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Jan.1st Thu. - Cloudy,cold.At home with the children all day.Everyone well and we had a happy day reading and playing games.Children rode down hill.A beautiful moonlight evening.
Jan.2nd Fri.- Cold and cloudy most of day.Cleared in PM.Vivian went up to Stones to visit the Stone girls who go to school with her.Boys rode down hill.I worked in house.Tried to sew but hurts eyes so can't only for a few minutes at a time.Creig had toothache all evening and part of night.
Jan.3rd Sat.- A beautiful day but cold.Children rode down hill most all day.Sorted apples and Vivian and I took down Christmas tree and trimmings.We have to carry all the water we use from over the hill. The wind has blown till the snow is too dirty to use,even for dishes.
Jan.4th Sun.-Another beautiful day,and warmer.Children had lots of fun making snow men and houses.Vivian,Creig,Osmer and Zelma went to S.S.and church in the afternoon.A fine moonlight evening.
Jan.5th Mon.-Warm,cloudy.About 3 o'clock it began to rain,later changing to snow.Children all in school.Washed,hung some clothes upstairs.Washing is quite a chore when have to bring water from over the hill.
Jan.6th Tue.-Cold and blustry.Went down and got children at 4. At home all day.Did a little of this,that and the other.Had headache all PM.
Jan.7th Wed.-Cold and blustry.Not much snow.Vivian home.I was in bed all day with sick headache.Vivian wouldn't go to school and leave me.Creig came home a little after noon with toothache.
Jan.8th Thu.-Cold but bright and beautiful.Feeling some better.Children all in school.Creig and I went to town in evening for groceries,drove car.
Jan.9th Fri.-Partly cloudy.A little warmer.Worked in house all day.Eyes still sore and the left one aches some.Children all in school.
Jan.10th Sat.-Beautiful day,some warmer,thawed a little.Patched and repaired children's clothes nearly all day.
Jan.11th Sun.-Cloudy in AM.Clear in PM.Helped Longwell cut wood for Powers a while.In PM carried water to wash.Wrote some.
Jan.12th Mon.-Warmer.Thawed a little.Snowed some all day.Children all in school.Washed all day.Wrote Floss in evening.
Jan.13th Tue.-Partly cloudy.Snowed a little.The spring where we get water over the hill is nearly dry.Couldn't wash,short of water.Wrote a little did nothing much.Children all in school. cold night.
Jan.14th Wed.-Cold.Cloudy.Children all in school.Went to town late PM for groceries.
Jan.15th Thu.-A good winter day.Letter and check received from Helen.Children all in school.Cold in PM.Wrote a little.
Jan.16th Fri.-Cold.A little snow.Sent for license for car.Children all in school,
Jan.17th Sat.-Cold.Cloudy.Children home all day.Washed a little.Frank Jenkins' house burned.
Jan.18th Sun.-Warmer.Thaws a little.Went down town in AM for groceries. Walked.Children all went to S.S.in PM.
Jan.19th Mon.-WarmCloudy.Snowed in morning and again in late PM.Children all in school.Ironed a little and wrote.Had a toothache in evening.
Jan.20th Tue.-Colder.Snowy.Children all in school.Washed.Went to town for groceries late PM.
Jan.21st Wed.-Cold.Blustry.Roads drifting as full as the amount of snow will permit.Children all in school.Toothache required most of my attention.Vivian about tired out when she got home.
Jan.22nd Thu.-Partly cloudy.Still.Cold,below zero.Car license plates for 1931 came.Letter from Florence also package for O.W.birthday and Sears Roebuck catalog for spring and summer 1931.Children all in school.
Jan.23rd Fri.-Cold but not so blustry,plenty of snow.Orey William's seventh birthday.Package from Helen.Children all in school.Vivian brought up some groceries.Wrote and worked in house.
Jan.24th Sat.-Cold.Letter from Helen with check.Creig and I went to store in PM for groceries.Had headache.
Jan.25th Sun.-Cold and clear most of the day.Warmer in late PM.Thawed.Wrote Florence and Helen.Creig had toothache.Made candy.Fixed pants for boys.
