finished my letter to Osmer after church.
Oct.21st Mon.- Rainy,snowy,cold forenoon.Partly pleasant but still cold in afternoon. Worked for Henry Oldroyd nearly all day,picking up corn. Finished the job about 4:00. Received a letter from Creig and a letter and Jean's picture from Zelma in Pittsburg. The political campaign in the U.S.is getting hot. Wilkie,the Rep.candidate for President is an inexperienced and,apparently,incapable Wallstreet front.He is waging a campaign of misrepresentation and abuse. Backed by an unlimited amount of cash and assisted by that friend of Hitler, Charles Lindbergh. In my mind the result is not in doubt.I do not believe the American people are foolish enough to defeat the experienced Roosevelt at a time like the present,when war is bound to come within a few months regardless of who wins.
Oct.22nd Tue.- Cold morning,followed by a pleasant day. Worked at Neal Rouse's,trying to locate a leak in a water pipe leading from the spring on the hill back of the house. Wrote to Creig in evening.
Oct.23rd Wed.- A warm,beautiful Oct.day. Went to Rouse's in AM,did a little more digging. In PM worked at home.Cleaning up,getting ready to begin work on the garage.In evening finished letter to Creig,and listened to a political speech by Pres.Roosevelt.
Oct.24th Thu.- Another fine day.Worked about the place in forenoon, picked up shingles etc. In PM got Wallace Porter with his team.We went up to Orey E.'s and got a load of large,flat stone and covered the cesspool that we began two years ago. Orey's folks were not at home.
Oct.25th Fri.- Rained all the forenoon. Cloudy and cooler in afternoon. In the afternoon began work on the garage, laying wall. Wheeled the stone from the old barn foundation.Orey W.called a minute in early evening. Oct.26th Sat.- Cloudy morning,pleasant PM.Colder at night.Went to Mansfield about 11:00 AM,returned about 1:30.Hitch hiked. Worked on garage foundation in the afternoon. In evening Vivian and Don came. They have patched up their differences, for the time being at least. Vivian is to stay with me for a few weeks. Don returned and Vivian and I sat up until one o'clock visiting. It is a very cold night for the time of year.
Oct.27th Sun.- A beautiful day.At home all day,visiting with Vivian.In late afternoon Fred Woodmansee came and stayed for supper.I had not seen Fred before since early July.We had a good visit. Vivian again visited till midnight.
Oct.28th Mon.- Another beautiful day,but cold.Worked a little on garage foundation, but did more visiting. Vivian did her washing and mine.We listened to Pres.Roosevelt's speech,delivered in New York City in the evening. I received a letter from Creig today. Today Italy began war on Greece.
Oct 29th Tue.- Pleasant,cold forenoon.Cloudy,rainy PM.Worked on garage foundation until the rain came. Vivian and I visited until after midnight,as we have every night since she came.
Oct.30th Wed.- Cloudy.Low sky all day.Not so cold.Finished garage foundation and did some grading back of garage and over cesspool. In evening listened to F.D.R.'s speech from Boston. Started a letter for Creig
Oct.31st Thu.- Another cloudy,almost rainy day.Worked on the garage frame most of day. Orey W.called in PM. In evening I finished a letter to Creig.Saw Orey E.and Martha down town.
Nov.1st Fri.- Weather about as yesterday.Rained in evening. Went down town, had a good political discussion. Worked on garage some. Orey W. and his girl friend called in late PM. Vivian went to Mansfield with them. They brought Vivian back in early evening,didn't stay long. In evening Lee VanNocken and Walter Burton came to listen to the Pres.' speech delivered in Brooklyn,N.Y.
Nov.2nd Sat.- Weather mostly bright today. Not cold but windy. Worked on garage all day.It is slow work alone,since I am using old lumber from which nails must be pulled. In evening listened to another Roosevelt speech.Tonight delivered in Cleveland,Ohio.I believe it the best political speech I ever listened to. When compared to that speech, Wilkie's don't even rate third class.We also listened to a very good speech by Sen.Norris of Nebraska. He also spoke for Roosevelt's reelection.Received a letter from Creig today.
Nov.3rd Sun.- Partly pleasant,windy.Didn't get up till late.Home all day. Orey E.began preaching in the Roseville Baptist Church today,but I didn't know about it till he began talking. I was down town about the time the service started. He talked at 2:30 this afternoon.
Nov.4th Mon.- A beautiful day.About sick all day. Worked on garage some.In evening Jesse and Zelma came to spend a few weeks.Jesse unable to find a job in Pittsburg. Jesse has no trade. Received a Hawaiian guide book from Creig.