Jan.26th Mon.-Warmer.Thawed.Children all in school.Creig came home 2:30 with toothache.Went up to Powers' to see about cutting wood in PM. Vivian said she heard that Guss was in the hospital in Elmira.
Jan.27th Tue.- Still warm and thawing.Children all in school.Cut wood.
Jan.28th Wed.-Went up to cut wood but Pat had different plans so came home and worked in house.Washed in PM.Put on new license plates and went to town in late PM for groceries and the children who were all in school.
Jan.29th Thu.- Snowy.Cut wood over the hill.Children all in school.
Jan.30th Fri.-Cold and windy.Cut wood again over the hill.We go over part way with the car.Draw both wood and water that way.
Jan.31st Sat.-Cold and blustry.The
boys and I cut a little wood.
Feb.2nd Mon.Snowy,cold,blustry till late PM,then cleared off.A beautiful evening.Full moon.Still and cold.Took children to school in morning and got wood enough for night.That was all.
Feb.3rd Tue.- A beautiful morning.10 below zero,but still and frosty.As pretty a morning as one could ask for.Took children to school then cut wood.Pleasant all day.
Feb.4th Wed.-Partly cloudy.Windy.Took children to school.Cut wood in PM. This is the third beautiful moonlight evening thus far in February.
Feb.5th Thu.-Pleasant but cold.Washed in AM.Cut wood in PM.Children all in school.
Feb.6th Fri.-Cloudy.Worked at wood up at Powers in PM.Children all in school.
Feb.7th Sat.-Snowed nearly all day.The boys and I cut wood.Took car over hill but couldn't get it started.So had to leave it there and carry the wood back.
Feb.8th SUN.-Not cold.Cloudy,low sky.All at home all day.
Feb.9th Mon.-Snowed all day.Went to store early for bread for lunch pails. Walked.Children all in school.
Feb.10th Tue.-Colder.Little snowy and some wind.Children all in school.To Town in evening for groceries.Snow quite deep but only a little wind to make drifts.
Feb.11th Wed.-A beautiful day,but cold,about 18 below zero.Children all in school.Cut wood at Powers and got a load.
Feb.12th Thu.-Warmer,low sky.Had headache all AM,could hardly hold head up. Creig had a toothache when others left for school so he didn't go.Tooth better by noon and he did up the work about the house.Others in school. Went to town late PM for groceries.
Feb.13th Fri.-Warmer,rained a little.Split wood and set clothes to soak in rainwater caught.Children all in school.
Feb.14th Sat.-Cold,windy.Yesterday snow went fast.Today icy,near zero all day.Creig & I went to store for groceries in AM.In PM I washed and Vivian hung up clothes.Used water from our spring by the house,first in three months.Have carried or drawed water from over the hill since Nov.
Feb.15th Sun.-Not so cold as yesterday.At home all day,working about the house.Wrote to Florence.Children played out most all PM.
Feb.16th Mon.-Mild,cloudy.Children all in school.Worked about house in AM Took a small gear that runs the distributer out of car down to Lew to have him get a new one.The old one worn out.Brought home some groceries.
Feb.17th Tue.-Cloudy,quite spring-like.While we were eating breakfast Osmer saw a woodchuck out by the barn.Washed all AM.Began raining about noon finished drying clothes in the house.Snowed at night.Children all in school.
Feb.18th Wed.-Foggy.Still warm and thawy,but lots of snow left.Mended under clothes and mopped.Went to store in late PM for groceries and a part for car.Children in school.
Feb.19th Thu.-Warm,snowed all day.Washed windows inside and worked trying to get car started.Children all in school.
Feb.20th Fri.-Warm but snowed all night last night and all day today.Ironed and went to town in PM.Went down with Jenkins.Vivian at home,other children in school.
Feb.21st Sat.-Colder and a little wind.At home all day.Worked at house plants and read.Went to Jenkins for eggs.
Feb.22nd Sun.-Cloudy,cold.Snowed a little several times.About 4 PM began to snow hard and wind blew.Creig and I went to store in morning for groceries.In PM Creig and Osmer went to S.S. and church.In evening Helen walked in from Roseville.We didn't know she was coming.
Feb.23rd Mon.-Cloudy,cold.Thawed a little in PM.Children all went to school but Creig and Vivian came home about noon to see Mama. Helen went down to school in PM and came home with children. Got car started but someone had taken most of gas so had to go down to store for some more. Then couldn't get it started again.Battery low.
Feb.24th Tue.-Beautiful day.,warmer.Helen went back on the bus,8 AM.I went down with her.Children all in school.Washed all day.About sick with cold.
Feb.25th Wed.Beautiful day.Thawed some.Children all in school.Washed and mopped till late PM then to store for groceries.Feeling bum but still going.
Feb.26th Thu.-Cloudy.Not too cold.Children all in school Made out Sears order in AM.Put away clothes,worked about house,mending underclothes etc.Feeling better.
Feb.27th Fri.-Cold and windy.Children all in school.Worked about house till late PM,then went to town for bread.Had letter from Florence.
Feb.28th Sat.-Beautiful day.Thawed
some,even up here.Cut wood over the hill in AM.Tried to get Powers'team
to draw wood in PM but he had loaned his sled to Jenkins.So the boys and
I carried the wood over the hill.Cold about gone,feeling good only tired
Mar.2nd Mon.-Partly cloudy.A good March day.Had Powers'team and drawed wood in PM.In AM cut wood and worked in house.Had check from Helen.
Mar.3rd Tue.-Partly cloudy,cold air.Cut a little wood,worked about the house.In late PM went to town for bread.Met Creig on his way home from school and he went with me.Children all in school.
Mar.4th Wed.-Cold March wind,began snowing about noon.Vivian home,not feeling good,other children all in school. Letter from Orey E.,who owns the farm here,saying he had rented the farm to Leon Reynolds. A little late to announce such a move but preachers are a priviledged class.Washed in evening.Creig Osmer and I went to town.
Mar.5th Thu.-Cold,blustry.Regular March day.Vivian home,all others in school.Sorted apples and packed empty cans.Order came from Sears bringing a cheap ukalele for Zelma.She was a happy girl all evening.Got strings for my old mandolin for the boys.Now for the music.Went to town alone in evening for bread.
Mar.6th Fri.-Colder,windy.Vivian still home all others in school.Letter from Florence,she is OK.Wrote to Orey E. Did little else.Am at stand-still to know what to do next.Children had lots of fun with their music.
Mar.7th Sat.-Warmer,cloudy,thawed a little.Ironed then mopped kitchen.Creig and I went to town for groceries.Cut a little wood.
Mar.8th Sun.-Wind,sleet,rain,snowstorm all day.Wrote Florence and Helen both.Window blew out of our store room up stairs in house.Chimney also burned out.Some excitement for us while it lasted.
Mar.9th Mon.-Snowed all day.Wind blew hard all day.No travel past,only milk teams.No mail.Children all at home.
Mar.10th Tue. -Colder,but still stormy and windy.Children all home.No travel,only milk teams.No mail.
Mar.11th Wed.-Cold.Storm letting up,some wind but no snow.Creig went to school.I went down with him for groceries.Road full.Milk teams the only track.Mail man brought mail to school and Creig brought it home,Stormy in evening.
Mar.12th Thu.-Stormy,blustry,roads drifting full.Creig went to school.Last night Creig brought letters from Orey E.,Bohn and Helen.$10 in Helen's letter.Went to town in PM for groceries.Hard going,even a foot.Creig came home while I was away,then came down to meet me.Called Helen over phone while down town.She feeling good.
Mar.13th Fri.-Cloudy and cold.Drifting a little but not so bad.Mail man went on foot today.First time he has been through this week.Went to town late PM and Creig came home with me.We rode part of the way with Frank Jenkins,a large part of the way through the field,roads full.
Mar.14th Sat.-Still,the first day in a week. Warmer.Thawing some.Cleared off in mid PM.Home all day.Packed a little.Cut a little wood.Letter from Florence.Mail man went a foot again today.
Mar.15th Sun.-Cloudy.Low sky.Snowed a little.Home all day.
Mar.16th Mon.-Snowed all AM,cleared off mid PM.Washed till late PM.Went to store for groceries.Creig and Osmer went to school,others home.Mail man still goes a foot over the hill.