Nov.5th Tue.- Election Day - One of the hottest political campaigns the country ever had. Not feeling much better. Didn't do anything more than go and vote for Roosevelt for Pres. Jesse went to Mainesburg to vote. Stayed up till nearly 2:00 AM to hear election news.Roosevelt won a third term. The first Pres.of the U.S.to win a third term. The Democrats carried Pa. for the second presidential election since 1856.
Nov.6th Wed.- Cold. Spit snow a little in afternoon. Jesse,Zelma,Jean,Vivian and I went to Elmira to shop for some things for Jean. In evening Jesse and I went with several others to celebrate Roosevelt's victory.
Nov.7th Thu.- About an inch of snow on the ground this morning. Snowed a little nearly all day. Worked on garage,but so cold worked but little. Jesse and Zelma went over to Dierstein's in PM.I wrote to Creig in evening.
Nov.8th Fri.- Real cold,windy,cloudy.Worked a little more on garage and tinkered a little about the house. Jesse and Zelma got an unfinished highchair for Jean. I painted the chair today,among other things. Finished the letter to Creig.
Nov.9th Sat.- Warmer.Cleared up about noon.Beautiful PM. In AM Jesse took me to Mansfield.Where we got some groceries and ordered some building material for the garage. In PM I worked on garage. Jesse went over to his father's and dug some potatoes. He brought back about 2 bushel small potatoes.
Nov.10th Sun.- Still warm for Nov.and partly clear. Don came about noon, we had dinner. Jesse,Zelma and Jean went over to Dierstein's and Don and Vivian took me for a ride. We went to Columbia X Roads,then to Springfield and over some back roads where Don and I both had enjoyed many happy boyhood days,in the eastern part of Springfield Township. I spent a very pleasant afternoon.We came home,had supper, hen Don went home.
Nov.11th Mon.- Warm,pleasant morning. Rained about 2 PM. Rainy, windy,nasty late PM and evening.The material I ordered Sat.came this morning.Worked on garage all day. Finished getting roof ready for shingles in PM.Worked two hours in rain. Jerome Benson came to get Jesse to help him in the morning. Jesse helped me in the AM.
Nov.12th Tue.- Cloudy,cold AM.Pleasant but very windy PM. The roof dry about 10 and I began shingling,but very windy.Vivian helped me hold shingles on roof.I didn't do very much.Jesse worked for Jerome Benson. I received letters from Florence,Creig and Osmer.
Nov.13th Wed.- Cloudy,cold,but warmer than yesterday.Worked for George Wilson,building and hanging a cellar door.Rainy in evening.
Nov.14th Thu.- Not so cold.Rained a little all day.Turned to snow about dark.Worked for Wilson all day. Hanging storm window and putting swing window in upstairs hall etc. I went home with George when he came with his milk in morning,and he brought me home at night.
Nov.15th Fri.- Snow about 3 inches deep this morning. Worked about the house.Tinkering this,that and the other.Wrote letters to the boys in evening.
Nov.16th Sat.- Cold and windy.Snow still with us.Built a door for storeroom upstairs. Trimmed the last window inside etc. In the evening Zelma and Jesse went to a dance at the Old Barn above Elmira,N.Y.,to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Vivian went to spend the night in Elmira.I took care of Jean,she was very good.
Nov.17th Sun.- Partly cloudy,cold.At home all day.Jesse and Zelma were married one year ago today.
Nov.18th Mon.- Cloudy and cold.Worked on garage and upstairs in AM.In PM went up to Lee McClure's to cut a hole in the floor and put in a register. Then helped him clip his cows.Worked till 9:30 PM.
Nov.19th Tue.- A beautiful day,but cool wind.Worked shingling garage all day.In evening helped Lee McClure finish clipping his cows.Worked till 10:30.Vivian went back to Elmira this morning.
Nov.20th Wed.- Cloudy,cold wind.Snow about gone from yesterday's sun. Finished shingling garage.Vivian came home in evening for Thanksgiving. Jesse has worked for Jerome Benson all week.
Nov.21st Thu.- Cloudy morning.Cleared off before noon. beautiful day.Zelma, Jesse,Jean,Vivian and I were home for Thanksgiving dinner.We had roast pork. After dinner we all went to Elmira to a movie show.It was good enjoyed it a lot. Jean watched the picture and enjoyed it as much as the rest of us. Vivian bought the tickets, I paid for the gas,Jesse furnished the car,thus it was a family affair. Came home,had oysters for supper.