Mar.17th Tue.-Cloudy,cold north wind.Children all in school,first time in two weeks.Packed a little.
Mar.18th Wed.-Cold and cloudy.Children all in school.Down town in late PM.
Mar.19th Thu.Snowed all day but melted nearly as fast as it came.Children all in school.Creig,Osmer and I went to town in evening.Had haircut. Walking bad.
Mar.20th Fri.-Beautiful day,but cold wind.Snow began to go.Mail man drove through,first time in two weeks.Children all in school.Letter from Helen by way of Longwells.
Mar.21st Sat.-Beautiful day,but cold east wind.Snow going slowly.Lots of it on the hill yet.Road full between here and town,must go through fields. Washed in AM,Zelma hung out clothes for me.Boys went over the hill to play in AM.In early PM Creig and Osmer went down town and got haircut. Later Zelma,Orey and I went down and they had haircut,got groceries. Had bad headache all day and evening.
Mar.22nd Sun.-Cloudy but warmer.Snow going slowly.Happy day at home.Zelma and I got dinner and Vivian fixed some clothes.
Mar.23rd Mon.-Beautiful day.Children all in school.Went to Elmira in AM on bus,back 5:30 PM.Saw Helen.Thinking some of moving down near Elmira. No work in city,very dull.What to do I don't know.This is a fine place for the children,but Orey says we must move.
Mar.24th Tue.-Cloudy,very strong wind.Children all in school.Down town in late PM.Roads very bad.Hills all covered with snow and mud in valley.
Mar.25th Wed.-Windy,a little rain,warm.Packed some.Wrote.Children all in school.Creig and I went down town in evening.Roads get worse on the hills.
Mar.26th Thu.-Cooler,windy,cloudy.Children all in school.
Mar.27th Fri.-Partly cloudy,warm.Children all in school.Washed all day.
Mar.28th Sat.-Cloudy AM,rain in PM.Ironed in AM.Osmer and I to town in PM in the rain.Talked with Lew about moving.Orey W.sick in the night.
Mar.29th Sun.-Cloudy,not cold.Orey W.not feeling a bit good.Worse in late PM and evening.Was up nearly all night with him.The other boys and Zelma went over the hill,taking Mack,their dog,with them. The dog caught a rabbit causing quite a little excitement when the hunting party returned.
Mar.30th Mon.-Cloudy and cold.Orey W.about the same.Other children in school.
Mar.31st Tue.-Partly cloudy,cold
wind.Orey W.home but feeling better.Zelma came home in PM sick.Cleaned
the living room.
Apr.2nd.Thu. -Ground covered with about 2 inches of snow.Creig and Osmer in school,others home on account of roads.Began snowing about 10 AM and continued till late PM.Not hard but snow in the air all day. Just before sundown it cleared up.A beautiful moonlight evening. Washed blankets till late PM,then went down town.Creig came home with me. Got rubbers for Vivian.
Apr.3rd Fri.-Cloudy morning.About 10 AM began to snow,changing to rain in PM.Sick all day.Zelma at home,others in school.Easter cards came from Helen.
Apr.4th Sat.-Cloudy and cold.Cleared off again just at sundown.Got a little wood.Sick all day with headache.Snow about gone but roads nearly impassable with mud.
Apr.5th Sun.-Only partly cloudy,but a cold NE wind.Head no better till late PM.Easter Sunday.Vivian and Creig hid some jelly beans last night and the other children had fun finding them.In the PM all the children went out and played ball.A long lonesome day for me.
Apr.6th Mon.-Cloudy and cold with a NE wind.Did up work and mopped kitchen then went down town in AM.Saw John Benson,got an invitation to attend the M.E.Sunday School.In PM preacher Straw's team brought us a load of wood.I cut wood till children came from school.
Apr.7th Tue.-Snow about four or five inches deep and wind blowing a gale when I got up this morning.Snow and wind continued all day.Children all home.Letter from Helen with money.
Apr.8th Wed.-Warmer.A beautiful day.Snow went fast in PM.Washed and washed window curtains.In late PM went to town for groceries.Creig came home with me.Creig and Osmer in school,other children home,roads bad.Letter from Florence.
Apr.9th Thu.-Warm.Beautiful spring day.Children all in school.Worked in house in AM.In PM took car to town and tightened loose bearing.Mud quite deep.
Apr.10th Fri.-Very windy,but warm.Rained a little in evening.In PM went down to Mosherville and PineCity.Louisa Stevens,a cousin of mine,very sick,can't live.She is Uncle Rush's daughter. Am going to work for the Bohns again after a short time.
Apr.11th Sat.-Colder and windy.Washed and ironed all day.Children played ball.
Apr. 12th Sun.-A beautiful day.Helen came home in evening.The children and I met the bus in Roseville.
Apr.13th Mon.-Beautiful day,only cold E wind.In AM Helen and I went house hunting but no luck.O.W.stayed at home to be with mother,so went with us.In PM went to Mansfield,took Vivian,got her spring coat.Creig,Osmer and Zelma in school.Vivian went in AM.
Apr.14th Tue.-Another fine day.Creig sick.Helen went back on bus in PM.I took her to Roseville.Children all in school,but Creig.
Apr.15th Wed.-Pleasant but cold E wind.Creig home.Dug dandelions for supper He and I went to town in car late PM.Other children all in school.
Apr.16th Thu.-Beautiful day,warmer.Children all in school.Cleaned rugs.Went after children at night.
Apr.17th Fri.-Beautiful PM,forenoon rainy.Went to mill for wood in AM.In PM washed.Went for children at 4 PM.
Apr.18th Sat.-Fine day.Washed blankets,cleaned house etc. Boys went fishing in AM.Home all day.
Apr.19th Sun.-Another fine day.Took the girls and Creig to S.S.in PM.Saw John Wilcox.Wrote to Florence in evening.Had bad headache all day.
Apr.20th Mon.-A beautiful day.Did nothing much.At night went down for children after school.Today is Vivian's 14th birthday.At the store she weighed 138 lbs and is about half an inch taller than I.Mr.Bohn sent for me to come down and set out strawberries.
Apr.21st Tue.-Fine day.Worked for Bohn.Mr.J.H.Bohn has had a shock(stroke?)and it has affected his mind more than his body.After work Helen called up.She had lost her job at the resort and I went and got her and brought her home.
Apr.22nd Wed.-Partly cloudy.Worked for Bohn again today.Rained on way home.
Apr.23rd Thu.-About two inches of snow this morning.Took children to school and got them at night.
Apr.24th Fri.-Cold wind.Some snow still on till PM.Helen and I went down to Bohn's in PM,helped him finish his berries.Helen went on into town on bus.After work I went and got her and her things at the Gleason Resort,then had supper with her folks.
Apr.25th Sat.-Very cold wind.Washed in AM.Lew Longwell called in PM.We talked about buying an old place in Roseville.
Apr.26th Sun.- Rainy.Rained every few minutes all day.Cold,very windy.At home all day.
Apr .27th Mon.-Cold,windy.Snow flurries.Went to Mansfield and Mainsburg to see boss on road job (Robbins),about work,nothing doing.Got load of wood on the way home.Went to town early morning for groceries.
Apr.28th Tue.-Cold wind.Took children to school.Washed all day.Helen ironed.
Apr.29th Wed.-Cold and snowy.Our 15th wedding anniversary.At home till late PM,then visited school and brought children home.
Apr.30th Thu.-Cold and windy.Took
Helen to Elmira to see about work.Wrote some in PM.
May 2nd Sat.-Partly cloudy,cold wind.Vivian washed in AM.I washed windows and mopped kitchen in AM.Boys went fishing.Creig got hook in finger. Orey E.and Phyllis up in PM.Florence came to spend Sun.in late PM.
May 3rd Sun.-Cold disagreeable day.Had good visit with Florence.In late PM Asa Bement's folks brought Helen up.They stayed for supper.Florence went home about 6 PM.
May 4th Mon.-Beautiful day.We all went to last day of school.Vivian finished the 8th grade,Creig 7th,Osmer 6th,Zelma 4th and Orey W.1st.In late PM we all went to Elmira to take Helen back.On the way home saw Guss a few minutes.