Nov.22nd Fri.- A beautiful day.In forenoon I washed windows.In afternoon worked on the garage.This morning Vivian took Jean off her nursery chair and made Zelma mad and both girls pouted all day. Vivian went to bed. I had to give Zelma a good blessing before she would bathe Jean. I wish my girls were like my boys. The boys seldom have trouble, but when they do they have it out and are OK. The girls get mad at some little thing or other and pout for days. Without doubt Vivian will leave in the morning.
Nov.23rd Sat.- Cold and cloudy.Jesse worked on the road.I worked on the garage part of day.The girls feeling better toward each other.In evening Zelma and Jesse went to Mansfield to do a little shopping. Vivian and I stayed home and played cards.
Nov.24th Sun.- Cloudy,not so cold. Orey E.,Martha and Ada were here for dinner.After dinner Zelma,Jesse,Jean and I went to church.Jean and Zelma didn't stay long because Jean objected to so much talking.In the evening the girls and I made candy to send to Creig and Osmer for Christmas.
Nov.25th Mon.- Colder today.Finished siding the south and west sides of the garage.It was so cold that worked slow. In evening Zelma,Jesse and Jean went to Dierstein's.In afternoon mailed a Christmas box to the boys in Honolulu. One day last week I received a letter from the boys containing a money order for $20.00 to help me get my teeth fixed. No one ever had two boys as good as Creig and Osmer.
Nov.26th Tue.- Only 6 above this morning. Cold and cloudy all day.About 5 PM it began to snow and blow.A wild old evening.I did chores for John Benson today,both morning and evening.Jesse still working on road.
Nov.27th Wed.- Warmer this morning,but didn't thaw.Snow about 4 inches deep Snowed more in late PM and evening.It took me about all day to do Benson's chores.
Nov.28th Thu.- Windy.Snowed a little.Cold.Did Benson's chores again.Zelma and Jesse went over to Dierstein's for dinner. Home late in evening. Several of the anti-Roosevelt governors in different states proclaimed today as Thanksgiving. James of Pa.is one of them.So the schools in Pa.and the road workers have a vacation.Jesse is not working.Vivian and I were alone today.
Nov.29th Fri.- Windy,cold and snowy all day. Jesse worked on road.I did Benson's chores.
Nov.30th Sat.- Cold and snowy most of day.Sun came out warm in early morning,soon clouded over.Snow only 4 or 5 inches deep,but a little more comes each day. Did Benson's chores for the last time.Jesse worked on road. Zelma and Jesse went to Mansfield in evening.Vivian and I stayed home,took care of Jean and played cards.
Dec.1st Sun.- Cold,windy.Went to church in PM. Very few attended on account of the weather.
Dec.2nd Mon.- Real cold.10 above this morning.Jesse,Vivian and I went to Elmira. Zelma stayed home on account of the cold and the baby. Vivian found a job and stayed down. Jesse traded cars, while I went to a barber shop.We got home about 7 in evening.
Dec.3rd Tue,- A zero morning.6 below at 9:30 AM. Worked for Lee McClure, helping him finish off an attic with plaster board.Got home about 9:30 PM. Jesse worked on the road.
Dec.4th Wed.- 10 below zero this morning,and warmed up but little all day. Jesse worked on the road.I didn't get far from the fire all day.Two letters came from Creig.
Dec.5th Thu.- A little warmer than yesterday.But didn't thaw. Jesse worked on road.I worked a little inside the garage.
Dec.6th Fri.- Cold and windy.Finished building coal bin in garage.
Dec.7th Sat.- Blustry all day.Vivian came home in PM for weekend.Zelma and Jesse went to Mansfield in evening. Jean stayed with Vivian and I.
Dec.8th Sun.- A cold,disagreeable day.Zelma and Jesse went to Dierstein's. Vivian and I home alone.In evening Zelma and Jesse took Vivian back to Elmira where she has a room and works at Remington Rand.
Dec.9th Mon.- A little warmer,thawed a little.Finished putting green shingles on garage.
Dec.10th Tue.- Quite warm for December,but windy.Did some grading on drive leading to garage. Helped Zelma with the washing.
Dec.11th Wed.- Cloudy,warmer.Went to Mansfield with Orey E..Ordered some material to finish garage.Came back to Roseville with Calvin Sargeant,of Elmira. When I reached home Zelma's mother-in-law and Wilbur's wife were calling on Zelma. Fifteen years ago today little Asa,Orey W.'s twin,died.Sixteen years ago we moved from Troy to Canton,and twelve years ago we moved from Canton to Orey E.'s farm on the hill above Roseville.
Dec.12th Thu.- Warm,rainy AM.Cloudy PM,rainy evening.I worked on drive into garage.Novelty Co.'s truck brought the material I ordered yesterday.
Dec.13th Fri.- A beautiful day.Worked on drive and building retaining wall Received $20.00 from the boys for Christmas.
Dec.14th Sat.- Another fine day.But cold.Worked on drive and wall.Jesse worked for Will McClure.He works only 40 hours a week on the road. In evening Jesse,Zelma and Jean went to a party on the hill,at the home of one of the Dierstein's neighbors. The older Diersteins and Wilbur and his wife are going south next Saturday.
Dec.15th Sun.- A pleasant day,but cold air.Jesse's father, mother, brother Wilbur and wife were here for dinner and spent the afternoon.
Dec.16th Mon.- Cloudy,warmer,rainy morning and evening. Put up track for garage doors.The doors are the type that run around the corner inside.
Dec.17th Tue.- Cloudy,colder. worked on garage doors.Am building the doors out of matched lumber.
Dec.18th Wed.- A beautiful bright day,but cold wind.Finished garage doors.In evening Fred Woodmansee came up and he and I played 500 all evening.
Dec.19th Thu.- Another bright,pleasant forenoon.Afternoon cloudy,windy and cold.Worked casing around garage doors and finishing odds and ends outside. In evening Zelma,Jesse and Jean went over to Dierstein's. Orey W. called and announced he was starting tomorrow morning for Florida with the Wilcox's.(His mother)
Dec.20th Fri.- Cloudy,not so cold. Built a workbench in one side of garage. In evening Zelma and Jesse went to Elmira.Got some groceries etc. Vivian came home with them.Little Jean stayed with me.
Dec.21st Sat.- Cloudy, almost rain all day.I did odds and ends in the forenoon. In PM Zelma, Jesse and Vivian went to Mansfield. I wasn't asked to go, so of course, stayed home. Went and got a Christmas tree. Mopped the house all through downstairs. Put up the tree, got a lunch, then went down town. Spent the early evening in the corner store. About 9:30 I came home, the folks had arrived. I received no thanks for my afternoon's work. Christmas time has always been a lonesome time for me since Asa died in 1925. Now that Creig and Osmer are gone it is almost more than than I can stand. And with that damn German here it is worse this year.
Dec.22nd Sun.- Cloudy and cool.Zelma and Jesse went to see the older Diersteins and Wilbur and his wife started on their way to Pittsburg.From there they intend to go to Florida. They came home about 1:00 PM. At 2:45 I went to church.In evening Zelma and Jesse took Vivian back to Elmira.Little Jean and I stayed home.
Dec.23rd Mon.- Quite a pleasant day.Cool air, partly cloudy. Went to Troy with Orey,Martha and Ada in forenoon. Did a little shopping for Xmas.
Dec.24th Tue.- Windy and cloudy.Finished laying the floor in my study. In evening I went with Jesse to Elmira and got Vivian. Reached home about 11:00 PM.
Dec.25th Wed.- Clear and warm.A beautiful day.As fine a christmas day as I ever saw. Zelma, Jesse, Vivian and I had a chicken dinner. We enjoyed the day fairly well, considering there were only four of us and at times not too congenial among ourselves.
Dec.26th Thu.- Warm,cloudy,rainy,a bad day.Did very little.Tinkered a little,fixed a door,put a pull and catch on a window etc. Vivian went back to Elmira with John Benson this morning.Jesse worked on the road.
Dec.27th Fri.- Another day about like yesterday.I went and dug a few trees and set them by the drive for shade trees. We began getting milk of Bill Sweeley tonight.
Dec.28th Sat.- Rained all night last night and nearly all forenoon.Warm, creek high. Jesse didn't work.Tinkered on his car while I tinkered about the house.In late PM Zelma and Jesse went to Mansfield.
Dec.29th Sun.- Still another cloudy,misty day.Cooler at night.Went to church in PM. In evening wrote to Osmer. This is Osmer's 21st birthday. Also in the evening listened to a radio speech by Pres. Roosevelt in the course of which he named the dictator nations, Germany,Italy and Japan.T hese nations have signed a treaty against the U.S.A.and warned the U.S.not to go too far with their aid to Britain.The Pres. called for all aid possible for Britain and left it up to these nations to do whatever they pleased about it. I agree with him 100% We must either aid Britain to win from the aggressor nations or else we will see Britain defeated then we would have to fight the three aggressors alone.
Dec.30th Mon.- Cold and windy.Jesse worked on the road.I tinkered first at one thing then at another.Accomplished almost nothing
Dec.31st Tue.- Cloudy,cold.Jesse worked on road.I worked about the garage and house a little. Thus ends 1940.Not altogether a pleasant year,as the record shows.And for the first time in years I have a few New Year's resolutions in mind.But let's leave then for 1941.So now I wish myself a Happy New Year.