May 5th Tue.-Fine day.Vivian went to Mansfield and took examinations.I had the blues-did most nothing.Talked with Preacher Straw about a house and some ground to work.
May 6th Wed.-Pleasant but windy.Worked in cemetery in AM.In PM started for cemetery with a load of dirt and run wheel off.Took all PM to fix that.
May.7th Thu.-Cloudy.Rained a little.Washed,Vivian ironed.
May.8th Fri.-Helen came home for the weekend.
May 9th Sat.-Fine day.Washed,Helen and Vivian ironed in AM.In PM went to town for groceries.
May 10th Sun.-Beautiful day.Started with all of the children to take Helen back to the city 8 AM.Blew out four inner tubes then Got Lew to take Helen back and I drove back to Roseville on the rims.Got fixed up with an old casing.Tinkered with tires all PM till dark. Mother's Day.
May 11th Mon.-Fine day,between showers.Vivian and I went down to Bohn's and cleaned house.
May 12th Tue.-Rainy.At home all day.Cleaned and fixed our old oil stove for use again.
May 13th Wed.-Rainy day.
May 14th Thu.-Another rainy day.To Roseville in PM.
May 15th Fri.-Partly cloudy.Washed.The girls went up to Stones to visit their girls.
May 16th Sat.-Pleasant till late PM and evening,then several very hard showers.The three boys and I went up to Guss' a foot.Saw Tim and Lucy Sherman on the way.Came back to Roseville with Guss.
May 17th Sun.-Beautiful day,but cold wind.Wrote to Helen,Floss and Beach. Floss stopped a few minutes on her way home from Rush's.
May 18th Mon.-Fine day.Vivian and I again went down to Bohn's and helped clean house,at 1314 Pratt St.Elmira,N.Y.
May 19th Tue.-Nice day till evening then rainy.Went down and roofed a chicken house for Uncle Rush.All children except Vivian with me.
May 20th Wed.-Rained late PM and evening.Helped Orey E.and Reynolds plant potatoes in PM till it rained.Asked O.E.if we could stay here till fall but he wants house for his vacation in Aug.
May 21st Thu.-Wet,cloudy AM.Worked in cemetery AM.Saw Lew,said he thought he could let me have some ground on old mill lot.
May 22nd Fri.-Pleasant.Washed in AM.In PM went to see about ground on mill lot.Saw ground but found out nothing.
May 23rd Sat.Cold.Rained all day.Walked to store in PM.Children had sing in evening.
May 24th Sun.-Rainy day.At home all day.
May 25th Mon.-Weather fine till late PM,then hard shower.We all went over to Roy Stevens'to see about garden.
May 26th Tue.-Fine day.Worked in cemetery in PM.
May 27th Wed.-Fine day.Again did some work in cemetery.Then saw Will Thorpe about house.
May 28th Thu.-Beautiful day.Will Thorpe and I went over near Gillette to see Will's daughter about getting house in Roseville.
May 29th Fri.-Hot day.Went to Roseville in PM.Looked at house and rented old Ed Thorpe house.
May 30th Sat.-Hot AM,rained in PM.Washed all AM.Floss stopped a few minutes in PM. Memorial Day. Reynolds brought over some sheep.Floss bought Orey W.a toy tractor.
May 31st Sun.-Cooler,cloudy.At
home all day.
Jun.2nd Tue.-Good day.Sick all AM.The boys and I planted potatoes for John Benson in PM. They took John to the Arnot Ogden Hospital.
Jun.3rd Wed.-Cool wind.Had John's team and plowed garden.
Jun.4th Thu.-Hot day.In AM Will Thorpe and I went to Sylvania. Saw Rex Soper I bought the house had rented,for $400 to be paid for $10 per month.On way down this AM took back of car full of junk.In PM took down another load,Zelma went with me.We planted corn,peas and set some tomato plants.Had letter from Helen.Wrote in evening.First we have moved.
Jun.5th Fri.-Hot day.Creig,Osmer and I went down to Stevens' to plant garden.But Roy didn't have ground plowed so helped Rush till noon then came back to Roseville and planted garden.Moved a load on our way down in morning.
Jun.6th Sat.-Partly cloudy.Cleaned house,patched roof etc..Moved two loads in car.
Jun.7th Sun.-Rained nearly all night last night and most of the day.At home all day.
Jun.8th Mon.-Rainy.
Jun.9th Tue.-Rainy AM.Clear PM.
Jun.10th Wed.-Fine day.Moved two loads in car.All came down and cleaned house.All stayed but Creig and I,we went up on the hill for the night.
Jun.11th Thu.-Nice day.Worked in garden.Moved two loads.Osmer and I stayed on hill for the last night.
Jun.12th Fri.-Fine day.Had Lew Longwell's help after supper and we finished moving.
Jun.13th Sat.-Hot day.Helped C.C.White.Drilled oats with John Benson's team.
Jun.14th Sun.-Fine day.Went to Elmira and got Helen.
Jun.15th Mon.-Rained all forenoon.Fred Wilcox called.I built kitchen work bench.Helen back to city on bus.
Jun.16th Tue.-Cloudy.Creig,Osmer and I went to Roy Stevens and planted garden.
Jun.17th Wed.-Good day.Planted garden at home.
Jun.18th Thu.-Fine day.Dug out briars and planted more garden.
Jun.19th Fri.-Hot day.Picked stone and started wall back of house.
Jun.20th Sat.-Hot.Planted more potatoes.Built cupboards.
Jun.21st Sun.-Hot.Went up on the hill for strawberries,got only a few.
Jun.22nd Mon.-Hot day.Worked in yard.
Jun.23rd Tue.-Another hot day.Dug out brush.
Jun.24th Wed.-Hot.Dug out brush.Lew called in evening and said he was going to build a light plant at the pond.
Jun.25th Thu.-Beautiful day.Began working on light plant.
Jun.26th Fri.-Fine day.Worked for Lew all day.
Jun.27th Sat.-Warm.Worked all day.
Jun.28th Sun.-Beautiful day.At home all day.
Jun.29th Mon.-Hot.Worked at the pond all day.
Jun.30th Tue.-Creig,Osmer and I went down to Roy Stevens and hoed garden.Longwells went for their water wheel.
Jul.1st Wed.-Very hot.114 in the shade.So hot Lew didn't work.I hoed garden part of day.
Jul.2nd Thu.-As hot as yesterday.Hoed potatoes for John Benson part of day. Got a length of pipe and fixed pump.
Jul.3rd Fri.-Hot.Partly cloudy.Hoed potatoes in AM.Rained a little in PM.
Jul.4th Sat.-Hot,muggy.Rained
once or twice.Sick headache most of day. Mopped in morning.
Oct.2nd Fri.-Helen has been home a week,went back tonight.Vivian came home.She goes to school in Mansfield,Pa.
Oct.28th Wed.-Fred Wilcox and I went to Mansfield to see Vivian play soccer.
Oct.29th Thu.-Lew Longwell and I went with Tom White to Olson farm,about four miles east of Roseville,where they are drilling for gas.
Nov.3rd Tue.-Elected School Director for Roseville Boro.Helen came up to vote.
Nov.17th Wed.-While cutting wood on James Longwell farm,picked a wild strawberry,woods flowers and violet blossom,saw a snake and a frog. Something uncommon for this time of year,a warm fall.
Nov.21st Sat.-As warm a Nov.day as I ever saw.The new leaves are coming out on the lilac bushes.
Nov.22nd Sun.-Warmer than yesterday.Went to Sunday School and church.First time in years. I believe in God.I do,Iknow I do.
Nov.23rd Mon.-Beautiful day,like summer.Helped shingle a barn for Benson Bros.The first work I have done for pay since Sept.Florence came in evening to spend part of her vacation
Nov.24th Tue.-Worked on barn again.
Nov.25th Wed.-Colder.Went to Elmira with Florence.
Nov.26th Thu.-Thanksgiving -Cold.Drove Floss'car to Elmira and got Helen.Bements were down in late PM and Helen went back with them.Florence Helen and Vivian all home for Thanksgiving.